The Punk


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Chapter 5

A Day Out and Fantasies

The evening was a whirl of activity, getting herself ready for the following day - the afternoon at the beach, the evening dancing, the night - love-making, she hoped, all night, over and over again - so there was hair to do, make up to organise, clothes to choose and press. Then bed, a bed which suddenly seemed very lonely but, as she closed her eyes and again re-played the scenes that had comforted her during the day, she felt her body responding and, with the help of her feathery fingers she was able to give herself something of the pleasure she had experienced the previous night and then drifted off into a sleep filled with images of his body and his permanently rigid cock.

The day was wonderful - Kerry found that Robert was even more handsome in the daylight, especially since he had washed the stripes out of his blonde hair. From his enthusiastic greeting it was obvious that he had been looking forward to their time together as much as she had and then when she saw the appreciative look in his eye as he stole furtive glances from time to time, she felt sure he thought her more attractive than he remembered too.

They swam, horsed around in the surf, lay on the sand, talking, dozing, walked hand in hand from one end of the bay to the other, watched other people on the beach and laughed at each other's jokes and stories. Kerry couldn't remember when she had felt so happy - and Robert couldn't believe his luck in finding a girl with such a vivacious personality - and who was so marvellous in bed!

Eventually, as the sun began to sink low in the sky, Robert suggested that if she still wanted to go dancing that night they ought to be thinking about getting home to eat and change.

'It's been so lovely, I just don't want to go Robert.'

'There'll be lots more lovely days Kerry.'

She looked him straight in the eyes and asked. 'Do you really think so?' Then smiled happily as he answered emphatically.

'I'm sure so!'

The train home was crowded and they were lucky to get seats. Having to sit opposite each other, crammed up against other people made conversation difficult but after some minutes of silence and more for the sake of saying something than for any particular reason, Robert leaned towards her and said.

'It's amazing when you think about it - this time yesterday we didn't know each other existed and, if it hadn't been for us both being on the same train, we might never have met.'

He hadn't meant to arouse her memories of the attack but he quickly recognised that he had. It was as though a dark cloud had passed across her previously smiling face, blotting out the laughter in her eyes. He rested his hand on her knee and said. 'Sorry Kerry, I didn't mean to stir that up again - it's just, well, you know, I have to keep pinching myself to be sure it's all really happening.'

She didn't answer, she was staring down at his hand, resting on her knee and Robert became aware that beneath it, her leg had started to tremble. He automatically tightened his grip a little, to reassure her, leaning closer to her. 'Are you all right Kerry? Would you rather we got off for a breath of fresh air?' Still she made no answer, her eyes still concentrated on his hand, seeing the whiteness of his knuckles as his fingers gripped her knee. Just the way that other, filthy hand had done yesterday.

She recalled the sense of humiliation as he had forced her legs apart and the gloating tone in his voice as he looked up between them, telling the other thug that he could see her pubic hairs - she remembered his exact words.'Yer should see this Billy - I can see 'er 'airs poking out of the sides of 'er panties. Looks nice it does. We'll 'ave them off in a jiff, get a proper look at 'er cunt then - before we give 'er what she wants.'

Now another hand was gripping her knee, Robert's hand and she suddenly realised that what she was feeling was not a repeat of the fear the attack had caused - but a repeat of the sexual excitement she had felt, beneath and in spite of the fear!

She felt herself blush a deep crimson as she recognised the truth of that thought. She daren't look up, somehow Robert would read her thoughts, the look in her eyes would give her away. What would he think of her - a cheap tart, turned on by a filthy, stinking thug who was probably quite prepared to throw her off the train if he thought it would save his greasy, spotty skin.

Just then the train began to pull into a station and her guilt was interrupted by Robert, pulling her to her feet and almost dragging her through the crowd, to the doors. She followed unprotestingly and as she stepped down on to the platform and took a breath of fresh air she found that although she was still trembling, her head was beginning to clear a little.

'Would you like to sit down for a while - or would you rather we went and found somewhere for a glass of water or a cup of tea? I think you might have had a bit too much sun, don't you?'

He was so considerate and she was relieved to hear him come up with such a plausible reason for her odd behaviour. Kerry finally looked up and gave him a weak smile. 'I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. Perhaps you're right, too much sun and then that crowded carriage. I felt very odd, a bit faint. Let's find a coffee shop or something, then I'll treat us to a cab the rest of the way home.'

They found a quiet little place for coffee and although she was much more silent than usual she managed to give Robert the impression that she was feeling better - but, inside she was still wrestling with the shock of recognising the full extent of her reactions to the previous evening's events. What did it all mean?

When they had finished they found a cab and as she settled back for the drive home Robert again, quite casually rested his hand on her knee. Almost immediately she again began imagining! It was like a day-dream - but much more vivid.

They were in the back of a cab, Robert had hiked her dress up to her waist, she had no panties on and Robert was talking to the driver, who was staring back at her through his rear-view mirror. His eyes were fixed on her gaping pussy, he was licking his lips, beads of sweat were forming on his forehead and upper lip. Robert was asking the driver's opinion of her pussy - had he ever seen such a pretty one before? Pointing out its features, the shape and colour of her outer lips, the delicate, moist pinkness of her inner lips, the way her little clit grew as Robert lightly stroked his fingers over it.

Then, looking over the driver's shoulder, she saw that he had got his cock out, and that while he drove, he continued holding it. It was short, stubby, but very, very thick - she couldn't believe just how thick it was. And its head was like an enormous plum - but bigger than any real plum she had seen. She found herself wondering what it would feel like to touch it - how hot, how hard. Then getting excited by that thought. Felt herself trembling at the mere idea that the driver might do it - begin stroking it - and that while he was doing it, jerking himself off, he kept his eyes firmly fixed on her.

She was brought back to reality by the sound of Robert's voice and the feel of his arm around her shoulder, as he pulled her close. 'Kerry, Kerry - what's wrong? You're shaking like a leaf. Are you feeling sick? Should we stop the cab?'

She mentally shook herself - and although the images flicked off she saw the eyes of the driver looking back at her through his mirror - but they were elderly eyes, their expression one of concern, not lust.

Kerry felt hot, still trembling and, although only she knew it, aroused - her pussy was wet, tingling and her breasts felt tight and full, their nipples erect, sensitive. Again she asked herself - 'What's wrong with me, what's happening to me?'

Robert still had one hand on her knee, she covered it with hers, squeezing it as she answered in a shaky voice. 'No, don't stop. I'll be all right. I'm sorry to be so silly, I really don't know what's got into me.'

She looked up and smiled into the driver's eyes. 'I think I had a bit too much sun - and I didn't get much sleep last night. But I'm O.K.' He nodded and his eyes returned to watching the traffic.

'I hadn't even thought about your lack of sleep last night.' Robert whispered. 'You should have said something, if you needed to catch up we could have put off going to the beach, I wouldn't have minded Kerry.'

She squeezed his hand again and smiled at him. 'I know, to tell the truth I'm not sure just what it is. Maybe it's just the excitement, meeting you, everything that happened last night. I've never experienced anything like that, certainly I've never got so involved with a man as quickly as I have with you. I'm normally quite reserved, slow to respond. But this has been like a whirlwind. I suppose I'm reacting to that - as well as what happened on the train of course.'

'I understand Kerry. I know a bit about how you feel, I've never experienced anything like this before either. It's marvellous!' he added, pulling her closer and kissing her.

Having made sure that she would be all right on her own and that she still wanted to go out that evening, they agreed a time for him to pick her up and, having dropped her off he went on home to shower and change.

Kerry gave a brief sigh of relief as she closed the door behind herself, she needed a little time on her own, to try to sort out what had been happening to her. What on earth had been causing these strange, almost obscene thoughts?

She turned on the bath taps and added a liberal handful of scented beads, she'd have a long soak, relax, both her body and her mind. Leaving the bath to fill she went through to her bed-room and slowly stripped - as she did so, letting her mind wander back over the previous twenty-four hours and the things that had happened to her during them. Things that had begun on the train; that terrible, pimply thug - what he had done to her - how she had reacted to it, the cold, paralysing fear - but, she now admitted to herself, underneath that fear, a subconscious, and purely involuntary arousal.

She shuddered. 'How could I react like that, to such a filthy pig?' Pushing the question from her mind she returned to the bath-room and sank into the hot, fragrant water, closing her eyes, letting her mind just drift. But the question returned. 'How could I react like that?'

Unable - or unwilling to answer it she forced her mind to move on - and found herself thinking about the images that had come to her in the cab. The image of the imaginary taxi driver's eyes, staring at her - of his cock, that incredibly thick cock, the way he was handling it. And, even as she recalled the scene and remembered how she had actually begun to get aroused by her day-dream, she found that it was, even as she lay there in the bath, happening again - she could feel her pussy starting to tingle and, looking down at her breasts, saw that her nipples were becoming swollen, starting to get erect.

She lay back and, closing her eyes let her hands start to wander over her body, feeling the slow rise of her increasing arousal as she caressed the firm swell of her breasts with one hand and let the other drift down across her belly, her thighs and finally, between them. As her fingers worked their magic and her excitement slowly grew she suddenly found she was day-dreaming again - this time it was Robert she was imagining, Robert and his long erect cock.

He was standing beside the bath, looking down at her, watching her as she played with herself. He was smiling as he watched, his hands hanging loosely at his sides - but his cock was erect, enormously erect, its head almost as big as the taxi driver's and a similar, dark plum-red colour - but the shaft was longer, not so thick - but much, much longer.

She suddenly saw that the water in the bath was crystal clear, quite transparent and stopped what she had been doing to herself when she realised that because of that he could see every inch of her and absolutely everything she did. And then she understood that that was exactly what she wanted - she wanted him to be able to see everything, every single hair, to watch her as she got herself off - and that even more than that, she wanted to see him doing it to himself too!

It was as though he had read her thoughts, at the very instant she recognised what it was she wanted him to do, he began to do it! Their eyes met for a moment and an unspoken message passed between them 'I know what you want of me Kerry.' Then she saw his hands slowly rise from where they had hung at his sides and while one supported the heavy sac beneath, the other formed a loose fist around the shaft, just behind the engorged head. She felt her excitement mounting as she realised he was actually going to do it for her - and as her fingers began to tease and caress herself again, she saw his eyes shift, to watch them.

She slid lower in the bath, lifting and spreading her legs wider, giving her hands freer access to herself - watching, wide-eyed, as his hand began to slip slowly up and down the length of his cock. Seeing the way the head bulged, the smooth skin stretched even tighter with each stroke, watching the way the muscles across his stomach and down his strong thighs flexed as he got more and more aroused - from both what he was doing to himself - and from watching her fingers as they moved around and in and out of her pussy.

When she felt the heightening rush inside, she watched him even more intently. It was obvious he was almost there too, his entire body was tensed - his hips thrust forward, making his cock seem even more immense - his face grimacing as the unstoppable pressure rose within him - his cock-head glossy, coated with a thick smear of his pre-cum - his hairy balls tautly swollen, shrunk tightly up against his shaft in preparation for the fountain of semen they would eject any second.

Then her own climax hit her - and, as it hit, her body was forced clear of the water - every muscle locked tight - the sound of her scream echoing around her - and for a brief moment, just as she was sure she would finally see his cock spew its load, the power of what she was experiencing forced her eyes shut. It was only a split-second, she was sure of that - but when they flashed open again, the vision of Robert was gone!

Chapter 6

Recapturing Memories

Kerry flopped back down into the water, sated - but somehow oddly disappointed. But, as minutes passed and she thought through all the strange things she had been experiencing she slowly arrived at an explanation, came to a possible realisation about herself even though at first it was difficult to accept. Everything she had read told her that while some women certainly became sexually aroused by exhibiting themselves, it was men who were the voyeurs, not women. But, whether the attack on the train had been the trigger, or had merely brought to the surface something she had never had reason to understand about herself before. It wasn't only the thought of a man watching her that was exciting - more so was the thought of being able to watch a man - watch a man jerk himself off. And what was even more powerful was the thought of him doing that while he in turn looked at her!

She thought about her discovery while she finished bathing and then began to get ready to go out. If what she had thought was in fact true then there should be clues to it in her past, admittedly few in number, relationships - but she couldn't think of anything. Then, having exhausted that trail she suddenly recalled an event, long ago, in her very early childhood - of the day when she had seen her parents making love, although of course at the time she didn't know what it was they were doing to each other.

They were on holiday, in a caravan, which of course meant there was very little privacy for anyone and her parents were probably nervous about making love even after she had gone to sleep, for fear of waking her by rocking the van with their movements. One afternoon, when they thought she was off playing with some other children they obviously made the most of that opportunity. But she had come back in tears, after being bullied by one of the bigger girls and her parents had been too involved in what they were doing to hear her come into the caravan. She could remember the scene clearly - they had their backs to the door, both naked and her mother was kneeling on their bunk bed, her father was vigorously fucking her from the rear.

Although she had no idea what their actions were about and she somehow thought it might be a sort of punishment for something her mother had done, she seemed to understand it was something she wasn't supposed to know about and she had quietly left the van again.

Then suddenly another scene popped into her head - one she hadn't remembered before and for a moment she thought she was day-dreaming again, creating it herself. But then she recalled the event - and wondered why she had never ever remembered it until that moment.

It was during the same holiday, there was a river nearby and an area where it formed a large pool, where everyone used to go swimming. A little further down-stream the river ran down through a more rocky area, forming a series of cascades and backwaters, she liked that part much more, it was prettier and there was often nobody else there, so she could enjoy it on her own. Her father had told her she shouldn't go there alone, it could be dangerous - but she had figured if she didn't specifically say where she was going he wouldn't worry - and she continued to creep away to it whenever she could.

It had been after lunch one day, when many of the parents in the other caravans put the younger children down for a nap and had a snooze themselves. She had wandered off, not wanting to play with the other children, preferring to have a little time alone in her favourite place. When she got there she was disappointed to see that there was already someone there before her, a man, stretched out on one of the flat rocks beside the river. Looking back, Kerry realised that he had probably been one of the caravanners' eldest children, perhaps in his early twenties but, to a child of her age he was simply another adult.

She stood amongst the surrounding trees, not quite sure what to do, she wanted to go and play but didn't want him there too - maybe if she waited a while he would just get up and go - so she crouched down, hoping that he would. It was only then that she noticed something odd about him - about his swimming shorts, his 'thing' as she called it, seemed funny, not the normal little package that all the men had in their shorts, his was much bigger, as though he had a big, stiff sausage in there instead of his 'thing'.

Looking back, Kerry thought he had probably been dozing in the sun and like most young men, got an erection while he slept, woken and taken the opportunity to have a little quiet pleasure. Something which the little girl in the trees would have known nothing about of course.

The man on the rock stirred, as though her curious eyes had disturbed him and, thinking he might then get up and go, little Kerry waited. Then, to her surprise she saw that his hands were touching his 'thing' and she knew from what her parents had told her, that wasn't a nice thing to do - but in spite of that, her curiosity and the hope that he would leave, kept her there. After he had just sort of squeezed himself for a little while she saw him roll over on his side and look carefully all around - but she was low down, virtually hidden by a bush and he hadn't noticed her. Having satisfied himself that he was alone, he rolled on to his back again and, lifting his bottom off the rock, pulled down his shorts.