Sue Ch. 09-12


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Having spread our towels on the sand that covered the floor of it we put the bags in the shade beneath the bushes and I was busy getting something out of one of them when I felt Brian's arms slip around me and he pulled me backwards against himself.

'I don't seem to have had a kiss for ages.' he said as his hands cupped my breasts and his lips nuzzled the side of my neck.

'Well they're certainly not rationed.' I answered, enjoying the feel of what his hands were doing to me as they began to roam over my breasts, stomach and thighs and his body pressing close up against me. Then he turned me and as we kissed properly I was able to let my hands explore his back and bottom and I felt the unmistakable early swelling of him against my leg. Although he held me in a virtual bear-hug, by turning myself a bit I was able to get one hand down between us and with it feel through his shorts, the increasing bulge of his slowly rising cock as in turn, his thrilled me by fondling and squeezing my bottom.

When we came up for air I broke away from his embrace and as I stared at his crotch, laughingly said. 'You seem to have already recovered from last night lover!'

He looked down at himself then back up at me, a wide grin on his face. 'It would appear so wouldn't it. Still, I think we'll give it a bit more time yet before we test it, don't you?'

'That's fine by me - so long as we don't forget to do so.' I answered with a laugh.

'I don't think there's too much chance of that!' he said, then taking my hand, asked. 'Do you feel like a bit of a walk along the beach, before the sun gets too hot?'

'Mmm, nice idea, just let me get these things off. Not everything, just the top and shorts.' I added hastily.

'Pity!' he said as he watched me strip down to the bikini I had on underneath. 'Still I guess that gives me something to look forward to, later.' He followed suit, stripping down to just a pair of swimming briefs and though it had begun to subside, the sight of the ridge made by his still partially swollen cock made it seem a pity that we had to wait to 'test it'.

As we came out of the dunes and on to the beach again I looked up and down it, as far as I could see there wasn't another person in either direction, the distance was hazed by the spray from the crashing rollers and the effect was to make me feel as though we were the only people on earth. I gripped his hand tightly as we stumbled across the soft, dry sand and then strode out more briskly when we reached the harder packed surface at the edge of the surf. The sea breeze and the spray it blew from the breakers kept us cool and as we walked along together, I couldn't imagine anything that I'd enjoy more than the simple pleasure of being there with him.

We passed the usual assortment of things washed in by the sea but after we had been going for some time we came across an area that was covered with shells and when we stopped to look we were amazed by the variety of sizes, shapes and colours of them. I love shells and had to collect some as mementoes, so Brian left me to it while he went to look amongst the assorted debris for something to carry them in. A little while later, when I had already gathered quite a few, he came back with a small, plastic bucket, a long gash in the bottom showed why it had been discarded but it was ideal for our needs and we spent quite a while ferreting out the shells we each liked best then, when the bucket was nearly full, rinsing the sand off them by dunking it in the sea.

But even while I was engrossed in finding shells I was conscious that Brian was constantly watching me, sensing his gaze and, whenever I looked up I'd find him staring at me - and so, in a way I wasn't completely taken by surprise when, as we eventually started the walk back he said.

'You could safely get some of that all-over tan you were talking about, there's not another soul on the beach'

As he spoke I saw that his eyes had an almost pleading look in them. Understanding what he meant, I asked him, 'Would you like me to do that, walk naked I mean?'

'Yes, yes I would Sue - do you mind that?'

I grinned. 'Of course I don't mind - I've told you, I love knowing what makes you happy - and as you say, we haven't seen a sign of anyone else on the beach and even if we had, I doubt it would worry me too much, unless they had a telescope they wouldn't see much before we spotted them would they.'

It only took a couple of seconds to get the bikini off and then I stood there for him to look at and as I saw his eyes wash over me and felt the cool breeze blowing over my naked breasts and between my thighs, I felt something similar to the erotic sensations I'd got from skinny-dipping in the river the previous day.

'You're beautiful, quite beautiful Sue!' he said quietly.

'Now you.' I answered.


'Yes, you too. I like looking at you just as much as you like looking at me you know.'

He looked a bit embarrassed at first but said nothing as he put the bucket down and then stripped off the swim briefs. I had been quite truthful in what I said, I did like looking at him, especially his cock and balls - was fascinated by them and the feelings I got from looking at them, imagining the transformation his cock was capable of and what it could then do to me. His showed signs of what had actually been going on in his head while we collected shells, obviously his constant staring at me had triggered thoughts of sex, either sex that we had already experienced or that we soon might. I was reminded of the sight of him the previous morning, in the clearing by the river, walking back towards me with the blanket in his hand, then too his cock had been fatter and longer than its unaroused size, nowhere near erect, just showing definite signs of interest. I liked it like that, full of promise of excitement yet to come, for both of us!

We stood a few paces apart, just looking at each other and as we did I saw his cock swelling little by little and occasionally twitching as it grew - and felt not only my stiffening nipples but also the slowly growing warmth that spread out from deep between my thighs.

I touched myself, letting my fingers run lightly over my sensitive breasts and then down across my stomach, enjoying the sensations that my touch sparked - and indicated for Brian to do the same to himself. There was no hesitation this time and as he used one hand to cup and lift his balls he lightly held and then began to stroke the growing length of his cock with the other. I found that the sight of him doing that to himself was incredibly exciting and much to my own surprise I realised that without knowing it, watching a man excite himself was something I had secretly longed for.

By the time his hand had brought his cock to a full, throbbing erection my fingers were deep up inside my pussy and brushing the hard ridge of my clitoris as they slid wetly in and out of it. Through pleasure-glazed eyes I saw that although he continued to stroke himself for me, he was more intent on watching what I was doing to myself than what he was feeling and though the thought of seeing him bring himself to a climax that way was exciting too, I got to the point where all that really mattered was reaching my own. And I did that all too quickly - almost as soon as I felt the first, distinct surge, it grew into that familiar, rolling wave that triggered shivering shudders of delight as it swept through me and left me trembling and weak-kneed as it then all too quickly passed.

When Brian saw that I was finished he stopped what he had been doing to himself, took me in his arms and, as he was standing slightly below me on the shelving beach, his rigid cock slipped straight between my legs, so as we passionately clung to each other I was able to press it up against the wetness of myself by squeezing it tightly between my thighs. The feel of the hard length of him like that was fantastic and as our kiss continued on I found I could spark fresh, tingling sensations by rubbing myself back and forth along it and was then even more excited by the feel of it jerking strongly in response to those movements.

Perhaps it was unfair of me, having got him as aroused as he obviously was, to then break off, not let things continue to the inevitable surf-side fuck. But for one thing I wanted to see him like that, fully aroused in broad daylight - for another, we hadn't brought a towel with us and the thought of getting sand in my pussy was really something of a turn-off! So, unfair or not, I broke from his hot hold and eased myself away from him.

'Let's wait until we get back lover - right now I just want the chance to see you while it's like that, so big and powerful.' adding. 'Do you mind waiting a little while?'

He was a bit breathless and his eyes were dark with need but he took a deep breath and then managed to answer, almost calmly. 'Of course not darling.' Then he looked briefly down and saw how strongly his cock reared out from himself, its head a bulbous, dark red and glistening with traces of a mixture of both his and my juices. 'Not that it's exactly a pretty sight.' he added as he looked back up into my eyes.

'Pretty isn't the word - I think it's magnificent! I'd love to have a picture of it, just like that - so that when you're not around I could remind myself just how gorgeous it is and why it makes me so excited.'

As I said that I realised it was the first time either of us had made any mention of the fact that this idyll was only that, just two short days together, after which we both had to return to the pattern of our previous weeks, snatching a stolen hour or two as and when we could. I was determined not to spoil the time remaining to us by even thinking any more about that prospect - and from Brian's response it was clear that he had completely missed the allusion.

'Even if we took one I think we might have trouble getting it developed.' he replied with a grin, then, picking up the bucket, putting our discarded things on top of the shells and taking my hand, we started back along the beach - my eyes glancing sideways from time to time, watching his cock swaying and bouncing as we walked.

It didn't stay fully erect for very long of course but even as it began to slowly reduce, first in stiffness and later in actual size, I still found that the combination of walking together in such an uninhibited way coupled with being able to see it like that, kept me in a state of constant, if low level arousal - and from the way his cock stayed as big for as long as it did, I felt sure he was experiencing very similar feelings too.

When we reached the section of dunes where we had left our things we turned in from the sea and made our way up through the soft sand and were both panting from the exertion of the climb by the time we got to them. But as we approached, even the relatively heavy sound of our breathing didn't hide another faint noise, a distinct moaning sound that I first assumed to be the wind blowing through the surrounding scrub but then, as we listened more carefully we both recognised as coming from a human being, a woman.

We turned and looked at each other with puzzled expressions, Brian's shrug of his shoulders clearly indicating that he had no more idea of what it was than I. Cocking my head I tried to locate which side of us the continuing sound was coming from and although the surrounding dunes made it difficult to be sure, I felt it must be coming from beyond the side furthest from the sea. At one point that dune rose sharply then levelled out, leaving a sort of narrow shelf between the edge and where the thick scrub started, I pointed up to it, and with him pushing me from behind we managed to quietly scramble up the steep slope. When I reached the shelf I cautiously peered through the bushes - the dune fell away beneath me in an even steeper slope and as I felt Brian join me on the shelf I saw, there on the sand about twenty feet below us, a young couple, making love!

She was lying on an enormous beach towel, her legs bent and spread wide apart, he was kneeling between them and what he was doing to her with his mouth and tongue was the cause of her moaning sounds. She was what I guess you would call a 'classic blonde', very slim, and though her breasts of course lay flat against her chest, I could see that they were much bigger than my own. The guy on the other hand was darkly tanned, had almost black, curly hair and was very muscular. From the angle I was seeing them I couldn't quite see his cock but if his build was anything to go by I guessed it would be stubby - but making up in thickness what it might lack in length.

I crouched down on my hands and knees to watch and even as I began to imagine the thrills that the girl was getting, felt Brian's hand begin to slowly move over the curve of my bottom and down the backs of my thighs - the sight of them, coupled with his gentle touch sharply increasing the level of arousal that I had been continuing to feel during our walk back along the beach.

It soon became clear that the man must have been stimulating the girl for some time because soon after Brian began to caress me, we both saw and heard the sudden change in her response to him - she arched her hips, lifting herself high off the towel, almost shoving her pussy into his face and, as he apparently increased the strength of his licking, with a loud shriek of intense pleasure, she started to come. She lifted herself so high off the ground that he had to straighten himself up a bit and as he did that I found that I could then see most of his cock - it was hard and sticking straight out at her and it looked much as I had imagined it would, not very long. But very, very thick.

The sight of it added fuel to the fire that was burning fiercely inside me and, without taking my eyes off what was happening below, I reached around until I found Brian's cock - letting out a small gasp as I found it too was fully erect, watching the couple beneath us had apparently been as exciting for him as it was for me! Just then I saw the guy lowering the blonde back down on to the towel and, lifting himself above her, he guided the inflamed head of his cock towards her waiting pussy.

'Do it to me now Brian.' I whispered urgently as I lightly squeezed the hard length of him.

He didn't need telling twice!

The sandy shelf was just wide enough for him to get behind me and even as I spread my legs and lifted my arse higher for him, I felt the smooth hotness of his cock-head nudging at my wet, pouting pussy-lips. Then, at exactly the same moment as I saw the man beneath me slide deep into his girl, I heard Brian let out a sigh of pleasure and felt him filling my lusting cunt.

His fingers dug deep into my hips as he held me steady and began fucking me with long, strong strokes, driving himself high up into me - and I felt sure that with each one his cock got both thicker and harder. Whether by accident or design, the timing of Brian's strokes matched those of the guy below and I couldn't believe just how excited I got at having Brian doing it to me while I watched the steady rise and fall of the other's arse rhythmically thrusting his cock into the girl.

Then, all too soon I heard his louder grunts mingling with the girl's gasping sounds of pleasure - as the couple approached their climax their movements speeded up and, seeing that, Brian's got faster too, staying in time with them and almost immediately sparking the start of my own. Neither I nor the couple below had Brian's staying power and as they came with cries loud enough to block out my own muffled sobs and I shoved my shuddering body hard back against him, I felt Brian's powerful thrusting continuing.

What happened next was undoubtedly my fault but then I don't think anybody has complete control of themselves at the moment of climax, I certainly don't. I was arching myself up and back, trying to get his still pounding cock even further up inside me, forgetting just how narrow the shelf we were on was and in doing that must have pushed myself back just enough to make him lose his precarious footing on the sandy slope. As he felt himself start to slip he naturally gripped me tighter but, instead of grabbing the bushes in front of me I half turned and tried to hang on to him. The result was we both went, his cock still jammed deep inside me as we slid and then rolled back down together, ending up in a tangle of arms and legs on our towels below. After the initial shock I began to giggle and, as Brian caught his breath and disengaged himself from me, he too began to laugh.

Of course we were both covered in sand and I just hoped that having his cock plugged in me had kept it from getting up inside my pussy, I was trying unsuccessfully to brush it off myself when Brian suggested an alternative.

'We'll never get the sand off this way, I think we'll have to wash it off in the sea. Come on, just a quick dip will do it' So we grabbed towels and having taken a quick look up and down the beach to make sure it was still deserted, ran for the surf just as we were, naked.

The shock as we hit the cold water passed as we jumped and splashed about together in the relatively heavy surf and the feel of the breaking waves soon had me not only washed free of sand but also tingling all over. Neither of us was prepared to venture out past the breakers for a proper swim but enjoyed every minute as we dived under the big swells, laughed and spluttered as the smaller waves broke over us, wrestling in the shallows and generally acting like a pair of overgrown kids.

Eventually I felt the cold water begin to chill me and as I could see that Brian was also starting to shiver, took his hand and together we ran for where we had dropped our towels. As we briskly dried ourselves I noticed what had happened to his cock, it had shrunk right down to become a tiny, boy-sized one. I was fascinated by the change and couldn't keep my eyes off it. 'A wonderfully strange piece of anatomy.' I thought. 'Capable of such incredible changes - at just a thought or the lightest of touches, able to turn itself from this, diminutive piece of wrinkled, pinkish flesh into a massive, pulsating pleasure-pole'. I couldn't resist it, as Brian dried his hair, I knelt in front of him and, slipping my fingers up beneath the tightly shrunk sac, took both it and the tiny cock above it into my mouth and gently sucked, tasting the sea-salt in the moisture that still clung to them.

He shifted his feet, spreading his legs further apart and, reaching down with one hand, fondly ruffled my damp hair as he pushed his hips slightly forward for me. The warmth of my mouth gradually brought it back to life and after only a minute or two I felt his cock stir and begin to fill as it slowly returned to its normal, relaxed size. But remembering that my too violent response to what he'd been doing to me had brought our fucking to an abrupt end before he'd had a chance to come too, I wasn't going to stop there - and as Brian realised that I felt his body tensing, his hand take a tighter hold of my head and his cock begin to swell and stiffen again.

We made love right there, beside the crashing surf, he lay me on the damp towels and slowly and very thoroughly brought me to two more beautiful orgasms before he finally pumped me full of his hot, sticky semen. After we had kissed and cuddled for a while we took another, quicker dip, dried off again and headed back up for something to eat. While I got out the lunch things Brian scrambled back up the dune we had earlier rolled down together but apparently the other couple had left while we had been in the sea, so we found some shade, ate and later dozed happily in each other's arms.


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