The Switch Hitter


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He started out by buying straight fuck magazines but as time went by, he gravitated to only gay and bisexual ones. He'd been so nervous the day he bought his first gay fuck book, his legs barely supported him as he walked to the counter to pay for it. Without looking up, he'd put his money on the counter. He was positive his parents would jump out and disown him. In reality, the grizzled, bald-headed man behind the counter barely looked up from the fuck book he was reading when he took his money. Jimmy left the store as fast as possible. Outside on the sidewalk, with busy shoppers brushing past him, he shoved the brown paper sack under his shirt. He took the first bus home and didn't pull his treasure out from under his shirt until he was behind his locked bedroom door. He jack-off several times before falling asleep.

"How did I miss these?" he silently wondered when he first discovered the section of cross-dressing and transvestite magazines. "Damn," he muttered. He'd never seen anything like them before. He had no idea men could have real, honest to goodness tits! "So damn beautiful and hot," he thought as he looked at the erotic young men dressed in sexy lingerie. He loved how their hard cocks looked encased in silk or satin panties and was jealous that they had such beautiful hair and got to wear skirts and dresses. He couldn't believe he'd never been aware of this whole world of deviation. 'How did they get tits,' he asked himself. 'They look so real.' He tried to imagine what it would feel like to have tits AND a cock! He'd planned on buying one of the magazines before he left but first he wanted to jack off in one of the booths. When he came out twenty minutes later, there were several creepy men standing in front of the magazines he wanted to buy. He quickly left but he now had a whole new world to fantasize and jerk-off about. After having a scare when his mother surprised him by cleaning his room when he wasn't home, he started hiding his cache of magazines between the stacks of newspapers in the garage.

It wasn't until weeks later that he had the opportunity to get back to the bookstore. This time he went right to cross-dressing section. His cock was already hard. No one was near him and he stood and stared at young and pretty boys wearing girl's clothes while sucking a cock or getting fucked. He loved how they looked in nylons and panties and especially their beautiful tits. He'd never tried anything of his mother's on before but he'd been thinking about it daily. He was still a virgin and had never known the joys of straight sex much less oral or anal. He knew he wanted to suck a cock but it would have to be with the right guy. He still wasn't sure about anal sex though but he hadn't ruled it out.

The only thing that bothered him, maybe even intimidated him was the size of all the men's cocks in the magazines. His little circumcised cock was nowhere near as big. The men were all so huge and made him wonder, 'do you have to have a huge cock to want to suck a one?'

His next trip found him in a video booth. He'd been thinking about how hot it would be to have someone watch as he jerked-off. Today he was watching two guys fuck a girl when he caught a glint, a reflection of light from the waist high hole in the wall of the booth next to his. Even though it was fairly dark, he panicked, turned his body, and stuffed his cock back in his pants. He stared at the hole, waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. It took him a few seconds to realize it was an eye he was looking at.

'Fuck,' he said calming down a little; relieved it wasn't a rat. The eye blinked, didn't move away. A man's voice. "Can I watch you jack off?" He sounded normal, not rough or scary.

Jimmy didn't say or do anything. The movie ended and the booth was thrown into pitch blackness. He hadn't cum yet and he would have to put in more quarters if he was going to. The sign outside the booth said that if you weren't watching a movie, you had to leave. Even though he knew the eye was still there, he still wanted to jack-off. He pulled his cock out in the dark and began stroking it. He was as hard as ever in a matter of seconds. 'What the fuck,' he said and dropped more quarters in the machine. The movie started and the booth was immediately illuminated. The eye was still there.

"That's it, jack-off for me, I really want to watch you cum," the voice said.

Jimmy relaxed a little. He knew he wanted to do this but it was still a little scary. He stared at the screen. Two men were fucking a girl. The guy doing the fucking was also sucking his friends cock. Jimmy watched in awe as the guy came in his buddy's mouth. He thought about how hot it would be to fuck a girl and suck a cock at the same time. He forgot about the eye and kept jerking off.

"You've got a beautiful cock," the husky voice said.

Jimmy felt his cum boiling. 'I'm jerking-off in front of someone,' he told himself and stroked faster. He'd never been so turned on. Instead of looking at the screen, he was now staring at the eye that was watching him.

"Fuck," he softly moaned when he began to cum. Cum shot out of his cock, landed on the wall, his hand was covered. It was a powerful orgasm, one of his best. It had felt like he was never going to stop. His cock didn't even go soft when he was done. The eye looked like it was smiling at him.

"Thanks, that was incredible." the voice said. "You've got a beautiful cock."

Jimmy almost thanked him.

The voice asked, "Want to watch me?"

Jimmy didn't answer. He zipped up and quickly left the store. He forgot that he hadn't bought anything.


On his next visit, he promised himself that no matter what, he was going to buy one of the cross-dressing magazines. There was a well-dressed man about his father's age standing right in front of the magazines he wanted to buy. He waited for him to leave. When after a few minutes he hadn't left, he moved closer. The man looked nice, expensive suit, white shirt, tie, nice shoes, short grayish hair like his dads or his Uncle Eddy's. Normal.

'What the heck, he's looking at the same stuff I look at so he can't be too weird or perverted. He doesn't look gay either,' Jimmy thought. But then, he'd never actually met a gay man so he really had no idea what one looked like or should look like.

He grew curious about the man. He inched closer along the display of fuck magazines, pretended to be engrossed with the gay magazine he was holding. He turned it over without seeing it, peered at the man out of the corner of his eye. He watched as he took another magazine from the shelf, look at the front cover and then the back before putting it back. Jimmy saw the smile on his face and edged closer. He wondered if the man got as hard as he did when he looked at guys with tits wearing lingerie and sucking a cock or getting fucked by a huge one. He felt his body heat up. He was so excited that it became difficult to breath normally. He was finally close enough now to see what the man was looking at. Two young guys in panties and nighties were on the cover. Their lingerie was so sheer that you could see their cocks and tits beneath. They were really nice tits too, big and heavy with incredibly pink nipples, just the kind he thought he'd like. They were rubbing their cocks against each other's; smiling like it was the most wonderful thing in the world to do...something he wished he could do.

Jimmy wondered if they guy was married, looked to see if he was he wearing a wedding band. He couldn't tell. 'He looks normal, just like me,' Jimmy thought as he tried to convince himself that the man was nice. 'He's just a normal guy that likes the same stuff I do,' he told himself. Instead of moving closer or walking behind him, he went around the other way, came down the aisle from the other side. This time he didn't stop until he was just a few feet away from the man. His ring finger had a large gold band around it. 'He's married,' Jimmy silently smiled. For some reason knowing he was made him feel better, like it was safe to be near him. He grew confident knowing the man was married but still liked looking at kinky gay, cross-dressing guys too. He glanced at the man's face, thought him handsome. That's when he saw that the magazine was out of its plastic wrapper.

'Damn, how'd he get so lucky to find one open?' They were supposed to be sealed. As he watched wide-eyed, the lucky man slowly paged through it, pausing to look at each of the young guys wearing skirts, bras, and panties as they sucked each other's cock. He could feel his cock getting harder. From the smile on the man's face, he could tell he really liked what he was looking at. As if drawn in like a moth to the bright light, he inched closer. He took a side long look at the man and suddenly realized he was looking at him, smiling at him. Jimmy quickly turned away.

"Pretty hot stuff," the man said looking directly at him. He was holding the magazine open, inviting him to join him.

"Huh?" Jimmy blushed, didn't look, felt his heart pounding, nervous, thought about running out of the store.

"I said they look pretty hot, don't they?" His voice was warm, confident, inviting, vaguely familiar. He took a half step closer. The magazine was open for him to see. "Check it out. It was already open." As if that made it ok to look.

Jimmy, his eyes on his shoes, slowly drew them up to the open magazine. He was still too nervous to look at the two beautiful boys. The man stepped closer. The magazine was right in front of his face now. The boys both had fabulous tits and were wearing heels and nylons, nothing else. They were both sucking a different cock.

He wanted to say something...anything. Finally he did. "Ah, I, yeah, I guess." He turned away, embarrassed to admit that he thought two guys with tits sucking a cock looked hot.

"Me too, I think they're both incredibly beautiful. Don't you just love how hot they look in panties and how about those tits! Those are to die for!" He didn't wait for an answer, as if he knew Jimmy agreed. He turned the page, stopped to look. Each boy was getting fucked now. Their perfect tits hung down as the bent at the waist. He spoke in a low voice and said, "Now that's really something. Look at their faces, they really love it."

Jimmy looked, swallowed hard and with a hushed voice said, "Yeah, I bet they do."

"Ever been with anyone like them?" The man's probing blues eyes held Jimmy's.

"Been with?"

"You know, with a guy that wears panties, wears girls stuff like these guys?"

"No...never!" He almost blurted out that he had NEVER been with anybody!

The man's arm brushed up against Jimmy's. He held the magazine closer. When he spoke, his voice was lower and friendly. "Have you been with many men?" The way he asked made it sound so normal, like he was inquiring if he had ever eaten ice cream, like it was the most natural question in the world to ask a stranger.

"Me? No, well not...many, no," Jimmy managed to mumble. He almost turned and ran. He stood still though, too scared to leave, too curious to run. He felt the man's presence draw him in closer. He enjoyed the pressure of his arm against his. It felt nice. "Why?"

"I don't know, just wondering. The way you were looking at them, I just figured you might have." Neither said anything for a few long seconds. Jimmy kept his eyes on the open magazine, not seeing.

"I just like looking," Jimmy managed to say.

The man spoke directly to him now. "Did you notice that they have movies back there featuring cross-dressers and transvestites? Every check them out?"

", not yet but other ones," Jimmy stuttered. He'd never gone into the strictly gay booths. "I go in but not those."

"You should check them out if you like this kind of stuff, their pretty hot," the man said smiling warmly at him.

The back of the man's hand touched Jimmy's. He felt an electric jolt of excitement. Jimmy caught his cologne; it reminded him of his father. "Yeah, maybe I will sometime."

He pushed the magazine into Jimmy's hands. "Here, I can see you really want to look at this one. I'm going to buy it but I'll leave this one with you so you can check it out." He gave Jimmy a knowing wink and said, "Don't get caught with an open magazine, you'll have to pay for it."

"Thanks." He took the magazine. His hands were shaking. He gripped it so hard he almost ripped a page.

"No problem." He held up his copy of the magazine. "I'm going to head back to work and jack-off looking at mine." Again, the casualness disarmed Jimmy. He made it sound like the most natural thing in the world to tell another guy he was going to beat off looking at boys with tits getting fucked.

"Neat." Jimmy felt the muscles in his athletic shoulders relax now that he knew the man was leaving, wished he wasn't, wanted to talk more. A genuine smile crept across his face. He'd never met anyone that admitted jacking-off or looked at this kind of stuff. "That's pretty far out. Have fun."

"I will."

He smiled at the man, wished again he wasn't leaving, thought for the first time that he'd found someone that understood him, someone that like the same things he did. He wanted to tell him he jacked-off looking at them too. His cock was pressed against the front of his pants, begging for attention. He snuck a look at the front of the man's slacks. He couldn't tell if he was hard or not, his suit jacket was in the way but he bet he was. Without thinking and before he lost his nerve, he blurted out, "I do that too."

The man stopped, stepped closer and smiled knowingly. "Yeah, I bet you do." He gave him a meaningful wink and said, "All guys love to jack-off but not all guys are like you and me, we're special, we love jacking-off looking at sexy boys with tits." He tapped the magazine in Jimmy's hand and said, "This really trips my trigger, guess it does you too." The voice sounded so familiar. He kept his eyes on Jimmy's and suddenly steered the conversation in another direction. "Watching another guy jack-off is pretty hot don't you think?"

"Yeah, it is," Jimmy said in a low, unsure voice. He liked how the man was talking to him as if he were a grown up instead of a kid. He didn't want to admit he never had but remembered how exciting it had been to jack-off with that guy watching.

The man put his hand on Jimmy's shoulder, a light touch first, then a squeeze. "I really like watching a good looking guy jack-off. Maybe we could go into one of the booths sometime and watch each other." He leaned closer. "Would you like to watch me jack- off?"

Jimmy nodded automatically. He looked both ways, afraid someone might hear him when he said, "Yeah I would. I'd like that a lot." He wanted to tell him so much, how he'd never watched another guy jerk-off but had let one watch him once, how excited that had made him. He felt his cock throb as he remembered how hard he'd cum with the eye watching him.

The hand squeezed his shoulder again. He looked at his watch. "I have a little time, want to do it right now?" He pointed at the front of Jimmy's pants. "I can tell you're as hard as I am." He pulled open his suit jacked and thrust out his hips. His erection tented the front of his slacks. "Shall we?" His hand guided Jimmy towards the rear of the store and the video booths.

"Okay," Jimmy said as he allowed himself to be lead to the back of the store. He'd never had a guy show hard to him before. It was exhilarating. As if in a trance, he walked towards the video booths. They stopped outside, both gay booths were empty. Jimmy didn't move. He wondered which one he should enter.

"They're both showing cross-dressing movies, you choose."

Dry mouthed, he just stared for a moment. "That one I guess," he finally said, nodding to the first booth.

"Good choice. I've jacked-off in that one several times while watching pretty girly boys fucking and sucking cock." He let that sink in, watched for Jimmy's reaction. "It really turns me on seeing guys with tits taking a dick in their pussies. I guess it does you too."

"Yeah," Jimmy nodded timidly, allowed a smile to form on his face. "It does me too." He felt less nervous now and spoke up with more confidence. "It really turns me on." He wanted to do this and he wanted to do it with this guy.

The man laughed. "Good, then let's have some fun and jack-off watching some pretty boys getting fucked. Sound like fun?" He opened the door for Jimmy and guided him in.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun," Jimmy said. He hoped he didn't sound stupid or immature. He went to shut the door but the man followed him in. "What are you doing? Aren't you going into the other booth...the hole?" Panic filled his voice. He was ready to bolt.

"Calm down, I thought it would be more fun if we were in the same booth and could really watch each other when we jacked-off. You'd like that wouldn't you? You want to really be able to see my cock while I'm jacking-off don't you? I know I sure do want to see your cock when you cum." His hand gently caressed Jimmy's shoulder and back. When Jimmy didn't object, he gently guided him further into the booth. He shut the door behind them. The lock clicked.

"I guess I do." He felt trapped. The booth was small, pitch black. He could hear heavy breathing, couldn't tell if it was him or the man.

"Of course you do, it's much more fun than looking through those holes."

"I guess," Jimmy weakly agreed. How could he have misunderstood him like that? He took a deep breath, then realized he really did want to be in the same booth. All it took was remembering how hot it had been to jack-off with that guy watching to dissolve the last of his qualms. Suddenly the idea of beating-off next to another man didn't seem so scary. 'What could happen, we're in a store, I could just yell if he did anything weird."

"I'm not gay," Jimmy said.

"I'm not either. I'm just like you. I just get off watching cute guys with tits getting fucked or sucking a cock. I guess that makes me bisexual. How about you?"

"Yeah, I like watching them too," Jimmy nervously admitted. He didn't know what to answer about being bisexual. He tried to see the man's face, wondered again if he was in trouble, in danger. He decided he wasn't. He rolled over in his mind what being bisexual meant. Without admitting he was a virgin, he said, "I guess I am too."


"Yeah," Jimmy said without explaining that he'd never had sex. "I guess I'm bisexual."

"I thought you might be. What's your name by the way? My name's John."

"Roger. Roger Doger." Jimmy had no idea where that came from.

A chuckle. "Well Roger the Doger, lets watch some cute boys get fucked and jack-off together. By the way, you are eighteen aren't you?

"Of course."

"Good." John put enough coins in the machine for at least twenty minutes. The booth was too small for both of them to sit so they stood shoulder to shoulder. The little room came to life when the movie started. He watched John take off his suit jacket and hang it up on nail behind them. They were facing the screen, hips pressed firmly up against each other. Jimmy heard the raspy sound of a zipper being opened. He froze, stared numbly at the screen.

"I have my cock out. Are you going to take yours out Roger?"

"Yeah, of course," Jimmy said. He looked down; the man was holding his cock. He wasn't completely hard yet. His hand was moving over it, up and down. His first cock. He was circumcised. He was looking at his first real cock and it was normal size, not huge like the guys in the magazines. He let out a relieved sigh and pulled his zipper down.

"What was that for?"

"Your cock, you're normal." He realized how that sounded and quickly explained, "It's really nice, not huge like in the guys in magazines." Jimmy almost giggled in relief. He pulled out his cock. He was already hard.