Sue Ch. 17-20


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'What's the matter darling?'

He turned, put his arms around me and as he clutched me tightly against himself I could feel his body shaking. 'What's wrong?' I asked again. He didn't answer, just held me even tighter so I put my arms around him and gently stroked him, waiting until he was ready, or able to talk to me.

We stood in the doorway for a long time, every now and then I'd think he was going to say something but at the last second it would get blocked - and one time, just for a moment, I thought he was going to weep. But eventually I felt some of his tension lessening, his almost bruising hold of me slackened a little and after a little while longer he bent and kissed first my shoulder and then my neck. His lips were as warm and soft as ever and I felt a different kind of shiver run through me as he nuzzled me, then lifted my face to kiss my waiting lips.

'It's all right love, just a rather bad dream. I'm sorry I disturbed you.' he eventually said, then went on. 'You'll get cold standing here, let's get back to bed.'

He closed the door with one hand and then led me back across the room, got back beneath the sheets with me and we slipped straight back into the position we had lain in earlier, his thigh between my legs. I pulled his head towards me and kissed him, ruffling his hair and stroking the back of his neck and quickly felt his lips responding to me. As the kiss continued on and his hands held me closer I realised that it was no longer just his thigh that I could feel pressing against me - I could feel his cock slowly rising.

As it grew he stirred, his hands began to move slowly over me, stroking, caressing, taking his time, his fingers obviously enjoying the feel of me as much as I thrilled to their gentle, expert touch. And then, a little later, he rolled me beneath him and came smoothly into me. For a long time we lay there together, quite still, enjoying the sense of oneness that it gave both of us - but then I felt the stiffened length of him stir and was thrilled more deeply as he began to slowly move it in and out of me.

It was a sweet and tender love-making, not culminating in a mighty climax that left us both gasping, exhausted - instead I was treated to several smaller, gentler peaks that, as one merged with the next seemed more like a single, undulating event that simply rolled on and on, like waves on the sea. Somehow I knew that Brian didn't really need to climax, he was concerned only with maximising my continuing pleasure - and I wallowed in the bliss his seemingly untiring action generated. But just when I thought I'd finally had enough, he did - gently, as though even that act was for my, rather than his own pleasure - as though it was a final gift he was giving me.

Even when we'd finished we remained locked together, savouring each minute we still had together, fighting the drowsiness that threatened to steal them from us. But of course we lost and eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.

Chapter 19

A New Start

The morning was difficult for us both and my mind has blocked out much of the memory of it - but I can't forget the almost unbearable unhappiness I felt as I drove away, the sight of Brian standing there, waving sadly as he watched me go. I drove home, seeing the road through misted, tear-filled eyes and found it hard to believe that it was only two days since I had driven along the same road. Two days! We seemed to have packed a whole life-time into those short days and nights.

I had the rest of that week to get through before I would see him again and knew that even when I did it would be under totally different circumstances - we would be back to the stolen hour or two here and there, the quick coming together.

Suddenly I felt sure I knew what he had been thinking that last night, as he stood staring up into the night sky - he had been comparing himself to Doreen, realising, perhaps for the first time just how she must have felt about him - and the hopelessness of their relationship. What had started out for both of them - and for he and I too - as just a physical, no-strings attached adventure, had developed into something deeper, more demanding, something that she and now he, had realised threatened to change the course of their and now our, lives.

I spent many hours alone, trying to decide if that was what I really wanted, if I was prepared to live with what I would do to everyone else involved - his wife, children, job, his very life-style - if I tried to go after what I then really wanted, which was of course to have Brian for myself.

So, before the end of that week I found myself in Mrs. Morrisey's office, I was embarrassed to treat her the way I had to, apologising to her for the fact that I wasn't giving her or the company the required notice of my leaving. She tried to find out why - but I couldn't explain and was so close to tears that I knew if I had to say anything more about my reasons it would be the end of my resolve - so I said nothing more than that the reasons were purely personal.

I hoped Brian would understand my motives and, other than a large, anonymous bouquet of red roses that arrived on the day after he returned to work, he made no contact. I don't know that I have ever really got over him, there's a part of me that wished it could have been different for us both - but of course in time there were other men in my life, even men with the staying power I like so much - but sometimes I find myself looking back to the events of my earlier years and often re-live the memories of the wonderful times Brian and I had together.

My parents of course couldn't understand why I had left what they thought had been such a good job and although I didn't go into any details I let Mum think it had something to do with me being on the receiving end of some unpleasant advances from someone. Not exactly fair of me I know but I wasn't really equipped to handle the complex emotional turmoil and certainly couldn't face being grilled by them as well. It only took me a couple of weeks to find myself a new job and as the pay and prospects were even better than they had been with the previous company, they quickly forgot all about the somewhat odd circumstances.

Over the next few years I did remarkably well, as I've said, I enjoyed business and found I had a flair for being able to get things done. I progressed from being just a secretary to being a personal assistant and having had jobs in various sections of a number of companies found my real niche, in Public Relations and it wasn't long before I could afford to leave home, at first sharing a flat with another girl, which of course gave me much of the freedom I had always longed for. Funnily enough, I found that just having a place wasn't the key to great sex that I had expected it to be, although, as I said, there were from time to time good men, exciting men, there were also a lot of times when I was quite lonely and even more when I was physically very frustrated.

After a series of small successes I was offered a good position with a company specialising in the business of Public Relations and grabbed it - and that's how I met John, the first man I actually lived with.

John was - and still is - a free-lance writer, that is he doesn't work for any particular company, he takes jobs that come along that he likes or needs. The company I work for has quite a few people like that doing work for us - each tends to specialise in particular fields, so when we get a client in one area of business we commission a writer who has interest or experience in that. John is a bit different to most, he likes to work in a variety of areas, doesn't like being pigeon-holed and as the company regarded his work very highly it naturally wasn't long before I got to meet and work with him.

The attraction was mutual and instant although there was nothing either of us could do about it at the time as we were part of a group of people visiting a client's production plant. They felt they might run into problems with government departments about local pollution from a new manufacturing process and although they had installed the latest type of equipment wanted my company to develop a public relations campaign to ensure people got to hear their side of the story. When my boss briefed me about the project he told me he had already spoken with John and hired him as the writer. As I already knew his reputation I was looking forward to meeting and working with him - but nobody had told me that as well as being a good professional he was also young and extremely attractive, so I guess that when he was introduced to me my reaction to him was more obvious than I would have liked it to be.

But, touring a complex manufacturing plant is not exactly conducive to romantic interludes and although I knew he was watching me and I don't mind admitting I was taking every opportunity to give him more than a casual once-over too, apart from a gentle squeeze of my hand as the party split-up after the briefing, nothing happened between us. However, he rang me first thing the following morning, suggesting we meet to discuss the overall direction of the project and that if I liked, we could do that over lunch. I accepted of course!

John is tall, on the slim side, with dark brown, just slightly wavy hair and although he looks absolutely nothing like Brian, the first moment we met I was immediately reminded of him. It was only later that I realised that it was the eyes, that same soft brown colouring, the same, slightly sad look in them. Maybe that was part of his attraction for me but I'm sure that even if his eyes had been nothing like Brian's I would still have felt the same tingling excitement that I did as I headed for the restaurant John and I had agreed to meet at for lunch.

Although we discussed the project and came up with some good ideas as to how we would handle it, I was very conscious of the tension in the air between us and, having covered what we needed to discuss and the conversation then began to include things other than pure business, I felt it getting even stronger. John had the knack of being both a good talker and a good listener, he seemed genuinely interested in what I said and I found he also had the wit and ability to make me laugh with his occasional odd, dry comments.

So, in a way I was a bit disappointed when, as we got ready to leave he said. 'I've really enjoyed this, I hope we can do it again sometime.'

In my own mind I had already prepared an excuse as to why I wouldn't be back at the office that afternoon and was getting ready to phone my boss with it. I knew my flat-mate wouldn't be home from work for several hours and had already run a preview of the possible events of the rest of the afternoon in my head, getting myself even more worked-up in the process of course. So it was an anti-climax to hear him put-out merely the usual polite feeler as to whether I was interested in him or not.

But even so I was a bit surprised to hear myself answer. 'I didn't realise you had another appointment. I thought you were going to suggest I see something of your work.'

I was pleased to see his reaction was a mixture of both surprise and, more importantly, delight. He too reacted quickly to my blatant come-on, his eyes twinkled and a quirky little grin played around the corners of his mouth as he said.

'I thought that would have to wait until another time - I assumed you weren't free. But if you don't have to rush off somewhere - I'd be thrilled to show you absolutely anything of mine that you'd enjoy looking at.'

So, I made the planned phone call and, as I found that John didn't have a car I drove us back to his flat instead of mine. Neither of us said very much during the relatively short drive and though I kept my eyes on the road and the traffic I knew his were constantly flicking sideways, examining what he could of me. I was wearing a short, straight skirt so as I drove he had plenty of opportunity to get a good look at my legs and I had purposely worn a bra and blouse that set-off my small but nicely rounded breasts. The combination of my own already roused excitement, feeling his eyes roaming freely over my various curves and the anticipation of what I hoped was to come soon had me feeling positively randy and I just hoped that after all that I wasn't going to be disappointed, that he didn't already have a woman - or even worse, a man - sharing his life.

But I only needed a quick look around inside his flat to put my mind at rest on both counts. Although it was pretty tidy for a man's place, there were no obviously feminine touches and from the almost stark functionality of everything it was equally apparent there was no gay influence either. I had excused myself as he'd closed the door behind us, saying I had to use his bath-room, which was true but which also gave me a chance to quickly check-out whether or not he lived alone - the number of tooth-brushes is always the best indication - and there was only one!

John had asked if I would like coffee or a brandy, I had said, 'Both please.' and took the opportunity of poking my head into the other rooms while he got that ready. It was quite a small flat, with two bed-rooms, the smaller of which he used for his writing, the larger had, I was glad to see, a double-bed - still unmade of course - and a comfortable looking lounge-room. I re-joined him in the kitchen just as he was pouring the brandies and as I took one from him our eyes met and in them I saw again that wicked twinkle that I had seen earlier, in the restaurant.

'To an enjoyable and successful relationship.' he said as he clinked glasses.

I took a large sip and felt the heat of the spirit spreading through me, then, without another word, he took the still half-full glass from my hand, took me in his arms and kissed me. I was in no mood to play the coy maiden and responded eagerly, finding his tongue with mine and, reaching round to take a firm grasp of his buttocks, pulled him tightly up against myself. He obviously realised I was already wanting him and it wasn't long before he broke from my arms and, returning my drink to me with one hand, took the other in one of his and gently pulled me after himself as he said.

'Let's get more comfortable Sue.'

He made no comment about the state of the bed as he led me into his bed-room, just put his glass on the table beside it and, after brushing his lips against mine, simply began to slowly undress me. Having unbuttoned my blouse he slipped it off and I felt delicious tingles running through me as he lightly trailed his finger-tips across my shoulders and down my arms. The lacy bra I'd worn was front-fastening and seeing that, he wasted no time in undoing it but then, instead of just taking it off he slowly uncovered first one breast and then the other, again thrilling me with the light touch of his fingers as they traced the outline of each curve.

'Beautiful, absolutely beautiful Sue.' he murmured as he looked briefly up into my eyes, his gentle hands lifting each breast in turn, his fingers squeezing and lightly rolling the incredibly sensitive tips. Then, having finally slipped the bra off my shoulders he dipped his fingers into the brandy glass, knelt in front of me and lightly stroked them over the now stiff and jutting nipples.

The effect was electric, as though each was on fire - a fire that he then delightfully quenched with his moist lips, tongue and mouth. I put my brandy glass down on the table beside his, freeing my hands so that I could use them to gently hold his head against first one and then the other as I gave myself up to the pleasures that his nuzzling mouth was producing.

Then I became aware that his hands were fumbling with the zip on my skirt, being straight and tight he wouldn't be able to get it down over the curve of my hips and as I released his head and shifted to help him get it off me I silently swore to myself that I had put on pantyhose and not stockings that morning. But once the skirt was out of the way the pantyhose soon followed and, after his fingers had spent a while sending thrilling tingles from my thighs and on up through my spine, the tiny bikini panties also joined the rest of my clothes on the floor.

Then his hands slipped around behind me and as his fingers squeezed the fullness of my bottom, urging me forwards, he pressed his warm, moist lips against my stomach and, even as I heard myself start to quietly say - 'Please - please kiss my pussy John!' - he pushed me backwards and down on to the bed.

I felt my legs being parted and, as he remained kneeling on the floor, I bent them and pulled myself forward until my bottom was right on the edge of the bed, giving him easy access to my sex and then sighed with pleasure as I felt the slight roughness of his cheeks against the soft skin on the inside of my thighs. But even though I wanted to feel it so much, the first swipe of his tongue between my pussy lips and up over the already swollen nub of my clitoris was so intense that my entire body jerked and as I arched upwards I felt his hands slip under my bottom, to support me.

As our relationship developed I learned that he loved doing it to me almost as much as I loved having it done, he would happily spend an hour at a time just slowly, thoroughly kissing, licking and sucking my pussy, giving me climax after climax. But I didn't know all that then and as I didn't know how long he was prepared to stay down there but knew how badly I needed to come that way, instead of just lying back and enjoying the variety of sensations I eventually discovered he was capable of giving me, I urged myself towards a quick and sudden climax. I screamed as it ripped through my body then shuddered as I felt his mouth sucking me dry and then became aware of the way his lips and tongue were still, slowly but insistently working on my then super-sensitive clit.

Realising he was prepared to give me more than a quick thrill and a fast fuck I moaned softly in anticipation of what was still to come, stroked the hair on the back of his head and whispered - 'You can't imagine how good that feels John. Don't stop just yet, please.'

Obviously he couldn't answer me but he certainly did just as I had asked and it wasn't until after he had given me another, smaller orgasm that he finally pushed me further back on the bed, stood up and quickly stripped off his clothes. Although my eyes were glazed from the continuous pleasures his mouth and tongue had given me I watched as he stripped and was pleased when I saw that he had broader shoulders than I had expected, a well shaped, hairless chest, a tight, flat stomach and nicely shaped legs - and from the size of the bulge in his pants I felt sure I wasn't going to be disappointed about the size of his cock either.

I wasn't! As he slipped his pants down and stepped out of them I had a chance to see it for the first time, like himself, long and lean - not as thick as some I had previously known and probably not the longest either - but nicely shaped, with a large, smoothly helmeted head which was already glossy from the stuff that had oozed out in reaction to his own extended arousal.

I was limp and weak from my two orgasms and I wasn't sure I was capable of another quite so quickly but, when I felt the long hardness of his cock sliding easily up into me, I was thrilled and happy to feel myself responding in that old, familiar way. I sighed as I felt it and smiled up at him, noticing that his lips and chin were still wet and as I looked into his eyes I saw that his increasing need had turned them a darker shade of brown.

'Aaah yes!' he moaned as he buried his cock all the way up into me until I felt his belly pressing firmly down on to mine. Bending his head low he kissed me full on the mouth - then, straightening up again he looked deep into my eyes and said. 'That's a beautiful, beautiful pussy Sue.'