Those Days of...Ch. 06-10


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'But, you do like it, don't you?'

'Oh yes! Yes Roger. It's marvellous. I feel so alive, younger even. It's, it's almost miraculous!' She paused, her unconscious fondling finally coming to a halt as she added quietly. 'But I can't help being just a bit frightened.'


'You know, that it's all too good to be true. That I'll wake up and find it's all been a dream, or that you're just not there. Damn! I didn't mean to say that, forget it. That's just me being silly. Let's just enjoy it, no matter what happens next.'

'It's not a dream, I can assure you of that. But nobody can guarantee anything more than that about anything, can they?'

'No, of course not. As I said, forget I said it. Much more importantly, what else have you got in store for me?'

'What would you like me to have in store for you, apart from more cum that is?'

She tightened her hold of my cock and giggled. 'Yes, definitely more of that, lots more please. But what else?' Again she paused for a while and once more I saw a faint flush creep slowly across her face. 'I know it's silly of me, but I really do feel a bit, how shall I put it? Not shy, embarrassed? Yes, I suppose that's the word. I mean, trying to put the strange thoughts that go around inside my head into actual words.'

'What's strange about them?'

'That I'm having them I suppose. I've never thought of myself as a 'sexy woman'. Don't get me wrong, I've always enjoyed sex, good sex, with the right man. And of course I've had fantasies. But I don't think I've ever had so many specifically sexual thoughts as I've had during the short time I've known you.

And I just love the feel of you, especially your cock. I don't mean just when you are inside me, I love holding it, feeling it's strength, it's hardness, in my hand or in my mouth. When you're with me I just want to touch you, arouse you, make you climax. When you're not with me my head keeps getting filled with pictures of what we have done with each other, or what I'd like us to do with each other.'

'Nothing wrong with any of that Helen. Tell me about some of those pictures, I mean the ones you've seen of what you'd like us to do.'

'Well for instance, I want us to make love in all sorts of places. Not just here. I can't tell you how exciting it was making love in the office that time. The rush was incredible, so fast, so strong. I'd like to feel that again, and I'm sure I would if we were to do it in unusual places.'

'Such as?'

'Oh, I don't know, somewhere where we might, just might get caught I suppose. In a park, on a beach, somewhere like that.'

I made a mental note of that and prompted her to continue. 'What else?'

'In lots of different positions.'

'Any particular ones?'

'I like it when I'm on top, you know, sitting on you. That's very strong. And when you take me from behind, that's strong too.'

I could tell that there was something else on her mind but again had to encourage her to say what it was. 'There's something else isn't there?'

She looked down, her face flushed deeper than before and when she did speak it was in such a quiet whisper that I missed the first few words. '.... ...... cock in my bottom.' She lifted her head and looked me straight in the eye again as she added nervously. 'Does that offend you Roger?'

I reached out, pulled her to me and hugged her tight. 'Of course not. It's an exciting thought for me too Helen. Have you tried it that way before?'

'No, I never would, but as I said, with you I feel quite different, safer but at the same time less inhibited, more adventurous perhaps.'

'I know just what you mean. And I promise we'll try it that way, but we'll need to pick the right time, you'll need to be very aroused and at the same time very relaxed, especially the first time. The last thing I'd want to do is hurt you.'

'I know, and that's another thing about it, I trust you completely, whatever we do. Now.' She added determinedly. 'It's your turn, I've told you what I've been thinking, what about you?'

'Oh.' I said, taken by surprise. 'I've been too busy doing and enjoying to be doing too much thinking Helen.'

She grinned. 'That's no answer, come on, be fair. What fantasies are kicking around inside your head?'

I thought for a moment, and pictures of her daughter appeared out of nowhere, sliding herself across the back seat of the car, masturbating herself, kneeling between Julia's legs, standing naked inside the doorway, those were fantasies Helen certainly wouldn't want to hear about.

Quickly shoving those thoughts aside I said. 'Legs.'

'What did you say?'

'Legs, your legs, they're fantastic.' I said, recalling that first morning, in the kitchen. 'Remember that first morning?'

'I'm hardly ever likely to forget darling.'

'After I kissed you, you had to help me with your skirt, remember?'


'I wanted you to stop, just for a minute I mean. As you pulled your skirt up over yourself and I saw your thighs, I wanted you to stop, or slow down, so for a while I could just look at you. Then later, that lunch-time, when you kept your stockings on for me, I can still see you standing there.'

'It's nice to know you like looking at me, so what would you like?'

'I'm not really sure, times and places where I can see you like that, unexpectedly perhaps. That's not much help I suppose.'

'It'll give me something to think about. What else?'

'I'm sure I'll think of lots of things, but there was something you said just now, about liking the feel of my cock in your hand.'

'And in my mouth too remember.' she interrupted, giving that part of me that we were talking about yet another gentle and encouraging squeeze.

I grinned. 'I won't forget I promise you. But it's exciting for me knowing that you enjoy touching me, arousing me. Rather like what you were saying, about making love in unusual places, it would be very exciting for me if you were to do it, I mean get me off, in places like that.'

I could see she was thinking about what I'd said. 'That would be exciting for me too Roger. I like that idea, and it would be easier than actually making love. And another time you could do the same for me, with your fingers I mean. Anything else?'

'Not that I can think of at the moment.'

'Oh I'm sure there is.' she said knowingly. Then quickly added. 'But we'll explore other things at another time. Right now, all this sexy talk has got me, and from what I can feel going on down there, you too, feeling very, very sexy.'

With that she slid herself down over my body and the next thing I felt was the soft moistness of her lips closing over my already half-aroused cock.

The next hour was just a haze of pleasure, both giving and receiving, until, exhausted again we dozed in each other's arms.

And that's about the way that first week together went. Waking in her bed, one of us arousing the other for an all too brief encounter before we both got ready for work. A phone call or two during the day, then the evenings together again. Sometimes loitering over our meal as we talked and talked. Sometimes too much in need of each other to be bothered to eat until after we had frantically made love. Sometimes being woken during the night to find she was busily arousing me, or waking from some dream and being unable to resist rousing her.

The days sped by and although neither of us mentioned it, we were both conscious of the fact that on either Saturday or Sunday, Julia and Barbara would be back in town.

Chapter 10

Barbara's Look-alike

In fact it was the middle of Saturday afternoon, Helen had gone out for something so when the doorbell rang I went down to answer it, and found Barbara standing outside. She looked even more gorgeous than I remembered, she had picked up a light tan, her hair was glossy and her eyes seemed to sparkle with pleasure at the sight of me.

She was wearing a cotton top and a pair of shorts, nothing out of the ordinary, but from the way they moulded to her curves she might just as well have been naked and in spite of a particularly draining bout that Helen and I had enjoyed earlier that morning, I immediately felt myself responding quite automatically to the sight of her. I let her in and followed her up the stairs, my eyes fixed on the way her hips and bottom swayed from side to side, and I found the memory of what I had seen just a week before being brought vividly back into my mind.

Standing outside the bedroom door, my swollen cock in one hand, seeing her arse and pussy stretched wide open in front of me as she knelt there lapping Julia's cunt.

Remembering just how much I had longed to bury the hot hardness of my cock in either of her two available openings. And, as I recalled the details, the sight, the sounds, the scent of their combined arousal and how I'd had to relieve the unbearable pressure by jerking myself off, in spite of the draining work-out Helen and I had been giving it, I felt my cock rising strongly.

Her voice snapped me back to reality.

'I just ran out of a few things. We didn't get too much time for household chores, like washing. But then I don't suppose you two have either.' she said, turning and grinning down over her shoulder at me as she reached the top of the stairs.

'Not much.' I answered quietly. 'So, you've had a good time?' I added, trying to make my voice lighter. Giving my brain time to settle down, to stop re-playing the other exciting pictures of Barbara it had in store.

'Lovely. We've been to a couple of shows, had a great day out on a boat belonging to one of Julia's business friends, been to some nice restaurants, done a bit of shopping, and of course we managed to spend a lot of time, together...! And you?'

'Well we've both had to go to work of course, so we haven't done anything too exciting, except be together of an evening of course.'

She grinned wickedly. 'But that's been good, hasn't it?'

'Of course, wonderful.'

'I thought about you while I was away, both of you I mean.' she added hurriedly. 'I hoped you were, well, happy together.'

'We were, we are Barbara, very.'

I got the distinct impression that wasn't what she wanted to hear, but she gave me a smile, turned away and headed for her bedroom. 'I won't be long, just a few things I need to get. Oh, Julia said it would probably be a good idea if we all got together sometime soon, you know, to talk things over a bit.'

'Yes, that is a good idea.' I replied automatically as my eyes again dropped to watch the seductive sway of her bottom as she went down the corridor. 'I was about to make some coffee, would you like a cup?' I called after her.

'That would be nice.' she answered as she closed the door behind her, leaving me standing there, very aware of the physical reaction just the sight and nearness of her had produced in me.

As I prepared the coffee I couldn't help thinking of the last time I had done that for her, that first day, when she had been lying in the next room. The memory of what I had seen when I took her the coffee and sandwiches, lying back on the sofa, one leg splayed aside, her hand moving around underneath her skirt, and the pleading look in her eyes when a little later she had said. 'I wanted you to make love to me, no, that's not right, I really wanted you to just, fuck me! In fact, I've been wanting, dreaming of you doing just that, for weeks now!'

It occurred to me that I had never had an opportunity to question the reason why she was as attracted to me as she apparently was. I was quite literally old enough to be her father, not especially good-looking in any way, not wealthy, famous or powerful, yet each time, no matter what the circumstances, she made it almost blatantly obvious that not only could I have her, but that she wanted me!

Perhaps luckily, just then Helen arrived home from the shops. As she came into the kitchen I turned and said quietly. 'Barbara's here. She's getting a few things from her bedroom. I was just making us some coffee, would you like some too darling?'

A small cloud crossed her previously happy face. She turned to look down the corridor at the closed bedroom door, then back to look deep into my eyes and in hers I saw an unspoken question.

'You must have almost bumped into her in the street, she's only been here a minute or two.' I said, and saw a hesitant smile return to her face. She put down her bags, threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly against herself, then, looking up at me, she said quietly.

'I had hoped we could carry on from where we left off this morning, now I'll have to wait.'

I had almost subconsciously been holding myself a little away from her, not wanting her to feel that my cock was already aroused from Barbara's mere presence. But as she offered up her mouth for my kisses I ran my hand down her back, gripped her arse-cheeks, pulled her more tightly against myself and whispered.

'Great minds obviously think alike. I had been looking forward to something like that myself, as you may notice. When the door-bell rang I thought it was you, that you had forgotten your keys. I had thoughts of raping you on the stairs actually.'

She wriggled herself closer and I felt her thigh pressing against the swiftly rising hardness of my lengthening cock.

'Mmmm! Blast Barbara! I like the thought of that, rape on the stairs, I mean. Remember to try it some time please.' But even as she reached down for me with one hand, we heard the sound of Barbara's door opening and quickly, almost guiltily broke apart.

I turned away and busied myself with cups as they greeted each other. The tension in the air was obvious, yet they chatted, albeit haltingly, Helen asking how Barbara's ankle was, had she enjoyed herself, what she had done, where she had been. Never once mentioning or even alluding to Julia. Barbara spoke of 'we' this and 'we' that but still Helen refused or was unable to talk of the other half of the 'we'. I played the quietly dutiful housewife, serving the coffee, carrying it and some biscuits through to the other room, sitting down, lighting a cigarette, politely listening, saying nothing.

It was strange, sitting there as an observer, the sight of the two of them together, watching them move as they talked and sipped their coffee. In my mind I could peel away their clothes, imagine both of them naked, compare their bodies, different, yet each in its own special way incredibly exciting. And those and other, even more disturbing thoughts keeping my cock in a pleasantly semi-aroused state.

In time of course the atmosphere between them gradually became slightly less tense and although I felt things might have been very different if I hadn't been there I really didn't have too much choice about it. So I played the good host, re-filled cups and only joined in the conversation when it seemed totally appropriate. Although Barbara continued to talk about 'we' she didn't once mention Julia by name, or the meeting that Barbara had earlier said she wanted to have.

She stayed about an hour or so, then with a hug and kiss for her mother, she was gone, and I for one was relieved. Just sitting there, her gorgeous breasts swaying each time she moved, held in place by only the thin cotton top, and being ever conscious of Helen's watchful eyes, had meant I had to be very careful about where I was looking. But even so, the arousal that she had triggered when she first arrived, was maintained, my cock kept in a slightly uncomfortable, semi-erect state until she actually left.

Other than to go to work we hadn't been out of the place all week and so after Barbara had left, I asked Helen if she would like to go out that evening for a meal or to see movie. 'Yes please, both would be even nicer.'

'O.K., O.K., both it is. Is there a film you'd particularly like to see?'

She thought for a few moments and I noticed a small smile creasing the corners of her mouth then, with a really wicked look in her eye, she said. 'Yes there is one actually, it's probably not what you'd choose, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Trust me.'

We cleared away the cups and plates, did a few chores and then got ready to go out. It only took me a half hour or so to shower and change but of course, like any woman, Helen took longer, but when she finally appeared I had to admit that she had been worth waiting for.

I recognised the skirt immediately, it was the one I remembered so vividly from a day months before, when we were only saying 'good morning' as we passed each other on the way to work, which by then seemed so very long ago. But even so I still remembered the panel at the front of it being caught by a gust of wind and flying high, exposing one leg almost up to the hip!

Coupled with the skirt was a simple white blouse, no frills or flounces, just a tailored blouse with pearl buttons down the front. Below, even darker than the colour of my favourite skirt, black nylons, and I somehow felt sure I'd find that they were stockings rather than panty-hose.

'Beautiful Helen, just beautiful! In fact, why don't we just stay home?' I said with a cheeky leer.

She smiled, obviously pleased by my spontaneous reaction. 'Because it'll be even better, later Roger. Come on, you promised, so let's go.'

I had no idea what was going on in her head but it was quite clear that something was, her nervous excitement was obvious even during the short trip in the cab, when she snuggled up against me and again when I was buying the cinema tickets, when she whispered that I should try to get seats in the back row. It seemed that the film was some sort of romantic drama but the large number of empty seats we found when we went inside seemed to indicate that it wasn't the most popular movie in town.

In the cab on the way in I'd had a nice view of her legs as her skirt's panel slipped slightly to one side and she smiled up at me when she saw how my eyes were automatically drawn to the sight. But as she settled herself in her seat inside the cinema I was treated to an even more exciting picture, as she crossed her legs the panel fell away completely, exposing her thighs, the welts at the top of the stockings and an enticing section of her creamy flesh above them too. Naturally she watched as I stared, then smiled and whispered up at me.

'I told you it would be better later. I'm glad the place isn't full, we can have that much more fun together. Now, sit down and give me a cuddle.'

I sat beside her and slipped my arm around her shoulder, pulling her close and kissing her, and, as I did I felt her hand squeezing my leg. But although the cinema was relatively empty the main lights were still on so we restrained ourselves and I settled back to wait for the movie, and the dimmer lighting. But then Helen, having looked around us nudged me and said. 'There are so many empty seats, I'm sure it wouldn't matter if we moved, let's go over to the side.'

'Why?' I asked.

She gave me another of those wickedly knowing looks and answered. 'You'll see.'

So we did as she'd suggested and moved across to the block of seats on the left side, where both of the back two rows were completely deserted.

When I moved aside so she could go first she said. 'No, you go ahead.' Again I did as she asked and once again we settled ourselves, my arm around her, her head snuggled against my shoulder, one hand on my thigh, her legs crossed and exposed as they had been before, and waited for the movie to start.

We didn't have too long to wait and I heard her sigh happily as the lights began to dim and at the same time felt her fingers tightening their grip of me. After the usual assortment of previews, advertisements and a travelogue, the main feature finally began, which as I had thought, was a romantic drama, which revolved around the story of a country girl's new life in a big city. She meets up with the usual assortment of good and bad, falls for a guy and loses her job through trying to help him then finds out he's nothing but a con-man.