Sue Ch. 01-04


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So, in just a couple of hours I had got myself a lovely bikini, a neat pussy and a potential friend - I felt sure it was going to be a great holiday - and as things turned out I proved be perfectly right about that!

I went back to the motel and changed into my new bikini, slipped a T shirt and shorts on over it, grabbed a towel and headed for an hour or so on the beach, staying well away from where I knew my parents would be - I'd let them see my purchase when I had to, not before. As we had agreed, I met up with them for lunch and they seemed pleased to hear when I told them I had met a nice local girl in one of the shops and that we had arranged to meet that evening.

Later, when I was getting myself ready to go to meet Jane, I decided to wear a dress rather than just T-shirt and jeans and when I went into the coffee bar that we'd arranged to meet at and found Jane sitting with two good-looking boys I was glad I had opted for the more feminine outfit. It was immediately obvious which one of them was hers and I guessed that the other was his younger brother. I was right about both things and Peter, the elder and Richard, to my mind the cuter, both proved to be good company and great fun.

We sat talking and laughing together for a while, then decided to go on to a movie together. The boys got us seats to one side, near the back of the theatre and arranged things so that Jane and I sat in the middle with one of them on either side of us and even in the semi-darkness I saw that as soon as they sat down Peter had put one arm familiarly around Jane's shoulders and rested the other hand on her thigh. I found myself wondering if his younger brother was equally confident and experienced.

Richard waited until the credits began to roll for the main picture then tentatively felt for the hand I had left conveniently on the arm-rest and when he found I didn't move it away, gave it a quick squeeze and then let go of it and slipped his arm around my shoulders too. Jane noticed the movement, turned towards me and gave me a quick grin - and a slow wink. I knew that she and I were going to get along really well with each other and hoped that Richard and I would too.

I really wasn't very interested in the movie as I was too busy concentrating on what Richard was doing to me. I liked the way he didn't rush things, not going for the quick, groping feel, taking his time, giving me an opportunity to stop him at each stage - which I didn't of course.

First he let his fingers slowly stroke my hair and the back of my neck, which sent little shivery feelings running up and down my spine and then pulled me closer to him and, having let his hand slip down my back a little, then progressed it around me until he found the curve of my breast. His hand and what he was doing to me felt nice and I let him know that by snuggling even closer to him, which of course made it easy for him to take the whole of my breast in his hand, which felt even nicer.

A little later, while he still continued to fondle my then tingling breast, I felt his lips brushing little kisses on my ear and down the side of my neck and he whispered how gorgeous he thought I was and, as he spoke, I felt his other hand rest lightly on my knee. Again he took his time and I began to get even more excited by his slow but confident progress - first getting his hand up under the hem of my dress and then tracing patterns over my thigh, letting his fingers move slowly higher and higher - and as I got even more aroused I became conscious of a warm, damp feeling between my legs.

His hand continued its slow progress and, wondering how he would manage when he reached the tight band of my panties, I let myself relax, allowing my thighs to part a little more, making space for his fingers to get where I thought they wanted to go and where I was now itching for them to be.

As he felt me move he shifted his hand higher and then as he rested it right on the curving mound between my legs he again kissed the sensitive spot on the nape of my neck - whispering that he wished we were somewhere else, somewhere where he could really show me how much he liked me - and softly asked if I would like that too. In answer I first gripped his knee then slid my hand up over the tense ridge of his well-muscled thigh until higher up I found the even more exciting bulge. As I closed my fingers around the hard length of his cock and squeezed it he said he thought we ought to leave - and I immediately agreed.

What with the sound of the movie playing in the background and concentrating on the thrills Richard's hand had been giving me, I had almost forgotten Jane and Peter beside us - but when I turned to tell her what we were going to do I found that they hadn't been wasting their time watching the movie either. Jane was slumped down in her seat and Peter was down on his knees between her legs, he was obviously licking her pussy! Although I had never had a boy do that to me I could well imagine the sensations she must be experiencing and felt incredibly envious. Of course Richard could see what was going on too and I felt his hand grip me tighter as he leaned closer and whispered.

'Would you like me to do that to you?'

I answered without even really stopping to think 'Mmmm! Yes please'

Just at that moment Jane must have sensed us watching her and she looked up at us with pleasure-glazed eyes and gave us a weak smile. I said that we were leaving and Richard, leaning over my shoulder told her where they would find us, adding cheekily - 'When you've seen enough of the film that is!'

Chapter 2


He took me down to the beach-front and from the confident way he guided me through the rocky outcrops in the semi-darkness I guessed that I was not the first girl he had taken to that spot. But then I wasn't interested in another fumbling virgin, I wanted someone who already knew what it was all about, someone that would not only know how to give as well as take pleasure - but also someone I could learn from. There wasn't much of a moon but my eyes soon became accustomed to the darkness and I found that I could actually see quite well by the time he helped me down a grassy slope and into a natural hollow, where we stopped. I looked quickly around us and saw that we were surrounded by a heap of jumbled rocks that I guessed would have hidden us from prying eyes even in the day-time, grass covered the slope that led down through them to where we had stopped and partially covered half of the floor of the place, the rest was soft sand that then led out between more rocks to the open sea. As I turned back to face Richard he smiled at me and without wasting any more time, took me in his arms and kissed me hard.

I felt his hands roaming freely over my body and in response pressed myself harder against him, almost immediately finding the quickly rising swell of his cock with my thigh and, running my hands down his back, I cupped his arse and pulled him even tighter against myself. We stood there just kissing and fondling each other for a time but then I felt his caresses grow more demanding and soon after that he pulled away a little and he began to undress me. As his hands slowly undid the buttons and slipped the dress off my shoulders he bent and kissed them and the contrast of the feel of the cool air and the warmth of his kiss made my skin tingle so that when he then unfastened and took off my bra and again stopped, this time to kiss my breasts and nipples, I felt my excitement and arousal increasing even more.

When he had taken off my panties too he stood there for several moments, just looking at me - then, taking off his shirt, he lay it on the grass and gently pushed me down on to it, spread my legs wide apart, knelt between them, then said.

'Just relax and enjoy Sue.'

The sensations his tongue and mouth created inside me were unbelievable and I was sure that heaven itself couldn't feel any better. He was both gentle and forceful, somehow sensing before I did myself just what would feel best for me. But I had been so aroused before he even began that to my regret, I felt myself starting to climax far too quickly and though I tried desperately to hold it back, so that I could experience more of the blissful feelings he was giving me, I suddenly felt my body arch and, as I grabbed his thick, curly hair and held his head hard up against my pussy, I heard myself scream with pleasure as the force of it ripped through my body.

I lay there gasping as he continued slowly licking and sucking my still twitching pussy and I heard him noisily sucking the fluids that had flowed from me. Then I truly understood why oral sex was so popular - and would quite happily have lain there all night or for as long as Richard was able or prepared to do it to me. But I realised that his own need must by this time be almost unbearable and it was unfair of me to be completely selfish. So, when a second, smaller peak had finished shivering through me I rolled to one side, moved his head from between my thighs and as I sat up, took it between my hands and kissed his mouth, tasting my own slightly bitter juices for the very first time.

His chest was hairless and the feel of his skin beneath my fingers sent a different kind of shiver through me, shivers that got progressively stronger as I ran my hand down over his stomach and, with difficulty on down under the waistband of his jeans, only managing to feel a few of his crinkly hairs before my hand was stopped by the tightness of his belt. Keeping that hand where it was, I used the other to undo both the belt and the zip below it but needed Richard's help in then getting off his jeans and underpants.

Even before he had got himself completely free of his clothes I had my fingers around the hard length of his cock. It was smooth, warm and pulsing with the blood that quickly surged into it now that it had room to grow and I heard Richard moan softly as my fingers ran lightly up and down the shaft and then up over the velvet smoothness of its bulging head. It was my turn to give him pleasure and, pushing him gently backwards I kneeled between his splayed legs just as he had between mine.

As he gave himself up to me I continued to slowly stroke up and down his shaft with one hand while using the other to cup and fondle the weight of his swollen balls. His moans turned to deeper groans of pleasure as my caresses brought him to a straining rock-hardness and even in that dim light I could see small drops of clear fluid glinting as it oozed from the eye of his massively swollen cock-head with each upward stroke of my hand. Lowering my head I lapped it up then began to very slowly lick the entire head with the flat of my tongue. In response, Richard's hips suddenly jerked upwards and as I felt his cock nudging at my lips I opened them as wide as I could and lowered my head, taking in first his cock-head and then as much of the shaft as I could swallow.

Applying all the skills I had acquired with previous boys I used my fingers, lips, mouth and tongue in a combination I knew was guaranteed to excite him. He obviously loved what I did for him as much as I did what he had just done for me - and his climax came almost as quickly as mine had. I saw his thigh and stomach muscles flex, heard his groans of pleasure turn to sharper, more powerful grunts and felt him thrusting his straining cock deeper into my throat, then a series of massive bursts of hot, salty semen filled it and though I sucked and swallowed as hard as I could there was just too much to get down and I felt the warm, sticky surplus dribbling from the corners of my mouth.

Afterwards we lay for a while in each other's arms, stroking and fondling as we lazily kissed and nuzzled. I wasn't surprised to find that I was still feeling sexy and made sure that most of my caresses eventually headed for his thighs, balls and particularly his cock, so was pleased when I quite quickly felt the unmistakable signs of life returning to it. Only a few minutes after I had felt those first, small ripplings I once again had an almost fully erect cock in my hand - this time I wanted it hard up inside my pussy and luckily that was what Richard wanted too.

He got up, dug in the pockets of his jeans for what I saw was a condom and I watched while, with a very practised touch he put it on himself. This was certainly no fumbling virgin, I thought to myself as I admired the strong length of his cock silhouetted against the moonlit sky. Then as he rejoined me I opened myself for him and gasped with pleasure as he knelt then fed the mass of it smoothly into my gaping pussy.

Although his earlier climax had diminished the urgency of his need, he still climaxed earlier than I would have really liked, I climaxed too, just before he did but I knew I could have come again and again if he had been able to delay his a bit longer. But it was fantastic for all that and I certainly wasn't complaining - he was a great lover and I knew I wanted to see him again, hopefully often, before the holiday came to an end.

Jane and Peter arrived soon after we finished and it was obvious from her glow that they had stopped off somewhere along the way to get together as Richard and I just had. Peter had brought some cans of beer with him and we sat and drank them, talking, listening to the sea, smoking, cuddling - it was a wonderful end to a wonderful first day for me.

Peter worked for a bank but Richard was, like me still at school so was available during the day-time and he made it clear that he wanted to spend much of that with me, which of course I was thrilled about, so as he walked me home we arranged to meet the following morning, at what we now considered to be 'our place'.

Not knowing the full extent of my evening's activities my parents made no objections when I said that I would like to spend the day at the beach with some friend's of the girl I had been to the pictures with and the following morning, as I put on my new bikini, covered it with shorts and T shirt and took off to meet Richard at the hollow, I wondered what he would look like in his beach gear and couldn't wait to see his reaction to mine.

I wasn't disappointed on either score, he looked great! He looked really fit and it was obvious from his well-defined muscles that he took good care of his body. I kept a careful watch out of the corner of my eye as I stripped off my outer clothes and purposely made a bit of a show of myself while folding and putting them away. When I saw his almost bug-eyed reaction I knew the bikini had already been worth its price.

We went for a bit of a walk along the beach and every now and then he'd let go of my hand and either walk backwards in front of me or tail along behind for a while - 'Just to have a really good look.' - as he admitted to me. I loved it, especially as it wasn't long before I could see the result of his 'looking' showing up as a clearly defined swelling in the front of his shorts. Luckily there were few people on that part of the beach or it might have become a bit embarrassing for us.

Of course neither had forgotten the intense pleasures we had given each other just a few hours earlier and were both keen to repeat them, so before too long we were back in the hollow - and, after I had carefully removed my new bikini, he was back inside me.

That set the pattern for the holiday, I spent as little time as I could with my parents and, as I seemed to be having a really good time with my new found 'friends' they didn't mind my absences. I think they were getting off with each other back at the motel most afternoons anyway, so were quite glad not to have me hanging around them then.

One of the things I'll never forget about that time with Richard was discovering the pleasure I got from the almost magical way a cock gets erect when I slowly play with it.

It was our second or third day together, we'd made love during the morning, had a picnic lunch and afterwards stretched out in the sun to doze a little. As the sun moved across the sky and went behind one of the tall rocks behind us it cast a deep shadow down in the hollow and it must have been the relative coolness of that falling across my body that woke me. I sat up and looked around for a minute, beside me Richard was still sleeping soundly and I looked fondly down at him, recalling the pleasure he had given me just a little earlier.

As protection from the sun he had covered himself with his huge beach towel and I carefully turned it back so that I could see him better. I had forgotten that he hadn't bothered to replace his shorts after we had finished making love and so saw his cock and balls nestling defencelessly between his strong thighs. Moving closer to him I began to very gently touch them, enjoying both the actual feel of them and the situation of being able to explore them without his knowledge.

Much to my surprise, after a few minutes I realised that even though he was definitely still asleep, in response to my fondling caresses his cock was gradually both lengthening and thickening. Intrigued as to how far I could go without waking him, I very carefully continued, fascinated by the sight of its slow but steady growth and hardness. From time to time he made little mewling sounds in his sleep and his body twitched and turned as though he was having some kind of dream. When he first did that I stopped for a while, until I was sure he wasn't waking up and then started again. When I had finally got it fully erect I sat back and looked at my handiwork - it really was a gorgeous cock and the way it stuck straight up from his belly gave me a lovely, squirmy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

But even as I watched I saw that it was slowly beginning to wilt a little, obviously without continuing stimulation it would shrink back to its previous, limp state and, as I liked the sight of it at full stretch, I moved back and started to caress it again. It quickly re-grew to its full size and this time I continued, very slowly stroking up and down the shaft and occasionally gliding the flat of my palm up over the glossy head.

After several more minutes, during which time his 'dreams' seemed to become more intense, I noticed the little 'eye' in the head was seeping clear, sticky fluid and that made me wonder if it would be possible to actually take him all the way to a climax without waking him. With that goal in mind I timed my movements with whatever clues I could pick up from the sounds and movements his body was making, which I found got easier as he seemed to get closer and closer to actually ejaculating.

As I felt that happening I took the risk that I might wake him after all, gripping the shaft a little more tightly and when I did that I was thrilled to see and feel his body immediately responding - his muscles flexing, his hips beginning to jerk upwards and I felt the increased size of his cock as it swelled in anticipation of what was to come.

My eyes flicked up and down, from his still closed eyes, to his cock, throbbing and jerking in my hand as I slowly pumped him to a spectacular climax. The first jet shot high into the air and, as I watched it fly I saw his eyes open wide and he gave a loud, guttural grunt, then as his body heaved, more jets followed and I knew that now he was awake, fully aware of and loving what I was doing for him.

That first experience whetted my appetite for finding out just how little stimulation would result in him getting an erection and over the next few days I admit that I used Richard as a bit of a guinea pig - not that he ever made any objections of course and often I was the one who benefited most from my own 'experiments', because whenever he grew tired of or just got too inflamed by what I was doing, he'd quite simply flip me over and give me a good hard fucking.