Tabootopia - A Nation of Incest Ch. 07


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Regina walked past this sea of sin, grabbed a handle, titled her head to the side, and found a medium-sized TV monitor installed on the railing. Suitably impressed by this high-tech innovation, she watched this extended commercial as she waited to get to her stop...

"From Tabootopia and beyond, this is OTF: Obscure Taboo Fetishes -- entertainment just for YOU! And now, we proudly present to you a sneak peek of our fall primetime programming: First up: 'Talking About Your Mom,' our new show where guys talk dirty about each other's moms -- to their faces! These clips are all provided by real sons who enjoy having guys talk dirty about their hot sexy moms! Watch!"

A slew of hidden camera clips from all over the world was shown on screen. All of them were subtitled:

A field in Chile: "Javier, your mother has the best breasts in the whole entire world! I couldn't concentrate on the game: I just kept looking at her tightly-packed tetas! I just wanna suck them!" he paused to make a slurping sound. "I just wanna feed on your mother's breasts all day, every day! Ohhhhh! Oh Mami! Mami! I want your Mami!"

A school in Thailand: "My friend, look: look what kind of underwear your mom wears!" the teen held up a black lace thong, showing it to his stunned friend. "She goes outside wearing stuff like this!? What does she do with this underneath her clothes? Think she 'entertains' men for a living! Damn, your mom is kinda slutty! No-no offence! Don't hit me, I'm your friend -- Ow!"

In the Republic of Chad a friend was quizzing his pal on his home life: "Hey, how's that new dad of yours? I hear he drills your mom, like, all night long. Damn, that's so hot! No wonder her body is so tight: her workouts are sex! How many hours can she go? Don't tell me, I can tell by your face: Two hours? No? Four? Six? Eight? Ten? TEN! Your mom can have sex for ten hours straight! Your mom is like a sex machine!"

Finally, an American coach spoke to one of his players: "You can play tonight because your mother, well, let's just say she convinced me of your talents...meaning she walked into the locker room, stripped naked, and gave me a good, hard fucking. That's a great mother, never forget it!"

"That's just one of our shows, we also have the much-anticipated fourth season of our breakout hit: 'Hot Moms with Sons: Global Edition'."

In this program, an on-the-scene reporter gave his running commentary on his subjects. These were the clips shown:

A hot Brazilian mother with a thick juicy ass, wearing a thong and skimpy bikini top, was shown walking on the beach with her son: "Look, look, we can confirm that is Maria Lucia and her son Marco! And look, look at what she's wearing in front of her own son: a string thong! Look at her butt, wow, how is it possible for her butt cheeks to be so large, so round, and so juicy! Wow! Her butt defies gravity: her cheeks look like two perfectly round bowling balls! Wow! Watch, watch her sexy butt swaying so close to her son's face! Wow! See? Can you see the expression on his face!? Zoom in. Wow! The kid is drooling! He looks like he wants to bite his mother's butt! Wow! WOW!"

An unidentified Icelandic actress with her son at a movie event: "Wow! She brought her son to the premiere and decided to wear that!? Wear THAT dress in front of him!? Look at it: she's exposing so much of her boobs! The neckline is just plunging to the floor! Wow, look, look at the kid: his eyes are right on his mother's breasts, right on them! He can't stop looking! Wow! Watch how everyone else is ogling his mother, watch as -- oh! Look! That kid is cradling his sexy mom's legs; I can see him grinding his pecker on her! Wow! Yeah, yeah photogs, keep snapping your pictures, this kid will need those shots when he's jerking off to the memories! Just wow!"

A full-figured Cuban mother held her son's hand as she walked to a large stately manor: "Oh wow, I'm so excited about this one! See that woman there with her son, in the flowery dress, the one with the great set of tits? Yes, well, I can confirm that she is on her way to meet her rich boyfriend. And her son? Well, he knows full well what his momma and her new man are going to get up to! Oh yes! Because you see that bag she's holding? Well, earlier in the day, she and her son went to the pharmacy...and guess who has the receipt? Ahem, right now I can confirm what she has brought. Are you ready? Oh wow, here we go: Three large packs of XL condoms, two bottles of lube, vaginal wax strips, and, a box full of oils! Oh my God, this woman will be fucking all night long -- and her son knows it! And he's happy about it! Look at the huge grin on his face -- damn: I'm sure he's planning on watching! Wow, wow, just wow!"

"And finally: Coming this fall to OTF, the sixteenth season of long-time favourite 'I Watched', first-hand accounts from teens who have seen their own parents having sex!"

A Mexican-American teen boy was the first interview subject: "My mom is, as my uncle described, 'a wonderfully curvaceous Latina woman'...She looks like a Mexican Julia Roberts, no, really, she does. Ah you got the pictures; you'll see what I'm talking about. Yeah, her body is amazing: great tits, great butt, and this is my mom I'm talking about, yeah? I'm not being one-sided: her hotness is legit! Well, so anyway, it was night, I was in the other room and the door was, like, just a little open, so I peeked and saw my mom: she was in a robe, a frilly white robe, flirting, kissing with my dad, like, full-on macking out, smacking lips...for a guy to see his mom and dad doing that, pretty big shock, yeah? Well, I was into because my mom is hot, oh yeah...Okay, so I'm by the door, she whispers something to my dad, walks to the bed, I see her back, remember that, okay? I'm looking at her back...Okay, so she unties the robe and, wow, I'm getting hard remembering, okay, she takes the robe off and she's in her bra and panties! Since I was looking at her back, I saw her ass in those sexy red panties, and fuck, her ass was amazing! It's like an onion: it's so good it makes you want to cry! Oh yes, then, yeah, okay, she turned around and showed off her front, so sexy in her bra and panties, yeah, and then, then, she waved Dad over to the bed! Yeah, yeah, hmm, okay, yeah, then, she pulled his shorts down and sucked his -- hey! What do you mean we ran out of tape?"

A hunched-over Canadian boy spoke next: "It was early Sunday morning. I got up earlier than usual, on my way to the kitchen, when all of a sudden I hear this smacking sound from my parents' bedroom -- the exact same sound that a butcher makes when tenderising steaks. So, I'm really curious, I go over to their bedroom, look through the keyhole, and, what I saw changed how I look at my parents: My dad was spanking my mom! Not sexy spanking either! Proper hardcore stuff: she was over his knees, they both naked, her butt red raw -- so red. And the slapping, it was loud, whack, whack, whack, so full-on! And Dad looked so serious! So mean when doing it, muttering, 'take it bitch, take it,' and she, fuck, I was so worried for her -- but then, man, I saw her dripping onto the floor! She was so fucking turned on by it! It was crazy to see my own mom cumming. It was all too much, so I left. Then, during breakfast, they were back to being normal and happy! Kissing, cuddling, and, yeah, I noticed that my mom couldn't sit down at all that day!"

"And a rarity for 'I Watched'...We found a girl!"

A blonde American girl gave her story: "This happened during my family vacation. So I'm in my bikini, walking down the beach, getting hit on by these older men, mostly creeps. Well, anyway, I get back to the hotel, open the door, and see my mom, naked, on her knees, sucking my dad's dick! Like, how dare they?! So fucking gross! Of course, I was so freaked out, I mean, I screamed, ran right out. Ugh, do they know the damage they've done to me? I now know that my dad has a donkey dick! I'll never not know that! And Mom, God, she can't suck a dick at all! I had to show her how it's done...How? How do you think? I had to suck my dad off, I mean, duh? Obviously I had to help! The only reason he had Mom sucking him off was because he got so horny after seeing my boobies on the beach!"

"All this and so much, including the live televised mega event "My Hot Sister's Panties." All this entertainment, all for you, on the network made just for you! OTF: Obscure Taboo Fetishes, we do it all for YOU!"

After watching this long preview, Regina found her thong to be utterly soaked. Her dampness didn't go unnoticed by her fellow patrons.

"Hold on," the jerking mother put her phone on her shoulder, went into her handbag, grabbed a tissue, and handed it to Regina.

Regina smiled as she dried her vaginal region. "Thanks."

The woman smiled and nodded, all while keeping her phone conversation going and her hand jerking on her boy's penis. "So yes, my father came for dinner, and spent the whole time kissing my daughter --oh! Oops, sorry, my son just cummed. Amount? Wow, he's a real big boy!"


The bus dropped Regina off at the diner, she finding her friends seated outside the establishment.

"Had fun?" asked Regina.

"Yup!" replied a clapping Vivi. "First, we had some man-fun, then we had some boy-fun, oh and then, then we had ice cream. Eee! Fun!"

An exhausted Soyo rubbed her hand over her lips, "Bitch, I went so deep, I had so much cock. This is what I'm like after a sex ban: starving. Oh fuck I'm a dirty bitch, I got cum, juices, sweat all over me! I don't think I can move. How are you holding up, Vivi?"

"I feel like a kitty!" said a fresh Vivi.

"Damn bitch, how are you still so full of energy?" asked Soyo.

"My daddy's given me good stamina. So, Genie-Baby, what do you want to do?"

Regina shrugged. "I've had my fill for today, so... just wanna go to my place?"

"Yay!" Vivi leapt from her bench, grabbing a tired Soyo by the arm. "Come on, Soyo!"

Soyo got on her wobbly legs. "Aight, to Regina's house."


The original trio walked through the Our Haven streets, reminiscing about their past adventures, Regina recalling a particularly busty character.

"Hey, remember the time we got naked in Paula's hot tub?"

"Oh," Vivi shivered, "I get sore just thinking about it! Paula's daddy was really rough-rough with me!"

"And Paula's little bro is a tiny beast!" said Soyo. "Little fucker had his wood and berries in my mouth! Damn lil' boy had some serious energy! And Regina, Paula, why didn't you tap the bitch?"

"I don't know," Regina shrugged. "She's hot, sure, but her personality is a total turn off...though, not sure I can deny those giant boobs for a second time, hmm, would be like biting into a melon."

After a little more talk about past and unconquered sexual conquests, the group got to Regina's house, she opening the door to be greeted by a --


Regina gasped when she saw a group of blue bathrobe-clad people in her hallway. Quickly scanning the room, she saw her parents, along with Tammie's parents, which could only mean...

"There's my best bitch," Tammie stepped out of the crowd, grabbed her girl by the back of her head, and gave her a hard, deep kiss.

"Oh Tammie," Regina responded by grabbing hold of Tammie's hips, locking their lips together in front of their assorted friends and family.

"Hmmm," Tammie leaned back, stroking her girlfriend's hair, "What's this taste? You been having other girls today? Hmm, yummy, did one taste like cold cola?"

"That's exactly what she was like! Hmm, you're such a good taster, hmm, go on, stick your tongue out, let me feel what you had...hmmmm, ummmmm, a Sprite-flavoured girl?"

"A hot little Ukrainian, tasty, but you know what I missed? These!" Tammie put her hands on her girlfriend's breasts, Tammie's thumbs tweaking Regina's nipples. "These melons, these are so ripe, love them...oh Regina," Tammie dove her lips towards Regina's, the girls foreheads sliding against each other as they exchanged a deep, wet, loving kiss.

Greg and Matthew bumped fists as they watched their daughters' passionate embrace.

"God damn my girl is just going to town on yours," said tanned Korean-American Greg. "See, see how Tammie is flicking your girl's nipples with her thumbs? Beautiful technique, beautiful!"

Slovenly, balding Matthew agreed. "You got that right, my friend. Oh I am such a proud papa right now, so proud. Hey, at the rate they're going, I think we'll be watching their sweet lesbian love all night long, heh-heh."

"No way!" shouted Claire, mother of Regina. "Enough is enough! It's about time us parents got in on this fun! Time for us to 'get down', right? Is that what the kids say?"

Mother of Tammie, Yukari (technically step-mom though referred to as just 'Mom' by Tammie) nodded while tugging on her robe. "I think we have lots of fun with our girls? Yes?"

"Right Yuki-chan!" said Claire. "Girls? Girls? Girls!?"

Vivi shook Regina's shoulders. "Genie-Baby~, Genie-Baby~, Mama-Genie is calling you!"

"Oh?" Regina broke out of Tammie's strong lips. "What is it, Mom?"

Claire gave her daughter a devilish smile. "Regina, you've avoided this long enough: finally, me and your dad are going to get you into that bedroom!"

The old Regina ran away in terror at this prospect. That was then: Regina had evolved enough to give this response:

"Eh," she shrugged, "Sure, whatever."

"And Tammie's parents are joining us," added Claire.

"Okay," said Regina. "Sounds fun, come on, let's do it."

Matthew spotted Soyo and Vivi. "Oh, you girls wanna join us?"

"No, no," said Soyo. "This is yo' time, enjoy it."

"Yeah," agreed Vivi. "This is family love-love time."

"Aw you girls are sweet," said Matthew. "Hey, you girls can watch the action on the TV; I got state-of-the-art cameras installed in the master bedroom."

"Oh you filthy motherfucker!" said Soyo as she and Vivi dashed into the adjunct living room. They sat on the couch, flipped around the channels, landing on the HD stream from Regina's room.

"Whoa, wait, hold it!" said Regina. "Dad, you have been filming me in my bedroom!?"

"Multiple, actually," he said matter-of-factly. "Girls, press the numbered buttons, you'll see that I got multiple angles."

Vivi pushed the buttons, seeing that Matthew had installed various cameras in his daughter's bedroom.

"Papa-Genie has one in the corner, one on the side, oh one high up too! Coolzees!" said Vivi.

Regina had her arms crossed, her feet tapping the ground. "Dad!...I want my cut, whatever you make, I want half-- no, I want a sixty-forty spilt."

"S-sure," replied Matthew.

Greg nodded. "Absolutely. We're actually gonna start shipping out the first volume right after you leave, oh yeah, we got a ton of pre-orders, the demand we're getting is nuts."

"Ohhh enough talk, please!" said Yukari. "I want sex -- now."

Matthew agreed, "Okay, you got it: Let's commit incest!"


The six entered into the master bedroom, a room that was clearly decorated with dirty deeds in mind: with valentine red wallpaper, a matching shag carpet, and a large, springy pink bed, one was taken instantly to the most sinful corner of their mind. In fact, in Tabootopia, rooms like these were not called 'master bedrooms', they were called by a much more fitting name: the master sexroom.

Upon entry, Tammie threw her shirt off, unzipped her jeans, going right to the floor, limbering up her taut teen frame, everyone in the room turned on by her long limber legs, glazed honey skin, and form-fitting leopard-print underwear.

Regina, on the other hand, didn't bother warming her body up: she stepped into the room, tossed aside her tank top, pulled both her jeans and underwear down at once, then unstrapped her bra, comfortable as one could be when naked in front of their own parents.

Matthew's jaw hit the floor when he, for the first time, had a close-up view of his daughter's full-bloom natural breasts.

"Dear Lord...oh, oh my," he wiped the sweat from his brow. "Oh my, Regina, those breasts of yours are gorgeous!"

Regina shrugged. "Thanks, I guess." She sighed as she put her hands on top of her head, "Guess you want a feel...go on, Dad, just this once."

Mathew shook his sweaty head. "Oh, these grubby hands on those beautiful jewels? No, no, my role is to sit back and admire, never to be so directly involved: it's not about me, it's about you."

"Huh, I always thought you wanted to fuck me, Dad?" a line which she didn't feel was wrong at all.

"Oh no, that'd be disgusting! I don't want my big hairy body defiling your gorgeous lesbian temple! Oh no, that's just wrong. Of course, I do think you're gorgeous, dear. I, umm, I do want to make love to you, but with my hand, if you understand."

"I get it...kinda," this shrug got her boobies to bounce.

Mathew carried on: "Actually, the one who wants you in that way is your moth --"

"Enough talking!" Claire pushed aside her husband. "Time for Mama to have a feel!" Claire got her hands up, got them clawed, stepped forward, and got both her hands on her daughter's breasts, giving her girl's boobies a good, hard grope.

"So soft!" said Claire as she massaged her daughter's breasts. "These breasts are just like my sister's!"

"Aunt Megan?"

"Oh you remember her? Boobs like melons that one, same with my mom too, you take after them all right," Claire rubbed her thumbs over her daughter's antenna-like nipples. "God, I'm so glad your Uncle Craig moved to Florida after you hit puberty; he'd had you in his shed within minutes of seeing these!"

"Really? So, you're from an incest family, Mom?"

"Uhh," Claire pondered her response as she held her daughter's boobs in her hands. "Mild, very mild, you know, normal stuff: me and my sisters got peeked on in the shower by our brothers, but that's to be expected, because, you know, we were 'cute honeys' hee-hee. That's what the kids say, right? 'Honeys'."

"Yeah, Mom."

"What? You don't believe me? You think I had sex with members of my own family?"

Regina smirked, "Mom, you have my boobs in your hands."

"Because they're so soft! God, It's not like I'm getting turned on by your lush pink nipples...Okay, maybe a little...Oh allright, allright, I did date a few of my cousins...And had a three-way with my aunt...And gave my dad a blowjob so I could go to the Def Leppard concert, happy now? Hey! Stop giving me that look...Okay, okay, okay! You win: I also let my dad eat me out every Christmas."

Regina smiled, clasped her hands on her mother's cheeks, lowered down, and gave her a light peck on the lips.

"You've always been a good mom to me...despite your weird sexual side."

Claire blushed. "Oh thanks sweetie...oh, I'm hogging you. Yukari, come have a feel."

"Yes, yes!" Yukari skipped over and put a hand on Regina's breast.

"Hmmm, you got warm hands," Regina reached over and felt up her girlfriend's mother, her hands rubbing through the bath robe. "Nice boobs."

"Thank you," Yukari said with a smile.

"Whoa!" said Greg. "It's getting intense in here, I feel myself burning up; I think it's about time we got these robes off, what do you say?"

The mothers nodded in agreement.

"All right," said Greg. "Take 'em off!"

The dads took their robes off, thankfully wearing shorts underneath. The mothers on the other hand...

"Tammie~," Claire purred, "Come, come to the bed." Claire let go of her daughter's breasts, sauntered to the bedside, and untied her robe, letting it fall to the ground, revealing her slim, sexy figure, her perky 32B-cup breasts, and her round fine buttocks.

Tammie leapt to her feet, "Let's do this." She walked with long, purposeful steps, her eyes locked on her target: Tammie grabbed Claire by the arm, leaned in, and gave her a kiss with bite.

"Hmmmm," Tammie hummed. Then she raised her arm and hit Claire with a loud, powerful whack to the butt.