Sue Ch. 17-20


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Thinking back over the last hour or so I realised that it had been up and down like a yo-yo, as he got aroused from one set of memories, quietened down as we talked over the various incidents and then was re-aroused as he unfolded the rest of that particular experience. Although his descriptions had been so vivid that I had felt myself getting as wet as he was hard I felt his need was the stronger, they were after all his memories that he was resurrecting. And though I realised it might jeopardise his ability to make love to me later that evening, I was determined to give him as good an orgasm as the one he remembered Doreen giving him all those years before - even if he no longer had the youthful, explosive power that he had had then.

Once I was sure that this time Brian wasn't going to stop me I knelt on the floor between his wide-spread legs - and using the skills I had learned and practised with the various boys I had known and Richard in particular - I took my time and slowly built on the level of excitement his own memories had created. I didn't care whether he was thinking of Mary, June, Doreen or even his wife, I just wanted to give him another memory to store with the others - and at the same time give myself the pleasure that I knew would come from being able to produce a truly spectacular orgasm for him.

I'll admit that there was also a touch of perverse pleasure in the thought of reducing this particular man, with all his reserve, control and consideration for others to an exhausted, quivering heap of totally drained jelly. But I'm sure that was incidental to everything else!

Whatever my motives - I achieved my goal when, after teasing him almost unmercifully I finally gave Brian what I felt sure was, if not his best ever, certainly his most spectacular climax for many years. Although I had been working for it, when I finally let him shoot down my throat I was amazed by both the number of loads and the total volume of the thick, creamy semen he had stored up and if he hadn't thrust himself so deep into my throat I'd probably not have been able to swallow it all - as it was he literally pumped most of it straight down my gullet.

After I had sucked him completely dry he lay back on the settee, obviously totally drained, while I got up and poured us both a large drink and having taken a mouthful he put the glass down, looked up at me as I stood in front of him and said.

'I don't know why you did that - whatever the reason, it was indescribably wonderful. But I'm afraid that at the moment I feel as though I'll never be able to come again.' Then he reached up for my hand, pulled me back down beside him and kissed me, long and hard.

When we eventually came up for air I said. 'I'm glad I could do it for you lover. Your memories had got you so wound up I thought you might burst if I didn't - and from the amount you gave me I'm surprised you hadn't already.' I added with a satisfied grin. 'Now that I've relieved some of the pressure you can finish telling me about what happened with you and Doreen, then we'll see what happens next.'

'You want to hear more?'

'Yes, everything please. How long did the relationship go on for?'

'Oh, I suppose about a year, maybe a bit more.'

'What did you do about contraception - they didn't have the pill then did they?'

'No, that was still years and years away. Doreen couldn't have any more kids, there had been some sort of complication after June's birth which meant they'd had to remove parts of her inside. So that was one thing we didn't even have to worry about. She still had periods though and I soon learned that those made her feel even sexier than she normally was.'

'I'm the same. How did you cope with that?'

'Oh we'd still make love, most times anyway. I suppose I was a bit put off the first time I saw myself covered with her blood but we were sensible, she always kept a towel handy at that time of the month. She'd not let me do it on her really heavy day though, if that coincided with one of my visits she'd treat me to something else instead - and I don't mind admitting that I got to look forward to those times.'

'What do you mean - 'something else' - what did she do?'

'Basically masturbate me - but do it in all sorts of different ways.'

'Tell me some, you know how much I like doing that for you too, tell me what you liked best.'

'It would be hard for you to improve on what you just did to me darling! I like anything you do, you know that and as far as I'm concerned you don't have a thing to learn.' he answered.

'Tell me anyway, please.'

'It sounds silly really but it was exciting at the time - and I think a lot of that came from seeing just how much she actually enjoyed doing it. She particularly loved the final bit, seeing it shoot out of me, she'd get a real kick when she was able to get it to go a bit further than usual. She found that if she kept me stirred up for a while I had bigger, well stronger climaxes than I did if she just did it straight off - so she'd work me up, which wasn't difficult remember, then she'd sort of keep me there, used to drive me mad sometimes - but I knew it was going to be worth it in the end.

Other times she'd put some sort of oil on herself, between her breasts, then while she held them close together she'd have me thrust up between them - sometimes she'd do the same thing with her bottom. I'd not get inside her you understand, just up and down the crack between her cheeks. The different sensations I got from those things were exciting.'

'What about with her mouth, did she suck you off often?'

'Oh yes, we both liked doing that to each other anytime - sometimes before, sometimes after making love - but during the heavy day of her period she'd not let me do it to her - but she'd make a real feast out of doing it to me.'

I chuckled at that. 'It sounds as though you kept each other really busy. But what about friends of your own age?'

'I managed to keep up with them too, as well as my college work, in fact I got a very good pass that year. Somehow I managed to fit everything in, though there were times when I didn't get too much sleep - but you have to remember that I was young, lots of energy to burn.'

'I don't think I had that much when I was that age.'

'And don't forget, we didn't have TV soaking up our time - most people did things, not just sit around at home staring at a box - times were different.'

'But your friends, your parents, didn't anyone suspect anything, I mean you said you didn't have any girl-friends, that would seem odd wouldn't it?'

'We went around in a group most of the time, there were girls of course, it's just that I didn't fancy any of them sexually, as much as Doreen I mean. So I made no demands on them - I'd have a bit of a kiss and a cuddle with someone - but that was it. That wasn't unusual either, in those days. There were a couple of times when I thought my mother knew, or at least suspected. She sometimes gave me an odd look, asked a few questions - but I'll never know whether she actually knew and decided I was 'safer' with a woman who knew what she was doing, than with a virgin who was likely to get pregnant, or whether she only had suspicions. Whatever, it's a bit late to worry about it now.'

'And you never got caught out by anyone?'

'No, though we nearly did, a couple of times. Once by a neighbour who popped in for a chat, people used to do that, they'd leave their back doors open most of the time so it was easy to pop in to a neighbour's house. Doreen said she had a migraine and was resting and got rid of her that way. Though I must say that in my own mind I'm sure that woman actually guessed what was going on - after all she had the best chance of anyone, she must have seen me coming and going a lot of times.

The other time was a bit more dramatic, June came home. She was out with her 'banker' and they'd had a tiff of some sort and she'd left in a huff. Luckily we were in the bed-room at the time or we would have been caught red-handed, so to speak. Anyway Doreen went out, used her headache story again as the reason for being in bed so early and took June into the lounge-room, closing the door behind her. That gave me a chance to gather my things and creep out the back way - we got away with it but it gave us both a bit of a scare for a while.'

'But it obviously didn't stop you.'

'No way!'

'You said earlier that Doreen wasn't into anything kinky, what did you mean by that?'

'Well these days you read about all sorts of things, I've no objection to people getting up to whatever turns them on, so long as they don't hurt someone else in the process that is. But I guess we were more naive, you didn't hear much about those things then, so you really weren't so aware of them. And as we weren't living together we didn't have the same opportunities to plan things, we were snatching time together remember. Most times the sheer excitement of having an hour or two was more than enough of a turn-on for both of us. And I guess the fact that I was a typically horny teen-ager meant I could be ready for her in a matter of minutes, seconds sometimes.' he said with a mischievous grin. 'I think that as far as Doreen was concerned that made up for any lack of creativity on my part.

But looking back, it would have been nice if we'd been able to do what you and I have this week-end, get out, go somewhere, take opportunities as they arose. That's what's made our time together so wonderful darling - plus the fact that you are so gorgeous and such a brilliant lover I mean.' he added quickly.

I smiled understandingly. 'I know what you mean, yes it has been wonderful, just as wonderful for me as for you remember.'

'But, given the limitations and restrictions we still managed to keep things fresh, just by doing little things.'

'What sort of things?' I asked eagerly.

'Oh, they sound a bit silly now - but they were exciting for us, for me anyway. Sometimes it was the way Doreen would dress - dress was far more conservative then, a woman would never dream of going without a bra for instance, that's one reason why I'd got so excited that first day. When I'd arrive I'd find her wearing a really tight top of some sort, so tight I could see her nipples sticking out - that would get me going almost straight away. Other times a short skirt - and then she'd make sure I soon found out she had nothing on underneath it. She got hold of some really sexy, black underwear from somewhere or other, she'd just wear a loose robe over the top, making sure I had plenty of opportunity to get a glimpse of what was waiting for me. Those sorts of things.'

'And you, what did you do?'

'There wasn't much I could do - or that I ever thought of doing. I didn't have the money for fancy clothes or anything like that. But there was one thing she loved me to do for her and although I felt a bit strange the first time, when I saw how much she liked me like that I soon got over it and used to put on a show for her from time to time.'

'What was that? What sort of a show?'

'She liked to be able to see me walking around, without trousers and pants on, not completely naked, just the bottom half, she liked me to keep a shirt on, said it was even sexier that way. And if I had an erection or even half a one then that would really get her going!'

'I can understand that, I get excited seeing you that way too.'

He smiled. 'The show's not as good as it was in those days.'

'Quite good enough for me thank you darling.' I answered softly.

'That's very hard to believe.'

'But it's true. So, what did she do, while you were in just your shirt I mean?'

'Sometimes she'd simply watch me. She'd find some excuse to get me to move around, ask me to fetch something for her, get me to make a cup of tea, something like that. Just so she could see it better. If she was already feeling sexy she'd play with herself, as she had done that first day, in the bath-room. From time to time she'd get up and play with me - 'just to keep me interested', as she put it - she'd caress it, make it really hard, then sit down again and just look at it for a bit longer.

I remember one particular time she had me like that and for some reason she'd kept me in suspense for longer than usual, got me really worked up. I was thinking that any minute I was going to just put her down on the floor and have her, then suddenly the light in the hallway went out, the globe had gone. She got up and went to get a new one and because the hall had a very high ceiling, a small pair of step-ladders. Naturally I said I'd fix it and had got up on the ladder, reached up and unscrewed the old globe, when suddenly I felt her hands slide up between my legs and start fondling me.

In the time it had taken for her to get the globe and ladder my previous erection had subsided a bit but I think that first touch brought it straight back again and in the minute or so it took me to get the old globe out and the new one in she had got it even bigger than it had been before. I started to try to get down but she looked up, said - 'Stay there.' - and continued to slowly stroke me. With me standing on the ladder my cock was exactly level with her mouth and after watching my head get more and more bloated she opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around it. She took me like that, me having to hang on to the ladder for support as my knees buckled from the force of the climax.'

'I can visualise that, I like the idea. She sounds even more sexy than I am and no wonder you enjoyed visiting her, she's just the kind of lady every teen-age boy should have for a while.'

I paused, I wanted to know the answers to a couple of questions but didn't want to spoil the atmosphere that our mutual story-telling had created for us. I sipped at my drink, hoping Brian would continue to the logical conclusion without my prompting - but when he didn't my female curiosity finally got the better of me.

'So, after that year, what happened?'

For a moment or two I thought he wasn't going to answer but then I realised he was in fact getting things straight in his own mind before he answered me. Finally he said. 'It was of those things caused by a series of events, no single one of them would have been enough to alter things - but the combination changed the lives of a lot of people.

Doreen's mother lived in the country and just after June finished at school, she got pretty sick. The fact that June hadn't yet started work meant that Doreen didn't have that to keep her at home, so she decided that she and June should visit her mother. Well her mother was worse than anyone had thought and a visit that was supposed to be for a week or so turned out to be one lasting several weeks.

Naturally I missed Doreen - and the regular sex I'd become very used to - and had more time on my hands to go out with my friends. Well, to cut a long story short, I'd been to a barbecue put on by the church youth group during which one of the girls made it fairly obvious she liked me and after it was over I said I'd walk her home. We stopped in a park for a bit of a kiss and a cuddle and I forgot I was holding an inexperienced girl, automatically kissed and caressed her the way I did Doreen. She would have been used to the nervous fumblings of the other boys and I suppose that in a way I just I sort of overwhelmed her, over-loaded her built-in defence mechanism. Anyway, we ended up having sex.

Of course I'd never had to worry about contraceptives with Doreen and even after we'd finished the thought didn't cross my mind. I saw the girl again at the week-end and she was obviously keen to repeat the experience and of course we did - and still the need for condoms never entered my head.

Well, that was it, she got pregnant! By the time Doreen got back from her mother's we'd found out - and, as you did in those days, we'd agreed to get married.'

'How did Doreen take it?'

'Quite well really, I got the impression she was sort of expecting it - not that I'd get someone pregnant - but that sooner or later I'd meet someone my own age. Being away for all those weeks probably helped a bit, she'd missed me of course - but she'd started to get used to not having me regularly. But the night I went round to tell her was one of the worst nights of my life, I never wanted to go through something like that again as long as I lived.'

'Did you make love to her?'

'That night?'


'Yes I did - but in a way I wished I hadn't - for the first time since we'd started it all, I felt terrible about it. Torn between wanting to please her, not wanting to hurt her and feeling guilty about Katherine, my wife, I mean the girl who was going to be my wife.'

'You said - 'that night' - was there another time?'

'Once, after Katherine and I were married, towards the end of her pregnancy. We'd not been able to make love for a month or so and Katherine wasn't very adventurous when it came to sex, never liked touching me very much and I guess she just didn't realise how a man gets to feel after a while, so I was feeling really randy. I was still at college, working nights and week-ends at a local factory and was on my way home one Sunday afternoon, when I bumped into Doreen. She looked so good, so incredibly sexy and all the things we had done together just came flooding back. She must have seen how I felt - and felt the same way herself - anyway I went home with her.'


'We fucked our eyes out - as they say! I was there for about three hours - I have no idea how many times I fucked her - I use that word because that's what it was that time, me fucking her. As I said, I've no idea how many times but my cock was raw for days afterwards. It was as though a dam inside me had been storing it up for all those months and when it burst, it just wouldn't stop, it poured out of me.'

'That was the last time?'

'Yes - a bit after that they moved. The story was that her mother had got sick again and that she'd had to go back to live, to take care of her. I wrote to her, just once and the letter was returned 'Not Known' - I got the message and didn't try to contact her again.'

When he had finished he sat there quietly, I got up and poured us fresh drinks, sat down beside him again and gave him all the time he needed to let the vividness of those memories fade, knowing from my own, less dramatic experience just how powerful they could be.

A little later he turned and looked at me, his eyes were very soft and seemed to be brimming with emotion, he didn't say anything for a long time, simply sat there looking at me but finally he stood and having put our glasses on the side-table, took me by the hand and lifted me up. 'Let's go to bed darling.'

We lay closely wrapped in each other's arms, I loved the feeling of having the secure warmth of his body pressed gently against my own and shifted around until I had one of his legs between mine and could feel the lean strength of his thigh pressing against me.

I recalled the events of the week-end and as I did, brief pictures of them flashed in front of my mind's eye - Brian expertly swinging the boat into the shore to pick me up from the park early the previous morning, the river unwinding ahead of us as we cruised slowly upstream, the clearing where we had moored, making love there, splashing about in the river like a couple of kids, the walk, the power of him as he took me from behind. Those and the dozens of other pictures that followed them brought faintly pleasant tingles to various parts of my body and the combination of those and the feel of his arms gently holding me soon had me drifting off to sleep.

It must have been an hour or two later when I woke with a shiver, my body felt cool and after a few moments' confusion I realised that Brian was no longer beside me in bed. Sitting up and looking around I saw that the door was open and, silhouetted against the star-filled sky I saw him, just standing there. I watched for a few minutes, waiting to see if he would sense me watching him, willing him to turn around - but he didn't, even when I slipped from the bed and padded across the carpet to stand behind him. I reached out, whispered his name and felt his body tense and jerk in surprise as I touched him.