Tabootopia - A Nation of Incest Ch. 07


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Soyo flicked her wrist. "Bitch~, you know that New Babylon University makes you do, like, work, like real actual school work and exams. Fuck. That." Soyo pointed at her mouth, "This is what got me through high school."

"Oh you were good in oral exams?" asked Kelly.

"If that means sucking off all the male teachers, then fuck yeah bitch! I got me an A-plus in cock-loving, and give me a B in rug-munching, umm-umm-umm! Miss Polyansky never had a girl like me before! Bitch knows it!"

"O-o-okay," replied the jittery Kelly, she intimated by Soyo's loud bravado and sexploits with middle-aged Russian women. Kelly nudged closer to Daniel, and then turned to the much more innocent-looking Vivi.

"So, Vivi, why aren't you going to NBU?"

"I hate homework!" Vivi crossed her arms and pouted.


"Hey, umm, Regina," said Björn, "I never, umm, asked, so, umm, how was the party at Mallika's house? Did you, umm, haha, you know, with the Indian princess?"

Regina nodded. "Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Björn, her squirt lasted for a minute."


Regina leaned forward and spoke with a little Tammie-swagger infused in her voice: "Uh-huh, it's all true. Tammie reamed her, hard. I went in with my tongue, got the legs wide open, hmmm, Mallika's pussy smelt like scented oils. Hmm, yeah, I got her squirt out easy, in the air, a minute-long stream of juice. Tasty, fresh, loved it."

"Wow! Umm, how's her butt like in person? It looks so, umm, squeezable!"

Regina nodded with a wide-eye grin. "She has a real fine ass, loved slapping it, holding it, fuck, I loved kissing it."

Daniel added his informed opinion. "Wow, that's awesome Regina! Mallika, wow, her tall frame perfectly matches her round butt, plus those legs --"

"Daniel!" said Kelly, "No perving when I'm here~!"

"Sorry," he kissed her on the cheek.

"Eww," Björn was repulsed by Daniel's PG-rated show of affection. "Umm, hey, umm, Regina, where is Tammie?"

"She's finishing up some business, leaving some girls aching, that sort of thing."

"Ahh, ok," said Björn, "So umm, so, how do you all, ahh, wanna spend our last day here?"

Regina shrugged, as did Daniel and Kelly.

"Never thought about doing anything," said Regina.

Björn looked at Vivi and Soyo with bad intentions, "Well, umm, maybe a bath of some sort, or, umm, a ducky --"

"Oh!" shouted Daniel, "You know what we've never done, Björn? We've never seen the other school in Our Haven, you know, Rachel Steele High."

"Oh yes!" replied Björn.

"Kelly goes there," Daniel turned to his girlfriend. "Is it open?"

"Yeah, sure," replied Kelly. "Schools here never close, even in August, but do you really wanna go? Doesn't your school and mine have a rivalry?"

"Oh that's all fabricated baloney they sell to the networks," replied Daniel, "No one really believes they're rival schools."

"They SO are our enemy!" noted Vivi, "They our nemesis school! We can never go-go foot in there! They'll make us have no-no sex, no-no sex!"

"Yeah, plus I can't piss Sanchez off," said Soyo. "I wanna still do some work for the school, some videos, some photos, become a teacher's aide or somethin', so I ain't going for sure."

"I will," said Regina, "I'm curious to see what it's like."

"Great!" said Björn.

Vivi grabbed Regina's arm and rubbed her face on it. "But this is meant to be our special day with Genie-Baby."

"Umm, can we share me for today? I'll go visit the school, then come back and hang out with you and Soyo."

Vivi nodded. "My daddy says good girls always share, so I'm coolzees Genie-Baby. How about you Soyo --"

Soyo had left her booth-side chair. The gang looked and then found her across from them, on her knees, sucking a muscular man's cock.

"Ahh," Soyo took it out to speak, "See ya later Regina," and went right back to her feast.

Regina was reassured. "Okay, Soyo's good. How about you, Vivi --"

In a flash, Vivi vanished, she quickly found on her knees, with a young man's meat in her mouth. She did the thumbs-up sign to let Regina know she'll stay busy.

Björn tactfully pleasured himself. "Hmmm, I'm, ummm, so going to miss those two."

"Björn!" shirked Kelly. "How many times do you have to be told?"

"Ahh, I'm just filling my semi," said Björn. "Relax, Sis."

"I'm not your sister!"

"Umm, yeah you are, because Daniel over here, he's my bro! haha."

"That's right!" he agreed.


"Sorry, Kelly."

Just then, a sexy honey-skinned waitress came over to the booth, she drawing much attention with her long limber legs, flowing auburn hair, her finest features accentuated by the company uniform: a French maid's outfit with nothing on underneath, her smooth bare backside on prominent and welcome display.

"Hey Rina!" said Kelly. "This your summer job?"

"Yeah," she replied, "My dad insisted I go for it, like really pushed me into it. He sometimes comes over to give it to me in the butt."

"Can't blame him," noted Björn, "He's a good man, he knows a hot daughter like you is, umm, best served dressed as you are."

"Oh thanks there sweetie --" whack! Waitress Rina paused when she felt a shockwave of force smacking her round, bare buttocks. She initially thought it was a guy, but knew that all the men that visited the restaurant were far too respectful to give her such a hard slap to her rear. Rina then looked down and saw the culprit with their arm outstretched, their hand resting comfortably on the waitress's round cheeks.

"Nice ass," said Regina with a squeeze.

"Thanks," the waitress replied with a curled lip and a wet napkin.

Kelly shifted closer to her boyfriend. "Daniel," she whispered, "I thought Regina was, you know, a normal girl!"

Daniel chuckled. "Kelly, that is normal."


After finishing their breakfasts, Regina, Daniel, Kelly and Björn went from the restaurant to Regina's house, getting the keys from her home, then driving onward to Rachel Steele High via their co-owned RV, a crammed vehicle that contained one couch, one table, one mini-fridge, and one bedroom.

"This is great practice for tomorrow," said Daniel, he taking the wheel, seated on the beige leather driver's chair. To his right, sitting on the passenger seat, was his girlfriend Kelly, looking radiant as the mid-morning sun shone down on her.

Plain Daniel was often surprised by the fact that a super pretty girl like Kelly was his official 'girlfriend'. Besides the fairly common bunny boiler moments, there was indeed much to admire about Kelly Vanderbosch: her creamy soft skin, tight petite frame, pretty pink lips, not to mention the cute trimmings: the black-rim glasses, stylish t-shirts, skin-tight jeans, and the trendy colourful bangles that covered her arms.

"Hey, Kelly, your school is far, like, right at the edge of Our Haven?" asked Daniel.

"Yeah," she replied. "I've not gone in months though... I hope they don't punish me for being tardy. Oh crap, they might be really mad at me...Oh! Daniel! What if they spank me!? And not the kinky 'hey, hey, this is sexy' spanking that you're used to, but a hard, hard paddling! Daniel! You know I got the kinda butt that people just want to spank!"

"Calm down, calm down," he said with a smile. "You're not getting spanked, trust me...unless it's by a woman, then I'd be totally into that."


"Kidding, kidding."

Regina sniggered while flashing a thumbs-up. "Haha, right on, right on."

Björn was seated on the couch, which was located on the right; he edged into the corner of the soft cushiony sofa. "Okay, right now, I just want you all to, umm, know, this is my jerking zone, I, umm, masturbate here, this is my masturbation zone."

"Eww," said Kelly, "T.M.I, Björn."

"No, no, it needs to be said: I shall, ahh, install a curtain around here, have my laptop," he stretched himself out while holding his crotch. "This will be good, I like it, I like it alot"

Regina smiled, Björn doing his thing directly across from her. She edged forward while seated on the chair, a small tray table next to her, her hands clasped, legs outstretched.

"I'll make sure not to sit there," said Regina. "Hey, Daniel, Kelly, how about me and Tammie and you guys alternate who gets the bedroom?" she said while pointing to the small room at the far end of the RV.

"Sure," replied Daniel. He turned his head towards her, and then looked back at the road, a sheepish smile on his face.

"Hey, what?" said Regina.

"Nothing, it's're so different from when I first met you. You're, like, so much more confident."

"Hey, thanks, Daniel," she said with a shrug.

"Plus, umm, you have such a strong lesbian vibe," noted Björn. "The, umm, new short hair, the stance, even your voice. Guys, her, ahh, voice is kinda deeper, am I right?"

Regina grinned and giggled. "You make some good points. Hey, you wanna guess how my voice got a little more volume?"

"Ohhhh," Björn grew erect, "I can guess."

"Believe it," she said with a devilish smile and a flicker of her lips.


The group reached the school by ten o'clock. They stepped out of their auspicious RV and walked inside the two-story, red-bricked school. Inside they found a lobby, manned by a suit-clad, busty, red-haired woman.

"Hello. Welcome to Rachel Steele High. Attending or visiting?"

"I'm a student here," Kelly flashed her I.D. "These people are visitors from Kay Parker High School."

"Oh, Kay Parker students!" She reached for her phone. "Yes? Busy? No, well, some 'converts' are here... yes, okay come right down." She put the phone down, and then addressed the group, "Someone will come to see you shortly."

Daniel stepped forward, "But we're not --"

Kelly stomped her boyfriend's toes.


"Shh! They'll treat you better if they think you want to jump ship."

"Ohhhh! Okay, but, come on, oww."

The four milled around the waiting area. As they waited, Björn flipped through a nearby issue of Weekly Moaning. On the cover was a happy family, with the headline caption reading: "'We Let Them Watch.' Modern parents who are not just creaking open the bedroom door -- they're putting it all out in the open! Read why parental sex is becoming a trendy activity for the whole family."

After a little wait, she arrived.

"Regina? Is that you?" this woman spoke with a distinct upper-class English accent.

Regina turned to see a very welcome sight.

"Miss Banks!"

This curly brown-haired, hourglass-figured, forty-year-old English woman was Vera Banks, principal of Rachel Steele High.

"Oh Regina you look so wonderful!" she held Regina's shoulders as she gave her a kiss to each cheek -- and not a superficial air kiss, but two, wet, direct, lingering kisses to Regina's blushing cheeks.

"Mmmwahha, mwaahha, you're gorgeous!"

Regina grinned excitedly at Vera.

"Can I have one here?" asked Regina while pointing to her lips.

"Of course!" Vera puckered up and laid a kiss on Regina's lips. "Mwah! Ohhh you've become such a saucy little minx, haven't you!?" said Vera as she rubbed Regina's shoulders.

"Stop, you're making me wet. Oh, oh, here are my friends: This is Daniel."

"Hiya handsome," Vera leaned in and gave Daniel a tight boobs-to-chest hug.

"Hey, hello," he said as he looked at his girlfriend, pleading his innocence.

"This girl here is your student Kelly."

"Ah Kelly, yes, I know your mother," Vera clutched Kelly's shoulders, turning her around with ease. "Let me look at that bum. Hmm, oh yes, nice and pert," Vera took a handful of Kelly's butt, the teen girl stunned into silence. After a good feel, Vera let go. "You've become a little heartbreaker, haven't you?" Vera leaned down and planted a soft kiss on Kelly's pearly-soft cheek. "Mwah! You're simply adorable!"

"Thanks, Ma'am," Kelly couldn't stay mad at a woman who complimented her, those kind words allowing Kelly to look past the mild sexual assault.

"Finally, Björn."

"Hello," he said with his legs crossed.

Vera went right for Björn's blonde hair, rubbing her fingers through it with both hands, her boobs bouncing against his face as she explored.

"Hmm, you're such a lovely-looking lad. Am I right in assuming you're Swedish?"

He nodded while in a jiggly daze.

"Hmm, I'm sure my son Evan has his linage from there. Not that his biological mother would know, that stupid twit. Oh, yes, that's right, you're here to visit. Daniel, Björn, thinking of coming to the 'A-Team'?"

"Yes!" Björn shouted excitedly, overcome with lust and desire for this loving, caring, sexy woman's maternal charms.

"Well," Regina said with an innocent twirl of her feet, "Actually, we're all going on our journey to New Babylon University tomorrow. Daniel, Kelly, and Björn, and me are here to just take a look around your school."

"Ohhh! You naughty little girl!" Vera scrunched her face up as she went over to Regina. "You're such a bad girl!"

"Me? Bad?" she said with a little girl voice and pout.

Vera grabbed Regina by the cheeks and gave her another lip-to-lip kiss.

"Oh so good," Regina pulled Vera back in for another taste of those full lips.

"Hmm!" Vera put her arms around Regina, opened her mouth, and gave Regina a full open-mouth 'soul' kiss. Soon after, the principal and student went slamming into the wall, ignoring any teacher-student boundaries as their lips smacked together.

"What the fuck!?" Kelly screeched.

"Whoa, wow," said Daniel.

Björn pulled his pants down. "Regina two-point-oh! Ohhh I love the new Regina!"

Vera and Regina couldn't hear the running commentary; they were too busy rubbing their hands over each other's bodies. Regina ripped open Vera's buttoned shirt, her hands on the classy English lady's brassier.

"I'd give you such a hard fucking!" Regina said with gritted teeth, reaching her hand over to slap Vera's full English rump.

"Hmm, hmmm, don' t think I don't know a few tricks, young lady," Vera unzipped Regina's jeans, wiggled her middle finger, and rubbed it up-and-down Regina's thong-clad vagina.

"Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck! Fuuuckkk!!!"

The two kept the passionate-filled dalliance rolling, Vera working over Regina's neck, leaving a dripping trail of chilly saliva.

"Hmmm, fuck!" shouted Regina. "Oh, fuck, go on, get down, lick me, lick me."

Vera moved her tongue downward, down Regina's chest, getting to her knees, pulling down the horny teen's jeans and underwear.

"Hmmm make me cum, make me cum, make me cum!" Regina shoved Vera's head towards the shaven centre of bliss.

"Hmmm, here's something I learned in primary school," Vera rolled her tongue into a circle, and spun it around Regina's open, dripping vaginal lips.

"Fuuuuuckkkk!" screamed Regina.

Vera's tongue moved from position-to-position, in, out, outward, inward, giving the teen a quick-snap-bang of different, equally salacious, wild sensations.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah....yeah, yeahhhhh! Ohhhhh yeah," Regina moaned.

Vera put her teeth into it, taking tasty little nibbles of the teen's pink flesh.

"Oh fuck me bad, fuck me bad," Regina groaned, the experienced delights of Vera driving this teen's mind and body wild with galloping joy.

"Ohhhhhh, ohhhhhhh," Regina rubbed her hands over her breasts, tweaking her nipples as she felt her release. "It's coming, ohh... ohhhhh!""

With a mouthful of Regina Juice in her mouth, Vera stepped back, Regina outstretching her left leg, letting it shake all about, her squirt dripping to the ground.

"Ohhhhhhh yeah! Yeahhhhhhhhh! Yes!"

Vera licked her lips. "Hmmm, nice start to the morning."

"Yes, thanks," Regina had quickly regained her composure. She grabbed her jeans and thong and pulled them back up.

"Soyo was right: you do give good head."

"Wait, what!?" said Kelly.

"Oh you didn't know? Vera is Soyo's mom."

Vera went into her pocket, grabbed a pocket mirror, and reapplied her lipstick. "Uh-huh, that's my girl. Regina and my daughter are so similar: they can both squirt for days!"


After that rendezvous, the foursome walked through the hallways of Rachel Steele High, Vera leading them.

Observant Daniel spotted a pattern when he saw yet another girl in a sailor suit.

"Miss Banks, are these girls wearing the Japanese school girl uniform?"

Vera nodded. "You're right on the mark: the sexiest school girl uniform is worn by our students at Rachel Steele High."

A light bulb went on in Daniel's head. He turned to Kelly and said, "Ohh! So that's why you have that outfit in your closet. I just thought you were a major Sailor Moon fan."

"You think I look cute in it?" she asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Fuck yeah! It's just like fucking Sailor Mars when you wear that -- oww!"

"Daniel!" she punched her boyfriend's arm with playful, but painful, blow.

Vera smiled. "I think the school uniform adds a little flare to our girls' sex appeal, am I right?"

Björn agreed. "Umm, yes, it, umm, ahh, such a worldwide fantasy, the, umm, uniform just makes it so much, umm, more valid."

"Indeed it does," said Vera. "Indeed it does...Here comes a good example."

Out of a nearby classroom came a short, supple bodied, tanned brunette girl, her cupcake breasts snugly fitted into her tight white dress shirt, her black skirt small enough to give tantalising glimpses of her white cotton panties.

"Hi Ma'am," she spoke with a Brazilian accent, her tube socks at knee-high levels, this adorable ensemble topped off with a cute red bow around her neck.

"Hello Miriam," Vera leaned down to lip-kiss her student. "That skirt small enough? Good. Say hello to our visitors, dear."

"Hi," she said with a seductive wave and a sexy smile.

Daniel and Björn muttered hello, Kelly nodded her head, but Regina...

"Hey babe," Regina walked right up to the girl, looked her right in the eyes, leaned in close, and gave her a soft, wet kiss. Miriam responded, the two hot school girls disappearing into a steamy, sexy clinch.

"Oh my goodness!" shouted Björn. "Regina, hmmm...yeah, go for it!"

"Ahem," interrupted Vera. "Miriam, you got a class to get to?"

"Oh, sorry," said Miriam. She leaned out of the kiss, and walked away, her eyes staying locked on the animalistic Regina Cestin.

"So sorry, Regina," said Vera, "This is still a school: we aim to teach. We aim for a good blend of both serious school work and rompy-fun; we're not the shambolic mess that you kids at Kay Parker are used to. Get A's, B's, and C's to get Asses, Boobs, and Cunts, that's our motto."

Regina shrugged. "That's cool, Miss Banks."

Feeling like he had a valid question, Daniel stepped forward: "Umm, Miss Banks, do you do punishment spanking at this school?"

"Heavens no! We don't smack our kids. Okay, for our porno movies we do like to go a tad rough, but no, never as macabre punishment...Though, if you're talking about whacks on the bum for the sake of a goodtime? Oh we'll do that for free!" Vera reached over and patted Kelly on the bum.

"Eek!" she stepped back.

Vera patted Kelly's head. "Hmm soft hair...Okay, right-o, let's move on."

As the group continued to walk the halls, Björn paused and peered inside a classroom.

"Hey, umm, hey!" he said to his friends, "Check this, ahh, teacher out: she's hot!"

The teacher of this class was a sensual, smooth-skinned, busty Chinese woman, clad in a grey nipple-showing tank top and a long black skirt. She sat on her desk as she lectured the class:

"One-hundred years is simply incorrect, not factual: this nation has been around for much, much longer. It, like many, of the so-called-facts of Tabootopia are false, spread easily due to the lack of any comprehensive fact-checking. For instance: Tabootopia is not a man-made island: Our Haven is a man-made section of Tabootopia; the rest of this land is all natural ground."

"What she talking about?" Kelly whispered to Daniel.

"She's talking about the history of Tabootopia," he replied.