Suburban Sweetheart Ch. 06


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"I want you inside me." She whispered, "She wants you." and her fingers slid down and I looked into her body as the deep red and soaked entrance was revealed.

"Sure?" I said softly, my eyes flicking up to hers for an instant before looking back at the beautiful sight of her open body.

"Very." she whispered. "Very."

I sat back and continued to look inside her as more liquid trickled out through the tight muscles of her entrance and I slipped my shirt fully off, then stood to undo my trousers and pushed them, and my underwear, down and stepped out.

Emma moved back and turned to lie in the middle of the bed and her legs lifted and went wide as she locked her eyes onto mine. I climbed on the bed and her arms opened and I moved between her limbs as they all went around me as I moved up and sought her lips with my mouth and cock, both finding their targets easily. Emma's tongue flicked over mine, but then her hands went to my cheeks and she lifted me up and her eyes glowed into mine. I moved my hips and nudged them up and her tight entrance welcomed me and held the end of my cock tight as she gasped loudly and then the smile was hot and wide into my face and I sank deep inside her as she wrapped her limbs around me and we curled up tight together.

We kissed for a bit, but she was still breathing heavily from before and soon was just gasping onto my neck as our hips ground and danced together, my cock stirring deep inside her as she held me tight with her legs and body. The little high grunts and cries started and soon they became longer in length and my breathing got faster and I had to lift my head from the tangles of her dark hair. There were several long high groans and I felt her grip me tighter and her body started to shake as her cunt pulsed. "Cum sweetheart, cum." I whispered and there was a loud groan.

"Oh yes, darling." she mumbled as she bucked her hips to mine and her body trembled. "Yes yes." she muttered and then there was a long cry as her arms pulled me closer, her legs squeezed my waist and her vagina clamped and pulsed.

I was gritting my teeth, holding out for Emma's release and the feeling of her under and around me overwhelmed my senses and I felt my body tingle as the electric buzz jangled through my nerves and the pleasure flowed along with the liquid from my balls. I swelled, the liquid pushing up through my squeezed shaft and I let out a loud groan and then cried out as the head swelled and the pressure inside my cock was released as I shot a stream of semen deep into Emma's trembling body. She yelled out as the semen rammed inside her full body and she cried "Oh god, fuck." as the second burst went into her and I could feel the liquid pouring back over the head of my cock just as the next load went into her and there was a warm wetness running over my my balls and the end of my shaft. Emma muttered "Oh god." again as I continued to jerk my hips and unload and I felt her face pressing to my shoulder and she said it a few more times as my shaking subsided.

It took a while for us to calm, my heart was hammering and I could feel Emma still twitching under me. her breath fast against my shoulder. I twisted my head down and kissed her cheek and she sighed and turned her head and gave a little smile. Her eyes were wet and I kissed her lids as she closed them.

"Are you alright?" I asked softly and she nodded, bit her lower lip and turned away for a second.

"A bit..." and she went quiet.

"Emotional?" I said and she nodded a little. "Overwhelmed?" another nod. "Fucked?" and Emma laughed.

"Very fucked." she said. "And nicely so." She looked up at me. "Also feeling a bit... odd." she said and I saw some worry in her eyes.

"Why?" I stroked her cheek and kissed the rounded tip of her nose.

"I just shagged on a first date." she said and I saw her eyes fill with concern.

"The circumstances are strange..." I said, trying to think of something to say to soothe her.

"And..." she took a deep breath and my stomach turned, "I may, just may, have peed a little during that last orgasm." and her cheek went deep red. I smiled and a small chuckled left my lips.

"This is what happens when you shag an old lady." she laughed.

"You are not old." I said and stared into her eyes.

"Older." she corrected.

"Better. But, you're not old. Anyway, what's a little pee between lovers?"

"Abi-fucking-normal." she muttered and laughed.

I lifted up as Emma released her arms, her fingers had been digging into me when she had her orgasm and my skin relaxed as she had recovered. I looked down at the gap between us, but her breasts were obscuring the view, so I lifted higher and Emma raised her head and looked down. It was messy, our pubic hair soaked, matted and tangled. "I mean, it's wet, but it could be anything." I said and Emma didn't look convinced. "Why do you think you did?"

"I was just gone." she giggled. "And I lost a bit of control. It's your fault for distracting me earlier when I should have gone to the loo."

"Fair enough." I said and I moved to kneel up, my cock sliding back slightly and the cum smears, from both of us streaked the shaft. I slid my hands down from her shoulders and over her breasts as she pushed them up, then my fingers ran over her belly and slid to the side to hold her waist as I looked at the beautiful woman I was still inside. I wanted to stay in her, but I also wanted to do something else. I moved back again and my cock left her tight body and a string of semen and her cum held us together for a few seconds before it snapped and the trail of liquid landed on her inner thigh. I bent down.

"No, you're not..." Emma said, but laughed as she said it, "It might be..." she stopped because my lips pressed to her vulva and she shivered. "Oh god." she mumbled. She tasted of semen and her own sharp juice, with a hint of something else, maybe. I couldn't be sure, it may have been our sweat, but the liquid was a bit different from usual. "And?" she asked with some concern.

"You taste delicious." I said as I looked up at her and then ran my tongue between her inner lips and she whimpered.

"You are..." then she just laughed. "Also, no more please, just come and hold me, I'm feeling a bit fragile." I gave her wet lips a gentle kiss and then moved up to lie next to her and pull her to me.

"It's ok, sweetheart." I whispered to her as she snuggled close.

"My god, what a slut, I shagged on our first date." she mumbled.

"You are not a slut, please don't ever say that. You are a wonderful, sweet and beautiful woman. So what, we know each other, it's hard not to do what we've been doing all weekend."

"Yes, but.. this was different. I wanted a new start, if that makes sense." Her voice was small.

"It is a new start, Only we will know this happened. No one else matters right now." I said and I squeezed her tight.

"Can I blame you for being so lovely?" she giggled and I agreed.

"Plus, the flowers and Young Frankenstein quotes." I added and she laughed softy.

We lay quietly for many minutes, I was just caressing her and she was snuggled close. Her voice was a bit bigger, but not much. "Jesus, a forty five year old worrying about a first date shag. I need to grow up."

"It was important to you, so you are right to worry. But, the circumstances aren't normal. We have previous." I added and I felt her exhale deeply and then her arm stretched out over my chest as she wiggled and pressed her breasts against my side.

"Yes, I did try and resist." she whispered and I placed my lips on hers and gave her a gentle kiss.

"Maybe you were just a bit overwhelmed by the flowers and stuff." I whispered.

"Yes." she said, her voice really soft, "The kisses down my back were very sexy too." and I let my lips move along her jawline as she spoke, small kisses down to her strong chin and then back up to her ear.

"Well, you have a lovely back and I was very excited at kissing it." I said, equally as softly.

"Kissing your chest got me a bit excited too." she purred as I kissed around her cheek.

"There" I said as I gave her more small kisses,

"Were" kiss kiss,

"Lots" kiss,

"Of" kiss

"Extenuating" kiss kiss,

"Circumstances." kiss, and then I looked into her eyes.

"Extenuating, yes." she sighed and her lips brushed over my cheek.

"Very extenuating." I replied as I kissed an eyelid and she moaned. My hand stroking down over her firm belly as she moved to lie on her back.

"It was hard to resist." she purred as my lips went down her nose. "Especially with wet knickers." she quietly giggled.

"Harder still when they came off." I whispered into her ear as my fingers danced across her vulva.

"So hard to resist." she moaned, "Almost as hard as my nipples were."

"They were so lovely and hard, they needed to be sucked to relieve the pressure." I whispered as a finger parted her lips and nudged to her entrance.

"Oh yes, I mean, you were helping me by sucking them." she moaned as I kissed along her jawline again. "It was practically a medical emergency."

"Extenuating." I whispered and she groaned as my finger slid into her as she gripped it tight.

"Very very extenuating." she said and shivered as I bend the finger a little to stroke inside her.

"You see, you did nothing wrong." I whispered and then kissed her parted lips as she sighed and she sucked on my tongue as it went into her mouth.

"Yes, but still..." she mumbled as I kissed along her nose again and then Emma groaned as the finger bent inside her and started to stroke rhythmically up and down her vaginal wall.

"You did try and resist." I whispered.

"I did." she mumbled. "But my pussy just wants you, she took over." she said as her eyes looked into mine and smiled.

"And I want her, so, resisting was hard." I said and then sucked on her earlobe as I moved my hand down and pressed a finger to the soaked one and then slid them both against her entrance. "And you are still resisting." I whispered as the fingers nudged the muscles, "But..." and her body opened, "It's hard to resist when you want something." and Emma groaned loudly as she was spread by my fingers, her muscular walls griping tight, but lubricating me to slide deep into her.

"Oh god, I want you in me so much." she moaned and her face moved to mine as a hand pulled me to her mouth and she groaned as we kissed as the fingers rubbed up and down in her.

"Extenuating." I said, looking into her eyes as they began to look through me and go dreamy.

"I am so close." she said, between gasps, "Please finish me." and I bent my fingers and Emma's head went back as she let out a high groan. I put my lips to her neck to kiss her as she trembled and her cunt gripped my fingers tighter making it had to move them, so I slid my thumb up and pressed it to her exposed clitoris and she screamed out and shook and I felt her liquid run over my fingers to soak my hand I squeezed the fingers and thumb together a bit more. "Oh god, fuck, god." Emma cried and she jerked her hips up. "Stop, please, stop, oh god." she moaned just after my hand got very wet and the fingers were clamped hard by her.

I kissed her nose as she mumbled about god a bit more and she giggled and her eyes opened and, a few seconds later, managed to focus on me.

"Oh Christ, I may have done it again." she whispered and I kissed her blushing cheek. I knew what she meant, but didn't ask, just smiled and then kissed her lips, which were still open as she breathed in hard.

"You look amazing." I said as I looked at her, hair messy, eyes glazed, cheeks flushed and her bottom lip quivering slightly as she recovered. Emma shook her head.

"Abi-fucking-normal." she giggled.

"Well, I think so." I said and kissed her nose again.

"Do you still want a second date?" she said very quietly.

"Why would I not?"

"Maybe because I'm a bit of a sl... loose woman." she said quietly.

"Not loose. In fact, you are wonderfully tight. I could only just get a second finger inside." I laughed and, luckily, she did too and I wiggled the fingers and then slowly pulled them out and kissed the wet tips as Emma blushed.

"Well, loose, tight, whatever, I'd really like to." she said and my heart rate increased and I pressed my lips to hers and held her close.

After more kissing and cuddling, Emma said she needed a shower, still worried what the liquid was that was soaking her groin. I joined her and we held each other as the water rained down on our bodies, washing the other and then wandering back to her room, wrapped in towels. She put on her bathrobe and I opted for my underwear and then wondered what else to wear, so Emma found a baggy t-shirt and I wore that and we headed to the kitchen for snacks and drinks.

"Vegetarian, huh?" she said as she opened the fridge and placed a plate of cheeses down and pulled off the cling-film.

"Yes, sorry."

"It's fine. I actually don't have any meat in the fridge. No point as I was on my own and just bought a few small things for after Christmas." she said as crisps and crackers were set down. "No alcohol either. Interesting."

"I am incredibly boring." I mumbled, feeling as if I was being interrogated now and Emma laughed.

"You just got me into bed on our first date and, possibly, made me pee, twice, when I had an orgasm. Hardly boring." she said. "Why no drinking though? it's unusual for a guy."

"I don't like the taste, beer makes me feel sick, think it's the yeast and with spirits the alcohol tastes like chemicals. That's a terrible description, but I just cannot drink it."

Emma laughed again and shook her head. "You are happy to lick me out, even after you've cum in me AND, you did it after the possible pee incident, yet you don't like the taste of alcohol."

"You taste delicious. I love licking you, before and after. No comparison." I looked into her eyes and saw her flare briefly.

"Abi-fucking-normal." she chuckled but then her face clouded over.

"I told you about the freak getting me drunk... that's why I gave up. When we met he was lovely to me, took care of me, treated me really well. Gave me everything I could ask for, I guess. He indulged me, I was broken, as I said. Suddenly, I could have fun, not just try and get pregnant, get drunk, drunk enough to forget the past and he encouraged it and took care of me. Then he encouraged me more. We had played a little, but mostly it was just the usual sex stuff. He had touched my bottom a few times and fingered there a little, but I wasn't sure about anything else, I was still quite innocent about sex. One day he got me drunk, I seemed to get drunk a lot more often, maybe he was doctoring the drink, or adding something, or I was just drinking more, I didn't know or suspect anything. Anyway, we start up and he got me on all fours, he liked that position as he could be a lot rougher, which he was doing more and more. This time I felt something on my bottom and thought it was his finger, I was close to passing out from the drink anyway. Then he rammed it into my anus. I was too gone to object and just lay on the bed as he buggered me. It didn't occur to me until much later why he had a bottle of lube ready. It was part of his plan to turn me into his little toy." Emma looked away and I reached for her hand.

"I was usually drunk when he did it. Had he actually asked and been more... gentle. kind, whatever, I might have done it anyway, but I would get drunk a lot more as he was getting rougher too. Then, one time, I was sober and realised he didn't ask, he would just get the lube and do it. I started to have doubts and worried what else would happen if I was drunk. So, I stopped drinking."

"What did he say?"

"I lied and told him the doctor had voiced concerns, so needed a break. He fell for it." she looked so sad now my heart cracked. "Who know what would have happened if I carried on." she looked away, then back to me. "Do you think you would like me had I..." she sighed, "Taken part in his plans?"

"Hard to say, depends if it changed you. If you were still the Emma here now, no, wouldn't matter at all. I had no idea about your sexual past when I asked you that first time," I said and squeezed her hand and she edged a little closer to me. "Had you replied that you'd like me to lick you and you wanted to fuck me, maybe it would have been different. That day I just wanted to please you, It's hard to explain, but I was just mesmerised by you, the way you looked and acted and that's why I said it."

"You still want to please me." she smiled and moved closer still. "If I hadn't asked you that night, would you have..." her eyes looked around, "Fucked me?" I shook my head. "And tonight, if I hadn't asked, would you have made love to me?"

"With you." I replied and her cheeks reddened and she smiled.

"Would you have made love with me?"

"No. You asked, otherwise, no. You had said no sex and..." I wanted to reach out and hold her and she was almost close enough now, but she moved first, catching me by surprise and her arms went around me and her lips pressed hard on mine. I held her tight, but she was holding tighter. I heard a little sob, but we carried on kissing deeply for several minutes. Then Emma moved back slightly and undid the belt of her robe and it flapped open and my hands went inside to hold her bare skin.

"Will you stay the night?" She whispered as she sat in my lap, her legs straddling mine as I perched on a kitchen stool.

"I'd love to." I replied as we rubbed noses.

"It does mean you may have to wear the same clothes tomorrow." She smiled.

"Worth it." I replied and her eyes glowed with a soft warmth. We sat together and nibbled some food and I could feel a warm wetness on one of my legs and looked down, Emma's gaze following mine, to see a drop of semen had dripped from her onto me.

"You shot so deep it'll be dripping out for a week." she giggled and then she wiggled off me and lowered her head and licked it from my leg before climbing back. "I was not like this before I met you." she laughed.

"Abi-fucking-normal." I chuckled and Emma put her lips to mine again for a long time.

"Do you know how many guys I have had since I have been in my forties?" Emma asked, her voice serious now as I held her close.


"One out." she replied and my mind tried to figure it out. "You were the first." she added. I still tried to do the maths and she laughed.

"So..." I said as I thought hard about this, "You hadn't had sex for almost five years until that night?"

"Over five." she said flatly. "I was amazed everything still worked." she chuckled.

"Like a fine oiled machine." I said.

"There are so many jokes to go with that." she chuckled. "Yes, nothing for over five years, maybe six, then BOOM!" She smiled at me as she blushed. "Not sure I could find a better guy to help me get back into things again." she said and leaned forward to kiss me gently.

We were cuddled up in bed trying to decide what to do the next day, both of us drifting slightly. We decided to just go out to a museum and enjoy the day off. It was probably an idea shared with thousands of others, but I didn't care, I was only thinking of one person and she was in my arms and falling asleep.

The second day of January and the year was going well as each day I had woken up in Emma's bed. This morning I had woken to her lips brushing over mine and her tongue licking over my bottom lip. I say morning, it was still dark, then again, it was January.

Her tongue wiggled between my lips as I pretended to be too sleepy, but we giggled together as we kissed and within minutes our breathing was getting faster as Emma slid her leg over my waist and leaned forward to continue the kiss. We hadn't spoken. just mumbled and sighed and then I gasped as I felt her body rubbing on the end of my cock, which had woken much faster than any other part of me. She moved her hips and then she gasped and we both grunted as she pushed down and I went up as her tight wet body took me deep.
