Shadow Lake Estates Ch. 02

Story Info
Marital tension, a Dom/sub affair, and a home invasion.
3.6k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/18/2016
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Dan and Denise Price crawled under the covers of their bed. Dan wrapped his arms around his wife, spooning her from behind, and hugged her tightly. He gently kissed the back of her neck and slid one of his hands below the sheet, down along her side, to the curvature of her hip. That is when she grabbed his hand and told him to stop.

"It's been a really long day," she said. "I'm exhausted."

Dan sighed heavily and flopped onto his back. "Fine. But just for the record, it's been thirteen days since we had sex."

Now it was Denise's turn to sigh. "What? Are you keeping a diary or something? How do you know that?"

"I keep track."

"That's ridiculous. First, it hasn't been thirteen days. But more importantly, it's really demeaning that you keep track of our sex schedule like that."

"Demeaning? You know what's demeaning? Being treated as if sex is a chore for you. Like it's something you do just to appease me. Check it off your list, knowing that you won't have to do it again for another two weeks!"

"Can you keep your voice down, please?" she whispered. "You had a lot to drink at that barbeque. It probably won't work, anyway."

"Oh, yeah? You wanna try me?"

There was a long hesitation followed by a deep sigh. He felt Denise's hands yanking down his boxer shorts, followed by her warm hand on his cock. She pulled at it as if she were making taffy, stretching it, then rolling it like a ball of dough. Sex with her was so exciting when they first married, but had become a predictable routine after the birth of their first child. Lately, it had devolved into a pitiful handjob like the one he was receiving at that moment.

He tried to concentrate. His mind wandered to Kiersten's hot young body gyrating on the dance floor at the barbeque. It didn't work. The alcohol had won this round. His cock was as lifeless as it was before she began.

"Never mind," he said, tugging his shorts back up.

"Told ya," she said. She was asleep within minutes.

Hours later, Dan glanced at the alarm clock beside his bed, sighed, and flipped over his pillow.


On Thursday afternoon, at precisely twelve o'clock, Asha Gupta kneeled at the back door of her house. Her heart beating rapidly, she waited for the inevitable sound of footsteps. She was completely naked with the exceptions of a pair of high-heeled shoes and a red leather dog collar around her neck.

She heard the sound of footsteps, followed by a knock at the door. She opened the door, keeping her head down and her eyes on the floor. As soon as Art Clevinger stepped through the door, she began licking the top of his boots until he patted her head and told her to stop. She then crawled on all fours to the living room and positioned herself on all fours in front of a chair.

Art followed her without saying a word and sat in the chair. Playing on the television before him was his favorite sports channel, and lying next to him on an end table was his favorite sandwich. He took the sandwich off the plate and placed it on the back of the naked woman before him. He then proceeded to eat his meal off her back while watching the highlights from the previous day's games.

He held his sandwich with one hand and used the other to trace a slow and deliberate path with his fingertips from the center of her back, down along the cheeks of her buttocks, and back again. All the while, Asha remained silent and still.

When he finished his meal, he brushed the crumbs off of her back and, without warning, smacked her ass hard, leaving a red welt in the shape of his palm. He delivered another smack to her other cheek, turning both cheeks a crimson red. He sat for a moment and contemplated his next move before rising from his seat and kneeling in front of her head.

He unzipped the fly of his pants and pulled out his stiffening cock. He grabbed a handful of her hair at the back of her head and yanked it up.

"Open," he commanded.

"Yes, Sir," she responded meekly, and opened her mouth wide.

He shoved his cock in her mouth and fucked it, alternating between slow and quick thrusts. He continued fucking her mouth, and considered depositing a load inside of it, but thought of a better option. He withdrew his cock and released her hair. Breathing heavily, she returned her gaze to the floor.

He stood and walked around to the other end of her body, straddled her legs, and inserted his well-lubricated cock deep inside her pussy. She responded with a slight moan, and he smacked her ass and grabbed a handful of her hair as he pumped into her hard and fast. He gave a loud groan and held himself deep inside her, with a handful of hair in one hand and a firmly-clenched ass cheek in the other.

He gave one more hard thrust and then pulled out and stood. He waited patiently as she rose from the footstool and kneeled before him. Knowing precisely what to do, she opened her mouth wide and cleaned his tool until he was satisfied. As she kneeled before him, cum dripped onto the floor from her pussy. She was still licking it off the floor when he departed through the same door from which he arrived.


Dan checked his text messages once again. Exasperated, he threw his hands into the air and pulled the pan out of the oven. He shouted to his children to come to dinner as he set the pan on the table.

"Where's Mom?" Alex asked as he sat in his usual chair at the table.

"That's a good question, buddy," Dan responded. "I've been trying to reach her, but she isn't responding."

Holly asked the same question and received the same answer once she took her seat at the table. Just as they began to dig in to their meals, the front door opened and Denise appeared. She was dressed in professional business attire and seemed exhausted. She set down her tote bag with an exasperated groan and joined her family at the table, wearing a forced smile.

"Sorry I'm late," she said.

"I tried texting you," Dan said.

She looked confused for a moment and checked her phone. "Oh, I didn't feel the vibration," she explained. "You know I don't like to text when I'm driving."

"Bad day at the office?" he asked as she loaded her plate.

"Not bad. Just long. And traffic was absolutely ridiculous, as usual." They ate in silence for a moment as she seemed lost in thought. "How was your day?" she asked at last.

"The usual," Dan responded. "Housework, cooking, taking care of the kids. You know, typical house husband stuff."

Denise shook her head. She had heard this lament before, many times. "You'll be back to work again in no time," she consoled him. "It's just gonna take some time." She turned to Alex and asked about his day.

"It was good," he said. "Mostly just played video games. Dad and I had a catch in the backyard. He's taking me to the field tomorrow for some batting practice."

"That's good," she said.

Before she could ask, Holly spoke. "Kiersten asked me to go to the movies with her on Friday. Is that okay, Mom?"

"What does your father say?" Denise asked.

"It's fine with me," Dan responded with a mouthful of food.

"Then it's fine with me, too," Denise responded. "Oh, I almost forgot. The company needs me to attend a meeting in San Diego on Monday and Tuesday. We'll need to fly in on Sunday and stay for a couple of nights."

"We?" Dan asked.

Denise nodded. "Yeah, it's just me and Andrew."

She was too busy eating to notice his expression of annoyance.


"Okay, get into a nice, balanced stance, Alex," Dan said. He stood on the pitcher's mound on a little league-sized baseball diamond. At the plate stood his son, Alex. His neighbor Bill, and his son, Matt, were out in the field, prepared to catch whatever was hit their way. Unfortunately for Alex, they hadn't seen much action.

Dan reached into the bucket of balls at his feet and gently tossed a pitch over the plate. Alex swung and missed. Pitch after pitch eluded Alex's bat, and the frustration on both the father's and son's faces was evident.

"Let me give it a try," Bill suggested, tapping Dan on the shoulder with his mitt. "Now, Alex, just take a deep breath, okay? Relax. Now this time, I want you to try swinging a little less hard. Just a nice and easy, level swing. Got it?"

Alex nodded. The next pitch sailed across the plate and Alex finally met the ball with the barrel of the bat, sending a line drive into the outfield.

"You're a miracle worker!" Dan exclaimed, shaking his head.

"Nah, it's just that he was pulling his head out of the box," Bill responded. "I see kids do it all the time. They swing so hard, they pull their head away from their body. By the time they finish their swing, they're looking down the third base line. You can't see what you can't hit."

After tossing a few more pitches, Bill asked Matt if he wanted to take a turn on the mound. Perhaps in an effort to impress his new neighbor, Matt threw his first pitch with a little too much velocity. Alex tried to turn away from it, but there wasn't enough time, and it hit him squarely in the center of his back.

Dan rushed to the plate, followed closely by Bill and Matt. Alex lay in the dirt, writhing in pain. His eyes welled with tears, but he bravely fought to maintain his composure.

"I'm sorry, Alex!" Matt shouted. "I didn't mean it!"

"I know you didn't, Matt," Dan reassured him as he rubbed his son's back. "You got a hell of an arm, there!"

"Yeah, but he chose the wrong time to show it off," Bill said, glaring at his son.

"You'll be okay," Dan reassured his son. "Just be tough. Shake it off and get back up there."

"Nuh-uh," Alex said. "I'm all done."

"Okay," Dan said, "I guess you earned a little break."

As Alex hobbled toward the bench, Bill pulled Dan aside. "It's none of my business, but I think he should get back in the box for at least one more pitch. It's like falling off a bicycle. You don't want him to be scared of stepping in that box again."

Dan looked to his son sitting on the bench with his head in his hands. "He'll be okay. He's a tough kid."

Following the practice session, Bill drove his new neighbors back to their house. As Dan was exiting the vehicle, Bill told him, "If you're gonna be my assistant coach in the fall, we should have a little 'coaching session' at the bar sometime. You know, to develop a practice plan."

"Coaching session," Dan repeated with a laugh. "Sure thing. That sounds great." He then glanced at his cellphone. "Actually, how about we grab a bite to eat now? Denise probably won't be home for another hour, and I could use a cold beer or two. The kids can order a pizza."

"Sounds like a plan!" Bill said. "Hop back in!"

Sitting across a table at the bar and grill, Bill explained his coaching philosophy to Dan over an order of buffalo wings and a couple of draft beers.

"So we really are going to talk about coaching at this coaching session," Dan said with a smirk.

Bill laughed. "Nah, we can talk about anything you want. How do you like the neighborhood so far?"

"It's great. The people are very friendly, and the weather couldn't be nicer."

"But..." Bill said, leaning back in his chair. Dan gave him a quizzical look. "I sense a 'but' is coming my way."

"Okay, but I'm not too happy with our new lifestyle," Dan admitted. "I don't like playing house husband. It's emasculating. I used to be the breadwinner in our house, and now I'm playing Suzy Homemaker. And Denise...well, she just seems like a different person out here. I hardly recognize her anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since she got this job, she started acting differently. She's confident and assertive, she's dressing and looking sexier than ever..."

"That sounds terrible," Bill said with a smirk.

"No, it's good, don't get me wrong," Dan responded. "It's just that...I don't know. I feel like I'm losing her or something. Like we're moving in separate directions. Hell, she's going away next weekend with some guy."

Bill raised an eyebrow.

"No, it's not like that," Dan added quickly. "It's her boss. She's going to some business meeting. It's just a couple of days. Still, I have this uneasy feeling about the whole thing."

"It sounds like you two need to talk," Bill said, signaling to the waitress for another round of beers.

"Yeah, I know. I just don't want to sound like a pussy. I agreed to come out here and try to make this work. I just need to man-up and make it work. I don't want her to think I don't trust her."


Late in the evening, there was a knock at the door. Tom and Karla exchanged puzzled looks before Tom rose from his chair. He opened the door to find a man standing on his front porch holding a box of pizza.

"Good evening," the man said, cheerfully.

"I'm sorry," Tom said, "but we didn't order a pizza."

"Are you sure about that?" the man said. His smile turned to a scowl, and he pulled a gun from his waistband and pointed it at Tom. "Step inside," he ordered.

Tom instinctively raised his hands and backed away. The gunman followed his lead, shutting the door behind him with his foot.

"Wh-what do you want?" Tom stammered.

Before the gunman could respond, Karla sauntered around the corner to see what was happening. She stopped dead in her tracks when she spotted the gun and let out a shriek.

"Well, well, well," the gunman said. "What do we have here?" He eyed her from head to toe and licked his lips. She was dressed in her casual evening attire, which Tom jokingly referred to as her "uniform." It consisted of a pair of tiny shorts emblazoned with yellow flowers and a form-fitting tank top. "This just got a lot more interesting," the gunman growled.

He placed the pizza box on a table in the hallway and produced his cellphone from his pocket. Without taking his eyes or his weapon off of Tom, he spoke into the phone.

"Hey," he said. "Turn off the engine and come inside. No, seriously. You have to see this. Oh, and go into the trunk and bring the rope."

He aimed his weapon at Karla and motioned for her to join her husband's side. The door opened and another man entered the house, wide-eyed and smiling. He stood by the other man's side and leered at Karla.

"Day-umm!" he shouted.

"I know, right?" the gunman said. "What do you say we all head to the living room and get more comfortable?"

He forced the couple into their living room while his accomplice grabbed a chair from the kitchen and placed it on the living room floor, facing the couch.

"Take a seat," the gunman said, pointing his weapon at Tom. Tom stood in front of Karla and hesitated for a moment before leaving her side. He sat in the chair and the other man began fastening his arms behind him and his ankles to the legs of the chair.

"What's your name, sweet thing?" the gunman said.

"Fuck you," Karla spat.

The gunman cocked his weapon. "Now, now. It doesn't have to be that way. This could either be a really good or really bad evening for you. That choice is yours. If you want to do this the hard way, that's cool. I prefer to be friendly, though."

"Karla," she said. Although she tried to act calmly, her eyes welled with tears and she was visibly shaking.

"See? We can be friendly," the gunman said. "I'm gonna call myself Darryl, and my friend over there tying hubby nice and tight? Let's call him Luis."

"It's nice to meet you," Luis said from his kneeling position on the floor.

"Wh-what are you going to do to us?" Karla asked.

"Well, we're going to start by having you remove that little tank top."

"Karla, no!" Tom shouted. Darryl turned around and glared at him. "Luis, do me a favor and find something to shove in this guy's mouth." He turned back toward Karla. "Now, go ahead, sweetie. Just do as we say, and this will all be over soon and you can return to your vanilla suburban existence."

Shaking, Karla looked at Tom with pleading eyes. Luis returned and shoved the wash rag from the kitchen into Tom's mouth. With tears streaming down her cheeks, she slowly pulled the tank top over her head, exposing her bare breasts.

"No bra," Luis remarked. "Nice."

"Nice fucking rack, sweetie," Darryl said with a smile. "Luis, do me a favor and see if they're real."

With a broad grin, Luis approached Karla and squeezed her tits. "Oh, yeah, they're real," he remarked. He fondled one breast while taking the other in his mouth. "Mmm...yeah, they taste real, too," he said with a muffled mouthful.

"Time to reveal the whole package," Darryl said. "Luis, can you please help her out of those tiny little shorts?"

Luis tugged on the waistband of her shorts and slid them down her legs. "No panties, either!" he said. "Nicely trimmed little bush." He turned to Tom. "Dude, how did a guy like you end up with such a hot piece of ass?"

Luis stood and surveyed the naked woman before him. Karla crossed her arms and legs and sniffled. Luis spotted a box of tissues on an end table and handed her one.

"Now, there's no reason to cry," he told her. "We won't hurt long as you cooperate."

"Turn around, sweetie," Darryl ordered. "Let's see that ass."

Karla did as she was told, and both Darryl and Luis whistled in approval. "Goddamn, she is a fucking work of art," Luis commented.

"Okay, now get down on your knees, sweetie," Darryl said.

She lowered herself to the floor and Luis chuckled. He unzipped his fly and took his cock out. It was already fully-erect. "I'll bet you know what to do with this," he said, and pushed it to her lips. "Go on, open up," he ordered.

Karla opened her mouth and accepted his cock. Luis grabbed a handful of hair at the back of her head and slowly fucked her mouth. "Fuck yeah," he said. "Drop-dead gorgeous and she knows her way around a cock. You hit the fucking jackpot, dude."

He turned to look at Tom. Tom closed his eyes and looked away.

"No, no, no," Darryl said. He grabbed Tom's head and turned it back toward the action. "You need to see this. Look at your woman working that pole like a professional whore. She was built for this, man!"

Luis continued to slide his cock in and out of Karla's mouth at a more rapid pace. At last, he withdrew, leaving a trail of saliva from the tip of his cock to her bottom lip. He took her by the shoulder and pushed until she was on all fours. He then moved behind her, spread her legs, and entered her.

"Fuck!" he said. "Her pussy is slicker than a used car salesman!"

"I think she likes this," Darryl noted with a laugh, nudging Tom. "Excuse me for a minute. I need to get me some of this."

He unzipped his fly and positioned himself at Karla's head while Luis continued to pound away at the other end. The sound of slapping wet flesh filled the room. Darryl held his gun in one hand while he grabbed a handful of her hair with the other. He stuck his dick in her mouth, and now both men were thrusting into her in a rhythmic pattern.

Tom watched from his chair with a crazed, wide-eyed expression. He fidgeted and struggled with the ropes behind his back, attempting to loosen them enough to wriggle free.

"Oh, fuck!" Luis shouted. He pulled out and stroked his cock, sending a stream of cum along her spine and coating her ass with his milky-white fluid.

"My turn," Darryl announced. He hastily switched positions with Luis and handed him the gun. Within moments, he, too, pulled his cock out of her pussy and added to the mess on her back.

Both men slouched onto the floor, exhausted and drained. Karla remained on all fours, afraid to move a muscle.

"Goddamn," Darryl said. "That is some prime, Grade-A pussy right there." His attention turned to Tom, who was staring straight ahead as lost in a trance.

"Did you enjoy the show?" he asked. He then glanced down and noticed the large wet spot in the front of Tom's sweatpants. "Holy shit! Hey, Luis, check it out!" He pointed to Tom's crotch and the two men laughed so hard they doubled over.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Time to close the cutouts and put power to the wheels. The noise was impressive....

....and we've gotten into the characters enough to tell them it's time to go somewhere. Take us there, captain! Much more of this and you're likely to spin the wheels off by the time you do get going....

Don't you just hate automotive metaphors? I don't....where they work.

Good luck and thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
A nice rev up, but still no traction.

When you going to take the brake off and let us see what this thing can do? So far its just so much noise, and not much of that.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Feeling the love?

Joe you just didn't know. You imagined that you mattered. After yesterday, you understand that people just laugh at you. Unlikely that you'll learn any humility.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Re. "Rape"

Don't ever make the mistake of assuming that anything you read in a swingerjoe story is as it seems.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
That pizza trick wouldn't work with me.

After dark, I always answer the door with my left hand and with a 38 in my right hand behind the door. His ass would have been mine if that happened and there isn't a damn thing the law will do since the asshole also had a gun.

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