Sue Ch. 01-04


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She smiled understandingly. 'Yes I do - but Brian doesn't think we'll have any trouble with Williams and it's not as if you already had any sort of reputation around the place, it might have been different if you had.'

I knew what she meant, there were two or three girls who were reputed to literally fuck anything in pants, if one of them had come along with a story about being attacked I don't think anyone would believe that they hadn't done something to deserve it.

Mrs. Morrisey went on to explain that I could, if I wanted to, initiate charges against Williams, of either assault or sexual harassment. I said that was the last thing I wanted to do, that I wanted to avoid any chance of word getting around about what had happened. I just wanted to forget it and have as few people know about it as possible. She understood and agreed with my feelings then said that if I found I had any problems at any time, sometimes these things cause personal problems later, if that happened I was to come to her straight away.

She then went on to say that Brian had been impressed with my work for some time and even if the attack hadn't occurred he would have made the same offer, so I was to understand it was purely coincidence that she was talking to me now. It turned out that his secretary was leaving in a couple of weeks, her husband had received a promotion in his job which meant they would be moving inter-state and Brian had asked her to find out if I was interested in taking on the job.

I couldn't believe my luck, a better job and, more importantly at that moment, working every day with Brian, naturally I immediately said 'yes please' to the offer. Mrs. Morrisey said she would get one of the other girls to spend a couple of days with me, to see how I did my job, then I could go over to Brian's office and spend the time between then and when she left, with his secretary, to see what was involved there.

I was elated of course and later that day found an excuse to go over to the factory. For the first few seconds I felt a bit strange, seeing the place where Williams had frightened me but with the noise of the machinery and the buzz of activity around me it was all so different that the feeling went as quickly as it had come. As I made my way through the place I stopped to chat with people I knew and soon felt my old self again, realising how much I had missed the chance of talking to them during the time Williams had been making my visits unbearable.

Then I went up the stairs to the office, his secretary, Jill, immediately told me how glad she was that it was me that had been given the opportunity and that she thought I would do it well, adding that Brian had often said what a nice person and good worker I was and just then I saw Brian look up from what he was doing and he called me into his office, asked me to sit down and closed the door.

The fluttery feeling had started inside me when I had climbed up the stairs, getting stronger as, while I stood talking to Jill I could see Brian in his office - now, sitting just across a desk from him I found that it had become almost unbearably strong. I stared into the eyes that had filled my dream during the night and though I tried to push the thoughts away, the memory of the feelings that had accompanied their gaze, of his strong cock thrusting deep inside me, just wouldn't go away.

I knew he was saying how surprised he had been to see me that morning, that he hoped I was really recovered from the shock of what had happened, then that he hoped I didn't think I had been given the chance of taking on Jill's job just because of that, that he had been going to ask Mrs. Morrisey about me anyway, then that he started talking about what was actually involved in Jill's job. Though I heard and understood it all it was as though his words were a dream, a vivid dream - but that the reality was that he was actually, slowly and thoroughly fucking me!

I spent the next two or three weeks in a sort of daze, by day learning my new job and, when Jill left, starting to actually do it, by night dreaming of Brian, his eyes, his cock. I worked hard and enjoyed both being near him and the job I was doing - I went out with friends to movies, parties, dancing, but everything seemed slightly unreal, it was as though I was waiting for something to happen, something important, something that would make sense of everything else I was doing.

In spite of that, when it did happen it took me almost completely by surprise.

Unlike my previous job, being Brian's secretary meant that I had to be more flexible with my working hours, he started at the same time as the factory people of course and often worked long after the office staff had left. If there were no problems I still started at the time the office staff did but sometimes, when he had a particular job to do, Brian asked me to come in at the same time as he did or, less often, he would ask me to stay on later, so that we could finish a particular project without interruption.

I was paid more in my new job and used the extra money to buy myself some new clothes. I chose things that I knew would show off my legs and slim figure but which would do so discretely - and when from time to time I caught him looking at me, not as a boss but as a man, a man looking at an attractive girl, each one of those looks was enough to refuel my own, secret fantasies. So the first time he asked me stay late I let my thoughts run wild, this was the opportunity, he would say or do something that would give me the chance to fulfil all the dreams I had been having. But of course nothing happened, we worked at the job, he thanked me, gave me a lift home and that was that.

So, after two or three such evenings I was on the verge of despairing of anything ever happening between us - coming to the conclusion that he in fact saw me as only a girl, a girl his daughter, or even his grand-daughter's age. In some moments of really deep despondency I had even considered leaving the job, beginning to think that my crazy fantasy could only end up wrecking my life.

As Summer arrived the orders on the factory increased and everyone's job became more demanding, Brian was arriving early and leaving late just about every day and the pressures on him from both his boss and the factory supervisors never let up. I did what I could to help but I soon saw that he was starting to look tired. Then there was an accident in the factory, one of the women caught her hand in a piece of machinery and somehow or other, Brian's senior man, Kurt, while getting her free, twisted his back so badly that he had to go into hospital for treatment too.

Apart from missing his help on a day to day basis Kurt had always produced a major part of the monthly production report that we had to submit to management and with everything else on his plate I knew having to do that too would put enormous strain on Brian - so I suggested to him that I do as much of it as I could.

He was surprised, dubious, pleased and relieved all at once - and for a fleeting moment I thought he was going to kiss me! He didn't but just the thought that he might have made my heart flutter wildly. It took me longer than Kurt to gather and prepare all the figures of course but, without letting Brian know exactly what I was doing, by working hard and taking some of it home with me, I got the job finished.

As it happened, on the day we were due to actually prepare the report fate intervened during the afternoon in the shape of a machinery break-down and Brian, instead of working on it with me had to spend a couple of hours reorganising production. When at last everything was back under control and he came up to the office, I could see that he was more tired than usual and for once his voice showed the strain he was under.

'I'm sorry Sue - but you know we still have to do that damn report, would you mind very much staying late again tonight?'

Though by now I knew that it only meant work, not what I had originally hoped for, I of course agreed. He went on to say that this time we might have to work really late and that I should ring home and let them know, adding that I should also tell my mother that he would arrange for dinner to be brought in to us, so she shouldn't worry that I wouldn't be fed. 'As always, he thinks of everything.' - I thought to myself as I picked up the phone and rang home.

But because of the preparation I had already done the job went quicker than Brian had expected and when he saw the results of my work he looked up, at first with an expression of genuine surprise, then I felt my heart jump as his eyes looked deep into mine and he smiled at me, a smile of real pleasure.

'This is terrific Sue, you've made the job so much easier, I hadn't realised you had picked up this much already. We'll have the report finished in half the time I expected.'

And, though there was still a lot of work to do we did finish much earlier than he had originally thought and I was typing the final, covering notes for the report when Brian said, 'I suppose you'd rather go home - not bother having a meal here.'

I looked up at him and responded purely automatically. 'No, I'd like to have something here, with you Brian.'

'O.K., you've more than earned it - do you like chinese food?'

'I love it.' I replied

'There's a good place not far from here, it'll take me about twenty minutes, will you be all right on your own?'

I smiled at his concern. 'Of course I will.'

He phoned an order through, tidied up his desk and left while I finished the typing. Having done that I still had time to freshen up my make-up, organise one of the desks as a table, get cutlery and things from the canteen, then I borrowed the flowers from the receptionist's desk, just to improve the look of the setting and turned off a couple of the lights to make the place look a bit less like an office.

Brian was obviously impressed with the effect I had created and I was pleased to see that as well as the boxes of food he had also bought a bottle of wine for us. We sat, ate, drank and talked - and as we did I saw the worry lines gradually fading from his face and, when from time to time he smiled and actually laughed, could tell that he was feeling genuinely relaxed.

We talked far more about me than about him, whenever I tried to ask him about himself he somehow turned my question back on me and I'd soon find it was me telling him about myself again. But I didn't mind, just being there with him gave me a lovely warm feeling inside and if he wanted to hear about me, so long as we stayed there together, that was fine.

The meal and the wine finished I thanked him and while I gathered up the dirty plates and cutlery he'd taken the remains of the meal out to the rubbish bins. I was wiping the table down and hadn't noticed him come back up again when I suddenly became aware of him, standing close behind me. I felt my heart leap and stopped what I was doing as I heard him say,

'You're a lovely girl Sue - and I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed this.'

I turned, he was standing just inches away from me, I looked up at him and saw in his eyes a look I had only previously seen in my dreams. I reached out with one hand and touched his arm.

'Don't you think I've enjoyed it too Brian.'

I felt his arm make a movement and, risking everything, reached around him, then, as I lifted my waiting lips, pulled him to me. I'm quite sure he hadn't planned to kiss me but he was a man and my move triggered a natural response from somewhere deep inside him and, as his lips came down on to mine I felt his arm slide around me and as our bodies gently came together, we tentatively kissed.

His lips were incredibly soft - I was surprised, for some reason I had expected the lips of a much older man to feel different, less supple, less moist - but they were as warm and moist as any boy's and, as we each responded to the feel of the other and as the kiss continued on, I felt his mouth become more active and thrilled to a kiss that until then I had only dreamed about.

That kiss seemed to be never ending and as it grew longer and more passionate I felt him holding me more confidently and then, as he pressed himself even closer to me, I felt the first, almost reluctant stirrings of his cock against my thigh. It was wonderful - knowing that his body was responding to me like that. As I hadn't believed anything would actually happen I had been suppressing my own sexual expectations but as the kiss lengthened and I felt his physical reaction to it and to me I allowed myself to begin to respond to him.

The next few minutes are a bit of a blur, I know that as I felt his cock growing I pressed my thigh against it and felt it surge a little more strongly. Encouraged by that I moved my thigh slowly from side to side and, as I slipped my tongue into his mouth, I slid my hand down to his bum and squeezed it. Then I felt one of his hands feeling for my already sensitive breast, its lightly fondling touch quickly brought my nipple to a deliciously hard little peak and when I squeezed his bum again I felt his other hand reach down behind me, pulling me harder against himself and the now strongly stiffening length of him.

When we finally came up for air and our bodies parted a little I slid my hand around and found his cock, hearing him groan and his fingers tighten around my breast as mine closed over the thick bulge it made in his trousers.

'I've wanted to feel you in my arms like this for such a long time Brian.' I whispered as I looked up into his face.

His eyes opened and I think in that moment he saw me properly for perhaps the first time, behind their warm softness I saw a glint of his body's need and dared to hope that perhaps my fantasies would after all be fulfilled.

That first time was virtual rape - me raping him I mean. His reaction to my words was to give me all the logical reasons why he couldn't make love with me, the difference in our ages, his marriage, that we worked together and several more that I can't now remember. While he was protesting I was undoing his belt and zipper, getting my hand inside his trousers and into his pants, finally feeling the hot hardness of his cock and the tightly swollen sac beneath it. My fingers stopped his argument and I watched as he straightened up, closed his eyes and moaned as he gave himself up to the thrills his body was experiencing. While not letting go of my prize I used my other hand to ease his trousers and pants down over his hips letting them slip down to his ankles, giving me freer access to him.

Easing back a little I looked down and saw his cock for the first time, it was still growing, much more quickly now that I could fondle and stroke it properly. I don't really know what I had expected it to look like but, just as I had been surprised at the softness of his lips I was now surprised that it didn't look 'older', whatever I may have thought that meant. It wasn't a gigantic, vertical pole, as you sometimes hear them described as and though I could tell that even when fully aroused it wasn't going to be as big as the biggest I had seen nor as rigid as a younger man's, to me it looked and felt quite beautiful and certainly all I wanted and needed it to be.

I knelt in front of him, cupping and fondling his balls with one hand while continuing to stroke the length of the shaft with the other, then slipping my lips over the velvety smoothness of his cock-head and, closing them around it, I began to slowly rock back and forth, taking the growing length of it deep inside my eager mouth.

I think that was when he really surrendered - as I felt his cock swelling and stiffening even more, I heard him making low growls of pleasure and soon after that his hips began to carefully thrust his cock still deeper between my lips until I felt it nudging the back of my throat. My body was reacting strongly too - the thrill of finally having him available added to the physical pleasure I was getting from the feel and smell of him - all of which had started my own juices flowing, my pussy was burning and tingling sensations were running through every other part of me.

I had given head like that to a number of boys and almost without exception it took just a minute or two to get them off - but even after quite a while I could see from his body's reactions that Brian was still far from his climax. Remembering from what I had read that older men needed much longer recuperative time between climaxes and that I might only have this one chance with him, I decided my need to feel him fully inside my body was worth taking one more risk for.

So slipping my lips from his gorgeous cock I stood, kissed him full on the mouth, whispered, 'I want you inside me Brian.' Then, quickly stripping off my skirt and panties I lifted myself up on to the desk we had used for our meal, pulled myself right to the edge of it and, lifting and bending my legs, spread my thighs wide apart for him.

I suppose a saint in that position might have been able to refuse me, Brian may have been highly principled but he wasn't a saint! Looking down across my body and between my wide spread thighs his cock was hidden from view but, as I looked up into his darkly misted eyes I saw the passion I had been able to arouse in him and then I felt the saliva slicked head of it nudging between my pouting pussy-lips, followed by the hard length of his cock being eased slowly into me.

It was my turn to quietly moan with pleasure!

At first, as he steadily pushed himself further inside me then began to slowly and deeply slide in and out of my pussy, he simply held on to my hips with his hands - then, when he felt me responding to his body's rhythm, he began to let them drift over me. Their touch was tantalising, stroking over and around my thighs, up across my stomach to just below my breasts, down again through the thickly haired vee and, every now and then, fluttering over the protruding nub of my clit. All that time his cock pistoned in and out, rhythmically, deeply, giving me a feeling that he could go on like that indefinitely.

The combined effect of his lightly caressing hands and the steady, powerful thrusting of his cock soon had every nerve in my body tingling and then, all too soon I felt waves building deep inside me, pleasure waves that grew irresistibly stronger second by second - and I knew that my climax was not far off. Whether Brian felt those first, inner contractions or saw some other change in my body I don't know but, as they began he gradually increased both the power and speed of his thrusting, actions that in turn increased both the wonderful sensations I was feeling and the strength of my body's response to them.

When he had first eased his cock between my waiting pussy-lips I had closed my eyes, shutting out the distraction of the surrounding office, concentrating on the physical pleasures he was giving me - but as my climax grew I opened them briefly and saw him looking down at me. In his eyes I saw a mixture of not just the intense pleasure he was experiencing but also other emotions too, emotions that I felt sure he had himself long forgotten.

Then, as the sensations inside me grew and turned into a single, unstoppable wave, I felt every muscle in my body tense and as the wave rose higher still I tried to grip the hard mass of him as it flashed even faster and deeper in and out of me. I heard myself scream out as that almost unbearable pleasure ripped through me and I thrust up at him, as though trying to impale myself even harder on to the shaft that was causing it.

On and on he went, slowing his pace as he felt the peak of my climax pass but still thrusting strongly up into the heart of me and, before the previous wave had completely died away I felt to my amazement, the slow surge of a second building inside me.