The Carson's Party


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"Are you comfortable enough with the idea for me to go down on you now, Elise?" She gave me such an innocent and earnest look, and once again I was struck by the power of her beauty. I so badly wanted that classic featured face between my legs at that point.

"I guess so, Roxy," It wasn't that I was feeling reluctant about the sex, but I did feel kind of worried about it coming from a woman because I had the feeling she was really good at going down on girls, and I was worried about liking it too much. I opened up about it, "I'm just a little scared that you might be so much better than any boy I ever had."

She giggled, "I will be, and I know the equipment better than any man could because I have it myself - it's one of the great advantages of gay sex. But if you like sex with men, this won't change that, and believe me everyone has bisexual potential whether they know it or not. So just relax. You will enjoy this a lot, but probably not as much as I will. This is what I live for!"

And she was so right! It wasn't so much that she did anything differently, although she really took her time about it - she explored every nook and cranny of my pussy as thoroughly and wonderfully as she had my mouth. It was more the passion and energy she exuded as she frenched me into oblivion, finally bringing me to orgasm using her fingers in my vagina and frantically polishing my clit with the underside of her slick tongue. As I was coming she curled her arms under my thighs and gripped the inside of my hips with her hands, riding out my throes of ecstasy in my lurching hips without every breaking mouth to genital contact.

This time my orgasm was more powerful and even longer than my previous one, taking me to a new extreme. This was now the best sex I had ever had and by a wide margin. I messed up her gorgeously coifed hair with my fingers by pulling her to my pussy, but she didn't seem to mind at all, she was moaning and grunting with pleasure almost as loud as I was. Then as we settled and she showered my pubic hair with kisses she told me, "I've been doing that to teenage girls since I was thirteen, Elise, and I swear you have the sweetest most delightful and beautiful teenage pussy I've ever tasted. But I've just got to come now. Would you be a dear and roll over on your tummy for me?"

She reached past me to pluck a small pillow from the head of the bed while I rolled over onto my stomach, puzzled but willing to cooperate with her relief. She positioned the pillow under my right calf and reached for jar of lubricant off the bedside stand and began lubricating the back of my calf. "I just want to fuck your gloriously lovely calf, dear, but don't worry, I intend to entertain you while I'm doing it. You're going to like this!" I thought this a little strange but believed her about my liking it. I didn't doubt Roxy's ability to give pleasure at all anymore.

But I was quite surprised in the form it took. True to her word, I could feel her pussy rubbing earnestly on my calf, but in the meantime she was kissing me all over my bottom. It felt very nice but not spectacular, but then she started licking me up and down the crevice between my cheeks. This was new to me, but as it continued it got more and more pleasant especially the delicate licks all over my asshole. Then she wormed one hand under me to tease my clit with her fingertips while her other hand used two or three fingers to pump steadily in and out of my vagina. She was so multi-dexterous! I could even feel her toes clasping and rubbing my right foot! Roxy was one talented lady!

As I was getting into the rhythm of it, and still as aware as ever of her fucking my gel slicked calf, she began using her tongue to probe into my asshole. She did it so gradually with little licks and stabs that by the time she had her tongue deep inside my bottom, I was enjoying it enormously and pushing my rump upward toward her face. I'm sure the fact that she was working me into another furious climax with her hands helped to boost my enjoyment considerably, but I never would have imagined that my asshole could have enjoyed her tongue so much. And as I was groaning and grunting with animal pleasure at being so thoroughly fucked and penetrated, I enjoyed an incredibly long and celestial orgasm that undulated through my body like the music of angels, like I was some heavenly bell tolling the joy of sex.

I can't even say why, but I also took a very great deal of pleasure from the feel of her slick cunt pumping energetically against the thickest part of my calf muscle. Right then I knew I would have enjoyed her pussy anywhere on my body, even on my face!

I heard her come hard too, and experienced an unexpected rush of pleasure at being the instrument of her joy, even though she had been the musician that played me. Then she crawled up my body and I rolled over and we kissed and rubbed our bodies together for a while, cuddling and wrapping our legs around each other. "Thank you, Elise! You gave yourself to me so wonderfully!" She said, her breath going into my mouth, and her face smelling like my pussy, "I haven't asked you to touch me, and I won't, but you may of course do anything to me that you like, and I do mean anything."

"You've kept your promise to satisfy me, Roxy, and you were right. You just gave me the best sex I've ever had and I am grateful." I slid my hand down her body and ran my fingers through her sparse blondish-brown pubic hair, and while I began exploring her pussy with my fingers I added, "I would enjoy kissing your breasts while I make you come."

Having felt myself up to the point of orgasm hundreds, if not thousands of times, I felt confidently qualified to bring her to climax that way, and as I mentioned earlier I wanted to kiss her breasts for my own pleasure. In the few times I have imagined sex between girls, that is what I thought of, kissing another girl's breasts. It seemed harmless and sweet and I definitely found it so with Roxy. I knew I couldn't match her as a lover, but she seemed to like the attention well enough. I enjoyed kissing her breasts and taking her turgid nipples between my lips, and I have to admit I enjoyed probing her vagina with my fingers and diddling her clit. During her orgasm, I stopped with her breasts and watched her face contort as if she was in terrible pain.

It was a beautiful thing to watch and I thoroughly enjoyed the view of her face as she came, and felt a deep rush of pleasure that I had brought her to such rapture. Then I kissed her a few times and started dressing myself. My black lace panties were still soaked with pussy juice so I put everything else on and tucked them deep into my cleavage. I didn't have any pockets. The only things I had carried to the party was a ten-dollar bill and my dorm room key, which were both safety pinned inside the hem of my dress. She dressed as well, picking up a comb and using a wall mirror to tuck her hair back into place. "Elise?" she asked quietly as she turned from the mirror, "Please say you will see me again?"

I chuckled and hugged her, "It may or may not be at your next party, but I promise to see you again, Roxy. You're a hoot!"

"My parties," she shrugged, "or anytime you like. In the morning, in the afternoon, in the middle of the night. Anytime you like. I mean it, Elise. I want to see you again. I'm in the telephone book."

I smiled and wondered if she was even half as infatuated as she was acting - it seemed quite genuine, "I promise, Roxy."

"I'll buy you a car, if you'll remember to drive over and see me now and again," she insisted wistfully. I just gave her a kiss for an answer, then turned and walked out of the room. She followed me back to the party but at a discreet distance. For some reason I was feeling a little miffed at Melinda and wanted to have some time to think about why. I ran into a guy I knew from a class I'd taken a year ago, and he delayed me for almost half an hour before I could politely get away from him. I knew he wanted to fuck me, and I was tempted to let him, but I was completely sexually satiated at the time, and I had figured out why I was mad at Melinda. I wanted to find the little minx!

After looking nearly everywhere, I finally found Melinda in the backyard talking to an extremely slim blonde. The blonde was very beautiful with high cheekbones and pouty lips, but as slim as a skinny boy, although her legs were so long they were sexy too. I hadn't seen Kim during my Melinda-hunt, but didn't think much of it. I figured she had some boy in a closet and was fucking his brains out. I walked up to the couple and Melinda flashed me a friendly smile. The skinny blonde looked sulky when I walked up and she gave me a look I couldn't interpret, being both hot and cool, somehow. She stalked off when I got close and Melinda watched her walk away with as hungry a look as she had given Kim earlier. I found my own head turning to admire her compact ass - was I already looking at women differently? "Sorry to interrupt," I said tersely and not feeling sorry at all.

"That's all right," said Melinda quietly, "I think she is a little strange, but I will fuck her later anyway." She looked me in the eye and grinned, "Was it like I said? Did you have a wonderful time?"

I hesitated, distracted by her question, "Yes, it was fantastic, as I expect you very well know, but I have a bone to pick with you!"

Her face fell, but her voice was even and low, "Okay then, Elise. Do you think we could go someplace private, or does your honor demand publicly humiliating me?"

"Private will do," I said. She led me back inside, then into a bathroom that was almost hidden underneath the staircase.

She locked the door and turned her face up toward me, "What have I done?" then she smirked, "Or let's narrow the field. What have I done that has upset you?"

"You pimped me out!" I said hotly, "That's why that woman buys you clothes isn't it? Because you bring her girls? And what a thing to do to me! I was almost on the point of giving you pity sex, and then you do this to me!"

To my surprise, Melinda looked surprised, "That's just not true. Not any of it. And as for pity sex, I wouldn't want that from you. I'd take it, but I wouldn't want to," she shrugged, "In your case I just couldn't resist the sex, but I'd feel bad about it later." She stroked her cashmere sweater, "These were gifts from Roxy," she stuck out her lower lip, "She calls me her cuddly little sex toy, and wanted to see me dressed like she thought I ought to look. We have had sex together a couple of times a week for months, and yesterday she took me shopping and bought me this stuff, not that I see it's really any of your business. As for my motive, that should be obvious. I figured that once Roxy had seduced you, that you would be more open to having sex with me, that's all."

I tried to shake off my irritation, since Melinda seemed to be telling the truth. I sighed, "Okay, I guess I don't have a reason to be mad at you, but I still feel a bit manipulated."

She stepped close to me and touched my stomach, an oddly endearing thing for her to do, "I'm sorry, Elise. I shouldn't have manipulated you. I just wanted you to know how wonderful sex between girls could be. It's probably just a stupid schoolgirl crush, but I feel like I'm practically in love with you. I want you so badly that I masturbate about having sex with you pretty often. When I watch you in the gym, well... I get really wet, you know?"

That touched me, and really turned my feelings around, and I too well recalled what I had said to Kim about that possibility earlier. Her little hand was still on my tummy and starting to feel very warm. Then before I could respond, she added, "I do feel a bit naughty about doing it to Kim. Still she really deserved it after calling me a desperate little queer. That really hurt me, Elise. And why is it that everyone calls me little? I know I'm a tiny girl, but why do people have to rub my nose in it? It's not like something I did on purpose, you know!"

"What did you do to Kim?" I said, suddenly upset with her again. I felt like a yo-yo.

Melinda glanced upward, "She's upstairs now, learning that she's a little queer herself. But I don't feel too rotten about it. You know as well as I do that she's having the time of her life!"

I was speechless with anger at her doing that to Kim, and then realized that she was right about Kim enjoying it - she'd have to be - Roxy would see to that! And there was a certain justice to it, after all. I frowned at Melinda. I wasn't going to let her off the hook entirely, "You know, Kim is more fragile than you think, and this may have devastating consequences to her. Don't you think it is a little hateful to do anything to anyone just for revenge? You were small in doing that Melinda, and I sure as hell am not referring to your physical size!"

"Yes," Melinda agreed, "And I do regret it now, at least a little. Still, she's having a lot more fun than I am right now. I'm getting verbally beat up by the girl I love and you don't seem to have anything to say to me about that." She looked up at me, and I could see she was getting upset, "It took some courage to tell you how I felt about you, and I wanted to be honest with you, so I told you about Kim..." she spread her hands helplessly, "I guess I'm not doing anything right, but I'm trying..."

"I heard what you said," I grumbled, "you haven't given me a chance to say anything back yet, and I love Kim and feel a little defensive about her." I glanced at her with alarm, "Not the way you say you love me! We're just really close friends. Although after what's happened to both of us tonight, who knows what may change..." I looked back down at Melinda suddenly feeling very warm toward her again, "You know earlier when you hugged me. You know, when I first came into the party?" I hesitated to say it but then plunged on, "I liked it so much, I wanted to hug you again. You are cuddly, and I like the feel of your breasts pressed against mine."

"Oh Elise!" she cried and hugged me tightly. I hadn't had a chance to bend over a little for this hug, so it wasn't the breast masher that the earlier hug was. Due to the difference in our sizes, she practically had her nose in my cleavage, well, her nose WAS in my cleavage, and I remembered my soiled panties in there just about the time she said, "Oh, Elise!" in an entirely different tone of voice.

"Well, I had to put my panties somewhere... too wet to wear..." I offered feebly by way of explanation as she began kissing between my pussy scented breasts, "Now, enough of that! I've already come so many times tonight, I can barely walk; I'm so wobbly legged. Speaking of that? How can Roxy be upstairs ravishing Kim already?"

Melinda obediently if somewhat reluctantly stopped kissing inside my cleavage and looked up, "Oh, Roxy is a genuine certifiable nymphomaniac, Elise. She can go at it all day and all night. I mean she has to stop to eat, sleep and shit, but that's about it. She's rich, doesn't have to work, and I'm pretty sure she spends most of her time having sex with girls. It's not just what she does, it's who she is. I bet she really liked you, didn't she?"

Melinda was still hugging me, and I knew she was still sniffing my panties, and despite the truth of what I'd said about wobbly legs, I was getting aroused again because I knew how excited it was making Melinda to smell pussy between my breasts. "She said she did," I responded, "So what do you think about when you're masturbating about me?" I didn't really need to fuel Melinda's passions but I didn't really want to discuss the things that Roxy had said to me, either.

Melinda kissed my cleavage several more times. I suspected she couldn't stop herself. Then she murmured, more into my bosom, "The way you look, imagining how it would be to kiss your sexy legs, but mainly I think about how wonderful it would be to eat your pussy." She looked up at me, and I knew she wanted me to kiss her. Her lips were parted and her eyes were searching mine, begging me to kiss her.

Instead, I asked, "And what about Kim? I'm sure you masturbate thinking of her at times. So what do you think about when you are thinking about Kim and you know, touching yourself?"

"Um, this is a little embarrassing, but, well..." she looked away from me, "It's kind of an elaborate fantasy with Kim. First see, she is holding me in her arms and apologizing about being mean to me, and she tells me that if I want it, I can eat her pussy now, and she kisses me a few times, then we stand up. She's wearing a dress and then she stands up and pulls her dress up in front of me and I see she's not wearing panties."

"What color is her pubic hair?" I interrupted, interested in what Melinda thought.

"I've always imagined it was red like her head, with golden highlights - really beautiful, you know. Have you ever seen her naked below the waist?"

"No," I smiled, "But that's the way I imagine it, too. So what happens next?"

"I get down on her knees in front of her and put my mouth on her sex, and she slowly rocks her hips back and forth, like she's fucking my face. And I guess that doesn't usually go on for very long before I have an orgasm; so that's it."

Melinda looked up at me again, her lips parted and I knew she still wanted to be kissed, and she did look very kissable. So I did, with the fleeting thought of how it would be to kiss that slim blonde with her pouty lips. Melinda's lips trembled as our mouths touched each other, and then we were kissing passionately, and I wasn't feigning a bit on my part, and I knew she wasn't either. I kissed her upturned mouth like I was drinking the soul from her body and she was offering it up as fast as I could take it. Melinda was a remarkably delicious kisser with a very wet little mouth.

Then I pulled back and said, "If you want it, you can eat my pussy now." A small voice in my head was demanding what the hell am I doing? Melinda slid to her knees and I raised the hem of my skirt almost to my breasts for her, then I slowly rocked my hips to and fro, squeezing my own breasts and fucking Melinda's pretty little face as she licked and explored my pussy with her lips, tongue and fingers. She was good at it, too, and I figured she had spent a lot of time learning the ways of Sapphic pleasure with Roxy, and now I was reaping the rewards of her training.

I looked in the mirror to see Melinda and myself. I stood there in my high heels in a stranger's bathroom with my legs spread, thigh muscles rippling as my hips undulated to and fro, face fucking a petite blonde girl and enjoying it more than I would have thought possible. I felt like a fantastically sexual creature designed just for this sort of pleasure, and when I climaxed, I think I released more pussy juice than I ever had before. Despite Melinda's nearly frantic lapping and swallowing, I still felt warm droplets running down the inside of my thighs, and my orgasm just went on and on as did the fucking motions of my hips rubbing against the little blonde's face.

And I couldn't look away from the mirror. The image of the dark-haired beauty and the lovely blonde between her legs hypnotized me. It was a grossly lewd image, as coarse as a whore giving a sailor a blowjob in a dark alley and at the same time as sublime as a heavenly angel earnestly worshiping her goddess. I am not normally narcissistic and don't usually even think of myself as beautiful. But I saw myself that way now, and I pulled my dress over my head and took off my bra to better see my body in the mirror. The bunching and moving of muscles in my hips, buttocks and thighs as I kept fucking at dear Melinda's pretty upturned face, her loving mouth filling my body with the building of another orgasm.

My breasts swayed with the rhythm in my hips and still I watched me getting my pussy eaten, marveling at the beauty and eroticism of what I was seeing and wishing that Kim could see us like this... and me, so like a goddess. Then I was dribbling pussy juice into Melinda's eager, thirsty mouth again. I groaned and Melinda cried out, and I knew she was coming along with me without having even touched herself, because she had both hands on me - one hand folded and moving in and out of my vagina like a slow piston, and the other tightly grasping my buttocks as her face wriggled in my pussy like she was trying to crawl up inside me.