The Widower Chronicles Ch. 01


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I'd love to say our marriage was perfect, but it was far from that. April quickly got pregnant after Cindy was born and during the latter part, I made my biggest mistake and had an affair. April was tired all the time from taking care of an infant and being pregnant. I was tired from working long hours and most days. I misunderstood her exhaustion as disinterest in me and was feeling hurt. One night I was out having drinks with the guys and a girl I knew in high school showed up. We got to talking and one thing led to another and we wound up in the back of my truck.

When I got home that night April was up with Cindy and she saw my face covered in lipstick. She kicked me out and at first I was pissed. But after a few days I realized that the whole thing was my fault. I begged for her to take me back. It took a long time, but she finally allowed me back home. But it took me a lot longer before I was allowed back into her heart. But I worked my ass off and finally got back. From then on, life was good for us.

After Tommy was born, it didn't take long for April to get pregnant again. But this time I was prepared and became the best dad and husband I could. By the time Billy was born, our family was back on the fast track. We decided Billy was going to be the last and I got myself snipped to keep our family at five.

After Billy was born, we decided we needed a bigger house. So I found an old farmstead, knocked down the old house and built our new home. We lived on ten acres in the middle of a larger community. The farmstead was actually one hundred and seventy acres, but we decided to build on the remaining land. Of the remaining one hundred and sixty acres, we left fifty of it as undeveloped. There was a large community center on ten acres and fifty other homes averaging about two acres each. Most of the homes were bought by friends and family.

During the first several months after April's death, this community stepped up and took care of my family. My mother and April's mother came over at least twice a week to clean and shop for us. My sister organized most of our friends to take turns making dinner for us. My friends made sure to take me out once in a while or to just come over for poker or to watch football.

That left the immediate needs of my family. Cindy's choice for school had called to find out what was happening with her. Cindy's grades had dropped and they were wondering if there was a problem. As soon as I explained about what had happened, they left us alone with apologies for questioning her. As a matter of fact, the school's president came to our home personally to apologize and to offer any assistance we would need. Once therapy had started though, Cindy's grades improved and everyone relaxed.

As for the boys, they were crushed. Billy had gotten into several fights and Tommy locked himself in his room every day after school. Neither boy spoke much and it took a long time for anything to sink in. One night Tommy was extremely rude during dinner. My parents were with us and when I said something, Tommy locked himself in his bedroom. Well, I'd had enough and went to talk to him. His answer was to leave him alone. One thing the therapist told me was that sometimes a kick in the pants could help. I'd avoided that, but decided this might be a good time.

My first kick shattered the door and frame and the door flew across the room and crashed through the window. I guess I was a bit more pissed then I'd realized. Tommy was sitting on his bed with a shocked look on his face. I was actually pretty shocked myself and stared at the window. Tommy recovered and tried to leave the room, but I grabbed him and threw him back onto his bed. He started to get up but I yelled "Sit down or you're the next thing through the window."

He started to say something, but held it back. "What the fuck's the deal? There is no reason for being rude at the dinner table."

"What the hell do you care? All you care about is Cindy and yourself. Why, because she looks like mom?"

"What are you talking about? I've tried to be there for you and all you do is lock yourself in your damn room." By this time my dad had come upstairs to make sure it wasn't Tommy I'd thrown through the window. "Go back downstairs dad. Everything's fine up here."

"Like hell it is. If you don't knock some sense into that boy, I sure as hell will." Then he turned to Tommy and said "I don't care how big you are you damn ass. I'll still kick your ass if you don't straighten up and show your dad some respect. He's working his ass off to make sure you, Billy and Cindy are good and all you do is lock yourself in your room. Get your damn head out of your ass and rejoin this family. They all need you." And then he stormed off muttering about replacing the door and window.

Tommy and I just stared after the old goat, turned to look at each other and burst out laughing. I took a couple of steps into Tommy's room and he rushed up to me. I had forgotten how big he was and was soon being crushed by the big bear I called son. But soon I realized he was crying, so I just held him for a while. By the time he was done, my ribs hurt. He backed off and his eyes were red, but I finally saw some life in them. "Let's go get some dinner."

"I'll be right down dad. Just let me clean my face. I can't let Billy see that I was crying."

I laughed and said "Don't take long."

When he came down, he was all smiles and over the next few days he was almost back to normal. Tommy coming back to the family had a good effect on Billy and soon we were all back together.

With everything we went through, the worst part was the trial of the driver who killed April. Her lawyer tried everything including trying to blame April for the accident. The trial should have been short since there was overwhelming evidence against her, but it wound up dragging on for weeks. When the guilty verdict was handed down, it was a huge relief to our whole family. But then we had to go through the civil trial and that put a huge strain on us. We weren't trying to ruin the other family and after the criminal trial we figured it would be easy going.

I had instructed my lawyer to just go for a minimal amount. We didn't need the money and figured it was the woman's fault, not the whole family's. The kids of the lady who killed April said some things to Cindy and Tommy and that was it. We went after them hard and won a huge settlement. I had already put my job on hold, but with the settlement, I finally retired from the construction business.

Now that all the ugly stuff was done, we had time to heal from our loss. The holidays were bad, but the worst was Cindy's senior prom. I was lucky to have so many friends and family around, because I was completely clueless as to what went into a girl's prom night. I basically paid the bills that my sisters, mother and mother-in-law had created. I have to admit, I choked up when Cindy came down in her prom dress. She was the spitting image of April on our prom night, which of course made me think of our prom night. It finally occurred to me that Cindy was no longer a child but I wasn't going to let her go that easily.

When her date arrived, he was extremely nervous. It wasn't like we didn't know the boy. Cindy had been dating him for a while. Of course it didn't help that Billy and Tommy were standing with me when he entered. I'm thought the boy was going to shit his pants. He was lucky my sisters and mom were there, because he was definitely scared. When Cindy came down the steps though, it was all forgotten. She looked incredible and even her brothers were speechless. After a load of pictures and a stern warning from me, they were off. Billy and Tommy headed off to whatever they had planned and my sisters and mom left, saying they'd check on me tomorrow.

I was alone in the house and realized for the first time since April's death that I had no one around me. Maybe it was the plan for everyone to stay close to make sure I didn't do something stupid. It was eerie. I honestly had no idea what to do with myself. After puttering around the house, trying to watch some TV and then reading, I resigned myself to playing some pool by myself.

Around nine o'clock I heard a knock at the door and got an instant knot in my stomach. I slowly went to the front door and when I opened it, fearing the worst, I was happily surprised to see my dad. He had a bottle of bourbon and chips and pushed his way into the house. I followed him into the game room and watched him set us up with a couple of drinks. Finally he looked at me and asked "so, how ya doin'?"

So much for small talk. "I'm good dad. I just realized this is the first time I've been alone since April died."

"Which is why I'm here? You're mom seems to think you need some company. Is she right?"

"Well, other than the fact that I'm bored out of my mind and worried about Cindy, I think I'm OK."

"Good. Now that we have that out of the way, I've been instructed to say one more thing to you."

"OK, what's that?"

"It's time you went out and got yourself laid."

My mouth dropped open and I tried to cover it by gulping down my drink. "Say what?"

"It's been six months since April passed and I'm sure she wants you to get out and have fun. Get your friends together, go to a bar and meet someone who will ring your bell."

"Tell mom I'm fine. When the time is right, I'll do something. But to be honest, I've been so busy getting things straight with the kids, I haven't even considered it."

"Exactly. The kids are fine now. You did a great job with them." He handed me a piece of paper. "Your mom gave this to me. It's the name of some girl she knows at work that wants to meet you. Give her a call and go out. Actually, give her a call right now and go out."

"Dad, I'm fine, really. I don't need a date."

"Boy, you sure as hell do."

"No, dad, I don't."

"OK, one game of pool and I'll leave. If I win you call. If you win, do what you want. Now rack 'em."

"Dad, I'm not playing..."

"Rack 'em kid. Or do you think you'll lose."

So I stopped arguing with him and racked the balls. Ten minutes later I was standing there stunned as my dad ran the table. He finished his drink, grabbed his bottle and walked out the front door. "Make that call boy or I'll whoop your ass myself. And don't think I won't."

That old fucker. He knew what he was doing the whole time. I actually chuckled as I walked back into the game room. I finished my drink and sat at the bar looking at the number. Her name was Robin. I had no clue as to what I should say. To be completely honest, I haven't been on a date in almost twenty years. Then reality struck. I had absolutely no idea what to say to this girl. With April, it was easy. We were hanging out as friends and it just developed into dating and then marriage. Now I had to start from scratch and I was scared as hell.

I poured myself another drink and sat with the phone in my hand. OK, here goes nothing. I dialed the number on the sheet of paper and waited for her to answer. I was sweating and hoping that she wouldn't be home. To my horror she answered on the third ring. "Hello."

"Umm, hi. My name is Frank and my mother gave me your number." Oh shit. How lame was that?

"Oh yeah. Mrs. Starling's son. She told me you'd be calling."

"Yeah, about that. How much did she actually tell you?"

"I know about your wife. To be honest, I didn't think you'd actually call."

"Yeah, well, don't take this the wrong way, but I lost a bet."

"Oh, well, that makes a girl feel all warm and fuzzy."

"I'm sorry. I'm not very good at this. I didn't mean to sound mean. I just don't know how to do this whole dating thing and I'm not sure I'm ready for it."

"I understand. I went through something similar after my divorce a couple of years ago. We were high school sweethearts and I didn't know how to date. Maybe I can help you out. Would you be interested in meeting me for a drink? Do you know where Crossroads Tavern is?"

"Sure. It's only a few miles from me."

"Good. Meet me out front in fifteen minutes."

"OK. Fifteen minutes."

"Don't stand me up or I'll have to tell your mom."

I laughed at that. "You got it."

Crossroads was a large bar around the corner that I was comfortable with. There were a load of TV's and pool tables, so I felt pretty safe there. I checked out how I looked, brushed my teeth, grabbed my keys and headed out the door. As I got closer to the bar, the butterflies in my stomach got bigger and bigger. I was almost nauseous as I pulled into the parking lot. It was actually fairly quiet for a Saturday night and I found a spot close to the front. I didn't see anyone standing out there, so I waited for a few minutes before getting out of the car. About five minutes later a woman walked to the front and stood against one of the poles out front. I checked her out for a few minutes before I walked over. She was probably close to my age with blond hair to about her shoulders. She was wearing jeans and a light jacket with casual shoes.

I finally got up enough nerve to walk over to her. As I approached she straightened up and watched me. "Frank?"

"Yeah. You're Robin?"

"Yes." She held out her hand and we shook. "Nice to meet you Frank. You're mom did a pretty good job describing you."

"Well, I have to admit I had no idea what to expect. I was handed a paper with your name and number and that was it."

"That's OK. I've actually seen you around when you came to visit your mom. So I had a pretty good idea what to expect. I'm really sorry to hear about your wife. I know your mom really loved her."

"Thanks. It's been tough."

She looked at me for a second and then said "Let's go get that drink." I was more than happy to go inside and change subjects. I held the door for her and she walked in ahead of me. I got a chance to check out her ass as she walked in and I had to admit it was pretty nice to look at. She headed to a corner of the bar away from most people and took a seat. Before sitting, she removed her jacket and I was amazed to see she had huge tits. The jacket did an amazing job of hiding them. She was wearing a t-shirt that was just tight enough to show them off nicely. I saw a small grin on her face and tried to hide the fact I was staring. Robin was polite enough not to say anything.

I ordered a beer and Robin ordered a glass of wine. We made small talk for a while and then we headed over to the pool tables for a few games. By the third game Robin was on her third drink and I had just finished my fourth beer. I had to admit I was having a great time. Robin was fun to talk to and played a mean game of pool. Only a couple of tables were in use, but nobody was really all that close to us. Robin had become flirtier with each drink. She was soon doing things to distract me like standing opposite me and wiggling her ass. "I like the way you handle your stick" she said after a particularly good shot. She had a sly grin when she said that.

By our fifth game, she was definitely feeling her wine. "Let's make this interesting. If you win, I take one item of clothing off. If I win, you take one off." I looked around the bar and noticed there weren't too many people left. The beer was doing wonders for me as well.

"How about we go somewhere more private?"

"Scared you're going to lose?"

"I've got a pool table at my house."

She walked over to me and said "You're not planning on taking advantage of me, are you?" Then she laughed and grabbed her jacket. "What are you waiting for?"

I settled the tab and followed her out the door. She started to walk to her car, so I grabbed her arm and said "Leave your car. We can get it later."

She looked up into my eyes and then followed me. What I saw in her eyes was lust. I'm not sure what she saw in my eyes. But I was nervous as hell. If I had been completely sober, I probably would have run. But the alcohol was causing my little head to take control. We walked over to my car and I went with her to open her door. As I reached for the handle, she pulled me into her and stuck her tongue down my throat. At first I hesitated, but like I said, my little head had taken over and we were soon making out like horny teenagers. I had her pinned against the car and our tongues were wrestling in our mouths.

She pulled back to take a breath and said "Let's take this back to your place." I didn't answer, just pulled open the door. She climbed in and I walked around to the driver's side. I climbed in, started the car and drove back to my place. Before the front door was barely closed, we were in each other's grasp. I picked her up and carried her into the game room and sat her on a stool. She pulled away and said "Where's the little girls room? I need to pee." I pointed her in the direction and then set the table up.

When she came back, she saw the table set up and grabbed a cue stick. I let her break and she quickly dropped half her balls. But I really wanted to see her naked and ran the table. "Son of a bitch. You were holding back." She dropped her pants and threw them onto a stool. She was trying to distract me and was doing a good job. Her legs were toned and she was wearing small thong panties that left her ass hanging out. I was correct in my earlier assessment of her ass. It was incredible.

I also won the next game. "Damn. If I'd known you were this good I'd have just had you take me to your room and stripped." Her t-shirt landed on the stool with her pants and now I had a great look at her tits. They were huge and were barely contained by her bra. But now she used her near nudity to her advantage and quickly won the next game. I removed my shirt and watched as she almost completely ran the table. She was grinning wickedly as she sank her last ball. "Pants. I want to see something good." So I dropped my pants and was now standing there in just boxers.

Of course, staring at her body had given me an erection and it was tenting the front of my boxers. Now it was her turn to be distracted. Her mouth was open as she stared at the bulge in my underwear. I was over ten inches long and quite wide. "Holy shit. I was hoping you had some size, but nothing like this." Her eyes were filled with lust as I racked the balls. I decided to play a little and stood just off to the side. Just as she was about to hit I shook my hips a little which caused my hard cock to shake. Her break was terrible and she barely moved any balls. She looked at me and licked her lips as I walked around the table.

Now it was her turn to play and she leaned over the table and pushed her tits out towards me. I'd played this game with April hundreds of times and it was very hard to distract me for long. I sank all my balls much to her distress and she quickly removed her bra. As she walked past me, I grabbed her arm and pulled her close to me. Robin leaned into me and our mouths met. As I reached down to grab her ass we heard the front door open and I heard Tommy and Billy come into the house.

"Oh shit. Grab your stuff." We quickly grabbed our clothes and ducked behind the bar. I started to get dressed but Robin had other ideas. Billy walked into the game room and saw that nobody was there so shut the light. Robin had grabbed my cock in her hand and was kissing me as the lights went out.

Tommy said "Is dad in there?"

"No, but he left the lights on. I saw his drink on the bar, so he probably just went to bed" Billy said.

"Well, how about a quick game before bed?"

"Nah. I'm heading up. I'm beat. See ya in the morning Tom."

"OK. Guess I'll head up too." The rest of the lights went out and I heard the boys go into their rooms.

Robin started to laugh and I let out a sigh of relief. "Maybe we can take this to your room?" She stood up and took my hand. I suddenly wasn't sure I could go through with it. Here I was with a mostly naked, good looking woman and I was having doubts. Robin must have sensed something. "Look, I can leave and we can try another night. I understand how things are." But she didn't move.