Those Days of...Ch. 06-10


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Chapter 8


Thoughts and questions raced through my head - 'So that's what Barbara's breasts actually looked like!' I realised that even my imagination had underestimated their full size and firm upthrust.

'I could have already had Barbara - twice!' I still wanted her, in fact I wanted her more than I could have imagined.

'If there was one woman I just couldn't afford to know that I had been 'unfaithful' to Helen, it was Barbara!'

'How on earth had Julia got to know Barbara?'

'Why had Barbara come on so strongly to me, if she wanted a woman?'

But the thoughts were not as clear as that, they were all jumbled together, mixed-up with each other and, in the split second before Barbara cried out there wasn't enough time for me to even get them straight - I certainly didn't have any answers.

'Roger! Roger, what are you doing here?' At Barbara's outcry Julia span around and saw me too, the expression on her face was indescribable, shock, embarrassment, triumph! But in spite of all that, when she spoke her voice sounded quite controlled.

'Golf rained out was it? Don't worry, I've been taking care of your girl-friend for you Roger, or perhaps I should say.' she added as she turned and gave Barbara a very affectionate smile. 'She was taking very good care of me!'

'Girl-friend? What on earth do you mean?'

The honest bewilderment in my voice must have got through to her and in her confusion she turned from me, to look at Barbara, then back at me again.

'She is your girl-friend, isn't she? She rang for you!' she added desperately.

Suddenly it all clicked into place, the phone calls, Julia starting to take them in the kitchen. Barbara, trying to get to me, competing with her mother for my 'love', attention, call it what you will. I didn't know, couldn't know what had happened between Julia and Barbara, maybe they were both just in need of someone, anyone, maybe there was a genuine affection, that had blossomed as suddenly as the feelings I had just discovered I had for Helen, it wasn't my place to judge. In the circumstances I wasn't even interested in asking the details, at that moment all I saw as an opportunity opening up, an opportunity for me, for me and for Helen.

'No Julia, Barbara is certainly not my girl-friend, she's a lovely girl and, to be honest, I'd love to have been in your position, in bed with her.' I saw Barbara's already brilliant eyes become suddenly even brighter as I said that, flashing me an unmistakable message that read 'Whenever you want to!' So added quickly. 'But, apart from admiring her from afar for a long time, and helping her to the hospital after an accident, I really don't even know her.'

Their combined reaction was something to see! I'm sure that if she could have, Barbara would have struck me stone dead on the spot! Julia, well I'm not sure about her, not sure whether she was disappointed not to have finally found out a 'guilty' secret she could pin on me, or accept her own reactions, and her real enjoyment of the sex she had jut shared with Barbara.

Before either of them had a chance to respond to what I'd said, I went further, taking the initiative.

'If you think you may have discovered an exciting, perhaps more meaningful relationship Julia, why don't you take Barbara away with you next week, give yourselves a chance to 'get to know each other', without any outside pressures?'

To say that there was a stunned silence would be an understatement, I could almost hear their brains working!

Julia's sophistication and perhaps, new found pleasure source, beat Barbara's much more simple, natural reactions. She turned to Barbara and embraced her, an action that I admit gave me a very strange feeling, particularly as, during the time Barbara had been standing there in the doorway, with absolutely everything exposed, I had been trying to imagine what it would actually feel like, to be holding her like that myself!

'There haven't been many times in our marriage when you have come up with what I could really call a 'brilliant idea' Roger, but, I'll gladly admit that this is one of them.' Julia said. Then, as she turned back to Barbara, she added, 'What do you think sweetheart? I can't think of anything I'd like better. And I promise you, we'll make sure you keep that ankle elevated most of the time, on the bed!'

So, once a few of Barbara's weak objections had been dealt with, she agreed, but even as they did so I added another surprise for them to think about.

'So, if that's agreed, why don't you spend the rest of the week-end, getting to know each other better right here? I'll leave you to it.'

I left it as a statement, not a question, leaving them alone to think about it while I headed off to the bed-room to hurriedly pack a few essentials, conscious that they both just stood there, staring after me.

I threw my bag in the car and drove straight to Helen's place, and as I stood, waiting for her to answer the bell I thought back over the events of the time since that first 'day of surprises', and how there had been a succession of them since.

My two fantasy ladies, turning out to be mother and daughter.

The sudden, totally overwhelmingly powerful physical encounter with Helen, that had since, turned to feelings more complex than simply sexual enjoyment.

The discovery of a previously, completely unknown aspect of my wife.

The memory of the views of herself Barbara had given me that first day, her breast, as she fell and as I carried her, her legs, in the car, her sex, as she masturbated. And the offer she had made, and that I had refused.

The picture I still carried in my head, of her rearing buttocks and inviting pussy.

The sight of her, standing naked in the hallway and particularly of the message her eyes had flashed to me - 'Whenever you want to!' - and the deep-seated yearning she aroused in me.

Luckily Helen opened the door just then, or I might have got back in the car and driven home, to compete with Julia for Barbara.

As it was, Helen's surprise and the enthusiastic welcome she gave me drove all those other thoughts clear out of my head. She asked no questions, simply accepted things as they were and me as I was, and within seconds we were at each other, within minutes, fucking!

Later we made love, slowly, tenderly, lovingly, several times, I don't know exactly how many, one climax seemed to just blend into the slow build-up to the next. It was quite simply, a wonderful night.

Helen wisely held off any real questioning until the following morning, while we were still lying in bed, and seemed nowhere near as shocked as I had expected her to be when I told her what had happened between Barbara and Julia. She told that it wasn't the first time Barbara had become involved with a woman, and hearing that made me wonder if perhaps I had been wrong in thinking it was Barbara that had been taken advantage of.

'But how do you find out about them Roger?' she asked.

I gave her a brief run-down on the events leading up to my finding the two of them in bed together and though I wasn't aware of it, when I came to the part where I described how I had actually eased open the door and seen the two of them, naked, Barbara between Julia's legs, the tone in my voice must have given away the effect it had had on me. Helen's hand had until then been resting lightly on my hip but then, as she spoke, I felt it edging, very slowly, down between us.

'How did you feel when you saw them like that?'

'You have to understand that I didn't know it was Barbara, I couldn't have imagined it being her, I had no idea that she and Julia had even spoken to each other. The way she was kneeling, I couldn't see anything of her, except her backside.'

'I understand that, but, how did you feel?'

'What do you mean?'

'Were you excited, physically?'

'Yes.' I admitted quietly.

'How excited? Try to recall the picture in your head, then tell me just how exciting it was.'

I did as she asked and felt her long, slender fingers moving slowly, edging closer to my cock, that was, as I recalled the sight of the two of them together, slowly filling again. But she had to prompt me to do as she'd asked.

'Tell me John, you won't embarrass me you know. I'd love to know how you felt.'

'I got an erection of course.'


'I wanted to, to.'

'You wanted to fuck her!'

'Yes.' I mumbled.

'Which one? The young one? Barbara?'

'I didn't know it was Barbara!' I answered defensively.

'I know that, but you wanted to fuck her, the young one I mean?'

'Yes.' I answered reluctantly.

'There's nothing strange or unusual about that Roger. You have to understand that none of what you felt upsets me. But, did you?'

'No! Of course I didn't!' I heard myself answer, almost angrily.

'Ssh, ssh. Calm down, don't get upset, there's no need, I believe you. Just tell me why not.'

'I knew it would hurt you.'

'But, as you didn't know it was Barbara, there's no reason why I could have found out about it, is there?'



'So, I found that you meant more to me than a 'quick fuck' did!'


I didn't know if her response was a reaction to my answer or by the fact that her creeping hand had finally reached my cock and that it was, as a result of the images that had been flashing through my head, beginning to stiffen. I felt her fingers close tenderly around the base of the shaft, then, barely touching it, glide slowly upwards until they slid over the surface of the still less than fully swollen head.

'Think about whatever you like Roger. Fucking that young girl. Fucking Barbara if you like. Or just relax and enjoy what I am going to do for you. I'm going to make your cock even bigger and harder, then enjoy watching and feeling you come.'

As she said that she raised herself, pushed back the bed-clothes and knelt beside me, her hand slowly working its way, very lightly, very slowly up and down the steadily growing hardness.

'That's lovely Roger, it's getting bigger, harder already. You can't imagine how excited it makes me, feeling and watching your cock like this. But it's going to get even bigger yet, and, when it has, do you know what I'm going to do? I'll tell you. I'm going to hold it between my breasts, let you push it up and down between them. I might even make you come that way. But to do that it'll need to be lubricated of course, so I'll wet it first, wet it with my mouth, suck it a bit. I like doing that almost as much as I'm sure you do.'

Then, having conjured up pictures of what she'd said she would do, she did it, everything she'd promised.

It only took only a couple of minutes of that tantalisingly slow touch to get me fully erect, and once she'd done that she lowered her head and took it in her mouth, slipping her lips down, then closing them gently but firmly in the deep groove below the cock-head before starting to suck it. All that time letting one hand continue gliding up and down the gnarled hardness of the shaft, while the other reached beneath me and began to fondle my balls.

Then, from time to time she would bob her head, taking my entire cock deep into her mouth and, as she relaxed it, right on down the back of her throat, and in the process, liberally coating the entire length with her saliva.

After what seemed an age of sheer, blissful pleasure she straightened up, letting my cock slip from her mouth and enabling me to see the result of what she'd been doing. I had to admit it looked unusually impressive, the thickly veined shaft rearing vertically, the bulging head a dark reddish purple, and the whole thing glistening, the liberal coating of Helen's saliva making it both slick and glossy.

She looked down at it, looked up into my eyes, smiled, then twisted and bent herself, so that her breasts hung forward on either side of it and, as they swayed, lightly brushed against it. Then, trapping my cock between them, she used one hand to hold them together, enfolding it in their warm, silky tightness.

'Go now!' she said softly. And as I started to slowly push it up and down that pillowy soft valley she quickly picked up the timing of my movements and began to slowly rock herself back and forth.

It was heaven, absolute heaven! As we moved the supple pressure of her breasts dragged the skin up and down the rock-hard length of the shaft, firing off nerve cells that generated intense pleasure-shocks, thrills that seemed to merge together before ripping up through the rest of my body. Then, as my thrusting got progressively stronger and she continued to keep time with me, she also somehow managed to push her breasts even more tightly together, making the intensity of those thrills even more powerful.

But in spite of the strength and intensity of the thrills I was continuing to get, the scene that had started us off was still playing in the back of my mind. The sight of Barbara's uplifted arse, and the invitingly deep cleft between the puffily pouting lips of her pussy. So as well as the physical stimulation Helen was giving me I had two different images arousing and further exciting me. When my eyes were open I could watch the sight of my grossly engorged cock driving up and down the narrowed valley between Helen's silky firm breasts. When I closed them I found myself imagining it was fucking Barbara's equally tight pussy that was generating all the feelings I was experiencing.

So although of course I couldn't expect it last forever and I certainly drifted in a semi ecstatic haze for quite some time, I was still somewhat disappointed when I felt the unmistakable signals I was approaching orgasm. As the pressure inside me rose higher and higher the ache in my balls grew steadily stronger, I suddenly realised that the low, intermittent moans of delight I'd been making had already turned to harsher, more guttural grunts, and then I felt the familiar churning rush in the pit of my stomach.

Helen had obviously picked up on the signals my body's responses were giving and her timing was nothing short of perfect. Her forward rocking coincided with the timing of the pulse powering the upward surge of semen, and somehow she also managed to bend her head lower so she could again take the bloated cock-head into her mouth, and then, powerfully, suck it.

The sheer force of that climax was incredible, my entire body arched up off the bed, I heard a series of deep-throated cries, and it felt as though the power of every single muscle in my body was concentrated behind the thick, sticky fountain that erupted. As though from somewhere very far off I heard Helen gurgling with pleasure and satisfaction at what she had been able to do, and then she sucked, sucked and swallowed hard, until she was certain she had drained every last single drop.

Not surprisingly, I stayed with Helen for the week that Julia and Barbara were away, hopefully finding what they were both looking for, at least temporarily. But as for Helen and I, we certainly found what we really wanted, needed, and that was each other and what we did to each other.

But I do remember wondering during that week that if, when Julia and Barbara returned, she would come back to live with her mother. And that if she did, and I was still there, and if she was still as eager for me as she had been earlier, both of us living under the same roof, sharing the same bath-room, sleeping only a short way away from each other, wondering if I would be able to resist her a third time?

Chapter 9


Helen and I were like a honeymoon couple during that first week together. We hadn't been able to get time off work of course, things had happened too quickly for that, and perhaps in a way that was just as well. We found we just couldn't keep our hands off each other and as it was we were both hollow-eyed from lack of sleep by the end of the week, so if we had been together all day as well as all night we might well have become hospital cases!

That first Sunday morning, after she had succeeded in draining me so massively, we showered, had some breakfast and then slipped back into bed together and lay in each other's arms, at first just quietly talking. It was then that she said that she had never felt so free with any other man and when I asked her just what she meant, she explained.

'I could never have done with anyone else I've ever known, the things I have with you.'

'Why not?'

'It's hard to put into words. I suppose I've always been a bit conservative, not just about sex, and I suppose, to be honest, I would have thought that some of the things I've done are the sorts of things only a prostitute would do for a man.'

'But you've enjoyed what we've done together, haven't you?'

'Yes! Oh yes! Of course, it's been wonderful, I've never felt so sexually excited. Nor so completely satisfied.' she added in a quieter voice. 'But, as well as the marvellous physical sensations I've experienced, there's been something extra.'

'What's that?'

'Seeing the effect I have on you, watching your face, your body, and especially your cock, when you climax. Seeing how powerfully I can make you come. I've never realised before this that I was capable of giving a man so much pleasure, sexually I mean. That in itself gives me a nice feeling.'

She paused and I could see she was remembering something, something that brought a faint smile to her lips. After a minute or so she reached out and gently caressed my limp and shrunken cock and balls, then continued. 'I was just remembering what we did a little while ago, you know, your cock between my breasts. I can't tell you how exciting that was for me.'

'I don't think I've ever come quite as intensely as that Helen.'

'I could tell it was different, your poor cock was so swollen I thought it was going to burst.'

She laughed as I said with a grin. 'It finally did.'

'Yes it certainly did, and I've never seen so much cum.'

'You didn't actually see much, you swallowed most of it.'

Again she laughed happily. 'Yes I did, didn't I, and it was lovely, so thick and creamy, a little bit salty too. But as well as the satisfaction of seeing just what I can do for you, I found new physical pleasures for me too, doing it that way. The feel of the hardness of it rubbing up and down between my breasts was very exciting, I'd never felt that before, in fact I very nearly had a climax too.'

As she talked she had been unconsciously fondling me and as what she said brought back the memories of what she had done earlier, I became very conscious of the slow re-arousal that was beginning to stir inside me.

'I think it was only that I was so surprised by the strength of feelings I was getting that stopped me from having it. You know how it is when you stop and think about something you normally do without any thought at all, you tend to do it wrong. Well I suppose it was a bit like that, I couldn't believe it could happen that way, so because I was thinking about it, it stopped. Silly of me, I'll know better next time, I'll just let it happen.'

'You can experiment on me like that any time you like Helen.' I said, thinking that if what was happening to my cock continued for very much longer, she could try it again sooner than either of us expected.

'What else?' I asked, suddenly remembering how the conversation had begun.

'What do you mean?'

'You said, 'I thought some of the things I've done with you are the sorts of things only a prostitute would do', what other things seemed like that to you?'

She flushed before she answered. 'I know it'll sound silly now, but, well everything really. I mean right from the start, having sex with someone so soon after meeting them, after all it was only a matter of an hour or two, I wouldn't have thought I was capable of doing that.

The way I behaved, what I let you do to me in the kitchen, then the time together in my boss's office. Even liking the idea of you wanting me to keep stockings on for you. Just about everything is new, it's as though I'm someone I've never known before.'