All Comments on 'Save the Cat!? No, Burn the Bitch!'

by swingerjoe

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Exhibit A

See blackrandi's story posted today.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Gave me a stiffy...

More of these please

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Exhibit B

See every story ever written by Vandemonium1.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Exhibit C

Post a good shared/hotwife story on another erotic story website that's more author friendly.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Nails the formula. Better than a parody.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

if you don't like it here go somewhere else, moron. the world isn't going to change for weirdos like you.

swingerjoeswingerjoealmost 8 years agoAuthor
Dear anonies

Sorry, but I'm not going anywhere, and I will continue to write and read the stories I like. What kind of stories do I like? GOOD stories. Entertaining stories. Thought-provoking stories. Emotional stories. Hot and erotic stories.

What don't I like? The moronic, formulaic, cookie-cutter, paint-by-numbers drivel that you idiots encourage and promote.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

You forgot that heroic hubby drives an awesome mustang. Read SS06 for reference.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
people will be who they are

When someone feels powerless, they need, no, HAVE TO, feel powerful. Hense, this makes so much sense. Those of us who undsrstand, it's different. They cannot accept much outside of the pattern described in the story. They cannot bend because they do not have the resources to grow. They really have a shitty self view. It really sucks. The BTB where the wife is he devil and the husband is the saint gives them solace. I donot get angry about it. I pity them. Look at the life they have boxed themselves in to.

twistedsickmindtwistedsickmindalmost 8 years ago
Thanks for the tip!

I gotta try this. When I tried to post a thought provoking story in LW, I got 74 comments on a 1400 word flash. I think that there were more words written in the 98% negative comments than were in the story. You have shown me the way to LW fame and glory! If I had only had this guide before I foolishly posted stuff that required a functioning brain cell.

rightbankrightbankalmost 8 years ago
A well thought out template

I prefer to paint outside the lines and wish authors could write free-form instead of to a formula.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

if you don't like "moronic, formulaic, cookie-cutter, paint-by-numbers drivel" then go read cuck stories SOMEWHERE ELSE, it's that simple. or stay here. just QUIT YOUR BITCHING, you fucking pussy! you can TROLL all you want, cause that's what you fucking do, but authors will keep writing whatever THEY fucking want, not what YOU demand.

SelqSelqalmost 8 years ago
Honest questions

You say that you don't like cookie cutter stories. You say that you don't like boilerplate stories. you say this with conviction, and you say this repeatedly.

Yet you constantly read stories by writers that you know are going to write what you profess to dislike, and then you leave comments lamenting the fact that they wrote exactly what you, and everyone else, knew they were going to write. When the writers get tired of you complaining about the same things on all their stories and start deleting your comments, you seem to get bothered by them doing so.

My question to you is: Why do you continue to read the stories by writers whose writing formulas bother you so much?

You know that you're not going to change what they write or how they write. They have made this perfectly clear, repeatedly. So, why continue?

You are a writer, you know how it feels when unwanted comments are continuously posted in your stories. why would you do that to another writer?

Thanks for your time, and whether I read your stories or not, may you continue to enjoy writing and be successful

luedonluedonalmost 8 years ago
When all else fails, follow the instructions

Recipes may not produce gourmet dishes, but they help satisfy most tastes. Clearly, with LW, stories that follow the recipe satisfy the majority of the readers.

For those seeking further instructions, Leapyearguy's 2006 "Do it yourself story kit" in Humor & Satire provides further help with writing a standard story. You just fill in the spaces.

Joe, it's been going on for a long time. Railing against it isn't going to produce one skerrick of change.

But it's fun trying.


swingerjoeswingerjoealmost 8 years agoAuthor
@ Selq

Thanks for your question. I get that one a lot. Here are my answers:

1) I don't make the same mistake that many people make about me. That is, I don't assume that an author is capable of writing only one kind of story. People assume that I only write "swinger" stories because of the unfortunate username I chose, when in fact I've written stories in many different genres. I'm careful not to make that same false assumption of other writers.

2) If I do determine that an author does, in fact, only write one type of story repeatedly, then I don't read his/her stories anymore.

3) I made one exception to rule #2 because that author had reached out to me in private and I encouraged him to branch out and challenge himself as a writer. I felt personally invested, so I kept reading. Unfortunately I ended up severely disappointed and he has now joined group #2.

4) If it is a new author, I don't know what type of story it will be until I read it. Even if there is a "BTB" tag, that doesn't mean I won't enjoy it. I enjoy stories of all genres as long as they're executed well and don't conform to the tired old template. Just as one example, Todd172 has written some excellent BTB tales recently. If I stubbornly refused to read all BTB stories in order to avoid the cookie-cutters, I would've missed Todd's excellent contributions.

bruce22bruce22almost 8 years ago
Yep , It is the case

But how many new versions of old films do we watch. All the plots were invented by the Greeks and Old Willie just dressed them up better. The choice of words giving the feeling of Magic.

InescuInescualmost 8 years ago
This might be funny if you weren't being such as ass

As satire, this is slightly amusing. It seems that most people are taking it at face value, which is sort of sad.

The sheer amount of disdain that permeates this post is astounding. I get it, you don't like BTB stories. Amusingly enough, even the few you have praised have elements that fall into the template you are using to mock the genre. I don't like shared wife/swinging/cuckold stories. It's easy to deal with. I don't read them when they're posted. I don't post in their comments.

To put the shoe on the other foot, it would be just as easy to create a template for the willing cuckold/swinger stories. They are normally just as formulaic and just as devoid of real emotions as the stories you so love to lambaste.

The stories posted here are free. I honestly don't expect to find Hemingway and Henry James hiding out here posting BTB tales (or any other genres, for that matter). Read what you like, ignore the rest. Don't feel like you have some sort of responsibility to make others better (in your opinion) writers. You're just pissing people off with your condescending attitude and making them avoid anything you might post, regardless of whether they might like it or not if it was posted under someone else's ID.

luedonluedonalmost 8 years ago
It's entertainment, Inescu, entertainment

Even though you may become jaded with the standard stories and stop reading them, the comments can be fun. You don't have to read the story to enjoy the comments.

We could start a Comments Drinking Game. Every time SwingerJoe complains about a BTB story, a short slug of scotch. Every time Sugna invokes God's law, a medium slug of gin. And so on. Extra points granted for spotting a new commentator with an agenda. (eg. Kimmi in recent times.)

All sorts of possibilities.


gxnngxnnalmost 8 years ago
my immature thought

My thoughts on this writing is: There is nothing new under the sun, as the English saying goes; new bottle can contain old wine, as the Chinese saying goes; the essence of life lies in its variety, as a French whore told her granddaughter when she tried to persuade her to be in the same business to pleasure men.

swingerjoeswingerjoealmost 8 years agoAuthor
@ gxnn

I've heard this assertion lately over and over again. BTB fans seem to have embraced the notion that their repetitive stories are repetitive on purpose. They celebrate the sameness of their favorite assembly line stories and compare them to the blandness of McDonald's french fries -- in a good way!

My response: bullshit.

BTB stories do NOT have to follow the monotonous, repetitive, BTB formula. You can write a BTB story where the wife isn't an evil, brainless, bitch. Human beings are complex creatures. There has never existed a thoroughly-evil human with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Even Hitler loved his dog!

You can write a BTB story where the husband isn't a stoic hero, where his revenge plot isn't executed perfectly, where high-tech gadgets aren't necessary, where the wife's lover isn't beaten to a pulp, and/or where Heroic Hubby doesn't end up with someone way hotter than his ex-wife in the end.

You COULD write such a story, but it's far easier and requires far less imagination to stick to the script. You also may risk upsetting the BTB Brigade, who have come to expect bland McDonald's fries.

Jack99Jack99almost 8 years ago
Good laugh

This is actually quite good, thanks Swinger Joe. I enjoy a good BTB (and a good RAAC) just like many on here. I'm quite shocked how emotional some people get over the stories though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Template or Formula?

All stories have a template that anyone can learn in a creative writing course. Hell, Shakespeare had a template. What I think is described here is formulaic writing. Every good hack in Hollywood has a formula that he writes to. Whether it's this one or slightly different, it's still there. Nothing wrong with it if it produces good entertainment though. The formula is the skeleton. The creation comes with adding the flesh, nerves and skin to the body. The body either ends up beautiful or a ugly fat 400 slob depending on the talent of the author.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 7 years ago

One of the criticisms that writers and fans of Consequences is that they are somehow frustrated at their own failure to avenge their own failed relationship. I can't speak of anyone else but I have been happily married for 42+ years.

While I admit to an initial affinity for BTB stories, I prefer the term Consequences. Why do you seem to feel that cheaters, note that I did not say "wives", shouldn't suffer consequences for their actions? Why do you seem to think that when a wife cheats her husband should say, "How wonderful for you, may I please eat your bull's cream pie?" instead of making her pay for her infidelity?

As far as templates go, check out Loving Wives Hall of Fame and see how many DON'T fit your template!

swingerjoeswingerjoeover 7 years agoAuthor
@ sbrooks

A few points:

1) If you've paid attention to any of the comments I've made through the years, then you would know that I believe there should be consequences for cheating. (You should also know that I think creampies are gross.)

2) It is entirely possible to write a "consequences" story that doesn't follow the BTB Template. Yes, see the HOF for several examples. See the BTB stories that I've written as further examples.

You can write a BTB story without making the wife a completely brainless moron who only thinks with her lady parts. You can write a BTB story where hubby isn't a flawless hero. You can write a BTB story without the "happier ever after" ending for hubby, and where the cheating wife ends up miserable for the rest of her life. You can write a BTB story without employing all the usual well-worn tropes (high-tech gadgetry, the obligatory fight scene where hubby kicks ass, the divorce where hubby ends up with everything, etc., etc..)

3) All too often, "consequences" stories only show the consequences of cheating, but never the consequences of revenge. That is why I wrote "In the Air Tonight."

4) As I've mentioned before, I believe that the purpose of the BTB genre isn't to provide a cautionary tale or social commentary on the hazards of cheating. The purpose is to bash women in literary form. The women in these stories are always portrayed in the same way: selfish, stupid, amoral, and sex-obsessed. The typical BTB reader gets off on seeing these women humiliated and (either physically or emotionally) beaten.

I believe the reason is that the men who read and write these stories were emotionally damaged by a woman (or women), and these stories serve as a fantasy type of "revenge." I'm glad to know that you aren't one of those men. I suspect that maybe you simply pander to that audience because you know such women-bashing stories will be well-received by that crowd. You wouldn't be alone in that regard.

Thanks for your comment.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 7 years ago

Let's see, I wrote a story about my attraction to a trans-girl.

I wrote a story about Todd's character who in spite of sleeping with their friend was faithful to her husband even when she thought he was dead, and happily reconciled when he returned.

I wrote a follow-up to BigGuy33's story where a cheating wife WASN'T burned, who got her husband to take her back even though the conditions that led to her cheating still existed, cheated again, and STILL wasn't burned, the only consequence was the end of the reconciliation.

I wrote a story about a wife who didn't cheat only because her husband managed to stop her, she had every intention of cheating, and they reconciled.

Yes "Portrait" had some extreme consequences, but still wasn't BTB, and frankly if RG didn't give his protag a severe character-ectomy in the second half I probably wouldn't have touched it!

Then we have my latest. I know you disagree with the motive I gave her, but considering her offense still wasn't burned.

So, I think your claim of "pandering" is unfair.

luedonluedonover 7 years ago
It was careless use of a word, Joe

I agree with SB regarding the application of 'pandering' to his contributions here. And I can understand his taking offense at it.

But it was only one word in a long comment about 'consequences'. The general message of Joe's comment is, I think, fairly valid. There is more than revenge/retribution as the possible consequence of adultery in a good story.

But 'consequences' is really a neutral word, it's just that it is being given its own meaning by the denizens of the LW pages. (Like they have narrowed the definition of 'cuckold'.)

There can be positive consequences to an action as well as negative ones.

But maybe not for a wandering wife in LW.


rnebularrnebularover 7 years ago

Joe, I took this at very face value for the humorous piece that it is. While I am sure anyone could actually use this formula and get a decent rating, I usually tend to pass over or skim these very repetitive plots. If there seems to be a new twist or angle, and the consequences are realistic, I will probably enjoy it. As to your points about using a template, some authors have had a great deal of success using some form of template for a lot of stories. StangStar wrote a great many stories that were very similar, and it served him well for a long time. Some of his more recent material has become much more original and I applaud him for it. I may not be a great author, but I like to think that I at least attempt to make things somewhat realistic. Anyhow thanks for the laugh! Oh, and just an afterthought, I am almost immediately turned off most stories that have ex navy seals in them... lol


danoctoberdanoctoberabout 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing.

Great DIY guide for beginners.

sandymonroesandymonroealmost 7 years ago

Funny, good writing!

danoctoberdanoctoberover 6 years ago
Very interesting

Very informative. 5 STARS!

syd_v63syd_v63over 6 years ago
Well done

Personally I hate BTB stories. There’s no depth or creativity and certainly nothing erotic about them, which is why I wonder how they even fit on a site that promotes itself as a haven for erotica. Character development doesn’t happen and any suspension of disbelief is impossible. That being said you have hit the nail on the head here. Unfortunately you’ve made it easier for someone to reproduce this neurotic drivel with this formulaic masterpiece.

JCBelerenJCBelerenover 6 years ago

Wow... I may or may not have read out parts of this aloud to my girlfriend while cackling madly. This was hilarious. Thank you so much for your generosity in sending this gem out into the the literotica universe.

jharpjharpabout 6 years ago

Buhabahahahaha....much of this is so true though I've read some damn good ones that broke from this script in some regards. I love your presentation here. I'm a full on and unapologetic about loving BTB stories. Especially after my whore Ex-Fiance cheated on me while I was deployed. It tore me apart, I won't lie. And years later reading BTB is a bit Cathartic for me despite the real dangers of tearing off emotional bandaids reading these stories. Some wounds just don't heal properly. But yeah, I think you're pretty much on point with this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Gotta love it!

Joe just nailed about 50% of the readers here.

LT56linebackerLT56linebackerabout 3 years ago

I laughed until I cried. I'm working on one now, and I think zoned in on you brainwaves.7 stars, because the Bera can't count. The Bear approves. Beautiful!!


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I am not sure if you are still writing or not, but a similar story on how to write an RAAC story may help a lot.

Too many authors write their villians to be loathsome one dimensional characters as you describe for BTB stories. They are created to be hated. Their purpose is to garner sympathy for the poor long suffering victim.

Then suddenly without warning the wife is suddenly the victim and the husband is just a despicable asshole.

Then the author wonders why his story, and him, is denigrated by readers.

alvinjfrazieralvinjfrazieralmost 2 years ago

4 stars. No argument with anything written here. But, a side note. I was married to a goddess for 28 years. She bore 9 kids for me. (Definitely Mine!) She never once cheated; she died. The last weeks of her life she kept trying to play matchmaker with friends, nurses, female doctors - so I wouldn't be alone after her death. NO HISTORY OF BEING CHEATED ON, NO DIVORCE. I JUST LIKE BTB STORIES. THEY ARE AS ENTERTAINING AS ANY CRAP ON CABLE. THEY ARE NO LESS FICTIONAL. IN THE NAVY, YOU LEARN NOT TO OVERTHINK SMALL STUFF. IT'S THE K.I.S.S. RULE. "KEEP IT SIMPLE, STUPID." IF ANY OF THIS BOTHERS YOU - QUIT READING!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Bullseye! To the point, accurate, concise. I love BTB stories, and I always look for a new twist (so few provide that). But the stories make my blood boil, even though my wife of 52 years has never stepped out on me. I can't say the same, and I'm guessing many who enjoy these stories would be in the same boat.

inka2222inka222210 months ago

2 stars, adding 1 star mostly for effort. Otherwise it'd deserve 1 star.


First, for not-even-thinly-veiled contempt for BTB stories and their fans, without even a shred of trying to apply empathy as to why they are popular (other than the ever popular misandric "all men hate women").


Second, because the reason the plots are all the same (movies, not BTB) is because ... let's just blame Campbell and leave it at that. But basically, storytelling isn't USUALLY about much new - Shakespeare stole most his work, after all, so did Disney, Rowling, Tolkien, etc... and most even well regarded works of fiction and art are derivative at the basic core. What differentiates the wheat from the chaff, is the execution, the craft, and the engagement of the audience. Yes, some things are more original and less formulaic, but that's less than 1% (I can think of maybe 2 movies and less than 5 LE stories last year I would classify as original in any way).


Thirdly, yes, a lot of BTB stories are formulaic and maybe even fit some points you list. Here's a hint: google Sturgeon's Law. 90% of anything and everything is crap, BTB stories included. Just as 90% of all other types of stories on LE are crap. However, at the very least, the category as a whole has one big advantage - at least, the stories in it are, for lack of a better term, morally uplifting. The people who are guilty of bad deeds, get punished, people who are victims, often get rewarded. Radical progressive left wingers and modern post modernist assholes don't like that, but normal people do (hell even left wingers like that, they just have a skewed idea usually of who are bad/guilty people are, or what are bad deeds, like considering cheating to be OK if done by a woman).


Forth, you make it sound like those elements of BTB stories are fantasy things never happening. Yes, there are wives that treat their husbands horribly, and emotionally abuse them. Yes, over half of women cheat (look up statistics... so do over half of men, but the way the stats are collected the bias is usually to reduce reported #s for women and inflate for men). Yes there are a TON of kids not fathered by a woman's husband. Yes women initiate a vast majority of divorces, including for no good reason. Yes, there's literally a structural system built to fuck over men as far as "family" courts and laws go, rewarding women (the rationale being, because 100-60 years ago, some other unrelated men had a structural system in their favor and could cheat with a young secretary and skip out on wife and kids leaving them with no money).


Fifth, and most important - if you bother paying careful attention, BTB stories that are highest scored, do NOT necessarily fit this formula, especially the "bad writing" parts of it. The men in them do have emotions, the wives have personality (as much as a villain is allowed to have, in a non-professional fictional story).


Which is all ironic, since the reason I found this author, was to read a BTB story they wrote, which was one of my favorite ones, and didn't fit the formula all that much. Wasn't rated well, but my best guess is, the story (BTB) didn't match the audience (the author primarily writes swinging stuff). I have his BTB 5 stars.

inka2222inka222210 months ago

Oh, fuck, that was way too long. TL;DR: the reason many BTB stories fit the formula is because:

1. Most creative things are derivative and fit a formula

2. One of the reasons they do, is **because formula works** for the consumer

3. And you can write both crap AND masterpieces that fit the formula, it's all about execution and details. And 90% of everything (including BTB stories) will be crap, always. Formula doesn't make it any more or less crap.

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Update, 4/23/19 Every once in a while, I forget why I don't write here as often anymore. Then I submit a story and remember, "Oh, yeah! That's why!" This site, and especially the Loving Wives category, used to be a great deal of fun. But then some spammer began leaving anonym...