Sex in Sci-Fi Ch. 05


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'Peta, if you mean what I think you mean, I would like that too.'

She was about to move closer. 'But.' I continued, holding up my hand to stop her. 'If we are to become very close friends I must be able to see something of you, I mean something more than just your hands and your unbelievably beautiful eyes.'

She smiled understandingly. 'You are quite correct, I have been too cautious, for some reason too unsure of myself.'

I took a final draught from my drink as she lifted her hands to slip the cowl back off her head, exposing the smooth curving dome of her head and the long sheen of her neck, and felt, rather than saw how intently she was watching for my reaction.

What she saw in my eyes must have encouraged her, and her gown seemed to alter, the folds covering her arms and shoulders shrinking back, exposing even more of her opalescent, and almost irresistible skin. My fingers reached for her, and she stepped closer, allowing me my first actual touch.

At first I felt very little, or at least very little to excite me. Her skin seemed less soft, less pliable than human skin, there was a strange, almost drum-tight firmness about it. But then, as my finger-tips moved slowly down her arm I felt a faint tingling coming from them, a tingling that grew more pronounced the longer I continued touching her.

Perhaps that initial delay had been caused by my brain's inability to process the signals being transmitted by the chemistry of her skin. But whether it was a question of learning something new, or retrieving some long forgotten coding, once the sequence was established my response time and the strength of the signal were both shortened, and magnified. Within a couple of minutes the feeling I was getting from merely brushing my fingers over her were simply electric!

I found that her skin had a feeling that I can only describe as being like fiery marble. Added to the smooth firmness of that dense stone was what felt like the energy produced by the tips of a flames embedded beneath the flesh. And I could feel that tingling thrill running from my finger-tips, up through my hand and arm into my brain, then instantly flashing out through my entire body. I had never felt anything even remotely like that sensation before, and found it hard to believe that merely touching her could produce such an effect.

Although my eyes were darting up and down, from her skin to her face and back again, hers were watching my face much more intently. I sensed that my reaction was important to her, and that seemed to be confirmed when, as a looked up with what I guessed was an expression of disbelieving pleasure, I saw again that rippling shade-shift in her eyes.

'Ah, yes. As I thought, and as I hoped, there is a two way effect.' she said in a tone of barely restrained excitement.


Chapter 7

An Archaeobiological Lesson

'Jake, before we go further there are things I should explain to you, things that the scientists specialising in digging deep into our past have discovered about us, and our planet. But before I begin let me give you a little more to drink, you do find it pleasant, do you not?'

'Extremely so.' I replied, handing her the virtually empty glass.

She replenished it, sat down again and began by explaining something of how their sexes inter-worked, then went on to tell me their theories for how those had developed. Although I was of course fascinated and listened with rapt attention, I also began to find that at the same time there was something going on inside myself that was beginning to cause me just a little embarrassment.

Once she had given me an over-view of their pairing and grouping practices and traditions she explained that she needed to go back into their deep past to explain their origins.

'Our scientists have developed the hypothesis that many aeons ago there was a major change in our environment, maybe our planet was struck by a highly radioactive object, maybe a nearby star went super-nova, or perhaps there was some other unaccountable increase in background radiation.' she said. 'As best our scientists can determine, before that time we, like your species copulated for procreation in much the same way, the male penis within the part akin to your females' vagina. But as a result of the increased radiation level our males must have gradually became less fertile and the population probably began to plummet.

All this we can deduce from what your people would call the fossil records. By then we think that either through evolutionary pressure or as a result of mutation, the sperm had developed a tough outer coating, which gave them additional protection from the radiation, but which also meant they were both less mobile and more difficult for the female to absorb.

I should explain, whereas in your species the sperm actually pierces and penetrates the ovum, in ours the sperm is absorbed by it. The sperm is active in travelling to the ovum, but unlike your situation, where the ovum passively receives the genetic material, with us the ovum is active in absorbing that material from the sperm.

So there was then a double problem in that most of the sperm that were surviving were less able to reach the ova, and those few that did were much harder to absorb because of the tough outer coat.

If it was radiation that caused the original problem it may have also been the cause of another mutation, one that enabled us to survive.

Some females apparently developed a completely new reproductive strategy. In these the genetic material contained in their ova was at certain times released into the blood stream. If male genetic material was also circulating there the chance that fertilisation could be effected was greatly increased. Then the resulting molecule was swept through the system until it was in effect netted by a structure within the female's reproductive system, and once there, it could be brought to term.'

'But how would sperm get into the blood stream in the first place?' I asked.

She gave her equivalent of a smile. 'By being ingested.'

I immediately understood what she meant. 'But surely they would also be digested?'

'Remember the hard outer coating, that protected the genetic material from the digestive juices just long enough, then as it slowly disintegrated the core material was able to slip through the walls of the system, and out into the blood stream.'


'I understand your bewilderment but I'm sure there are far stranger forms of procreation used by other species on your planet.'

She was right of course, I could immediately think of at least half a dozen processes that made what she was describing seem like an every day event by comparison.

'So the vaginal part remained purely for the function of delivering of babies?'

'Strangely, no. We have theorised that either some men were less affected by the radiation, or perhaps some women developed ways of dealing with the sperm's outer coating. Or perhaps it was purely for the sake of the pleasure received from that activity. Although the sensations received are physically less intense that method is still extremely popular, in part because of the additional variety of positions achievable.'

'Ah, of course. But it seems a little unfair.'

'In what way?'

'The male has two ways of receiving pleasure, orally and vaginally. The female only one.'

'Did I say there was no pleasure centre in our mouths?'

'Is there?'

'Indeed there is. Both it and the organ that is the equivalent of your females' vagina produce pleasure in much the same way as our skin. In simple terms, chemicals are released that trigger a pleasure response for our partner, the actual reaction produces the same response in ourselves. As I say, the process is virtually identical to what happens when we touch, except that both the reactions and responses produced by the vagina-like organ and the mouth, are much more powerful.'

'If that's so and your reactions are anything like those I felt when I stroked your skin, I'm surprised your species ever developed technologically. I would have thought they'd have spent most of their time simply lying around, both sexually and physically exhausted.'

My comment produced the whistling sound I recognised as the equivalent of laughter. 'I think there may be some difference in the strength of our responses, I guessed that from what I experienced when I touched your hair. Even though our chemistry is similar enough to be somewhat compatible, the neural network structure must be somewhat different. I can only think that for some reason a member of one species responds much strongly to one from the other than it does to one of its own.

But before we explore that further let me just complete what I was saying about our past.

Because viable male sperm were so few in number, and had become much less energetic, the females' ability to stimulate forceful ejaculation of the largest possible number was important. So, apart from the other arousal techniques the part of us that produces those chemicals in our mouth became much larger, providing a much increased surface area. That, and its other physical characteristics enable us to produce a response for both our partners and ourselves which is therefore very much more intense.'

'And which part is that?'

'The tongue.'

I'd had no reason to see her tongue of course, although I knew she had one because from time to time I had seen the movement of its tip.

'So, as you lick your partner's penis the chemicals are absorbed, bringing on a stronger ejaculation?'

'Yes, but the tongue does much more than just lick. As I said, the males produce relatively few sperm, so females with longer, more efficient tongues produced more chemicals, thus having a better chance of receiving a larger number, and were therefore more likely to reproduce.

Over time our tongues have become very long, extremely flexible and have developed a quite distinct musculature. Normally the bulk of it is coiled in a recess at the back of our throats, during sex it can be partially or fully extended, and it has become more than long enough to wind itself many times around even the largest penis.'

I tried to imagine what it would feel like to have a tongue coiled around my cock, I couldn't, but the mere attempt was exciting and I felt my body reacting strongly to the thought and images it produced.

'And just the chemical reaction is enough to give sexual pleasure?'

'Of course as in any sexual activity it is far better if the upper levels of the brain are also involved, but yes, it is possible to achieve physical satisfaction that way. In fact a rough translation of our term for these chemicals would be, 'elixir producing passion and ejaculation', but I think we should find a shorter one for use between you and I.'

I only had to think for a few moments before replying. 'How about 'joy-juice', or perhaps 'bliss-flow'?'

'I prefer the sound of 'bliss-flow' for some reason, but as I said before, your species are extremely quick-thinking.'

'Thank you, and what you have told me about yours is absolutely fascinating, I think your females will have our men forming queues.'

She gave another of her small musical laughs. 'And if the males are all similar to you our females will welcome them, with open mouths and extended tongues.'


Chapter 8

The Ultimate Climax

'So, are we going to take our research any further, purely in the interest of science of course?' I said.

'I think we should Jake, what about you?'

'I agree Peta, I definitely think we should. But unlike you, I have no easy way out of this thing, you'll have to give me a minute or two.' I said, standing up and starting to unzip my coverall.

'I have been wondering how long I would have to wait for you to do that.' she said, watching me closely.

'I'm afraid that what's underneath is nowhere near as spectacular as your skin Peta. Just a pinkish white, a small patch of residual hair, not really very much to look forward to at all.'

'Ah but that's how you see yourself, not how I will respond, and remember that although somewhat obstructed I did have a brief preview when you were dressing after taking your 'refresher'.

'True, I'll keep my fingers crossed that you are not disappointed by the reality.'


'Oh sorry, another turn of speech. It means I wish you good luck.' I replied, unfastening the last zip and starting to remove the coverall.

Underneath it I was wearing the usual body-stocking, which helped prevent the skin being chafed by the outer layers of protection. 'I'm not down to skin yet I'm afraid, one more layer to go.' I explained as I began to peel it off. 'But aren't I going to see more of you Peta?'

'Shortly, but I think other things first would be better, for both of us I hope.' she replied cryptically.

Although disappointed I accepted her judgement, then watched her reaction as I finished unpeeling the body-stocking.

Her face remained expressionless but once again I saw that strange shade-shift rippling through her eyes as I pulled it down over my body. 'Ah yes, that defined musculature, it's most attractive Jake, as is the colour, I assure you.' she said in a voice that was much softer than what I had heard until then.

As I lifted one leg to peel the stocking down off the other it hid my genitals from her. But I glanced down at myself, and was not too surprised to see that my cock, although nowhere near erect, was heading in that direction, already lengthening and fattening. Then when I transferred my weight to the other leg to completely free myself I heard Peta produce a sound I hadn't heard before, a sound the translator was apparently unable to cope with, and which I can only describe as a softly fluting trill.

'I must ask you Jake, are all men so, well so physically attractive?' she asked once the echo of the trill had faded.

'I am not so special Peta, perhaps a little above average in size and musculature, but there are many men who make me look like a very ordinary specimen.' I replied as I dropped the body-stocking down on top of the suit.

'I don't think I need to concern myself with those, what I see is more than sufficiently exciting for my taste. And our men will certainly have very strong competition if our races do begin to mingle. But tell me, does your penis stiffen at all?'

I couldn't suppress a muffled chuckle at her question. 'Yes Peta, it gets very stiff, and somewhat bigger.'

'Bigger? It gets bigger than that?' she replied with a distinct note of excited astonishment.

Having her watching me so closely, and hearing that tone in her voice added to what I had already been starting to feel and my cock began to respond to that combination. And as fresh blood began to pulse down into it I again heard that fluting, trilling sound coming from Peta's throat.

'Please, come closer Jake. I may touch you?'

'In the cause of science, of course you may.' I said with a grin as I moved to stand in front of her.

Although I had seen them on the vid-screen, until that moment I had completely forgotten that Peta had six fingers, but as she lifted her hand I took in the detail of their structure and arrangement. As I had originally noticed, they were without nails, the ends slightly flatter, their shape more splayed than ours are. And each of the four central fingers appeared to have one, perhaps two additional joints, making them that much more flexible. But her thumb was smaller in proportion to them than a human one would be, and although still smaller again, the additional digit appeared to be more like a secondary thumb.

But I had only a few brief seconds to take all that in because within moments of the ends of her fingers touching me I felt the same burst of sensations I had experienced when I had stroked her arm. As it was my thigh her fingers were resting against, most of the effect of her touch centred in that area, and as she slid her hand higher I felt a sudden surge of blood coursing down into my cock.

So when she moved her hand still higher, curling the tips of her central fingers under my balls and gently supporting them while her two thumbs closed around the base of the shaft, it was as though someone had set off several emergency rockets at the one time.

I heard myself grunt as the shock-like thrills raced through my body and felt my cock literally leap to almost full size. And as it did that Peta emitted another of those fluting trills.

For a moment or two her hand trembled, as though she was unsure just what to do next, but then I felt her thumbs tighten their grip a little. She must have been able to feel the pulse of still more blood being pumped into it because she glanced up at me, and although I really had no way of interpreting the true meaning of what I saw there I could somehow tell from the changing colours in her eyes that her own reactions were just as strong as those she was giving me.

Looking back down again and whilst maintaining that first hand's loose but firm hold, she lifted the other, cradling the still rapidly engorging shaft on her palm, then lightly stroking the head with her primary thumb. And that time almost instantaneously, several more rockets exploded inside my head and my thigh and abdominal muscles suddenly flexed, requiring all my strength of will to hold myself still, to stop my hips from jerking forward.

The chemistry was so powerful that within seconds my cock was fully engorged, and its continuing effect so strong that each time her fingers or thumb made the slightest move shock-like waves surged up through my entire body.

She looked up and spoke, the translator giving her voice a nervous, somewhat quavering tone. 'I wouldn't have thought this possible Jake.' But of course I really didn't know whether she meant the strength and speed of my response, or the actual size of my cock. Or then perhaps she was talking about what she was feeling herself. So I said nothing, just stood there, my body shuddering as those waves of unbelievable pleasure continued flowing from her touch.

She looked down again, staring at my cock, and I saw the tip of her tongue appear, then move slowly back and forth across her mouth. Then, without looking up again she said. 'May I?'

Of course after what she had told me I knew roughly what she meant, but even though I thought I was prepared for the sight of her unusual tongue, I still got a shock when I actually saw it.

Her slightly parted lips poised for a moment above the tip of my cock and then her tongue began to unroll. It was ribbon-like, about two thirds the width of my tongue and perhaps half as thick, and as it started to coil itself around the head I saw that it glistened with a salivary coating that enabled it to slide effortlessly over my skin.

She let out more tongue, the whole length moving with an almost snake-like, flowing motion, the tip winding itself around and then pulling the rest purposefully down along the shaft. And as it moved I felt the first of many mind-blowing sensations as the loose folds of skin were tightened and tugged towards the base.

As the tip continued its descending spiral and still more tongue appeared the sensations caused by the feel of it working its way down around the length of my cock triggered more blood to be pumped up into it, quickly finishing off what her fingers had begun and I let out a muffled groan as I felt it surge up to full size.

I suppose that if I'd thought about it I'd have expected that once her tongue had coiled itself around the full length of the shaft that would be it. But no, the fleshy ribbon continued to unroll. The tip disappeared from sight for a moment as it followed the crease in my groin down beside my balls, then I felt it brushing past the back of the already swollen sac, pushing it forwards and, a second or so later appearing up from the other side. I watched as it slid across me, curled around and down again, then I felt it tightening slightly and realised that my cock and balls were being loosely gripped in a noose-like coil.
