All Comments on 'The Last Goodbye'

by DanielQSteele1

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Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioabout 14 years ago
Another wimp cuck story . . .

The writing was pretty good. There was an occasional slip ("Of course, I have to be put with being slapped by little old ladies in supermarkets, but nothing is free in this life." I believe should read, " . . . I have to put up with being slapped . . . "). But all in all, it read smoothly.

That said, I have trouble believing that Lewis would really want to re-marry Mona. I don't think she really loves him, no matter the dramatics with the knife in her sister's kitchen. Lewis is pretty stupid for a "smart" attorney. He should have known that his "confession" during his last moments in the airplane would be hurtful to his fiance. I personally would want to take such feelings to my grave -- never would I wish to admit that I still loved my ex-wife who treated me so badly, last seconds on earth or not!

OK, so Norman eventually got punished. The revenge is no good unless Norman learns that Lewis was the one who arranged for the photos to be delivered to the bailiff so that Norman would experience a beating to within an inch of his life! But what punishment did Mona experience? None from what I gather. Instead of talking to Lewis, or suggesting that they go to counseling, she decides to fuck Lewis' partner, not just an accident but an affair lasting a year.

I can't see how Lewis can ever trust Mona based on her history. Once he crosses her (children or not), she will do this again. This is how she behaves; she has demonstrated it quite clearly. Of course, the author has the right to create a story as he/she wishes, and it was still a good story, but my problem with it is the lack of credibility. It also seems (based on the other two stories, and now this one) that the major male character acts more like a woman than a man -- I'd be interested to hear if other readers have the same impression. Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
crazy good

You are an amazing writer. I loved this story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

What a wonderful story!


C_frommnC_frommnabout 14 years ago
Very Good

Like the Story and the Drama leading up to Revealing what he said.

Good Writing


AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Mostly great

The whole premise of running out of fuel in his Cessna 210 the way you conjured it is pure BS (a mechanical failure that caused him to lose gas or oil would be much easier to swallow), but I enjoyed the rest a great deal. It was even written in real English with only one typo I noticed ("too" when you meant "to" in the last para on page 3).

Keep writing, please.

Ghost_247Ghost_247about 14 years ago
What a great story

I've read both "Clarity" and "Dream Wife" and found them to be well written and very engaging. Similar with what most readers posted about "Dream Wife", I had a slight problem with the ending. I moved past it by considering some of the insane things people in love do in real life. IMO, getting back together with a cheating spouse is small potatoes.

The "Last Goodbye" moved things to a whole new level. This was a story that kept me riveted from word one until the last period. I found myself empathizing with both of them. Both took a tremendous shock with the baby issue and then lashed out at each other in different ways. Mona's was the more coldblooded approach, but neither one of them came away from that situation in a good light.

The only one I felt really sorry for was the Cyndi character. She can't be the only one who thinks they try to be a good person, never purposely hurt someone else and yet, life just keeps taking a big ol' dump on them. Maybe a story for her.

Please keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

This is a good story, in the sense that it's gripping, well written, and interesting. But the content is extremely frustrating. I really like a good reconciliation story, and I wish this could have had a feel good ending. But you stacked the deck against any real happy ending, for any reader who contemplates what their future will likely bring. He's a fool to take back Mona, and it's only going to end in more sorrow. You not only had her cheat, but with a more endowed, more sexually satisfying and exciting lover. Not only that, but constantly for a whole year! Worse, it's his business partner and friend, which makes her act a real stab in the back. Then she belittles him and insults him (and there's no sign she ever seriously tried to repair the problems she complains about either). Then she keeps fucking the partner, plus another 40 guys! But as if that isn't bad enough, we find out at the end that she is ALREADY planning on cheating on him in the future, and is hoping that having children will force him to stay with her anyway.

My god, I wouldn't wish a woman like that on my worst enemy! Seriously, you stacked the deck so much against them finding happiness that he looks like a total idiot to even think about taking her back. I mean, here he is, he's made a death bed confession of love, he's still recovering from his wounds, and she's ALREADY plotting out her future affairs?! I've read hundreds of these kinds of cheating wives stories on Literotica, and I don't think I've ever encountered a wife as heartless and evil as that! Wow! If she's that scheming, the gamble that she'll stay loyal for the children is a joke. I think he would be better to have died in the crash, compared to the hurt and heartbreak she'll give him in the future.

Author, I noticed this story is very similar to The Dream Wife, in that it's well written and interesting, but you added some last minute developments that made the reconciliation seem totally doomed, insane, and idiotic. Is this going to be the pattern for all your stories?! Please don't go that route!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Great writing

Great writing, but I cannot say I enjoyed the ending. Too many things gone wrong and too many things wrong with her for them to ever be happy- kids or not.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

after the cheating and long divorce,why would he go back,add 30 or 40 other men,knock her up and live happily ever after.please have some one read your stories before you submit,this one should be in the trash can.

zed0zed0about 14 years ago
Oh My Gawd!

As a writer, this chick is pure evil! Her male bashing caricature of men is just so wrong on so many levels, it makes me ill. To ramble on for six pages of abuse, and then castrate the poor bastard at the end of the story is just plain mean, to both the protagonist and the reader. She believes a wimp like Lew would actually be able to show his face in public, and continue to conduct a public business? Unbelievable! The only women that would have anything to do with this guy, would be the ball busting skanks, much like the one who wrote this story, out to humiliate him further.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

You are a very talented writer. You developed your characters well, and had me feeling something about them. The story moved well and it kept my interest to the end. Will be glad to read anything else you submit.

rooster1rooster1about 14 years ago
Agree no

But that's the nice thing about being a reader I don't have to agree with your view to enjoy your story. You are a gifted scribe & I hope that you will continue to post your writings here if for no other reason than you make me think.

energystarenergystarabout 14 years ago
not Another wimp cuck story as some said.

Crazy Mixed up world - thanks for that bit of a slice of it. Best of Luck and please keep writing.

angiquesophieangiquesophieabout 14 years ago
What's it about love?

Thank you for another entertaining story. I loved the way you construed it around the pending crash. It was of course a nice touch to reveal what exactly he had told the man on the radio.

But what I really liked was your interpretation of love. We have all been brought up with the romantic notion that love is something desirable, something we should all strive to acquire. And we are sure that it will reward us in the end. What you show us, though, is that love can be a pain in the ass – even a really destructive force. Ask Cyndi.

‘Mona didn’t deserve his love’ we all thought up untill the part where she tells us how he dumped her without an explanation after finding out she can’t have his children. From that moment on a saint turns bastard in front of our eyes, just as he has tried to tell us before what a cold-hearted bitch she’d become.

I think the eternal mystery of love should be the driving force of cheating stories. ‘How could she do this and still say she loves me?’ is a question often read. Our constant wondering about the ‘why’ is another. There is no easy answer to all of this and that is why there are so many different stories in this segment – and so many heated discussions.

There are of course many critics who assure us this is all bullshit, but I am certain they say it mainly to avoid confusion and keep their lives simple. Others insist that a man (mostly their anger is directed at men) who gives in to this force of love must be a wimp who lets himself be fooled by his partner. Sometimes that’s true, but who can tell when love is getting in the way?

Truly loving someone can be a curse, believe me. But we all are rewarded with entertaining stories. Thank you again.

Poizon69Poizon69about 14 years ago
A very well written. Cuckold story.

You can dress it up anyway you want to but that is the end result. But having said that it was well written and it kept me reading right until the end. Do I feel anything for anyone in the story? The only person I feel any emotion for is Cyndi. She is the only person that comes out the story with any credit.

Writer? you are certainly a good storyteller and you have the skill to write a compelling story but I am sitting here feeling aggrieved at the ending to this story, sorry but that's how I feel. I know readers shouldn't judge a story by it's content but every one does right? Anyway keep writing your stories I am sure many people will read and enjoy your stories.

braveheartmadmaxbraveheartmadmaxabout 14 years ago
good story worst ending

good 6 page story but ending not worth it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Seriously good writing

Very well put together. Interesting story, great character development.

The characters themselves though, where shit. One needs a serious backbone injection and the other just needs to be kicked to the curb.

I mean this sort of outcome after six pages is such a monumental let down. I'm going to have to score you a reasonable 4 stars because the writing was so good. But I want it to be known to you author, that as a fan, I'm severely disappointed by your ending.

LazylonerLazylonerabout 14 years ago
impossible to rate here

I so wish that Literotica had the expanding voting system that SOL has. This story screams for a divided vote.

The writing is excellent and as others have noted well edited. Kudos for that.

The plot is itneresting, with a good hook in the "last goodbye" from a pilot thinking he's about to die in a crash. A good amount of imagination and thought went into it.

The personal appeal to me is near zero. And that really bugs me. What's funny is i don't always hate reconcilliation stories. I loved Longhorn_07's Requital and I am a longtime fan of The Wanderer/Denham Forrest, a writer who often has redemptive reconcilliations in his story. But the reconcilliation here was of two people that had to be so loathsome and unlikable to make the reconcilliation work that I hated the ending.

I don't know how to explain it better. Others have already pointed out the issues with the stories ending. The story just didn't reward readers with an ending that was both happy and uplifting. It felt more like the hero and Mona went back together out of some twisted sense of need mroe than anything else. I get a feeling that any epilogue would have them parting from each other within 3-5 years after both cheat on the other. Your hero might have wanted to say "I should have forgiven you" when he was bout to die, but the talks he had afterward make it clear that he could/should have included. "But I could never trust you again, so my dying right now is best." And Mona's statements make it clear that he can't trust her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
That's the last thing this site needs

one more unbelievable wimp author!

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanabout 14 years ago
good story

and cleverly put together in the dialogue aspects, in the give and take, etc. but ultimately it was really another Just Plain Bob or Matt Moureau cuckold story, with a seemingly more educated husband, but a cuckold --- or should I say, "a happy cuckold" --- husband. <p>

it's not that the wife cheated, or even that she fucked around, both during and after the marriage... but it is the fact that he has turned out to be NOT the cold analytic man/lawyer when he told her that night he came home to see her and Normie fucking. And remember, that person was analytical and contemplative: <p>

"Mona, I guess I had loved you, when we first married... but along the way, I guess things changed and I realized I never really loved you. Nor do I believe you ever loved me, either. Despite what we might have said, or meant, to each other, sometimes, many times, during different moments in those years we were together..." <p>

Now, that's a man I can like, can believe in. <p>

But the one toward the end? "You mean to tell me, you've become a slut, sleeping with 30 or 40 men this past year, one night stands, sometimes for longer periods? But, Mona, I can't be angry at you, you know that... It's my fault, both of our faults, you've done these things...I have done these things." <p>

and then he said: I smiled at her and pulled on her on to my chest and we slept in the same bed for the first time, in a long time, even if it was in the hospital. <p>

of course, that was reported to us, the audience, after he reported more about how clever and lovable Mona told him, with wittism, "Oh, Lewi, you know me.. I am just behaving like a slut, I was, rather, but you know me, deep down I really loved you, still love you... what's the difference of me sleeping with one men or 60? It's no big deal...having them cum in my ass, my ears, my eyes, mouth, nose, vagina,,, whatever hole they want,,, it's just sex, not like the love, the deep love and commitment I have for you, even after we're divorced..." <p>

LOL I meant, WTF!, if that's not Matt Moureau or JPB with some clever dialogues thrown in, what is? <p>

again, I actually don't care about the fucking around, the sex... it is the LACK of character in the husband, his REGRESSION, from a calculating, smart, and analytic man (or as Mona said: a "cold hearted" man) to a wimpy wishy-washy smiling imbecile (who, when being told she's been fucking and swallong tons of men's fluids, during and after their marriage, simply smiles and say, "oh, Mona, you are so honest, that's why I could never forgive you or stay angry at your for long") --- taken as a sign of flexibility and forgiving nature --- that bothered me. <p>

of course, the author wanted us believe all that transformation happened, the author had the husband relay to us, during moments he thought wree his last on earth,,, so his change, his feelings, for Mona must be real! it's BS, to me...

edwusaedwusaabout 14 years ago
Great Writing, Fake Emotions

Dialog, plot, and scenes are great.

Motivation and behavior ring false.

Mona's bangin' all these guys while she's busting her hump (!!!) to remain married to Lew and Lew accetps her behavior and explanations.

Clearly Mona WANTS Lew,. and just as clearly she doesn't love him.

We're supposed to believe Lew's so smart -- he should see that.

Like to see more stories from this author though -- fun to read even if I laughed at the ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
'Clarity' was a fluke

this and author's other stories seems to have the same wife and husband characteristics. the plots are a bit different. and in Clarity, the husband seems to have enough confidence in himself to know that he could make it w/o a cheating wife.

started really well. too bad.

JennyBearJennyBearabout 14 years ago
Ending sucks!

However, the story was well written. BTW, I find it hard to believe, these two idiots ranked first and second in their graduating class.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 14 years ago
Anqieguesophie idiot comments-- LOL

that is nice dancing dear but of course YOU wont confront the ultimate question because in this story becuase it goes against your agenda

Is it OK -- JUSTIFIED -- to fuck your husband's business partner for 18 months because the wife cannot have children?

the wife's defense was laughable. So the husband reacted badly to the news about her eggs ... for 1 night....

One night. Big god damn fucking deal.

is Not the husband allowed some emotional reaction?

The "WIFE" reacted so badly to this news and how it affected their marriage that she

1 went out of her way to fuck his law partner for 18 months...

2 dragged him through a 1 year long bitter divorce then...

3 fucked another 30 or 40 MORE men while claiming she still loved him !!!

and all that is OK.... accordinbg to angiquesophie and this author with this glorified JPB wretched turd of a story

but the husband gets drunk 1 night and suddenly that is NOT allowed?

studyingstudyingabout 14 years ago
Wife has bigger erection than husband

I enjoy your overall writing style. The time-shift was excellent. However, I could stay with you on a few things: his dumping of his fiance when he himself acknowledged he was NOT getting back with his wife, and his wife's continued willingness to sexually embarrass him and belittle him ('let's be adult about this') in the hospital.

Those last two tell me the wife is the one in the family who secretes the testosterone.

She even has a plan for children. What's he got? Sperm ... and that's it.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 14 years ago
The GAMBLE cannot possibly work: this is pretty fucking absurd .

The primary question is that has to be asked is WHY does this author HATE men? I mean deep down visceraly HATE men.

HATE the real thing.

What kills this story is at the scene in the hospital where Mona says to her husband USE YOUR BRAIN.

This is a woman who believes that her husband Lewis has has pulled away from her the cause of her inability to have children. So in response to that crisis... she decides to

fuck his parnter for 18 months

Then when caught... Belittles him in he most damaging humiliating way possible.

THEN delays and tortures him for over a year with the divorce proceedings.

THEN obtains that tape from his Mother which only humiliates and cautious and more in a court of law ....

ThHEN when they meet up again in the hospital... And she's finally admitting how should really did love him after all these years... Mona the so called smart one-- admits to fucking his partner for another 3 months after she was caught.

and she dermands that the husband use his head ?

this is just violent naked male bashing and hatred on a level I have never seen before from a serious LW writer

The "gamble" that the husband is willing to take it the end is a gamble which cannot possibly work. The Gamble ---the husband is willing to risk to remarrying in the HOPE that seeing her precious children will keep her on the straight and narrow --CANNOT possibly work.

When the shit hits the fan Mona does the exact OPPOSITE of what she claims to want... she claims to have want him back yet she does and says things that do the EXACT OPPOSITE...

Mona has engaged for over 2 years know in a lifestyle of lots of different men and cocks. Sure she could give that up IF she demonstrated the integrity of somebody who has character.

The wife has NO character. NONE. And for this reason the "gamble" cannot possibly work.

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiabout 14 years ago
Badminton Ball

I enjoyed this one as a story, twists and turns galore; almost as out of the blue an ending as a Tom Clancey story. It is well written, congradulations to you as author and to your editor. I am not one of those who has emotional or intellectual problems with wife screwing around on husband and having lovers on the side, so the ending works for a romantic like me.

The title comment comes from an inconsequential line somewhere about midway through the story that just jumped off the page. I truely love puns, in my mind there is no such thing as a bad one except a missed opportunity. In this case you missed a great chance. Badminton does not use a ball. The item batted back and forth over the high net is called a shuttlecock. Since Mona was indeed shutttling herself off to her lover's bigger cock every time hubby left town, the proper term used would have been delicious to say the least.

Since I can't rate a story 4.5 or even 4.75, I guess I will apply the appropriate rounding rule.

studyingstudyingabout 14 years ago
Harryin VA, yep. Angie -- WTF?

Thank you, Harrryin VA for stating what I was having trouble fully identifying

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

i have to say while this is one of the best written story on this site, the actual plot sucked big time. so yea, maybe he screwed up but why didnt she try to talk to him? instead she fucks good ole norm for 15 months and tries to get him back. also, why didnt he confront his mom over that tape? because theres not a chance in hell he wouldnt have, considering how you wrote his character. also, the part about mona slipping a time or two and having him forgive her is so fucking frustrating that if i could id delete this story and shake you yelling"what the fuck is wrong with you!?" also, romantic my ass. its sure as shit not romantic to tell your ex/significant other that despite what a horrible person they are and how they destroyed your heart (by being pretty fucking evil) you forgive them, sorry. What!? i know this fictional bs but that doesnt stop people from being upset at how a story goes, especially when know whats gonna happen at the end but it still blows you away. so, as i said, you have a pretty awesome literary talent but the next time you write a "loving wife" --thats such a stupid name by the way-- story, could you write it where the guy acts like a man? that probably sounds very un-pc but its true. i know some ppl are cuckolds, some ppl can forgive, some ppl stay together because no matter how abused they are they still love her/him, but id say theres just as much if not more ppl who'd break up. that being said, i cant imagine anyone who would get back together with her, because despite all the evil shit she did to him, the legal documents she wanted him to sign and thus chain him seemed to be the last straw. i mean really, he knows shes planning or not really planning but if she does cheat a time or two, hed forgive her because of their kids. what the fuck kind of person is she? or him for that matter? this is probably a but rambling since i repeated a few things but...i cant believe youd write them renewing their relationship.

Risq_001Risq_001about 14 years ago
Liked the story all the way up until the end

Sorry, I tried. I sat for an hour and read this and, I hate to say this because I did like I lot of it, but I wished I hadn't.

Here's my problem, the wife, or soon to be re-married wife, did nothing to get him back. She was hurt that he was upset that they couldn't have kids. So let me get this straight she's the only one that gets to be upset when they find out that they'll never have kids of their own?

That his character has to sit on the side lines pretending that something that is "very" important to him, doesn't matter, so that she never see's it so that only she gets to feel upset by it? And if he goes off and gets drunk while trying to come to grips with it that it now gives her license to try to humiliate him in every way possible?

Not to mention that she was as cruel as she could get, never stopped spread her legs for anything that moved, was having unprotected sex from what he could see, and the happy ending was for him to pretend that it didn't matter?

And he threw over Cindi for a women who could easily lie, cheat, abuse, and hurt him every way she could and push all his buttons to try and "make" him feel deep hurt, when he tried to pretend that he wasn't hurt by her cheating actions, all because "she" was upset that "he" was upset that they couldn't have kids of their own? That's the justification used??

This was a happy ending?

Sorry, about 3/4 of your story was good, and I kept hoping that the one woman you introduced, Cindi, who tried to fight for him, up until you wrote that he really didn't want her, would end up being his wife. Why? Because she was the only one trying to prove to him she loved him, his wife Mona was not. She was cruel and evil, and she's who you put him back with, even though he realizes how badly she treated him and how her way of fixing their problem was to go find other men to have sex with to punish him for not reacting how she felt he should have.

Sorry, I really didn't get behind this one at all, and the happy ending doesn't work for me because you still never resolved her character and like you said in the story, she wasn't really sorry she did all of this to him and cheated on him, just that in the end she was sorry he felt hurt by it, but not that she did it.

How is that an happy ending???


angiquesophieangiquesophieabout 14 years ago
uhm, harry..?

i admire your sharp eyes that always seem

to see so much more than most of us

(even the inside of my agenda), but this

time i must beg you to point out where

i said something (or anything) was okay?

you can say about me whatever you want,

but never that i morally judge anyone, not

even you, honey.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Wasn't Expecting This

Let me just preface this comment with this, I knew going in that reading this kind of story that there wouldn't be any eroticness to it at all. That it wasn't going to be jack-off material in other words. Just a story. But, it was a powerful story and I have to say, at times it literally brought tears to my eyes. It could almost be a TV movie of the week (cable TV that I expect that there are some who liked it and some who didn't. There are some who would say, "They are all lawyers, they got what they all deserved...each other!" Here's what I would say, it was a great story. Thank you very much for telling it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Angique hit the nail right on. It´s all about love, destroying, mutant, creating,desperate love and that´s what makes a story interesting. The love here is of a type that´s perfectly credible for the two not so nice characters, twisted and in tune with their IQ´s. Not perfect, not ideal, but still their sort of love. Maybe DQS is related to Angique: the writing is equally fantastic and complex.

thanks a lot for this effort. I enjoyed it very much.

Erik in Madrid

torchthebitchtorchthebitchabout 14 years ago
Don't let them get you down.

I find it rather strange that Lewis is described as an unpleasant character. after all he simply behavesd in the same way as many women in these stories who cannot have children. The difference is that he did not go outside his marriage for sex. Mona, on the otherhand, I feel is less rounded, and more of a cypher for all the bad things a woman can be.

As for the story itself, I rather felt that it was a little disjointed. I rather felt that the revenge on Norm was introduced as a nod to retribution and the readers who expect to find it. Furthermore I thought Norm to be less guilty and far less an instigator in the affair. It was clearly defined that he was a player who had avoided Mona until she clearly brought herself into play. In this respect Norm became a scapegoat.

I do like the way Mona's business took off after the divorce. However the fact that she claims. with a high dregree of imprecision, to have slept with 30 - 40 men should really be a warning to Lew. If she was so reckless with her body as to be unsure by a margin of 33% how many men she slept with, how can she have any knowledge of her sexual health? I find it difficult to believe that Lew would so glibly take her back.

These are really minor quibbles about characters not comments on your plot or writing. I think both are well above average, and I hope you disregard the blind negativity and continue to develop your style.

Personally I'd torch the bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
I liked this

I can understand why some people might not like the ending but I like this ending much better than that of “The Dream Wife”.

In this story I can empathize both with him and her actually.

He punished her unfeelingly for her inability to have children – it wasn’t just the one night but years. She felt bereaved herself, unable to have children and she felt she’d lost her husband’s love too. It’s not quite so simple as some of you are making out. I know it doesn’t justify her cheating like she did – hell no – but don’t assume it is simple either. She was crushed by his rejection and withdrawal from her. He didn’t have that rejection from her and in fact it sounded like he became an automaton, hiding his feelings so well. Yes she should have talked to him but, remember, he wouldn’t communicate.

Yet, both of them loved each other still. Consider the 2 epiphanies - his ‘last testament’ and her incoherence and attempt at suicide when she thought he had died. The plain fact is, in this story, they really do deserve each other (read into that what you may) and they deserve the children they both so deeply wanted and still want, and the birth of whom could resuscitate and solidify their relationship.

This is an extremely well-crafted and thought-provoking story with real multi-leveled emotion, treachery, a ‘loving wife’, romance and a relatively happy ending.

Who knows what a sequel would bring or whether one would even be desirable, given the circumstances. I agreed with Risq in that her character was never fully resolved despite the revelations.

The thing is, it’s a story, written by an excellent author who deserves kudos for the plot and the right to end it as he wishes.

No, neither he nor I have to accept your views, although most of them ARE entertaining in their own right – neither do you have to accept mine. It’s called – ironically – FREEDOM OF SPEECH (naturally accompanied by freedom of thought). As a minority of other reviewers exercises its like freedom, it would be so nice if that minority did not feel the need to insult the author and other reviewers in the execution of their criticism. Strong emotions at such stories as this are bound to be invoked, and disagreeing with the storyline and/or character development is one of we reviewers’ functions. However, such an antagonistic delivery cheapens valid points made and truly mirrors our society’s descent into a state where good manners and courtesy are no longer de rigeur.

Thank you for the story Daniel.

Norman D

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Very entertaining. Thanks for another quality story

I suspect it takes a great amount of time for you spend to produce these stories, and I am grateful for the effort. I pay for many books that produce far less powerful emotions... and far less enjoyment. Thank you. More please. Ikj

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
to all

to all the deep thinkers you fool noone, it's a straight forward story about a sick fuck who loves being put down and in the end i think his mother and wife know what he is and no he is not man enough to do things on his own. The author i believe is like this person and is scare of confrontation it shows in his writings.

bigguy323bigguy323about 14 years ago
Sentimental HOGWASH!! The bitch was a cheating cunt. Her "love" for him was bullshit.

Hell, if she didn't like the way he was acting, then DIVORCE HIS ASS. Cheating on him WITH HIS BEST FRIEND for a YEAR was just too much.

His choice of taking the cheating cunt back was just too much. The whole fucking story was just too much.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
great story

one of the best I've read here!

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanabout 14 years ago
TortchTheBitch's comments reminded me of this report March, 2010

Putting a lot of OTHER PEOPLE's bodily fluids in your body --- via the mouth, ass, or vagina --- is just NOT smart, that's the point, since each of your partners must have had dozens of others partners before you, so chances of them having some vicious OR DEADLY virus (both short term and those which don't start working on your system for years or decades)..... <p>

Don't use mindless gibberish lines "This is just FICTION writing" as a defense, when an author wirtes idiotic stories of idiotic characters. <p>

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <p>

(Reuters) - [March, 2010] - The number of head and neck cancers linked to a virus spread by oral sex is rising rapidly and suggests boys as well as girls should be offered protection through vaccination, doctors said Friday. <p>

Despite an overall slight decline in head and neck cancers in recent years, cases of a particular form called oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) have increased sharply, particularly in the developed world. <p>

This growth seems to be linked to cancers caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), scientists said in a report in the British Medical Journal.

Two vaccines -- Cervarix, made by GlaxoSmithKline, and Gardasil, made by Merck & Co -- can prevent HPV, which causes virtually all cases of cervical cancer, the second most common cancer in women worldwide. <p>

Many rich nations have launched HPV immunisation programs for girls to try to protect them from the common sexually transmitted virus before they become sexually active. <p>

The scientists, led by Hisham Mehanna of the Institute of Head and Neck Studies at University Hospital Coventry, said while including boys in immunisation plans has been seen as too expensive, it may be time to look again. <p>

"We need to look at the evidence again to re-evaluate the cost-effectiveness of male children in light of this new and rapidly rising incidence," he said in an interview. <p>

Analyst Savvas Neophytou at Panmure Gordon in London said such studies would dispel worries about sales prospects for HPV vaccines, and repeated his 'buy' recommendation for Glaxo stock. <p>

"The emergence of new data such as this may increase motivation amongst national vaccination authorities worldwide to re-double efforts to vaccinate children before they become sexually active," he said in an equity research note. <p>

Glaxo shares were slightly lower, in line with a weaker European pharmaceutical sector and down 0.4 percent by 0905 GMT. <p>

More than 500,000 cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed annually in women and it kills around 200,000 a year. Head and neck cancer is the sixth most common cancer among men and women, with about 640,000 new cases each year worldwide. <p>

A recent study found the risk of developing oropharyngeal carcinoma was linked to a history of six or more lifetime sexual partners, four or more lifetime oral sex partners, and, for men, an earlier age at first sexual intercourse. <p>

"Sexual transmission of HPV -- primarily through orogenital intercourse -- might be the reason for the increase in incidence of HPV related oropharyngeal carcinoma," wrote Mehanna. <p>

The scientists pointed to recent studies which showed a 70 percent increase in the detection of HPV in biopsies taken to diagnose oropharyngeal carcinoma in Stockholm since the 1970s. <p>

HPV-related cancer was also reported in 60-80 percent of recent biopsy samples in studies in the United States, compared with 40 percent in the previous decade, they wrote. <p>

Mehanna said the findings had other important health implications. Patients with HPV-related head and neck cancers were typically younger and employed, he said, and because their tumors appeared to be less deadly than those caused by factors like smoking and drinking, patients may also live longer with the physical and psychological effects of treatment. <p>

"This means they would need prolonged support from health, social, and other services, and may require help in returning to work," he said.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
I don't give a rats ass about the lunatic ravings

of the likes of harry and the rest of the whiners. Harry, true to form, you haven't changed a bit since your cronies begged you to stay on. Who really cares if the characters didn't meet some ones criteria of what should have been.

The more I read the comments on stories the more I come to realize that there are a handful of readers who read only to criticize and find fault with every story written regardless of how well it's written or how well the characters are developed. Seems like they have a notion of what they expect from the characters and anything that is done contrary to this notion will be attacked. This new author has written three good stories. They were entertaining and worth reading, regardless of ones personal feelings toward the characters. In comparison to the rest of the new writers lately who write fetish wimpy humiliating cuckold trash in the "loving wives" genre, this is a masterpiece.

Several readers pointed out this is a cuckold story like all others. This statement left me speechless. All cheating wives stories are cuckold stories. How does one compare a cuckold that doesn't know he is one until discovery to a willing wimpy cuckold who relished being one.

One reader pointed out one word that was misspelled in the story. Give me a break. I've read novels edited by professionals that had more grammar and spelling issues.

Seems like the loudest most critical comments come from those that never have posted a single story on this site.

Author, I usually like the reconciliation stories, makes for more gentle endings, but in this case I doubt that would have been my choice. But that doesn't take away the fact that this was still a good written tale of two people that had to overcome issues that most of us haven't faced in our personal lives. Thanks for a good read, for a new comer you have already left a mark in the "loving wives" genre. Any author, whose story raises the blood pressure of his reader can truly say. I accomplished my goal. ML

jasonnhjasonnhabout 14 years ago
They deserve each other

The author keeps trying to describe the husband as something "wonderful" and the wife as a power bitch of some type but I kept coming up with WTF? moments as I was reading. What kind of people would DO this kind of stuff. They are both power players one minute, love sick the next. The wife is STILL not being honest about her relationship going forward. She's been pretty loose (and yes, a woman who has 40 partners in a couple years is a slut. So is a guy who does the same thing) and she apparently figures she will keep being loose even when they get back together JUST BECAUSE SHE WANTS TO AND CAN. He knows this and is trying to outgame her. WHY would you want a relationship based on this dynamic; maybe I can love you today and maybe I won't be able to because of the lousy person you are? And he isn't any great shakes either. His wife can't have kids, one of the most devastating thing for a woman, and he's off pouting about it to the point of cutting off sex with his wife and burying himself in his business. They both "love" each other but keep playing the games. They are both rather unappealing people. That's the weakness of the story for me. I went through a long read to end up feeling I really didn't give a crap about what happened to these two. They do seem to have some attraction to each other although it seems hard to call it love. It seems more like they are having a lot of fun trying to figure each other out and outwit each other. And frankly, most of what they do isn't that clever or interesting.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Complex story for the cerebral cortex to try and unravel

This story is very good though it is very hard to nail it down and say that one can intelligent understanding or predict what is going to happened with what Mona and he are now planning. It would be nice to have a look into the future; perhaps write a second chapter to this story and date it circa 2025. What is their family live like 15 years from now: he, Mona and their son and daughter. Daniel Q, your stories are all well written; your first story about the history professor who married and lived in the southern part of the USA needs to be completed. RAG

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 14 years ago
Interesting Story; Interesting Comments

This story was very well written and interesting. In terms of plot, I would have preferred that he tell the ex that he forgives her and Cyndi that he'll always love her. <i>That</i> would have been romantic, although maybe not as interesting. I think the points made in the comments about disease are well founded - I wouldn't want to touch a woman who had screwed 40 different guys within the past year. Harry and Risq have a valid point in that the ex did nothing whatsoever to redeem herself. It was funny when the little old lady slapped the ex in the Publix store - that sequence made the story worth reading. Interesting.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

It's a good thing your readers are so different. I thoroughly enjoyed the story, like your other two. Keep going!

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 14 years ago
To Anonymous Poster: Rats ass...

that idiot poster write this piece of mindless

..."Who really cares if the characters didn't meet some ones criteria of what should have been...."

Listen stupid I will use small words this time so a moron like you can follow this.

all I did was follow the story the AUTHOR wrote. I never said " it should of been this or he should of said that.."

The wife's character is real and it is well developed. But when the marriage crisis came The wife reacted in a way that shows a severe character Flaw.

for someone who realized how much she did Love her husband she fucked an awful lot of other men.

Given all this the husband's decision to " gamble" a 2nd time with her is NOT likely to work


AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Well written, but not a happy ending

I'm not sure it there could be one. If this were not fiction, I'd fear for the kids. btw, you cannot sign away the rights for your future kids. Child support is for their benefit. If the wife did not need nor claim it, OK. But her track record isn't stellar enough for any smart man to believe here.

This really was a well written sad story. Thanks. - Ttom

andy1hardyandy1hardyabout 14 years ago
Reversed Roles!!!!!

The wife acts like a guy and the guy acts like a wife.

She dicks "how many guys" in a year and a half....without a dick but acting like "a dick" controls her much for asking ex-hubby to think with his brain...where was hers.

Does Lew stand for "Loser"? Guys are dictated by physical shit where women are mental and emotional....guys fuck anything that walks [no such thing as a bad blowjob] but women are not built like that...they need stimulation of a different sort...and anxieties whoops after they fuck up.....

So reread the whoile story and make she as a he and he as a she...and it all makes sense. God bless Harry Va...a simple dolt....criticizing the storyline and not the germinating thoughts of the author. must hate characters in a movie without considering the authors motives...this guy/girl is able to see both sides...but reversing roles don't cut it.

A three.....for putting something coherent on a blank sheet of paper....something many of us [yours included] can't do.

BriteaseBriteaseabout 14 years ago

Maybe a bit too clever for this place. Great writing, but ---- Well we'll have to see!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

shut the fuck up you cretin. Thank you author(s) for an excellent, if not slightly flawed read.

simple49simple49about 14 years ago
You are a victim

of your own good writing. And this was well written, not exactly well plotted, but you are a great writer. I was tempted to accuse you of not understanding the way a man thinks, but in retrospect, I realized that you do. The problem is that it is the wife who is the man, and the husband who is the woman. You have taken the typical LV story and reversed the roles very subtlely. The husband's reactions are very "feminine" and restrained with just a touch of masculine pride to make it seem that way. The cheater in this story responds like a wronged husband and goes out and screws 40 more men to get revenge - I do not care what she says, it was revenge. And this is where you are a victim of your writing. Had she really loved him, really wanted to convince him to return, she would have tried to prove that what she did was wrong and that she was sorry. Instead, even as he tried to move on and find love and a woman who would not betray him, a woman who talks about HER feelings and concerns with him, the ex-wife-to-be betrays him day after day after day. As the writer, you chose this scenario and it is here that the husband does not wimp out, because that is a term applied to men who understand their ownselves and choose to behave in a way that demeans them. He thinks he loves her. She plays on that. She plays him like a manipulative teen-age boy: if you loved me you would... She is not sorry. But should be, because she screwed up not with the affair, but with using his failure to reconnect with her after they discovered they could not have kids. She clearly was more in control of herself and should have forced counseling. They might have avoided all the trouble they went through - of course you would not have had your story - she is liar; she is self-centered; she manipulates people to get what she wants (i.e. his mother) and in the end you did not make her likable enough. He suffered; she screwed around; he stayed faithful; she screwed around; he lover her; she screwed around; he wanted a divorce; she screwed him; and as he tries to get a life she hypocritically blames him and thinks being a slut now is OK, but yet she says she loves him. Nah! Dramatic re-meeting, but he should have publically shamed her when he had the chance and gone looking for a woman like the one he hurt by his public announcement. I think you are the real deal as a writer, but I think you need to revisit this plot and try to find a way to justify their remarriage or show how it finally fails. Oh, his logic that her love for him and the maybe-future kids will keep her from sluthood - shall we discuss the thousands of spouses who cheat even with a loving spouse and children.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
An exceptional tale

The story is exceptionally well written. Stories like this show a skill and originality that I and most people appear to lack.

SeanshowSeanshowabout 14 years ago

you write one hell of a story


- Sean

terrydavidterrydavidabout 14 years ago
Great analysis - Harry! At least someone sees through the bullshit!

Author - no doubt you write well but as many have proven, you either hate men or have an amazing desire to be self-made cluck. Similar to the 99% wimp ass stories that JPB puts out, your male characters are pretty much either "spineless or have no balls whatsoever". The fuck up wives are the typical "glorified whores or sluts" who do not care about anything except keeping things in the six-figure money games. The similarities between this author, MattM, JPB and the dog shit that "wantwhiteboys" spews out is incredibility ironic - same defective genes perhap? Keep writing - if nothing else we get to validate the same bullshit over and over from the same wimp/cluck authors including angie [now there is a real man-hater].

Good luck!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
A great author generates response

And obviously you certainly do. I think you are a fantastic writer and I hope you continue as I will look for your stories everyday. That being said, I couldn't wrap myself around them ending up together. If she was so hurt by his reaction to them not having children, why not try to get help prior to betraying him as she did. To say he had already left the marriage isn't really fair. If she felt that way, either divorce him or force him to deal with it. Don't sleep with his friend and partner. She was simply too unlikeable for a reconciliation to be a popular ending. Also, unprotected sex with that many partners doesn't jive with her being the second brightest person around. I wouldn't want to be involved in a relationship with her. Please keep writing. I think you are a terrific author. Thanks, Tim

katibkatibabout 14 years ago

Yes, congratulations are due you for writing a compelling tale and for giving us one that has evoked more intelligent comments from readers than (I suspect) any other story on lv. Up to this point I had not realized that so many commentators could be so perspicacious. I think that a good story, well-crafted, is one thing and an ending that seems to flow naturally from the information we have of the characters is another matter. Your ending stretched my credulity and therefore lessened my overall enjoyment of your writing.

tastesgreattastesgreatabout 14 years ago
Good Writing!

I love your writing skills and your stories. You develop your characters and plots well and I think you have good feeling for what people do and think. As readers, we take the characters and their actions a little too serious and start seeing them as real life people. And as such we really don't like some of their actions. I see the male character offering 'grace' to his ex because of his love for her. I really hope hope that she accepts his 'grace' and becomes a truly good wife and mother. Many sometime in the future you might consider an epilogue to let us know if they made it or not. I would love that! Thanks for sharing you talents and skills with us...

looking4itlooking4itabout 14 years ago
Took a long time

to convince yourself and all the readers that it really was his fault and he even came to admit it. Can't say I'd agree with your character's actions, definitely not written from a male point of view. To each their own.

needchocolatenowneedchocolatenowabout 14 years ago
You sure do rock the boat!

It seems like you are looking for approval, in the court of popular opinion, on exactly how shitty a wife can be to her husband and still be forgiven. Exactly how much blame does the husband's prior disengagement/subtle rejection absolve the wife's blame in her promiscuity? Where to place that bar?

Why did he not think about what kind of mother this woman would be to their children? Was this the woman who would have a hand in shaping their emotional and moral development? Ye Gads! That's a mistake. This world doesn't need more self centered people who have a leaning toward cruelty.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Don't necessarily like how this story was ended, but... It was a really interesting story, with some very interesting twists, and characters you could see and hear. Makes this an excellent story in my book

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Post Traumatic Personality Disorder

Loved your, writing as always.

For all of you who didn't like the ending (guess that was most of you), Lew had been in an accident with arm, leg, rib and HEAD injuries. When you bang your head and you're have at minimum a concussion.

Lew exhibits the personality of an individual with a Contra-Coup injury affecting his frontal lobe. The frontal lobe controls the personality. The ending was particularly appropriate.

Some of you are cretins, by the way. This author is exceedingly talented.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
One Can Be The Best Writer and Still Fail

Content - Content - Content!!! It needs to be credible. It needs to have a ring of reality about it. It needs to be credible.<P>

This was twisted and without value regardless of how well it was written.<P>

These are some sick absurd caricatures of someones demented mind.<P>

This is a ranting delivering pain as its primary content as well as a used to be male accepting his role as one seeking and embracing male humiliation at any cost.<P>

The real shame is the waste of talent on such weak sick characters.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpeteabout 14 years ago
Not a cuckhold story,Harry mostly correct and Anonymous rat's asshole and ....

subsequent sycophants engage in specious logic when they cry troll. Fuck you censoring fascists. Personally I didn't think the supposed love they had for each other was at all set-up to a degree that would make this story work.But a fun read never the less and greatly appreciated effort.But no one to like, yeah, I hear you "Torch the Bitch" but WTF, she's a fucking lawyer, wadda' ya' expect?

bdoggriffenbdoggriffenabout 14 years ago
so he's a wimp

This was a great story. Not at all realistic but lots of fun. It was suspenseful throughout. And I haven't read all the comments, but I hope somebody else noticed how funny it was. I liked the wife getting slapped in the face by somebody's grandmother at the market. And the courtroom was funny, and the twilight zone scene in the hospital where he can't figure out how he's become a romantic hero to all the women was perfect. Also, just the idea of him trying so hard to hide his wimpiness only to become nationally famous, as well as the heartthrob of millions of women, for it was brilliant. But I guess this isn't a genre for having fun. Everybody's so concerned with not just whether your character is a wimp but whether you are too. Well, that's life in the big city I guess. OK, I have to tell you, I loved the character of the wife. I mean I"m not in love with her of course. I don't want to marry her, but aside from the whole cheating thing, I thought she just came across as really smart and funny.

I'm not going to comment on whether he should have stayed with her. But I felt that the way you had created his character, a pilot, super successful lawyer, driven to be top of his class and able to win the heart of the most beautiful and smartest girl in college, he would have stayed with her for precisely the reason she said, "He has an immense ego." I think he first of all believes she loves him, and he thinks he knows what mistakes they made last time, and he believes he can keep her from straying with his dick and brain. This guy is up for challenges, and this girl is a challenge. After all he's been through I kind of admire him for that.

Also, I loved the mean intelligent banter between the two of them. Kind of reminded me of that Coen Brother's movie with George Clooney a few years ago Intolerable Cruelty. And for what it's worth (not much because I don't know any lawyers) but to me they really did sound like two really smart lawyers bickering. But that brought about the problem I had with the story. I have a hard time imagining she wouldn't ever have talked to him about it. They seemed to not only love talking with one another, but also to be so completely in sync in their discussions at the end. And certainly he would have also asked that simple question, "Why didn't you talk to me?" I'm only willing to let it slide because I liked the story so well, and perhaps you couldn't figure a way around it. in any case, the story was wonderfully entertaining. Reconciliation is a real slap in the face.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Strikely bad

In what world would characters like this exist. To creat any characters that behave or think like this and expect a reader to believe there is any chance of this ever happening. Both of the main characters are evil idiots and have nothing for the reader to latch on to as any redeeming characteristic. It is one thing to make your readers think, but I just ended up annoyed that ANY one could behave like these people. This plot is just terrible. anon jerry

The NavigatorThe Navigatorabout 14 years ago
Nice try

But even Sci-Fi must have a basic foundation of believability. For the many reasons others have stated before me, much of this does not fall in the believability world. So, it is somewhat entertaining, but certainly not great. <p> <p> <p> A couple of technical flaws really turned me off. First, when an airplane runs out of full, it does not just "fall from the sky". The Cessna Centurion has an excellent glide ratio and if he is smart enough to be able to fly one, he would know that. Second, the details are vague but the Ham operator just would not have had two-way communication with the pilot using his Ham gear because he would not have had the ability to transmit on the aircraft frequencies. He could have possessed a handheld aircraft radio, but the implication was his Ham status allowed the two-way communication. <p> <p> <p> So, the plot was interesting, the writing was technically good, but the overall story was made to fit the quirky characters, rather than the characters made to fit the story. In a word, it lacked believability.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 14 years ago
Few can write as well as Q.

That said, I felt the story started so promising that I was compelled to read it. The problem was that after the great start, it didn't seem to go anywhere. It was very well written. There is no denying the talent of the author. One looks for a beginning, a middle, and an end. This had a great beginning and that may be the problem. If the bar is set so high, so early, the rest of the story has a good chance of being a let down. Somehow, I just didn't much care what happened to either character by the end.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Has anyone else picked up on this.

You chose to solve this problem by having these two characters with obvious relational problems (okay, that is an understatement) mend them by <i><b>USING</b></i> (and I mean that in every sense of the word) children. Are you serious? Bringing two potential innocents (the potential is the fertility problem) into this situation would be criminal and I am disappointed you would think this a solution to your character's innate flaws.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Unlike most of the people on this site I have actually read some of Danielle

Steele's novels. And they are full of wimp husbands who let women do anything to them and all is excused because the man "LOVES" the woman. Only a woman could write such utter romantic bullshit or come up with the ultimate sin of the man being upset with the woman for not being able to have children. Only a woman could think that way. "It's just sex" is a MAN"s defense when caught in adultery -not a woman's. So.....own up, "Daniel". You are a woman -in fact you might be ANGIQUESOPHIE with a new nom de


RehnquistRehnquistabout 14 years ago
Thought Provoking Story.

I read this yesterday, then returned today and re-read it. Yep, I hate the story, no doubt about it. The characters seem shallow and--as one reviewer recently pointed out--they are now going to bring two innocent children into their messed up idea of a relationship. Their actions are deplorable, they are not very likeable, and they don't seem to learn from their own mistakes. Which is, of course, why I gave the story 5 stars.

Top rating? Yes. The reasons are simple. First, say what you will about plot, but the story is very well written. The author knows how to construct sentences and paragraphs, and he plots carefully so that flashbacks are not awkward. Think that's easy? Try it sometime. Most flashbacks on this site are needless, do nothing to advance the plot or explain the current situation, and break up the natural flow of the story.

Second, and more importantly, the story makes you think. Hate the plot and the resolution all you want. Scream from the rafters that hubby is a dolt who needs to remove his head from his ass. Bellow that the wife is a cheating tramp that will only continue to cheat. Then again, I know of many relationships where the love and almost magnetic attraction between the two are so strong that it still drives them to both act against their own perceived best interests. (This does lead to my only criticism: The intensity of their initial love should have been more compellingly depicted or explained.) Most importantly, and as evidenced by the ton of comments both good and bad, the story makes you think.

So sure, you may not like the actual story, but you've got to admit that something so well written that evokes such strong feelings accomplished what it set out to do.

A job well done!

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanabout 14 years ago
HDK is Correct, spot on...

Perhaps, the story was a disappointment for most --- even if they admit the author is a good writer --- due to the fact that it started off really exceptional. <p>

The dialogues between the the husband and wife, after she and her lover came down from upstairs, to join the husband down in the living roo... the dialogues were exceptionally witty and deeply and PAINFULLY honest. Both seemed to reach deep into their psyche and gave it to the other what they really felt... <p>

Unfortunately, the story just petered out and started going down hill from there after a few flash-backs in the back-and-forth format. <p>

Despite all the nonsense, I was expecting the author to allow the husband to go back to his self-assure, calculating self shown at the beginning. I was expecting him to make a quiet but deeply perturbed motion or movement, followed by a shock and THEN A SAD look...... when the loving woman he couldn't let go, even during his last moments, revealed to him she has been fucking around, LITERALLY, and who cares, she say, "Just use your brown and grow up, Lew... whether it is 30 or 40, it makes no differnece... it's just sex, okay? I LOVE YOU, you dumb man, my beloved.." LOL <p>

But when the author had the husband smile like an embicile and simply said, "Well, I guess you're right, honey... come here, let me hold you, my beloved wife or wife-to-be... I now realized no matter what you do, including fucking dozens and dozens of men and women, including my bastard former best friend and law partner... I don't really care about all that... it is YOU, your loving, and honesty that I care about, that I love..." <p>

Well, such nonsense, as HDK said, really disappointed a lot of readers, even though again many of them think the story was written well. I, like HDK, don't give a shit about either character at that point... <p>

Many readers can masturbate, even if Mengele or Hitler or Pol Pots are the rapists, if the story is written exceptionally well. Most of us won't, even if the story/book were to win the Pulitzer prize in literary form... such contents of such characters just won't do it for us... Of course, the husband and wife here are not those figures. The point is, for a story to be all-around good, loved, both the story and the characters must have good, redeeming quality, with the story being well written and the characters being well spoken/believed/liked... or most of them anyway...

sexmatesexmateabout 14 years ago
This is some kind of writing! Very well written!

First off let me say these two, Mona and Lewis are fucked in the head!

That being said. What a twisted sad, get back "atcha" tale. Then get back together in a convoluted having children scheme!

The dialogue and the story telling were outstanding!

But the premise read like a middleschoolers couples reasoning for their actions! Not some top of the class lawyers. God what a way to take everything to the extreme.

I could write about all the ifs and buts, but others have atready done a good job.

All I can say about Mona is what a fucking whore! And Lewis wants back with that!? They both have mental problems!!!!

This would be a marriage spawned in hell! I am not sure but I think Mona is the Devil's advocate and it her goal in life is to make Lewis's life as miserable as she can! I can't even fathom it. Damn!

Did I say this was well written? It truly was! And entertaining! What else can you ask for?

Thanks for writing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Great story and an interesting device to frame why

Have enjoyed all three of your stories. Thanks for writing.

iakatziakatzabout 14 years ago

I really enjoyed your story, your other 2 as well. You are very talented and I sure hope you write more for all (or most of us) to enjoy

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Well for me it was like this....

I could understand the characters. Not all take the route of kill everything in site.

And I could take the path of destruction, destroy his former best friend and divorce his wife and see that she got as few of the marital assets as possible.

But the ending to what started off as a great story to me felt like this:

-Man finally at admits he has a drug habit.

-Man tries to find a way to work hard to get past drug habit.

-Man finds woman who supports him and she assist in his struggles to get past it

-Man finally gets past drug habit and decides to marry the woman who was right there during his struggle.

-Story ends with the last scene of the man entering a flop house after a stressful day at work, where he sits down on a dirty floor in his suit, someone hands him a needle and he says "Oh sweet release I missed you" and then shoots up.

See that wouldn't really make sense regardless of how you looked at it. Not if he recognized how difficult it was to quit and try and get past it. You worked "too hard" developing this character to put him right back in the thick of all of his problems.

Having a wife tell you she was trying to do everything in her power to hurt you, managed to, admitted it, and magically you believe "this time around" she'll do better doesn't make sense for a happy ending.

And I'm baffled by the number of commentors who call readers who are equally baffled by this turn of events as stupid because they don't agree with them that this was a good story.

It was good up until the hospital scene. All of that was freaking top notch and different. It was funny and kept me laughing. But putting him back in a situation that might have caused him really harm, then adding kids to it, made most readers feel outrage and some form of betrayal that the hero (or in this case main character) would be stupid enough to go back to a situation that he just escaped from.

Like escaping a jail where you were beaten severely every day, and you decide to return all because you just can't get past not having regular meals at a set time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Mills & Boon

Reads like a bad Mills & Boon novel with some sex thrown in. Only thing missing is a white horse for the ex wife to ride on to save her mate or whatever. You read too many wimp stories here I think

bruce22bruce22about 14 years ago
Very interesting story

Well-written and enthralling. We go from loving Walter to hating him then almost understanding him enought to forgive and then not understanding him at all! His statement from the airplane spoke of love and forgiveness, but nothing about trust and the ability to live with her. I do feel that he should have made that clear to her and returned the papers unsigned. But the author saw his character as being sure that he could control his new marraige and arrogantly buying in..... Poor Cindi,! Thanks for a rollercoaster ride!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
o.k. but....

To me, this would have been a better story if it was not totally predictable. There is no suspense in it and therefore it is hard to feel much for the characters. But it was stll an o.k. story just not terrific.

SleeplessinMD2SleeplessinMD2about 14 years ago
Do These People Really Exist?

A well written story but I felt so sorry for the characters. The lack of communication between these two is unreal. There are so many little inconsistencies which raise more questions than answers. If Lew was so smart as an attorney why tell the two people he hated the most his revenge plans? Lew said that she loved sex in the ending yet in the first part of the story he describes Mona as a wife with a declining sex drive. Lew's analysis why she will give up the causal sex in the end make great legal sense but it fails as commonsense. She had been cheating on him for a year without his knowledge. She only confesses the truth because she figures that he will find out the truth. In other words, she is not a truthful person. Mona may love him but she does not respect him. Mona was not sorry for what she did. If Lew thinks that a kid or two will make her give up big dicks and the excitement of making him a cuckold he does not know the divorce laws. She will have him by the balls with those kids and she will still get custody of the kids. Just because someone loves you does not mean that you can live with that person. I found the story very painful because you have a husband who is betrayed viiciously by his wife for a year with his best friend and partner but in the end he takes the blame for making her do it! He is publically humiliated many times by her, loses his chance to move on from her but she gains a national law practice and all the dicks she can find in her spare time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
What The Hell

They have passion but will it be enough, every reader has their own end, I'd like to think they do but it depends on her and she is a cunt, so good luck. As with your other stories, this was great, got the juices flowing. Thanks for your talent.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

What the hell is correct! This was way to long and didn't do a thing for my interests.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Read all your stories more than once

You are a very good writer. While reading your stories, specially this one, I got angry (seriously angry), frustrated, saddened (actually cried), felt happy, held my breath, swore a lot and sighed a lot. Now, how many stories can do that to you (most movies dont do that to me). So DQS I want to show my gratitude for letting me have such amazing experiences FOR FREE!! by thanking you many times over. May you grow from strength to strength and become a national celebrity. Absolutely, thoroughly fabulous. FRC

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
The most amazing of all the writers I have read here

Many people didn't like the ending. It could have ended in any of the many possible endings but it was consistent with the writer's main theme so far. That is, love can make you do things that you would normally not do. It can be your own worst enemy but when you act while under its spell, you are closest to the truth to your own self. So when the hero said what was really in his heart just before he was going to die, he faced the true feelings in his heart. I would rather live a life with my heart in it than a life built around logic and social sanity. I look forward to many more stories from this marvelous and miraculous writer. Your fan, forever. SIH

DrallDrallabout 14 years ago
One of the best!

A very fine story,and very beautiful. Thank you.

Orionman17Orionman17about 14 years ago
The Last Goodbye - All I can say is Wow!. . .

I was drawn into your story . . . by your main character Lewis Walters. The dialogue was so intricate I had to read some twice to understand implications.

There were many deals made, and several deal-breakers told, but the last deal at the end made me think more of Lewis than Mona, in terms of character. To me, Lewis was a better person than Mona, but Mona got the better end of the deal . . . the final contract between them.

In fiction or reality, my hat is off to Lewis. May he never have to do more than cast a watchful eye on Mona, whose sex drive is rated @ 2 different lovers per month, and which could have gone on indefinitely!

Thank you for a great read, DQS! I look forward to your next story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
The dumbest Attorney since Algonquin J. Calhoun

Anti-freeze is sweet, but not a very good aperitif.

oldwayneoldwayneabout 14 years ago
Agonquin J. Calhoun, Kingfish, or Amos and Andy themselves, this was a damn fine story!

Although I hate wimps, this has to be rated as a top notch story. With apologies to "Mister Faith Hill", he was actually living the message contained in the song "Live Like You Are Dying". I don't know anyone who would lie with their "perceived" last breath. He loved her beyond doubt. It really was just a fine tale and really good idea for a story.

shangoshangoabout 14 years ago
This Author surely believes in the "God must love Suckers" theory.

Your Heroine did not show love for Lou (short for Loser) one stinking instance in this entire well-dressed mess. The suicide attempt? Gimme a break! NO suicide attempt is ever truly made under a healthy love's flagpoles. Risq and the Anonymous commenter who compared Lou to an Heroine addict, who, by the way, loves the object of their desire also, nailed this waste of cyberspace. Like all RAAC authors, you've failed to show why the victim should take the Cheater back.

TheDagdaTheDagdaabout 14 years ago
Awesomely Well-Written

Head and shoulders above almost everything else I've seen on Lit, and I've been on Lit for over a decade now. Good writing, good characterization, good command of the language (far too rare!). It might have benefited from a little more sex, but it certainly didn't *need* it...

Please keep writing. You're good enough to go mainstream, although we'll never know it unless you use the same nom de plume...

DanielQSteele1DanielQSteele1about 14 years agoAuthor
a few words from the guy to blame for the story

I don’t want to run this respond-to-readers thing into the ground, but because this is supposed to be a give and take I hope you won’t mind my making a few comments to readers on “goodbye.” I’m flattered so many people reacted to the story Like it or hate it, it’s better than being ignored.

First, let me extend my apologies to readers for the factual shortcomings that ruined it for some readers. I’m not a pilot, although I have private pilots in my family. I knew I should have run the details of the crash by somebody that knew flying, but I’d worked on it a LOOONG time and I got antsy to see it in Literotica and didn’t exercise due diligence. I’m glad a lot of people liked it as a story, but I would have felt better about it if I could have given it an extra touch of versimilitude.

Second, let me apologize for stupid mistakes. Badminton Ball! I knew that was wrong and made a mental note to find the correct term, and in the back of my mind I knew it was shuttlecock, but I got lazy and didn’t proofread the story closely enough and there’s be no reason for Lady Pine Rose to catch it either.

One other personal little note. I am not a woman, although, really,who gives a shit? I am not Matt Moreau or Angieque, although they’re both good writers and I wouldn’t be offended to be mistaken for either one. Or JPB, who I think is a hell of a lot better writer than most people on this site give him credit for being.

Now, on to the story. I like to write cheating wives who are real people; they have flaws and they may be selfish or cruel, but they’re not cartoon cutouts. They have reasons for what they do. I wrote in another posting that a saying that guides most of my writing is that nobody is a bad guy in their own mind. Even real criminals, murderers, Mafia types, in their minds are the good guys.

As is the case with Mona. Here you have a beautiful woman married to a workaholic husband who throws himself into his career when his personal life turns to shit – that is he learns he can’t have children. Whether you agree with it or not, this is a huge thing to at least some men and women.

The night that he gets drunk and turns his back on his wife is not a one-time thing, nor the only thing, that leads to her adultery. There is a period of at least several years when their marriage and sexual relationship dries up. And it’s not just his fault. He hurt her, she hurt him, he hurt her back. Ever get a chance to look at actual, in depth divorce court proceedings and you’ll see it’s very rare for one party to be completely innocent and the other a complete bitch or bastard.

The fact that Lew punishes Mona because she can’t give him what he desperately wants doesn’t give Mona a free pass to screw his friend, but it gives her a reason. And she holds out against the advances of a real professional seducer for a long long time before finally succumbing. Not that she deserves a medal for how long she resisted, but again, come on, If you’re a strongly sexed woman and you ain’t been getting any for a long, long time, what do you think is going to happen?

Now, maybe, as some readers noted, she should just have divorced him. But wouldn’t life be so much simpler if only people would do the logical thing?

The other knock against her is that she’s a slut for sleeping with 30-40 guys over a year and a half. But remember, she’s SINGLE! That means not married. And she should be saving herself for Lew because she loves him? Hate to bust your bubble, but even a romantic such as myself would have to admit that if you can’t be near the one you love, love the one…You remember how it goes. People with strong sex drives, if they can’t have the one they love, are going to be fucking somebody.

Final point in this too-long posting. A lot of readers criticized Lew for take a crazy gamble on another try with a woman he knows is going to be tempted to cheat on him. And it is a gamble, and it could turn out very badly. As with Dan Jenkins in Dream Wife, he’s throwing the dice. But speaking personally, I write these characters because I’d rather throw the dice than take the safe way out and avoid the risk of being hurt. A long time ago I took a gamble on someone when the odds were way high against our marriage surviving. For different reasons, but bad odds are bad odds. If I hadn’t, I’d have spent the rest of my life regretting and wondering, what if… There are times when it’s smarter to be dumb than to do the smart and safe thing. But that’s just me.

RodwarriorRodwarriorabout 14 years ago
Excellent Story

You are a good writer and and excellent story teller. I have really liked all three of your stories so far. Please keep them coming.

xtremeddxtremeddabout 14 years ago
You just keep writing...

You just keep writing... You'll probably get better too and we'll just enjoy it more and more.

thanks for your hard work! I certainly got wound up on "Goodbye"


shangoshangoabout 14 years ago
See? You cheered his first POS tale so he writes the same story

over and over. You can dress a Wimp in a Flight suit, but he's still a Wimp.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Author... Your feedback shows you dont get the problems with this story

Author.... after reading your feedback its shows you either have a

reading comprehension problem OR you are obtuse

you wrote

...."Now, maybe, as some readers noted, she should just have divorced him. But wouldn’t life be so much simpler if only people would do the logical thing?...."

NO NO god damn it... NO.

the issue is that the husband never even asks her "why didnt you Just divorce after a few years?..."

all I am asking is that You at least use RATIONAL obvious questions..!!!

".....The other knock against her is that she’s a slut for sleeping with 30-40 guys over a year and a half. But remember, she’s SINGLE! That means not married. And she should be saving herself for Lew because she loves him? ..."


the issue is that she can sleep and fuck whoever she wants to. She was NOT married. Bbut again the faggot wimp husband never says... "um... honey you are used to a certain lifestyle now... can you give all that New cock up for me? al you clean?...."

again You never have the husband ask the basic most rational question

Dude I hate to Burst your bubble but when you write serious LW like this readers DEMAND some semblance of common sense

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
GREAT Writing

Loved the twists at the end. Very skillful. Also looking forward to next installment of When we were married. Best wishes. drmike

AbadboyscoutAbadboyscoutabout 14 years ago
Terrific writing

I mean it, that was great writing. Although the ending came out of left field. Fittingly, it reminded me of an old Perry Mason episode where there is some startling revelation or new bit of evidence that comes out right at the end of the trial, or in this case the story.

Still, it was a well written and compelling read.

curioussscuriousssabout 14 years ago
This story is thoroughly believable

I congratulate you on this story DQS1.

I've posted before as 'Anonymous' but finally registered just to give feedback.

This story is very imaginative and thoroughly seductive in its power to 'reel me in'. I like the way you present your 'hero' (or main character). I don't understand why so many people get bent out of shape at your plot line.

I like the nuances and this is a very clever story. Everyone has the right to agree or disagree with the way you present the story, YOUR story, post their opinion, etc., but what they don't have is the MORAL right to insist that you rewrite your story to suite their viewpoints.

Regardless of "HarryinVA"s (and similar ilk) comments, please go your own way. I realize that some authors fawn over Harry like he's an unreconstructed minor God, but in reality he's just another self-opinionated prick, with no manners, an attack-dog mentality and a superiority complex as wide as the Hudson. His acolytes will no doubt attack me ("nazi pig") but, in so doing, reveal more about themselves than they ever will about me.

One author left this site because of "The Trolls" and I can understand why.

I'm just trying to redress the balance - authors I'M ON YOUR SIDE.

I don't care what or how you write, you have the right (as you know) so to do.

DQS1 I find your work excellent and thoroughly to my taste. Anyone who doesn't agree has the perfect right to voice their opinion, but please don't call the authors 'morons' or 'idiots'.

ChagrinedChagrinedabout 14 years ago

What a great story! I loved it and am looking for more from Ms, Steele.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Mona got scotty free...

She´s too selfish(and a bit shallow) to him...

She and Lew should learn a kid is not a simple gift to a marriage.They 're too much selfish to have any child.


you are a wondeful writer, but you put too much doing reconciliation at any cost.Make your male characters grow more balls.

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