All Comments on 'The Contract Ch. 06'

by curious2c

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txrosenaynaytxrosenaynayabout 18 years ago

i waited up for page changes just in case the newest on this one was out....i was lucky*smile* Thank you for a enjoyable story and for the other stories i've been lucky enough to read of yours since running across this one. i have enjoyed reading you very much. respectfully fan in Texas naynay

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
What a load of crap...

I gave this story a 25 only becsuse you finished all 6 parts of the story. His kids blackballed him. His wife(Becky) and Sam deceived him. Susan degraded him so much he should have knocked her to kingdom come. What was he suppose to do. Get down on his hands and knees and beg everyone's forgivness for their actions. He should have told everyone to fuck off and do what he wanted to do. If his kids and Sam did not want to see him, he had the same right. If none of them did anything buy undermind him during Becky's sickness and then after her death, why should he care what happens to them.

A better ending would have been if he could have had the movers pack everything and not give anyone a forwarding address and just leave town. He would be away from them since they did not care about him until he asked the escort (Sam) to leave. He did not throw her out of the house. If she could not cope with the fact that he did not want to be married to a professional, she should have accepted his decission and moved on.

This was one of the worst endings to a Loving Wifes story that I have read on this site. Curious2c, I could have a better job because I would not let it get this far.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 18 years ago
You're a real romantic!

Stories can be sad and still feel good! You have demonstrated that. This was a very nice story. Thanks.

WordmakerWordmakerabout 18 years ago
I'm sorry...

I've read the full series, from beginning to end. I am engaged to a wonderful woman, and have often wondered what I would do if I lost her, so this story struck something in me. I was wary of it at first, with the portrayal of the husband, but the chapter where John spoke for the first time made up for earlier misgivings, and explained his mental state excellently.

As the story progressed, I really began to enjoy it, very erotic in the right places, yet emotionally fulfilling to read.

These last two chapters have been a complete let-down. I have noticed a trend in stories to force terrible double-standards upon a character. It's acceptable for a woman to be hurt, upset, and to shut people out, yet it is not so for the man. Sure, let Samantha be upset and hurt, but she should feel some sense of guilt, as should his children.

Susan was never featured in any previous part of the story, and completely unnecessary as a character. Her only purpose is to further demean John.

As many have said, John's entire family sides with a women they only know for a few months, and even though they've all been in on the big secret to fool him, they claim the moral high ground.

A very disappointing end, which is a terrible shame, because I really enjoyed the story up to now.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
classic DOUBLE standard against MEN

The last twp chapters were awful juts so ficlking bad one doesnt know where to begin.

as I said in chapter 5..... this is basically MEN evil woman always Good story.

But fundamentally it is a case of the Hubby getting screwed over by some very evil nasty people -- in this case his own family-- then when He reacts HE gets crapped on again

I have learned that curious2c is a good wroter but has a serious anti man agenda and is at times delusional

ChagrinedChagrinedabout 18 years ago
This Story Sucked!

Nothing much else to say. A romantic you may be, which is why this was soooo unbelievable. I think I'll go back to reading JPB's stuff. Their may be crappy a lot of the time but at least I know what I am getting.

Technically the writing was great. It must have been since it did touch emotional chords. But, technique is only half of the grade I give.



GRANGERGRANGERabout 18 years ago

I thought the story was terfific. Isn't there a little room for a story that is somewhat like a chick flic movie.

Well, you can please some of the people all of the time; you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time.

DustyKDustyKabout 18 years ago
Great Story

I really loved this story. Each morning I couldn't wait to read the next chapter. Thanks for a great read.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 18 years ago
More Proof of Curious2c Man Bashing

ever READ A story a wretched story called discoveries by this author?

In THAT story the wife Yawns while putting up with the wimpy hubbby attempt at sex... then the hubby sneaks back into the house and hears this between wife ife and another woman!!

Oh, baby, you are so-o-o good!" "You do this so much better than Jim!" "You can have me anytime you want, I'll be your slut forever!"

I was stunned! She was fucking some guy, probably a black guy, and saying that I wasn't as good of a lover as he was! My own wife had turned against me in my own home! Her lover moaned and whispered something to her! Soon my wife answered him!

"YES!" "YES!" "I'll be your slut!" "Yes I'll do what ever you want when ever you want, however you want me to!" "If you tell me to I'll do your friends!" "Anything you want I'll do because I love you!"

Classic shit from curious2c

The author THEN has them get back together -- un fucking beleiveable....

gizzmo301gizzmo301about 18 years ago

thanks for a good ending to a great story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

having been married for 50+ years,i identify with the whole story.thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
great writing

stupid story.

The moral being:

The suicide prone loser widower and the born again changed hooker lived happily everafter.

In the realm of real life my man, a fucking hooker is always a hooker. Married, in love, whatever. Still a fucking hooker.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
pooh on your detractors

I liked the story; I liked the ending.

It would seem that most of your detractors were patently displeased with the basic premise (which was well established in the opening chapter). At some point, the valid question becomes that of why the reader keeps returning for the subsequent chapter.

Were elements of the six chapters implausible? Yes, probably. But then, such is often the nature of fiction. The premises were established, the emotions were explained, the resulting events were a logical follow (given those points); and so the issue becomes a matter of the reader choosing whether to follow the story.

I found the story, on the whole, to be well written. The initial premise was "uncommon", but presented with supporting logic. Some criticize that the family members contributed to the deception, but then again, that's just it. They were in cooperation. If one doesn't like the story at that point, then the obvious choice is to stop reading.

Carry on!

-- KVK

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Disappointing Ending

You do tend to shit on the male characters in your stories. He was never given a chance to properly grieve his wife's passing and all his children were in his face. His daughter needed a good ass kicking. My mom died young and my dad, a battle hardened Marine took two years to come to grips with her death. If I would have acted towards my dad like his daughter did, one of us wouldn't have survived. Why does curious have such contempt for the guys??? who knows.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Loved it

I don't care what some of the smart asses had to say,I thought this a deep and moving story.

ghostwritghostwritabout 18 years ago
Great story

I dont care what anybody says, I thought this was a great story. I, like others, found myself waiting for the next installment and I am glad it turned out the way it did, although I too did feel that everyone especially his family was a little hard on John. Was this story realistic, of course not, but it was a great read and curious2c I cant wait for your next offering.

Cheers and once again great job!!!!!!!

Average-JoeAverage-Joeabout 18 years ago
I liked it too

As others have said, some of the story was a bit abrupt (i.e. first sex), but overall it was pretty good.

I dont really know why you had everyone kicking the guys ass though. Beside the fact that it didnt really add to the story (this was supposed to be a romance I thought), it was also totally against the plot and flow of the story up until then.

A guy who everyone is worried might kill himself when his wife dies suddenly has everyone turn against him as soon as she dies. Others have mentioned that it was perfectly understandable for him to have doubts but even if he was being totally irrational (which he wasnt), they were still too hard on him considering what he was already going through. It was just jarring and out of place as far as the flow of the story went imo. Im happy that they ended up together in the end but you could have handled his period of introspection and doubt after learning the truth better. If the people who claimed to love him had shown him some compassion and suported him until he came to the realization that he loved her himself, it would have been better.

It really did seem like you just had to slip some man bashing into the story no matter how out of place it seems. I cant see any other reason for having him suddenly start to get kicked while he was down almost everyone in his life (when he hadnt even done anything wrong really). His behaviour certainly doesnt fall under the 'suck it up and be a man' category. Saying 'yes dear', always backing down no matter the circumstances (standing up for yourself doesnt mean being petty and refusing to give even on unimportant issues), swallowing your pride to avoid confrontation, etc. are about as far from being manly as you can get imo. Maybe im wrong but all that crap seems like the opposite of being a stand-up person (applies to men and women).

You cant say that all the people were just so concerned with his happiness that they were trying to force him into moving on with his life either. 'We were so concerned that you wouldnt be happy ever again that we decided to rant, rave and call you names then walk out of your life' makes about as much sense as 'I could tell you were in pain from your broken arm so I thought I would break your leg to distract you from the pain'.

Again, not saying he should have never got together with the new woman, just that you didnt need to have him belittled to do it. Still a good story and ending though. Alls well that ends well is somewhat true in this case even if the guy did have to go through more shit than seemed necessary. Thanks for writing.

PS - the daughter seemed like a real piece of work. She sure didnt seem to have much in the way of feelings for her mother considering the way she behaved right after her death. Even if the guy was willing to let the daughter walk all over him, wouldnt he have been at least a little concerned over her seeming lack of reaction to her mothers death?

truckingitupotrtruckingitupotrover 16 years ago
what a great story

This has been a very intriging story make you lust in one chapter then almost cry in next one .............keep writing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Sorry Curious I cant go this one

I really cant. The whore with a heart of gold is such a tired old story. I know you wrote this a while ago but still, it's bad. There are several problems with the plot and premise of this story, some of which are as follows.

There is no way a life insurance policy would be granted to a woman dying of cancer, unless she got it before she got sick. I know this as I used to sell insurance and the big C is a deal breaker.

The fact that she kept it secret. If she had gotten the policy while she was well then there would be no reason to keep such a policy secret from her husband.

There is also no way a lawyer of good standing would knowingly pay out a million dollar policy to a whore for services rendered. Thats what she is, a whore nothing more nothing less. Services rendered i.e. whoring is what she did for the money.

Then there is the matter of Becky being of sound mind and body which she wasn't when half these plans were made. Again another deal breaker from a legal standpoint.

The family turning on him because he became shocked and offended by the whole deal is just bad plot. A family like that he doesn't need. He's better off without those people in his life.

You are a good writer, even this is technically sound from an english lit standpoint. The flaws in the plot and premise are what really turn me off.

Grant in Newfoundland

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Want to love it...

I wanted to love this story. I will admit to being a sucker for romantic erotic stories with a happy ending (so shoot me). I just could not get there with this story. I enjoyed the first chapters, but the ending just did not flow for me. The characters seemed to not be consistent, and there was a formula feeling to it that left the characters and emotions void. Nice effort but certainly not your best.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Oh Boy--Real Class

i am new here and I know this is not a recent story __but -whats not to like -Did not take me long to really find out the best writers on this site!! This one certainly is ==LOOK AT THE WORKS OF THIS WRTER!! This story and "THE ACCIDENT " both are works of art --I don't write -I just read --Congrats to the writer -- You other complainers have to be too jealous !

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Isnt it wonderful that anyone that disagrees with

a story is a detractor. One does not have to like a story and not liking a story doesnt mean you dont like the writer. The politically correct crowd always wants to spout its infinate stupidity. Had this scene happened to me I would have told the lot they had their chance and blew it, now get the hell out of my life. Sometimes you have to cry in your beer a few years to get on with life and find someone you really love. YOu cant love a hooker, you never know if they love you and just want the paycheck to pay their way in life. But the you have my wifes thoughts, every married woman is a whore selling herself to her husband for a home and a family.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Story was BAD ---Really Bad!....

Now that's not to say that the author is bad. Curious is a fine writer and has lots of skill in story crafting. The writings produced are always technically sound AND able to cause an emotional response in the readership. However, and that's a BIG however, the man-bashing that tends to go on at the end of some of these stories is really hard to take. This guy's family is AWFUL! Even his dead wife stinks! Everyone is manipulating him from the get go. They never let him go through the grieving process properly. To top it all off they get mad at him for being upset when he finds out the girlfriend his dead wife bought him is a prostitute! Family like these he doesn't need. I'm not even going to get into the holes/mistakes I saw in the plot... It's just a badly executed idea. It could have been a good story with a bit more research and thought gone into it but that is all you can do. It's written and submitted, no one has ever tried to do a re-write to tidy it up. Of course a re-write of this one would require a writer to completely scrap the plot and most of the premise, leaving them with a mostly different story.

trite_readertrite_readeralmost 14 years ago
Nice writing ma'am,

but you really need to focus on keeping the dialog realistic.

After the wife died, you had everyone, including this guy's children verbally beat him to a pulp. His own daughter treated him like he was a rapist or an abuser of children. Seriously lady, you need to work these kinks out of the story during the editing phase. Sorry, but you really came across as a serious man-hater, love.

Otherwise, the story was great.

saratusaratuover 13 years ago
The story was very good.

I think the abuse the husband recieved was a little harsh but the story was very good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Should have found a way to burn that fuck hear lawyer

But still an EXCELLENT read.

karan9876karan9876over 11 years ago
His kids were bad.

His daughter calls him an asshole, ass, son does that, why was he made to suffer? He had a right to be angry, she was a hooker, oops, sorry escort as she would like to put it. At the end of the day he had a right to be angry. Not just that, kids that he raised call him an asshole and all that stuff....someone it does not appeal to me. Even if he gets back with sam he should disown the kids and teach them a lesson in being grateful towards their father who was a loving dad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

This story was very well written. It impressed me and makes me wish that I could match the talent of the author. I truly think that this author should write novels. I'd buy a book written by them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
The Contract

I have read many of your stories and place this one up in the top five - perhaps even the very favorite. I hope you continue to write and publish for years to come. You have a gift. I truly look forward to more of the Loving Wives and Romance tales.

bushpig99bushpig99almost 11 years ago
10 stars

A perfect blend of pathos,love,of misunderstanding,missed the baby at the end to end the story to finish on a high note,one of the best I have read,Well done...Jay

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Everyone called him a worthless asshole

and in the end he became one. What a schmuck. This cries for a backstory on Becky. She fucked him up really well and it would be interesting to know where all this hate she had for her husband came from. She thinks he might be suicidal, but she doesn't talk it over with a priest or a close friend or even a therapist who could help him with counseling. No, she goes out and buys him a hooker. Didn't she know any decent women? Her entire life she only met and befriended worthless pieces of shit so that the only one suited for the task was a hooker? I can scarcely believe that. That's what makes this smell like a hateful trap. And those kids, there is where you'll find the worthless assholes. If they think hookers are so great let the girl go work for Susan and have the boys marry a couple of her current girls. Somewhere down the line they learned to be contemptuous of their father and the finger of guilt points to Becky. Not to mention that the asshole lets the madame disrespect him and convince him to marry the hooker. Why the fuck would any man who is a man give a fuck what a madame says? I think Becky in some twisted way hated her husband for getting to live while she had to die and found a way to really fuck up his life. That's what needs to be explored in a follow-on chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Love at it's truest form

You have managed to put to "paper" what is in the hearts of all who truly yearn for love. This situation which you have depicted could not be more selfless and soulful. There is a special feeling you draw from your writing, as if you can feel the soul being portrayed right here right now. I am in awe of your work. Please bless us with more such works and maybe somewhere we, I am including myself especially, will be able to one day find just such devotion and love as well.

Thank you...

phil2213phil2213over 10 years ago
Truly emotional and soul stirring.

Characters are deeply rooted and well described bringing them about in 3D. The subject matter was harsh but managed to become warm and fuzzy by orchestration and manipulation by an extremely talented author. Hookers are people and the author dug deep to humanize this character, quite successful I might add. Death is a tough subject matter and it was handled gracefully and emotionally.

connoisseur29connoisseur29over 10 years ago
She pushed.

Though her time was limited, Becky pushed too hard. The author made John to be a real asshole, which I suppose was the intent. I was down on him (NO PUN!) to the end. **** Cheers!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

The beginning chapters were very good and enjoyable to read, but the ending in this chapter and the previous one feel a bit like a letdown.

John has had suspicions about Becky's actions for a long time, but once he had proof of that, his actions in lashing out at Samantha were a bit over the top. Then instead of keeping the family together in the aftermath of their tragedy, he lets himself be cut off from them. That Sam got back with him in the end is a huge surprise and even feels a bit contrived, if I'm honest.

This is not a bad story, in the end. But I have to say, that a different path from the funeral on would have allowed for something even better!

sdc92078sdc92078about 10 years ago
Becky was either a conceited bitch or had no respect for John at all

If she was that sure he was going to go all to pieces without her she should have hired him a nurse, not a pretend wife. It was just the wildest stroke of dumb luck that Samantha actually fell in love with John, because in real life no normal woman would fall in love with a man with as little emotional strength as Becky believed John had.

The lawyer was doing his job when he revealed the plot to John. Allowing his own client to continue to be deceived would have been a violation of his attorney-client responsibilities. And how ELSE would you expect John to react when he discovered he'd been set up and conned, by both his wife and his "new love?"

The ending is utterly contrived. In real life, the best any normal man would be able to do is decide to throw away everything he'd previously thought he knew and felt about Samantha and take a chance at getting to know her all over again from square one. Most would just be totally destroyed by the realization that their dead wife had had so little regard for them as a man. Deciding that he really loved her after all just confirmed that Becky was right all along and he was nothing but a helpless worm who needed a woman to lead him around by a ring in his nose for the rest of his life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
"In real life"

sums up the little brains. The inability to separate fiction from reality is required for being a true closet cuckold. Suspension of disbelief would negate the the prime component of the closet cuckold psychosis that treats these stories as "real life."

sdc92078sdc92078about 10 years ago
Suspension of belief vs plot holes

When suspension of belief requires you to completely ignore the way real people think and behave, it becomes a gaping plot hole.

There's a reason why Becky cooked up her scheme. She thought knew her husband well enough to know that he would need a "new love" but would not accept what she was doing if he knew. But here he needs that new love AND knowingly chooses to accept it when he does find out.

TMSPTGR3TMSPTGR3about 10 years ago

The guilt that is heaped on him for being upset at the way he was treated and the way his children treated him for being justifiably upset is such bs as to destroy any interest or credibility of the story. 1*

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
Loved It!

First of all, I'm constantly amazed (though by now I shouldn't be!), at how many criticize stories for "not being realistic".

People, these stories are fantasies! Nobody says the stories where the husband is an under 6-foot accountant is actually an ex-Navy SEAL who takes down 3 or more gorillas in 2 minutes flat, or is more brilliant than Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Thomas Edison combined, or can somehow cleanly abduct his cheating and sell her into white slavery, and then get a gorgeous/rich/sexy lover who adores him and finds that he can rock her world better than anyone, are unrealistic. But if ONE plot device goes against their grain they piss and moan about how unreal the story is!

Second, while I DID enjoy the story, there were a couple of places that did bother me, though not enough to put down the author.

One was where the 69 turned into a threesome. Given John's feelings about being set up, I find it hard to believe that he would just go with the flow like that with no discussion.

Another was where the kids blamed HIM for shutting them out, when, at least according to the story as John tells it, and we are not given anything to doubt him, THEY were the ones to shut him out.

Finally, Sam is practically starving herself to death over losing him, then she doesn't jump at the chance to get him back? Even allowing for SOME concern on her part for how sincere he is being, even though he SEEMS very sincere, when she saw that he felt she didn't want him back, why DIDN'T she run after him, or at least call him ASAP?

connoisseur29connoisseur29over 9 years ago

Pretty good story. You sure got a lot of static about realism and crap, huh? It was just a story you nitpickers! The authors of these stories sure put in a lot of time and thought into writing them. Why not accept them as they are? Well, I guess that's what the comment column is all about. Tsk Tsk! Cheers!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

great story. I would blame the husbands actions on grief, since he just lost his wife. 5*

gdjohn52gdjohn52about 9 years ago

A beautiful story, Since losing my wife to cancer on 02/02/2014, In still a mess but had been getting better. Now I find out I may have my own cancer. Might be I will be with my best friend again before long.

This story brought back all the emotions and I am looking forward to being re-united with my love. Keep writing . Loved it

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Author, author!

This was the last place I would expect such a heart breaking and soul wrenching story. And at the end closed so very well. Disregard all the critics. You started your authorship back in '02 but have progressed superbly to the present times. Well Done!

Write on.

EXursusRhereEXursusRhereover 8 years ago
Wonderful and touching story but,

somehow, I just can't relate to John. In my mind, he deserved neither Becky or Sam. Both ladies loved an selfish and mostly cold hearted asshole. They deserved better.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Yeah a guy who totally loved only one woman with all his heart for his whole life is going to set up house keeping with a call girl and his kids are going to be happy with it......please try and get real

LoejtcLoejtcover 6 years ago

Great character development. Good plot plan and development. Writing thoughtful and articulate. A little hot sex but tasteful and mostly between a married couple deeply in love. Just a great short story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Let me get this straight his wife is mad at him his kids are mad at him the hooker is mad at him, and its just because they ALL LIED to him, so they think he should be all happy about it maybe one of those worthless assholes should have done the wifely thing or the kids should have done the children thing or the honest hooker should have done the honest thing and let him in on it.......crap ending

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Nice plot, quite different

Your character development was compelling. I was particularly impressed with how you developed John's character in which you slowly exposed how people can fool themselves into believing they're being motivated by, say, strong love but actually the operating motivation is an encompassing selfishness to which they're first, oblivious, then denial, then suspicion of others -- all wrapped up in a blanket of self-righteousness. You also showed how difficult it can be to overcome that entanglement despite others close by can see it easily. The retreat? Self-pity or facing the music. All of us imperfect human beings have fallen into that trap.

Thanks much for writing a, engaging and thought-provoking story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Just a horrible ending

Was he really that deaf, dumb and blind?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
The kid's attitude ...

The attitudes of his kids is simple to understand. First they discover Mom had made a deal with an escort for Dad. The escort is to be "paid" with the proceeds of a life insurance policy. A policy worth over a million dollars! They are pissed at Mom for both the escort and the fact they were not the beneficiaries of the million.

Now the only way to get their hands on the money is for Dad to marry the escort. He must marry her or theyc will continue to be pissed at him too.

The escort should have come clean with him once she realized she had actually started having feelings for him. She could have been forgiven at that point but to continue the lie was just too much afterwards.

PowersworderPowersworderalmost 5 years ago

The daughter was a complete cunt.

Her father lost the love of his life, found out that the woman he'd grown close to over the last few months was a paid whore, and discovered that the whole family apparently knew... then she berates him?! What an absolute bitch.

He had good reason to be angry and hurt. Everybody he loved had lied to him for months and conspired behind his back. It doesn't matter that they had his best interests at heart, the deceit from all of them would be a shock, never mind the fact that the poor bastard was grieving for his wife at the time!

Finding out that your girlfriend was a hooker would be a deal-breaker for most men. Samantha might not have been hanging out on street corners selling her ass for crack, but she still had a long history of prostitution. Even if she only had sex with one guy a week (a laughably low figure for a professional escort), after 6 years, she would have slept with roughly 300 guys! Even if you cut that number down with regular clients coming back for repeat business, you're still looking at 200+ guys.

Asking Samantha to give him some space to deal with that fact was totally reasonable... but his family shitting on him while he was grieving was unforgivable! They were choosing a whore over their father by ostracising him... who the fuck does that?

The last chapters of this story completely gloss over just how many men Samantha has screwed in the last 6 years, or just how difficult that would be to get over. Blaming the poor grieving widower for having doubts about a woman hired to fuck him, shows a staggering lack of empathy or compassion for a man whose world has just been turned upside down.

Samantha was young, beautiful, charming, great in bed, and genuinely seemed to have fallen in love with him. She had a lot going for her, but she also spent years being a whore... and that's not something most men can just brush off as if it's nothing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

How you can write something like this and some crap like the assignment. Two very different stories of a man in love with a whore.

Rancher46Rancher46about 3 years ago

This is such sad story of a such a great love that tragically comes to an end, but yet that out of that love comes a greater love. Becky gave the last loving gift she could by bringing Samantha an escort who really never experience love until she was brought into Becky and John's lives. The drama after Becky's passing left you wondering whether Samantha and Johns love would survive and have that happily ever after that they so richly deserve. Excellent job, well written and a unforgettable storyline. 5+++stars

usaretusaretabout 3 years ago

It took a while, but at the end I loved it. You raised what I thought dead in me, my romantic side.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

That turned into an excellent story. I didn’t have much hope when it started, but it was amazingly good.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Eh, I liked it but I couldn't get over the absurdity of the entire concept.

CriosCriosover 1 year ago

Liked the story and I think the author accomplished his objectives. Only nit is that NO ONE cut the MC any slack after Becky dies. Hugely traumatic event plus finding out Sam was hired to fall in love with him and everyone else expects John to just be good with it all. Emotional hurricane but the family doesn't seem to care about that.

Does anyone know if this author is still with us?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A real story, excellent reading. It is so good that I was going to give 4 stars,but it is so good compared to most on this site you got 5 . You are gifted,hope you are still writing.

Foggybottom81Foggybottom819 months ago

Another tear jerker.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

The author beats his MC into submitting to a heartless, abusive whore whose primary motivation throughout the story has been to establish financial and emotional security for herself. The reader is apparently supposed to celebrate this act of submission as a triumph of long-suffering, self sacrificial love. Framing this conclusion in such a way is absolute bullshit and shameless gaslighting. I am disappointed, and perhaps disgusted, to learn curious2c would write and publish such a toxic story line.

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnon22 days ago

Fantastic story woven through multiple, engaging chapters. Ignore the anon below me, they clearly need serious psychiatric counseling.

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