Shock and Aw, Cute


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"And you will always be my favourite, mum. I'm Goldilocks to you three, okay?"

I giggled, no matter that I tried to stop myself, "Not too big, not too little, huh?"

"Biggest in heart and love," he kissed my neck, "Smallest in bias and fear," he kissed my shoulder, "And just perfect when it comes to tits." I don't need to tell you what he kissed next. ***** Melanie and Angharad arrived in the mum's battered old Land Rover at three o'clock, the appointed time, and Jamie and I wandered outside as my friend parked the vehicle next to my equally ancient Land Rover.

While my son was sent to secure the front gates and Mel's girl was tasked with offloading their suitcases and bags, Mel dashed over to me and hugged me.

"Oh, Debs, thank you so much for letting us stay here -- and thanks for your dreadful tease!" She let me go and hooked her arm through mine, making a bee-line for the cottage door, "Now come on and open a bottle of wine, then open that pretty mouth of yours! Oh, and who is this?"

Yeti had very obviously escaped his personal temporary lockdown and was trying to lick his way into my friend's good books -- and to judge by the wagging angle he'd adopted, into her panties, too.

'Not the only one with that in mind', I thought with a smile as I introduced friend and puppy.

"That's Yeti, one of the new things you'll find here," I laughed, leading the way inside, "And I'll say it right from the start so there's no confusion or embarrassment or whatever -- if there's anything, and I mean anything -- that you disagree with or don't want any part of, then just tell me, okay? I won't be mad, I promise?"

Mel laughed, her ample bust jiggling in a way that I just knew my son would adore, "Now you've really got me gagging for more info! Not to put it unnecessarily politely, Debs -- what the fuck is going on here?"

I busied myself with a recalcitrant wine bottle top, "Well, you know how we were chatting about the potential charms of a teenage lover the other week?"

"Sure, a real fun chat as I recall, we..." her eyes went wide as first one penny dropped and then a cascade began. Mel might look a little bimbo-like, but there was an astute brain there, "A teenager, sure, but... there's only one teen here, right?"

I nodded, "One you actually apologised to me for when you said if you were twenty years younger, you could really get wet for as I recall."

My friend snorted a disbelieving laugh, "And you said it was okay because you could understand my feelings... oh, god, Debs, you weren't freaking joking, were you?"

"Remember what I said when you walked in, if you disagree with anything--"

"Don't even bother -- there is nothing I disagree with for you, I promise, Debs."

I finally freed the bottle top and reached for two glasses, breathing out much more relief than I'd imagined I ever would, "Thank god for that! I didn't want to have to hide it from you... but what about Angie? How would she be with it?"

Melanie stepped forward and took the wine bottle and glass from my hands, setting them on the table, before drawing me into another hug. It was probably just as well she'd made the glassware safe when she said softly, "Angie will be just fine with it. We were a bit worried what you would think if you found out we were getting each other off a lot these days..."

I admit it surprised me, despite everything, "You and Angie? Oh my god, I thought you were straight as a dye!"

Mel laughed, "That's your biggest surprise?"

"Well, I mean no, obviously, but kinda yes too?"

My friend hugged me tighter, "If it's any consolation, I thought I was exclusively straight too, but I guess these are new times, new days. And now," she released me, "finish pouring that wine and start telling me everything before the kids come in."

There wasn't time for every little detail, of course, but both my story and the wine bottle were half finished before Jamie and Angharad came in, laughing.

"You two look happy," Mel remarked.

"Yes," I agreed, eyeing my son, "Nothing too naughty being said, I hope?"

Jamie snickered, "All very polite, mum, I promise."

"Good," Mel and I harmonised. We looked at each other and laughed, genuine amusement mixed with an unspoken question about which one of us was going to bear the coincidental news -- and what it might mean for us all. It was my friend who took the reins.

"It seems," she began, "that things have moved on -- physically -- for all of us."

It was the kids' turn to harmonise, "What?!"

Mel laughed, "It seems Debs and Jamie have been getting it on."

"And Mel and Angie," I added to make sure my son got the full picture.

"Oh," my friend added, "just an aside -- a certain young man here apparently calls me 'Melony' too." She puffed up her bountiful boobs, "I can't think why..."

Jamie had the decency -- or acting skills -- to look a little apologetic, "Well, your name is a bit... descriptive."

Both Mel and I laughed before she patted his head, "Maybe you'll get a peek at the 'raw fruit' in the next few days, huh?"

My son flashed me a slightly puzzled look before beaming at my friend, "I kinda hope so!"

My own brow crinkled in thought. Did Mel really think that we would remain entirely separate pairs, both indulging in our very own taboo delights? I mean, it was her that had pretty much said Jamie got her attentions that way... I mean, surely she couldn't imagine we'd all be locked down together without something--

Her t-shirt tangled around my head as she let out a roar of laughter, my son's 'fucking hell' emphasising what must have happened. I quickly pulled the garment out of my eyes and gawped at two enormous -- and now naked -- breasts.

"Oh, fuck," I managed, weakly and yet relieved.

"Yep, and lots of it, I hope," Mel laughed.

"I'll second that," Jamie whistled, "They are gorgeous!"

Angie managed a slightly shyer laugh, "Yeah, and don't leave me out."

Her shy laugh turned to a very girly shriek as my son grabbed the bottom of her own t-shirt and yanked it up. "Hey, you," I mock-scolded, "Play nice now, you two! Eek!" My own girly shriek was caused as my top was hauled straight up and off me by Mel, of course.

It wasn't many seconds later before there were four naked, laughing, people there in the kitchen, alongside a furry yipping canine, and it was less than three seconds before the human members of the gang were tumbling into the living room.

Less than a week earlier the room had only seen one naked person in there at a time -- as far as I knew -- and it had only been three days since it had witnessed two. Now though it was spoiled for choice. As was my Jamie.

I slipped between mother and daughter, my arms around their shoulders, very, very aware that I was helping display all of us to my son's eager gaze. I also became very aware that I'd not seen him quite so obviously naked as a young adult, and my boy was rigid! "I take it you think you're going to enjoy being locked down with us three?"

"Fuck, yes," he managed.

"Do my melons meet with your approval then?"

He laughed, "Fuck, yes, again."

"How about my tiny ones?"

"That's my hattrick of fuck yeses!"

"Ange, baby-girl, take it from your own mother -- you barely have tits! You take after your father," she laughed -- and it wasn't cruel, I could tell.

Apparently, so could my boy, "Angie, your tits are more like fantastic bare!" His eyes flicked up to mine, "And before you say it, mum, yours are perfect."

"Aw," Mel laughed, "he knows who to suck up to when there's a roof to keep over his head."

"I'd even settle for that," I grinned at my boy, "But I reckon he means it. Now, though, there's some fresh meat on offer. Who's gonna get that gorgeous cock first, huh?"

That brought a loud laugh from Mel, and a quiet giggle from Angharad -- and I knew that the outrageous party was about to start. Especially when Jamie's eyes rolled.

"I happen to know you have plenty of stamina," I laughed, "So I'm not sure it really matters who gets the first go!"

I fully expected Mel to step forward, melons heaving, but the slender Angie shrugged my hand off her shoulder and stepped forward instead.

"If we're all going to have fun here, I want to start getting used to it as soon as I can," She paused and looked into my son's eyes, "If you want the tiniest-breasted one..."

Jamie almost leapt forward and took one of Angie's hands, "They're perfect on you, Angie, and I'd be honoured to play with you first!"

I smiled, somehow proud of my son, no matter the circumstances, not to mention suddenly eager to see the next moves. And to judge by the hug I was now getting from Mel, I wasn't the only one. Jamie began to kiss and caress Angharad's naked elegance, and the world changed for me.

Here's the thing, you see. Other than some very ineffective experimentation back when I was at school, I had never been with a woman sexually, and I'd never had any inclination or interest in that direction. I was resolutely, naturally straight. But when my son's lips closed over Angharad's right nipple, as I say, my world changed. My free hand reached for my friend's generous breasts and when her free hand in turn cupped my own naked tits one by one, a new excitement surged through me.

Mel and I kept our eyes on our children, unwilling to lose sight of the erotic display for a single second, but our hands explored more and more. Somehow, some way, my fingers and Mel's fingers found each other's heat and wetness at the exact same time when Jamie's rigid member slid into the clearly wet Angie.

Four loud moans echoed around the room.

There were many more moans in the minutes that followed, and although much of that time was a delicious blur for me, I certainly recall moaning loudly when Mel's tongue parted my wet, hot lips, and recall my much more muffled moan when I returned the pleasure a little later. I remember oh so clearly when Angie's back arched as she climaxed for the first time, and how, a little later she repeated the motion as she came again, that time simultaneously with my boy.

The happy panting and gasping lasted no more than five minutes before Jamie hauled himself to his feet and came over to where melony-Mel lay on the sofa next to me. Seconds later both of them were living out their earlier fantasies as Jamie explored the massive mammaries, and no more than a minute later they both let out loud gasps as my son's once more rigid cock penetrated her slippery heat.

I was entranced to see everything happening so close to me, fascinated by their eager, ravenous eyes, lost in their rapturous moves.

So much so that I didn't even see Angie approaching until her small hands closed over my breasts. And like her mother a few minutes earlier, she began to explore every part of me -- the little girl grown up and grown efficient at pleasuring a woman. I didn't resist in any way, of course, and like with her mother I returned every move and gesture. But unlike with her mum, I found myself lost in these new pleasures, so lost that I forgot all about my son and best friend even though they were so close to me.

My feelings for Jamie had come as a surprise of the most pleasant kind, but Angie was a shock of an even more pleasant variety. Her body was lithe and elegant, sensual with the firmness and flexibility of a teenager and yet her touches with both hands and mouth spoke of a learned maturity that drove me to new heights. Before her mother just few minutes earlier I had never climaxed at the hands -- well, mouth -- of another woman, and that had been in part because of the view of Jamie bringing Angie to two shuddering climaxes -- but the girl herself needed no assistance in taking me to the ultimate pinnacle of pleasure.

I simply couldn't, and didn't want to, hold back.

Despite my earlier climax with Mel, and a little earlier still with Jamie, Angie found the perfect key, and unlocked the most explosive, joyous climax that I could remember. And, oh fuck, did I howl my pleasure.

In the minutes that followed I was dimly aware of the others reaching their own peaks of joy, but I just lay there, my arms wrapped around my new heroine, my thigh pressed between her legs as she massaged herself to her own climax, her gentle rocking pressing her small, perfect, breasts against mine. I stroked her hair as she shuddered against me, a small echo of my earlier satiation surprising me in the most pleasant of ways, heightened when she tentatively kissed me.

The reality of what was happening all around eventually permeated the ecstatic haze I had drifted into, and I managed to return to a level of alertness that at least let me sit up a little, my new lover clinging like the prettiest limpet on the planet.

Mel noticed my movement and patted my thigh, "Good, isn't she? And your Jamie boy here is a definite eleven out of ten."

"She's a wonder," I nodded, both honest about that and oddly proud of my son. Silly but true.

"You know," my friend continued, sighing contentedly, "I wasn't a thousand percent sure this idea would all work out as we wanted but I'm now thinking it's going to be better than we ever imagined."

"Me too," I laughed, my own contentment bubbling to the surface.

"Me three," Jamie added, slipping from Mel, and flopping down beside her on the sofa.

Angharad raised her head from my chest and let out a soft chuckle, "Me four, I guess."

"I vote we drink to that," I laughed.

"At the risk of starting it all again, me too," Mel nodded, "And I vote that Jamie is closest to the kitchen so he should go and get the wine you opened earlier."

"Good call," I nodded.

My son let out a dramatic sigh, "Oh, I see. The gender minority becomes the downtrodden slave, huh?"

I laughed again, "I would say 'now you know how women feel' but given how many of us you've been happily feeling for the last little while it seems rather pointless. Don't forget the glasses."

He stuck his tongue out in my general direction but hauled himself to his feet and headed for the kitchen.

"Don't forget to check that Yeti has plenty of water in his bowl!"

That earned me a rather rude gesture, and laughs from the other women. Plus Mel adding, "Don't tire him out -- I have a feeling he's going to need every gram of energy he has."

For all that I was loving my entry into the Sapphic delights of my friend and her daughter, I could only agree. ***** The rest of that first day passed in a winey blur of delight. The only time clothes were called on was when a couple of pizzas were delivered -- not part of the original planned culinary delights I had intended but deemed a good idea under the new circumstances.

And whether it was the food, the booze, the sexual shenanigans or, more likely, a combination of all three or not, we were all yawning before the clock had struck ten.

It was easily decided that we would share beds in our 'normal' familial pairs, and Jamie and I retreated to my room as Mel and Angie headed for the largest of the guest rooms.

For all that I was thinking of one last coupling to round off an incredible day, I was asleep almost before I could glory in the feel of Jamie easing up beside me. And that was it for me until daylight flickering across my face roused me.

It may not have been the most romantic, or even appropriate, first thought but I sat up quickly and shook Jamie's shoulder, saying, "Yeti!"

My son's eyes opened slowly, "I went down a while back and had a quick tidy up."

"You should have woken me. We had an agreement--"

"It's okay mum, I promise. He hadn't been as messy as before and anyway, he'd woken the others and Angie came down."

"Ah," I grinned down at him, "As long as you got your regular nightly sight of some tits!"

He managed one of his trademark shrugs, grinning back, "Yeah. And a feel last night as well."

"I can't say I blame you. She's a real cutie."

His hands rose to cup my slightly larger assets, "Cute but not as cute as you."

"Yeah, right," I giggled, then moaned, "Care to show me how cute you think I am, always assuming you have sufficient energy remaining?"

A few seconds later he'd sat up, uncurled, and flipped me back on my shoulders, spearing me with his evident -- very evident -- demonstration of how cute he thought I was. And it took another fifteen minutes at least before the proof became very deep and messy. A lovely start to our first full day as a bubbled foursome.

That with Jamie was no surprise, but breakfast being ready for us both when we went down was definitely unexpected -- as was the tidied kitchen and a sleeping, belly-filled puppy. Perhaps the biggest surprise though was that it went on -- and on.

What had seemed to be a first day treat happened on the second day, too. And the third, fourth, fifth and... well, you get the picture, I'm sure. And it was never a sort of reward or prize for 'services rendered' or the payback for some treatment me or Jamie had given -- it was just Mel's or Angie's way of life, and we were automatically included.

That was the story behind everything right from the start. The lovely pair of ladies became part of our lives from day one and it all seemed so very, very natural to us all -- an unspoken new way of living. Even Yeti treated everyone with equal disdain and/or affection.

The 'new normal', indeed.

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ukrainianukrainianabout 1 year ago

I came back to read again. Still five stars from me. I like to read the comments. Some one said " Only suggestion is that you have someone proofread the story for incorrect wood usage before publishing. ". I wonder what WOOD usage is ? More stories required please. Thank you for your work.

SparkyblueoneSparkyblueoneover 1 year ago

Good to see something new from a writer I've followed for ages. Happy to give this 5 stars

DevilbobyDevilbobyalmost 2 years ago

I've read a few lockdown inspired stories on here, but this is pretty unique and a lot of fun. I just wondered who got the job of walking the Yeti, that's one way of cutting down on the mess in the mornings. Oh damn !! That means someone will have to put some clothes on. " Jamie " !! Angie sounds like my kind of girl, I love little tits.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Good story and well written. Only suggestion is that you have someone proofread the story for incorrect wood usage before publishing.

rufriterrufriterabout 3 years ago

Fast forward 18 months to 3 totally uninhibited women, a rampant son and an even more rampant Newfie.

The mind boggles.

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