Shock and Aw, Cute


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Yeti, though, managed to distract me. Although not nearly as chaotic as it had been during the night, the kitchen still needed a fair bit of tidying and cleaning, and the pup himself still needed a whole heap of cuddles.

I had only just stood up after filling the pup's food bowl with grossly overpriced nutrient-rich nosh when the kitchen door creaked open and my tangle-haired offspring appeared, still yawning. In truth, I only remembered just how I was dressed when his second yawn was choked off halfway through.

Somehow, I managed to adopt a totally innocent smile, "Hiya, sleepyhead, fancy a coffee?"

"Um... yes... I mean, yes please!" Any sign of tiredness had disappeared in an instant.

My gearbox shifted into overdrive immediately. My silly little robe was open, the tie hanging from one hip now, and the nightie beneath was... well, in the bright sunlight slanting into the kitchen, it was barely present. And I wasn't doing anything to cover up -- wasn't even sure whether it looked like I was forgetting how I was dressed or whether I looked as if I was being deliberately provocative. And, almost impossible for me to really believe, I still didn't have a clue as to what would or might happen next. What I certainly did know was that my nipples hardened as they began to tingle, and my womanhood was almost flooded as my Jamie's eyes ran down and up my near-naked body.

Somehow, I managed to turn my back to my eagle-eyed son, despite knowing that the loose robe was still long enough to cover my near-bare butt, and I managed to pour a mug of coffee with hands that barely trembled. The next step, I knew, was going to be either very, very daring and obvious -- or it would tell me that I had definitely overstepped the mark. It wouldn't tell me what to do in either case, but I was too far down the road to worry about that right then. I picked up the 'Mercedes Rule' mug and turned, hands steady and smile broad.

"There you go," I managed, setting the drink in front of a now red-faced Jamie. The motion had me leaning forward until my skimpy nightie gaped at the top -- although I think I would have leaned forward regardless of the need. And as my nipples turned to pure granite under his eager gaze, a plan formed.

I slowly looked down at my nearly exposed body and managed a small laugh, "Oops," I shrugged, "It seems like there's rather a lot of your ancient mum's assets on show. I hope it doesn't offend your teenage sensibilities too much!"

Jamie's eyes shot back up to mine and even before he spoke, I knew that my questions had been answered, "What? I mean, god no... I mean... wow?"

There really was a question there, a wish, maybe a hope, for my confirmation of what I had just said. I smiled, "Oh well, it's soon going to be lockdown again, I suppose... and I don't mind anymore in any case."

This was the moment.

"You... don't mind...?"

I shook my head slowly, "No, I don't."

"Even though... you're my... mum? "

I repeated the head shake, adding a smile this time, "No. If anything it makes it... hotter, somehow."

Jamie nodded slowly, "Well... yeah." He paused and I could see he was building up his courage, "Does that mean you'll stay dressed like that?" I'd been wrong. This was the moment. I let the robe slip to the floor, "Does this answer you?"

"Fuck... I mean yes... oh, fuck yes. Wow."

I raised my hands to the flimsy straps of the nightie, "Or would you prefer even less?"

My son's reserve melted away in a wave of teenage lust, "Yes! Oh, fuck, yes please, mum!"

Smiling, I flicked the straps off my shoulders and shrugged, the diaphanous garment sliding easily down my body. It occurred to me as it fell past my hips that I hadn't been seen completely naked for more than five years, and a sudden need surged inside me, every nerve-end sparking in the most delicious way, "Better?" I asked, gently, "Even though I'm so old?"

Jamie's eyes were wide and wild, flicking up and down my bare flesh, "Oh my god, yes! I mean, no! I mean it's okay, yes, and you are not old! Fuck, you look fucking gorgeous!"

Oddly enough I didn't feel inclined to pull him up for his swearing, "Well, thank you, young man. The question is, though, what if you find my nakedness a big temptation?"

It really was a question, but it was one I was beginning to know the answer to. The question within the question was whether Jamie would see my word as an invitation.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck... Jeez, mum, of course it is!"

I shrugged, "Good job the doors are closed then..."

His wide eyes widened further "Oh fuck... You mean it, don't you?"

I shrugged yet again.

My son's chair clattered back against the dresser behind it as he shot to his feet. Much more slowly he closed the gap between us, led by the very pronounced bulge in his boxers. Even more slowly his hands began to rise until they hovered in front of my bare breasts.

I knew that this was the final choice, the final moment before there was no going back, no chance to keep things as they had always been. I leaned forward, making that final decision for both of us.

Jamie's hands closed over the naked flesh that suddenly pressed against them, my rock-hard nipples pressing into warm, sweating palms. We both let out huge sighs -- relief, lust, love, desire, need -- and I felt the final shackles slip way into the ether.

One of my arms encircled my boy as the other hand slipped easily into his tented boxers, my own eyes flaring in surprise at the girth and length my young son now sported there. Jamie's own hands left my body for a few seconds as he tugged and wriggled his way out of his t-shirt and out of the boxers until we were both naked, our flesh pressed together. Lips went to necks, not ready yet for the ultimate intimacy of a kiss, but eager to taste each other -- and his hard cock pressed hard against my belly.

That first time was hard and fast, no time and no need for foreplay, just a need of a very different type. I simply spread my legs a little, pinned back now against the kitchen table, and Jamie bent his knees just enough for the head of his fiery member to part my soaked lips. One thrust and my son entered me, our mutual gasps echoed by the puppy at our feet.

After that the details become hazy. I was soon, I recall, spread on the tabletop, Jamie over me -- and in me -- his thrusts hard and wild. I remember the exact feel of his hands, his mouth, on my tits and really remember the feel of his hardness as it pumped in and out of me at a frantic, delicious pace. I recall his nonsensical words, a mixture of 'mum', 'fuck', 'wow' and 'yes' -- and I remember the feeling as it grew inside me, an intensity of passion and joy that began to override anything that I had ever felt before.

I had no idea where his staying power was coming from, but I was just so happy it was there -- it meant that my climax would not be rushed. It meant that my own boy was going to please me in the most delicious way possible. I could feel his motions becoming jerkier, less rhythmic, and knew the ultimate moment was rushing towards us both. My legs and arms encircled him, and I pulled him so tightly to me, out groins grinding together.

And the peaks were reached.

I have no idea who cried out the loudest release, but I do know mine was the longest. Every fibre of my being howled in ecstasy, and I can honestly say I had never been more satisfied.

We lay, still locked together, panting and sweat-licked, for a minute or more before my son found his voice. Any fears I still harboured disappeared in an instant. "Jeez, mum, you've no idea how much I've wanted to do something like that," he rocked his hips, "Like this, even."

I laughed, genuinely overjoyed, "You really mean that, don't you?"

Jamie nodded, smiling, "Yeah. And fuck, mum, I have been so enjoying Yeti making a mess in the night, you know?"

"My little nighties? Loose robes?"

He gave a trademark shrug, "Well, yeah. I was hoping you kinda realised what I could see, and kinda didn't mind..."

"You'd be right. I just wasn't sure -- kinda -- if you liked the view."

"Liked?" he snorted a laugh, "Fuck, mum, I loved the view," he twitched his hips again, "Can't you tell?"

I returned the abrupt laugh, "If you put it like that..."

"Mum, I've even been reading stories about this sort of thing. God, there was one recently about this guy and his sister who started a kinda mummy Summer camp, and the guy gets to, well, screw his mother over and over, and no shit it made me like come every time."

"That good, huh?" I bucked my own hips a little, "Well, how did the real thing compare?"

Jamie hugged me tightly, "No comparison, I promise you. Jeez mum... I don't know what to say. You're fantastic, unbelievable, gorgeous, you're--"

"I'm going to tell you to feed the mutt," I interrupted as a soft mewling made itself known to me.

"What? Oh, right..." he didn't move, "Can... I mean, will we do it again?"

"Oh yes," I grinned, "Yeti will need feeding lots of times."

"Mum! You know that's not what I meant!"

I giggled, a sound I hadn't made since my teens, my heart light, "Ah, you meant will we fuck again. That, young man, is a definite yes -- and by the way, you must have said 'fuck' a hundred times this morning and you know that's not a word I allow here normally."

"It seemed appropriate," Jamie smiled as he slipped slowly out of me, "And come to that you called your puss 'my cunt' a few minutes ago, and that is a word that is definitely not permitted."

I laughed, "Oops. I guess I do get a bit foul-mouthed when very excited. Take it as a compliment." I pulled my legs back on the tabletop, "And I'll be swearing again if you don't fetch a towel or two before you feed Yeti!" To say that the evidence of what we had just done was pouring from me was rather an understatement.

Jamie grinned, one eyebrow raised as he stared at the growing puddle beneath me, "If we're going to come like that again we'd better make sure we prepare with a supply." He threw me a tea towel, "That's a start, I'll fetch a proper towel in a sec, but first I'll feed Yeti."

***** And so it started.

For all my doubts and fears, the transition in Jamie was immediate. In truth I had no real idea about how experienced my son was in such matters, but the teenager disappeared to be replaced by a more confident, more adult version of himself. Perhaps, I wondered, it was an effect magnified by our remote, isolated circumstances and the forthcoming lockdown, but something told me it was something else, something more...

There was certainly something very new, very more, just a few minutes later that morning. I had just carried the rather messy towels out to the washing machine in our utility room when I realised my son had finished the canine culinary care and had followed me.

And only then when I was bent over, loading the washer and two hands cupped my breasts from behind.

"Eek! God, Jamie, you might have given me warning!"

He laughed, "Where would be the fun in that? Besides, I've wanted to get to grips with you like this for so long -- I thought I'd better get it done in case you'd already changed your mind about our fun."

I took my hands out of the machine's drum and closed them over my sons', squeezing a little, "Since when do I change my mind that fast?" The sensation was electrifying.

"Well, when you're choosing a dress to wear to a party, when you are trying to figure out the latest recipe you want to try for chicken, the colour you want to paint the--"

I pushed back with my butt, "Okay, okay, I get it -- this is different, though, I promise."

We were still both naked and my eyes widened as I realised my son was not only very ready again, but he was ready right there and then, "Mum, that is just the most perfect answer ever. Oh, and cute tush, by the way."

My mind was in danger of whirling away into the ether as he effortlessly nudged my legs wider. I tried to focus, "Tush? Since when do we allow Americanisms around here?"

"Perhaps since you let me get a good view of your bum -- and let me slide my rock-hard cock in... here!"

I gasped, my eyes rolling in delight, "Oh, fuck, yes!"

"I'll let you off the profanity under the circumstances."

"Oh, thank you so much," I laughed and groaned, "The circumstances being that you're fucking me, right?"

Jamie snorted a laugh himself and rammed his cock home hard and true, "I hope I'm fucking you just right, yep."

"Not bad so far," I managed as we started to build a rhythm, "And I have to admit, this is a rather nice position."

"It is, isn't it? I got the idea from Yeti."

I managed another one of those girly giggles, "A little doggy?"

"Oh yes, mum, a great idea isn't it?"

I could only nod -- and there was no reference to canine insurance advertising -- letting out a louder moan, "I'm liking it so far. But," I paused my movements, "just promise me this remains our secret for all time, okay?"

I felt the shrug he gave, "Your call, mum, but my lips are sealed." He laughed, "More than your pussy lips are, for sure." I resumed the mutual thrusts, laughing myself, "As if I'd tell anyone, anyway!"

There was another shrug, I could tell, this time accompanied by a firmer squeeze of my breasts, "Not even your bestest buddy Melony?"

"Her name is Melanie, as you well know -- oh fuck that's good -- but what if I did, huh?" My internal mind's eye opened very wide as the idea permeated my brain, and the sudden deeper thrusts from my son made me realise that the concept, at least, held some appeal to him, "Are you saying you'd like to fuck your own mum and her best friend?"

Jamie's hands moved to my hips as his motion increased in speed, "Well... she does have great tits... melon-like. And that happened in that story I mentioned."

"Better tits than mine?" Oddly, I found that I didn't care what the answer was. Not that I needed to worry anyway.

"Fuck, mum, no way!" One of his hands shot forward to fondle and squeeze mine, "Yours are perfect, Mel's are just...well, big. But... fuck... two of you..."

"I guess," I was gasping, and grasping for the truth in my words, "I guess it'd make things easier when she's here... if you got desperate to fuck me again..." My mind really was whirling. From having my Jamie's cock so expertly fucking me, and from this whole new threesome idea. Two mature ladies, two mothers, and a gorgeous teenager... The 'mothers' bit set an alarm bell ringing, "But what about Angharad?"

"In that story--"

"This is not a story and she's only a year older than you. Lots of friends, if you get what I'm saying... oh, fuck, keep doing just that!"

"My-my pleasure, mum!" He was quiet for a few seconds as he thrust ever harder, "I know it's not a story... but she's kinda cute."

"Not much older than you, but the littlest of all of us..." I let my feverish brain have its freedom, "I'd... love to see you fuck her and her mum!" I realised I meant it, as well, now that I was so wide open to my own boy copulating with me, "One condition, though, you let me see if it'll be possible -- and it'll be Angie's choice if Mel says it may be on."

Jamie's pumping became ever harder and faster, an agreement to my one condition before he even managed to gasp, "Fuck yes, mum!"

Another thought occurred to me, "And condition two -- you sleep with me when I say it's okay."

"Oh fuck, yes, whatever you say!"

I began to whimper, "And... and... condition three!"

"Any... anything!"

"Fucking fill my cunt! Right now!"

And he did.

To overflowing. ***** That was the start of everything, the genesis -- before Phil Collins -- and I was endlessly surprised by my Jamie. He proved to be so mature it was almost scary, and he certainly focused my mind every time my addled brain began to lead me down the wrong path. He came up with some fascinatingly wonderful suggestions, too, as things began to progress with Mel and Angie.

"Did you actually tell her what we've been doing, mum?"

I shook my head, "Not exactly, no--"

"Not even the thing on the swing in the garden?"

I think I blushed, "God, no! Now shush and let me think..." It was hard not to think of the delicious tangle the swing escapade had become, "I just told her that the forthcoming lockdown promised a lot of sexy treats if I was right -- and she knows it's just you and me here, so I imagine she gets the idea."

"Sounds right," I got a trademark shrug, "But what did she think about coming over here for a night before the dreaded lockdown?"

"Still desperate to see the melons?"

"Not desperate, but still keen. What did she say, mum, if you even dared say anything about her coming here?"

"She giggled a lot."

"That's positive," Jamie nodded, "I always know when I'm doing something right when you giggle. You even giggled when you were tangled in the swing."

"Oh, shush about that bloody swing," I laughed, "Now do you want to know what Mel said or not?"

"The expression 'fuck, yes' springs to mind."

"Well, if you stop teasing my nipples, I might tell you!" My son's fingers had found just the right pressures to apply, "Or at least, don't stop but do listen."

"I can live with that. What did she say?"

"She said... fuck... no, I mean she said she'll be here this afternoon."

"Mm, nice. And you'll reveal all to her in person?"

I sighed happily, "That's part of the plan."

"Only a part of your nefarious genius?"

I had been planning on revealing said genius slowly to extend Jamie's suffering-cum-pleasure, but the moment seemed far too apposite, "Yep. She's agreed to move in here for the duration regardless of not knowing all of the details about you and I."

"Holy -- or even unholy -- fuck! That's brilliant!" He stood, pulling me with him, drawing me into a tight hug, "That deserves a big, big reward. Bend over the arm of the sofa."

Giggling, I span round and assumed the position, "You approve then?"

"Oh, yes!" He dropped to his knees and let his tongue provide the proof for a few delicious seconds before he paused in his ministrations, "What about Angharad?"

"Looks like you'll be getting two for the price of one -- the last part of my genius. Do you approve of that as well?" In truth I had no idea what Mel would be telling her daughter but at least I knew they would both be there in a few hours. Right then, though, my mind was more focused on other things, "Answer fast and get back to the tongue fuck faster."

"Mm, big tits and tiny tits -- that might be fun!"

"No tits guaranteed other than the pair right here above your head. And they'll be off limits if that tongue of yours doesn't get back to--" I realised right then as I ground down so happily that there would probably never be an 'off limits' time ever again.

I passed all control over to my son then, with no concerns that I was somehow letting him take control of our relationship as well.

I think.

And as for maybe adding Mel to the mix, and even more 'maybe' her daughter, did I really mind at all? I smiled as he entered me, hard and fast. Oh. No, I didn't mind at all -- no matter how that added to the surprise of the past few days.

As we lay on the sofa afterwards in our newly regular sweaty tangle, I decided that for some moronic reason I had to double-check that my son would be happy if things developed quickly in such a way that he might have three females to 'service'. "So," I was still panting, "You really don't mind if Mel knows everything?"


"Even if my friend wants to witness things first-hand?"


"And maybe even wants to sample what I'm so happy to sample?"


I didn't really know why I was bothering to check, "And even if she insists that Angie is there too? Maybe even taking part as well?"

This time I got a laugh, "I've fantasised about all of you before, so stop fretting."