All Comments on 'Pussy Whipped'

by Scorpio44a

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AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Great Story

I really enjoyed the story. Parts of it I found really touching. Thanks.

bruce22bruce22over 14 years ago
An interesting tale

My only advantage over Pete is that my wife loves to be hugged and kissed gently! Thanks for looking at later life. The lady was not about to negotiate, was lying and the bit about going to good dinner with her sister and brother-in-law and not calling him to the join him would be a good reason for divorce in my opinion. Personally I felt that the story would be improved if you left out the Helen interlude (that could be in its own story) and if there had been a transition period where he tried to give her an orgasm and couldn't the dead stop made it more psychological than physiological....

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

One of the many really great writers on this site you can always count on for a very good story when you see his name on the title. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
I'm Going For The She Has A Boyfriend.

But either way marriage is over, enjoyed the story, even if it is a sad one, thanks.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 14 years ago
a Truly GREAT story in every way! --some issues left un-exsposed

This is a truly brilliant story and one which I enjoyed thoroughly and one which strikes close to home in some ways. Undoubtedly there are going to be some idiot readers who will put some or most of the blame on Pete the Husband.

The tacit understanding that he gave to his wife because it is sexual limitations had nothing to do with him being cut off. <b>She could still find somebody for a good Fuck if she needed to.. but that didn't mean that Pete was to be cut off. </b> Something else was going on and Pete never really went into it.

In the end the finall straw was Beth out right lying to her own sister. This is why in my view Beth is not going to generate any sympathy.

The heart attack was NOT Pete's fault . Likewise if Beth had lost all interest in sex and was NOT seeing someone else....if her hormones were out of whack... or even if she fell out of love becuase of his lack of erections and /or his scares .. that is OK. That is NOT Beth's fault... shit happens.

But Pete deserved to be treated with decency and respect. He did Nothing wrong. Beth Sleeping in the nude all the time but saying your touch replusives me cruel. Lying to him is cruel. Shutting him off from any sort of even verbal communication.... is cruel.

There are some issues and points which aren't really delved into and I would of like to have see more about them. For example when Pete confronts Beth about where she was... and Beth is caught in a lie... she claims that " Rob is not my lover!.." but she doesn't say whether or not she has one.

This bothered me because thru the Middle of the story Pete said several times that he would return to Beth if she agreed to resume sexual contact in a meaningful and enjoyable way. Of course by the end of the story Pete's views had changed so that even if Beth did return to him in the bedroom he would still keep seeing Shanna.

Towards the end of the story my initial reaction was that I really didn't like the lovefest between Shanna Helen and Pete the husband. But then I realized the symbolism... Helen who was damaged physically and emotionally by the car accident... and Pete who is physically and in some ways emotionally damaged by his heart attack... and the abject cruelty of the ice queen that passes for his wife. And in that respect I think the scene between all three of them make sense.

Good story

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Harry why is it

that when you feel a reader will oppose your opinion you immediately go to name calling. Why would a reader be an idiot or a moron, because his opinion differs from yours? Why worry what others think? State your opinion as you see fit and then wisely shut your face about what others think. That's my opinion, stated in a civilized manner, something that others on this site should learn. Author, your story was entertaining and appreciated. Thanks for a good read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
She had all the chances in the world

She took a two way street and made it into one way only. You don't do that to a man and expect him to stay. We're not built that way. The story here may be fiction, but the principles aren't.

sexmatesexmateover 14 years ago
I loved the chocolate cake analogy!

His wife was a dumb bitch. Who was as cruel as it gets. In the end it cost her.

She was letting others tell her what to do and how to lead her life with all the wrong advice.

The little love fest at the end was kind of strange and didn't think it fit in well with the story, but I understood the meaning.

I wished it would have went the other way with her realizing what she was doing and how much she loved her husband as she said she did.

But it is not my story.

And what was Rob to his wife? That question remains.

Thanks for writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Harry always calls everyone who does not agree with him -- an idiot!

Or something equivelent. Harry's analysis of the story plot or characterization -- always his focus -- is usually pretty good. Many people agree with him and many do not. So his analyis is at least interesting. But overall, Harry is a bombastic egomaniac. He can't help but call others idiots. It's an automatic response from someone as full of himself as Harry is!!

I agree with Harry on this one. The story is great for many of the reasons Harry states. See. I can appreciate Harry's comments at times and still know what he is....

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Another great story from the master

Good writing, I can feel some of the pain. You are truley a master at storytelling. Keep it up, we love 'em all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Let them eat cake or not!

You had me going right up until the end . I surely thought she would change her mind (wife) but as we see she like so many just can't bring themselves to do the deed or such. Great story, keep it up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

More erudite and spiritual than usual. Loved it and loved you were familiar with Hawkins. That book was his best.

sam8939sam8939over 14 years ago
Pussy Whipped

EXCELLENT writing---I didn't connect much with the friend interlude, but for the most part it is outstanding--

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Pointless Story

Can someone more erudite than I am please explain the point of this story. Disappointing coming from a normally fine writer.

60 year old George

Scorpio44aScorpio44aover 14 years agoAuthor
George wants to know the point.

The short version is that there are consequences for everything we do. If I spent the time to point out all the examples of that premise in this story alone... wait! I did. I wrote the story.

An anon. posted a "public comment" that was a personal attack on any man who does the things Pete did in the story. Rude, ad hominem attacks will always be deleted. To the rest of you who comment know that I read them all and my intention is to learn from every comment made. Thank you.

morefunnmorefunnover 14 years ago
Another Winner

That was thoughfully written story with character developement, love and emotional trauma to setup a meaningful dialogue amongst all the characters as the story progressed. We know Both Pete's and Beths backround. Both of their first failed marriages and discovery that ther had never really been any love in them. Then they found each other.

He loved his wife and even when life dealt him a lousy hand he still wanted to live and still desired to fill alive and love his wife, support her not only emotionally, but physically as well. Realizing that it not only allowed him to love but fill alive and connected to his wife.

She said she accepted his condition, but could not even look at his scars. He told her he still loved her and wanted to stay connected and provide her with love and sexual release the best he could. Even though he was damaged and she said that was fine, and so it was. He even gave her permission to have a lover, though discretely and not to dish him or flaunt it.

But time changes some things, not him - but her. She lost respect for her husband and took him for granted and then cut him off from all normal discussions, mutual respect, interaction, affection, laughs, hugs kisses, physical contact. She just wanted a house keeper and a soft warm sound machine with her at night.

She was even lying to him and then heaping a ton of disrespect on him. Expecting him just to be a good little boy and stay home and she would grace him with her presence once in awhile and he was suppose to be happy. She had lost all respect for him and I would say love too.

He finally diagnosed his situation and came up with the cure. So he gave her a choice, rather reasonable as far as I can see. But drew a line in the sand. He gave her several choices and the final decision was hers and her could live any of the options. It was decision and her choice.

Helen's and Petes story helped overall. One it helped explain what had got into Beth's head, just some more feminist crap from work. But it did explain what had happened and Helen also showed Pete there was hope for a loving and full relationship. I really like how Scorpio shows how love and respect can not include two but many people.

I loved the ending too, with Allison - Beth's sister telling her she was stupid bitch and apologizing to Pete for her sisters behavior.

Great story, and grand ending. Thanks Scorpio and look forward to more tales from a master.

toesmantoesmanover 14 years ago
great stuff

I've always been a fan of your work; and candidly, this is one of your best works to date. While I'm not sure that I understood the interlude w/ Helen's character, either, it didn't distract from the spirit of the story.

DanielQSteele1DanielQSteele1over 14 years ago
a very good story with one big question mark

Like others of this author's stories, this was a good tale. It's a sex story, because sex is at the core, but it's not all about sex. It's more about love and respect and the things that make a relationship that has sex work. I think like most readers, I'm going to take the hero's side because it seems obvious that there is no relationship if he accepts what beth is offering. I thought his stand was reasonable. But the obvious question that I never figured out the answer to was WHY? If she had a lover, why the hell not leave her husband if he couldn't do it for her anymore? There may be men and women that will live in a sexless marriage- hell, there definitely are many .- but she shouldn't have been surprised that her husband wouldn't. If she didn't love him, didn't respect him, didn't want him physically and/or wanted somebody else, why try to stay with him in any fashion? You can buy a dog if you just want a warm body to lie next to. That's the only hole and the only flaw in this story from where I'm standing. I just never could understand the wife's actions. In real life a lot of times you never get answers. The good thing about fiction is that you're supposed to get answers. But a very good story anyway,

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Damn! You write wonderful stories.


AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

So what if the wife decided to his terms? It would seem that it didn't matter as long as he got to do what he wanted to with as many women as he sees fit. Guess his true ideal was to be in a polyamory type relationship, so Beth kinda did him a favor for the most part. Could of done without all the sappy new age crap with the incestuous threesome at the end, but all in all, an enjoyable read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
I didnt get it.

The story didnt make much sense to me so I must have missed something. Why could she suddenly no longer stand to be around him even when he wasnt angling for sex? Why was the husband so quick to dump her after she stayed with him for two years after he couldnt get it up? Why does the husband care so much about giving oral sex when he cant get an erection or climax himself? Why was everyone, including her sister, on his side even though he wouldnt try to compromise even though he was far from the perfect spouse himself?

I like some of your stories but I really didnt understand this one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Great story

I am slow in my later years and eating pussy is always been a tease for me. Without that what else is there.

Loved you writing!

C_frommnC_frommnover 14 years ago
Great Story

Loved the way he Dealt with his Wifes Decision to Not Allow him. To Touch her. I also like the Way he told her the Facts make up your mind or Leave.

What a Silly B!tch.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 14 years ago
FOLKS this is why I struck First: some readers ARE blaming the husband

I knew in a story like this some readers who end up blaming the Husband pete... OK OK I shouldnt called these readers idiots... but come on...

one anonymous reader wrote:

<i>I didnt get it.

The story didnt make much sense to me so I must have missed something. Why could she suddenly no longer stand to be around him even when he wasnt angling for sex? Why was the husband so quick to dump her after she stayed with him for two years after he couldnt get it up? Why does the husband care so much about giving oral sex when he cant get an erection or climax himself? </i>

I guess that reader did read the actual story. All of those questions ARE clearly answered in the story.

Then reader another wrote:

<i> Ehhh...

So what if the wife decided to his terms? It would seem that it didn't matter as long as he got to do what he wanted to with as many women as he sees fit. Guess his true ideal was to be in a polyamory type relationship, so Beth kinda did him a favor for the most part </i>

... I rest my case....

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 14 years ago
Good one, just a plot hole or two . . .

I really enjoyed the story. But I think Pete could have gotten a penile implant. That device (assuming no infection or other complications from surgery) always enables an erection and intercourse. Too bad it wasn't mentioned, but I guess it would have been a completely different story were Pete to have been able to have intercourse. I guess none of the other things would have happened, although maybe Beth still would have pulled the crap about not wanting to be touched, or "prodded." So maybe it would have happened just the same. A penile implant could occur in a sequel; then he can do Shannon that way too. Thanks for writing.

txcoatl1970txcoatl1970over 14 years ago
One More for the Pile

I liked the story. Call it morbid, my reaching forty years old, but seeing how things might go if I do really get old or incapacitated is oddly comforting.

I liked how your characters acted mostly in believable ways.

Shanna was a bit of deus ex machina, but hey, it's your story. Helen seemed to be her morality pet. Beth flipped from GGG to almost creepy denial, but everyone has their overload point when dealing with trauma, especially when you realize, it'll never get better.

One can assume I guess that all avenues had been explored- counseling, etc for both parties after he had his accident. As a man, I intensely sympathize with your protagonist. He doesn't deserve to be just a teddy bear to help his wife feel less alone but I feel he jumped the gun.

This is Literotica, fantasy-land for all here, so verisimilitude doesn't have to be exact. Still, you had some really juicy emotions and a five-Kleenex feast of pathos and bathos I'd have liked to see resolved less bluntly.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpeteover 14 years ago
Verisimilitude should always be....

....maximized, even in fiction it draws the reader in to suspension of disbelief ,y'know mon? Great story but I disagree with a still rather measured and self-controlled HIV.All those questions were NOT answered and the kind of probing and traumatically passionate question and answer battles that would HAVE to go on amongst a pair that had dealt with so much sexual disruption already was never explored. Left out, it dehumanizes the characters and sterilizes the conversation between two people who had to have possessed deeper emotions than as painted.Still an awesome read as always from a conceptually gifted author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
We like this author's stories and frankly 95% of the time Harry has some good analysis of these stories.

Thank you author and we always look for your new stories.

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftover 14 years ago
Forget all the fighting

Great story.

I've got my own opinion of who is to blame.

But don't let opinions cloud a great story

SELSTIMSELSTIMover 14 years ago
Excellent Story

Well written, too. Pretty intense subject matter. One I can relate to but haven't read much about. You really covered some of the aspects of growing older, sex and the aftermath of injuries that aren't usually talked about, let alone written about. A very intense and moving story. Thank you for sharing.

The1PaladinThe1Paladinabout 14 years ago
Great story telling.

There are things in this story I wish I had learned years and years before my own divorce. I struggled a little bit through the Helen interlude, and I felt it was rushed. At first I didn't even understand how they ended up so quickly moving to the sex, but it worked itself out after some of the comments I've read. Beth decision making drove me nuts, but then it was suppose to. Your work is always a joy to read.

BigJohn601BigJohn601about 13 years ago
I may have to take a similar stand with my wife of over 40 years.

I can still preform but after she turned 61 she doesn't want or allow me any intimacy. Something gotta change or I am going to start looking elsewhere.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
You really touched on a big one!

You have touched on one of the most personal issues men and women can experience in life. And like the previous commenter, I too have had to deal with a wife who no longer really wants sex. Unlike your depicted wife and the previous commenter's situation-my wife submits passively whenever I want it. She does so without any restriction or complaint. However, that doesn't help since I am fully aware that she is just allowing me to use her body to keep me from straying. It is like screwing an older prostitute that you just happen to love. A one-man prostitute that wants to stay married because she needs you and cares for you. The problem is knowing that she is getting nothing out of it sexually. That takes the intimacy and love out of the act and leaves one feeling inadequate when you realize you are not pleasing her in that way. I personally am not the type to enjoy strange women or prostitutes as there is no intimacy there either. I have to know that the woman really cares for me and wants me to make love to her. In my situation I live with what I have and read hundreds of stories like these to get answers to what seems impossible to change. Especially after she turned 50 and went through the hormonal change. She has tried hormones etc. But tell me, how can one really demand that the spouse that is no longer aroused sexually get aroused? How can one leave someone they love in all other ways? Someone that they have grown old with and someone they have raised a family with? There is no answer that I can think of... I'm sorry, I realize that what I have described is not exactly what the story was about. You went to the extreme in describing what he could no longer do, and then what she would no longer do. And oh yes! I realize that I am pussy whipped. I could just kick her to the Kurb and find another woman that enjoys sex couldn't I? Or I can just read literotica...

VoyjerVoyjeralmost 13 years ago

Wow. How did I miss THIS one for so long? I've enjoyed other stories you've written, but this almost read like a potential movie. Many other authors (at Literotica) are known for being somewhat crude and not very subtle. Their readers' scores reflect how well (not!) that goes over here.... Yours, on the other hand, always seem refreshing with the character development and story line being cohesive. This story certainly aroused various emotions, but interestingly enough, "lust" or "turn-on" wasn't first on the list; it appears others who have commented favorably might agree with me on that.

Thank you for your efforts....writing a story like this is just as hard on the author, I think, as it is sometimes on the characters they illustrate in their works.... Great job.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I had no idea so many of us were out here! This story is more like counselling than anything else. I keep thinking about what I should/ could do to get the old feelings back, but it just doesn't seem to work. I guess I am pussy whipped, but in a way I never thought would happen. Thanks for your writing!

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 12 years ago
Life is too short to remain in uncomfortable or unhappy situations...

If you find yourself in one of those situations you have three choices. One, do nothing, let things stay as they are.

Two, get a woman friend, there are thousands of women out there that would like to have a monogamous man in their lives, married to another woman or not. Pick one for the long hall.

Three: leave your wife and look for happiness.

I just thought of a fourth choice but I don't like it, just fuck around with first one and then another. This will ultimately lead to unhappiness and I don't recommend it. I recommend the second choice, often there are children and grandchildren that will be hurt in addition to your wife if you leave her. Remember that you and your wife had some good years and don't deliberately hurt her or your progeny.

Good story, as usual, Scorpio.

Rusalka28Rusalka28over 12 years ago
almost didn't read it ...

the title makes me cringe. The story is much better than the title. I agree with many of the comments. Here's my additional 2 cents:

It's no surprise that the women in several of your stories enter menopause believing it's the end of the line for them. There is little or no social encouragement/reinforcement for us to believe otherwise. While post menopausal women can recover their sex drive, can be aroused, can reach orgasm, it's essential that we do believe it.

Here's a little research report I thought might stimulate some interesting stories:

one_literate_ladyone_literate_ladyover 12 years ago
The most important Sexual Organ

is the brain. I think women who "opt out" of sex have an emotional issue rather than a physical-sexual issue. Age is not a bar to sexual enjoyment and satisfaction. It just might take a little more initiative and innovation.

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 12 years ago
All too real -

I had a conversation with a woman who is a psychiatrist recently and she observed that MANY of her female patients in the older than 50 bracket seemed to have disconnected a great deal from the romance and passion side of their personas.

The context was an observation I made about women I had met recently that seemed to truly enjoy my company and liked me but had absolutely no spark and made it clear they were not looking for one. Between us we were not able to identify a primary explanation for this but we found we had both seen evidence of the behavior in a significant population of post 50 (post menopausal?) women.

A bit distressing for 50 plus men looking for partners again - which a started doing recently - ugh lol

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Should be mandatory for marriage counseling !!

This story, or at least the gist of it, should be a mandatory part of all marriage counseling. When one spouse refuses sex even though the other person wants it, the marriage is over. This happened to me, and I tried to live with it, but in the end I gave up and transferred 600 miles away and then filed for divorce. (She stayed behind, refusing to go with me when I transferred.) This is the first time I've ever responded or voted, and this story meant so much to me I gave it a 5.

virtualatheistvirtualatheistalmost 8 years ago
I've noticed...

Several comments about the threeway being out of place and I have to disagree. It wasn't really about sex, it seemed to be more about healing and acceptance of current situation.

His wife was completely selfish and I found her to be a very unsympathetic character. Several instances of her complete disregard for her husband cemented my view that, even though she was clearly troubled too, she was undeserving of the reader's empathy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Well that was just fucked up

I understand the interplay between the husband and the wife. I'm STILL not sure why Beth decided she wanted nothing to do with being touched or being sexual. I have NO idea why the character of Helen was introduced into the story. And I'm unclear if Rob was getting the same treatment at home from Alison. Altogether this added up to a lot of nothing.

VapspegeoVapspegeoalmost 7 years ago
Good story

SHE put up with him psychically for a while but, the bottom line was she wanted him whole and anything less she would not except. He had needs which she would not meet anymore. He couldn't, she wouldn't, So cold as it seemed he did the correct thing about his life and feelings by telling her his needs and when she wouldn't try to meet his needs to leave. Good point telling her sister and brother in law in front of her the reason for the break up. They saw her for what she was (the cause of the marriage failure.)

He's lucky he did have cancer to fight.

far_wanderer1984far_wanderer1984over 5 years ago

Enjoyed the story but could of had a better ending.

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 4 years ago
Read all but couldn't get into it

2 stars for writing none for story

Just didn't make any sense

Happened but what?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Is the category correct

I truely enjoyed your story. It went places i didn't expect, and was really messy. Like in real life, our lives become messy, this guy had the balls to straighten out his messy life. I was kinda surprised with the category you placed it under, i was expecting either loving wife, or romance. I kinda see how it wouldn't work under loving wife, and romance, so perhaps you placed it under mature. Not for the story, but perhaps a requirement for the reader. Loved the title, story and ending.

rn2711rn2711almost 2 years ago

A good story of a man being a man no matter what.

I think Helen is an unnecessary addition to the flow of the story.

I did not understand the idea of the article but I understand Beth's thinking. She loved her husband but wanted him whole and once he had scars she prefered not having sex at all. At end, she prefered to through away her love and not adapt.

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

That was a very good different type of story, love your logic and the way you worded it

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Hey!!! you got a big 5 from myself. - Male here

I'm married to to a "don't want to woman".

In my case it's Breast Cancer, Leukemia full remission, took Gleevic 12 years now off Gleevic for 3 years full remission still.

She had to stop hormone (birth control) pills at 60 years age.

Still nothing wrong sex physically: Hormone's in very low level's

I'm really not whipped (pussy). She however thinks she is in control. ---

dementia is the word.

Enjoyed the story just want to point out that disfigurement can be more than physical condition. Old and well seasoned Here Bye You-all

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