The Architect


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"Oh! No, I would have kept my promise to you somehow. I'm OK now, how are you coming on the Day Care project?"

Debbie smiled and the cloud over my head disappeared. "I have all the figures finalized. I even have a retired RN who would love to run it for us. She says she knows other RNs that would love to work here, either part time or full time. I would like to bring her in. I guess you would have to interview her."

I looked at her, "No, Debbie, it is your job to do that if you think it is necessary. If she is who you want send her to Joan, the HR lady. Do you have any money left on that credit card?"

"Yes, over half of it."

"OK, for now use that to buy equipment and stuff she needs to get started. If she needs the room altered see Maintenance. Set up a meeting with all of the department heads, include Miss Sally's assistant and Mr. Dave's assistant. Set it up for right after noon in the conference room." I smiled at her, "Honey, I am going to be dumping a load on your shoulders, can you handle it?"

"Yes, I can do it. I may have to ask your help some but I'll not bother you unless I have to."

"Listen, Set up your days to include a regular meeting with me the first thing every morning. Wait, you are now my Personal Assistant, have a good secretary assigned to you. Give yourself a raise appropriate to your new job. Now get going, girl, you are suddenly very busy."

She grinned happily at me, she threw her arms around my neck and kissed my lips. She jerked back and her small delicate hands flew to her face, "Oh! Please, I am so sorry. I just got excited."

I laughed at her, "Thank you for the sweet little kiss. I may have to promote you every day."

She blushed. She looked very serious. "I hope I got the promotion because of something more than my kisses."

"Don't worry about that, kisses are not now and never will be part of your job description. I gave you the job because I think you will do a good job for me. I need your help to run this company. You will be my eyes and ears."

The promotion of Debbie was the best thing I did for the business, she was a tiny tornado. I was seldom bothered by petty matters. She knew that what I did was the heart of the company. She knew that the only function of everyone in the company was to assist and support what I did. The day care was up and running in short order. A week or two later Debbie walked in my office for our morning meeting, she was smiling and wearing a new gray business suit, she looked very professional and business like. It fit perfectly!

"Good morning Boss, how are you this morning?"

"Deb, my day is much brighter now that my right hand is here."

She grinned, "Thank you Sir. You just made my day. Now I want you to meet my new assistant." She leaned over and pushed the button on my intercom, "Send her in now, please."

The door opened and a tiny little girl walked in, "Here I am Mommy."

Debbie took her hand and led her over to me. She said, "Dolly, I want you to meet my boss, Mr. John. Say 'good Morning' like I taught you Honey."

The little girl looked like an angel as she curtsied and sweetly said, "Good morning Mr. John, I am pleased to meet you."

I know I had a huge grin on my face as I said, "Good Morning Miss Dolly, I am delighted to meet you. Are you happy in your new day care here?"

"Oh yes, it is fun. We ride on the bus, I have other kids to play with. I love it 'cause Mommy can come and see me lot's of times."

I just fell in love. She was adorable, cute as hell and very smart. I asked her, "Dolly, have you ever been to the zoo?"

She looked at Debbie, then at me, "No, do you mean where all the naminals are?"

"Good", I looked at Deb. "Dolly, I would love to take you and your Mommy to the Zoo this Sunday if you would like to go."

She looked up at Deb, "Mommy, can we go, can we."

I looked at Debbie, "I apologize, that was wrong of me to put you on the spot like that, I should have asked you first. Please forgive me, it won't happen again."

She smiled gently, "You just got excited, I know how you feel, you want to please her and show her new things. Yes. Yes we would love to go. I'll fix a pick-nick lunch for us."

"Debbie, do you have a car?"

"No, mine broke down and I don't think it is worth fixing. I am saving up to buy one."

"Humm! I think as my Personal Assistant you need a company car so you can perform your duties. I'll look in to it this afternoon after I take you and Miss Dolly to lunch."

We had a great time at the zoo. Dolly was very excited and had to see everything. I ended up carrying her most of the time. I never knew how wonderful spending time with a child can be. I enjoyed being with her mother too.

The next day I called our Transportation Chief and discovered we had a two year old Honda Odyssey that was not being used, I told him to have it washed and detailed inside and out. It had company logos on it. I told him to park in the reserved parking space for my Personal Assistant and bring me the keys. He said he didn't think we had a parking space reserved for that. I said, "Change the sign on Mr. Dave's old space."

"Yes Sir."

That afternoon Debbie stuck her head in my office, Dolly was with her. She said they were going home. I stuck out my lower lip and pretended to cry.

Dolly's eyes got big. "Mr. John is crying, Momma."

Both of them asked what was wrong. I said, "Dolly didn't kiss me Good bye." Dolly ran to me holding her arms to be picked up. I swooped her up and laughed, "Now I feel better!" I got a nice kiss and put her down.
I handed Debbie the Car keys. She looked puzzled.

"Missy, you look so professional in your new suit we cannot tarnish our image by having you ride the bus. The keys are to your company car. It is parked in your new reserved parking place under the roof, right outside the main door."


"You heard me girl, if you don't have a child seat for Dolly, you need to get one for her. Now get outta here."

Debbie stood looking at me for a moment. She shook her head, turned, picked up Dolly and left.

I saw the Honda Minivan when I arrived in the morning. Deb wasn't at her desk so I started the coffee. I went in and fired up my computers. I heard her heels in the hall. I turned and watched as she saw the hot coffee on her desk. She turned and looked at me. Her face broke into a beautiful smile, she walked into my office and closed the door behind her. She walked up to me and looked up at me. She reached up and pulled my face down and kissed me as her arms went around my neck. Her lips parted and her tongue touched mine.

She pushed me away a little, "Why, why are you so damned good to me?"

"Well, let's see. First it is because you earn it every day, this place is running smoother than it ever has. Things are done on time with very few errors. For the first time everyone I see has a smile on their face. And if that is not reason enough, just being near you makes me happy too!"

Her eyes searched mine, "Is all that true?"

"Hey, you know me well enough to know I do not fib, I tell it like it is."

"John, I need your help, I have not been able to afford good steaks until now, I just bought a couple last night. I also bought a charcoal grill and some charcoal. I have never done it before, can you show me how tonight?"

"Sure, I would love to."

"I better confess that there is another reason I want you to come over."


"Yes, my daughter has been pestering me all week about having you over for dinner. She is getting very insistent about it. She really likes you. She usually doesn't care for men, but she thinks you are wonderful." She blushed, "I agree with her on that. Now, about that wonderful minivan. I can't accept it."

"You don't like it?"

"We love it. It is just too much."

"Hey, it is a two year old vehicle that has been just sitting for almost a year. It is very economical to run. You need to run errands for the company. Do I need to go out and buy you something better?"

"Better? No, nothing could please me more. It has everything. It is loaded with extras. It is perfect, but it is too much."

"Well, we do have a ten year old pickup truck you could use. It rattles and stalls a lot, we can let your secretary use the Honda."

"What? I will use it." She smiled, "John, you play me like a fiddle don't you?"

"Not really, hey, you talked me into a Day Care the first time you met me. You maneuver me pretty well."

"I am sorry. I don't mean to. Please don't be angry with me."

"Hey, that is why I hired you, to get me to do things that need to be done and that I don't like to do. That is what a good assistant does. You keep me on time for meetings, you get me to appointments on time and well prepared. You send a card to each employee on their birth day, anniversary, or other occasion. Every day people come up to me and thank me for the cards. I need you. I need to keep you happy."

"I don't do that, the payroll girl does that."

"Girl, that is bull crap, you suggested to her that it would improve moral. She told me how it went down. I am the only one you tell what to do, everyone else you ask to do things, you suggest they do things, me, you tell what to do."

She giggled, "It works doesn't it?"

"Hun? What time should I come by for dinner tonight, actually I need to know what time you want to eat."

"Well, why don't you go home and change and come right over. I forgot to tell you the grill is still in the box in the van. It was too awkward for me to carry in by myself."

"I will be there as soon as I can. OK? No school tonight?"

"No, they don't have it on Friday nights, no one would show up."

The two sweet little ladies loved the steaks, baked potatoes, and corn on the cob. All were done on the grill. After dinner we played cards, they beat me badly at 'Go Fish'. I took them to a nearby Dairy Queen for desert. We had a good time and got messy in the car. I helped Deb get Dolly ready for bed. Deborah and I sat and sipped a little special wine I get from a local winery.

Finally I knew it was time to go home. I asked if I could see them tomorrow. Deb looked at me seriously and didn't answer. I waited a moment and said, "O.K. I guess you guys are busy. I'll see you at work."

"John I need to talk to you." That scared the shit out of me, had I come on too strong?

I told her I was listening. She said, "I know, you always listen to everything I say, but you aren't getting my messages."

"What am I missing?"

"John, I think I need to release you from your promise to me. I think I need to find another job."

My heart stopped beating. "WHY? I thought you loved your job. What is wrong?"

"I owe you so much now that I can never repay you. I just don't know what to do."

"You don't owe me a thing. Nothing. I received far more from you than I have given."

"How can that be? I haven't given you a thing."

"Yes you have, the time I have spent with you and with you and Dolly are the most precious times of my whole life. Your compassion for an older man saved my life. You are the sweetest female I have ever known. If I wasn't so old I would court you with all my might. To be honest, Debbie, I shouldn't have said that, I guess you are right, you need a young man your own age."

She looked at me. "What am I hearing here." She looked puzzled, "Am I hearing right, are you saying that because of your age you will not court me. Are you saying that you love me?"

"Yes, I am sorry, I don't want to embarrass you or frighten you, but yes, I do love you with all my heart." I watched her carefully as I poured out my heart. A large smile grew on her lovely face. She jumped in my lap and kissed me passionately. Her lips parted and her tongue probed deep into my mouth. She broke the kiss and rained kisses all over my face.

"John, Honey, I love you too. Dolly loves you very much. I want you tonight, I want to wake up in the morning with you in my bed. I was a virgin when I was raped, I don't know how to please you, you have to teach me about sex."

I knew I had a silly smile on my face. She kissed me again and said, "John I don't know much about sex but I do know you are the sexiest man I have ever met. I have to carry extra panties in my purse because I get so wet when I get close to you. I want to shut the door to your office and lock it, then have my way with you. I fell in love with you that first day I came to work for you." She caressed my face as she talked softly to me. She continued, "I meet and talk to young guys at school all the time. They are like immature children, they don't care about anyone but themselves, they are shallow and have no depth of character. You are just the opposite and I love that about you."

I put my lips to hers and silenced her. It was a long sweet kiss that had my cock as hard as steel. I picked her up and carried her to her bedroom. When I put her down next to her bed she said, "Would you like to undress me? I think I would like that."

I slowly unbuttoned the blouse she wore. She undid the cuffs of her sleeves. I lifted the shirt from her shoulders and froze as her beautiful breasts came into view. Debbie had magnificent breasts, they stood out straight from her chest. They looked like a 'D' cup or better. On her little body they were gorgeous. I unbuttoned her skirt and pulled the zipper down. I let it drop to the floor. Her waist was a bit thick and widened to her hips. Sheer little panties hid none of her little mound. She sat and watched as I quickly stripped. She grinned and nervously giggled. "I have to learn to do that for you, my love."

I couldn't resist her and gently pressed her back on the bed. My lips found hers in a heartbeat. Her lips were soft and sweet, they parted to admit my tongue. Her little hands gripped my head and held it in place as she fed me her tongue. She slipped her open mouth around over my mouth. She pulled back, "Can I look at you now, I have never really seen a live man down there before."

"Baby girl, everything you see belongs to you."

"Oh no! He is too big, he will never fit inside me. Gosh! Look how long he is, thick too, I can't get my hand around him." She looked wide eyed at me, "He will tear me apart."

I pulled her up into my arms, "No sweetie, he will never hurt you, he only brings you pleasure, great pleasure. You have to trust that I love you way too much to ever hurt you. May I touch your sweet little pussy? I will know if you are ready or not. I won't hurt you at all. Think about it, Dolly came out of you that way and she was much bigger than I am, right?"

"Yes, dear, I guess so, but that hurt a lot. Just be gentle with me for now, I'm scared a little bit. I can't remember anything about when I . know, got pregnant. Oooooo, that feels good when you rub my breasts, oh yes, that really feels nice! Oh! your lips feel better, much, much better. Wow! Mmmmmmmm! That is very good when you suck on my nipple, I do love that a lot! A whole lot. I feel tingly all over it is soooo good."

I moved to her other nipple and she liked that too. I moved back and forth between her breasts loving one and caressing the other. She gently guided my head where she wanted it. I licked down the center of her soft, warm, belly. She squealed when I ran my tongue in to the bottom of her belly button. I wiggled my tongue around and she giggled, "That tickles, but I like it." I moved on down, barely tracing the tip of my tongue across her skin, on down over her mound and quickly flipped her clitoris. She yelped, surprised, for some reason she hadn't expected that, she jerked her head up and looked at me. I said, "Did I hurt you?"

"God no! I loved that. Do more. Lots more." I circled her clit with my tongue while she moaned. I traced the tip down and lightly between her little delicate crinkled nether lips then plunged my tongue as deep as I could down to her vagina. Next I rubbed my tongue all around the walls as far as I could go. I pulsed my tongue as fast as I could in and out of her hole. I heard her scream, it sounded like she had a hand over her mouth. I looked up to see if she was alright. She opened her eyes to see what was happening. I smiled and asked if she was OK. She nodded, "I'm just fine, I never knew it could be this good."

I decided to go further and moved up between her legs. I grabbed my cock and rubbed the head up and down her wet slit. She was very slippery. The crown slipped in to her pussy effortlessly, then it got tighter. I pulled back a bit and then slid in more with little effort. I was watching her face, she had a small smile on her face. I went in a little further, Damn it was hard to control myself and not just slam it home. I carefully worked my cock in. Then my pubes were against hers. I was all the way in. I leaned forward and gently kissed her lips, I whispered, "Am I hurting you, sweetheart."

"Oh no! You are stretching me but that feels good. I have never felt this way before. Wowee! That is soooo good. I love it when you move inside me, I feel like you are part of me, I want you to stay like this forever."

I stroked very slowly and suddenly she clutched at me, hugging me tightly and moaning deep in her throat. She was shivering and rocking her head from side to side. Then she moved her hands to my ass and pulled me in deeper. She was trying to move me deeper, harder and faster. It felt wonderful, I knew I wasn't going to last very long like this. I couldn't stop. I shot my cum inside her. She said softly, "Oh John that feels so good, so slippery and so hot. Did you shoot me full of your sperm, your babies?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, you felt so amazing I couldn't stop." I lifted my right leg over her left leg and moved up off of her. I sat up and reached down and pulled the covers up over us. I pulled her to me and gently kissed her. "Did I hurt you my love. I tried to be gentle."

"John, you were wonderful, when can we do it again. I am ready now."

"I guess that means you liked it a little."

"No! I loved it a lot, it was the best feelings of my whole life. Now I know what the girls at work are talking about. They always brag about how much time they spend in bed with their men. Now I know why." She kissed me softly and gently. "Oh John cuddling like this when we are through is almost as good as the loving. I love this dreamy relaxed feeling of contentment and of being full of your love. Oh, I think I am leaking, run and get as a big towel, please." I got the towel and she threw back the covers and wiped up our fluids, she looked down at me, "Boy, your little soldier is relaxing too."

She ran into the bathroom, then out the door to check on Dolly and was back quickly. She jumped back on the bed and leaned down to look carefully at my cock. She gingerly touched him then jerked back. I laughed, "He won't hurt you, pick him up and look at him. Look between my legs at my balls, feel them too. She slowly reached out and grasped my cock.

She rubbed her fingers over the crown. "Oh, the top part is soft and smooth. Euu! Your balls are kind of squiggly, they slide all around in the bag. I love it. Oh! Look! He is getting bigger, the ball bag is shrinking too. OH, he is hard again, your balls are up tight under him. I know I sound like a silly fool but this is all new to me. You have to teach me everything." She raised on her knees and looked down at my body. "I love the way you look John, so strong and handsome. I can't believe you want me as much as I want you. Is he ready again now?"

"He sure is, how do you feel, you aren't sore or hurting in any way are you? You feel so tight I worry about stretching you too much too fast."

"No. I feel just fine, the only hurt is that you are not inside me, I LOVE that. Nothing has ever felt that good before. I think I am going to want to spend all our time in bed. Well, maybe we will have to eat once in a while. I have to lose some weight, I want to look better for you."
