The Fixer Upper


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Anna was cooing, her hands were holding his head firmly as he lapped at her tender folds. He placed a finger inside her and she began to thrust against his face.

He continued his manipulations and soon had her begging for more.

He stood, pulled his erect organ from his trousers and pushed forward. He entered her and immediately began his orgasm.

"Oh, god, Anna..."

Anna giggled, "Sure, just a quicky for the road, huh?"

He laughed, as he pulled out and replaced his penis into his pants. He remarked as he kissed her, "This was dangerous with Mike so close by!"

"I'll call you later..." She said, and then kissed him goodbye.

When she turned around I was standing in the middle of the room. She looked surprised, but quickly recovered, "Tee-hee!" she giggled.

I gasped as I looked between her thighs; Dad's copious seed was streaming down her legs. Anna gasped, and made a dash to the toilet.

That night as we readied for bed, Anna's phone chirped, a text message from Dad caught her attention. "He said he really misses me!" she explained.

She replied to him a text that she didn't divulge to me...

When he responded, I caught a glimpse of what it said; "I love you!" he had said - to my wife!

Anna leaned away as she responded, but I watched as she keyed the message responding to him; "Love you too!"

The tension between us had returned. Why did it have to be so difficult? I loved my wife and I loved my father. Why couldn't we love each other as easily? Why did it have to be so emotional? Why was I envious - was I jealous?

And then my thoughts were disrupted by another text. "Aww! He says the sheets still smell like me!"

She smiled at me, and I smiled back; I knew that smell...

I asked her what she thought the future held for us, for all of us?

She lay silent for awhile. When she stirred it was to express a heartfelt desire, "I would like to ask Robert to move in with us, here."

She paused and I sat, expectantly awaiting what more she desired.

"I don't think he will be happy in that house all alone..."

"That's where they lived, together as man and wife..." I observed, alluding to my mother and father.

"But I think he needs mm..." She almost said "me" before thinking better of it.

"Honey how is it that Dad moving in here helps with anything?" But as soon as I had asked the question I realized the answer; She would have us both. Whenever she wanted!

Sure enough, she as much as admitted it, "Running back and forth is difficult. Don't you think?"

"I suppose so..."

"Can I ask him?"

"Is he aware that I know?"

"I guess, but we've never talked about it..."

"That might be a good first step, Anna."

I realized then that Dad and I were at an equilibrium, satisfied with the way things were. Anna was pushing the envelope with this idea.

"I'll talk to him tomorrow."


If they had discussed anything I was unaware of it. Anna would drop in to see Dad, always letting me know when and for how long.

But on a Thursday, a few weeks later, Dad and I had just finished the siding and began replacing doors, when he acknowledged for the first time his relationship with my wife.

"I was thinking of taking a trip this weekend." He began.

"Too late to request time off." I joked, shaking my head.

"I have reservations at the old Inn at Crystal Lake." He added.

The Inn at Crystal Lake was where he and mom spent their honeymoon. I had heard their stories about the place for years. It was quite the feat to get reservations, it was rumored.

"Sure, Dad. Anna and I can manage without you for a weekend..."

Dad had stopped working and I took notice. He leveled his gaze, and then glanced away quickly averting his eyes from mine. My interest was piqued.

"I'd like to take Anna along with me!" He said flatly.

I was dumbfounded. Dad had just asked to take my wife along on a weekend jaunt. I was faint. I forgot to breathe and when I faltered, Dad caught me by the arm. He helped me to a seat on the steps, and stood, looking concerned.

When my wits returned I asked him, "Have you asked Anna?"

"Not yet."

I wondered why he had waited to ask me first?

"Let's ask her." I said matter-of-factly, "Anna, honey, can you come here a minute?"

She appeared in the doorway, her hair up in a bandanna, flecks of paint dotting her face.

"What's up?" She inquired.

"Dad's taking a trip this weekend."

She frowned. Her questioning look glanced between the two of us. "A trip?"

"He wants to know if you would like to accompany him?"

The paint brush dropped with a thud to the steps. Her jaw went slack and she gasped out, "Oh, my god!"

Dad was looking on with hopeful desire.

I stood and gave her a hug, kissed her cheek, and whispered, "He asked me for my permission!"

She kissed me deeply and asked, "When?"

"Tomorrow morning, it's quite a drive to Crystal Lake, but the reservations are for..." Dad's voice faltered.

Anna squealed in delight, "Oh, I need to get ready. I need to pack!" She kissed me, turned to Dad and kissed him likewise. He looked embarrassed to be in such close proximity to his lover's husband as they kissed.

Dad stuck his hand out for me to shake, I took his hand, but I pulled him into an embrace. Patting him on the back, and I added, "Take care of my wife."

He nodded nervously.

When Dad pulled into the driveway the next morning, Anna was still getting ready. I announced his arrival and laughed when she said in a panic, "I'm not ready!"

I met Dad at the door. I was ready for work, Dad was... well, he was ready!

I invited him in and said, "She will be a few minutes..."

He nodded and grabbed a cup of coffee I offered him.

We heard a rustle and as we turned in unison, we both made admiring sounds as we took in the sight before us; Anna was wearing yoga pants and a slouch topped blouse, accentuating her breasts. Her hair was up, held with a clamp at the back. She had donned big, oversized sunglasses, and her makeup was just enough to leave us begging.

She spoke and we both jumped, "There's my bags, can you get them?"

We bumped into one-another trying to get the bags loaded.

She kissed me while I stood on the porch saying, "I'll try to call or maybe text, honey."

I waved to Dad, as she walked toward his car. She got in the passenger seat and he closed her door.

Without looking back, he drove away with my wife...

True to her word, Anna texted me that evening. It was late, maybe eleven, when my phone chirped. I checked the message, and it was short, "We got here safe." but there was a picture with it. I opened the picture and saw a smallish room with a large bed. I was going to respond something like "nice" or some such drivel when I noticed a reflection in the large mirror against the wall in the room.

I enlarged the picture. I looked intently. I saw her reflection, she was naked. So was Dad; he was standing behind her in the photo.

I had dreams that first night. Dreams of my father fucking my wife. I awoke and had to jack off at around three in the morning. Sleep came fitfully.

As I worked Saturday morning I received another text. It was of the two of them, faces together smiling, as they sat in a hot tub. I strained to see if they had suits on. I was unable to discern if they were naked.

That evening, I was left to my imagination, She didn't contact me at all...As I laid in bed, penis in hand, gently stroking myself, I wondered if Anna was right. Would it be better for all of us if Dad lived here? Would I reap my just share if she could just choose a room for the night? Would Dad mind the proximity to my bedroom as he fucked Anna.

Morning came and my hopes were on an edge as I waited for them to return. I ate lunch at noon and kept a watchful eye at the driveway.

It was almost six in the evening when I heard dad's car pull in. They disembarked and as Dad and I brought the luggage in the house Anna used the toilet. When she came out she was giggling at Dad. She was pointing at him and laughing now.

"That'll teach you." She said pointing at Dad's trousers.

I looked and saw that Dad's excitement was obvious.

Anna reached forward and felt his bulge, stating, "Robert took a Viagra this morning, and he's still excited!"

Dad looked embarrassed, "I took it early this morning, and I figured it would wear off, you know?"

I didn't know, but I surmised that he did.

"I would have been fine if Anna hadn't played with me while I drove." He said accusingly.

They were in a fun mood, and they were having an effect on me...

Once again, Anna rubbed his bulge.

"See what I mean?" He said pleadingly.

I decided to plead his case, "Anna you can't tease a man that way."

"See?" Dad agreed, "Mike even says you're being cruel!"

Anna grinned and responded in a manner I didn't expect.

"Okay, okay. So it's my fault." She admitted, "So what should I do Mike? I mean there is only one way to handle this..." She giggled at her double entendre.

I just stood and smiled at her. If she had the gumption to try it with me there, I wanted to call her on it.

"Fine." She said, "I'll fix this..."

She took his hand and dragged him to the bedroom. As she pulled her top off I looked at Dad. He was stricken with doubt.

She said, "Strip, if you want this!"

Dad dropped his trousers and then his shirt. Anna was now seated naked on the bed and reaching for Dad's erection. She took him into her mouth and began to fellate him.

She would glance at me from time to time but she was concentrating on Dad. When it became obvious he wasn't going to climax orally, Anna fell back onto the bed and said, "Come on, Robert, this your chance to get some relief."

He glanced at me, and I avoided his gaze. But when he climbed between my wife's thighs, I couldn't look away...

As Dad pounded away inside Anna's belly, I glanced up to see her mouthing "I love you" to me. I returned her affirmation of love with a wink and a smile.

Dad soon left his spunk inside her and arose to leave. I had the presence of mind to ask him to wait for a few moments, while I talked with Anna.

He stepped out and waited on the front porch. I sat beside my wife and said, "You must have enjoyed yourselves."

She smiled and said, "It was wonderful Mike, thankyou!"

"Anna, about Dad moving in..."

This brought a serious look to her face.

"What about it?" She looked hopeful.

"Why don't we ask him tonight?"

"Oh Mike!" She squealed in delight. Jumping into my arms she almost knocked me over.

I called for Dad to rejoin us.

When we were standing together, I announced, "Dad, Anna has been asking me for sometime now to invite you to stay with us."

Anna couldn't restrain her happiness, She kissed me and then Dad.

"Please say yes?" she entreated him.

He stood frozen to the floor for a long moment before he answered, "Where would we sleep...?" He seemed to be wondering about the sleeping arrangements.

"I think you can have your own room, Dad."


He still wasn't getting the jist of the offer.

"Of course you get all the fringe benefits!" Anna added as an inducement.

A smile came across his face, realizing that it would include Anna's special attention.


We were now just days away from being finished with the renovation. I was on the phone with the administration at school, verifying my return from my sabbatical; when I heard Anna moaning from somewhere in the house. I quickly finished my call and made my way to the doorway to Dad's bedroom.

As I peered inside I was greeted with the sight of my wife, Anna, astride Dad's torso, she was fucking him, and it wasn't even noon yet!

"Okay, you two!" I announced, "I could use a little help moving the rest of the furniture."

Anna giggled, "Be right there, honey..."

As I moved away from the door, I could hear as my father began his orgasm. "Oh, Anna! I'm cumming!" He gasped.

Anna was raging on his taught erection, "Yes, yes give it to me!" she exclaimed.

This was the new normal; Anna was near insatiable. When she was with either of us, Dad or me, she acted like it had been ages since she had had sex. It bordered on depraved. But Dad and I reaped the benefits of the enhanced, libidinous Anna; she was enticing, exhilarating, enchanting...

I had no reason to decry her sexual relationship with my father; I was getting more sex than ever, and it seemed to take on a fresh new aspect, one that didn't seem to get old or uninteresting, it evolved constantly.


I was back teaching. The evenings with Anna and Dad were like a comfortable family. Although the arrangement was based on the proximal access to sex with one-another, we didn't discuss it as often as you might think.

Anna would get ready for bed in the evening and based upon her whim, decide which bed to climb into. Whichever one of us, Me or Dad, she kissed goodnight, would be sleeping alone.

It was on a night that I had been thinking of the new dynamic between us, as a family, that Anna came to me, saying, "Goodnight honey." Kissing me softly on the lips. I yearned for her intimate touch, and desperately wanted her to be with me...

She smiled and went to Dad's room.

My heart sunk. I needed my wife, but the protocol of the situation dictated that I wait my turn. It wasn't as if she wouldn't ever return, it was a question of when.

I couldn't sleep, I heard them fucking in the next room and desperately wanted to join in. I had the overwhelming desire to interrupt them as they ravaged each other. I thought of the ramifications if I were to insinuate myself into their love making. But wouldn't that open up the possibility for Dad to reciprocate?

I held my myself in check. It wasn't easy. When I heard him scream as he began to blast his seed into my wife's tender belly, I blasted onto the sheets of my bed...

I was dressing for work, wondering if they were up and about yet, when I peeked in Dad's door. It was just cracked enough to make out Anna, astride Dad, as she gently took him inside her. She was laying over him, her face between his face and neck.

His eyes were closed, but he was moving in time with her movements.

She was undulating her hips in a slow languorous motion. "Wake up sex", I surmised.

I took note of the time and hurried to work.

That evening, as I entered the house, I was greeted by Anna. Dad was nowhere to be seen. She and I ate a quiet dinner together. As I helped her clean up after dinner, I was compelled to ask about Dad.

"Where is Dad tonight?"

"He wanted us to have some alone time, so he took in a movie."

I wondered if they had picked up on my angst from the previous evening?

"I see..."

"Mike..." she began to say something but halted in mid-thought.

"Yes, dear?"

"Umm, Robert proposed to me last night..."

My head exploded! "Proposed?" I asked, flabbergasted at the proposition.

"Calm down, honey..."

"Are you asking for a divorce?" I lashed out at her seemingly diffident behavior.

"No! No!" She protested, "We want to consummate our relationship."

"Consummate! I thought that's what you were doing?" I pleaded.

"Please honey, let me explain..." she begged, tears in her eyes.

"Explain? What's to explain?"

She began to cry. My frustration from the night before had pushed me into overreacting. I realized it too late however, I had hurt her feelings, perhaps damaging our relationship...

I calmed down, centered my mind and then asked, "Anna, please explain what's going on?"

She sniffled and dried a tearful eye, looking to me with a hurt grimace on her face she asked, "Are you going to get mad? Or listen to me?"

"I'm listening." I said calmly.

"Robert - your father - has been unsettled by our...relationship." She paused to dry another tear, "He said he felt like a heel, doing what we do under your roof, with you in the next room..."

I nodded, wondering where this was going.

"Anyway we have been talking, and..." She seemed to be searching for the correct words, "We began wondering that if we were married and you were the odd one out, how he might feel..."

"And marrying him is the answer?"

"Please allow me to finish!"

"Okay, okay." I held my hands up in acquiescence.

"So we talked about it and decided the only way forward, without guilt or condemnation was for me to be married to both of you..." She looked at me longingly, searching for understanding in my confused demeanor.

I sat and tried to get inside their minds, to try and fathom the logic that they followed to get to this decision.

She must have perceived my confusion. She asked me if I was okay?

"I don't know, Anna..."

She reached for me, and I took her hand. We stood and kissed.

"How is this...arrangement...supposed to work?"

"Well, I was thinking you and I could renew our vows..."

I interrupted her explanation, "Renew our vows?"

"Yes. And Robert and I could be married at the same time!" She stated, as if it made perfect sense.

"Who would ever agree to officiate such a ceremony?"

"It would just be us, honey. You, me and Robert."

"Just us? But I thought..."

She giggled at my confused blather, "What did you think, honey? That Robert and I were running off together?"

Anna and I were in bed, having just finished with a post coitus shower, when we heard Dad return home. She excused herself, and pulled on a robe. She smiled back at me, winked and asked, "Can I accept Robert's proposal?"

"Sure, Babe. Tell him you would be honored to be his wife!"

She smiled, came back to hover over me, saying, "Don't go to sleep, I'll be right back..." She kissed me, turned and went to my father.

I couldn't stand the suspense - what would she say? What would he say?

I stood and quietly moved to the door to my father's bedroom. I pressed my ear to the door, and listened.

"I talked to Mike..." She began.

But Dad was too inquisitive to allow her to explain, "What did he say?"

"He said..."

I was apoplectic, Dad must have felt the same way. Was she teasing us?

"Yes..." Dad begged.

"He said I should be honored to accept your proposal."

I heard a huge groan as she must have taken him...

I returned to my room and waited. An hour later, tense and expectant, my wife returned to me. She slipped into bed and said, "I need you now!"

I placed my erection at her center and pressed forward, slipping easily into her tenderness. She was wet, but not overly so...I surmised that he had not penetrated her, or had not ejaculated in her. Either way, I was the recipient of her passion.

We fucked like there was no tomorrow. I started out on top of her, but quickly allowed her on top. As she was ravaging my tumescent cock, she relayed her conversation with Dad.

"Robert was so happy, Honey." Grinding into me inexorably, "Oh, god, you've made me so happy..." She panted from the stimulation from having two lovers - two husbands! "I can't believe I will be married to two awesome men, two husbands..."

She began to shiver and quake, her breath came in gasps as she began to climax on my penis, imagining the three of us in a loving relationship, living as wife and husbands...

We slowed, and in the afterglow of our coitus, I asked her, "So how do we go about getting married to Dad?"

"I thought we could go to that place where you and I know...made out. It's so beautiful there, don't you think?"

The place she was referring to was an overlook, off the highway, with a view of the entire valley in which the city was nestled. It was commonly referred to as "lover's leap".

"When?" I inquired further.

"What do you think of Saturday morning?" She quipped.

"Sure, Babe, sounds fine to me..."

Three days later, at ten in the morning, the three of us dressed in our best clothes stepped out of Dad's car at the summit overlooking the valley below.