Tabootopia - A Nation of Incest Ch. 06


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Regina had her face in her palm. "Uhhh! Dad."

Björn's eyes grew wide. "Hold on, umm, that man that just spoke, he's your father?"

She gave a long deep sigh before replying, "...Yeah."

Björn smiled while rubbing his hands. "Does he, umm, ahhhh, take an interest in your life...your, umm, sexual life?"


"Ah, I'm sorry, I, ah, ah, umm, haha..."

Regina shrugged. "Well, of course he asks, I mean, yeah, he wants to know all about my sex life. He is so, like, proud of me since I've come out: I don't think any other dad has ever been as happy as he is to find out his daughter's really into girls."

"Oh, so you're full-on lesbian, huh?" Daniel asked casually.

"Eh, kinda...maybe...probably...yeah. I don't really label myself."


Then, suddenly remembering something very important, Principal Sanchez turned around and said, "Whoa, hold on, Regina, Regina!" he ran back to her.

"Wha-what is it?" she said with her arms folded, awaiting another sordid invitation.

"Relax, relax: I'm here to talk business."


"...In private?"

"I don't mind them here," she said in reference to Björn and Daniel.

"Okay, now just hear me out: You've seen those cheques, haven't you? For the DVD of the sex you and Tammie had in that shower?"


"Big amounts, yes?" he said with a grin. "Regina, I want you to make full movies with me and I want both you and your girlfriend Tammie, together, making this happen. We got one more month of you as a Kay Parker student, so let's make lots of money while we still can!"

Regina seemed perplexed. Sensing her confusion, Daniel stepped forward.

"Regina, you mind if I handle this?"

"Sure, whatever," she said with a shrug.

Daniel spoke directly to his principal: "What downsides are we talking here? Are we looking at Sheba-money?"

A huge grin spread over his face. "The time we got left? We're looking at over Sheba-money," he said coolly.

Björn gasped. "Oh my God."

Daniel turned to Regina. "Regina: Accept his offer. He's offering you a lot of money."

Having never considered high-school pornography as a viable career option, she didn't have a clear response: "Umm...I'll think about it?"

Sanchez clasped his hands together. "Excellent, excellent, call me whenever, wherever, however, I'll be waiting. Bye." Almost immediately, another girl caught Sanchez's attention: "Gwen! Your breasts have grown!"

Regina remained quite confused. "What was that all about? And what the hell is a 'Sheba'?"

A reverent awe came over the two teen boys.

Daniel explained: " the most popular girl in school, the valedictorian and the leader of the In-Crowd."

Regina groaned. "Another one of those? Let me guess: she's a total bitch."

"No, not at all," said Björn. "She's, umm, actually very super-nice, she ahh, gave me a lip-to-lip kiss one time because I, umm, look like her little cousin."

"You'll like her," said Daniel. "She's cool and hot."

Interest piqued, the curious Regina let her intent be known, "Is she now? Tell me more."

The group chatted amicably for a couple of minutes, discussing such topics as Sheba, incest fetishes and Regina's father's collection of Kay Parker DVD's. Surprisingly, Regina was becoming fast-friends with the two boys. The guys too felt at total ease, so much so that they treated Regina like she was one of the guys, asking her about her sexual exploits, which she happily discussed.

"Sally was using this grinding pussy move, which was, like, just the best thing ever, her shaven lips were just so soaked in --" Regina paused when she felt the unmistakable presence of someone she'd been deeply intimate with. Regina's tingles were confirmed when she heard the girl speak:

"Oh, you're here?" she said in that smug Californian accent.

Regina turned, a huge happy grin on her face: "Tammie!" she said with much glee in her voice.

Tammie smirked, "Glad to see me? I would be." Tammie was wearing a dark vest and super-tiny short shorts, her limber legs on prominent display.

Regina uncharastically giggled. "I missed you, I haven't seen you around."

"Well... duh? I'm hot, I can't be seen at school, everyone will want a piece of this tightness," she said while she pointed at her ass. "I'm hot property; I'm only out on special occasions."

"Yeah..." Regina had red-hot feelings buzzing around her body as she gazed upon this one special girl. Holding it all back, neither spoke, just stared; a warm silence washing over them.

Then, unable to contain herself, Regina inched forward, a sheepish smile spread across her face:

"Hey, Tammie, remember that my house, the one we spent together?"

Suddenly, every male within earshot stopped and stood at attention.

Tammie folded her arms and said in a hushed tone, "We're not going to ever talk about that!" Tammie stamped over to Regina and leaned down, getting right in her face: "You tell anyone and I will punch you in the ovaries, you got that?"

Regina was feeling the heat rush to her body, undoubtedly turned on by Tammie's hot, toned body being inches away from her own. Regina felt the memories of her first school day pouring themselves back into her skin, her senses able to pick up Tammie's sporty fragrance, cool breath, wet lips and erect nipples. Regina clasped her rival's shoulder and then looked deep into her eyes.

"I promise," she said with a heavy breath.

Tammie leaned away, her put-on persona having faded; displaying a look that one could almost confusion for affection.

"I, I gotta go get ready," she said while walking away. "...I'll beat you, yeah, in the games, because me? I'm a competitor and I'm here to get my win back!" she turned and jogged away.

Björn groaned and rubbed his fingers over his chest. "Eww! That is, umm, gross! You two were, oh lord, ahh, oh I don't want to say it."

Regina playfully shoved her Swedish friend. "What's wrong? Can't stand a little romance?"

Björn shook his head. "Never, never, umm, never did I think it would be, umm, possible that two hot girls can make my, ahh, erection go away so quickly...eww!"

Regina shrugged. "You can just bring it back, right?"

"No! It's, umm, my stimuli are complicated, it takes time -- whoa, look at Jun's butt! Okay, I'm back, you're forgiven."

She smiled. "Whatever, Björn."

Daniel then pointed to the stands. "Hey, Regina, your dad seems really happy."

She looked and saw her father giving her a big thumbs-up, grinning, pointing her out to his friends.

Regina shrugged. "That's...weird...but, I guess it's...nice, right?"

"He's one supportive father," concluded Daniel.

Ten minutes later, the games began. No ceremony or announcement, just a call to let the girls know it was time to get their bodies moving.

"Hmm." Regina pondered on which sport she should chose. "I'm thinking..."

Björn assisted his friend: "Running? umm, ahh, jumping? Umm, jogging? Regina: you have the boobs for any sport, people, ahh, want to see you."

"I guess," she shrugged. "Oh, I got it. I liked swimming when I was a girl, but stopped when puberty hit because, you know," she pointed to her breasts, "These came in."

"And we're glad they did," stated Daniel.

"Oh, but I don't have a suit."

Daniel looked at Regina with a bemused expression. "Regina, this is a school built by perverts: they always have swimsuits."


The gang made the short walk to the KPH swimming complex, the crown jewel of Kay Parker High School. Situated inside was an Olympic-sized swimming pool, and, of course, a nice, big, spacious girls changing room and shower. While they walked, Regina brought up the topic of their futures.

"So, New Babylon University, you both going?"

"Ahh, yes," said Björn.

"I'm sure I will," noted Daniel. "The journey sounds pretty tough, though."

"Journey?" asked Regina.

"Yeah, all students have to get to New Babylon by going through all of Gaudium and the unexplored region of Tabootopia. They're so many urban legends and mysteries that no one really knows what's out there. That's the only way to get into NBU, that's the only way they let people into their school, they want all their students to have gone through that journey."

"Wow, I didn't know that." Regina thought for a bit, then, shrugged. "Guess we'll worry about that later."

They reached the large blue building, but were stopped by a tall, grey-haired Dutch security guard.

"Hold please. Regina Cestin, you're allowed in, but you two guys, sorry, no males allowed."

They took the news well.

"Perfectly understandable," said Daniel.

"You're doing a, umm, real good job," Björn reached over and shook the man's hand.

Regina looked at her two male friends. "Well...See ya."

"Bye," they said in unison.

As Regina went inside the building, the well-hidden, adjacent, jet-black production truck door opened.

"Whoa!" this gave Björn a startle. "I, haha, I'm so used to seeing these, umm, these trucks around school, that I don't notice them."

A short, pudgy, balding, baseball cap and suit-wearing man came trudging down the steps, chomping on a sandwich.

Björn recognized him. "Daniel! That's, umm, ah, Tim Layman, the head of Kay Parker High's film division!"

"Wow! Let's go say hello."

The two fans rushed over to their idol.

"Hello? Mr. Layman? My name is, ahh, Björn and I am a big fan."

"Hey, I'm Daniel, I love your work: the twist at the end of 'Molly and Polly's Naughty Spanking Fun Tour' was fantastic."

Tim gladly shook both boys' hands. "Hey, how you guys doing? Thank you so much for the compliments, you're too much, really." He spoke in a Brooklyn accent. "I just came in, that was Regina who went in the pool, right? You guys friends of hers?"

"Yep," said Daniel.

"Oh to have friends like that," he said with a laugh. "Regina's a great talent: body, face, and an odd charisma. You kids seen her girlfriend Tammie around?"

"Yes," replied Björn. "They were totally, umm, flirting earlier."

"My lord is Tammie something else: Tall, fit, just this stunning Asian girl with a frigging body of a goddess and this 'you know you want me' attitude, she's one of my favourites. Hey, wanna come in the truck and watch these girls in the showers?"

Their faces sparkled like two kids on Christmas morning.

"Really? Oh yeah!" said Daniel.

"Umm, an extreme honour, thank you so much," said Björn.

"Great, great, come on in."


Regina went inside the building and found herself in front of two doors: one labelled male, the other female. Between the doors were the pool rules. They went like this:

"Absolutely NO swimsuits which cover the arms and/or legs allowed!"

"You are filmed at ALL TIMES."

"Have FUN. ;)"

Regina opened the girls' door and found herself in a fitting room. Upon entry, a short bespectacled woman leapt from her counter.

"Hello, wanting a suit?"

"Yes, please," replied Regina.

"Okay, just a sec," she went around to Regina, and with a measuring tape in hand, got her measurements.

"Okay, be right back."

The waiting got to The Shrugging One, her panties getting damper as she watched the steam coming out from behind the changing room door, hinting at the delights inside.

"All right, here you go," the woman handed Regina a navy-blue Speedo one-piece swimsuit.

"Thanks." Regina looked at the door, took a deep breath and went inside the changing room.

Upon her first step, she felt the steam cloud around her face, slowly unravelling, fading away to reveal the most spectacular sight in this bi-curious teen girl's life: a packed room of nude girls. Everywhere, every corner, big girls, short girls, girls with long hair, girls with no hair, from every continent, from all over, naked females were literally sprawled out across the entire open room. There was a block of showers to the left and the changing area to the right, no walls separating the two, just hot wet breasts and dripping vaginas going back and forth.

Regina tried playing it cool as she strode inside the congested room, her footpath littered with discarded shoes, towels, wet panties and soaked bras. Regina tried acting like this was all just an everyday occurrence, but try as she might, her eyes were a dead-giveaway. They bolted around, second-to-second, from a spectacular shaven vagina to a set of bouncing tits to a perfectly round ass, looking these girls in the face, they smiling back, such gorgeous girls -- and then, in an a flash, Regina's attention was taken by one special girl.

"Hey! The best is right here!"

Regina turned and saw Tammie Kwon. She was a couple of feet away, looking fit and gorgeous in her black one-piece swimsuit. Regina dashed over to her.

"Hey! I didn't say you could change next to me," quipped Tammie.

"Oh cut it out," Regina said with a grin. "It's just me here," she took off her shirt, revealing her white bra.

Tammie's eyes went right to Regina's mammaires. "Well, you know...whatever."

Regina quickly took her shoes off and slid her shorts down, every piece of disrobed clothing getting Tammie more and more wet -- and Regina knew it. Cheeky Regina then turned around and slid her bra straps down, slowly, strap by strap.

"You okay, Tammie? Looking a little flush?"

"Sh-shut up! I'm just getting wet because I'm thinking of how I'll beat you."

Regina unstrapped her bra, took it off, held her breasts in her hands, turned, and showcased her jiggly powers of persuasion.

"So, are you wet?" she asked as the perspiration trickled down her bouncy castles.

"Hey!" Tammie blushed. "Step back, bitch, or I'll bite your nipple!"

"Yeah, sure you will." Regina then suddenly remembered the hovering cameras that were behind the mirrors. Realising her breasts were a money-drawer, she grabbed a towel and covered up.

Tammie laughed, "Ha! Your dad's gonna be pissed!"

"Fuck 'em," she said with a shrug. Under the towel, Regina peeled down her heavy lace panties, grabbed her swimsuit and put that over her body.

"Ohhh fuck it's tight," Regina took her towel off and revealed her suit-clad figure. Tammie almost creamed herself when she got a look at Regina's tight figure packed so neatly into that rubber suit: Regina's nipples were protruding, her camel toe was wildly exposed, in addition the suit was riding up into her ass and exposing most of her peachy butt.

Tammie licked her lips, "Umm, yummy, my meat looks good."

"Take a slice," Regina purred.

"Pfft? I'll take you when I want you, whenever, however...but I think a slice will be fine."

Tammie stepped forward, her toes sliding against Regina's, leaning in, eyes locked, closing in -- but then, out of the mist, to the right of them, stood another girl.

"Aww, you guys look so cute together."

Regina and Tammie turned their faces, at first angry that their moment had been interrupted, but then, a nanosecond later, they were captivated by this smiling bikini-clad beauty. She had golden blonde hair, sparkly blue eyes, thin pink lips, perfectly round double-D breasts, a slim waist, toned stomach, slender legs, an all-round amazing figure perfectly accentuated by her bright pink two-piece bikini.

"Sheba," Tammie hissed.

"Hi Tammie," Sheba lifted her hand up for a high-five. Tammie responded.

"You look sexy," Sheba was a southern gal from Texas that spoke in an accent made simply adorable by her velvet lips.

"You look...good, too," replied Tammie while leaning against the wall, arms folded.

Sheba turned her attention to Regina. "Hi, we've never met, I'm Jane, but everyone calls me Sheba." She held Regina's shoulders and gave her a kiss on each cheek. While brushing against her, Regina couldn't help but be amazed by the softness of Sheba's skin.

"Hey," replied Regina while feeling a little flustered.

"You gals look so cute together, such an adorable couple -- oh gosh darn it! I hope I didn't interrupt your lovin'."

"Oh no, no, no," they said over each other.

"All right...well, howdy! Gosh, hasn't this been such a fun day? This whole deal reminds me so much of my pa's ol' bikini pool parties: me and my cousin sisters all running around, all nekkid and jumping in our lil' pool, playing 'Lady Doctor,' sleeping with our uncles, my how much fun that all was! When was that again? Oh yeah: Tuesday!"

Meanwhile, in the production truck, Tim Layman was shouting through his headset, "Book Tam, Gin, and Sheba, now! Now! Now! Get them in the pool! Wait...I got an idea! Hold on, listen to this..."

In the changing room, the loudspeaker spoke: "Attention, attention: would Regina Cestin, Tammie Kwon and Sheba please report to poolside in five minutes."

Tammie clenched her fist: "Oh yes! Finally Regina I get my revenge! Because me? I'm going to beat you!"

Regina waved her opponent on: "Bring it."

"Woowee!" said Sheba, "Us gals be havin' some fun! Yeah!"


The poolside was highly charged after getting word of the next match-up. The excited perverts were speaking amongst themselves as they awaited this sexy trio of teen goodness. Among them were two of the fathers, Greg and Matthew.

Father of Tammie, Greg, couldn't contain himself as he spoke proudly of his daughter: "I was working out with her and, holy fuck, she was growling, not screaming, growling, I mean like an animal, roaring, like an actual animal, it was insane! My girl is a cardio machine, a machine, she'll not let up, whatever they give her, she won't get blown up. Trust me; I've never seen her so fired up before!"

Regina's dad Matthew also joined in: "Now my girl's not as athletic as Greg's girl, but my Regina, oh boy, she'll surprise you, in fact she's done nothing but surprise us the whole time she's been here. Never in my wildest dreams did I think my Regina would be in a lesbian love affair with a stunning Asian girl. I hoped, but I didn't think it would happen. So, yeah, fellas keep watching, she'll surprise us all...and yes I can confirm her boobs are real."

The girls entered into the arena one-by-one, each standing at a lane, that familiar scent of chlorine reaching deep into their airways.

Principal Sanchez grabbed the microphone and spoke in a fiery tone: "My name? My name is Principal Sanchez! The principal of principle! And right now, right here, this is the best of my school, the best of my children, because, right now, we have three of the hottest girls in this school competing against each other for their fathers' love! That's right! The stipulation of this contest is as follows: The loser of this race must...have sex with their father!"

The crowd roared as the three dads were brought to the front of the crowd. Greg and Matthew were relaxed about the prospect of live incestual sex, waving and tagging hands with the other men. But Joe, father of Sheba was far more stoic, more Zen-like, walking with intense, silent purpose behind each step.

Forty-something Joe was indeed a lot different from the other pervert dads. For one, his body: he wasn't unremarkable like Greg or slovenly like Matthew, he was tall, built, handsome, in shape, clean shaven and with a corporate cut haircut. Also, unlike the other dads, Joe was not dressed in shirts and slacks; he was shirtless and clad only in board shorts.

"What. The. Fuck!?" Regina was not happy with the stipulation. "No fucking way, no way am I doing that!"

Tammie, wearing goggles and a swim cap, was not concerned. "I'm winning, so I don't care about this stip'."

Sheba was clapping. "Yay! Gals, this is gonna be a lotta fun. Yall ready?"

"Whatever," said Regina, "I don't care if I come in second: I am not doing anything like that with my dad!"

The three girls got in position.

"Get ready!" shouted Sanchez. "On your marks! Get set...go!"

Tammie dove in and jetted down the pool, Regina right being her. The two girls went to the end of the pool, almost kicked the wall to pieces, turned, and went for the homestretch. There they saw that all their effort was for naught, all going to a foregone conclusion: Sheba hadn't even swum an inch, she was just keeping her head above water, casually floating around, waving and smiling to the crowd. The other girls dashed past her, their own competitive fires still burning. By a fair margin, Tammie was able to get the victory.