Stock Ch. 19-33


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Just then, Elizabeth’s ruminations were interrupted by a knocking on her door. She looked up to see Sean standing in her doorway carrying a pizza box and a long stemmed rose in his teeth. “What are you doing here?” Elizabeth watched her boyfriend close the door behind him and then placed the pizza on the cleared space on her desk.

“Hello to you, too,” he said as he handed her the rose. “I was just in the neighborhood and decided to see how my lovely girlfriend was doing.”

Elizabeth blushed at being so rude and made up for it by giving him a peck on the cheek. “Bullshit you were in the neighborhood.” Her accounting office was clear in the opposite direction to the college campus from her house. “You came all this way just to see me and hopefully get lucky.” She leaned in a bit and whispered in his ear. “They don’t call it ‘getting lucky’ for no reason.”

Sean gave her a peck on the nose and chuckled. “Ah, busted! Well, I saw how rushed you were when you woke up late this morning and thought it better to get you something a bit more filling for lunch then a ham sandwich and a banana.”


“Of course.”

Elizabeth laughed. “Of course. You’re incorrigible.”

“What’s there to fix? I am perfect.”

“I would consider that comment arrogant if it weren’t for the fact that I agree with you. Now come here and show me how perfect you are.”

“With pleasure,” he replied as he stepped around her desk and planted a wet one on her lips. Their lips lingered in playful comfort that could only come from devoted trust and affection. Elizabeth always relished his kisses. That was another thing, he was a good kisser. Sean broke the kiss and then sat down on the floor, his back to the wall. He always wore jeans and a denim shirt no matter where he went, ‘a part of his style’ as he explained it, so he could sit wherever he pleased. Elizabeth was slowly changing his wardrobe for the better, giving him slacks and nice shirts. Who was she kidding? He never wore them, much to her chagrin. “Hand me a slice there, love?”

Elizabeth smiled and fished out a steamy piece slathered with chicken and pesto then handed it to him. She picked up a slice for herself and swiveled her chair around as she double checked the windows facing the cubicles. Thank God the blinds were down. She watched Sean wolf down his slice in record time and then scooch up to her desk. “Are you trying to look up my skirt?”

“And what if I were?” he commented mischievously.

“Well, all you had to do was ask,” she replied raised the hem a few inches and spread her legs wide for his perusal. Sean leaned forward and started running kisses up and down her thigh. “Sean, as much as I am enjoying this you are going to get me in serious trouble if we get caught.” Sean didn’t stop his attentions but instead shuffled sideways into the legspace under her desk, swiveling Elizabeth’s chair in the process and pulling it in. “You’re horrible!” Sean chuckled and that sent all new sensations shivering up her spine.

Sean’s tongue decided to join in on the fun and soon enough Elizabeth could feel her loins burning with desire. Her pussy was beginning to leak with lust and she felt Sean move in deeper to clean it up. A small moan escaped her throat as he did so when a sharp knocking at her door snapped her attention back to the world around her. “Come in,” Elizabeth managed to call out shakily.

Her boss, Tanya, opened the door and stepped in. “Hello, Elizabeth. How are you?”

“Just fine, thanks.”

“Good, good to hear,” Tanya replied, somewhat absently. “I just spoke with your boyfriend, Sean, about some sort of trip during Christmas week so I went over your schedule. You haven’t called in sick for quite a while so everything should be okay.”

“Excuse me, trip? What trip?”

“Oh, he didn’t tell you yet. I guess it was supposed to be a surprise or something.” Elizabeth nudged Sean under her desk questioningly. She received a long, slow lick across her labia for a reply that would have made her shudder if it weren’t for the fact that her boss was standing just across the desk from her. He didn’t stop either, his tongue continued to bathe her in gentle licks that got her juices flowing beneath her skirt. Elizabeth had to bite her lower lip to keep from calling out in desire. “Sorry, he didn’t specify what he had planned, just that he wanted to take you out for a week or so.” Tanya sat on the corner of her desk. “Oh, and he got you lunch,” she said as she eyed the pizza.

“Help yourself,” Elizabeth offered. She felt a sharp pain on her right thigh and nearly jumped out of her seat. Sean bit her! Elizabeth responded in kind and gave him a kick under her desk

“I never knew you had a boyfriend, and so young. Looks like someone’s been robbing the cradle. Well, at least he’s not that jerk of an ex-husband of yours. What was his name?”


“Right, that guy was a total ass. Say, you don’t suppose your boyfriend has an older brother or something does he?”

“You have no idea how many people have asked me that,” Elizabeth said between clenched teeth. Sean was getting rather creative under her desk and Elizabeth wanted nothing more than to kick Tanya out and tackle Sean right there under her desk.

“You sure you’re all right, ‘Liz,” Tanya asked. “You’re looking a little flushed.”

“I’m okay, it’s just my period. You know how that can be sometimes.”

Tanya only grunted as she worked her way through a slice of Sean’s pizza. Elizabeth’s boss finished off her slice and then wiped her mouth with a napkin. “Well, I hope you have a nice trip. And tell Sean I’m sorry for spilling the beans,” Tanya said on her way out the door.

Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief as her boss closed the door behind her. Her respite was short lived as Sean attacked her tortured pussy without abandon. His tongue rubbed her clit furiously and when he sucked it into his mouth Elizabeth bucked in her chair at the pleasure washing through her. Sean’s mouth pulled and teased her clit expertly and the tension mounting between her legs exploded through her body like a bolt of lightning. Her body arched in her chair as she bucked beneath her lover’s expert mouth. Elizabeth’s clamped shut with the sensations pounding through her and when she opened them again tiny pinpricks of light dotted her vision. She took a moment to catch her breath, her chest heaving from her orgasm. She felt her panties rolled down her legs and over her feet, followed by the feeling of them used to wipe up her remaining fluids that oozed from her puffy, red mons.

Sean clambered between Elizabeth’s legs and gave her a loving kiss on the lips. Elizabeth hungrily devoured his lips with a satisfied moan. She lingered for a moment on his warm lips then broke the kiss. “Now, mind telling me what this surprise trip is all about?”


“What, you thought making me cum would make me forgetful?” Sean shrugged. “Spill.”

Sean shook his head. “Sorry, love, but no can do. They don’t call these sort of things ‘surprises’ because people know about them.” Elizabeth gave him a dangerously needling stare. “I’m not going to tell.”

Elizabeth weighed his determination then gave a huff of curious annoyance. “Fine, I’ll just have to ask Vanessa.”

“What makes you think Vanessa would know?”

“Because, if I know you then you plan on having Vanessa around during Christmas. So she will be wherever it is we’re going.”

Sean sighed. “Why was I foolish enough to fall in love with a smart woman?”

“Because otherwise you would be bored to death of not being challenged. So, am I challenging you?”

Elizabeth watched as Sean chuckled. “All true, but you’re not going to find out from Vanessa. She doesn’t know, either.” Elizabeth stopped midway as she reached for the phone. The gears in her head clicked into place and she had her answer.

“Eric is in on this, isn’t he?”

“Bingo,” Sean replied, a smile stretched across his face. “You and I both know that he can clam up tighter than a bullfrog’s butt when he wants to. So, we’re in cahoots to pull this off. He’s taking Vanessa and I’ve got you. Here’s a clue, though. Pack warm, very warm. Whatever you miss we’ll buy when we get there. I’m willing to spend a few extra dollars so I can keep the element of surprise in my pocket. Eric is doing the same with Vanessa.” The phone rang. “Matter of fact he should be telling her right about now.”

Elizabeth’s arms zipped out and snatched the phone of its cradle. “Hello?” As Sean had planned, it was Vanessa on the phone.

“Elizabeth, is Sean there?”

Elizabeth answered ‘yes’ and the two took off in a long conversation while at the same time trying to pump their boyfriends for information. ‘Pack warm’ was the only clue that they received. After a while, Elizabeth saw Sean motion that he wanted to talk to Eric on the phone.

“Hey, Eric…Yeah…I talked to her boss and she played out her part to the ‘T’…Yea, Elizabeth didn’t even guess that her boss knew I was down there.” Elizabeth shrieked out in surprise and mortification. “How’d your end go?” He paused as he listened to Eric’s tale, hearing Vanessa shriek in outrage in the background, while Elizabeth stared daggers at him. Sean gave her a peck on the cheek to dampen her fury. “Never saw you coming did she? You and I are going to have to have a game of forest tag one of these days…Look we’d better let our women get back to their work. Alright, talk to you later.”

Elizabeth snatched the phone out of Sean’s hand and slapped it back in its cradle. “Tanya knew you were down there?”

“Oh yeah. Why do you think she commented on you being so flush? I nearly blew my cover from laughing.”

“You can be a mean prankster sometimes.”

“But you enjoyed it. Look, I had to let Tanya know ahead of time what was going on just in case we really did get caught. I’m not about to jeopardize your life outside of our relationship over something inside our relationship. Besides, she was glad that I was telling her and the next thing I knew she wanted in on it. Nice lady, Tanya.”

Elizabeth was too flabbergasted to comment. Tanya knew, and Elizabeth had been seriously duped. She was going to get back at Sean for this and said as much.

“I’ll look forward to it, love,” he said eagerly. “Look, I’d better be heading out to look up on some experiments I’m running. I’ll see you later tonight.”

Elizabeth followed Sean to her door then snatched Sean’s hand as he began to turn away and pulled him back toward her. She gave him a long, lingering kiss and told him that she loved him in the open doorway, the office workers paused a moment to take in the scene then busily shuffled along as if nothing happened. Sean answered as much then Elizabeth spun him around and gave him a playful swat on the behind. “Out with you, you meanie.” When Sean turned the corner out of sight Elizabeth turned around and hunted down her boss.

Chapter 21


Elizabeth slammed the phone in its cradle and stared angrily at her desk. Sean walked up behind her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. He knew better than to say anything at the moment so he stood there and gently rubbed the tension out of her muscles. “It’s Charles again.”

“I surmised as much,” Sean replied softly. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Not unless you can somehow get Charles off my case about those GenenCorp shares that he essentially gave me in our prenup. I think that bastard is haranguing me just for the sadistic pleasure of it. He basically loaned me ten grand as ‘play money’ to spend on the market. You know, something for the wife to keep her occupied while she stays at home. He never expected me to actually come out with gains. The courts agreed though that the money was a gift and how I spent it, and the profits that go with it, were entirely mine. I know he can’t get his hands on it but these damnable phone calls from his lawyer are starting to get on my nerves.”

“And you’re not willing to give it to him because it would be a flag of surrender,” Sean concluded. “You really are a proud woman, you know that?” He brushed his lips against her temple. He continued before she took his comment the wrong way. “It shows that you’ve got something that Charles isn’t used to experiencing. Integrity.” Sean thought of his girlfriend’s dilemma while she fumed. “You know, even if you sold him the shares he’d find something else to hound you about.”

“Don’t you think I know that? That’s exactly why I’m not giving an inch. There’s no way I’m letting him have another single victory over me.”

Sean didn’t ask what else Elizabeth had lost to Charles. “What if we gave him sour grapes?”

“Excuse me?”

“I’ve got an idea that just might work.” Sean started illustrating his plan.


Finally, that useless tramp had given in and was willing to give up her shares of GenenCorp. He’d been pressing the issue for the past week to get her to capitulate. Sources told him that GenenCorp was going to go public with a new drug or something that the FDA just approved of that would revolutionize the fight against heart disease. Like he cared. All he wanted to know was that when he bought the stock it had better make him money. Of course, Elizabeth didn’t give it to him outright. She sold it to him, but still, at a full point below yesterday’s closing price it was still a bargain. She just gave away close to seven thousand dollars, a fortune in her financial situation. Charles thought of that nice house she had and how much it would go for on the market…

Charles’ train of thought was interrupted by his cell phone. “Charles, get on the computer and look up GenenCorp, now.” It was Albert, the tone of his voice alarmed Charles into action. He shoved aside his leather office chair and booted up the stock software he used. GenenCorp was dropping! Some asshole just dumped over two-hundred fifty thousand shares on the market…at thirty-eight and an eighth! That was a full point lower than he just bought Elizabeth’s shares at. Several brokers were jolted into blind action and were madly selling their own shares, causing the price to plummet even further. Charles was losing money. Quickly he typed a few commands and dumped his shares at the going price, a point and a half below what he just bought them at.

Charles let loose a string of curses at Elizabeth. Somehow she knew this was going to happen. Why else would she sell him her shares after holding on to them so tenaciously for so long? She’d fooled him again. He didn’t know how she knew this was going to happen, but she knew. Charles roared in rage and upended his large mahogany desk, sending papers scattering about his room and his computer crashing to the floor. Damnable bitch was going to get her due.


Elizabeth stared at the numbers on the computer screen as she placed her hands on Sean’s shoulders. “Sean. You don’t have to do this. It’s too much.” She lifted her hands to fidget with the sash on her robe.

“Too late now, love. It’s done,” Sean announced with finality.

“Sean you just threw away over half a million dollars.”

“Oh, money well spent if it keeps Charles off your case.”

“But Sean you just sold all of…”

“My GenenCorp shares,” Sean ended for her. “I was getting tired of watching those numbers anyways. Besides, I have other stocks that can certainly pick up the slack.”

“Other shares? Sean you never said anything about…”

“You should know better than I, ‘Liz, that the key to a successful portfolio is to diversify. I’ve got money scattered all over the market.”

Elizabeth let that sink in. “All right, mister. Just how much money are you worth?”

“Roughly speaking, about 43.8 million dollars. Give or take a hundred thousand here or there. Luckily I stepped off the gravy boat when I noticed that Tech stocks were over inflated. The money’s secure. Oh, and I have a few savings bonds and Roth IRAs with various banks.”

“Forty-three…” Elizabeth sat on the floor as her knees gave out beneath her. She stared forward blankly as she tried contemplating the implications of just how rich her boyfriend really was. Forty-four million. She barely noticed the bottle of water handed to her and took a weak sip from the plastic mouth. Sean’s hands gently rubbed her back in a gesture to comfort her as he sat down on the carpet beside her. Forty-four million. Slowly her brain caught up to the rest of her and she was able to breath normally again. “You bastard, why didn’t you tell me earlier you were filthy rich?” Her voice was playful and teasing.

“Well, after how you reacted to just my six million…”

Elizabeth thought of how poorly she reacted when on their first date when Sean told her he was millionaire. It didn’t go well. But since then she had been able to put her prejudices behind her and measure Sean by his heart and his actions. If there were any words to sum him up they would be honorable and noble. And above all else she loved him; that outweighed anything and everything. Elizabeth leaned over to her right and rested her head on Sean’s shoulder then began chuckling. Slowly, she built up her mirth until she was brimming with laughter. “Sean, you really are a dear, you know that?”

Sean had a confused look on his face. Elizabeth’s laughter died down and she gave him a chaste peck on the cheek. “You dear, dear man.” Elizabeth got up and headed for the kitchen to prepare lunch.

“So you’re not mad with me?”

“Mad? Hardly, Sean,” Elizabeth replied, another small giggle tittered out of her. “I’m just wondering what else you haven’t told me yet.”

Sean’s posture changed in a way that told Elizabeth that he had his confidence back. “Well, I can’t very well tell everything. How else am I supposed to keep things exciting?” Sean smiled roguishly.

“Oh, I don’t know.” Elizabeth said as she opened her robe and let it slide over her smooth shoulders to the floor. “I’m sure there are other ways.” She continued her way down the stairs toward the kitchen, Sean’s footsteps hammering after her.

Elizabeth never made it to the kitchen.

Chapter 22

“Now will you tell us where we’re going?”

“To the airport, love,” Sean said as they rode on the freeway. Elizabeth growled at him, Vanessa echoing the same in the back seat with Eric. Sean peered up in the rear view mirror to see Vanessa shooting dagger like determination to have the truth out of Eric. Eric, ever the bastion of silence, didn’t say a word. Although his pale complexion spoke of how he was fairing under the silent assault. “We’ll tell you two when we get there.”

“Do you mean when we land at our final destination or the airport?” Eric joked. “Ow! What was that for?”

Sean spared another look at the mirror and saw Eric cradling his left ribs. Elizabeth wasn’t as bad as Vanessa but he knew he was going to get his dues later. She was the patient sort when it came to retribution…most of the time. Before long Sean found his exit and made his way down the off ramp. They arrived at the airport and had to join the general pile up as other holiday goers made their own ways to loved ones abroad. Sean peered out the window to look up at the skies. The weather had been rainy for the past week but things had lightened up for a bit so hopefully their flight wouldn’t be delayed.

“Okay, we’re here,” Vanessa said anxiously. “So spill. Where are we going?”

“You do the honors, Sean. This was your idea,” Eric said from behind.

“We’re going to Lake Tahoe,” Sean announced simply.

Vanessa squealed in delight and pounced on Eric in the back of the car.

Sean felt Elizabeth’s hand on his own on the wheel. He looked over and saw her soft smile aimed at him. Already, he knew that this trip was the right idea. “I love skiing,” she said. “How’d you know?”

“You thought I spent the whole day with your father and Frank in the wood shed and didn’t learn a few things about you?”