Superf***er Vol. 05


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"Its mostly full of guys, of course," she explained, "but I know a few girls lurk here. Most of them might be interested to try something new here or there, but none of these guys are offering anything in return to make it worth our while. Let's see if we can do better." And with that she began to type a new posting:

ZOMG I met this guy and had the best sex—ever!

Girlfriends, you are NOT going to believe this. I met this guy through the board, arranged to meet him. He was cute and funny, and we hit it off, so I brought him back to my place. ZOMG, when I reached in his pants, his you-know-what was as big as my effing forearm! Srsly! And man, did he know how to use it! I've never cum so hard! I thought maybe it was true love—but alas, he's from Russia (although you'd never know it) and he's not sure where he's going to end up, so he's not willing to commit right now—cry! I'm not letting myself call him because I'm looking for a relationship and I know I'd get hooked on the mind-blowing sex if I let myself see him again. But I'm telling you, if you're looking for a pleasant diversion while you're searching for Mr. Right, no one can curl your toes like this guy! He's kind if shy so I won't out him, but PM me and I'll forward them to him. GL (sigh).

and the posting went live. "OK, now, let's get you set up with your own account," she said. As I stood behind her, she walked me through the process of creating a profile for myself. "There," she said finally, "you can add a picture when you have a chance. Now just watch your inbox for messages forwarded from me."

"You really think this will work?" I asked.

"I do," she said confidently. "Most of us girls are looking for a serious relationship, but we're not above the casual fling now and then if there's reason to think it's worth your while."

"I'm not sure I can live up to your hyperbole," I chuckled.

"Don't worry, everyone expects a little embellishment. Anyway, this is just one site. I think there's other angles we can try. There's websites for single women wanting babies, believe it or not. Paranoid conspiracy theory websites where you might find geeky women who'll accept the dark comet story without hard evidence and might be convinced to help save the earth. Find a submissive on a B&D site maybe. Or what might REALLY work well is a wife-swapping or threesome site, although you'd need a female accomplice..."

I shook my head in amazement. "You might be right—there's a whole world out there I know nothing about—but why are you doing this? Eddie may be a cute, lovable little burden, but he's still a burden. Why are you helping me out?"

"You said the earth was going to be destroyed—or was that just another of your stories that I've bought hook, line & sinker?"

"No," I said earnestly, "that's the God's-honest truth."

"And you don't think saving the planet is enough reason for me to help you?"

"I dunno," I considered, "it's not like I've done you a lot of favors."

"I'm a single mother—I could use something besides Eddie and work to keep me going, and one-night stands off the website aren't it." I nodded silently. "And...the part about really knowing how to use it," she added haltingly, staring straight at the unmoving screen, "wasn't really much of an embellishment."

"Are you trying to seduce ME?" I laughed.

"I'm trying to decide that myself," she said, turning towards me with a light-hearted grin, "especially seeing as it seems a good bet that a second go-round will end up the same way as the first."

"I dunno," I said, putting my hands gently on her shoulders and rubbing them. Her eyes closed as she experienced the pleasing tingle from my fingers. "Maybe the fact that you're still breastfeeding will inhibit conception."

"I don't think that's going to be enough to protect me," she said softly, "I was on the pill the first time and got pregnant anyway."

"My bad," I demurred, "my sperm carries hormones that stimulate ovulation. The perfect counter to the pill."

She stood slowly and wrapped her arms around my neck. I gently ran my tingling fingers up and down her back. "See," she whispered in dreamy surrender, "I have no chance against you." Then we kissed.

"I have to say I'm a little surprised it doesn't freak you out that I'm an alien," I whispered when we paused to catch some air.

"I'm sure it would," she sighed, "but after as many nights as I've dreamt about how it felt when you touched me..."

I decided not to explain the electrical charge thing and ruin the mystique. Instead, I gently slid my left hand from her lower back, along her side and up towards the front of her shirt. I ran my hand gently along the rising curve there. Almost immediately, I could feel the nipple straining towards me. I touched the top of her breast while slowly circling the nipple; I could feel her breathing change.

She pulled away for a second; pulling down, a flap I didn't even notice fell open, exposing her aching breast. Of course—she was wearing a nursing blouse. Then she wrapped her arms around me again, waiting expectantly for the feel of my fingers on her naked flesh. She let out a soft half-moan half-gasp when I touched her exposed nipple. "My god," she whispered softly, "it's exactly the way I remember."

Now I was the one that pulled away. "Crystal, at least let me run to the store to get a condom. You're right, I probably WILL make you pregnant again."

"They don't make condoms big enough to fit you—it would snap like a used rubber band," she purred, coming closer again and touching my pants. "Is there something in your plan that says you can't use the same mother twice?"

"No," I replied between kisses, "I just don't want to do that to you."

"Gotta do what you gotta do to save the planet."


We both froze--Eddie had woken up, and as is the way with infants on your planet as well as mine, demanded to be fed NOW! The look of disappointment on Crystal's face surprised me. She glanced at her watch. "8:00. This should be his last feeding before he's down for the night. Stick around?"

"I've got no better place to go," I replied wistfully. She didn't bother to replace the breast flap of her blouse as she went to fetch him. I moved to the couch and turned on the TV; Crystal reappeared with Eddie eagerly sucking the nipple I had been stoking minutes with an audibleschlup schlup. Hungry little bugger. She sat down next to me on the couch. Eddie stared at me while having his dinner; it felt like he was warning me off: "I don't know what you're thinking, but just so we're clear, this is MY breast!"

"Um...could you turn on channel 114?" she asked sheepishly.

"Sure," I replied, changing the channel. Four brightly colored, oversized stuffed suits singing songs filled the screen.

"It helps Eddie fall asleep," she shrugged.

"OK," I replied with a chuckle. I looked back at Eddie, and indeed he no longer noticed my presence at all; he was enthralled by the fuzzy singers, to the point where he sometimes forgot to keep eating. "He sure is a cute little guy."

"Yeah, he is," Crystal agreed. "I...I know I sound bitter about having to raise him by myself, but that doesn't mean I don't love him more than anything in the whole world. He may be a lot of work sometimes, but he's worth it."

"I really do wish it could be another way, but..."

"I know, I know. Who'd have thought that the whole world might have to depend on little Eddie to save us?" After a pause she added "and why me, anyway? I mean, Nicole practically threw herself on you right there in the limo that night, yet you kept focusing on me..."

"I did," I admitted. " I saw you in that crazy bar, and something about you...I don't know, but I joined in with your little group just to get closer to you."

"That's kind of flattering, I guess...but why? Why me? I mean, my friends are all hotter than I am..."

"No, they're not," I interjected. "Oh they may have dressed sluttier, but you were definitely the hot one, even if you were the quiet one."

"Me? I'm not hot," she protested.

"You're not slutty--you have this air of wholesomeness, and it's yet mixed with the subtle prospect of mind-blowing sex. It's first thought, when I saw you, was that you looked like every man's cheerleader fantasy, in the flesh."

She laughed oddly. "What?" I asked.

"Oh nothing...its just that my last boyfriend used to say that I looked like a cheerleader, too." Eddie had stopped sucking, and was almost asleep. She sat him on her lap, bending him over one arm, rubbing his back to get him to burp.

"Can...I?" I asked haltingly.

That caught her by surprise--I guess because I'd abandoned her, she assumed I had no interest in caring for a baby. "Well, yeah, ARE the father, after all." She handed groggy Eddie over; I put him on my shoulder and gently tapped his back. "You're not going to crush him with your super strength or something, are you?"

"After all the trouble I went through to make him? Not a chance." Crystal picked up a burp cloth and put it on my shoulder. "So what happened to your last boyfriend?"

"Bailed the second he heard I was pregnant," she replied dryly.

"I'm sorry," I replied.

"Not your fault. In fact, at the time I wasn't sure who the father was--it wasn't until blood tests came back that I knew for sure. You've never seen someone so happy as he was when he found out he was off the hook. I guess I don't have the best of luck with men..." she sighed.

BLORP. Eddie's burp finally came up, along with a good-sized chunk of goo, saving me from having to respond. He didn't know anything about it--he was already sound asleep. We both made a little "aww" face at the cute sleeping infant. Crystal gently took him from me and went to lay him in his crib. She popped out a second later to turn on baby monitor, saying "Call me if you hear him stirring, OK? I'll be back in a second."

I just had time to nod before she darted back down the hallway. I heard rustling sounds in the back of the apartment, and she was gone for at least ten minutes. Suddenly she appeared, striking a pose in the doorway, announcing herself by saying "well?"

I looked up and..."wow" is all I could say. She had changed clothes, and now was wearing a cheerleader uniform--a real one. It had a pleated short skirt and matching sweater in maroon with yellow-gold trim, a big "U" in the front, and matching pom-poms.

"I really was cheerleader, in high school and in college. My last boyfriend always liked me to put it on before we went to bed, too. I don't get what gets you guys so excited about it anyway, it's just a little skirt and sweater."

"Maybe it's the principle of the thing," I suggested.

She shrugged. "I'm pretty happy, though, that even after Eddie it still fits," she replied with a little pride as she sauntered into the room, patting her belly. "Well, except for the shoes--my feet got a size bigger when I was pregnant." Until she had called attention to it, I hadn't noticed that she was barefoot in her uniform--I was transfixed the teasing little strip of belly that peeked out between the top of the skirt and the bottom of the sweater. That, and the way that the sweater tightly hugged and accentuated her chest. "It's a little tight in here, too," she said, shifting both poms to one hand and patting her breasts, "I'm bigger now that I'm breastfeeding."

"No complaints," I squirmed. My dick was trying to stand at attention but was trapped in my pants.

She glanced my way and saw the bulge running halfway down my thigh. "Of course, maybe that's a good thing..." she said slyly.

"Do you remember any of your cheers?" I asked.

"Of course I do..." and she took up a ready position, then launched into a cadenced chant, shifting her feet back and forth, spinning, throwing her pom-poms this way and that. She looked like any cheerleader you might see on the sidelines of a basketball game, only she was a lot closer than I'd ever been to one. I reminded myself that if I went to a basketball game again, it was worth shelling out the difference for front-row, courtside seats.

She finished with a big kick and jubilant bouncing up and down. I clapped appreciatively. I don't know, maybe it was something to do with that perkiness, combined with the teasing skin, that makes a man want to throw a cheerleader down and pin her to the floor with your dick. Or at least, it did me.

"Of course, that's what it would look like on the sideline. When I was with my old boyfriend, I did it a little different." I raised my eyebrows as she folded under her sweater, so that it was now just a half-shirt. Her waist was still shapely; you would have never guessed she'd borne a child if you didn't know. Then she launched in to a routine that was the same and yet completely different. Instead of high-temp and perky, she walked through her step in a manner that was slow and slinky--half cheerleader, half stripper, you might say. In the first version, she might bounce up and down while throwing her pom-poms straight out to the sides and back rapidly. In this version, she would strike a pose, hips cockeyed at a sexy angle, and sultrily unfold her arms. Rather than throw her arms overheard, she slowly lifted them, pausing at the top to thrust out her chest as far as possible. Lifting her arms raised her shirt up even further, and the bottom curve of her breasts peeked out; she wasn't wearing a bra.

Suddenly she spun around to show me her backside, bending far over slowly and grabbing her ankles. That wasn't part of the original routine. She stood slowly, spun deliberately to face me again, and reached one arm and then the other towards me, tossing the pom-poms in my lap as she did.

She did the spin again, only this time she grabbed the underpants that went with the skirt and as she bend over, she slipped them down her legs. The skirt of course lifted, and her bare cheeks were staring me in the face. She stepped out of them, then still bent over spread her legs far apart so that I could see her sex. I noted that her bush was neatly bikini waxed; I wondered that she'd take the time to do that, what with Eddie and her claims of not having any dates. Then I remembered she said she was waitressing; I didn't know where, but many of the uniforms on the strip might well require a bikini wax to look good.

At this point, I HAD to move, however--my dick desperately needed more room. I adjusted so that I was no longer caught in my pants leg, although I was still straining within my pants.

"Pull it out and stroke it," Crystal commanded with a sultry voice. "My old boyfriend always used to masturbate while I danced, and I like being able to see that I'm affecting you."

Obediently I opened up my pants. My dick sprang straight out as soon as it was clear of its restraints. I grasped myself and stroked my erection while she continued to tease me. True to her word, she kept her eyes locked on my dick as she did. She kicked again, but now rather than a fast kick it was slow, swooping up and the out to the side in an arc on its way down, ensuring that I got a good view up her skirt as she went by. She threw her arms up again, but now she first pulled her shirt up so that when her arms stretched to the sky, her shirt crept further and further up her breasts. She arched her back to thrust them out forward, making them peek out even more; half of her nipples winked at me from under her sweater. She was right; they were much larger now that she was breastfeeding. No longer a handful at best, they were ripe and meaty and made my mouth water.

I could wait no longer. My hands suddenly left my crotch, slipped under her sweater and gently yet firmly grasped both nipples between my thumb and index finger. "Ohhhhh," she cried as the gentle current between my fingers stimulated her nips to indescribable pleasure. They had been erect, but I could feel them straining, trying to reach past maximum extension as they reached towards the pleasure. This made them that much more fun to hold.

Crystal reached down for my penis and started to stroke it. She was not about to move, though, so long as my electric fingers kept touching her nipples. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing, though--I dropped my left hand down, touched her thigh, then gently slid my hand up her skirt. I had no trouble finding her hot, wet pussy with my finger. I was very careful NOT to let my thumb make contact, however, because shooting those pleasure currents through their clits almost always gets human women off--usually in a minute or less, literally.

Still tweaking her left breast, I slid my left hand back and forth, rubbing her slit. She adjusted her feet wider apart. I felt the nubbin of her clitoris rising, and focused my stroking on it. She had her eyes closed and was enjoying the ride; so much so, in fact, that she would sometimes forget she was holding my dick and would have remind herself to keep stroking.

"Come here, cheer girl," I teased. Stroking was OK, but my dick wanted...better treatment. She took a step forward. I pulled up the sweater; she raised her arms and effortlessly it was tossed aside. Then I lay down on her sofa. Holding her hand, I pulled her my direction, but turning her at the same time; she understood my intent and swung her leg over my head, straddling me. She then lay flat on top of me and started to caress my erection with her tongue. Thus we proceed with a leisurely sixty-nine. Her crotch filling my face, I licked her pussy while she sucked my dick. She couldn't take all of my length, of course, but what she could reach she did good work with. She would kiss and lick all around my head, then purse her lips and swallow as far as she could. Then she would let go, lick from bottom to top, and start over again. In the meantime, she would stoke my balls with a feather touch, almost a tickle really. It was great.

All the while, I had not forgotten our pregnancy conundrum. I knew that human males sometimes ejaculate in...other orifices (something females of my planet would never agree to without substantial amounts of money changing hands). I'd never really thought much about it, because my whole purpose in fucking human females was to impregnate them--but here I was having sex, and I really didn't want to knock Crystal up again, at least not yet. I had grown quite fond of blowjobs, though, and thought that maybe this would be my chance to see what a real blowjob felt like all the way to the end if you catch my drift. With the effort she was putting into giving me head, it seemed like it was bound to happen eventually.

Crystal, though, wasn't satisfied. She knew how it felt to have my meat stuffing her, and she wouldn't settle for anything less. She got off me, started to pull my legs off the sofa, and seated herself in the corner, only with her hips flush to the edge of the cushion. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"I want you inside me," she answered plaintively.

"Crystal...if we do it this way, you'll get pregnant again..."

"I don't care," she interjected. "I want to feel you fill me again. And if I do, well, then I'll be doing double my duty for the defense of earth." It was clear she meant business; I was moving tentatively in the direction she was insinuating, but she was adamant. She gripped my penis in her hand, stroking firmly, while spreading her legs far apart and aligning her hips so I could penetrate while kneeling next to the couch. She wouldn't let go; she half-dragged me by the penis to her opening. As soon as she was within range she somehow threw her hips out. It wasn't so much that I penetrated her as that she engulfed me.

"Ohhhh," she moaned again. Now that I was in, I was ready to let it rip. I mean, I'd been trying to save her the trouble; I was more than happy fuck the shit out her. And if she wanted it that bad, well, look out baby 'cause here it comes. As I slipped in... and out... and in... and out, I realized this had to be the wettest pussy I'd ever dipped my wick in. I flipped up the little flap that was the front of her skirt and watched my penis as it disappeared between her thighs. When it came back out, it was shiny from the glistening juices into which it was bathed. Then it disappeared again, only come out three seconds later freshly dipped in the fragrant pools created by her arousal.