Six White Boomers


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'That's very sweet of you Kris. Now, I'm afraid I haven't got any Christmas cake to offer you, but I do have a couple of beers, if you'd like one?'

'A beer? Sounds great! What other goodies have you got up here?'

'That's it I'm afraid, just the beer - and me.' she answered as she rolled over and reached up and around behind the air-conditioner housing and tugged out a cooler bag.

'Holly a man couldn't ask for any more than that.' Kris replied throatily as he stared down at the all too brief but nonetheless stirring sight of her tautly rounded bottom her movement gave him.

'Would you open mine for me, I've never mastered these twist caps.' she said, handing him two still icy cold bottles. 'Then you can tell me about some of those other women who have tempted you.'

'Oh I think not Holly, I'd much rather hear about you - about your plans for the future, I mean your career plans.' he added with a grin.

So, as they slowly sipped their beers, Holly told Kris about her hopes and aspirations. Yet even as she talked, and he interposed a few sometimes quite specific questions, each found themselves continuing to admire the other. And, in time, although each would have said the intensity of their coupling should have more than sated their desires, each would have had to admit that the sight and very nearness of the other was undoubtedly re-firing something within them.

Some time later, and although the sight of a flaccid male penis was not in itself particularly arousing, Holly couldn't help herself from thinking about and being fascinated by the comparison between that and what she had seen earlier - and with the actual process that could so magically bring about such a transformation.

Knowing she might not have another opportunity quite like this one - at least not for some time - she steeled herself, put down her still unfinished beer and reached out to rest a hand on Kris' thigh. 'We still have a little more time, don't we?' she asked a little nervously.

Kris looked down at her hand, felt its soft, slow, upward glide - and replied. 'It's a quantum mechanics time-trap Holly, apart from the strain it's putting on the power grid, you know we do.'

'So would you let me do it this time? I probably won't be any good at it, after all I've never done it before. But would you let me try? Will you tell me what to do?'

Kris drained the last of his beer, put the bottle down, and lay back. 'Be my guest.' he answered.

She slid her hand higher and slipped her fingers around and beneath him and even that first, tentative touch sent small, shock-like thrills running through him - and it took a definite effort for him to keep his voice steady when he told her what to do next. 'Curl your hand under my balls, get used to the feel of them by rolling them around in your fingers - but be gentle, they're very sensitive and if you get too rough you can hurt a guy.'

Holly did exactly as he suggested and he felt her touch becoming more confident.

'Is this exciting for you Kris?'

'It feels very nice, I'm trying to hold myself back at the moment, to give you a chance of understanding how everything's put together. Once I let go, start to get excited, then my balls get even more sensitive and doing what you're doing now adds to those exciting feelings. O.K.?'

'Yes, I understand. You mean, once you start to get an erection.'


'That's what I want to see, so please, let yourself go. But as I said, please tell me what to do for you.'

'O.K - to begin with use one hand to continue what you're doing, and with the other one start stroking my cock.'

Holding his balls in her left hand she took the shaft between the finger-tips of her right and pushed the loose folds of skin back until she had the head fully exposed. The feelings he'd been struggling to keep under control suddenly took over, sending blood pulsing through his body and soon after her fingers began slipping back and forth she felt his cock twitching.

'Oh Kris I can feel it, it feels as though it's coming to life.' Holly excitedly exclaimed.

'And that's exactly what is happening; so as it starts to grow and stiffen curl your fingers right around the shaft, then vary the way you stroke it. Try using several little ones up and down over the head - then a few longer, slower ones right down to the base.' Kris told her.

She did as he'd suggested and as the strength of the sensations increased and more and more blood pumped into it, she watched it lengthening and thickening; each stroke seemed to make his cock grow a little bigger, a little harder, the head turning a deeper shade of red as it became more swollen.

'How does it feel? Am I doing it right? she asked anxiously.

'There's really no right or wrong way Holly - sometimes it needs to be strong and quick, sometimes slow and gentle, sometimes a combination of different things. Right now that's just perfect. Don't stop though, until it's fully erect make sure you keep some sort of movement going, no matter how slight, that keeps the pressure rising.'

'Does it feel nicer as it gets bigger?'

'Oh yes. It gets much more sensitive.'

'I thought so, I can feel your body getting, well, sort of tense.'

'That's caused by both the increasing pressure inside me and the sense of anticipation of what you might do next. As you must have found out when you began masturbating yourself, the more worked-up you get, the harder it becomes to stop - until, when you're very close to having a climax, it becomes virtually impossible. And that's especially true for the male. A man's hormones, especially a young man's, are very powerful, sometimes it's almost as though the cock has a mind of its own - and it's very single-minded, especially when it's fully erect. You need to understand that Holly, for when you have a boy-friend I mean. You might start out by just teasing him and neither of you might have intended to let things go too far - but if you get him too excited, or if you let yourself get too excited, neither of you might be able to stop what happens.'

'I understand Kris, and I'll remember what you say. But I certainly don't want you to stop.' she said as she intensified what she was doing with her hands - and he moaned as the waves of rising pleasure surged through him even more strongly.

Then just a little later she added. 'It's got so big. Is it fully erect now?'

Looking down he saw what she had done to it, the shaft was rock hard, the head bloated and starting to turn a dark, glossy purple. But before he had a chance to tell her she was right, she added. 'And I'm getting hot too Kris, my pussy's getting really wet again.'

Just the thought that she was getting physically re-aroused by handling him was in itself exciting and on top of the continuing urging of her fingers, the realisation that she was, was the final straw - and he groaned with suddenly increased excitement.

'Ooh! That feels incredible!' she gasped. 'I can feel it throbbing - it's got so hard - and so big!' Then, giving his balls a slightly stronger squeeze, she pushed her other hand all the way down to the base, gripping it tightly as she stared at what she had done to him.

'It's fantastic!' she said quietly. 'So strong, so powerful. But beautiful too - the colours! The head looks like a sort of helmet. And it's so smooth, so shiny. The skin's like silk.'

She leaned slightly forwards and brushed it against the soft curve of her cheek, sending shivers of delight coursing through him and in spite of the tightness of her grip, not only making his cock jerk strongly but also stimulating the first few drops of pre-cum to seep up out of its eye.

'Oh, it - I mean you like that, don't you. And that's what's called pre-cum isn't it.' she said looking up and smiling as he nodded. 'I bet you'll like this even more then.' she added as she bent her head low again, then slowly lapped up the trickling flow as she rasped her tongue over his cock-head.

It took a lot of will-power to stop himself from thrusting upward, pushing it between her lips and into the moist warmth of her mouth. But he couldn't stop his body's other reactions and she obviously saw the way his muscles flexed, felt their suddenly increased tension and after a few more deeply stirring swirls with her tongue, she paused, kissed the tip, then looked up, saw the expression on his face and gave him a questioning look.

'That's really nice isn't it.'

'Nice isn't quite the right word Holly.' he answered hoarsely. 'The head is very sensitive, especially the rim and the groove behind it.'

'The rim and groove.' she murmured to herself as she brought her hand back up along the shaft and while keeping her eyes on his face to check his reaction, spread the translucent fluid over it as she explored the area with her fingers; lightly brushing them around the channel, slipping them up over the rim, her thumb grazing the sensitive ridge of flesh beneath the head. The effect was electrifying - and that time he couldn't suppress the urge to thrust upward and as he did, Holly had to sway backwards so she could maintain her hold, her other hand automatically tightening its grip of his balls and in turn causing another strong spasm.

'Yes it certainly is sensitive isn't it?' she said throatily. 'In spite of what's seeping out of it, it looks as though it's going to burst - and your balls have got very tight too, I didn't hurt you did I?'

'No.' he grunted indistinctly.

'Oh I see, I remember what you said about it being even better if I do both things at once.' she said under her breath - and increased the pressure inside him by several notches as she co-ordinated what both hands were doing.

His reactions grew stronger and stronger and a minute or two later she anxiously asked. 'Are you nearly there yet?'


'O.K.' she said, then, as she brought her actions to a halt and simply held his throbbingly quivering cock in her hands, added. 'Obviously I'm not going to waste the opportunity of feeling you inside me again, but, if I was with a man I didn't want to have full-on sex with, what would be the best thing to do for him, what would be the best way of getting him off?'

'You could either take him in your mouth.' Kris answered from between tightly gritted teeth.

'That's called a blow-job, isn't it?'

'That's right - but just remember to suck, not blow.' he managed to answer in a strained but still recognisably joking tone. 'Or you can just keep doing what you have been - most men like you to pump it a bit harder as they get close to climaxing, but the actual techniques are almost infinitely variable. Or you could lean forward and slip it up between your breasts - just about all men love the feel of having their cock wedged in between them - and with breasts like yours I know the results would be absolutely sensational! But whatever you choose to do, you can have a lot of fun experimenting.' he added as he continued trying to suppress the effect of the feelings she'd generated inside him.

'There's so much to learn.' Holly said softly as she continued staring down at the sight of his pulsatingly straining cock.

'And don't ever forget to satisfy your own pleasure. You'll probably find that some things are more exciting for you than some others are, make sure your guy knows what they are - and that he delivers on them for you. Sex, good sex, is a two-way business - you're not there just to satisfy his needs.'

'I understand Kris - and if that's true, I'm more than ready to take a little pleasure from you. I've found that just doing what I have been has actually got me super-horny. But as I said, this time I want to do it!' she added as she pushed herself up.

Kris stared up at her as she stood and stepped astride him; into her darkly glinting eyes, at her sexily pouting mouth, those amazingly upthrusting breasts, the narrow waist, smoothly flat stomach and gently flaring hips, the long, slenderly shapely length of her legs and thighs - and there, nestling high up between them, her moistly rosy-pink pussy

'I saw it being done this way in something I saw on the Net.' Holly whispered as she planted her feet, bent her knees, and lowered herself downwards. 'I thought it looked a really good way of doing it.' she added as she reached one hand down to steady Kris' cock.

'Oh it certainly can be Holly.' Kris replied when he realised what she was about to do. 'You'll find you can take me really, really deep this way, but it means that you're the one who has control of just how deep that is. And for the man, well at least with a pussy as tight as yours is, the effect can be a bit like having a suction pump attached to his cock.'

'So that's what they call a win-win situation - well, position.' she replied as she felt the bulging tip of it brushing against her pussy-lips - then let out a long drawn-out sigh as she pushed herself slowly, very slowly down, absorbing him little by little, steadily using the long, rigid mass to gradually fill herself.

Because her pussy was still so thickly coated with the mixture of their fluids she found it much easier to push herself all the way down it than she'd expected, and having done so, Holly rested for a moment, squatting on him, her tensed buttocks just lightly brushing the tops of his thighs. 'It's a wonderful feeling Kris - I just wish I could even start to describe just how wonderful!' Holly gasped, then, gripping her knees for balance, she began to move; moaning softly as she slowly rose and fell.

Kris gasped from the intensity of the pleasure she gave him when he felt his cock being drawn up between her clinging pussy-lips, then did so even more loudly as she took it deeper, the velvety lining sending shockwaves of excitement coursing up through him as he felt it pulling up and down the entire length.

'Oh yes, that's fantastic!' Holly exclaimed hoarsely, revelling in the thrills she was getting from the feel of having the rock-hard length pistoning up and down inside her. 'But I don't want us to rush things Kris.' she added.

Although almost completely overwhelmed by the sensations that flooded every nerve and fibre of his body, Kris understood and held his natural reactions in check, but he couldn't keep his eyes from feasting off her; especially her breasts, and their sharply jutting nipples. And, unable to resist the impulse, he reached up and lightly brushed the silky smoothness of them - feeling the hardness of her nipples grazing against his palms. Then, taking them between his fingers, he rolled and squeezed them - hearing her groan and feeling her grind herself down even harder in response.

Initially, in spite of the additional stimulation Kris' hands were giving her, Holly was able to keep to her original intentions; riding him slowly but steadily, keeping her actions to a regularly rhythmic beat. But in time the combination of feelings were just too powerful and in spite of herself, she felt her actions becoming more urgent, the controlled, slow rises and falls giving way to faster, sharper movements - and Kris sensed that she was being driven by an inner, quickly growing urgency.

Then, as her body began responding even more strongly to those twin stimulations, her breaths began to come in a series of more explosive grunts.

It hit her suddenly! It seemed that one moment she was riding him, enjoying him, still able to savour the thrills that his deeply spearing cock was giving her - but the next - the hard but steady ride had become a bolting gallop. Holly heard herself shriek, felt she had lost control of her own body, that it had been gripped by some sort of furious frenzy.

Kris felt the sudden change, felt the sheer heat of her, felt the convulsing folds of her pussy tightly gripping his cock as she continued powering up and down.

As the strength of what was happening to her grew even stronger Holly arched herself backwards, her hands reaching behind and grabbing hold of his legs for support - and, as she did that, treating Kris to the sight of his massively swollen shaft disappearing up into her. Her pussy-lips were thickly swollen, a dark, glistening red and, as his eyes focussed, he could even see the raw, swollen nub of her clit poking out from under the hood that normally shrouded it.

He reached forward, and using just the very tip of one finger, began to lightly rub up and across it.

At that touch, Holly finally went high over the top!

She literally screamed at the intensity of what ripped through her and rammed herself down so hard he felt sure she was stripping every single layer of skin from his cock.

The accumulated volume of semen was by then making his tightly swollen balls ache painfully and he began uttering harsh guttural sounds as that pain only served to further increase the mindless rapture that she was creating for him. By then it was impossible for him to continue controlling himself and he began thrusting, driving his cock deep into her cunt - each time he did that, hearing Holly's cries of her own still intensifying pleasure.

Then - just a split-second before his own began - he heard the upwardly climbing screeches that indicated her orgasm was reaching yet another level of ecstasy. But then even the satisfaction of knowing he had been able to do that for her, faded into absolute insignificance as he felt the all too familiar draining surge ripping up through his own body.

Even as he punched his cock even harder and deeper up inside her, he felt the semen erupting in a thick, seething mass, scorching its way up through his sizzlingly white-hot cock in a series of body-wracking blasts.

As Holly felt that, and although gripped by the force of her own continuing orgasm, she somehow managed to tighten her pussy, squeezing and urging still more from his powerfully pumping cock - then whimpering happily as she felt his body emptying itself somewhere deep, deep inside her.

Once certain she had finally drained every drop and while trying to make sure she still held him inside herself, she bent downward and kissed him.

'That was even better, wasn't it?' she asked once they had both recovered their breath.

'Not just better, the best!' Kris replied, hugging her tight. 'For you too I hope.'

'Oh I'm sure you could tell exactly how fantastic it was for me - I just hope I don't have to wait too long to find another man as wonderful as you are.' she added somewhat regretfully.

'You'll find that once your emotions kick-in with a particular man what you feel will become even more meaningful Holly - after all, what we have just shared has really been purely physical. And no matter how amazingly strong the feelings we got from it have been, you'll find they'll pale into insignificance when compared with those you'll feel from making love to the person you are actually in love with.'

'It's hard to imagine how that could be possible - but for now, I'll believe you.' she replied. 'But now I suppose you'll want to think about getting under way again.'

'I should. Apart from anything else, we ought to be thinking about what's happening to the power grid. This time-trap of yours is probably causing all sorts of problems for someone, somewhere.'

'I know, I've been trying not to think about that - I could never really work out exactly what the impact of it might be. I know I should have - but it was hard enough getting it to work.'

'What's done is done Holly - but you do understand that it's not something you'll be able to repeat?'

'Oh yes, I knew that although it was theoretically possible, once done it could never be triggered a second time. That's the main reason why I had everything ready for us. Oh, and there are still a few more beers in the bag - would you like another?' she asked as she finally and squelchingly lifted herself up off of him.

'I'll take another one with me - even though it's not the most appropriate thing at least that way I'll always have a memento of you.'