The Switch Hitter


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With John's money in his pocket, he cruised the magazine aisles again and went right to the cross-dressers section. He picked out two. Walking cockily to the front counter, he calmly dropped them on the counter and boldly said, "I'll take these two."

Needing a shave, the uninterested eyes of the owner looked up. He recognized Jimmy. He didn't know his name but he knew he'd been coming in for years, probably under age back then. He could care less. The kid had never caused trouble. He gave Jimmy a new look of respect now though. He tapped the magazines. "Good choice." I like both of these," he said giving Jimmy a knowing leer. "Love jerking-off to them." He held up a copy of one of the he was looking at. It was one of the ones Jimmy was purchasing. With a Boston accent, he said, "Next time yous comes in, just ask, I've got some really good ones out back...too hot to put on the shelf if you knows what I mean. I knew yous was into gay stuff but I didn't know yous was into the girly boy stuff or sucking cock." He paused then added, "Didn't know you knew Mr. Heller either. I'd have said something before." He gave Jimmy a toothy smile and stuffed the magazines inside the plain brown bag. "Enjoy."

Mr. Heller?" Jimmy innocently asked. He wasn't sure he should deny the part about sucking cock so said nothing.

"Yeah, the guy you were so noisily blowing in the booth. He's the assistant district attorney. I figured if he trusts you, I can you too."

"Oh, I didn't catch his name."

He laughed. "Maybe not but he sure did like you sweetheart. Come in anytime kid, I can use good-looking guys like you hanging out, brings in all the suits if they know they can get sucked off on their lunch hour."

Jimmy didn't denying what he'd done with John or that he definitely was going to be back in to suck more cocks. "Thanks, I will." Almost out the door, Jimmy turned. "I've been coming here for years. You've never so much as even looked at me much less spoken to me, so how come so buddy, buddy now?"

He held up the cross-dressing magazine. "Like I said, we like the same stuff and any friend of Mr. Heller's is a friend of mine. He held out his hand. "Names Ernie, Ernie Kavits, me and the wife, Molly own this place and the Rialto down the street."

Feeling older than he was, Jimmy held out his hand. "Nice to meet you, Ernie, my name's Jimmy Cougar and I really like your place, the Rialto too. I've only been there a couple of times but it's really neat."

Ernie laughed and pointedly said, "Bet you've sucked a cock or two off over there too."

Jimmy liked Ernie and felt comfortable telling him, "Just jerked off." He wished he had more to admit to. He liked Ernie, thought he was alright.

"So you says kid," Ernie joked. "Well if you're heading that way now, tell my wife, Molly I said you was okay and to comp you in. She'll probably be at the ticket window. She have a problem with that, tell her to call me."

"Thanks Ernie, that's really nice of you."

He didn't mention that he already met Ernie's wife. He'd met her by accident weeks ago. He'd been about a block from the theater when he saw this really kitschy looking, fiftyish, bleached blond woman knocked off her feet by a street person pushing a grocery cart full of his belongs. Molly was a big woman, a little overweight but in a sexy way. He liked how soft and round she was all over. She also had a mouth on her that could make a sailor blush. She was stringing together a dozen cuss words at the bum when he stopped to help her.

"Are you alright ma'ma? Let me help you up. " Molly's dress had ended up around her waist. She wasn't wearing underwear and Jimmy found himself looking right at her pussy, a large red gash surrounded by a mound of even redder pubic hair. He was in awe. It was the first real live pussy he'd ever seen and he couldn't take his eyes off of her cunt.

"Yeah, sure, if you can manage pull your eyes out of my pussy," she'd crudely said. She didn't seem to be in a hurry to cover up and let Jimmy look for a few more wonderful seconds before half-heartedly pulling her dress down. "Fucking wino," she said looking at the homeless man that was half a block away now. "Hope you freeze this winter, you scum bucket," she screamed.

Jimmy thought she was funny as well as pretty, but that maybe she was wearing too much make-up and her oversized jewelry was sort of cheap and gaudy, but she somehow she made it all work. He decided she looked hot in her own way. Her huge round tits fought to be free of her dress as she struggled to her feet. She wasn't wearing a bra. Jimmy figured she had to be at least a 40D cup.

"Take my hand," Jimmy offered. As he helped her up, several of her buttons popped open and most of both of her boobs jumped free of her dress. Two big brown nipples were inches from his face. Bug eyed, Jimmy stared at them as Molly casually brushed the street grim from the back of her dress. She didn't seem to know or care that her huge tits were hanging out.

"Thanks. At least someone around here has some manners," she said as she calmly tucked her boobs back inside her dress. She didn't bother with all the buttons and both breasts looked like they might jump out again. "Fucking bum," she screamed again.

Jimmy laughed.

"What are you laughing at, you little piss ant?" she said getting right in his face.

"You sure can swear," he innocently said. He pointed towards Molly's head. Her funny little feathered hat had been pushed down over her forehead. He wasn't sure if he should offer to help her straighten it.

Molly looked up, laughed at herself and pushed it back in place. "There should be a law about bums like that driving carts on the sidewalks. A person could get killed."

Yes ma'ma," Jimmy had courteously said. "Do you need any help getting to where you're going? Should I flag a cab for you?"

"Well aren't you the sweet one," Molly said. As she slowly buttoned her dress she took the opportunity to look closer at her knight in shining armor. She didn't mind that he'd seen her pussy or her tits. She thought she recognized him. "Don't I know you? You look familiar. My name's Molly, What's yours honey?"

"Jimmy, Jimmy Cougar and I don't think so, I don't live around here." Jimmy didn't recognize her.

"I don't care where you live sweetheart. I still think I recognize you." She gave him another look and then smiled. "You're that kid that comes into the bookstore and jacks-off in the booths isn't you?"

"Maybe," he said blushing. It turned him on to acknowledge jacking-off to this a woman.

"I thought so. So where are you heading now Jimmy Cougar?"

"I have to catch the bus home."

"Too bad, I was going to let you into the theater for free, my way of saying thank you for helping me."

"Theater?" he asked innocently.

"Yeah, the theater, the Rialto. I own it with my old man," Molly said pointing down the street. "You know, the skin flicks, fuck films, guys beating off, getting sucked off, maybe even a few people fucking in the dark." She gave him a long look and asked. "Are you sure I don't recognize you from there too. Don't you sit in the middle rows and jerk-off with the rest of the guys?" She gave him a look and dared him to deny it.

Jimmy shyly nodded. "Maybe," he acknowledged. He'd only been there twice and had never jacked off. He'd been too nervous, always waiting until he got home. "I've been in a couple of times."

"More than a couple of times. Say, how old are you?"


"You better be sweetheart, I'd have to throw you out."

"Yes ma'ma. I'm nineteen." He thought about her offer. "I guess I have time if you really mean I don't have to pay. I'm sort of short right now."

"I meant it. You can come in and jack-off with the rest of the boys before you head back to the farm or where ever the hell you call home." Molly straightened her dress, fiddled with her buttons and on a whim, pulled out one of her tits and gave him another look. She threw him a wink and said, "That's for being such a gentleman."

Jimmy grinned but didn't say anything.

"You're kind of cute kid." Molly thought him feminine in a nice way and didn't care that he'd seen her pussy or her boobs, it turned her on that he had. She took his arm and like a proper lady out for a walk with her beau, allowed him to walk her down the street. She made sure her massive tits were up against his arm. "I like having good looking kids like you coming into the theater and the bookstore. It's good for business." She didn't have to say why it was good for her business, Jimmy already knew.

"I like all of your movies." He felt like he'd found a new friend.

"I just bet you do," she laughed a cigarette laugh. "You just like getting off in public places, can't say that I blame you," she laughed. "Done it a few times myself. Come on, I'm late." She practically dragged him down the busy street towards the theater.

Once they got to the theater, Molly relieved the cashier that was working the window and waved him in. "Have a good time sweetie, just be careful and don't make me sorry I let you in."

"I won't Molly." He'd been back a dozen times since then to jerk off and found it exciting when men his father's age sat down next to him and asked him to masturbate them.

After leaving the bookstore today, he took a few minutes to chat with Molly before quickly entering the theater. The ticket window was right on the sidewalk and he was always afraid someone he knew would recognize him and tell his parents. The place was open twenty hours a day, closed just long enough to air the place out, swab up the cum in the aisles and mop the ancient but stylish white porcelain tile bathrooms.

He and Molly were old friends by now and she was always giving him motherly advice, warning him about certain men, or that there was a vice cop in the house and endlessly teasing him about jerking men off. She nodded towards the entrance. "Have fun honey. Not many guys in here right now but you might get lucky."

That made Jimmy, laugh. "Thanks Molly, see you later."


He came in at the middle of the movie. It didn't really matter where, beginning, end, middle, the fucking was nonstop and any plot was pretty flimsy so it wasn't as if he'd missed anything important. He always picked the middle section, about half way down. He didn't like the sides, didn't want to be trapped against the wall by someone creepy. His hard-on was growing as he checked the area around him. Several men sat in scattered seats around him. He kept an eye out for a businessman that might want to jerk off in front of him. It was early afternoon and he knew from experience that the lunch crowd had already returned to work and the blue collar guys that came in for a little fun after work wouldn't be in for at least an hour. He didn't really care if he wasn't able to jack-off in front of anyone. He was still soaring from his experience with John and was content to just sit back and masturbate and think how hot it had been to suck his first cock. He opened his pants wide and started playing with his cock. There was no need to be discrete; every guy here was doing the same thing. After he came, he licked his hand clean and rested a minute before going downstairs to take a whiz. He was thirsty and hungry so he stopped for some popcorn and soda. Molly let him have the popcorn for free but always made him pay for his drink. He wanted to jack-off once more before heading home.

He'd just paid for his drink and popcorn and was turning to go back to his seat when he bumped into a man. His popcorn spilled all over the two of them.

"I'm sorry sir," Jimmy politely said as he struggled to control his drink.

"My fault Jimmy, I wasn't looking."

"Uncle!" Jimmy's face turned beat red. He was so busted. "What...what are you doing here?" His uncle was wearing his baseball windbreaker and jogging pants but there was something about how him that looked different.

Eddy Baker chuckled. "The same thing you're here for I would think." His smile was from ear to ear. As well as being his uncle, Eddy was his baseball coach. He was a high school baseball legend, made all-state, joined the Army and toured all over the world with the all-service team. Once he got out, he'd been drafted by the Red Sox and played well enough to make it to AAA before his career ended. They say he'd been a lock to make the majors but he busted his leg on a play at the plate and never played again. He went back to college, got a teaching certificate and now taught history and coached his old high school baseball team.

"Uncle Eddy, ah, I was...I was...just..." He almost lied and said he'd just come in for popcorn and a drink, that he wasn't here for the movie but lying to his uncle was the last thing he'd ever do.

"Just here to watch a fuck flick? It's ok Jimmy," Eddy said patting him playfully on the shoulder. "Us too."


"Jimmy Cougar," his Aunt Lettzie's voice called out from behind him. She was coming out of the ladies room. She was dressed to the nines; four inch heels, a very short skin tight, gold colored skirt, slit up so high he could see most of her bare thigh. A very expensive looking sweater was draped casually over a crisp white blouse. Her blonde hair matched her outfit. Jimmy couldn't help but notice that she wasn't wearing a bra. He could see her big pink nipples right through it. He couldn't take his eyes off of them.

In her heavy German accent she said, "Vat a vunderful surprise to find my favorite nephew here. Da coach and I vas just going in. You vill sit with us, no."

"Aunt Lettzie,...hi." It was bad enough being caught by his uncle but doubly worse that his aunt was here too. There was no way he could sit with them. "No, no, I can't stay. I was, ah just leaving. Really, I was."

"Ve insist," she said putting her arm around him and crushing him against her fantastic breasts. "I tink it be fun for all of us to watch the fuck movie together."

His aunt always had a way of saying the most embarrassing things. He remembered how when he was little she'd taken him to the bathroom to help him pee. She'd held his little cock and told him, "Aim for the little hole Jimmy." He'd loved pleasing her and could still recall the sense of pride he'd gotten when she'd praised him for not missing when he tinkled. She'd then gone on to compliment his cock in front of his parents. "Such a wonderful little peter Jimmy has. He make all the boys and girls happy one day." His parents had just laughed.

"Ve want you to sit with us, don't ve Eddy." Lettzie gave her husband a look that said he should agree.

"Of course we do dear." Eddy gave her a look, as if to say, 'are you sure dear?' He shrugged and said, "Come on Jimmy, it will be fun and I know you didn't just come in. Lettzie and I have been talking to our old friend Molly for at least a half hour and I didn't see you pass us." He gave him a friendly wink and said, "Stop worrying, we won't say anything to your parents, and besides Lettzie and I come here often ourselves."

"You do?"

"Of course ve do and it be okay Jimmy," Lettzie said. "It be very ok to vatch the fuck movie." When she noticed some popcorn kernels caught on his shirt, she brushed them away and felt his bag under his shirt. "What do you have under the shirt Jimmy?" She touched the square outline and traced the edge of the magazines inside. "Show me," she coyly said. "Is something naughty I tink."

Jimmy lied and said, "It's nothing, just a...a car magazines Aunt Lettzie." He backed up holding his hand tightly over his chest. He wanted to run. He couldn't let her see what he was hiding. "I ah, just put them under my shirt so I could carry my popcorn." He thought that sounded plausible.

"So you could jack the cock when you watch the fuck movie I tink."

"No, I...ah...never." Jimmy blushed and took another step backward.

"I tink so," Lettzie said smiling. "All boys luv to jack the cock when they watch the fuck movie." She looked at her husband, "Tell him Eddy. Tell him how you like to make the cum while we watch the fucking."

Eddy smiled easily at his nephew. "She's got you Jimmy. I do it; every guy that comes here does the same thing. It's why we all love this place so you might as well show her."

Lettzie held out her hand. "Let me see the book. I love the American car," she said tugging at his shirt.

"Please Aunt Lettzie, no." He pulled away but when he did, the bottom of his shirt came away from his pants and the bag dropped to the floor. Half of one magazine spilled out, just enough to see that it wasn't a car magazine. He went to grab it but Lettzie beat him to it.

"Vell, what have we here?" Lettzie said, as she held up the magazine. The cover featured two boys wearing panties, garters and bra. Both had beautiful breasts. They were also each sucking a very big cock. Lettzie gave him a curious look and then said, "Very nice Jimmy. I like to see this very much, very naughty, but I don't know you are gay." She apprised him differently now. "Are you honey? Are you gay or maybe the bisexual?"

"No! I'm not gay," Jimmy embarrassingly said.

"Vunderful! Then you be bisexual! That be even better," she said clapping her hands. "You like the cock and you like the pussy, that be very vunderful!" She kissed his cheek and said, "I like the man that likes both the pussy and the cock." She turned to her husband and sweetly said, "Don't I Eddy dear."

Eddy blushed. He didn't look at Jimmy when he answered. "Yes you do dear."

"So what else are you hiding you dirty boy?" Lettzie pulled the other magazine out. It was of course his other cross-dressing magazine. On the cover of this one, a young boy girl with beautiful tits was being fucked. "Oh yes, more of the pretty girl boy doing the fuck fuck, very nice." She looked at him and smiled and asked, "Tell me Jimmy, do you enjoy to wear the panties and the bra and pretend to be the girl while you suck the cock?" She kissed his cheek and answered for him. "Of course you do. I see it in your eyes. I told you when you were little that you had a beautiful little cock. Good for boy, good for girl."

"No, geez, Aunt Lettzie, I wouldn't. I just, well I just was..."

Lettzie knew better. "Just curious to know what it feels like to wear the pretty clothes and suck the cock and pretend to be the girl, maybe get fucked like the girl too? Yes, I think that is what you are curious about." She gave him a sly wink and said, "Maybe you already wear mother Ellen's panties to jack the cock into? Do you do that Jimmy? Do you cum while wearing mother's panties?"

"No! Aunt Lettzie, I've never... Please, I just bought them because I was just..." He was struck dumb. He didn't know which way to turn or how to answer.

Lettzie nodded her head and shocked him when she put her finger to his mouth and slipped it past his lips and into his mouth, simulating sucking a cock. "I think so. I think you like to suck the cock and to fuck the pussy and to wear the panties and pretend to be the pretty girl." She held his face in her hands and sweetly said, "I think my nephew is now very much more interesting. Yes, I think Jimmy Cougar be a very interesting young man now." She put her lips to his ear and whispered, "Vould you like to know a big secret Jimmy?"

There was no way he couldn't answer her. "What?"

"Eddy, he be wearing the panties and bra right now. He wear them all the time. He look very pretty. Like you, he loves to pretend to be a pretty girl when he suck the cock."

Jimmy looked at his uncle and blanched when he didn't deny it. "Really coach?" He couldn't imagine his uncle wearing girls stuff or sucking cock. His cock stiffened thinking about that.

"Yes really. Show him Eddy. Show Jimmy the things I pick out for you today."
