Sex in Sci-Fi Ch. 05


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A little more tongue glided out of her mouth, then it finally stopped, there was a distinct pause and I held my breath, knowing something was going to happen but not knowing what. And in my wildest dreams I couldn't have imagined what actually followed.

The snake-like, rippling flowing motion that I had found so exciting as her tongue made its way down and around the shaft, began again, but with a dramatic difference. Instead of just rippling forward, it rippled forwards, then backwards, the speed of the peristaltic motion varying, starting quite slowly, gradually increasing, then suddenly slowing again. And, as though to add to the rising excitement I was feeling, as the mass rippled, each coil seemed to tighten and relax in sequence.

By that stage, although most of it was hidden by the ribbon-like coils I could see that the head had turned a deep, glossy purple, and that those parts of the shaft I could see between the coils were knotted with darker, bulging veins. And I could tell from the way it was strongly throbbing that although already far bigger than usual what she was doing was making my body try to pump still more blood down into it.

But even as I adjusted to the thrills created by the rippling, kneading motion I became aware of a completely new source of pleasure. In the short pause before her tongue had begun to massage me I'd noticed it had become shinier, as though the salivary coating was increasing. I could only guess that the fluid contained more of the bliss-flow she had spoken of, the one triggering mutual pleasure, so, in addition to the physical stimulation I was already experiencing I felt sure she was about to provide an even more powerful one, chemically.

I was proved right, and the first sensation was like a small electric shock, which made me gasp with surprise rather than pain. Then it was followed by another, then another and another, until within a few seconds they were coming in a continuous series that spiralled down my cock, starting just below the head then following the entire curling length of her tongue.

As they began she looked up again, watching for my reaction, and must have seen the look of increasingly intense tension on my face. Of course I had no way of knowing whether the even more brilliant sparkling and flashing lights I saw in her eyes were brought on by my reaction, or by what she was feeling herself. I did remember her saying that the chemistry had a similar effect on both partners, its production stimulating the pleasure receptors in her mouth. But whatever the cause, she was obviously happy to continue doing what she was, and I was too excitedly enthralled by what it was doing to me to have any wish for her to stop.

So I stood there, my massively engorged cock being kneaded by the muscular movements of the coils of her tongue while my brain was being flooded with the continuing shock-like thrills. I felt my body shuddering and jerking from the rapidly rising pressure inside it, and from time to time heard myself gasp or grunt as some particular action or reaction produced an especially powerful response.

But even though my senses were reeling and the amount of stimulus I was getting seemed to have robbed me of most of my will-power I still found myself wondering if there was anything I could do in return for Peta. I had only what she had told me go on, which wasn't that much, and in that position there was in fact very little I could do, so I did the only thing I could think of. I reached forward and began stroking the smooth dome of her head.

As I touched her she looked up again, and I saw that distinctive shade-shifting pattern altering the colour of her eyes, then an inner lid briefly closed and unless it was my imagination, the intensity of thrills I felt coursing up from my cock went up several more notches.

Hoping I had guessed right, and that I was increasing the amount of pleasure she was getting, I continued stroking her, letting my hands drift over and around the back of her head, and even through all the other delights reaching my brain, I could feel my fingers tingling from the contact.

I don't know how long I stood there, but although by that stage my brain was being flooded with a variety of incredibly powerful sensations some part of it must have still been working normally because I was suddenly struck by the thought, given the massively exciting stimulus she was providing, why wasn't I even close to climaxing?

It was only then that I realised that the bottom two coils, the one that had curled itself around both cock and balls and the one immediately above, that coiled around the base of the shaft, had, without me noticing it, become much, much tighter. That also helped to explain the extraordinary size of my cock, they were so tight that although blood could still surge up through the deeply buried arteries, very little was able to escape back through the veins. It also accounted for why my balls were aching as much as they were, the escape routes for the churning mass inside them were also being blocked.

But even while I was working out the mechanics of what was happening to me the pin-point shocks continued, coursing through every single nerve cell, merging and firing straight up my spine, then exploding in my brain's already over-loaded pleasure centre. The shocks seemed to be spiralling in both directions, following the line of her tongue down to the base of my cock then in the split second it took for them to travel up into my brain, spiralling back up to just below the head, the next sequence following another split second later.

As they created a closed circuit of almost unbearable intensity, and in addition to the almost agonising sensations of blazing pleasure-pain coming from my cock, I felt my balls reacting, trying to contract, but, unable to do so because of the loop around the sac, the mounting pressure inside increasing until they felt as though they must burst.

Mindlessly, as though it would somehow relieve some of the incredible tension, I felt my hips jerk forwards, and to my amazement found that that action produced a completely new set of sensations. Looking down I saw that whilst the rest of her tongue was if anything wrapped even more firmly around the shaft, the upper coils had loosened a little, allowing my lunging cock-head to push through them. The new delights were being produced by the friction of the sensitive rim moving against their chemically lubricated surfaces. So, in a purely reflex response to the massive over-load of excruciating pleasure that produced, my body began thrusting back and forth.

As though in reaction to that the noose-like coils around the base seemed to get even tighter than they had been, anchoring that end of her tongue before the rippling motion along the rest of it grew much, much stronger.

I've no idea how long the exquisite torture went on for, my entire system was being deluged with sensations, any one of which was in normal circumstances capable of making me come within a few seconds. But the escape valve for the mounting tension was effectively shut tight, so the pressures, both mental and physical, could only continue to rise. And as they became almost unbearably powerful my thrusting became even stronger and I heard my groans of pleasure turning to gasping grunts of frustrated, yet still deliriously ecstatic pleasure-pain.

But eventually any understanding or even concern as to what was happening to me was obliterated as finally the pressure inside me quite literally erupted.

The unexpected force and suddenness of it was so totally overwhelming I didn't even realise I had actually shot the first load until, through a haze of exquisite pleasure, as though caught in slow motion, I saw a spout of semen exploding, then splashing messily across her face. She quickly pushed it forward, her lips sliding down over my cock-head, her mouth absorbing the upper coils of her tongue just as a second, then several more gouts blasted out of me with equal force.

The volume plus the power behind it would have made all but the most skilled of human women gag, but Peta swallowed quickly, caught her breath, then looked up, her eyes rippling with that familiar shade-shifting that I took to be signs of her own pleasure and satisfaction.

But even then her tongue didn't let up for a moment, kneading and in effect pumping the massive length, its action quickly rebuilding the pressure inside me. I felt my heart pounding wildly, feeling as though it was being strained to its limit as it tried to provide even more blood to my already super-engorged cock.

At first, even through the red blur of rapture, I could separate the things that were producing such mind-blowing sensations. The pleasure thrills generated by the spiralling sparks over-loaded my brain, cutting off the dampening effect a climax normally produced. But even more importantly they were continuously stimulating the arousal response, maintaining both my erection and the reactions that triggered ejaculation.

Then, even as it was coating my cock with the stuff producing that effect her tongue was itself working hard, the coils at either end tightening and relaxing rhythmically, the one urging still more fluid into my balls, the other slipping up and down over my cock-head as I continued wildly thrusting. All the time those in between continued their relentless kneading, pumping semen out of me far more effectively than the most skilful human being had ever done.

And as if all that wasn't enough, by then her mouth was sucking so hard I felt sure that even if the other forms of stimulation had failed she would still have been able to drain whatever was still left inside me.

Then, a few minutes later, both unexpectedly and unbelievably, I came again, just as forcefully, semen fountaining from the gaping slit in the tip of my cock-head and spewing across her face. Greedily she lowered her mouth again. That time, as though unwilling to lose any more of it, engulfing almost half the mass of my tongue-wrapped cock before sucking even harder. My hips heaved violently forwards as her lips and mouth added to the pressure behind the torrent and it became apparent that she was determined to drain every possible drop of fluid out of my body.

So I accepted the unbelievable. My body arched backwards, my hips thrusting my still spurting cock forward, leaving it to her to do whatever she liked with it. The incredible rapture not only continued, it actually seemed to increase in intensity until the upper levels of my brain were completely swamped, and cut-out completely. I let myself drift, slipping into a state of utterly blissful euphoria as the separate peaks merged and blended into one continuing orgasm, not caring about anything but the apparently never-ending ecstasy.


Chapter 9

Further Research

At some stage not too long after that I must have blacked-out, and the next thing I knew was that I was half lying on one of the couch-like pieces of furniture, with Peta sitting in another beside me, offering me a drink of some sort.

'I am so very sorry Jake, it was unforgivable of me, I should have anticipated such a possibility. But I assure you that you are in fact quite well, there are no ill effects that I can detect. Drink this, it will quickly restore your energy levels.'

I was feeling so exhausted I accepted the drink without any question, it was cool, thirst quenching, and as she had said, even after just the first couple of mouthfuls I began to feel very much better.

'What happened?' I asked when I had finally drained the glass.

'Your blood pressure and heart rate went so high it left your brain temporarily starved of oxygen, and you collapsed. For a while I thought I might have done you some irreparable damage, but my sensors quickly showed me I had not. But I should not have done what I did. And the only thing I can say by way of mitigation is that a very similar thing very nearly happened to me, although for somewhat different biological reasons.'

'You nearly blacked-out too?'

'We do not, as you say, black-out, but a similar internal collapse is possible, and I came very close to that, yes. I should not have given us the booster. But my only excuse is that I didn't really believe our chemistries would work. I certainly never expected them to work the way they did.'

'Booster? What booster?'

'Another chemical, one that enhances output of the enzyme that stimulates both the production of 'bliss-flow' and the sensitivity of the female's receptors. Because scouts are away from personal contact for such long periods of time many of us use it to assist the relief of sexual tension, you must have similar chemicals.'

'True, though not all of them are strictly legal.' I said with a grin as, true to Peta's prediction, I felt my energy levels rising.

'I had to modify the structure of yours somewhat, perhaps I made an error there, though I think not. Perhaps it was just that our chemistry would have worked without any enhancement.'

'I would like to think so Peta. And please don't feel at all guilty about whatever you did. I assure you that what you gave me was an experience I will never, ever forget, that truly was the ultimate climax.'

For a moment or two her eyes looked as though their usual sparkling points of light were actually fluorescing. 'And for me also Jake. The experience was incomparable, like none I have known, and so equally memorable. And I admit that until the unfortunate incident swept such thoughts from my head I felt sure you were experiencing something similar.'

'Even if what I feel next time, and I certainly hope there is going to be a next time Peta.' I added quickly. 'Even if what I feel is only one tenth as strong as what I experienced, it will still be something few human beings can have ever felt.'

'I think much the same way Jake. And yes I hope the unpleasantness at the finale will not dissuade you from further research and experimentation. Purely in the name of science of course.' she added with her whistling laugh.

'Of course in the name of science. And we should be prepared to give our all in such a cause, should we not.'

'As conscientious scouts, of course we should.' she replied, reaching out to touch my hand.

At that moment I had no way of knowing whether it was the so called booster she had given me that was still active, or that our chemistries were by then, so to speak, totally in-synch, but whatever the cause, when she touched me I felt the same tingling sparks run straight up my arm.

'Wait! Please wait Peta.' I said, hurriedly pulling my hand away. 'I may have regained consciousness but after what you did to me it will be some while before the rest of my system has recovered.'

'Mine also, but I had no intention.'

'Maybe not, but your touch.'

'Just that touch set something off?'

'You can say that again!'


'Sorry, just another figure of speech. Yes, I could feel the sensations running up through my arm. I didn't want to disappoint you, if you, well I mean...'

'I can guess what you mean Jake, and that is most considerate. But no, that was not my intention, at least not yet.' she added with that low whistling sound.

I grinned back at her, then after a few moments thought, said. 'Should we actually be recording all this, for science I mean. Response and recovery times, effects, observations, that sort of thing?'

'I too have thought about such things, while waiting for you to re-awake Jake, and believe those things can wait a while yet. I should explain, in this configuration this part of the ship is in effect private, although I, we are being monitored of course, if all remains well then the records will not show what I, we are doing. My predecessors long ago insisted on being able to spend some time without feeling they were constantly observed.'

'We've tried that, so far without success, so many of us have had to learn how to get around the systems.'

'And with your quick thinking I imagine that has not proved too difficult.' she replied.

'So far, so good. But I think you were going to tell me what other thoughts and conclusions you have reached about our, well, about our situation.'

'If I understood you correctly you have arranged for your ship, Sam, to produce a sub-routine that has given you some time before reporting your contact.'

'Yes, that's true.'

'And as I have not yet returned full control of all systems to your ship, that sub-routine has not yet commenced.'

'Also true.'

'But do you not have a need to transmit some form of code at pre-determined times, to assure your control centre of your continuing activity?'

'In theory yes, when and where that is possible, but scout's at this distance are quite often not able to do so, often for quite extended periods. There are forces we encounter, you would understand that.'

'Yes of course, your technology is still, well I should not use the term, primitive, but you understand my meaning?'

I grinned. 'No need to be polite Peta, by comparison with yours I'm sure primitive is quite the correct term for our technologies. But your thought was?'

'If you have no urgent need to transmit, and my control is causing no long-term degradation of your ship's systems, which I do not think it is, then there is no rush.'

The simplicity of what she said, and more importantly its implications, was both blindingly obvious, and breath-takingly exciting.

'Of course there isn't! We could have several days together!' I said excitedly.

She gave her familiar whistling laugh. 'Well perhaps not that long, you have to remember that you are supposedly sheltering behind the small planetoid, considering what action to take next. But at least we do have some more time, if you wish.'

'Of course I do Peta. I hope we have only just begun to get to know each other at a personal level. Even if the introduction was a little more physical than might usually be the case, well at least for me it was.'

'For me too Jake, I assure you. But I was experiencing some unusual feelings well before that experience '

'I had those too remember.'

'So, what now Jake? Although my readings have told me much about your physiology they cannot reach the deeper recesses, your mental processes.'

'Well after such a physically exhausting experience I really need a period of rest and sleep. And then I'll need some food before I would be capable of, well as you said, further research and experimentation.'

'Ah yes, sleep. We have something similar, although we do not lose total consciousness, merely going into something like torpor, our mental systems slow, but do not cut-out completely. I too need such a period Jake, and like you, then nourishment. So, do you need to return to your ship for that? If not, do we need to reassure it that all is well here?'

I considered the options, although Sam would not act without my orders the odd 'feelings' she had experienced, and how that might affect her ultimate responses did worry me a little. 'Although not absolutely necessary I think it would be advisable for me to return, at least for some sleep and food. I also feel there is a need to up-date Sam, the ship, as to what is happening, well at least some of it.' I added with a grin. 'I can explain that we are exchanging information, that I am recording that via the 'dog', sorry, the small unit I brought with me. And that I am doing that because Sam does not have full control of all her functions yet. I will need to provide some time-frame for that return Peta, if only to ensure there is no problem later.'

'I understand, should we say one rotation?'

'Let's make it two. We have much information to exchange.'

Her whistling laughing response told me she more than approved of the idea of having that extra time. 'Two rotations it is then. So, will you leave now?'
