All Comments on 'Separating Factors'

by curious2c

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AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
i love it!

my title says it all.thank you for a wonderful read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Nice Story

No 15 inch black cocks, or whimp husbands, just a good story, I must be one the wrong site. Thank You!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
So now you are rich retired and have a wife

who is self centered and a ral bitch plus she sounds like she just postponed being awhore too. Good fucking luck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
A good Read!

Well written. I didn't know exactly where it was going but it got there! Bravo!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Sometimes there is nothing more satifying

than a bit of "grievous bodily injury" to calm ones soul!

Well done in catching his pain and her confusion. I did like the story a lot!

Regards, Jack

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
interesting story

The writing is so-so, but I became interested in the characters and what would happen to them. I liked the fact that it was not entirely predictable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Good Story

As usual, I loved your story line and the characters that seemed so real. Can't wait for your next one...

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
What just happened here?

Just about everyone behaved irrationally in this story and the few paragraphs trying to explain the motivations at the end seemed like an afterthought.

"I have to go find myself, but you can't know why."

"Ok wife, I hate this idea, but I'll go along with it."

"Whoops, I'm out on a date with a guy just like I assured you I wouldn't be."

"Well, you seemed to be doing fine rebuffing him, but I beat him up anyway. By the way, I forgive you."

"Oh, hey, it turns out it was really your work habits that were driving me away. When you were begging me to tell you if it was something you were doing that was the problem so you could change it, I guess I just forgot that part."

Do these seem like human thought processes at any point? I don't think so. Seems more akin to puppetry to me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
thank god!

it's not another "you poor bastard" story and well written too! Great!

Risq_001Risq_001over 17 years ago
I'm torn here.........

On one hand liked that they came out ok in the end. That they managed to stay together and seemed to work out a way to stay married that seemed to work for them.

But on the other hand I didn't like that the wife was running the husband down to others, left her husband and their house on just her friends advice, and let the owners son pretty much paw her in public, until they were seated at the resturant and it reached the point of no return.

For me it seemed to show a lot of disrespect to the husband left and right and that she didn't seem to have much of a backbone as far as her marriage was concerned. Like she was trying to discover a new life without the husband and see if she would like it. It was a safety net without the full worry of a divorce, all while in the story the husband had no safety net and was sure the marriage was over. It was a very selfish thing for the wife's character to do.

But the husband's character kinda wasn't much better.

While I'm almost 100% sure you tried to show a husband who was desperate to show his wife that he loved her, and was willing to do what ever it took to get her back, at times he appeared to display a backbone, only to almost do a complete 180 and appear to be whiney and desperate. Sometimes in the same conversation. But he only flopped around between those two extremes and never really settled on one or the other. There didn't seem to be a middle ground. And while I applaude him standing up for his wife at the resturant, to me it seemed to be for the wrong reasons.

He didn't confront the wife to see why she broke their dinner date/agreement at first or see why she seemed to put off their date when it appeared she was doing so to be with another man. He confronted the man who was with his wife because he wanted him to keep his hands off his wife. He was convinced, without hearing or her saying anything to him overtly, that she wanted to be rid of her dinner date. That just screams "stalker" to me than loving husband. Specially when they are in the middle of a trial seperation that she was the one to ask for.

She made/accepted the date as an adult, but he started thinking and acting for her, and she thanked him for it. Why didn't he confront them and let her tell him to ask the guy to take a hike? That seemed to catch me off guard. He didn't seem to be jealous for the right reasons or jump to the obvious conclusions when confronted with them.

Don't get me wrong. The story was a good read, but it kept giving me nagging thoughts. Like the whole purpose was to keep them together regardless of what happened. But the whineiness of his character and the lack of backbone with her character (willing to leave her husband because her friends told her to and even go on a couple dates with another man because they told her too) made her seem less than idea material to stay married too.

And the other thing that got me was you had the story told from two different sides of the coin, but Paige was the only one you defined at one point as starting her side of the story. I had to re-read sometimes to see who was speaking based on the point of view. That confused me at times.


Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 17 years ago
Too one-sided

It was an ok story but I think the wife was too obtuse and the husband was too understanding. It was nice that she didnt ask for a separation in order to facilitate sleeping with other guys but I thought the guy was kinda emotionless. He said he was starting to get angry once but it never amounted to much. He sure didnt act angry.

The point form summary below basically summed him up. He was just a lump in this story. He he was just there to hang around waiting for the wife. He said he got angry but the scene outside the jail was pretty quick and he didnt seem to have much in the way of hard feelings or doubts.

I also dislike the fact that many authors who get shit for forcing a couple to stay together seem to think that everyone wants physical violence against the man. You seem to think that as long as the husband beats on the guy she cheated with (or dated in this case), then the wife's actions are irrelevant. 'People are going to complain the guy was a wimp so Ill have him punch the boyfriend. That will satisfy the hardliners.' Problem is, after you have him punch the guy, its back to the same old instant reconciliation, husband without doubts, routine. Nothing wrong with punching the boyfriend but that doesnt solve the real problems. He (other guy) was right that she was a free agent when the date happened. She left her husband and went out on a date with him. Whats he supposed to think? That doesnt give him a right to get grabby when she didnt want it, but he wasnt the one that asked for the separation.

Like I said though, it was still nice to see them together at the end. I just thought it was rushed and the husband could have shown more emotion than he did. Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

There wasn't any consistent theme in this story that I could find. Other readers have alluded to that same discontent. However, other than the confusion in the story line, the story was well written without any of the glaring grammatical or punctuation errors that plague most of the writing on this site. Other than that, I’m stumped for any way to analyze this. Unfortunately, it was just too bland.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 17 years ago
Author says its a COMMUNICATION problem?!? WTF?

I love your last one curious 2c... and made it clear WHY I did and how great it was

wow this is soooo bad and so warpped dont know where to begin. This is nothing but Man bashing story and the underlying idea or moral is a wife can do anything at any time in any way to her dumb fuck Man and he will accept it

For the author to assert that this was some sort of COMMUNICATION problem between a husband and wife is a sick joke and just Bullshit. Thats like saying we need another 20,000 more troops in Itaq when what is needed is 100,000+ or a pullout....

Fudamentally this mariage cannot possibly survive.

Suppose a year from now the wife CLAIMS to need ANOTHGER break... another round of MORE time alone?

Based on what happened here why would CARL obejct?

on what basis COULD he possibly object?

The wife is vile and self centered like most but not all woman. She is also a BIG time Liar. She lied to him many times.

Fiust lie -- this one by omission -- She let others at work smear and drag her hsuband through the mud and Not one time did the wife ever say anything to defend him.

Not one time -- according to the wife's verison -- did she speake up to say "hey Carl isnt that bad...".

if the wife is going through some sort of Mid life crisis that is one thing. But how does shitting on her spouse help her? How are those actions justifed?

even then Carl whose "CRIME" was working too hard...

(oh my god what a bastard!!!) TRIED to get her to take an intermediate step ... such as seeing a marriage counselor she refused.

Even more amazing in this moronic story is that even after she realized how badly she had hurt Carl and that he was NOT trying anymore she went on a DATE-- which she was NOT suppose to do... then LIED to him AGAIN about it the day before.

Think about it.

The ONLY reason the wife came to her "senses" is b/c the Date was with a asshole-- her leacherous Boss -- and she was caught by her own husband and friends.

****** It is bad enough to go on a date while separated... but in THIS story the wife KNOWS how badly she has hurt her husband... how she never defended him... how she never wanted to talk things out ... all b/c of her own self centeredness. she admits this in the story.

THEN after realzing all that the wife AGREES go on a date with Another man?!??!?

my god how can anyone accpet that?

Suppose the date was Great? suppose the wife was not caught that nigutb? suppose Carl never found out that his own wife stood him up?

they would still be separated...

BTW why is it that whenever a woman wanst to work hard at their careers most men accept that but If the husband works too hard it is always a form of neglect?--

Alvaron53Alvaron53over 17 years ago
Didn't like it much

Average quality writing. The basic premise of the story makes the outcome seem unlikely. The marriage is fundamentally flawed. Why would they stick it out?

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
if the wife can't talk to hubby

who can wife talk too.why leave and not talk to doctor,plot me the wife was a dumby.hubby was to good to her.what would come up next in her weak mind.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Harry In VA coarse and Harsh but is correct

Harry analysis while coarse and somewhat vulgar is essentially correct. It seem clear that the author never saw these huge holes in the story like this

they are having a date -- 1 a month--- after 3 months she still has not said a word about WHAT is bothering her so deeply

they are married ow many years ???? and after three months she STILL will tell him NOTHING?

from the story

I was surprised when our THIRD DATE night came up and realized that it had been THREE months now. I called her up, thinking that if she sounded at all like she had over our last two dates that I'd just call it off. I was about to give up trying, having exhausted myself with work and worry.

"'s Carl. You all ready for our date Paige?"

"Oh hi Carl. I'm about ready. Are you going to pick me up then?"

"Well, should I?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, should I even bother? Our last two dates were obviously nothing to write home about Paige. You seem a million miles away and you refuse to talk about us. I'm your husband...remember me? Carl, your husband?"

"I know this has been hard Carl. I need just a few more months though. I have figured out some things...I just have a few more..."

"Yeah? Well, figure out this...I can't take our separation any more Paige. I've about hit as low as I can go. If you're just going to pull my chain, we might as well call this all off and call it quits. I've tried to be as patient as I can, and YOU STILL WONT GIVE ME AS LITTLE AS CLUE AS TO WHAT IS UP WITH YOU. I've tried everything I can...I have no other things to ideas, no tricks...nothing. I want you home with me Paige. I need you. I love you. Please...come home."

NOT YET .....

"Not yet. I just can't. I need just a little more time. Just a few more months."

"Paige, in a few more months we'll be in divorce court. I can't take it anymore. It's been three months..."

"And you've been wonderful giving me the space I need Carl. I'm begging you...I need a little more time...just three more months ...please."

"I'll see you next month then...if we still care at all. Goodbye Paige."

I hung up before she could respond to me. I just didn't want to hear anything she had to say at that point. I had tried to understand, but with no information or even a hint as to what was bothering her, I just couldn't figure anything out

No matter what problem she is having after 3 months she cannot and will not tell him in person or by phone WHAT is wrong???

this story makes NO sense

DoctorWyldcardDoctorWyldcardover 17 years ago

I had to think a bit on this story. Mull it around and kick it around with some friends of mine...conclusion?

The wife is a selfish hag.

Now hear me out.

Why did the wife separate from him?

It’s actually in the story and let me quote:

Our dates hadn't been anything to write home about. They weren't at all what I had envisioned in the beginning and I was becoming certain that I had made a mistake …

Our date night hadn't been anything I had hoped it would be, but I should have realized that Carl would be at a loss as to why I had felt I needed to move out, and then the underlying tension added to that mess ... I had hoped that he'd be trying to bend over backwards to please me … Stubborn as I was though, I ignored that little voice in my head and pushed for what I selfishly wanted. MY time. MY issues. MY needs. Like some little schoolgirl I had started to push Carl away.

Yes there is some removable of stuff there but this is the main jest of the story at this point.

She didn’t want him to reflect on her; she didn’t want to think things out. What did she want?

She wanted him to ‘bend over backwards’ to get her back. Or as we have talked SO many times friends, she wanted him to fight over her.

No there wasn’t some other man to war against, this time he was warring against her selfishness AND her Cinderella dreams.

He was to wine and dine her, he was to romance her and make her feel the queen.

Not any of this “what is wrong with us, what can we do to fix it” TALKING crap.

It wasn’t that the wife COULDN’T communicate… it was that she WOULDN’T communicate.

She was doing the “we’ve been together X number of years, you HAVE to know what I want, now do it” bit.

Now being ignored emotionally and intellectually IS a problem in marriages, both men and women do it. The USUAL ‘reasons’ are for him the job and for her the children. This IS serious, many, many, MANY marriages break under this.

And it should have HERE.

Another key? The date, here are the facts:

1: she ‘forgot’ her once-a-month date with the husband? The time she is suppose to be looking forward to each month for her dose of romance?

Right. Seriously, if she WAS going to end the separation, why go out on a date period? Hecks just tell the boss that you and the husband are going to reconcile and she is not going to go out.

Either this woman is totally lying to him and us, she is one of those “can’t disappoint ANYONE (remember she was doing what her friend said irregardless of the results and pain to her husband and marriage) or she is about one diagnosis away from the ward.

2: when she is in the restaurant, she lets the guy paw her. Ok girls; let’s talk turkey here. How many of you would let a first time date walk into a place with his hand on your ass, fondle you while waiting to be seated and even more while seated?

Hands? No one, no one…no you don’t count there the back.

Now what about this… how many women if they are out with a man they love and are already worked up about, would let him do the same. A man that you might be willing to bed that night?

Yeah slowly some more hands come up. Not all but some.

AND notice how HER perspective STOPPED before the date. We never see the story at the point ‘from inside her head’.

So here is my final wrap up on this and I KNOW that someone will have counter point to mine.

The wife was totally selfish in wanting what she wanted, the romance and Cinderella story dates. She wanted to FORCE husband into a set of actions BUT was unwilling to tell him what the actions were to be.

Then we have this mysterious and really unreliable and very suspicious ‘date’ that she went on. Totally puts HER in a bad light. I have to agree with another reviewer, what if the date HADN’T been caught/an ass?

Oh and finally, yes risq is right that the husband was a wuss. He flip flops around, reverses himself on his ‘don’t cheat on me’ stance, and TEHN in my view take FAR too much blame on himself to get her back.

I mean, seriously when she was really pulling away from him, he suggested counseling and was BEGGING her to tell him what to do? Does anyone actually think that if she said she wanted more romance he wouldn’t; have rallied his personal forces and hit her with the full charge of he rose and LUV brigade?

So why did she really go on that one date? I have my idea. She wanted that one romantic dinner that one romance before she went back to the ‘drab’ life she was in. She wanted her one shot at her dream.

And screw him or anyone else if it hurts them.

jaggers0053jaggers0053over 17 years ago
not quite

a good story with a lousy ending. wife didn't give him much of an explanation for separating and then treated him very poorly in the end. many marriages survive rocky times and this one should as presented. but this wife lied and cheated at the very end and the husband oh so okay with it. cream puff ending to a good story.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
really, mediocre-ly and irritatingly bad!

not just bad; not just mediocre; not just irritating --- it's mediocre-ly AND irritatingly bad!

thank god we know curious2c as an author is actually a good writer.

if it's one of these "I love my wife with a big black man" writers, I won't even comment on it; THAT'S how bad this is! lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Inexplicable Reactions

This is a story not about misunderstandings and lack of communication, but rather a story of deceptions - self-decption, deception of a spouse, and the deceptions outsiders practice to speed the undermining of a marriage. Other commenters have touched upon the discrepencies in the wife's story and actions, and I agree with them. She responds to a question about what is bothering her with a declaration that she is demanding a trial separation, so that she can "find herself" and "decide what she wants to do with her life." In fact, when she makes this announcement, she has already leased an apartment, and has a term of separation worked out (six months.) No matter what the husband says, she's determined to separate, and yet she's oddly hesitant to make a binding agreement with a lawyer enforcing marital chastity. No matter what the husband says, she's gone out of his life, insisting that only by having alone time can she decide what to do, reassuring the husband that it isn't anything he did.

There's a lot here in this confrontation, but in some ways it rings true to me, as if the author had either experienced this at first hand or had found out about it. The wife has made a completely unilateral decision, sprung it on her unsuspecting husband, and is out the door long before he could mount an effective counterattack to save the marriage. She clearly intends that nothing get in the way of her self-made lan to escape her marriage. I put it that way because while she says she does not want to divorce, she will not explain herself to her husband, will not consider alternatives, accepts legal mediation of the separation, and insists on no contact except "dates" once a month (with a promise of sex.) She insists that once a month contact will be sufficient for both of them.

If such a thing happens in real life, I assume that the wife has decided to trade her husband in for another prospect, and is just ending the marriage in a way to ensure maximum security while she gets a commitment from her new man. I came to this cynical-sounding assumption from listening to my wife, who always says that women who divorce mostly have their next guy all taped out before making a move. It's deceptive, and this is one place where the wife is deceiving herself as well as her husband. In the "her POV" parts, she makes it clear that she isn't consciously planning to dump her husband for another man, but the signs are all there - she's nearly completely detached from her husband, she's much closer to her work friends than him, she's willing to forego physical closeness with her husband, she's cutting him off from sex altogether. The fact that she shuns all forms of intimacy with her husband puts the seal on it; the wife intends to find a new man. Her later revelation of the change in masturbatory habits was no surprise, since she's already made it plain that she's available and looking. Her acceptance of a date with the office wolf (and the owner) sets the seal on what her actions will be. She had made it plain that dates and sex with others were out during the separation, and yet she submits to an "unwanted" date with this guy. I don't for a moment believe that her job was really on the line, but it makes a good story to tell yourself when you're doing what you shouldn't. The fact that she had to cancel a 'date' with her husband to go out just makes her real desire and priority all the plainer. She may or may not be thinking this guy is good husband material, but she knows she's burning her bridges in her marriage.

The question that readers have posed is valid: can anyone really be this silly and self-deceptive? I maintain taht it does happen, and probably more frequently than we know. Most of the time, the self-deception is less destructive than this. We do it all the time, mainly deceiving ourselves that we're not dreadful people and that everything is OK. She's doing little more than that, and it's only after the fact that she can see that she really had little to complain about, and that she was putting a pretty good marriage in danger for no good reason. She doesn't appear to ever quite acknowledge the full scope of what she was doing - not surprising given the depth of her illusions, her willingness to blame others for her problems.

Now criticism of the husband is on perhaps better footing. Here's what happens: he realizes his wife is pensive and asks what the matter is. In response his wife tells him:

They should get a trial separation.

She won't tell him why.

She won't see a counselor about her "issues."

Contact with her once a month will be fine - he won't need sex any more often than that.

She's already rented an apartment and wants to leave ASAP.

and the clincher is.....

She resists having a formal agreement to remain chaste.

What should any man say to all that? In fact, as a card-carrying husband, I think I know exactly what I'd say. It would go something like this:

You say that you have to get away from me in order to find yourself and decide what you're going to do with your life. You've cut me out of your deliberations, refused to explain what's troubling you or the nature of the decisions you're making, and you've refused to go to counseling, with or without me. You've rented an apartment, decided on a contact frequency, and assured me that I'll be fine with what you've decided for me in this separation. You've ignored all my objections and requests for information, and you were offended when I requested that, given your stubborn insistence on going out on your own, we draw up a binding agreement of chastity while we are separated as you demand. In short, you are treating this marriage as one of convenience, a one-way relationship, or as already dead. I do not understand why you insist on setting aside the fact that we have a life together in deciding to do this without my support or even my opinion. Therefore Monday we won't be drawing up separation papers at all. Get a lawyer of your own. Though it tears my heart up to do this, I will move forward to initiate a divaorce as soon as I can decide how best to protect my business from the wrecjage. The way you're acting, we don't have a marriage anyway.

(In fact, I might say instaed that I want no contact with you until you have provided me with grounds for divorce. In either case, I would not want to have any contact with her while she was behaving in this high handed, unilateral way.)

I think it likely that they could have a worthwhile marriage, but probably only after divorce and reconciliation. She really needs to have an understanding of how decpetive and untrustworthy her behavior is, and he'd now need some time to rebuild his trust for her. For me, the killer came right up front - renting an apartment without talking to him. That makes it a dead marriage. As she's drawn, I don't really think she's worth the effort, but HMMV.

The husband's odd interference-reconciliation is a whole different topic. Discussing how he responded to her would require more time & space than I curently have.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Much to easy

When she tells him after a week she wants to separate for six months, she in the same eve announces she already has rented a place to stay and will move out tomorrow. This not a spur of the moment action. This is a planned calculated action with obvious intent and goals, not a confused woman trying to find herself. It would seem she already knew bosses son was out to get in her pants and she was just deciding when and if she would with no interaction by the husband. She so carefully eliminates the husband from her life except when it is time for thier monthly sexless "date". Husband at this point is rated below her friends and at best an acquaintance with whom she has really no intimate interaction.

Had I been her husband long before the PI, just after her actions the first month, and the first "date" divorce papers for abandoment and failure to perform her wifely duties would have been served. It would have then been her actions that would have led to divorce court or reconciliation as per my choice not hers. She is after all the one who abondoned her mate and left the martial home without even having previously discussed it with her husband. She refused counseling and any other type of reconciliation. Such a nice woman.

She even stayed with bosses son in the restaurant being manhandled without making a scene or attempting to depart and would have in all likelyhood be "seduced" that evening not so much by consent as refusal to really object in a meaningful manner and to afraid she would lose her job if she did.

By going on the date, after signing papers with lawyer that gave up property rights in the upcoming divorce, she acknowledged divorce would be the consequence of that action. Seems she was planning on divorce at this point and wanted to insure her place as bosses son's girl, remember how well she planned the intial "seperation" already having the apartment rented. Only the unplanned arrival of hubby and the public humiliation forced her to abandon her plan of action, can't imagine why she ran of crying can you?

No the gentleman would be much better off divorcing her and marrying someone he could trust as this one can never be trusted again in anything. She just doesnt really care about him.

Hope I have not upset any applecarts........... You cant forgive and forget with a cheater, it just doesnt work, and the same game will come up again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
There Is A Lesson Here - I Just Know It - Maybe

First off, I wish that I could write as well as this author. And usually, his life like reality closely parallels mine - usually.

Here, I understood his picture of the wife in large part. Didn't like it but I could see the possibility of it happening in life.

Where I am lost is him in the world and then in this scene. He is pictured as a manly man in life and business until she ghosts out. Well really even after that but sporadically.

The lawyer brokered separation made sense, but what followed was a tainted man who didn't respect himself as much as he did her [the meanie].

I think that I could have been more realistic but that's just my viewpoint.

Tolerance can be both a virtue and vice as we see here. This story points out that if you want something badly enough you can probably get it.

The problem from my viewpoint is should you want it in the face of her disrespect and his self disrespect.

Most of all, would you be able to deal with the aftertaste - and likelihood of a repeat.

Opinions are like - well anyway author I hope for more from you.

With High Regard

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
I am confused!

On one hand this story had quite a bit of passion and I felt for Carl's position. However, given how he felt about Paige and his marriage I thought he wimped out in the end.

Here is what Paige did:

(1) Deserted him without cause. During a normal separation the husband knows what the problem is and if the wife needs some time to sort things out then he can ponder the problem also.

(2)Paige allowed others so-called friends and co-workers to disrespect Carl, her marriage and ultimately her by allowing them to put him down. It got to the point that she had replaced Carl with Charlie the Stud in her sexual fantasies.

(3) She went out on a date. She had said to Carl:

"What? I won't be dating or sleeping around Carl, there's no need for a lawyer to be involved.

She cancelled her usual date with Carl (I guess she forgot about Carl when she agreed to her date with Charlie even though she had decided to come back home) so she can go on her second date. Of course, she allowed herself to be pawed and felt up by Charlie. Would she have went along with Charlie if he had gotten her high sex drive going (she had been masturbating nightly)?

(4) She disappears when he is arrested only to show up the next day (Did she spend the night with Charlie trying to nurse his wounds? Carl did not seem to wonder about that possibility.) If she had decided to come back when she met with Carl the day of their date was she going to keep her dating secret from Carl? If she left because she thought Carl would divorce her wouldn't she believe that Carl would divorce her if he found out she had broken her agreement?

In the end what was her problem? She was neglected by Carl? No, she argued that she could not agree with her friends about that factor. Was they in a rut? Probably, but what would she change in their life? Carl was close to that semi-retirement change but she could not wait?

Carl was the biggest disappointment. He agrees to the separation but after 2 months it is not working out so he acts like a child. Of course, Carl never questioned why she had already decided (she rented a place) even before their discussion on separation. Then his brother must hire a detective even though Carl suspects that she may be seeing someone else. The detective had to convince him to let her work things out.

Lastly, he acts like a voyeur at the restaurant getting more and more upset (he should have been upset that his wife changed the day of their date so she could be with Charlie). He was just glad that she had not fucked Charlie. Happy Ending?


gatorhermitgatorhermitover 17 years ago
Stirring up the LW Police, eh, curious2c?

Comments are almost as interesting as the story. Harry, Risq, et al do have some good points in their comments, however...

However, we guys usually do flip flop around and make mistakes when put into the kind of situation Carl was put in. For at least some of us, not only does getting a divorce result in losing somebody that we love (even though they may not deserve it) but also represents personal failure. It is very difficult to maintain self confidence. It is easy to think that you'd never react the way Carl did (throw her silly ass out; good riddance), but IRL many of us would (and did) react with the same bewilderment and make the same mistakes that he did.

In fairness to Carl (and the story), having been there and done that and having the benefit of hindsight, I would do pretty much what he did - protect myself with a legal separation, and try to salvage the marriage if possible but without letting her remove my dignity. I will concede, though (as implied by Risq and Harry), that her lying and dating el slimeball, though, would most likely precipitate a divorce. Great story, curious2c!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
She wouldn't talk with a counselor - b

She wouldn't talk with a counselor - but she'll take the advice of the hens that she works with?

I think that the commenter who said that the husband should have filed for divorce when she wouldn't give an explanation was correct. That might help her 'find herself' as well as give the husband some 'hand' in the words of George Costanza

PultoyPultoyover 17 years ago

Terrible taste. This story just leaves a bad taste.

bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago
Great Work

I loved when Carl smacked the hell out of lover boy boss i wish there was a way that i could view how lover boy face looked like after Carl beat his face in.



Nightowl22Nightowl22over 17 years ago
Interesting story

I have to agree with a coupla people. When she gave him all of her rules he should have filed for divorce; forget the seperation papers.

daluentdaluentover 17 years ago
Find herself?

I've seen hundreds of movies and every time the wife says "I have to find myself" Usually finds another dick. It's a very old cliche. As others have said, this bitch would be dead to me the minute she closed the door. The husband in this story was a total wimp. I could see why she treated him with so little respect. His immediate reaction should have been to hire a PI. I guess his brother had all the balls in the family. This marriage is so over,because she eventually will fail him as a wife. Your a very good writer C2C. Thank you Luis

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Good Stuff


You are a good writer and I enjoy your work. I hope there will be more of your work soon.

TLeeTLeeover 17 years ago

Honey? Dear? Carl is one dumb motherfucker. Dump the slut and get on with your life.

I posted my comment mid-way through the first page. Now I'll finish the story. I sure hope it gets better and Carl gets smarter.

TLeeTLeeover 17 years ago
Bullshit, redux

The story did not get any better. I'm sorry that I wasted my time. These are two really stupid people. They deserve each other.

peggytwittypeggytwittyover 17 years ago
interesting take on what a marriage is to some

The husband was not standing up for anything as he just acquiesced to give his wife what ever she wanted and he had no idea what he was agreeing to. Not a very healthy relationship to begin with. They both need a lot of counseling and to find out what their relationship has meant to each of them all along.

Interesting take on a marriage of inequality.

Thanks for the entertainment


DeadWouldDeadWouldabout 17 years ago
Author needs to remember what he wrote

At the beginning, when she told him about the 'separation'. you wrote this:

"Please try to understand Carl. I'm not wanting to divorce you. I only want to figure some things out."

"'re going to date other men during this time then too?"

"What? No. No dating by either of us. We need to remain faithful to each other during this time."

So, how did that suddenly become 'not sleeping with someone' at the end. This bitch broke her own undertaking, the husband is one of the weakest wimps I can recall reading about - ever.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Oh please!

you know, your characters seems to have the wrong gender. the wife has balls and the husband is a wuss.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
two things in making a good story

a smart male lead and a smart wife.this story didn't have that on neither most of your stories the men are moron and the women a sluts or dumbies.weak male leads suck and they act stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

The whole premise of the story was the wife had to 'sort some things out' yet we were never told what these things were and how they got sorted out. Also the husband had a very 'that's okay' attidue towards the fact that his wife blew him off in favour of a date with another man. Most husbands would simply not accept that under any circumstances.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Fill out your plot

Why describe the wife multiple times throughout the story that she has a "high" sex drive, even "higher" than the husband? Nothing is developed off this characteristic - it is not brought up as a problem during theri separation, she doesn't sleep with anyone, just a wank or two. It adds nothing to your plot. Is it one of her "issues" that you also never develop but stress at every turn? What is the point of her demanding separation and why would co-workers be involved (besides the boss's son) offering advise to solve some undefined personal problem?

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
you are a sad, sad person.

I'm convinced you are the most pathetic asshole that probably exists on this planet. Please do the world a favor and take yourself out of the gene pool. This story is just so ridiculous on so many levels.

bruce22bruce22over 16 years ago
It started off like Nici's story with the wife

walking all over Carl. For me the ugliest action on Paige's

part was to instead of having a night of love to reassure Carl before moving off to the condo, she withdraws to the guestbedroom.

But she definitely was not setting him up for the divorce as

was suggested by some. She had him over the barrel, she only had to request a divorce for incompatibility to ruin his business so he would really have to cede even a lover if she demanded it!

I do not understand why Carl did not divorce her, except for the short conversation the previous day, after all she broke the agreement in more than one way. He suddenly changed the rule to no fucking rather than no dating.

But the point is that it was a good story, well told and even if I disagree with what the characters did and how the plot worked out is does not disminish the quality of the author's work. I am amazed how people pontificate when they have never apparently published a story on this site. (Now I will the object of anonymous mudslinging, but,,,)

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 16 years ago
Mannerisms are not enough

People are not factors. You need to get to know them in order to tell a story. That’s the essence of my following comments. Nothing wrong with experimenting in a new medium theme or a genre. Still the way I believe it should be ventured is by exploring bit by bit each time telling of what you find – staff that you have come to know. On the other hand I can’t see the benefit for either you or the reader in trying to replicate a formula without really knowing the characters which play the roles, even if it’s a formula. But all that we have is the standard over worked husband. The rest are non specific generalities the likes of “rumors”; “problems”; “needs for space”; “needs to find one’s self” etc. It’s all fine as a headline which prepares for the substance to follow, but it never does. It would have been a whole different ball game if you started with a couple of people that you could really imagine, about which you could tell at least five distinct personality qualities portrayed in specifics. <P>

Not knowing what’s in the black box allows every one to project their own sensibilities and/or life experiences with the opposite sex, but after all it’s not a projective test we are talking about. We simply need to know the characters, not just their mannerisms while they are away from each other.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
In my opinion

she lost all my respect first when she made unilateral decisions that effected carl without his knowledge then presented them as a Fiat-accompli, second when she agreed to NO DATES she as a typical woman broke her given word because her word has no value to her.

marriedwithballsmarriedwithballsover 16 years ago
Now that the "Wife" has sorted her "feeling's out

and has so called " got in touch with herself. Does the stupid woman realize what she has done. She has caused Carl to become villified where she works and he didn't deserve that. Can the dumb ass woman realize that the damage she has done to the marriage and to the business, I can just imagine that it took a beating while she way trying to "find herself' She should have done that before she got married. The fact that she had a job figures heavily into the faction. When a marriage partner works in a certain setting then the job seduces her. Her co workers become friends to her and her husband becomes just the guy that she has to blame every thing on. sooner of later a guy from work will hit on her and since he spends more time with her than her husband does she falls for him. Usually cheating occurs which would have in this case had not Carl acted like a REAL MAN and not some wimp British woosey. Please beware...evil stalks the land and he is greedy and wants to see people at odds with each other. The best way to accomplish this is to make life so expensive that the wife has to go to work...Ahaaaaa there's the rub. Evil has this happy couple in it's slimy grasp. next the wife wants things...baubles that Evil dangles in front of her. The couple become fat and useless and estranged from each other. They usually end in divorce and EVIL is gloating ...he's happy because he has destroyed yet another haven of happiness...he can't stand people being happy...he wants people miserable like him...So beware...there are traps in married life. They are usually found at the wife's job.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

What kind of wimp are you?

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Entertaining Stuff!

It was good writing but the story line was pretty far out there. Very few husbands would have put up with the actions of the wife. It would have been more likely that the husband would have gotten fed up and filed for divorce. The wife didn't want counseling, and she didn't want to tell the husband what her issues were at all. She wanted to be a way from him and she didn't have the courage to be honest with him about it. It seemed like all she was doing was testing the waters to see if she could make it work on her own and if it didn't work out she still had a golden parachute, her husband, back at home that would save her. She had told him when she first left that there would be absolutely no dating but she did any way. I think that she wanted to make sure that while she was out searching, she didn't want to take the chance that her "safety net" might do some searching and finding of his own. A better ending would have been if instead of beating the would be lover up, the husband would have walked up to the table, said hello, and wished the guy good luck and then walked out of the establishment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
to the writer,men aren't weak as you write

your male in your stories are weak and no common sense.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Sorry if my wife said she wanted six months to

figure out what she wanted in life, in six months the divorce would be final. She decided what she wanted when she married me, to change now was to alter that marriage contract. Next it would have been stupid to stay in the restaurant, go by so she sees you leaving and let her stay. No need to the tomorrow date, when she called to say why werent you there, just ask her why she dcesnt go out with the same guy again. The wife was displaying mental illness symptoms. She was not confronting those issues, in refusing counseling and refusing her husband she was putting off treatment for her illness. Sorry but I just dont think the wife in this story was marriage material.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Sorry I left out something I wanted to say.

In counseling it came out the husband was to involved in work and not spending enought time with the wife. I thought both of them worked. Unless he is staying late at work every night, how is he not spending time with her any more than she is not spending time with him?

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
After reading th coments.

I enjoyed the story and thought it was going into the crapper when she walked in to the resturaunt and then into the sadness and seperation of divorce. But I liked the way it ended and kudo's for writing it as such. Enjoy your writing and am looking foreward to enjoying your work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Interesting to read again but he is still a wimp..

and she is one stupid slut wife. Why do your stories always have the slut wife come back under the famous "reconciliation at any costs" concept. It would make one wonder if all these males in your stories are insecure & have these sadistic need to allow the slut wife(s) get away with adultery & chaos. And then still take the sluts back for more eventual humiliation.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
8 (

Another man stupid enough to put up with dumb $--- from a woman... Kick her to the curb is what he should be doing.

shangoshangoabout 15 years ago

No wonder she wanted a man.

inSanitylaneinSanitylaneabout 15 years ago
Not bad

Enjoyed story. The advice they got was all too rotten. The problem here of course was no true communication. The trouble with finding oneself is that you have to first surgically cut the 2 person team, who are bonded in matrimony for better or worse, in two. That leaves you both weak and vulnerable. Followed by the comment, "It's not you, it's me", which means more often than not, it's you and I am not going to talk about it. The advice from the brother didn't seem right. He got a P.I. for him who advised, "don't do anything until it happens or you'll be chasing wolves away for life". That is a bunch of crap. If the wolves know that they won't be walking or breathing right if they mess with his wife, they won't be as tempted to mess with her or him. And his brother held him back from doing anything at the restaurant. Any man who loved his wife would have done the same to that creep that hubby did. Women like this should learn to stand by your man and both men and women should not take whatever their so called friends say as gospel. And don't let them run down your mate.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Each story worse then the last

Your stories are continually disappointing. The women are stupid and the men are without balls. I shall not read any thing else that you write.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

I agree with other comments generally. Especially with the fact you make the husbands all wimps! He should have divorced her after the first month! She just listens to co-workers and lets them disrespect and demean him? She does not want to even date him weekly after dumping him? No sex?

A husband deserves sex with his wife doesn't he? I am convinced that she would have had sex with others before the six-month period was up... She violated her agreement not to date during their separation and was the second good reason to divorce her! Her job was more important to her than her husband? So...where was there any love for her husband? She couldn't attend marriage counseling with her husband and solved her lack of attention problems? She may not have screwed around in this story but she still cheated on her husband by removing all attention and love her husband deserved! That makes him a sorry wimp because he still wanted her back after all that! Even she stated that she thought he would divorce her after her date and what she had done! Whats with you?

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Patience is a virtue


Great tale telling. He knew she was one of the "good ones" and his brother helped confirm it! Really enjoyed the charactors defining/explaining their feelings as you built the charactors frame of mind. You did not allow them to be shallow. You gave the readers all needed to enjoy the story.

Thanks for the Story..


AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
I have a different opinion

I might look at things a little different. There are a few things in life that should go the way they are supposed to go. Like some of the stories on this site where the boy and girl are each others first love. There are many things to look forward to. The first kiss, the first make out session, and the first sex. The key word is "first". Irreplaceable is another word that fits. A wife allowing another man to be the first at another is something that can't be taken back. Can she back time up and allow her husband to the first to have her ass after she has already given it to another. NO! In this story, my point has to do with time. She put him through hell. He felt abandoned and had to be questioning his manhood. Don't tell me his ego wasn't bruised too. But more importantly, he lost 6 months of his life. Time that can't be replaced. Experiences that would have happened that didn't. She need the time to determine who and what was important her. For her the time was somewhat useful. But he sat in limbo. I would have a great problem with that part of this. I'd have to do something for myself to help me feel better about myself. But this guy just sats there and waits for her to make up her mind. Love must be really bind, but does it have to make you stupid too?

And for the record, their agreement was that they wouldn't date. Just another way he let her off the hook.

teh568teh568over 14 years ago
They should think about getting the divorce

The whole problem in this story could have been negated with one very simple little thought...communication. Communication is the key to keep every thing in this world running smoothly. Whether it be between two nations, or just two friends or lovers (ie. husbands and wives). If instead of listening to her coworkers (big mistake), she listened to her husband everythig would have been great between them. The coworkers are not truly involved, and they should not be, in the heart to heart decisions between two people. Thier information is, at best, second hand or even incomlete and scewed, or colored by thier own past experiences. Communication and truth in many marriages today could lower the divorce rate by quite a few percentage points, besides putting a few blood sucking lawyers out of business (can always hope).

shangoshangoabout 14 years ago
I think I've commented on this turd blossom

but, if I haven't, I don't have the time and energy to do so now.

norcal62norcal62almost 14 years ago
Continuing with the last comment about this author.

What a pathetic, passive, weak, jerk the author created out of his autobiographical storehouse. Was a struggle just to finish the story, wondering if somehow he'd pull out something intelligent, but it was not to be. The author has a poor handle on what love is in his stories and thinks that just declaring it makes it so. I guess this was supposed to be a morality tale with the male the self righteous hero. Instead the hubby was a passive jerk who did nothing to correct the situation. How many times do LW authors have to pervert the idea of "letting the spouse decide on their own?" The better stories have the two working together on demons or situations, rather than this unexplained, contrived wife being selfish.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

no wonder that the yanks have been rogered by gooks, japs, chinks, ragheads. the yank men are such wimps. the ragheads are so much smarter, they handle four wives with ease and the yanks can't even maintain the exclusivity of one single pussy!!

MissouriUSAMissouriUSAover 13 years ago
Yep! She should have been kicked to the curb!

It was an interesting scenario but he should have just let her go. She didn't love him enough not to talk down about him to her friends and she didn't respect him enough or even have the courage to talk to him about her problems. She comes back to him after she embarrassed both of them and after he had gotten thrown in jail for trying to protect her. She betrayed him even if she didn't have sex with anyone else. These "marriage sabbatical" plotlines are always galling as hell to me. He should have left her with her friends and her freedom and gotten on with his life.

bigguy323bigguy323over 13 years ago
Sorry, my view is she left without sufficient cause and was on her way to experiencing her inner slut.

The story would be better if instead of pounding the asshole, he simply let her see him and then say "I'll be filing for divorce in the morning so feel free to fuck your new friend. And, don't call me, call my lawyer. We're DONE."

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Good, but not Great

A decent story. I'm not sure what some of these people are reading.

Okay, the wife screwed up by moving out and not going to counseling with hubby. But the STORY clearly stated that she was not planning on dating, was starting to realize her mistake and only reluctantly accepted the date.

The date was a big mistake also and she was regretting it while she was with the guy AND she warded off all of his attempted groping. Whatever her errors, she had not left with the intention of cheating!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
you need to proof read

Prior to the wife walking out. what did she state. No dating on either side. some of you fucking idiot writers need to proof read your stupid stories.

FD45FD45about 13 years ago

You did a nice build up and discussion and then took the whole thing and ended it in 4 paragraphs.

It wants better closure.

huedogghuedoggabout 13 years ago
I dont see it

either curious2c is a cuckold, or a woman. People get divorced for less than half of what she did. And for some reason men try and make excuses for the woman. Females arent as weak and docile and men make them out to be. She wasn't worried about her husband on the date, also why defend her. She choose to be there, let him take care of her ass and move on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Good ... But

It's a story.

Personally, you wrote it well and he tried everything in conversation with her to keep her home. The end for me started when she already had rented a place. The separation papers worked but I don't think most guys would go 3-6 months.

Yes, you painted him as a real man, loving, caring and trying to be patient - but, this was ridiculous, she was cold, she is attractive and he knew she would be asked out. I would have tailed her immediately, not out of trust but to keep my sanity to give her what she wanted and hope to hell she didn't go out.

So, good story but tough to go along with - but...Good.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

two fucking stupid scumbags that should just be shot and taken out of the gene pool. Curious2c... if this is your idea of married people... what a sad and pathetic life you must have.

saratusaratualmost 13 years ago

is right, she wanted strange cock = SLUT!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
well told.

I think this was a very well told story of a couple who were happy and got confused. Its called the real world people. Its not Jerry Springer or some supposed reality show. Its how a lot of real people act and feel. Great Job.

RePhilRePhilover 12 years ago
Weak Women

Strong man! Wonderful Couple!

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

LET ME GO LOVER, just say OK and leave. No matter what will or did happen, the problems still all inside your head (50 ways and more) TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
i would't have any kids with a dumb woman like her

she was stupid and easy led.if he got rich,she would loose it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Paige, meet curb. Curb, meet Paige.


Huedogg2Huedogg2over 12 years ago
strong man my ass

a strong man would have left the resturant went to his lawyers office and filed for divorce. She put off an date with her husband for another man and he forgives her. Nope dump the bitch and move on.

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdover 12 years ago
You were doing so well

up until the end. Wow, this story went from a 5 to a 1 in just a few short paragraphs. He was very clear about her expected behavior and consequences in their agreement. Her conduct (beyond the original baffling separation) illustrated how little respect she had for their marriage. She will never be a devoted, loyal wife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
wow hoped you could find a decent ending

i realized it was part my fault. Oh, was that because you never asked her what was going on? Or didnt offer to go to counseling with her? Or was it you that walked in announced you wanted six months out of your married life and had already rented an apartment before you told her anything? Or was it you what took your secretary to lunch and out to a restaurant and were feeling her up in public? Might be more believable if the wife had got up from the table after having her married body man handled in a public place but she didnt she stayed there and even saying no let his hands get in towards her crotch. Finally, as some have indicated, why be married to such a dumb broad in the first place? She did break the deal and he should have divorced her right after his hearing and the charges were dismissed, almost as fair as what she did to him!

njlaurennjlaurenabout 12 years ago
nice ending

I was worried it would end up in the shit,nice

tazz317tazz317about 12 years ago

misconceptions and lifes, get what they deserved. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I learned Carl a wimp ass fucker to put up with that shirt for more than 3months fronm a fucked up wife. If he had left her alon she surely would have l;et tha other dicke head stick his cock in her shott his sperm in her and knock her up. Really Carlold she isn't worth keeping

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

another month and she would have had her legs up in the air and cheated....dump her ass

I need time is just a fucking excuse for women or men that ask for it to fuck around. She didn't respect him or love him she went back on her wedding vows.

karan9876karan9876over 11 years ago

Highly wimpish. That says it all.

saratusaratuover 11 years ago
We have,,,

the making of a cuck wimp here, to my great dissapointment.

1Thinkingman1Thinkingmanover 11 years ago
Three things

" off...chill out. You have to let her decide who it is she wants to be with."

This is the stupidest statement anyone could have come up with. She made that decision when they were married; it is not something you get a do over for. This is infidelity what the word actually means not sex which is just the act that unveils the infidelity.

"No, it's all asshole's fault Paige. He shouldn't have been trying to cop a feel of you in a public place like that"

This is another load of bullshit statement. Last I checked he was married to her and therefore the fact that his wife is out on a date with someone else is her fault and not her dates.

"No. But I accepted a date with him when I already had one with you. There was no excuse for that. None whatsoever."

The wife seems to understand the situation better than her brain dead husband does. She knows she has been unfaithful and that there is no excuse for it. Yet in his ever stupid need to feel wanted he is willing to let the disrespect slide and lies to himself that it is somehow anyone's fault but her's.

This story is sophistry at best and that is why it only scores ***. It is a good cautionary tale about how not to be a wimp it is sad that that was not the intent of the author.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago


betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 11 years ago

He was a bit of a wimp. It took his brother to send out the PI. It won't work. Get the lawyers ready.

phil2213phil2213almost 11 years ago
Terrible story told well

When you love someone it is a slippery slope.

OverthefallsOverthefallsalmost 11 years ago
Good story but...

Carl made a bad decision. If you can't communicate in your marriage, it's dead. When she announced she wanted a separation and moved out, she obviously had it all thought out well in advance. She had a place all set to go. This alone should have told him his marriage was over. She's not talking and she's moving out. He should have taken the PI's report and filed for divorce using their agreement. Better to be rid of her than to be constantly wondering when the next shoe was going to drop. Well written story, but poor ending given the circumstances set forth in the story.

user110user110almost 11 years ago
curiosity regarding overthefalls comment.

how do you read 'Paige and I are doing lots better' and 'just sometimes; things left alone do work out in the end,'

and interpret that as 'his marriage was over' and 'Better to be rid of her than to be constantly wondering when the next shoe was going to drop?'

it's obvious that the marriage WASN'T over nor was he worrying himself bald. so i just don't see how you get "he lived in paranoid misery and died bitter" from "and they lived happily ever after." not rationally anyway.

OverthefallsOverthefallsalmost 11 years ago
Dear User110

Now I'm curious. How did you get from "better off to be rid of her" to "he lived in paranoid misery and died bitter"? My point was that, without much discussion, his wife announced she wanted a separation and moved out. She obviously had given her actions a lot of thought since she already had a place to move into. Their "dates" had gone badly and he was "frustrated and lost". At that point in the story, it was clear that his wife was an egocentric, self-centered woman that only cared about her own feelings and clearly had little regard for her husband. He then got the PI report and I felt/feel that he should have gone to his lawyer, enforced their agreement, divorced her and moved on with his life. Moving on should have included finding a woman that might actually love and respect him, someone he could grow old with and enjoy his well earned retirement. You, Mr User110, got to miserable all by yourself.

saratusaratuover 10 years ago
Man ! ! !

this really sucked big time. C2c you need to consider writing other types of stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
what a waste

of bandwidth, writing about two morons. they do deserve each other,

1 star

tazz317tazz317about 10 years ago

the unknown "X factor" leaves them in a muddle, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Different story in last few paragraphs

A great story until the last few paragraphs, where you substituted in a different wife for the one that had been ignoring her husband for a number of months. She was so extremely self-centered, and despite protestations otherwise, couldn't have felt much for her husband to treat him like she did. I think after month three at the latest, the husband should have filed - and told her that the clock was ticking and she was running out of time. Her cancelling their date to go out with the boss' son would have been the final straw. Great story until the final few paragraphs, where it became average. I simply cannot believe anything she is saying at the end after her actions.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
Glad It Worked Out, But...

Why couldn't she at least tell him what was bothering her to the extent she felt she needed to separate to work on it?

And when she said she had resolved some issues, why keep them secret, let him know what she has learned.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
I can't believe he took her back!

What a complete and utter moron. She moves out, you move on. He should have put the house up for sale, closed all the accounts and looked for either a job transfer or a new job, far, far away. Who needs to stay with a woman that doesn't love you and obviously thinks so little of you that she moves out? What a completely moronic story. No stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Marriages don't survive on secrets

If she has issues in her marriage, she has to share them with her husband. She cannot just say she has issues, and refuse to let him know what they are. How about his issues, such as his wife not returning home in three months. This story was well told, but I have a hard time believing the character of the wife has any love for her husband, as she seems to demonstrate a complete lack of empathy. She says otherwise, but words, actions, and all that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
just the average cuck a doodle do wi mpy husband

who is scared to live on earth without the stupid bitch he wants to be cucked by.

1 star

realizing there exists wimps like this cucky wimpy carly girly boy

but no need to write the auto-bios

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
1 star!

No way a husband would accept a 6 month separation just like that. Only see each other once a month??? Come on not at all credible!

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