Testing Indian Wife's Limits Ch. 03

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Some hanky panky on the freeway and a confession.
2.6k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/02/2018
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Jamaica Shama had been a sexual glutton. So it was amazing and gratifying to me that post-Marcus Shama was even more so. For the next couple of weeks, whenever time and circumstance permitted, she initiated sex, usually with a handjob and a blowjob.

Which was a change from recent years. Although we had done a lot of hand stuff in the early days of our relationship, recent time pressures meant we would go straight to sex. But Shama, probably trying to re-live what was the most kinky taboo experience of her life, was doing it a lot again. We'd be alone for a few minutes after Abhi had gone to bed, and she'd slide over and put her hands in my shorts. Then she'd suck my dick. And then she would ride me.

I had felt confident enough to do the Marcus experiment because I knew him to be a thoroughly decent guy. I was sure even Shama had been more composed and in-control during that encounter, because of the same reason. As opposed to the leering resort guy who tried to make advances, Marcus had been apologetic and thoroughly passive except for when he gave in to his hormones and touched her boobs.

He did end up getting sacrificed in the game though. I never saw him again. The new yard guy was an old fat white guy, almost the exact opposite of Marcus. I casually asked Shama about this one day and she casually replied that Marcus had moved on to other jobs.

For the next few weeks, my experiments with Shama's limits hit a bit of a wall. Work was crazy for us both and Abhi's life was getting more demanding too, with different classes and camps, and kindergarten looming. Lots of play dates and lots of benign social events.

Besides, I myself had been introspecting about the whole thing. And trying to decide what exactly I wanted from it all.

I was clear that my main goal was to keep the spark alive in our sex life, something that had suffered since we became parents. The first incident in Jamaica had been a total accident. The second one, I had carefully orchestrated, with the ability to step in if things got out of hand.

But I had sat there, a few dozen feet away, and watched as my wife gave a handjob to the young man. And had not considered it a big enough development to have gotten "out of hand", pardon the pun. I was still not sure how I felt about the fact that she had used his hands on his substantial dick. It was a step beyond just flashing or exposure. It was something sexual, although it had been couched in utilitarian terms. She had performed a sexual act on another man and I had watched it and done nothing to stop it. And had felt aroused.

I realized that anything beyond what had happened would be tougher for me to swallow or come to terms with. A lone handjob, especially followed by the young man being expunged from our lives was one thing. But what would be the emotional and practical toll on me and her and our marriage if things went further? I was split between finding the idea hot and also disturbing.

Besides, it's not like I could keep engineering scenarios where she was accidentally exposed to someone, I was nearby but not around, and make it seem organic. I was stumped about what my next steps should be.

A couple of months after the Marcus incident, Shama and I were driving back from a party. I was the designated driver, so I had confined myself to just 2 beers. Shama on the other hand, had downed about 5 cocktails. So she was in a drunk giggly mood and also slightly sleepy.

It was after midnight. the roads were mostly empty. On an impulse, I said,

"Shama, show me your tits."

She was leaning against the door humming a song. She looked at me and smiled. Without a word, she started unbuttoning her top. I had a tough time focusing on the road as her bra-covered tits came into vision. That deep luscious cleavage. Divine!

"Take the bra off." I said pushing the envelope. I remembered how cross she had gotten the last time I had tried to get her topless in the car. I was hoping that the dual whammy of her being drunk and the Marcus experience might have expanded her limits.

"Are you sure?" she asked giggling.

"Yeah, it'll be hot." I said.

She took a loud deep breath, reached behind and unhooked her bra. And then exceeded my expectations as she pulled off her top and bra in one drunkenly clumsy moment.

"Oh god I can't believe I'm doing this." she giggled, put her arms across her naked tits and slid down in the seat.

I let her lay giggling topless slumped in the seat for a few moments and get used to this. Then I said,

"No fair. I can't see. Take your arms away."

She did and I saw her big creamy boobs jiggle with the car's motion. her nipples were erect. She was turned on my this.

I was thinking about how to carefully make her sit up and put herself on display when suddenly a truck pulled up next to us.

"BLRNNNN! BLRNNNN!" its horn went off.

I couldn't quite clearly see the truck cab, but he evidently could see into our car, from his higher vantage point. Which is why he had been able to see her tits even though she was slumped in her seat. The honk was clearly an appreciation of getting a look at my wife's big naked tits.

I sped forward, not wanting to freak Shama out. She had also realized what had happened and her face wore an expression of worry. What was notable though - she had not covered her tits.

"He saw me!!" she finally said, slurring a litle. And her tone wasn't one of annoyance, but rather a playful OMG tone.

"Hehe, I guess he did." I said.

There was silence for a while as I put distance between us and the truck.

"You don't...mind?" Shama said uncertainly.

"Mind what?"

"Some stranger just got a look at these. That doesn't anger you?"

"Why would it anger me? It was just for a few moments. And you're coming home with me. It's fun in a kinky way."

Silence for a few more seconds. And then I saw her slide up into a seating position. She was beaming and her cheeks were red.

"You really don't mind this?" she asked.

"I'll show you how much I don't mind." I said and reached up to turn the lights on. The interior of our car was now bathed in a yellow light.

Almost instantly, we got a couple of appreciative honks from cars passing in the other direction on the freeway.

Shama blushed even more, but didn't cover her tits. A couple more honks and then she reached up to turn the lights off. Whoever was passing us must have gotten a nice glimpse of her ample tits sway as she raised her arm.

She slumped down in the seat again and started laughing. I laughed along with her.

"How far are we from home?" she asked.

"About twenty minutes." I said.

She kept giggling. And then I saw her reach over and feel my crotch.

"You're hard!!" she said and laughed.

"As are half the men on this freeway, I'm sure."

We both laughed.

"You really liked this, huh?" she said, sounding a bit more sober.

"I did. It's low risk fun." I said. "It's just half a second glimpses. You have an amazing body. It turns me on to think about guys getting a look at your tits like that."

"Low risk fun." she said, unzipping my pants and playing with my dick. "Strange phrase."

"You know...strangers zooming by. Not like anyone knows you or can track you or take a picture." I said.

"Many people have dashcams now. Especially black people, because of the police brutality." she said, gently jacking off my dick.

"Hmm, I hadn't thought about that." I really hadn't.

"You don't mind the fact that a bunch of dashcams might have me...like this...on record?"

"Like I said, I hadn't thought about dashcam angle. But you clearly have. And you don't seem to mind."

She chuckled and shrugged as she started stroking my dick even faster. After a few moments, she said,

"Does it make me a bad wife if I say it kinda turns me on?"

Oh wow! There it was. The first time she was admitting to her exhibitionist tendencies.

"Not at all. You're the best wife of all time. And as you can see, I'm still very aroused."

"I love you." she said, her grip on my dick now really firm.

"I love you too."

We drove in silence for a few seconds, her giving me a handjob half slumped in her seat, and me doing my best to focus on the road.

"Rest area in two miles." she read a sign.


"Pull in there. It's not like we can walk in the door with you like this and start humping with Cindy there."

That's what made Shama such a perfect wife. Even drunk and horny and in a kinky mood, she remembered the practical things. Cindy was our go-to babysitter, who was happy to stay as late as we wanted. As long as we paid her double after 11 PM.

The rest area was mostly empty. I parked in a secluded spot. Shama raised here head a little and looked around to make sure there was no audience. Or for all I knew, hoping there would be an audience? She unbuckled her seat belt, slid over and lowered her wide open warm mouth onto my dick.

Seeing my formerly restrained and uptight wife acting this way had already turned me on beyond belief. This was the first time she had been a enthusiastic participant in pushing her limits.

Her big tits rubbed against my thighs as her face bobbed up and down on my dick. She was swirling her tongue around my shaft throughout, especially over the glans, which was always very effective. Within a couple of minutes of parking, I was shooting my load into her mouth.

Once she was sure I had finished ejaculating, she sat up and looked around again. And then she opened the door on her side and spat out the cum on the side.

"That was amazing." I said, zipping up and buckling my pants.

"Hehe, yeah." she said as she reached for her balled up clothes.

"You know, I can return the favor. There's no one around. I can go down on you right here. Cindy won't mind the extra pay." I offered.

Shama thought about my offer for a few seconds. And then said,

"No, I would rather you do that on our bed. it's more comfortable." she blushed.

"Whatever you say." I reached over and kissed her. And then started driving.

After we got back on the freeway, I said,

"This was awesome."

Shama seemed lost in thought. She heard me and smiled and nodded. And then stared out the window for a few more minutes.


"Right here."

"You really genuinely don't mind this?"

"Mind what?"

"You know...strangers seeing me this way?"

"Like I said, it's low risk. And it's kinky." I smiled.

She was silent for another minute or so. And then she said,

"I am glad you think that way. I have something to confess. It's nothing really. And I should have told you right after it happened. But I didn't, thinking you'd be mad. Now I feel like I should be honest." she said.

I felt a surge of love for my wife. She had been quiet about those incidents all this time. Finally, she seemed ready to tell me. I felt like pre-empting her and saying, I know everything and I love you. But I wanted her to do it on her own terms.

"Okay." I said neutrally.

"I am so sorry I didn't tell you earlier." she said.

"It's alright, just tell me. I love you and trust you. Maybe I will find it hot."

"I hope so." she smiled. "Okay, it was a complete accident... happened last week."

Wait, last week?, I thought to myself. Maybe she was just fudging the timeline. I nodded.

"I was with Abhi at the pool for his swimming lessons."

Huh? Swimming lessons? What did that have to do with anything? I knew the lessons she spoke of. We took turns taking him to the lessons. We'd leave him with the instructors in the shallow end. And we were supposed to be nearby and on-call if something happened and he needed us. All us parents usually swam a few laps and socialized with each other in the deep end, while the kids got their lessons for an hour. I knew all that. But what did that have to do with anything?

"Go on."

"It's so embarrassing." she covered her face with her hands.

"Just tell me." I said, getting curious and annoyed.

"In short, I was wearing my new swimsuit and the top was a bit loose and my breasts spilled out and a few men saw them." she kept her face covered.

"Okay." This was brand new information. "Tell me more. How did it happen? And who saw them? For how long?"

"Happened accidentally. It was a new suit like I said. That red one."

I knew which one she was talking about. It was a one piece. Shama didn't do bikinis. But this was a bit more revealing than usual, because it showed some of her midriff and instead of having shoulder straps, had a halter style thing to tie behind her neck.

"I had swum a few rapid laps and was getting out of the pool. I guess I hadn't tied the double knot tightly enough or maybe my fast swimming strokes had loosened it. As I raised my arms to grab the stair bars, the knot came off. And the weight of my breasts made the front fall off. Shit, I was so embarrassed. There were a couple of guys in front of me and they got a good look at my breasts."

"Anyone we know?"

"No, just strangers. Middle aged men hanging around. I was halfway through climbing out and that made me panic. So I let go of the bars to cover myself. That made my foot slip and I splashed back in the water. The men chuckled as I splayed around trying to regain my balance and cover myself at the same time. And that just made the moment last longer and my bare breasts move around."

"Sounds like an innocent accident." I said. But was it? I know the two previous times were genuine accidents, but they had turned her on. Had she somehow purposely accidentally made this happen?

"Anyway, I finally got my balance right, and quickly tied the suit back up. And ran to the changing room."

She took her hands off her face and looked at me sheepishly.

"Go on."

"That's it."

"Did the men follow you or make any comments?"

"No, they were just amused I guess. And also somewhat embarrassed."


"Anyway, Parth, even though I was embarrassed, I was also a little...turned on. Is that bad?"

"Not at all. It's just some innocent fun." I said. "You came home to me and that's all that matters to me, It's not like you have done anything sexual with another man."

I let that last sentence hang in the air for a few seconds to see if she took this chance to confess about Marcus. But it seemed like this was as far as she was willing to go tonight. maybe she'd talk about it some other time. She just nodded as we pulled into our driveway.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

u kept me hard

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

I dated an Indian girl for a while. She was an Apache lady from El Paso. Too much temper for wife material, but a fun girl just the same. Oops, wrong Indians.

moonfrogmoonfrogover 5 years ago
Great story.

Great story. Love to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Oldbearswitch can’t help himself

He just can’t read a story and not comment about the husband being a cuckold. Trying to deflect the truth by protesting too much? Undoubtedly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Bring up the next chapter soon

Very nice and engaging story

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