All Comments on 'Resistance'

by Balladeer

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BigJohn601BigJohn601about 12 years ago
War makes strange bedfellows, but...

I would have let the whore die.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
you're a cockold writer

every women in your stories are whores and weak husbands.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

She deserved the fate of a traitor, her husband was a cuck idiot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Pure Crap

Worse than Sailing on the rocks if you can believe that Previous com menter is right You are a cuckold writer To bad you actually write very well Its your subjaect matter that sucks

bruce22bruce22about 12 years ago
Bad one

She did not bend. She gave it all up..... He could never trust her again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I do hope everyone of u wife bashers, author bashers marries a women who cheats on u and laghs at u for the rest of ur lives. I am so sick of this relentless knee jerk reaction to every story where a women makes a mistake. All men are apparently perfect so long as the lord it over all the see. What a bunch of dick heads.

BTW Balledeer nice short story ^^.

chytownchytownabout 12 years ago


tazz317tazz317about 12 years ago

people must adapt to survive. TK U MLJ LV NV

BriteaseBriteaseabout 12 years ago
Typical comments

All made of course by people who have never experienced what that situation must have been like. I live in the wine area of France, which was occupied by the Germans during the war, and awful things happened to both sides all around our region. To this day, we still sometimes hear the older folk mutter 'collaborators' about people from nearby villages. If you've never experienced quite how terrible life must have been for civilians in those days, then shallow comments count for little. Good story, Balladeer. Maybe got your timing a bit out about the allied invasion so soon after the Germans occupied France, and the worry at that time was of the Axis powers invading England. None the less, a good story, that should make thinking people rejoice about how resilient ordinary folk can really be.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
If your sick of it

To the person who is sick of all the bashing move on noone is making you read the comments. I know people who did what she did in the war and there would be no forgivness because of what other people gave up to get there country back as far as him taking her with him back to his country his own people would spit in his and her face. This author is a total idiot he writes about things he knows nothing about and i am not bashing him he is doing that to his self.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
one statement, his willing whore

takes away any and all reason to keep her. She made it evident she didnt do it to survive nor to be with her husband, she was seduced and accepted it. Now to survive she pretends to be his loving wife, sick actually.

x_witless_xx_witless_xabout 12 years ago
As Brit says, getting in before me, the timeline grated. Unless he'd been locked in the shed for three and a half years.

Not a bad effort at all, it's just that it was not quite one thing nor another - thanks for writing. 4*

bewarebewareabout 12 years ago
Outstanding prose

I want to congratulate you on what I feel is the finest piece of writing I've read on this site. What you've done, of course, is to write a whole novel on one page, what Hemingway was often able to do in just a few paragraphs. I might be wrong (and if I am,I hope I hear from other commentators), but I gather that most readers here don't really care about the quality of the prose, which is probably why they usually get so many stories, including my own, which amount to second-rate pulp or third -rate soap opera, with no real emotion and no character substance. It seems to me in terms of style and depth of feeling you're miles ahead of most of us.

BTTapBTTapabout 12 years ago
Maybe your best written output

But, while a lot of story was covered in very few paragraphs, I was left without really knowing the characters at all, except that the wife was remorseful, and the hubby was inconceivably forgiving.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Wartime Cuck fetish? A new genre?

Of all the amazingly sick cuck stories, to make one about a wife that gladly gives herself to Nazis has to be the most amazingly disgusting, disturbed and degrading things I have ever read. The fact that you and your fans get off on this is beyond sick. You make me sad that you are nominally a human being.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago

After the liberationthe members of the Resistance cut the hair of the horizontal collaborants. Many wives, whose husbands were in Germany as prisoners of war, cut their hair.........

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago

I am sorry, my sentence again: Many wives, whose husbands were in Germany as prisoners of war, were cut their hair by the member of the Redistance........

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 12 years ago
Very Provocative Subject albeit not in the carnal mode !

I have very mixed feelings about this story. My father's half of the family passed down the stories of what had to be done to survive in Europe during WW II It wasnt pretty. Conventional morality is chucked out the window.

Sophia Loren's mother sold her body to feed the faimly. Frankly I'm rating this highly for the deph of thought it raised on me . Was the narrator right or wrong . I'm afraid I'm not smart enough to say.

Those who were able to come to a snap conclusion & rapid condemnations are to be envied... life is probably ... simple for them, free of bedeviling complexities .

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 12 years ago
ANON cuck fetish

The story is told well enough to leave no doubt that not all threats involve knives or guns, and not all pressure involves arms being twisted or necks being throttled! 'Gladly' indeed! It can only be hoped that this Anon continue to never face naked evil, and maintains the freedom to make insensitive and inane critique!

BTTapBTTapabout 12 years ago
Another read (of both the story and comments) and I have to ask: "Why?"

Why do some readers/commenters on a story assume the author is endorsing the actions of one or more of his characters? Or that, because the story has 'cheating' and 'forgiveness,' that the author intends to eroticize it? I know, I know, it is LitEROTICA after all. But, it's not like the author went into erotic detail of the relationship between the wife and the German General. The issue was about the blurring of the lines of morality in the context of war, brutality, dependence and fear; and, ultimately, the willingness to forgive, survive, endure and love.

I agree with the comments of the more thoughtful commenters. The wife: isolated, her and her husband's lives and well-being at the mercy of these brutes, and having already witnessed first-hand what resistance would be met with by these Nazi assholes, had no chance of resisting the General's seduction, short of suicide. She chose to survive. Her "willingness" to give in sounds like so much Stockholm Syndrome. Under these circumstances, the usual rules don't apply. Not a fun read, but a thinker and an impressive short story. Shit, I had to come back and read and comment again.

Hard to believe this is the same author who wrote the other stories submitted under this username.

PostScriptorPostScriptorabout 12 years ago
This story poses a thoughtful problem

In this story, whether she understands it or not, the wife was a hostage. She was separated from her husband and placed into an untenable situation in which she was, however gently treated, a prisoner. Any of you ever heard of 'Stockholm Syndrome'? That she became cooperative with her captors, and attached herself to the least objectionable alternative is not surprising. Anyone ever read Solzhenitsyn's 'Gulag Archipelago'? As another reader pointed out, people often do what they must to survive.

A person's actions cannot always be judged by the same standards when they are under severe duress as when they are actually acting with free will. That the husband was at least willing to save his wife, and try healing their marriage in this case is an admirable thing. At the very least, she knew that her actions were wrong and she was willing to kill herself rather than face her wronged husband.

It was an interesting and well written story; obviously thought provoking! I imagine that most marriages strained as much as the one portrayed in this story would not actually make it, and the people would end up going their own ways. Many marriages don't make it through stresses such as children dying, a spouse being disabled, etc.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyabout 12 years ago
Very good story

I read most of the comments. Seems to be an IQ problem. The more articulate commentators praised the excellent prose, and the conundrum posed to the husband. For starters his wife expressed remorse in an unarguable way. She can truly be said to repent her actions. Secondly she confessed her sins, presumably completely and with accuracy. Like many, what she did was not IMO cheating. It was survival as a prisoner. She is unlikely to cheat, or other wise commit this sin again. She meets the criteria for god's forgiveness, and her husband grants her forgiveness. What more needs to be said?

The less articulate commentators were apparently blind to the nuance, and they presume their actions in a similar situation would have been different. Perhaps they did not really understand the story. That others might have reacted differently does not make the husband's actions wrong.

good story


njlaurennjlaurenabout 12 years ago
some intelligent commentary

On a decent story.What the morons don't realize is there may be more to the wife's story then you think. Despite the fact that she seems willing you don't know her thoughts.It is obvious she is ashamed of what she had done and you don't know the kind of fear involved.She could have felt that if she didn't go along her husband eould be killed and or be given to the soldiers as a whore,you don't know.A lot of morality is questionable in horors like this;the church failed to act against the nazis,ordinary french helped send thousands of jews to their deaths without a second thought.Prob could have used more depth to the woman's explanation

1Thinkingman1Thinkingmanabout 12 years ago

The French at the end of the war had a nasty disposition towards women colaborators. The ones that were not murdered outright, were usually raped or at the minimum had their heads shaved to show their shame. I would not argue that a husband may indeed forgive his wife in time of war. I did not like the ending. Had the husband stood up for the wife he has forgiven, in all likelihood he would have suffered a terrible fate, possibly getting himself murdered in the process. That would have been a better ending. Showing that his love for her would even suffer in a struggle against his own nation. They were chaotic times near the end. Vendettes were occuring all the time and the authorities were usually turning a blind eye when they weren't helping those committing the crimes. A great deal of passion and group insanity you really missed out on. Could have made the story stronger. Could have contrasted your male as a hero. Shame really.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
The cut hair of the horizontal colleborators. Kind Author forgot to read it or he was ignorant about IIWW's history.!

1. My father was 14 years old child in 1945 february in Budapest and he walked on the street and Soviet Soldiers gathered civils to a truck from the street with my father. Everybody was afraid the Soviet soldiers would take them to Gulag in Siberia. However the truck stopped at a textile wherhouse and the civils had to assist the robbery of Soviet soldiers. The end of the robbery every civil got a piece of good textile and the Soviet Soldiers let them go home freely. He took the piece of textile home and his stepmother slapped him for the robbery. However the family was able to change the textile for food with the peasant on summer of 1945. To survive....

2. The soldiers of the Soviet Army (against the USA, British and Canadian soldiers) raped from the 14 years old to 70 years old women in the occopied cityes. You can tell in the cityes of the enemies. However the Soviet soldiers did same in the allied Capital City Beograd in Yugoslavia as in Budapest and Berlin. (Moreovere homosexual Soviet soldiers raped men in Budapest....) The gynocologists did many aborts in 1945 in Hungary. Many husbands HAD TO HELP HIS WIVES TO SURVIVE THE RAPE IN HUNGARY PSYCHOLOGICALY. The Soviet soldiers killed a Roman Catocic episcope who tried to save women from the rape.

3. What was the couse to move in British Columbia Canada? However the AUTHOR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN about the horizontal colleborators hair cutings. The husband had to see his wife's hair was cut by the members of the Resistance after the Liberation. The wife horizontal collaboration was known not only in their village but In the neighbor villages. She could not have avoided it. This might have been the main cause for the emigration.

4. This marriage according to the story survived the IIWW and after the reconcilation it became succesful in another country. Possibly the hair cutting (which was not written by the ignorant Author) was when this marriage healed up 100% because the wife feelt her husband beside her and she could rely on her husband.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago

@ 1Thinkingman In France the British, USA and Canadian Army were the Army aothotrities sopped the extrem vendetta, but the hair cutting was not forbidden by the Allied authotorities. In the inner France, where the Allied Armies there were not (almost the Vichy France territority) the France Resistance conducted the Liberation and the Resistance power did extrem vendetta against the collaborants with many many murders. According to the story, this married pair got Allied Authotorities during the Liberation so they avoided the extrem vandetta, but the hair cutting the wife would not have avoided...........

Unfortunately my Homeland did not get the British and USA Army in 1944-1945, but we waited for them..........

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
For the grammar nazies

I am sorry more exactly .........but the wife could not have avoided the hair cutting .........

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioabout 12 years ago
Interesting and different

This story would have been stronger if the wife had indicated she went willingly and that she cooperated initially out of fear for her husband's safety. Then, over time, came to feel something for the general, who treated her kindly. I'm surprised hubby did not seek medical attention for his wife's wrist slashings. I imagine today there would be counseling but in those times, just getting food would have been tough after the German occupation ended. A nit to pick: "Co-orperate" should have been "cooperate." Thanks for writing.

njlaurennjlaurenabout 12 years ago
It is true what the french did go women who collaborated

My dad was there as a US soldier. However those were women who willingly did do,who weren't coerced.The poor girls kept as sex slaves were not,is the woman here doing do freely? When she asks to go with the german is it because she wants to or is ashamed to face her husband?When she says she was a willing whore was that reality or shame(which victims can have,ever hear of rape victims blaming themselves?).Be great if ballad would comment on whether he was a slut wife or a victim...

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
A collaborat's cuckold?

1. A little history. Olive tree lives only in South France (for example Provance, Langedoc, Rossioulon, Corsica). The German Army did not occupied South France in 1940 July. South France (and the Clonial system) remained France sovereing by the Vichy goverment by Petain (President) and Laval (Prime Minister). The Allied force landed on the shore of the French North Africa (Marocco and Algeria) in november 1942, and the German and the Italian Armies occupied the Vichy France only in november 1942. In August 1944 the American and Free France Armies landed in Provance near to Toulon.

2. The Author did not write about the hair cuting for the horizontal collaborator women. I think this would have been a good explanation for their emigration to Canada and the hair cuting would have been shame for the husband (a collaborator's cuckold) beside the wife. The husband forgave her, but to live as a collaborat's cuckold in a small village society in the late 40s, it was not easy in France. (to go the village shops, church, on the street etc.).

3. A country, where they are unknown (they went to the English speaking part of Canada), they could restart their life without any psychological burden and according to the story they lived a decent life with children (a son?).

CajunBillCajunBillabout 12 years ago
Very good - we need more of this

Your story, Resistance, is excellent. There are historical time-line problems but being of French heritage - from Provence to Louisiana in 1780 - I remember WW II. I was born in 1940 and know first hand stories from vets. My oldest friend came to the USA from France in 1946. His parents had stories that could have a best-seller list.

The USA has never been occupied so it is hard to be critical of something you know nothing about.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Where was the erotic here?

doco1doco1about 12 years ago

In the life of any nation, there are, and must be, values that are much more important than human life. As a wise woman that lost two of her sons in war once said: if there is nothing worth dying for, then there is nothing worth living for either. Or as President Barak Obama said when receiving his somewhat questionable Nobel peace prize, sometimes war (with the massive loss of life that necessarily comes with it) is the most moral choice of all, giving the fight against Nazi Germany as an example.

Justine gave herself willingly to the German general. She admits this repeatedly. This, while thousands of her countrymen were dying in the struggle against the Germans, many simply slaughtered in spite of innocence. The German general, given his rank and as described, was directly responsible for much of this immoral killing. If she had been with him (for example) in order to obtain intelligence for the allies, or in order to kill the general in his sleep, that would have been one thing. But she was in it for her own personal gain (perhaps “survival”) and maybe her husband’s, in other words for mostly selfish reasons. In war, selfish is treason.

Therefore her statement that she is “an unfaithful wife and a traitor" is a simple statement of fact. In most countries treason is considered to be the most severe crime (more than murder) and is punishable by death. The storyteller seems proud of how he and his wife dealt with the situation. Most criminals feel fine with their deeds.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
I could pick apart

some of the details of the story, or criticize the woman for what she did, but this is a story, only a story, of wartime. I take it on face value. A good read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

did you actually read this story. it's you that don't seem to understand it. beware of people who throw stones, they may get stoned themselves

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 12 years ago
A sad story about a horrific time in history

The story was played out in real life thousands of times causing so many people grief.

The really sad thing is that a lot of the perpetrators of the evil deeds were never punished.

Thanks for the read

ErotFanErotFanover 8 years ago
A stoet of flawed characters

Of the _major_ characters the Germans seemed to come off the best.

The General seduced, not raped, the wife.

The wife was anti-German about the village girls until the harvest, wine & dancing. She became a mistress and acted as such willingly. She wanted to leave with the General and continue as his mistress. She abandoned her husband to his plight. The German guard treated the husband better than she did.

The village girls (apparently) had a merry time at the harvest festival also. At least the Germans didn't leave _them_ to their fate, viz retribution from the locals.

The husband reveals no emotion at all. Anger, dispair, remorse, pity, fear, patriotism; none of the above. He cares more for his fields than anything else. Well, apparently he was a good business man.

The story was well crafted but with little drama or entertainment value.

impo_61impo_61over 8 years ago
I underestand survival instint...What I don't understand is...

I underestand survival instint...What I don't understand is she slashed her wrists because her German lover didn't love her after all and didn't took her with him...And he being a general he could have taken her with him...She didn't tried to kill herself because she had been a traitor and a collaborationist to the german...That's what turns it all unacceptable...he wouldn't let her die, but couldn't ever stay married to her...2*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
the wife was a whore and traitor, she should have died, i gave 1* it marked 4* sorry this is a bad story

more wimp cuck shit, colored over

ErotFanErotFanover 7 years ago
You seem to have no middle ground

It's either BTB or RAAC. In you case BTB means Burn The Bastard seducer and not the Bitch.

tazz317tazz317over 7 years ago

and changes perspectives on living. TK U MLJ LV NV

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

Not resistance. Death is the penalty for traitors. Both would have been executed.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 5 years ago
Cuck a doodle do

About as appetizing as herpes.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJabout 5 years ago
Well written but

They did nothing but give comfort to the enemy. maybe they did it to survive but they could have done something especially when the Germans started to leave. When there were only a few left he should have killed one of the officers.

NexttimeroundNexttimeroundabout 5 years ago

and tragic. This is what happens in war. He was lucky worse didn't happen to him. He could have been shot in retaliation for what the resistance had done. Maybe the wife had convinced the German officer not to do so to her husband. The wife could have been shot also when the Germans left, or by the Resistance at that time; the wife could have been taken away back to Germany with the German army retreat etc.. Some French women became so attached to their German masters that they even became snipers for the Germans when the allies invaded. Britease is right and his comments are to the point. There were no doubt thousands of stories like this where people just had to make the best of things. Thank God my generation hasn't had to. We have had the luckiest breaks in history.

likeboblikebobabout 5 years ago

Should have let the bitch bleed out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

He should have known the French always surrender. In his case it was his wife's pussy.

jtwheelsjtwheelsabout 4 years ago
Choice of dying resisting and keeping self respect and honor or cowardly

You choose

Cowards die many deaths brave once

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

I have seen the documentaries about how the French resistance treated collaborators. Their excuses would not have been accepted.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

She was unwilling to resist the general, which might have cost her her life, but she was willing to commit suicide once the general left. Guess she knew she was going to die sooner or later, and might as well enjoy the fucking and the special treatment?

But it all makes sense, the husband was British. All British husbands are cuckolds, and all their wives seek out real men sooner or later. First it was the Germans, later it was the Americans. The British regulars got the American left overs.

Thanks for the effort.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 3 years ago

He, by his actions with the photos, was with the resistance. She was just a whore. She was right. She was filthy but death was too good for her.

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

Well I don’t think I would read something like this on here, a short story, not a lot of anything really, not badly put together odd characters

Schwanze1Schwanze15 months ago

Read again. Great idea for a story but it got boring and then it went all to shit at the end.

Schwanze1Schwanze15 months ago

How does the author of this story write his no reply story?

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Surviving the Nazis was a terrible ordeal…. My grandfather was encamped in Poland. She was portrayed for you the doubt her morality, however a subtle seduction in the case was just a forced compliance.

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