Six White Boomers


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'So how has that happened - I mean without the time-trap?' Holly asked.

'It's a sort of back-up procedure I/we have - it's only supposed to be used in emergencies, though I've never yet actually had one of those. I can sort of pop into existence, just for a few minutes, to fix things if something goes terribly wrong. Well I admit that on a few occasions, when there's been a particularly attractive women lying about dreaming of what it might be like to have Father Christmas fuck - I mean, make love to her - well, temptations like that are sometimes extremely hard to resist.'

'Naughty Father Christmas!' Holly chided gigglingly, then added a touch more seriously. 'At least that means you have a precedent for doing what I want you to.'

'Well, yes, I suppose that's true - but when I've done it before it's not usually on a metal roof - it's not really a surface conducive to love-making Holly - and come to that, neither is the cab of the truck.'

'Oh I've thought of that too!' Holly said, jumping up and heading for the air-conditioner housing.

The combination of the shortness of the nightie and the flimsiness of the scanty panties seemed to only add to the seductiveness of her tautly jiggling bottom and Kris watched with an ever rising sense of enthusiasm for what she had suggested as she bent and started pulling something out from behind the equipment.

It was a large, already fully inflated double-sized blow-up mattress.

'See, this should be fine!' she said exultantly. 'So, do you have any more excuses? And anyway, if that bulge that I've been watching growing in your shorts is anything to go by, it looks as though you definitely fancy me!'

Her comment prompted Kris to look down at himself, and sure enough, there down one side of his shorts was the unmistakeable bulge of his already stiffening cock.

“Holly it would be almost impossible for any red-blooded male not to, 'fancy' you, as you so crudely put it. You probably have no idea of just how beautiful, how desirable you actually are - once you get to Sydney you'll find you'll have men buzzing around you like flies around a honey-pot. So if you don't want to end up on the rough end of things, you'll need to be well prepared for that.'

'OK, I hear what you say - but right here, right now, will you help me?' she answered appealingly as she took a few hesitant steps towards him.

'If you're absolutely sure it's what you want Holly, yes - and I'll do my very best to make it as good as I can for you.' Kris replied, reaching out to slip the nightie down over her shoulders.

Even though its semi-transparent fabric had previously allowed him teasingly tantalising glimpses of their firmly upcurving fullness, and its flimsy delicacy had allowed it cling to their gently swaying motion each time she'd moved - seeing her fully naked breasts for the first time still took Kris' breath away.

Holly heard his sharp intake as the gauzy fabric slid down to her feet, fully exposing the true beauty of her. 'Sweet heaven!' he gasped.

The combination of the star-light and the somewhat brighter, violet glow subtly changed the milk-coffee colour of her skin - giving Kris the momentary impression that she might in fact be some supremely gifted artist's final and definitive work - a representation of the ultimate in feminine beauty - a work which had then been cast in highly polished bronze.

Even though his eyes remained firmly fixed on those gloriously magnificent breasts Kris slid his hands lower, curling his fingers over the waistband of her panties, then, dropping to his knees, slowly pushed them downwards.

Once she had stepped free he remained kneeling, staring open-mouthed upwards at the full extent of her unbelievable exquisiteness. Even the sight of her breasts, plus the glimpses he'd previously had of the rest of her through the gauzily wispy fabric hadn't prepared him for the impact of seeing her totally naked body. 'I have seen countless numbers of beautiful women Holly, but I have never, ever seen a woman as beautiful as you are.' he murmured throatily.

The whispering brush of his fingers as he'd undressed her had set Holly's skin a-tingling, hearing those words and seeing him kneeling there, gazing up with eyes filled with such obvious hungry adoration, had a similar, but very much stronger affect on other parts of her. Her lips longed for the anticipated passion in his kisses and her hands for the feel of the hard, masculine strength of his body - at the same time, rippling out from the very core of her were even more powerful sensations, sensations that she felt tightening her breasts, tautening her nipples and making her pussy almost instantly moistly ready for him.

She reached down and urged him to his feet again. 'Then kiss me, please.' she murmured.

A faint shiver ran through her as he slipped one arm around her waist and pulled her gently towards him. 'Just remember one thing Holly, if at any time you want me to stop, just say so. No matter what I am doing, no matter how worked-up I seem to be, if you want me stop, for any reason at all, I will. Do you understand?' Kris said.

'Yes. But I won't want you to stop.'

'But if you do.' he said, but got no further because at that precise moment Holly put her arm around his neck and pulled his lips down on to hers.

They were even softer, moister and more responsive than he had imagined they might be and as they kissed he simply couldn't help himself fitting one hand around the tight curve of her arse and gently pressing himself against her.

He could tell from the way she initially held herself that in spite of her outward bravado she was still a little tense. It was understandable that she should be feeling nervous about what was actually going to happen, so he took his time, stroking her hair, or running his fingers up and down her back as they continued to kiss. But it wasn't long before he felt her body relaxing, pressing herself forward, and as he tightened his grip of her bottom and pulled her even closer he felt her tongue searching for his, then her thigh pressing against the already hardened length of his cock.

Then, easing himself back a little and trailing kisses across her face and down her neck, he slipped his hand up and cupped her breast. The unbelievably firm, silky flesh fitted into it as though it had been made to measure, and as he began to gently squeeze and fondle it Holly gave a low sigh. 'That feels so nice Kris.'

'It'll feel even nicer if I kiss them too, and that'll be easier if you sit down again.' he whispered.

His eyes remained locked on her breasts as she settled herself and he dropped to his knees. 'They are truly the most beautiful breasts I've ever seen Holly.' he whispered.

And they were beautiful; their full but softly rounded curves arcing proudly upwards, their pert tips crowned with dark, slowly stiffening, dusky-red nipples. The urge to touch them was irresistible and for a while he just stroked them, his finger-tips tingling at their silky firmness. Then, moving her legs apart and easing himself forward a little, he kissed them.

The feel of her skin against his cheek was unbelievably exciting and as he continued slowly kissing, licking and fondling her Kris felt his already engorged cock straining against the confine of his shorts.

Just then she gave a loud sigh and pressed his head more firmly against herself, and as he tightened his fingers around the swollen globes, he finally began to nibble and suck the by then tautly jutting nipples.

He continued to concentrate on her breasts for several minutes, until her sighs had turned to low moans and he felt the rest of her body starting to squirm. Then he got up off his knees. 'I think before we go any further it might be a good idea to use that mattress you mentioned.' he suggested softly.

'And it might be a good idea if you got your things off too.' she replied shakily as she got up and moved across to sit on the edge of it.

Kris found the intensity of the way she watched as he began undoing buttons just a little bit unnerving, then when he had got rid of his shirt and boots and pushed down his shorts he saw her eyes widen as she realised that was all he wore. 'Shit!' she gasped when he slid them down and his cock sprang free - then she just sat there staring at it.

He glanced down, and saw what had so impressed her. Although he had felt it throbbing, until he saw the state his cock was in he hadn't fully realised the strength of the effect she'd already had on him. It was not just massively engorged, the amount of blood that had been pumped into it as he got more and more excited had made the veins in the shaft stand out like whipcords, and the bulbous head was already a dark glistening purple, with clear drops of still oozing pre-cum clinging to its tip. He couldn't remember when he'd last seen it looking so fiercesome and that, plus the knowledge that it was the first time she'd actually seen a real one, made her reaction completely understandable.

There were notes of both awe and nervousness in her voice when, after several moment's strained silence, she said. 'I'm never going to be able to take all that!'

'You will Holly, trust me, you will.' he answered as he knelt down and pressed her body flat.

Parting her legs, he eased forward between them and saw that although she had neatly trimmed the triangle of crinkily curling hair on her pubis, she had obviously shaved the area immediately below it, leaving her pussy totally hairless. It looked as lovely as a slowly unfurling rosebud; its dark velvet outer lips curling back to reveal the brighter pink innermost parts, to which drops of moisture clung, shimmering like early morning dew. He moved himself closer and kissed it, then, pressing his lips against her, slid his tongue between those other lips.

The soft warmth of the silkiness of her thighs against his face plus the delicate scent of her arousal in his nostrils, fuelled his already powerful arousal and he felt his cock jerking strongly as he slid his hands under her bottom and lifted her, then, slipping his tongue deeper, he began moving it slowly back and forth.

'Oh! Oh, that's wonderful!' she sighed, raking her fingers through his hair as shivers of delight ran through her body.

He spent even more time on her pussy than he had on her breasts, carefully avoiding her clitoris until the increasing urgency of the sounds she was making, and the way she was writhing, told him she was building towards a climax. So, at the first light flick of the hardened ridge she reacted as though she'd been hit by an electric shock, her fingers gripping his hair, her hips jerking high off the mattress.

Tightening his grip of her but keeping the pressure of his tongue as light as possible, he felt her reactions increasing in intensity as he gradually increased the speed of its flickering. It wasn't long before her sighing moans turned to more demanding grunts, and, as though afraid he might suddenly stop what he was doing, her hands gripped his head much more tightly.

Wanting her body to be as open and relaxed as possible before entering her, he took her all the way through several climaxes with his tongue. Then, with the sounds of her delight still ringing in his ears and the taste of the acrid sweetness of her pussy in his mouth, he got up on to his knees.

As he moved she opened her eyes and looked up at him. He could tell from the dreamy expression on her face that she was still experiencing the afterglow of her multiple orgasm and she gave him an adoring smile then said in a hoarse whisper. 'I've only ever dreamed and fantasised about that, but it was even more wonderful than I'd ever imagined!'

'I'm glad you enjoyed it, now just relax Holly.' he replied, stroking her face and hair with one hand and guiding his cock with the other.

The feel of her pussy-lips slipping over the head was simply indescribable but he could tell from the way her smile changed to a look of apprehension when she felt it pushing into her, that she was still worried about being able to take it. He was determined that she should remember the loss of her sexual virginity as a time of extreme pleasure, not pain, and entering her while her body was still winding down from her orgasm gave him the best chance of achieving that. But although her climax had made her pussy slippery, it was still such a tight fit that for a moment or two he wondered if she was right.

But they were both surprised when, after slowly rocking back and forth so he could gradually ease a little more of his cock inside and had got about a third of it into her, he felt what he knew must be her hymen restraining further progress.

He held himself still and said. 'I thought you said you had lost this.'

'I thought I would have - never mind, I will now.' she replied dreamily.

There was only one way to do it, so having made sure that she was really wet by making a series of shorter, quicker movements, he made a sudden, much stronger thrust, and broke through.

She gave a short, sharp cry and he pulled back then held himself still again, giving her time to recover. 'That's it Holly, the worst's over. Now, just relax.' he whispered tenderly.

She opened her eyes, lifted herself and looked down at his partially embedded cock, then smiled up at him. 'That wasn't so bad, there was hardly any pain. But you are incredibly big!'

'You can take it, just relax and enjoy what's coming.' he said as he began to slowly rock back and forth again, and as those movements triggered fresh waves of pleasure she sighed and lay back, giving herself up to whatever was to come.

Even though she was young and he had known this was her first time, he had never really imagined she would be as tight as she was, and if she hadn't reacted so strongly, and produced so much lubricant, he might not have been able to get fully inside her. As it was each time he pushed forward it felt as though he was squeezing his cock down a narrow tube, and the sensations generated by the friction were truly electrifying. He continued to use the slow rocking motion, gradually easing his cock deeper, in that way not only reducing the risk of hurting her, but also giving himself more time to savour those truly amazing sensations.

Then Holly gave a sigh of utter satisfaction, and when she reached up, slipped her arms around him and pulled him down against herself so they could kiss, he realised that his pelvis was hard up against hers. When their mouths and tongues had finally had enough of each other's she opened her darkly misted eyes and smiled up at him. 'I can't believe it, I've actually got all of you inside me!'

'I never doubted that you would Holly. How does it feel?'

'I can't tell you - I mean I can't describe it. You're so big I can feel my body being stretched wide open, but even so, at the same time it's also completely and utterly full! It's a wonderful feeling, even better than I ever imagined it would be. But are you going to do it properly now?' she added.

'Mmm, I can't hold on for too much longer, you're very tight, and the feelings I'm getting are very, very exciting.' Kris admitted.

Her eyes sparkled with delight as she replied. 'Oh good! I was a bit worried that because I don't know enough to help you, I might disappoint you.'

'You're anything but a disappointment Holly.' he said, and she gave a low moan, her eyes closing as he began to move again, that time using longer, deeper strokes.

Looking down at her gave him yet another opportunity to appreciate just how really lovely she actually was. She had a face and body to tempt a saint - and he was certainly not one of those - breathtakingly beautiful to look at, her curves almost impossibly perfect, and her pussy, well he'd simply never experienced one that produced sensations anything like those he was feeling right then. Yet even though his brain was overwhelmed by the intensity of the thrills she was giving him he still found himself wondering exactly what it was that had prompted her to choose him to be the one to initiate her, wondered but was elated and knew he would be eternally grateful that she had.

In return he wanted to make her first time as wonderful and as memorable for her as he could, so he let her take her time in reaching that orgasm. Doing his very best to ignore the thrills coursing through his own body; he initially continued to use a slow, steady rhythm, watching and listening to her reactions so he could pace the speed of his movements to her steadily increasing need.

He could tell from the expression on her face that the earlier, brief, stabbing pain had been quickly forgotten and it wasn't long before he saw her already misty eyes glazing, her face flushing more darkly and her breathy sighs turning to deeper, lower moans. Recognising she was finally starting to build towards an even more powerful kind of climax he gradually increased both the speed and power of his strokes until he was making her entire body shudder each time he thrust deep inside her.

The flush quickly darkened, spreading down her neck and as her eyes rolled upwards and her moans turned to sharper, louder grunts she started thrusting her hips up to meet his steadily plunging cock. 'Ooh yes! Yeesss!' she cried in a high pitched wail as she worked up to a climax that proved to be even stronger than any of her previous ones, each powerful contraction gripping his cock almost unbearably tightly.

Until then he had been pleased at the strength of his self-control, but the intensity of the sensations her spasming pussy were then generating were just too much. It was as though his churning semen had suddenly reached boiling point and as he felt an inner surge his body began to thrust his cock harder, faster, and deeper. Then a hoarse cry broke from his throat as the surge became a rush, then the bottled-up fluids literally exploded, the first load searing up through his pistoning shaft and jetting deep into Holly's still convulsing body.

She gave a loud shriek as she felt the force of it. Then, as his cock continued its frenzied thrusting and she realised he hadn't finished, she cried out with increasing delight, clawing at his back, lifting and wrapping her legs around him, pulling him down, forcing his still spouting cock even deeper inside herself.

Her wild and ecstatic response gave him renewed vigour, he felt both exhilarated and inexhaustible, and even after he felt sure his balls must have been completely drained he continued powering in and out of her.

He couldn't remember the last time he had felt like that, nor had either the need or the sheer strength to achieve a double climax. But that time, with Holly, he did, pumping still more semen into her heaving, writhing body as a second, although admittedly not quite as powerful orgasm ripped through him several, ecstatically thrillingly long minutes later.

Then they lay there, still locked together, for several more minutes; hearts hammering, breaths gasping, bodily functions slowly returning to something more approximating normality - then Holly reached out and found the moist towelettes she'd also brought up on to the roof.

Although there were traces they were both surprised at how little blood her deflowering had produced. 'I think you might have at least partially ruptured it earlier.' Kris suggested as he finished wiping the sticky mixture from his genitals.

'Well it's well and truly gone now - thanks to you.' Holly replied, leaning across to give him a grateful kiss. 'I know I've a lot more to learn, but now I know how wonderful it can be I won't be anywhere as nervous as I would have been before. It's a perfectly wonderful Christmas present, so thank you!'

'Believe me Holly, I'm the one who should be thanking you.' Kris replied. 'I meant what I said when I said I had never seen a woman as beautiful as you are - and when it comes to the sex itself, you were phenomenal! Any man who wins you is to be envied - I know I already envy him, whoever he may be.' he added.