Sue Ch. 09-12


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As I saw that he slept quietly on I grew more confident and risked easing his shorts lower, giving me easier access to his cock, so that I could gradually increase the pressure of my touch, gently squeezing it, moving the folds of skin slowly back and forth and from time to time stroking the soft, pink head. Then after a while I became aware of a faint pulse and, almost imperceptibly at first, felt sure that I could see it responding - after a few more minutes of carefully caressing it I was certain, slowly but surely it was growing, both thicker and longer, my fingers were gradually bringing it to life again. I felt a strange sense of achievement and smiled to myself as I continued to squeeze, stroke and fondle the steadily growing firmness of him - all the time keeping one eye on his face, to see that I didn't actually wake him.

Watching the gradual transformation brought back memories of our love-making that afternoon and in recalling that, I found I could almost feel again the incredible hardness of him pumping vigorously into me while I had hung on to the branch of the tree - and I felt a damp warmth growing and spreading outwards from high up between my legs.

Just as Richard had, as Brian's cock grew steadily bigger he began to move about in his sleep and, from time to time gave out soft murmuring sounds, as though dreaming - and I wondered if by some strange coincidence he might be recalling the same sensations as I was. As, little by little his cock continued to grow and harden it became that much easier for me to handle and I was able to vary the type, strength and speed of my caresses and it wasn't long after that I had a full-blown, quivering erection between my fingers.

Looking down at it, so thick, stiff and ready simply fuelled my hunger to feel it back up inside me and as I was sure that Brian would neither want us to waste this one nor miss out on whatever new experience we could share I decided that whether he woke or not it was time to escalate the action. I let go of him, quickly stripped off my nightie and pants and very carefully got up on the bed, then, straddling his legs with mine, kneeled above him. Feeling down between my thighs I found that as I had thought, my pussy was already moist and puffy, so, spreading the outer lips with one hand, I took hold of his shaft with the other and, guiding the head between my outer pussy-lips, sank slowly down on to it. The rest of his body lay quite still but he moaned softly and I felt his cock surge as I gradually took all of it into me, thrilling at the feel of it forcing me wide open as it finally buried itself high up inside me.

It gave me a lovely, full feeling and I sat there for several minutes, just enjoying the strangely exciting sensation - looking down at his sleeping face, yet filled with his very much wide-awake cock. From the way his eyes were now rolling around beneath his eye-lids I could tell that he was dreaming and would have loved to have known what about - but even though I was sitting quite still I could feel his cock twitching and jerking every now and then, so I felt sure it had to be about something erotic - and that of course only increased my own sexy feelings.

As the combination of the feel of his cock and my own imagination stimulated me more and more I cautiously lifted myself, thrilling at the different sensations I felt as I let the hard length of him slowly slip out of me, pausing only when I finally felt the bulge of his cock-head against the inner layers of my pussy-lips. Then, gripping it with them I began to slowly move up and down, just tiny little movements at first, letting my lips graze over the sharp rim and part way up over the head, being very careful not to let it slip too far out of me, down again until it was just inside me, pause, then up again - up and down, up and down, over and over again - it was sensational - and still Brian slept on!

Of course the rhythmic friction of his cock against the most sensitive part of my pussy had a thrilling effect on me and as I felt my need growing even stronger I found it increasingly difficult to control myself and had to positively fight back the urge to simply slam myself down on his gorgeous cock. It was also obvious that although Brian was undoubtedly still asleep he was subconsciously being aroused just as strongly too - his face was grimacing, his body twisting about and his intermittent moans became stronger and more frequent until finally I felt his hips start to push upwards. Those movements were the final straw and I felt them triggering the beginning of my climax and decided that whether he woke or not, I just couldn't wait any longer - and began to drive strongly up and down the full, throbbing length of him.

Just as it began, his eyes flew open and I heard him cry out.

'Sue, Sue darling - don't stop, for God's sake don't stop now!'

Chapter 11

Brian's Dream

I had no intention of stopping! I heard the bed creak protestingly beneath us as I pumped up and down faster and harder. Somewhere deep in the heart of my sex the growing power of Brian's upthrusts had combined with my own frenzied actions to ignite a furnace and right then I couldn't have stopped even if the motel had started to come crashing down around us both.

There was a fleeting, questioning look in his eyes that made it was obvious that Brian was confused by the transition from dream to reality - but as he became fully conscious of what my body was doing to his and he felt the strength of his own quickly rising need he gave me a twisted grin and took a firm grasp of my frantically pounding body. Then I heard myself scream as a shattering climax ripped through me and I mindlessly rode the steel-hard shaft, feeling every nerve and fibre blazing with the agonising pleasure.

The power of it gradually lessened and though it left me feeling weak, I still somehow managed to keep going, spurred on partly by Brian's still powerful thrusting and partly by my own determination to give him as much pleasure as I had just felt. I could see from the way he gritted his teeth that his own peak was actually quite close and so, slowing down from my previously frantic pace, flexing the muscles that held his cock and summoning up my reserves of energy, I forgot myself and concentrated on now helping him.

Even though my cunt was slippery with the juices that had flowed from my climax I found I was still able to grip the mass of him with it and, guessing how much more stimulation he was getting from that slick tightness, rhythmically forced myself slowly up and down the hot, throbbing length of him. As he felt the intense sensations that my change of pace generated I saw him give himself up to the inevitability of what was to come. His muscles taut and locked, bending his body upwards, forming a rigid arch, supported by his feet and shoulders - and surmounted by his pole-like cock.

As I looked down and saw what my body was doing for his, I again felt amazement and a strangely satisfying sense of achievement. I had been able to transform Brian from a peacefully sleeping man into what he then was, nothing but a cock, a monstrous cock, a cock that was merely served by the contorted body beneath it.

As I slowly and deliberately pushed myself down the hard length of it I forced grunts of pleasure from him and although it's size seemed to be splitting me wide open, I still somehow managed to maintain the tight grip that I knew would be increasing the strength of the sensations he would be feeling.

Even his phenomenal staying power couldn't take too much of that kind of treatment and although in that rigidly locked position his body was unable to thrust up at me I soon felt the other responses that I had been working for and although my body's natural reactions urged me to speed up my downthrusts I resisted and maintained my intentionally slow rhythm.

He made a sharp hissing sound as he took in a large breath, held it as his straining body tensed even tighter still, then expelled it slowly, in the form of a moaning wail that grew steadily both stronger and louder. At the same time I became aware of the increased mass of his cock and, after a momentary pause felt the distinct pulse as it began to pump his boiling semen up from his tightly filled balls below.

As I felt that I lifted myself higher, until my clamping pussy-lips held just the tip of his bloated cock-head - and paused for a moment - then, timing it perfectly, as the first jet seared up through it, I drove myself down, increasing even more the pressure that blasted that first load of semen high up into my cunt. Then, as he writhed and bucked at the force of his orgasm, I matched my timing to his and continued pumping his cock until I was certain I had finally drained his balls of every drop.

We were both gasping for breath and it was only then that I realised my body was covered with sweat, tickling me as it formed rivulets, some of which ran down over my skin to drip down on to him from the spiky tips of my still heaving breasts. But in time, we began to regain some control of our bodies and when his tired muscles finally relaxed their grip and he pulled me down against himself, we sank together on to the bed and, staying locked wetly together, lay quietly cuddling until we both fell into an exhausted and for my part, dreamless sleep.

Brian woke earlier than I did, when I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was his, looking fondly down at me. During the night I had apparently thrown off the light covers and, as I became fully awake I found that I was lying spread-eagled, most of me open for his obviously keen inspection.

'Good morning darling. You're a very beautiful lady and an absolutely wonderful lover.' Were the first words he said that day, then he bent down a lightly kissed me.

I reached up, pulled him down against myself and kissed him properly, wriggling myself around so that the warmth of his body was close up against mine. I could tell that sexually he was still recuperating from the events of the previous day and more particularly from the massive draining I had given him before we fell asleep but it was nice just lying there in each others' arms, nuzzling and cuddling. But Brian must have thought I expected him to perform again because after a little while he said.

'I'm sorry nothing's happening Sue - you've only yourself to blame though, that final bout of love-making, on top of the others yesterday, seems to have taken all the life out of our friend.'

'Don't be silly, there's nothing to apologise for, it's lovely just being here like this - snuggled up together safe and warm. I neither expect nor want you to make love with me every time I put my arms round you.'

'But that's just about what happened yesterday.' he responded quickly. 'I, we seemed insatiable - and I still can't believe that I was capable of doing all that I did.'

I smiled. 'You were and you did - and it was fantastic. But I don't expect you to repeat the performance every day you know - for one thing I doubt that I could take it that often for very long, I'm already feeling a bit sore. Anyway, after the way you climaxed last night I'm not surprised you don't feel up to it yet.'

'That was astounding darling. How long had you been playing with me, before I woke up I mean?'

'Oh, maybe twenty minutes or so - why?'

'Well the whole thing was quite strange - wonderful but strange.' he added quickly. 'You see, before I woke I had been dreaming.'

'So I had been right!' I thought to myself as he continued.

'I was dreaming of us, well of you mainly - and what you were doing to me.' he paused, as though suddenly unsure of whether or not to continue.

I urged him on 'Go on, tell me everything, all the details you can remember.'

He gave me a sheepish smile then said. 'It's a bit strong, the dream I mean - but, anyway. Well, you were in this incredibly sexy get up - leather stuff, long high-heeled boots, a really tight fitting corset kind of thing with straps and belts around it. But it was fitted so that it left your breasts, your, your bottom and, er, well, your sex - exposed. More than just exposed, it seemed somehow to exaggerate those parts of you, I could see them in a way that it just wouldn't be possible to in real life. And I certainly wouldn't be able to see them from the angle I was at.'

'How do you mean, the angle?'

'Well, you had me strung up - literally I mean, not figuratively, although that was true too now I come to think of it. I was hanging just above you!'


'Yes - horizontally, facing downward. You'd got me all bound up with straps and things and I was hanging from something - I wasn't really aware of where we were. I was naked and you were watching me, my cock that is, as I began to get aroused from just the sight of you like that. Then you reached up and started to touch me, concentrating on my cock and balls. You were wearing a sort of mitten, made of very soft leather and I remember how excited I got from the contrasting feel of the leather and your un-gloved fingers.

It seemed to take ages, you were tantalising me, not letting me get too excited too quickly - but eventually the combination of the way I was hanging and what you were doing to me got me, my cock that is, fully aroused - and it felt truly enormous! I couldn't see it from that angle of course but I could certainly feel it, poking down beneath me - and I could see the glitter in your eyes as you examined it, you had a strange smile on your face - sort of smug satisfaction. Anyway then things changed, you know how dreams suddenly switch about, well then I was on the floor, on my back, but still strapped up so that I couldn't move. You were hanging just above me. But the way you were hanging!'

He paused for a moment and from the look in his eye I could tell he was recalling that particularly erotic part of the dream, then he pulled himself back to reality and hesitatingly continued.

'You were strapped up too but somehow still had control of yourself. You were in a sort of squatting position, your legs apart and drawn up out of the way - so, as I looked directly up at you, all I seemed to be able to see was your, er, your - '

'Pussy?' I prompted.

'Yes, your pussy. It was open, very red, I could see that it was already wet - and you were lowering it down on to my cock, which was sticking straight up at it. Somehow you were able to raise and lower yourself on the straps that held you up - and, once you had me inside you, that's just what you did. But it was all to please you, not me and the pace you were going at was maddeningly slow. But in a way that just made it all the more incredibly exciting, you were going so slowly that it felt as though it would go on forever and I'd never quite be able to reach a climax - tormented rapture if you know what I mean?'

I nodded and recalled what had been going through my head while I had been watching Brian dreaming the previous evening - wondering if he was dreaming about me in my skin-tight shorts and our riverside fuck that afternoon. Exciting though that had been it paled by comparison with what he had actually been experiencing - and I tried to imagine just what it would feel like if it were possible to be in the scenario his mind had created! But I pulled myself together and listened to him as he finished his story.

'Then, in my dream I saw that you were starting to climax and I felt sure that when you had finished you would simply leave me there, unsatisfied - 'strung up' if you like - and, and that's when I cried out for you not to stop - and woke myself up - to find you above me. I was totally confused, didn't know whether I had slipped from one dream to another, whether the previous one was reality and this the dream, or what. You probably realised that.' Again I just smiled and nodded. 'It took me a few moments to realise that the previous experience had been the dream and that what you were doing to me, was reality. As I've said before, with you the reality turns out to be even better than the dream or the fantasy.'

He gave me an enormous hug, nearly squeezing all the breath from my body - and continued. 'Then you seemed to do exactly what I'd wanted you to do in the dream, gave yourself that massive climax - and somehow after that still managed to keep going, for me. That was absolutely sensational darling, the way you changed what you were doing like that. You got so incredibly tight and the pace was almost identical to the one in my dream - but as I knew you wouldn't stop I was able to just sort of mentally 'lie back and enjoy it', as they say. God only knows how you did it or where all the stuff came from, I'd have thought I was exhausted - both ways, from the times we'd made love during the day - but it actually felt as though I was shooting off more of it than I had during all the other times put together - and it came with so much power too! Honestly, I just couldn't believe it was happening to me.'

'It was, it did and it was terrific for me too remember. Getting you aroused while you were still sleeping made me feel incredibly sexy. All the time I was doing it I was thinking of the things we had done together during the day, and that and the sight of your cock slowly getting bigger and bigger got me really randy. When I started I hadn't intended doing anything more than just touch you, more out of curiosity than anything else, but I got myself so worked up that when I saw it like that, so strong and proud, I couldn't help myself - I just had to help myself!' I added with a giggle. 'I was sure you were dreaming about something sexy but I never could have imagined anything as amazing as your actual dream. It would be nice if we could really do it like that wouldn't it.' I added, watching his face carefully for his reaction.

'From a purely engineering aspect it wouldn't be difficult - but I don't know where on earth we'd find a place where we'd be able to set up the pulleys and stuff that we'd need.' he answered with a thoughtful smile. 'But I'm afraid that exciting though all that is, right now more practical matters call, specifically, the bath-room. While I'm in there you might like to think about what you'd like for breakfast and where you'd like to go for the day.'

Chapter 12

On The Beach

The next hour was spent in attending to the 'practical matters', as Brian had called them - and to eating, finding that in spite of the large meal we'd had the previous evening, we were both quite ravenous. Over breakfast we talked about what we would do for the day - I fancied being by the sea and perhaps, getting a bit of a tan and Brian seemed quite happy with that, suggesting an area a little further down the coast.

'It's normally a very quiet spot, it's not really safe to swim there and because of the currents the fishing's no good either, so not many people bother with it and we'll probably have the place pretty much to ourselves. There's a long stretch of beach for walking and a mass of dunes behind that, so, if you want to get an all-over tan you'll be hidden from anyone who might happen to come by on the beach.'

'I don't think I'll have much chance of getting an all-over tan lover.' I said, then hearing him chuckle as I added with a smile. 'I bet that within minutes of getting my gear off I'd have you all over me instead. But the place sounds just perfect - shall we get something to take with us for lunch?'

'If you'd like that, we can stop off at a shop on the way, there's one I know that usually has a good selection of things.'

So, after we'd eaten, dressed and tidied up, that's just what we did and in another hour we were heading down a small, gravel track towards the beach.

It really was a perfect spot - after we'd parked the car beneath some trees we carried our stuff for about a hundred yards through a maze of very high sand-dunes and came out on to a beach that seemed to stretch for miles in either direction. The sea was pretty rough and the pounding waves created a background of sound where otherwise I'm sure there would have been a deserted silence. The dunes were capped by coarse grass and stunted bushes that provided the only shade but we explored around a bit until, a little way back from the beach and set quite high up, we found a partially shaded, shallow depression set between several more heavily vegetated dunes.