The Stallion Pt. 01

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An unwanted wife finds someone who wants her.
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Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/26/2023
Created 02/02/2023
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Maria lay on her bed, sobbing as if her heart would break; actually, it had broken. Her husband, Guido had informed her early that evening that he was leaving. He had told her that he had found someone new, who was younger than she, less buxom than she and someone that he wanted to be with.

Although their marriage had basically disintegrated over the past five years, the pain was no less severe, and she sobbed until there were no more tears left.

Maria was now thirty-eight years old. She had met her husband Guido while they attended the Brooklyn Campus of Long Island University on Flatbush Avenue. They had classes together in Biology which she had majored in, and he was a Chemistry major. After graduating at nineteen, she and Guido had gotten married. He got a job as a chemist, and she accepted employment at a high school teaching Biology. He was five years older than she.

Guido was always sort of selfish, but she tolerated his macho Italian persona as she was used to that in her neighborhood. Most of the Italian guys in Canarsie sported the same conduct and treated their wives the same way. They bossed them around, knocked them up and complained how they had to work so hard supporting them.

She was one of the few working wives in their neighborhood as many just kept house. As a result, she had the opportunity to meet people of different ethnic backgrounds and cultures and found herself far less bigoted than Guido and his friends. He and his friends liked calling Puerto Ricans, "Spicks," Jews "Hymies," and many, many names for black people all of which were despicable.

Two years after marriage, she had her first child, a boy. Guido was ecstatic and boasted to all his friends how good a fucker he was. He crowed that Maria had gotten pregnant and had a first-born son, who was named after him. The following four years produced two more children, Lisa and Anita. By that time, Maria had put on twenty pounds, mostly on her breasts and hips and Guido having proved his manhood to himself, lost interest in his raven-haired wife.

They rarely had sex anymore and when they did, it was mostly when he returned home drunk from hanging out with his friends. He would often find her in bed asleep and would yank her nightie up at the back, insert himself into her and before she was even half awake, he would cum, roll over and go to sleep leaving her bottom all coated with his slimy batter. She would get up from bed, go to the bathroom and clean herself off before resuming sleep, feeling totally frustrated as she was always just beginning to warm up when he came.

If truth were told, Maria never really enjoyed sex with Guido. His "thing," was about four inches long and reminded her of a Vienna sausage. All of his boasting about his virility was just that. Sex with him never lasted more than five minutes from start to finish. In their nineteen years of marriage, she had probably cum twice, and both times was when he had mounted her after she had been quietly masturbating in bed.

Her story was no different from that of most of her friends, who shared similar experiences and suffered the same fate. There was no one really to talk to about her married life and its downward spiral. Her running buddy Paula was in the same situation too but solved her problem differently. She sought comfort in other men's arms and kept telling Maria that she too needed to get a little bit of "strange." Maria would only laugh and tell Paula that if her husband, Guiseppi, ever found out, she would be dead meat.

"You're just an old ho," Maria would teasingly tell her, and Paula would laugh and say,

"Damn right, an old ho getting some regular cock."

Paula believed that Guiseppi didn't care what she did, as long as his food was ready when he came home. She kept telling Maria that she was searching for a good, steady stallion, one to fuck her into oblivion regularly. Maria would just shake her head and say a few "Hail Mary's" chuckling as she envisioned this stallion fucking Paula into oblivion.

She learned from others that talking to the priest at her church was a waste of time. Father Felipe was apparently only interested in getting donations for the church and listening to confessions. Many of her girlfriends thought that they could hear him huffing and puffing in the booth, while they confessed, and felt that he was jerking off to the more salacious ones. Most didn't mind that though, because at least he was not trying to seduce their young sons.

Maria's school was one of the more progressive areas in her community. Jews, Asians, Blacks and Latinos all worked together as teachers, trying to impart knowledge and guidance to their charges. Generally, they all respected one another. It wasn't an easy job as many of the kids had no parental guidance and saw no need for a good education.

Every now and then, a gem would come through and they all combined their skills in helping that child to achieve at the highest level. They had the satisfaction of seeing some from all ethnic groups go on to college and succeed. Unfortunately, too many fell by the wayside adding to Brooklyn's crime and underachieving statistics.

Many times, she had to turn for advice to Ralph Bender, a fellow teacher, in dealing with some of the young black males that she taught. He was also a graduate of LIU and she had known him as a fellow student. He was smart, dedicated and it didn't hurt also that he was easy on the eyes. He was 6'4", and in her mind, epitomized what dark and handsome really meant. He wasn't overly bulky but had a very muscular body, very dark skin but oh so smooth! She had never seen a blemish on his face. His moustache was always short and neatly trimmed as was his goatee, which looked so sexy now with small flecks of gray in it. He was always well put-together. His advice was always helpful and honest, and she grew to trust his judgment in other matters too. He was a friend whenever she was in need.

Like many sexy women, she was unaware that her smooth olive skin and jet-black hair, coupled with a very mature broad ass and thick thighs made her still a very attractive woman. Since Guido didn't want her anymore, she assumed that nobody else did, especially since she was now in her forties.

Ralph Bender had noticed her but kept his thoughts and longing to himself. He loved that big ass and often imagined himself with his cock sunk deep into her as she trembled under him as orgasm after orgasm washed over her. Never in a million years did he think that Maria had similar thoughts.

Over the years, she could tell that he knew when she was upset or having a hard time with Guido, but he never probed or tried to get into her business. Sometimes she would ask him questions about relationships using examples of other friends' situations but really asking for herself. He would always listen patiently and give her advice that she could use. He was never judgmental and appeared to understand and empathize with her situation.

Once in a while, they would be in school after hours together and would chat about life and things in general. Once she had asked him, how come he wasn't married. He had laughed and said,

"Well, know for one, I am not gay, even though you didn't ask."

Her face had turned red as the thought had occurred to her. He then told her that he had been hurt badly by someone that he had trusted and had decided never to give himself to anyone that way again. Before she realized it, she blurted,

"Oh, my, that is a shame. Some woman somewhere is really missing out!"

He looked at her and his gaze made her slightly uncomfortable, but not as uncomfortable as the huge mound that lay between his legs. She apologized for her outburst, and he was silent for quite a while. Finally, he said,

"There is only one woman who has really captured my fancy since that time, but she is already taken."

Maria had no idea whom he was talking about but had the good sense to let the conversation end there.

Six months after Guido had left, both Lisa and Anita graduated from college and joined their brother in the work world. Young Guido was working in Chicago, Anita had gotten a job and moved to California and Lisa lived with her boyfriend in Manhattan.

Maria was now an empty nester, at home alone but still a lusty Italian woman with meat on her bones and a strong sexual appetite. She noticed that somewhere in the last twenty years the prototype of alluring women had changed to skinny assed women with no tits and little asses and few Italian men even looked at her anymore. She observed that many black men did though.

At Paula's recommendation, she had purchased many sex toys through mail order and her "friends" helped her through some horny times. Her favorite, unknown to Paula was a fat, black cock, about eight inches long and quite thick. Its base was a suction cup that she would attach to the shower wall and when horny, she would fuck herself until she collapsed in the bathtub. She burned out many vibrators, and Paula always teased her about causing blackouts in Brooklyn. Sometimes she wished that she were black and could get the real thing.

At forty-two, she was five foot two, one hundred and thirty-five solid pounds, most of which resided in her breasts, ass and thighs. Her tummy had a slight pouch, residual from having three kids and nothing that she did, seemed to eliminate it.

To her great chagrin, she had a dream one night about Mr. Ralph Bender. He was riding her through several orgasms, her legs perched upon his muscular shoulders, with what appeared to be a great, big and very black cock. It was hitting spots in her vagina, pounding her in a way that Guido had never been close to, and she woke up cumming.

"Oh my, God," she shuddered, "I'd love to be fucked like that!"

She had never seen Ralph's cock, so she didn't know if it were as big as she imagined but the front of his slacks seemed to corroborate the thought. Never before had she even considered an interracial affair. This wasn't because she was prejudiced, she was far from that, but she hadn't ever thought of being unfaithful to Guido. Guido was now gone, however, and infidelity was no longer an issue.

She remembered some of her younger female colleagues referring to someone on staff as "BCB" and after inquiry discovered that it stood for "Big Cock Bender." She was so embarrassed that she couldn't speak, and the young girls laughed at her discomfiture. To her, today's young women seemed to have little filter, and often in the lunchroom she overheard conversations between them as to who on the staff they would fuck, who had a big cock and how much they loved sucking cock. She never heard Bender's name discussed as a conquest, however, even though many of them said that they would love to ride him.

Unbeknownst to them, however, she had also thought that Ralph had a big cock and wondered how different it would feel in her from Guido's little pink Vienna sausage.

The week before Thanksgiving, school was dismissed at noon as a huge snowstorm was set to dump feet of snow onto the Brooklyn streets. The school buses had come and gone, those students who drove had left and most of the staff had gone home.

As Maria packed her work up and prepared to head to the parking lot, she heard a deep baritone voice singing softly. Mesmerized, she listened quietly and when she stepped out of the staff room, she saw Ralph also on his way out.

"Hey, Ralph," she called out, "I didn't know that you could sing. You have a wonderful voice."

Ralph chuckled and said,

"I'm really a shower singer but my friends like to hear me croon sometimes."

Before she realized it, she sighed,

"I love your voice, you could croon for me anytime."

Ralph smiled and looked at her. She saw his eyes caress her breasts and drifts downwards to her thick thighs and ass. A ripple fluttered in her belly.

"Maybe I will sometime," Ralph responded.

"I..I...I..uh..uh didn't mean to r-r-rea ll -- yy ask you to do-d-do that," she stuttered.

He laughed softly and that deep voice rumbled inside of her causing a warm gush of moisture between her thighs.

When they got to the parking lot, most of the cars had left and the snow had started to swirl with large flakes. Ralph stood with her as she got into her car and cranked it. After several attempts, to start her car the engine wouldn't turn over. She had been meaning to get a new battery but hadn't made it to the repair shop yet and the cold had done the rest.

"Shit," she fussed, "this car is just like the man who gave it to me. Useless!"

After several tries, Ralph said,

"If it won't cause you a problem, I could give you a lift home."

"Why would it cause a problem?" Maria asked.

"Well, I am black man, and you are an Italian woman and not everyone in your neighborhood is ok with you and me being alone in a car and me driving you up to your house."

"Oh please," Maria responded, "I couldn't care less what my neighbors think."

"You sure?" Ralph asked.

"Ralph Bender, what did I just tell you?" she huffed.

"Well, I don't want to get my balls cut off in your neighborhood," he laughed.

"If you don't help me, you won't have to worry about anyone in my neighborhood cutting your balls off, I will do it myself!" Maria threatened.

Ralph laughed loudly and said, "OOoo you are a mean woman!"

"You keep messing with me and you will find out," Maria responded, and they both laughed.

This was the first time that any conversation between them had been overtly sexual, and they both realized that they had crossed a line.

"Come on, then" Ralph said, "I'll take you home."

Maria picked up her purse and folders off her car seat that she was carrying home with papers to grade and followed Ralph to his car. He opened the passenger door for her, and she slid into the seat, thinking that Guido had never once opened a door for her in the past ten years. Ralph drove a large SUV. The seat was so comfortable that she sank back into it and it seemed to embrace her lush backside. He started the car and punched a button and almost immediately her ass started to feel warm.

"Let me know if it gets too hot," he said,

"Last time my dad sat over there he complained that the heat burned his nuts!!"

They both laughed at the vision of his elderly father yelling about burnt nuts.

She started singing, "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire," and they broke down with laughter.

Maria also wondered if Ralph had big balls too and how they would feel in her mouth. She squeezed her thighs together and sat silently with her thoughts.

She gave Ralph directions to her home, and he started out for Canarsie. After a few blocks, sleet started to coat the streets and windshield and Ralph had reduced his speed to almost walking.

Snow ploughs were dropping salt and sand to keep the roads passable, but it was slow going.

Finally, Ralph said,

"My home is just down the block would you mind if we stopped there and allow the ploughs to work and continue later. Its getting really icy out here."

At first, Maria did not want to, but seeing some vehicles begin sliding and realizing how bad the streets were rapidly becoming, she agreed.

Five minutes later, Ralph pulled up in front of a beautiful brownstone building. He parked and carefully stepped out of the car and walked around to the passenger side to help Maria out. As she stepped out, purse in hand and in her high heels, both of her feet shot from under her, and she ended up in Ralph's arms. She grabbed onto him, and he grabbed her. Without a word, picked her up, slammed the door with his hip and headed for the front door. He put her down on the top step.

Maria didn't even have time to protest but she enjoyed the feeling of being in Ralph's arms pressed up against his muscular chest. Guido was always pudgy and never even tried to pick her up even when she was a lot thinner. Her heart was pounding as she tried to calm herself.

Ralph unlocked the front door and she stepped from the cold icy wind into the warmth of his home. It looks like a man's house, she thought, and she couldn't help but think how much nicer it would look with a woman's touch.

Ralph stomped the snow and ice from his shoes and welcomed Maria by saying,

"Well, this is where I hang out."

"Very nice," Maria murmured.

She observed that even though he was not expecting company, the house was clean, neat and inviting.

He toed his wet, cold shoes off on the door mat. She stepped out of her heels and padded across the carpeted floor in her stockinged feet. He led her into the kitchen area, where he invited her to sit on one of the stools located in the breakfast nook. As she slid onto the stool, her dress rode up exposing two firm, solid thighs. She looked up in time to see Ralph turning away as he too had seen them and wondered what he was thinking.

He opened the refrigerator and said,

"I've got some chili that I made last night, and it will help us to get warm. Want some?"

"Sounds like just what I need," she replied.

Ten minutes later they were sitting eating chili, watching the television reporters talking about the condition of the roads, and the severity of the storm.

Maria took the opportunity to call her Mom to tell her that she was ok but that she was not at home, so that she wouldn't worry. She also called her bosom buddy Paula to tell he where she was. Paula laughed and said,

"You at Ralph's place? Are you going to try to get some of that big dick?"

"Please, Paula," Maria said, "You are incorrigible. I'll just be here until the road gets cleared."

"That doesn't mean that you can't get a little dick while you're there. You haven't had any in months," Paula shot back.

"Goodbye, Paula," Maria sang to her friend who chuckled and said,

"Don't turn down a dick offer now!"

Maria clicked the cellphone off and smiled to herself.

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DeeannamontanaDeeannamontana7 months ago

You got my attention...I will read some more of the series, later.

The name of the story caught my attention, because that's what I always call men who are well endowed, handsome and rugged.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Nice story, hopefully it gets hotter. I'm Irish not Italian but grew up with the same family attitudes and issues, where women were the 2nd fiddle and everything was geared to my brothers. What's also nice about this story is that I'm from Nassau County so I'm familiar with Queens and Brooklyn.

HotdiggitydogHotdiggitydog12 months ago

Good setup. You got me interested. I'll read on

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great start!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What a lovely love story. These two are such grand people, so kind and gentle with each other, Ralph a perfect gentleman, well-bred, and considerate. Maria is a woman in need of attentive loveling after the disappointing Guido. Please bring Ralph and Maria together in that bed -- let them strip each other , he to reveal (hopefully) some sexy chest hair in addition to a sizable black cock, she to reveal her woman's body in need of his loving attention. You have a real gift here for story telling.

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