All Comments on 'The Contract Ch. 05'

by curious2c

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peggytwittypeggytwittyabout 18 years ago

His grief really starts at the funeral and his whole family thinks everything is his fault. Not any support from his kids. This is really a little strange as far as reactions go.

If he can even function to talk is amazing after losing his wife and finding out his new friend is a fraud. Samantha does not even show any sympathy of what he is going through, as she hasn’t even tried to contact him. Doesn’t leave you with much of a feeling of love or understanding.

Interested in where this next chapter goes.

Good writing and probably your best chapter of this fantasy.

With regards

txrosenaynaytxrosenaynayabout 18 years ago

chapter...can't wait for whats next but i am a impatient one once i've caught onto a story and caught up on the chapters *smile* Thanks for allowing us to read you. respectfully fan in Texas naynay

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Life's Decisions

Having been married for 45 years, my wife and I have discussed what we`would do if one of us died. Although this story is a fantasy, it raises many questions that one must face in life and death. Keep the chapters coming. Thanks. Ron

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

your writing is so good, keep it up. It is so true to life, in fact, in my 66 years of life I have heard about something like this a few times. Like I say, keep up this great writing.

gizzmo301gizzmo301about 18 years ago

very good enough said

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Attorney should be dis-barred

The attorney should be dis-barred. A client's confidence survives the death of the client. Good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

hope it has sam in it

xbowxbowabout 18 years ago
Beat up on John Chapter

I have enjoyed this story up until this chapter. Without challenging the author’s right to develop things as he prefers, what I perceived as the incredible unfairness of events in this chapter towad John made this installment hard for me to enjoy.

John asks Samantha to leave after discovering the truth. How is that behaving unreasonably? Remember that Samantha didn’t confess the truth to him as she did to the children; John discovers from the lawyers what was happening the day after his wife dies. Talk about a bad couple of days. His beloved wife finally dies and he is then hit by the fact both she and the other woman that he was beginning to trust and care for, Samantha, had been lying to him for months. That the woman he was beginning to love had not only been lying to him but was a (ex?) call girl who had been paid to seduce him. How can he not doubt everything that he had been told by both of them? Think about how much pain and anger he would be feeling after what he had just discovered. The previous chapters make it clear that Samantha did really come to love both Becky and John but how can he know that? Samantha had done a wonderful job of "acting" like she cared for Becky when she was first moved in with them. How could John know that the acting had become real?

He did not insult her when he asked her to leave, unless you count him calling her a hooker which she apparently felt was an insult. But even she acknowledges that many people would feel that there is little or no difference between an Escort and a Hooker. He even indicated that he might be willing to continue his relationship with Samantha after he has time to think.

That, in my opinion, is a hell of a understanding and restrained reaction to getting completely blindsided the way he did.

Now let’s look at his daughter’s reaction. Even though she admitted that it took her a while to overcome her doubts about Samantha’s feelings and motivations (and remember that Samantha had confessed the truth voluntarily to her AND told her that she wasn't accepting the money neither of which was true for John), she goes ballistic at her father calling him a stupid worthless asshole because he is struggling with doubts. Not to mention the fact that he is suddenly faced with the fact that his children had known for months that his wife had hired Samantha and had also been lying to him. Nobody likes to be made a fool and this discovery would have been enough to infuriate anyone. Then she walks out of his life and refuses to talk to him.

OK, she is mad at her father. She thinks he is making a major mistake about Samantha. She is upset that his actions are hurting Samantha. But who the hell is more important to her; her Father, who has just lost his wife, or Samantha whom she just met a few months ago? To me these were not even close to being the actions of a loving daughter.

Then there is Susan. She supposedly comes to John to reason with him. To try and get him to accept that Samantha really loves him and that he should go and see her.

How does she do this? Instead of accepting that his doubts are not only completely understandable but unavoidable and trying to convince him that maybe, just maybe, Samantha had really come to love him she calls him a Rat Bastard, a worthless ass who is unworthy of the love of either Samantha or his dead wife (that remark was just about unforgivable) then threatens to have him tortured and killed if he hurts Samantha.

Susan is Samantha's friend and owes John nothing so while I feel that her comments were unfair and certainly the wrong way to go about what she wanted to accomplish they are more understandable then those of John's daughter.

Finally let’s look at Johns meeting with Samantha where he apologizes for being unfairly harsh with her. When was he so harsh? He did call her a hooker, which aside from some minor quibbling was correct. He indicated that he had doubts about her feeling and motivations. While that undoubtedly hurt Samantha only a fool wouldn't have those doubts since she was specifically hired and paid to act like she loved himand would the other 3/4's of a million ONLY if she stayed with John for another 9 months.

Bottom line is John's treatment of Samantha was exceptional. About the only thing I can see he owed an appology for was taking so long before seeing her and for the pain she has endured during that time.

On the other hand Samantha was hired to lie and deceive John. Whatever the intentions the plain fact of the matter is that she was lying to John, at least in part, the whole time she was with him. But when he contacts her and tells her he loves her she accuses him of trying to set her up for some type of sick revenge. Where does that come from? When had he ever lied to her?

The last call from Susan when she says "what did you expect?" when John described Samantha’s reaction was just the cherry on top of the whole thing. Why is her anger and mistrust so understandable but he was a stupid worthless ass for having the same feelings? Especially when Samantha had done so much more than had John to justify those feelings.

I guess what really got me about this chapter is that not only were all the characters being incredibly unfair to John but he seems to be accepting it and agreeing with it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
I agree with xbow

Entirely. The people in this chapter were entirely unfair to John. I hope he grows a backbone and starts to stand up for himself a bit in the next chapter, instead of being a doormat that everybody can walk over.

Because that's the way he's being painted right now. He had legitimate reasons for doing what he did yet he is being attacked for it. It looks like he's willing to wimp out and say "I'm sorry, its all my fault" when the majority of the blame should go elsewhere.

Curious2c, please don't make this person a total wimp. Give him some level of self-respect.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Everyone seems to be on Samantha's side in this chapter, did they not care that she was an escort that had agreed to get John to fall in love with her?

It's one thing for Becky to not want John to kill himself after she died, but did she really expect him to be okay with things when he found out?

It doesn't even matter to me that Samantha set the money up in a trust for the kids. The fact is that she agreed to a contract that required her to get John to fall in love with her. Love should not be done by contract, and if Becky or Samantha had truly loved John they would have told him what was going on before Becky died so that John would be able to make the choice of whether or not to allow himself to love Samantha.

If I were in John's position I'd have been pissed too. His wife and the woman that his wife set him up to fall in love with both lied to him for months. The kids, that Becky wanted John to be around for were in on what was going on and they had not problem with it.

The sleazy lawyer tells John about the contract, and John wishes that he didn't know, but realistically he'd have found out eventually. Better to find out right away as opposed to five or six years down the road when you have a long relationship together that was built on a lie.

I am anxiously awaiting the next chapter and I hope that John and Samantha end up together, but I'd be just as happy if John killed himself and it gave Samantha and the kids so much grief that they killed themselves as well. They deserve it for what they did to John.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Minority Vote

I agree with his kids- John acts like an immature asshole. I can see why his wife paid someone to love him after she died. He has the maturity level of a spoiled 13 year old and needs someone to guide him through life with the adults. How his wife put up with him all those years is a mystery. She must have been a saint. 60 year okd George

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 18 years ago
More Man bashing from the author

same thing different story...

curious2c has skill as a writer and plot but it is always the sawm. In every fucking story by this author it is the same shit....

from "John and Sue" to " The assigmnent" to "the Accident " to this turd of a story it is always the same... then men characters get crushed horribly... get all the blame and woman / wife gets all the sex they want for free without any real consequences.

It is too much to ask that one day the author gets a god dam clue?

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusover 15 years ago
not bad , but...

I was amused by the attitudes of Sam and her pimp, er, excuse me, business agent. "Sure I was paid to make you fall in love with me, and I did that, so what's the problem? I may be a whore (pardon me, professional escort) but I am a damn good one!" Gives me the creeps that Becky was such a manipulative \, controlling freak that she could not even let the man alone after she died! Lots of people have suicidal thoughts whenm faced with the loss of a loved one. To combine that with the revelation that the whole thing was a game to keep pitiful hubby happy was disgusting. Superbly written horror story!! Many thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Good tale...

I didn't like the husband at all! Everyone else was described as caring and understanding. You cast him as a self-emaciating ass and never convinced me that he was anything else throughout. I didn't read the last chapter as that would be when you cause his sudden revelations to change him into something other than an ass...

RhomanovRhomanovover 11 years ago
A vapid character

I expected a dark dive for John, but the level you lowered him to and just "dropped" the ass lawyer ... Ouch.

Doesn't fit the story profile.

cliffhanger20cliffhanger20about 11 years ago

I'm sure thats what the author had planned. Why didn't he just pack up and haul ass. Tahiti is a wonderful place.

TMSPTGR3TMSPTGR3about 10 years ago
Serious Bullshit

Excuse me but how on earth is he portrayed as a bad guy? He discovered he was set up with a prostitute, an escort is a prostitute regardless of how fancy she is, and he is not entitled to feel upset with wife, family, and so-called love of his life for creating a false life? Then he is portrayed as feeling guilty about being upset? 1*

Tim413413Tim413413almost 10 years ago
"Put in" for retirement?

Isn't this guy 41 or 42? Becky was the same age and she had a "paid-up" life ins. policy worth >$1M? And no one knew about it??? Beyond fiction/fantasy. Still a very good read.

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceover 9 years ago
Yeah, see you're losing me more and more...

Becky is this great person - ok, aside from deceiving her husband I'll give you that since she felt she had a good reason...

And she SERIOUSLY loves her husband - loves him SO much that she was willing to hook him up and find someone else for him to love while she was still alive. But now, now we're supposed to believe that he is basically stupid, an asshole, and kind of heartless at times.

And Becky fell in love with this person...? As did Samantha...? Even to the point she gave away at least $1M...?

Yeah, I don't buy it. I'm not sure why you decided to write John this way but anyone who suggested it would be a good idea was delusional.

Add to that, suddenly the whole world EXCEPT for him is in on the deal. AND! And this is important - kept it a secret from him. Not one of his children thought it might be wrong to deceive him so thoroughly...

It's almost like a sexes reversed version of some guy turning a woman into a sex slave who loves whatever he does to her. Hey, maybe she ends up better off than she'd have been otherwise but she should have had the choice, shouldn't she...? Or in this case shouldn't HE...?

I should read the rest but really how do you UNmake him an asshole...? It won't matter how he behaves anymore - he's going to still forever be one action away from being an asshole - and that just feels so wrong.

Ib_SaysIb_Saysalmost 8 years ago

Didn't like this chapter full of angsty crap going in circles, and it seems like people were so busy browbeating John, for not immediately accepting a Sam that isn't who he thought she was and that the whole thing was a set up , they forgot he's a grieving widower, it's a lot to dump on a man, his daughter wasn't a very good one, not talking to him for two months, leaving him to grieve alone is pretty despicable, 'worthless' even.

I liked that he decided to leave, seems to me that none of the people left in his life are coming through for him, though of course it is a bit unclear whether he's going on an adventure of sorts, or just planning to kill himself

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Worthless ass

Why did you have to make John such unpleasant wimpy man. He doesn’t deserve the women. I actually hope that he takes he’s own life by now lol

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
I enjoyed it up to . . .

"What did you plan for the money then?

I won't tell you. Not now. . . . Whenever you decide what it is you want, and how you are going to deal with this whole thing, I'll let you know about the money."

As a writer, in that moment, you lost the plot. The plot was about people who love and care for each other. One of those characters has just buried his beloved wife. He has just had the foundation of his relationship with Samantha destroyed. He has discovered his wife misled and deceived him. A person in that situation needs reassurances, comfort, calm explanations, and even more reassurances and comfort. Instead you had your characters isolate, mock, belittle, and distance themselves from the grief stricken widower. In that moment, you ruined the story. Sure you created DRAMA! However you betrayed your characters. The small bit of dialog I quoted above reveals Samantha, not as a whore (escort) with a heart of gold, but as a woman who does not know how to love, support, or care for a man. She, as you wrote her, is a piss poor bet as a wife. I still have chapter 6 to read, and I am curious2c if John will end up with this loser bitch or a woman who actually knows how to care for and love a man.

And don't get me started on the adult children. I know the world is full of asshole kids, but it hurt to see them turn on their Dad. Your choice. Didn't care for it. Felt contrived.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

This chapter was not as good. John is not getting a lot of love.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

The author's severelywwarped concept of love pulls this story supposedly about the care and concern a dying wife had for her spouse into story of the abuse and forced association of a recently widowed man. It is John's life to live as HE chooses with whomever HE chooses as his partner. These conceited, sanctimonious cunts who think they know what is best for him and believe they have the right to imposettheir plan for his life seriously need to go fuck themselves. There is no love here except the vile narcissistic attachment these female militants have for themselves.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Another man hating writer turning the MC into a wimp to say nothong about the bullshit premise that his kids hate him because he dropped the whore. The first two chapters were interesting thereafter it fell of a cliff. What a pity

AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

Abuse is not how you comfort someone hurting. And they all lied to him. We can add gaslighted to that.

Okay? She didn't want his money. She didn't just tell him. She'd rather play games and starve herself than be honest with him. That's pretty stupid and rude. Lying got her into this mess. Why would withholding information help her now?

Why is lying such a virtue? Why is he worthless for having valid feelings? Nobody likes being lied to. Nobody likes shaky foundations.

So the moral of the story seems to be...abuse the victim until they give in? Got it. Next time I see an abused wife....I'll point her to this story so she can understand what a worthless ass she is. Just forgive already. It's okay if your man lies to you. He loves you after all. He's suicidal over it. That's not manipulative at all! Just take him back! Sheesh.

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