The Ministry Ch. 04


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"There are some vines on the rock we climbed down from. Maybe we can swing across?"

We got up there and latched onto a few vines. This time Lani clung onto me and I warned her to hang on tight. I stepped back as far as i could go and then took a run up and leaped. The plant was strong and sturdy and carried us over the stream and onto the other side. But we had to swing back and forth a few times just to find a suitable landing. Once on the other side we entered the cave entrance and followed it. It was a bit dark but there was a path lading straight ahead. It lead out into a flickering corridor. The passage was a tunnel with a low ceiling. The passage was not as narrow as the stairs but still stuffy and full of cobwebs. The first thing we saw was two stone statues up against the wall. They looked like hooded figures with faces concealed inside. In fact, the passage was full of such statues, Lani was a little apprehensive but made no attempt to signal her disquiet; she was going to push on as long as I was beside her.

"Each one is a little different." She pointed out.

She was right. The first obvious difference was that there were a selection of male figures accompanied by the odd taller female. The protruding chests were quite large and appealed to my sense of wonder. I ran a finger along the contours of one breast and watched sprinkles of dust break off. Upon furthr observation we saw that the finishing on the robes were not identical, and some had different types of tassels. Even the stonework and color of stones varied. The only similarity with the males was height. It just made me feel all the more unsettled. What if these fuckers woke up? I had watched enough movies to know it could happen. Lani, who was tiny compared to the female statues, planted two hands on each breast of one female and watched as they glowed. her hands turned left and right as if the breasts were dials and she felt empowered as if they had augmented her sexual appetite by ten fold. The more I looked at her, the dirtier a slut she looked. Her sinister glances towards me suggested she was carnal and in the mood to kill anyone that attempted to approach me. I belonged to her and her claws were out for blood. I took her hand and she started to relax again as if I was the able to counteract whatever agent deposited itself into her from those large breasts. I felt a draft hit me and I looked far ahead to the end of the passage.

"Come on."

We hurried through the path with fingers crossed. Nothing seemed likely to come alive, but it did not prevent a dozen or so gulps to pass before we reached the end. The exit led out to a small space with an arched entrance presented itself. The stonework was lighter here and the entrance looked more majestic. Lani's hand was just as sweaty as mine but we kept our fingers interlocked.

We took a long breath and stepped inside. Before us was a large room with no visible ceiling; only darkness. The great hall of Agron was probably not above it though. It was very dim and heavy with old air floating around in swathes, As we advanced our eyes adjusted to the light and we were able make out the room more clearly. There was a red carpet on the floor that stretched out beyond our vision. It was almost like a giants room. We heard whispers all around us, from each swathe of air that passed through us. What was this place?

"I feel very small right now." Lani laughed.


From the passage we came from you could not fathom it would lead out to something as grand as this. What was visible was what the shadows couldn't claim – Evenly spaced giant columns sprinkled throughout, colored in a chalky silver. Light sources adorned on some sides and not others. It was cold in here and so big that we didn't need to whisper when we talked as our sound was quickly dispersed by various elements such as the thick air around us and the carpet. Still, we were just as adept at remaining quiet if need be.

"You can go back if you want." I told her.

"I think I'd have to find another way." She remarked referring to the partially collapsed stairwell.

"Guessing by the size of Agron and its many channels, there are probably quite a few similar exit points."

"So then we'll find them once we're done here." She iterated.

She had been adamant about getting to the bottom of the mystery just as much as me, despite being a layman for the most part. If she was hiding anything it was impossible to say, since I was no good at reading women. I held her chin up momentarily to taste her lips once again. Her love was so freely submitted that it was always a convenient time to partake in it. The only problem with that might be when she decided she did not want to be touched, but until then I would continue. There was also another pressing issue that was growing by the minute and it related to a particular Indian babe by the name of Usma. I had considered Lani know about her earlier and the thought even crossed my mind again now that I knew what I wanted more.

Both girls had different qualities, the most appealing one right now involved who was the easiest to trust, even if I wasn't quite being honest myself. This wasn't a vacation and none of these people were important. Just be like 007; I had to be cool. Lani seemed to like my kisses anyway, and my touch, judging from the way she leaned further into me every time my lips tangled with hers. She was the more assertive one, but we both had our moments.

We stayed along the back wall and took the path to the right. There was no need to venture into the wide open spaces leading to the center of the room. Walking along, my heart was drumming hard and fast, my hands were moist, and my hair was feeling itchy. What was the Ministry up to? I was sure this place held a few clues. Carrying on we encountered an arched doorway like the one we came out of. Peering in I saw a similar passageway. It appeared the back wall was built with a number of doors, which meant that, from above, perhaps all the passages leading down, simply led here. We agreed to count them all for some reason. This meant finding one corner and resetting our count to zero. From there we marched to the other end, lucky that no one had come out of any of them.

"That's 30."

"Wow. Why so many?" She wondered. "Does the tax payer subsidize this."

"Perhaps each one belongs to a specific member."

"Maybe they all have their own urinals too." I joked.

I was treated to a tug of my belt robe for the minor misdemeanor of trying to be funny. She followed it with a tap of my ass and an affectionate squeeze. There was rather less love for the expansive room we found ourselves getting lost in. We had walked so far, I was pretty confident that we had passed through Agron long ago having considered that twice already. If we were to break through to the surface above, there might be earth and soil waiting for us I presumed. I conceptualized emerging inside one of those hollow trees and discovering my mother romping with Vespa, with mother on the floor and her neck tugged at by a leash being pulled on by the leggy teen. That was a pleasant time filling thought that gave me instant wood. Lesbian domination sex was certainly something I could easily spend the rest of the day dreaming about. Every time Lani squeezed my hand I was snapped back to reality, which wasn't such a bad place to be.

We both looked at one another and sighed. I scratched my head. It was time to investigate the other side. I took note of the time based on the time I entered Agron. Then it was 9:05 am; but now possibly, near noon or later. Perhaps it held many functions, for events and gatherings. There was plenty of space for groups or individuals to split off and discuss world domination and various conspiracies. We stayed along the walls and walked up. There was no doors on this side. I got the impression, because we could not tell exactly how high the ceiling was, there was every possibility that a big creepy hand could reach out from above, latch onto us like a frogs tongue spitting out without warning and carry us up into the unknown where its lair resided.

My hair was standing up at the back suddenly. Why was I afraid of things that weren't real? But the things that were, affected me too. I remember the childhood nightmare that was recurring.

In it, everything seemed normal. I would wake up, put on my slippers and rub my eyes. After a few yawns and lazy stretches I would make my way to my parents room and normality would end. Standing by the bed would be this goblin like creature. I would run up to my parents who were lying in bed only to find their heads missing. The goblin would laugh and lift up the hem of the bed sheets which he would prompt me to check, but I would freeze, knowing what was there. Once he knew that I was frozen stiff, he would come for me.

It was probably quite funny thinking about it now, but each dream reflected insecurities and exploited them. Maybe it was a mechanism of awareness that allowed us to solve problems when we were awake. In effect, we had to dream in order to evolve.

At the end Lani adjusted her fingers on mine and moved along the final wall on the other side. In the middle was one doorway. Inside everything was dark, except for a thin white strip that led forward in a line. When we stepped on it, we could feel a big draft from below. This was a bridge. We followed it out to a circular landing. There were three other paths but in the middle of this landing was a floating orb with smaller ones orbiting it; golden in color.

"What's this?" I blurted.

"I'm not sure, but I don't think we'll find Lisa here.." Lani guessed.

"No, wait a second." I said approaching the objects. I picked one off its course and my teeth felt like they were vibrating – then my body.

A slit in the orb opened and revealed an eye and when I looked at it I saw through the eyes of another being, somewhere else.

I saw through the eyes of someone getting up, perhaps from a bed. Looking at the room, it looked a lot like mine. But then most of the lodging rooms were identical. Whoever it was got up and walked to the window. I could see a reflection but it was hard to tell. Looked female.

There was a knock on the door and the female figure opened it. A man entered the room. Tall, upturned nose, maybe in his 40's; looked a bit like James Coburn.

The audio on this window was low so I had to listen hard.

"Old habits die hard old man." Spoke Coburn.

Old man?

"I know what I'm doing." She said.

"Where is your daughter?"

"Ask her yourself."

Coburn leaned in and kissed her. She did not stop him.

"How does that feel?"

"Weird. Masculine."

"Do you like it old man?" He asked kissing her again.

"Wait." She said standing up. I could hear a shuffling sound and something stretching and then noticed the shadow of the female had changed – it had grown.

"Try it now." She said, except her voice was now masculine. Did she just transform into a man?

Coburn looked up with a whimsical smile which said "No thanks".

That was good enough. He let go of the orb and it resumed its course.

"What happened?" Lani asked.

"I don't know exactly ... ."

I picked out another orb. The slit opened and I stared into it.

I found myself looking through the eyes of a person inside his or quarters. It was a nice design, reminded me of star trek, except the darkness outside the windows was not the cosmos. The sound of breathing told me this was a man. He walked through to his living room and put down his red robe. He looked down and checked his dick. "Finally gonna get some action." He said with a spring to his step.

"Honey I'm home!" He said and was met by a casually dressed woman who looked like the perfect home maker. She had a tired smile but stretched it out to hide her weariness as best as she could.

"wHAts hApPeNnInG?" Lani said. My link to the orb appeared to effect outside sounds and Lani's voice was up and down.

"I don't know yet." I replied, completely addicted.

The woman hugged her naked husband and told him that she put some dinner away in case they got hungry afterwards. She was referring to some activity they were going to perform. The man took her hand and led her to another room that was dark and only some areas were lit by candles.

"So, I did exactly what you wanted." The woman told him.

"I don't know what I would do without you." He said rubbing his hands together.

I could hear whimpering as they ventured closer to the center of the storage room. The floors were gray cement and a lighted area was abundant with wax. I could hear some ruffling and muffled cries. A figure was hoisted up by leather ropes in a hogtied position. My heart froze as I saw who it was. But how?


"She's been passed about a little over the last few hours honey, but the two guys who I paid said, we had to give her a go."

"How much did they charge?" The woman asked.

"For one hour ... $30."

"Hmm." The wife said checking my mother's teeth. "She's a bit costly."

"Its my treat." The man said getting underneath mum so he could get to her soft pussy.

The woman squatted to meet Ashley's face, and I noticed it did not have the bruise or blotches on it yet. "don't worry darling, we will take good care of you." She said with a sincere smile.

"rObErT?" Lani called.

"Not now!" I rapped.

I knew my mum had been raped and treated like a rack of meat, but I never envisaged it would be so similar to my own fantasies. This was what the red robe meant when he said Ashley would be undergoing a "liability evaluation". It was more akin to a punishable crime I would have thought. My mother was essentially being used like a sex doll, except she was far from lifeless. She offered an interactive experience that customers were willing to pay derogatory sums of money for. So, they did not consider her to be any where near a high class hooker, which I found insulting as I stroked my cock slowly. I mean $30 was nothing – even computer games cost more. On a more associated comparison, hookers in Tibet cost far more. It was amazing what you could learn from watching TV. The low end hookers were charging around $90 and that prompted me to book a flight to Tibet, only to change my mind at the last minute. That was around the same time the priest delivered the coded letter.

I returned my attention to the couple. The orbs were able to capture real time events with those already occurred. Although, I could not be sure about the time period of the first orb I checked.

I could see my mother was suffering with all that equipment attached to her, leaving her unable to speak nor fight. A gag was stuffed in her mouth and the only thing she could do was look afraid, and she seemed to do it very well. I felt a boner coming on. I know it was inconvenient but when was lust ever convenient. I always seemed to get wood at the wrong times, so, I had just learned to get used to it. But now I wanted to do more; I wanted to embrace it.

"Shhh my dear." The noble wife said to my mother while caressing her chin in the most innocent way. "It will all be over soon, I promise." She assured her.

It looked like they were an ordinary couple, but they were just into something a little bit immoral. The husband was bad cop and his wife, good cop. While hubby molested my mother, his wife was there to provide empathy and support to the victim. I felt beads of sweat running down my face and a hand sneaked inside my robe pocket with an aim to reach my excited penis. This was not good – I was getting so turned on by something that was (or had happened) to my mother. This ordinary couple with their dark secret was awesome!

The man licked my mothers pussy and thats all he seemed to be interested in the longer I watched. I was more interested in his wife. she came across as a really nice lady, and despite what she was doing, my opinion of her had not changed.

"Mmphh-Mmpphh!!" My mother spoke through the gag in horror and despair.

"Shhh don't cry." The lady said, wiping my mother's tears like she was tending to a monkey in a cage. She was genuinely caring for Ashley and expressing concern for her anguish. Her husband said something and suddenly I was seeing through her eyes. The orb allowed me to jump between people, which was an impressive feature. I wondered what else it could do?

I could now see the man's head propped up against my mother's cunt, licking away. He held her onto parts of her body harness and tugged it down to bring Ashley's cunt closer to his mouth. His tongue teased the flaps of her outer labia and coerced her into crying more, but not because she was wanting him to stop. I based this assumption on the way her hips were attempting to thrust her vulva out towards him, desperately begging for his tongue. I knew that my mother was not inclined to behave this way, but then she had spent the better half of the day getting anal raped amongst other things. Since she couldn't stop them, so she opted to join them instead. They got her to a point where she wanted to interact as well, but was frustrated by their own preferences which involved a rather more one sided sexual encounter.

"Dear." The man spoke and she picked up something and handed it to him. It was a blue dildo. Very soon mum was murmuring and her lower body jerking furiously to some vicious assualt. All I could see was the mans right sided shoulder jolting rapidly, using his arm like a wild piston. His wife turned her attention to mother, whose eyes were blinking in ecstasy and whose mouth was hanging open, despite the gag ball being inside.

"Mmmpphh!!" Ashley muttered. "Ungh! Ungh! Ungh!" she went after each penetration.

"I'm going to fix you some tea after this." She said caressing my mother. "Unfortunately we don't have time to bathe you, but maybe next time. I mean, I hope you return to us one day. As you can see, my husband really likes you and I am starting to think the world of you myself."


I stroked my dick rapidly, almost believing I was the one saying those things to my mother. It was easy to think you were someone else while looking through one of these contraptions. I could feel my hand slipping away from my slick cock and my robe opening up. Lani could see I was jerking off and decided to help me out. She wrapped her spindly fingers around my cock and she started stroking away, while I brought my hands to my sides.

"Yes! Stroke my dick!" I said through gritted teeth.

The couple were doing a sterling job! Of course it was at the expense of my mother's innocence. she was there to be degraded and sexually abused and she appeared to be conflicted about whether she wanted it or not. It was weird, because my fantasy was playing itself out in front of me but the words were coming out of someone else's mouth.

The lady brushed aside stray hair that was matted on Ashley's face and blew into her face so as to dry off her sweat.

"You are the sweetest girl me and Tom have ever had visit us. That really makes our heart swell with pride." She said adjusting the harness around my mother's chin.

"Mmpphh!!" Ashley cried.

"Tom only likes the most innocent girls. I have to say, you have been very good. You haven't been difficult which is rare for $30. I thought at first you were pricey, but now I think you are worth a lot more. Maybe $10 more. Your body is in great shape. When I was hoisting you up I was very impressed. especially with those beautiful long legs of yours." The lady chatted.

Lani crouched down and put my dick in her mouth. She began sucking relentlessly and my dick was reaching boiling point. If I didn't know better, steam was coming out of my ears.

"Yes!! Treat my mum like shit!!! Ram that dildo up her wet cunt!!!" I yelled.

I'm sure Lani raised an eye brow momentarily because there was this lazy sucking sound that she made which was reminiscent of an infant pulling out of a pacifier. But then she began sucking with more vigor.