Stuck: with Each Other


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"Of course if you want a real easy option then look no further than your already smitten girlfriend."

"Who? You mean Megan?"

"Of course I mean Megan you dense fuck, girl's had it bad for you for years, she'd probably fuck you here and now if you asked her to. Just be up front with her, if you're just using her for sex then tell her that, don't promise her the moon then fuck off."

For the first time in her life, Nicola saw Kevin be unsure of himself, whether it was the warning she gave him or if the news that someone as blistering hot as Megan was genuinely interested in him she didn't know, but the fear was there before he squashed it down and approached her. Nikki turned back to the kitchen to grab a couple drinks from the fridge, as if on cue Arthur joined her and without question took the drink she handed him.

"Kevin just came up to Megan and said he wanted to talk to her, anything important?"

"Depends on whether he wants to get his dick wet tonight or not."

"Serious? You ok with that?"

"Kevin's old enough to not need my help getting laid and Megan, I love her but she has no idea how much of a smoke-show she is now, figured a little male attention might do her some good. If they fuck, they fuck, it's on them now."

"Seems like sex is on everyone's minds tonight, yours included if that kiss you gave Megan was anything to go by."

Nicola mimed fanning herself, playfully mocking Arthur's anxiety. "Oooh Arthur, did I get you all hot and bothered with my little Sapphic experiment?"

To her surprise Arthur grabbed Nikki's wait and pulled her closer for a kiss. "You fail to realise Nicola, you're my rock now, you're the only thing on this earth that keeps me calm. So make you're dirty jokes and try for shock value, it doesn't work on me anymore."

"Goddamn do I love you."

The couple kissed again and decided there was no guilt in ditching everyone, running like newlyweds the pair darted to their room, locking the door behind them.

"Everyone's gonna know what we're up to in here." Nicola teased, trying to test if what Arthur said was true.

"Everyone already knows we're sleeping together, this really isn't a big deal."

"Sleeping together? God Art once before I die I want to hear you drop an F Bomb."

"Maybe one day, but until then you say it enough for both of us."

"The fuck did you say you..."

Arthur cut her off with another kiss, it started as something quick to catch her off-guard but slowly evolved into a more meaningful and sensual embrace. As the couple parted Nicola found herself staring into Arthur's eyes, silently she fixed his glasses and wrapped her arms around his neck, a huge smile growing on her face.

"Can I ask you something Art, something a little bit serious?"

"Of course you can Nikki, no need to ask."

"I know it's just... earlier you said that if I said yes to your proposal you'd marry me here and now. Is there any truth to that?"

Arthur felt his heart start pummelling his chest and his mind went into overdrive, but one deep breath and one look into Nicola's eyes and he came back down to normality.

"Do you remember, back when you told me about your parents, you said that you would only tell that to the man you were going to spend the rest of your life with, I knew before then that I would fight tooth and nail and keep you in mine. Part of me is scared, scared that you'll turn around one day and realise that you're wasting time on a coward like me, but honestly Nikki anytime spent with you no matter how short is better than no time at all. So yes, I will, one day, propose to you, because you're worth the fight."

Nicola stood there for a couple seconds, then quickly pushed her face into Arthur's chest, trying to hide the tears streaming down her face.

"Fuck you Art, being all perfect and shit, where do you get off?"

"I was hoping here, in this room, in a few minutes."

Nicola's jaw dropped, Arthur wasn't one to drop a dirty joke, especially not after emotionally devastating her like that.

"You cheeky fucker Art. Fine then you wanna fuck, we'll fuck, but I'll get you back for this I swear it."

The smile never left Arthur's face but inside he knew Nikki well enough to know that wasn't an idle threat. But he kept that fear to himself and kissed her, his hands wandering down her back towards her ass. But before he could grab hold she pushed him away, a devilish glint in her eyes.


Not needing told twice, Arthur unbuttoned his shirt and unbuckled his jeans, Nicola likewise took off her top and unfastened her bra. She couldn't help but giggle at little when she saw Arthur was already naked, his cock hard and ready, subconsciously she licked her lips at the sight. As she went to unbutton her trousers Arthur closed the gap between them and stopped her, his erection pressed against her bare stomach and caused her to shiver a little bit.

Without saying a word Arthur gently pushed her backwards onto the bed, then he positioned his head between her legs, softly kissing her pussy through her trousers. Nicola laid her head back and enjoyed the feeling, barely registering when Arthur pulled them off, then did the same with her panties. The first lick sent a shot through her, the second tickled her in the way only Arthur had ever seen, she peaked through her half-closed eyes to look at Art between her legs, he drove his tongue deeper into her cunny, pressing his nose into her mons. Having been fucking the last couple years, Arthur knew exactly how to tease his girlfriend, wide licks to his lips then a random flick of the clit to catch her off-guard, there was little he loved more than the little yelps she gave when he surprised her like that. When he felt Nicola's thigh's tensing up, Art swiftly and sharply put focus onto her clit, sending her tumbling over the edge and nearly crushing his head in the process as Nicola came from the oral assault.

Thinking quickly Nicola put a pillow over her mouth to muffle herself. "FUCCKK! Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck."

Her world still black, Nicola could only feel the bed shift as Arthur climbed up to her, planting kisses on her stomach, then her ribs, then her nipple, her neck, the pillow was tossed aside and a final kiss placed on her lips which she happily reciprocated.

Below the waist Nicole felt Arthur position his dick but she stopped him, with only a wink to warn him, Nikki spun herself round and sat up on her knees, wiggling her ass at Art, knowing how easy it was to entice him with her derriere. Arthur sat entranced for a few seconds, before breaking out and taking his place behind her; he gave Nikki a light smack and sheathed his cock inside her. The snug fit sent another impassioned shiver through her bones and Nicola pushed back to meet Art's strokes, laughing to herself when she heard her ass clap against Art's legs.

"I... fucking... knew you...loved my... ass." Nicola struggled to talk as Art ploughed into her.

For his part Arthur said nothing, he could only watch as a small bead of sweat ran down the back of Nikki's neck, travelled down her spine and caught in the small of her back near where his hands were holding her hips. It was one of the sexiest damn things he'd ever seen and it caught him completely off-guard, subconsciously he was invigorated to fuck harder and faster into Nicola.

"JESUS FUCK!" Nicola nearly screeched at the sudden change of pace. "Where the fuck did that come from?"

Feeling adventurous, Arthur lent forward, his left hand went between her legs to play with her clit while his right grasps her nipple and tugged slightly, rewarding him with a purr of satisfaction. He then gently kissed her ear and whispered.

"Do you like when I fuck you like this?"

Nikki's voice was barely a breath. "Yessssssss. Say it again."

"I'm gonna fuck you harder and harder."

"Pllllleeeaaassseee, keep going."

"Until I cum inside your cunt."

All of a sudden, Nicola's hand shot up and grabbed the back of Arthur's neck, the abrupt shift in weight forced Arthur to let go of her breast and onto the bed to keep them both upright. The sensation of her quivering cunt around him was enough to tip Arthur over the edge and he came with her, shooting a warmth inside her that she yearned for. Sweaty and smiling, the lovers crashed down, Nicola turning to face her man.

"You're a dirty fucker Arthur Ross, getting me with that filthy mouth of yours."

"What can I say, you're a bad influence."

"Well don't think you can pull that trick on me again, the shock value is lost."

"I'll save it for a special occasion."

Nicola sneered but leant in for a kiss as an apology, she then quickly hung herself off the edge to grab her phone from her trousers and check her messages, but as she did an idea formed in her head. She hid her phone behind her back and gently took Arthur's cock in her hand, softly stroking it.

"What are you up to?"

"Just playing with my favourite toy."

"Well it's mine so don't break it."

"As if I would do such a thing Art."

Art tried to think of a comeback but the feeling was too nice to risk losing, so he lay back and let Nikki do her thing. Before long he felt himself getting hard again, to which Nicola quickened her pace.

"What you thinking of?" She asked him tenderly.

"The naked girl holding my dick." He answered boldly.

"I'm serious Art, close your eyes and think of someone, someone who's not me. What do you see?"

Art was understandably confused but followed her line of thought anyway, he closed his eyes and tried to picture another woman in his head. Nicola continued whispering into his ear.

"Picture her long blonde hair cascading down her body, picture curves the likes of which you've never seen, a thick, juicy ass that bounces with every step, luscious tits that'll envelop your cock."

Nicola's description of a busty blonde had a rather strange effect on Art, it was working on getting him aroused, this faceless beauty with a body to die for swam in his mind and kept his dick standing to attention.

Seeing the smile form on Arthur's still blind face, Nicola picked up her phone and went into her photos.

"When I say so Art, I want you to open your eyes, not until I tell you to ok?"


"Alright, ready, 3, 2, 1. Now."

Arthur slowly opened his eyes, readjusting himself to the light. As the blur in his vision faded he realised that Nikki was holding a phone in front of him, a phone with a picture of Megan standing completely topless on it

Part of him wanted to look away from his friend's nudity, another part couldn't move and it was that part that won out as Art suddenly came again from Nicola's playing, even Nikki herself was caught off-guard by the shock explosion.

"Christ Art, little warning next time will you?"

"Where the hell did you get that?"

"Took it myself when Megan was going through her wardrobe, figured it would be useful."

"For what?"

"Ammunition. For when you send me on an emotional spiral then pull that hot-shit routine on me. Don't get me wrong Art I loved it, but I wasn't letting you get away with that."

"But why that, why get me off to not only someone else's nudity but Megan's?"

"Partly because good luck looking her in the eye tomorrow, but mostly because I wanted you to prove you found her smoking hot. I could've asked but you would've said no because you're amazing like that and it would've been a lie. Now I have the truth all over my hand."

"I'm not sure I understand."

"Don't try to Art, it's easier that way."

Nicola kissed Art on the cheek then put her phone away and lifted the covers over them, allowing them to finally drift off to sleep.


Nicola was the first to wake the next morning, a beam of light caught her in the eye through a gap in the curtains and woke her up. As she got her bearings she looked at the clock, surprised to see it wasn't even 10am yet, considering the drink and late sleep she expected it to be afternoon by now, beside her she felt Arthur stir awake as well.

"Morning." She sing-songed before moving in for a kiss.

"Is it? I thought we'd be still be asleep."

"Same, but we didn't shut the curtains properly."

"Who's we?"

She playfully smacked his arm then found some clean clothes to put on, as well as a morning after pill to counter last night activities. As she bent over to pick a top off the floor she felt Art's eyes focussing on her ass.

"Didn't you get enough of that last night?"

"Enough of you? Never."

Nikki rolled her eyes but inwardly she beamed at the compliment. She tossed over a t-shirt and trousers for Art to put on -- giving herself one last look at his member as he did -- then together the two of them left their room and headed for the main hub, finding Leon, Sarah, Carly, Emily, Francis and Lindsay sitting at the big table from last night, Sarah waved at them as they entered the room.

"Hey, kettle's just boiled if you fancy a drink, there's some bread in the side cupboard if you want some toast."

"I think water will do us just fine for the moment." Arthur said as the full beam of the morning sun exacerbated his mild hangover. He went to grab a couple glasses while Nicola found a spot on the couch.

"So what's happening?"

Leon side-eyed Emily as he answered. "Well just before you came in my darling, sweet, innocent baby sister was telling us about the threesome she had last night."

"Hey if you can be gay I can be a ho, that's the rules."

"That doesn't even remotely make sense."

"Doesn't matter, had sex."

Francis and Lindsay giggled remembering last night, it was a new experience for all three of them but they had a ton of fun.

Arthur arrived with the water. "What I miss?"

Nicola took her glass. "Turns out we're not the only ones who got lucky last night.

"No you were not."

Everyone turned to where the voice had called out from, at the foot of the stairs they saw Shep, wearing sunglasses inside, a cigarette hanging from her lips and her arm wrapped round a very satisfied Charlotte wearing nothing but a thin t-shirt and a small pair of panties. Shep took a long drag then flicked her stub into the kitchen sink.

Emily cackled. "I fucking knew she'd get you into bed one day Charlotte."

"She did, and I'm rethinking a few things about myself. Cause hot damn that was fun."

Still holding onto each other, Shep and Charlotte sat on the end of the sofa, Charlotte absent-mindedly stroking Shep's arm.

"Well I'm glad for you both, honestly, bout time you two fucked and got it over with."

Shep rolled her eyes. "I'll take that as a compliment Em."

A few minutes later, the door to Josh and Brendan's door opened and both walked out, a little surprised at the gathering but they kept quiet and took their seats. Eventually Brendan noticed that all eyes were on him.

"The fuck you all looking at?"

Leon put a reassuring hand on Brendan's shoulder. "They're wondering if you popped your man-cherry last night."

Brendan said nothing but the bright red glow on his face and the embarrassed smile said everything.

"Atta boy." Leon was happy that Brendan was finally able to get past the Martin Allen attack and embrace his full sexuality. "So what you think?"

"It was... different, but good different, like... fuck, I don't know. It's like one's pork and one's chicken, both are great but they're different kinds of great. Fuck I'm hungry."

Emily chuckled, she and Leon had had similar conversations when he came out. "Hold your stomach there Brendan, we're still waiting on everyone waking up before we start cooking. I think it's just Kevin and Megan to come down. I take it Megan wasn't privied to the little lesbian love affair last night.

Shep's face immediately took on a dirty smile. "Couldn't tell you, my vision was somewhat obscured for most of the night."

"Charming, was she in the big room with you lot then?"

Leon shook his head. "No, haven't seen her since last night."

"The fuck did she go then?"

Nicola started laughing to herself. "Holy shit, they fucking did it. Hold on, I know where she is."

Before anyone could ask, Nicola got up and headed upstairs towards Kevin's room. After she'd left Charlotte tapped on Shep's arm.

"Hey Shep, I know we're still here a couple days but I was wondering, when we get back, you wanna... maybe go out for drinks together? Just the two of us?"

For one of the few times in her life, Shep was speechless, she'd thought that given Charlotte was mostly straight that this would be a fun little experiment. She'd never thought about going on a date, and yet the idea entertained her.

"Yeah, I'd like that."

Upstairs, Nicola approached Kevin's room, if Megan was inside -- and there was a good chance she was -- then Nicola bursting in to wake them both would be priceless. But as soon as her hand touched the handle she heard strange noises coming from inside, curious, Nicola slowly opened the door, and was greeted by a hell of a sight.

Megan sat on the bed, her back to the headrest, completely naked with her impressive chest out for the world to see, most of her bottom half was covered by the duvet but from the body-shaped lump and unmistakeable blonde hair poking out the top, Nicola recognises Kevin was eating her out.

Neither of them had noticed Nicola, but Megan slowly took note of the extra body in the room, thankfully Nicola broke out of her shock first and quickly put a finger to her lips, silently telling Megan to keep quiet. Not really knowing what else to do, she gave Megan a thumbs up and left the room.

As shocking as it was to walk in on her brother and best friend having sex, Nicola couldn't help but smile, knowing that in a small way she was responsible. She went back downstairs singing to herself.

"Well you can tell everybody, yeah you can everybody, go ahead and tell everybody; I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man. Yes I am, yes I am, yes I am. I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man."

Emily was the first to hear her. "The fuck you singing about."

"Cause I, you little bitch, am motherfucking cupid."

"Get the fuck out of here. Seriously?"

"Walked in on Kev eating his breakfast."

Brendan put up his hands in protest. "Please, that's my cousin, I don't want to hear it."

"That's my brother and I saw it. Suppose it's good to know he's a gentleman in a way."

"Glad you approve."

Kevin and Megan stood at the railing overlooking the table, Megan looked a little embarrassed but Kevin just stood staring down his sister.

"But next time try knocking."

"Try taking her out for dinner first."

Megan leaned over the railing. "I thought that's what you walked in on."

That night set the tone for the rest of the trip, everyone having a good time with each other. Lindsay never slept with Emily or Francis again but since Megan spent the entirety of the trip in Kevin's room Lindsay took her place in the big room. Seeing how close Megan and Kevin were getting did make Nicola feel a little bad when it was time to leave seeing as they weren't going to see each other for a long time, Megan tired to pass it off, saying that she was just emotional having lost her virginity that night but Nicola could tell there was something there, it had been there since Megan had met Kevin and inadvertently she'd fuelled it even more.

Brendan and Josh had a few more nights together but neither of them expected it to last past the trip, Josh wasn't in the market for anything serious and Brendan was still recovering but the confidence boost was enough for him to start embracing his bisexuality away from the thought of Martin Allen.

The big surprise though was Shep and Charlotte -- or Shep-Lette as they came to be known -- the two of them spent the trip joined at the hip and even when they got back they kept things serious, it was a nice surprise to see something come out of the two of them other than Shep's dirty jokes.