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A kind of childish excitement ran through me then. I felt my heart fluttering and my mind was reeling. It reminded me a little of the first time I'd ever been kissed. The first time I'd ever made love. There was a kind of manic need that overtook me. I followed it, not willing or able to resist. I moved quickly. I dropped my head down, letting Kara's now-erect penis slip from my lips. I saw that it was now pointing up, towards her breasts. At the same time, I slipped my finger out of Kara's inviting asshole, my finger feeling strange as the pressure dropped away and the blood returned to it. I didn't worry about that. I threw myself back onto the floor, on my ass, propping myself up on my elbows and looking back at Kara.

Whatever frenzy had overtaken me, had reached Kara as well. Even while I was falling back onto her kitchen floor, Kara was spinning around so that she was facing me. I was again shocked by the resemblance between us as her face turned towards me. The hair, the nose, the lips, the breasts...It was mystifying. I could see the same look of shocked recognition of Kara's beautiful, glistening eyes as she turned towards me. It was like we'd forgotten. Only Kara's erect penis, pointing directly at me down between Kara's breasts, told the story. I looked at Kara's penis and then at her eyes. I bit my lip and spread my legs wide. I beckoned her in with my eyes as my own scent wafted up to fill my nose.

Kara quickly started to crawl towards me on her hands and knees. Her breasts and her penis shook side to side as she moved and her shoulder blade rose and fell like a lioness. She actually had a predatory look on her face, her eyes bright and her mouth open slightly. I even saw her tongue ride out across the curve of her lip as her knees pressed between mine. Kara put her arms down on either side of my body, close so that her biceps were pressing against the sides of my breasts. She moved her head closer and I felt her long hair hang down, tickling my nipples as Kara moved towards me. I felt my breath catch in my throat as I saw her beautiful face, just inches from my own.

Suddenly, our bodies crashed together all at once. I felt Kara's firm, round breasts press into mine, her nipples achingly rubbing my own. At the same time, our mouths came together again, our lips locking together instantly. There was no hesitancy now, but pure passion as our mouths opened and our tongues poured rapidly together. We both abandoned ourselves to our bodies, no longer teasing them or holding back. I felt Kara's tongue plunge into my mouth and race across my teeth, I answered back, sucking her saliva off of her tongue and then licking into her mouth as well. I felt our breasts mash tightly together as Kara wrapped more closely around me. I groaned as my nipples pressed into my lover's flesh and I received the slightest amount of relief.

But I felt something else as well. Warm and hard, against the inside of my thigh, I felt Kara's wet cock pressing against me. She was rocking her hips now and mewling into my mouth, clearly desperate. I was too. I slipped my tongue from Kara's mouth and turned my lips to her ear.

"Oh Christ Kara, put it in me. Fuck me now!" I begged. Kara's eyes fluttered open and she looked at me. I bit my lip as she looked at me and nodded. She smiled and slowly started to lower her hips.

I don't know how we did it. Kara never reached her hand down and guided her. I never moved my hips or tried to anticipate her actions. It was just like...we were totally in sync with one another. Kara lowered her hips and then slowly started to move them forward. I spread my legs wider, nodding my head to encourage her forward. After a moment, I felt the smooth tip of Kara's penis as it pressed against my wet slit. In fact, the top of it had actually bumped briefly against my clitoris. Jolts of electricity shot through my body, reacting to her touch.

Kara didn't stop, she kept moving her hips forward slowly. I was so unbelievably wet and willing that there wasn't any friction. There was already a small pool of liquid on the floor beneath my ass. I felt the hard tip of Kara's cock slip down my slit, sinking into it as she went. Then, suddenly, she was at the opening of my vagina. Still, she didn't slow. She continued to press into me with her hips. I felt my lips spread and I felt the thick tip of Kara's penis split me open.

"Oh fuck!" I moaned, biting down hard on my lip as the mushroom tip popped completely inside of me. As I said, Kara's penis was not particularly large (though it was thick). But somehow, it felt like it filled me up. It felt like it was the perfect side for me. And as she slowly thrust, deeper and deeper, I grew more and more filled. Vibrating chords of pure sensation seemed to stretch out from my aching body as Kara slipped deeper and deeper inside. And then I felt her hips resting against mine, I knew she was completely inside of me. I could feel her, hard within me. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around her hips, pulling her into me.

"Oh Joanie," Kara said, her eyes flashing up and her lips curling into an incredulous grin, "This feels so good," she groaned.

"It feels so right," I whispered, leaning forward slightly and kissing her lips. Her mouth opened and her tongue slipped into my mouth. She adjusted herself slightly, so that our faces were lined up perfectly. Our breasts were pressed together tightly and my legs squeezed Kara's waist. Our eyes were closed. Like this, with my body wrapped around hers, it was impossible to tell us apart. Even I couldn't tell where I ended and Kara began. And I knew that she was beautiful. And that meant that I knew I was beautiful too. I felt the warmth of that feeling soaking over me.

But there was no time to simply luxuriate in the sensation. The frenzy that had brought us to this place was still upon us. Kara's cock felt so unbearably good as I squeezed it within my body. I rocked my hips, silently begging for more. Kara responded. I felt her hips rocking against mine, I felt her cock press deeply into my tight pussy. Then I felt her hips rock back and her cock slipped slowly back out of me. I gasped as I felt the bulbous tip move through me. Soon, only the tip remained. Kara didn't hesitate a moment. She instantly thrust her hard cock mercilessly back into my body. Every movement of her hips, every slight adjustment of her cock sent fiery ice-sensations shooting through my body and groaned, forming my hands into fists.

Kara had instantly slipped into a perfect rhythm. She slipped in and out of me relentlessly, constantly. I heard the harsh slap of her balls as they collided with my ass. I scooted my hips forward, trying to get more. There was no time to waste. We were both gasping for breath and our bodies were trembling desperately. Neither one of us could last very long. Neither one of us wanted to. I wanted Kara to seal us together with her perfect cum. I wrapped my legs around her tighter, squeezing her body into mine and driving our breasts tighter together.

Our mouths were still locked together, and as Kara fucked me with more and more desperation, our kisses became more and more passionate. My mouth was wide open Kara was doing the same. Our lips were sealed together, and our tongues explored all of the space in the vacuum between us. I felt Kara's tongue plunge deep into my throat. I sucked on it, trying to pull her deeper. Then I did the same to her. Sometimes my tongue slipped from my mouth and licked at Kara's lips and cheeks. Spit dripped down from our lips and chins in long, sticky strings and landing slick and wet on my breasts.

We were both moaning and panting loudly into each other's mouths, which nearly covered the wet, slurping sounds of our tongues and the harsh slap of Kara's balls against my body. The room felt like it was unbearably hot and the room was sticky with the aroma of our bodies. I could smell the feminine musk of my body, now melding perfectly with Kara's exotic musk. Somehow the smell was better together.

We couldn't have been like that for long; me on my back, barely able to prop myself up with my elbows while my legs spread wide and wrapped around Kara's body while my lover lay between me, her cock slipping in and out of me beautifully. Two...maybe three minutes. But then, seemingly out of nowhere, time began to slow down.

That was how I first experienced it. Kara seemed suddenly to move more slowly and my breathing regulated. The whole world around me swirled madly and I felt like my head was swimming. It was only as my eyes flittered open and I saw Kara's face, directly in front of my own, that I realized what was happening. As I looked at her and saw her eyes flutter open as well, I realized that I was cumming. That I had been cumming. And then it hit me full force. All of the muscles in my body contracted and the same time, I felt the muscles in my pussy clamp down hard on Kara's cock. But my orgasm was already overwhelming me. It had already shot through my nerves and coated every atom of my body in all-encompassing pleasure. I groaned as the force of powerfully...struck me all at once. I felt like all of the power went out of my limbs. There was no space left in my being to do anything other than to feel the release of my orgasm.

Then I felt something else. As my pussy continued to contract sharply around Kara's cock, I sensed resistance. It was expanding and contracting as well, sort of reacting to my body. I saw Kara's mouth drop open and heard her groan. Then I could feel the hot spurting warmth of Kara's cum as it began to fill my body. I could feel my lover's balls seizing against my ass, pumping more and more of her essence into my willing pussy. I trembled with excitement as I soaked in that feeling, so perfect I wished it could last for the rest of my life.

I collapsed backwards now, overwhelmed by the feeling of Kara's cum inside me. Kara collapsed forward too, grunting as she landed against my breasts. We lay there, panting and gasping for breath, as our orgasms slowly subsided. I actually felt Kara's cock go limp inside of my body and then gradually slip out. Still we lay together, Kara's head on my breasts and hers pressing against my stomach. Our bodies sticky with our sweat and spit and cum.

Eventually, we managed to catch our breath. I saw Kara slowly rouse herself and she turned towards me. She crossed her arms and placed them on top of my breasts. She placed her chin on the back of her hands her eyes turned towards mine. I felt her turned to the side slightly and watched as she snaked her right hand down between our bodies. I felt her fingers against my skin, felt her slip down between my thighs. She tickled me and I giggled. She smiled at me devilishly. I felt her fingers against my wet pussy. Then, I felt her hand slipping back out.

A moment later, her hand was placed between our faces, fingers up. A large glob of our cum, mixed together, was sitting on the end of her hand. The fragrant aroma was intense, overwhelming my nostrils. Kara raised her eyebrows as she looked at me. Somehow, she'd known exactly what I needed. I smiled and opened my mouth. In quick movement, I took Kara's fingers into my mouth, licking the cum off of her fingers. I groaned at the flavor, feeling the sticky liquid, so feminine and thick, coating my tongue. I swished it between my teeth.

"Share, baby," Kara said softly, and she rocked forward. Once again our lips met and our mouths open. I pushed the cum into Kara's mouth, feeling it slip over her tongue. We kissed for several seconds, passing the hot liquid, now cut with our saliva. Eventually, we split the load in half and we each swallowed our halves down. I felt it slip down my throat and settle warmly in my stomach. Kara rocked back, placing her hands back on my breasts. I sighed contentedly.

We sat for a long time, just looking at each other while we breathed and soaked in the post-coital bliss. All of my joints felt loose, my muscles felt relaxed. More importantly, my mind felt clearer than it had in a very long time. And as my intellectual faculties returned to me, I realized who was laying on top of me and how we'd gotten there. Or...I guess I didn't. I smiled incredulously and shook my head.

"What just happened?" I asked and Kara laughed. I could remember asking Kara what she would want if she was in my position, and then suddenly she was kissing me. And I did want it. But how had we gotten here? After Kara's musical laugh faded away, she looked at me seriously. She turned her head to the side.

"I don't really know. I didn't plan anything that happened tonight you know. I mean...I was just doing what I felt was right," she said seriously.

"Thank you," I said. I still didn't understand what was going on. I was still extremely confusing how I'd ended up here. But now that I thought about it, Kara had somehow absolutely done the right thing, even if I didn't know what she'd done or why. I could just...feel it.

"You don't have to thank's like I said, you are the one who taught me..." she trailed off as I laughed.

"I taught you a lot of things at the department store. I never taught you how to fuck," I said, "I'd remember." Kara laughed and grinned.

"You taught me some stuff right here! I am usually pretty vanilla. That was crazy!" she said, and we giggled. Slowly we settled back into silence. I continued to look at Kara, at her face so like mine. I could see her gathering her thoughts, I was prepared to wait. I felt like, in a certain way, Kara and I had interrupted our conversation to get my head straight, and now I was prepared to really understand what she was saying. Kara seemed to get that as well. With her head resting on my breast, she kept talking.

"When you met me at the department store, you saw me at my lowest point. You saw me when I hated myself and thought that I was worthless. I know what that kind of self-pity looks like. Even if it feels justified it looks ugly. And it rubs off on others. When you hate yourself, others pick up on it and they hate you back."

I felt my cheeks grow red, I knew what she was talking about. I thought back at my actions earlier in the day. It felt like it had been someone else. How had I let Erik treat me like that...I'd gotten some sort of satisfaction out of it. It justified the way I felt about myself. I felt intensely embarrassed. But I shoved that all out of my mind now. There would be time for regret later if it was necessary. Now I felt like a different person for some reason. Maybe Kara could explain.

"When you came to me at the store, you didn't do either of the two destructive things everyone else did. You didn't pity me, and validate the negative feelings I had about myself. And you didn't judge me. You didn't think that I deserved to feel the way I did. You didn't hate me, and you treated me...normally. And that was the lesson I learned from you. That was the thing...that is what it meant to be a woman. It meant...being a woman means someone who doesn't judge other women, who understands other women, who reaches out to other women.

"I didn't respect you back then because you were perfect and I idolized you. I mean, no offense, you were actually a pretty terrible assistant manager as far as the mechanics of the job went," she laughed, "I respected you because you were human. You were a woman and you tried to do the right thing as a woman. And that is what I wanted. And I am still inspired by that. Inspired by you.

"But because of my respect for you, when you came to me today and it felt like life had gotten you down...I didn't feel angry or disappointed or anything. It wasn't like learning a hero was human. I always knew you were human. So I knew I didn't have any reason to judge you. I didn't have a right to. Just like you hadn't judged me. All I could do was understand you, the way you'd done with me. And you asked what you needed. And when I looked in your eyes...I mean it was obvious. You needed to love yourself. You needed to pull yourself out of your downward spiral. So I thought about what I would have wanted. And I would have wanted someone to show me love, to show I was really worthy of it. And so I thought I'd kiss you...and then everything just..."

"Got better," I said and smiled at her.

"Did it?" she asked earnestly. She knew I was talking about something other than the sex.

"Yeah," I said, "it really did." I said and I realized it was true. Kara looked embarrassed by the intensity of my answer.

"I was only able to do it because you showed me how," she said, blushing again, "This was a reflection of the good you did for me."

"I think I understand it now," I said, and I looked at her face intently. "And when you need me again...I will be there too. To mirror this back again," I said. That night, laying in Kara's arms, there really wasn't anything left to say. I just wrapped my arms around her, pulled her in close to me. She cooed and kissed my breast gently. We fell asleep on the floor.

I am not going to lie and say that everything was better then. It wasn't. It wouldn't be for a long time. But that night was a turning point in my life. It was my lowest point, walking out of that alley behind the bar. And Kara reached down into that darkness, the way I had once done for her, and she pulled me out. She showed me the good parts of myself, the physical and the spiritual, and reflected them back at me through her own decency. Even with the same face. And in doing so, she showed me the value that I still had. She showed me that it was at least possible to love myself again. And I grabbed that lifeline and I climbed.

And Kara, my friend and sometimes lover, was with me all along the way, holding me up while I supported her.

The End

Note: I honestly write so that I can hear the comments you all give. So please just tell me what you think. Even if it is just a sentence or two (though I always prefer more). Consider that your payment for a free story. And if you like this, I beg you to read my other stories and comment on them too. I know who my loyal readers are and I really appreciate you. Thanks!


P.S. I do one edit of my work and I try to be thorough. But I figure when it comes to handing out free erotica, you all would be better served getting it fast (if a little rough), than waiting for me to polish it like I was getting paid for my work. So, in short, I know there are some errors and I don't really care that much. Don't complain about the soundtrack in your porno, don't sweat the typos in your erotica. Thanks.


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SerenityInSoundSerenityInSound4 months ago

This was really beautiful. I found myself kind of wishing for some romance at the end there, but the whole message was lovely.

I think it was a struggle to justify something that was objectively a bit of a creepy premise, but I'd say you just about managed it, and it didn't detract from the relationship between the two.

Thanks for writing. :)

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

should have larger penis and not so much needed foreplay

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Legitimately beautiful and affirming (and hot!)

KakusuKakusu7 months ago

Some of the best writing about sex that I have read.

First person perspective and a blend of the mental, emotional, and physical are my favourite things in erotica. You absolutely mastered the sense of discovery and those sensations or details that catch a person in a moment when we fuck.

Well done!

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