Those Days of...Ch. 46-50


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'O.K. - drive carefully - and remember, I love you.'

'I love you too. Bye.'

We hung up and I went back to the kitchen. 'How is she?' Barbara asked.


'Having second thoughts about the week-end?'

'Me - or your mother?'


'Maybe - but she said we were to enjoy ourselves and that I was to take good care of you.'

She smiled and asked. 'Did you tell her that you'd already started doing that?'

'I told her we had been out for lunch together and then had a bit of a nap - but no, I didn't go into detail about what happened in between. From the sound of her voice, there was no need to - I'm sure she guessed.'

'Of course she would have. Apart from anything else, she knows I hardly ever sleep during the day.'

'So, how long have you been awake?'

'Not long actually.' she replied with a grin. I surprised myself. As I said, it's not like me to sleep in the afternoon but I did, for over an hour. But now I feel great, a shower, a change of clothes and I'll be ready for anything.'

'And just what did you have in mind?'

'To be truthful? Cock in pussy!' she answered with a wicked grin. 'In due course, of course.' she added.

'And between now and then?'

'Oh, we might have a bit of a chat, while we drink our tea. We might decide what, if anything, we're going to do this evening - and tomorrow too. You never know, I might actually get you to talk about yourself, for a change.'

'What's that last remark supposed to mean?'

'Just what I said. If you think about it, I've told you a lot about what happened between Luke and I, Mike told us almost as much about his escapades - but I've never heard you talk about any adventures you had before you met us.

Julia mentioned you a few times, no details of course, she isn't that kind of woman - but other than that, nothing.'

'I see, you want my life story.'

'Not exactly Roger - but I'd love to hear about any sexual encounters you had before you met Julia. There were some weren't there? I can't imagine that you were still a virgin when you met her.'

I smiled thoughtfully. 'Yes there were a couple, a few in fact. So you'd like to hear about what mischief I got up to as a young man?'

'Yes please.' she answered enthusiastically.

'I see. I'll need a bit of time to get the brain-box working back that far.' I said, as I immediately started to recall a couple of the girls I'd known when I was younger. But by then, luckily the tea was ready, Barbara poured and we sat down opposite each other at the kitchen table.

'Oh - a couple of other things, your mother was very pleased to hear about the architects' reactions to the work you did, that Steve thought you showed potential. And of course she wanted to know what he was like?' I added with a meaningful glance.

'Wanted to know if he was bedable I suppose.'


'And what did you say?'

'I said I didn't know - but that it was very obvious that he'd taken an immediate fancy to you.'

She grinned back at me. 'Yes it was obvious wasn't it. I wonder what he'll do about it?'

'We'll see, he's got the perfect excuse to ring you though.'

'The plans?'


'As you said, we'll just have to wait and see. More tea?'

'No thanks Barbara, that's fine. Now, changing the subject, do you fancy dinner out tonight?'

'Oh no, maybe tomorrow night. But we had a lovely lunch, let's have dinner here tonight, something light. Then we, or rather you can talk. Tell me about your erotic encounters. That'll get me turned-on - and maybe you too. Then we can do something about each other's tensions.'

'Tensions? I don't think I have any.'

'You will have - I promise you, you will have, if I have anything to do with it!' she answered with a meaningful grin.

'Sounds good to me Barbara. But instead of having to cook why don't we get some take-away food delivered - you like Chinese don't you?'

'Oh yes, yummy! And not having to cook's a great idea. Apart from anything else, that'll give me more time to get myself tarted up for you, to make sure you're turned-on.'

'You don't have to make much of a effort to do that - and you know it.'

'But anyway I like getting dressed up for you. Is there anything in particular that you'd like me to wear Roger?'

I thought for a moment - and my mind went back to the day I'd stood in her room, when I'd looked through the things in her wardrobe - and suddenly remembered.

'The cat-suit! I've never seen you in the red cat-suit you bought.'

She smiled, then I saw from her expression that she'd had a sudden thought. 'Red, how do you know it's red? Even Mum doesn't know that because I went back and changed the one I'd originally bought, a black one, like hers.'

I felt embarrassed at having been caught out and felt myself starting to blush. 'I noticed it when I was looking in your wardrobe one day. Sorry.'

'No need to be sorry Roger - but what were you looking for?'

'Oh nothing in particular, just looking.'

Her smile softened. 'You don't mean you'd been missing me a little.'

'That sort of thing.'

She reached across the table and squeezed my hand as she quietly said. 'That's nice to know.

And of course I'd love to wear it for you - but I really don't think it's terribly practical, not for sitting around in, while we eat and talk I mean. How about I change into that, later. I'll put on something a bit more comfortable for early on, keep the suit to revive your flagging spirits.'

'O.K. - sounds good to me.'

Just then the phone rang and while Barbara went to answer it I let my mind wander back to my earlier days, trying to recall incidents that might amuse or interest her later on.

She wasn't gone long enough for me to get very far and when she returned I could see she was having trouble controlling her excitement about something.

'Who was it?'


'Ah, already! What did he want - as if I can't guess?'

'He was very enthusiastic about my ideas, said that now he'd had a chance to start looking at them in detail they are even better than he first thought.'


'There are a few points he's not quite sure of, I don't know the right terms for things you see. He said he knew it was short notice but asked if I could see him tomorrow evening, to sort the details out.'

The tone in my voice made my disappointment very clear. 'Tomorrow evening? But - '

'I know, don't worry, I told him I was busy. But, I said I could make it Sunday evening.' she said with a broad grin, adding. 'And that suits him fine. So I get the best of both worlds - and I don't think you and Mum will be too put out by me not being here when she gets back.

Oh, he also mentioned that there's a fairly important interior design exhibition on at the moment, its last day is tomorrow. He said he thought I'd find it very useful, not just for other ideas for the house - but if I was seriously thinking about doing at, as a career. I said I had other things to do - but that I'd think about it.

Now, unless you want to use the bath-room I'm going to have a long, hot bath, wash my hair, all that female kind of stuff. So you can watch TV, have a drink - and start remembering what lurid experiences you're going to tell me about later. Oh - and don't forget to order some food too, whatever you fancy, I like most things.'

And that's exactly what I did for the next couple of hours. Once I heard she'd finished in the bath-room I had a quick shower myself and after a bit of thought, put on the g-string Helen had bought for me, then just a pair of casual trousers and a clean shirt.

Refreshed, I poured myself a drink and returned to my thoughts for a while, waiting for Barbara to appear.

I didn't have to wait too long and when she did just the sight of her was enough to start my blood flowing a little quicker. At first glance she looked even younger than she was - she'd put her hair up in a pony-tail, her make-up was more youthful and apart from the way she filled them, which she couldn't disguise of course, even her outfit, white ankle socks, a short skirt and a tight fitting, white cotton top, made her look more like a young teen-ager than a hot-blooded woman who was about to spend a raunchy evening with a married man almost twice her age.

'What do you think?'

'Terrific Barbara - as always, simply terrific! Is the outfit designed to remind me of my mis-spent youth?'

'You got it!' she said then grinned as I responded.

'It works - but unfortunately for me I never knew any girls who filled their clothes the way you do.

I suppose you'd like a milk-shake, not a proper drink?'

'Let's not get too carried away with the charade - I'll take the proper drink thank you.' she replied as she sat down on the lounge chair opposite me. 'What time is the food arriving?'

'Another hour or so.' I replied as I got up to fix the drinks.

'Oh good, that'll give us enough time for a couple of stories before then. So, where are you going to start?'

'Not quite at the beginning.' I said, handing down her drink. 'There were a few of the usual disasters which I won't bore you with. I suppose the best place to start is when I had just turned eighteen, still at school, and still a virgin - but not for lack of trying.'

'That sounds like a good place to start.' she said as she settled back in the chair. I returned to mine and began to recount some of the half remembered events I'd been able to dredge up out of my memory.

Chapter 49

Early Memories

'As I said, it wasn't for the lack of trying that I was still a virgin - but although things weren't as bad as they were during my parents' days, most girls were still pretty reluctant to go all the way, as I think we still called it. There were girls who did of course - but I never seemed to latch on to one, or those that were reputed to never included any girl I was interested in.

But there was still quite a lot of other activity going on, plenty of fumbling gropes and, once you were going out with a girl pretty regularly, the occasional really hot session.

A few of the more hotly pursued girls were into oral sex, which was considered the next best thing to actually fucking of course - and some of the supposedly more experienced guys reckoned it was even better than sex itself. But funnily enough, hardly any of the guys admitted to liking giving oral sex to the girl.'

'Times haven't changed that much Roger.' she said with a wry smile. 'That's still about the way it is - and that's another reason why we both think your such a fantastic lover. You not only do it, you seem to enjoy it.'

'I do! That was something I discovered quite early on, I really enjoy being able to excite and please a woman that way. And that's where my story begins - discovering that I enjoyed something most of the girls loved having done to them - and which few of the other guys were apparently prepared to do.

I can still remember the evening I found that out, remember it quite clearly.

A group of us had gone to the pictures and somehow I'd ended up pairing off with a girl called Sheila, I didn't know her very well, she wasn't one of our regular group, she was a friend of one of the girl's sisters I think. Anyway, we'd found ourselves sitting next to each other during the movie, we'd laughed at the same things happening in the film and had a quiet giggle about some of the things going on around us, between the more regular couples I mean. So by the time we'd gone on for something to eat afterwards I began to think she was really nice.

It turned out that we both lived on the same bus route and though she got off a fair way before I did, that evening I got off with her and we started walking the short distance to where she lived. We'd already got as far as holding hands and when she turned off the road and into a park, saying it was a short-cut, I began to wonder if she liked me enough for a bit of a kiss and a cuddle.

I remember the place quite clearly, there was a small pond, with trees around one side of it and between some of them, a few seats. Although the park was pretty well lit in most places the trees reduced the efficiency of the lighting on that side of the pond and in one place the light must have been broken - and right there, in the darkest part, was one of the seats.

I suggested we sit and talk for a while, half expecting her to refuse - but she didn't, so we sat, not saying very much - for one thing, I was even more nervous than I usually was. Anyway, I finally put my arm around her shoulder and when I felt her shift a little closer, turned her head round and kissed her.

We kissed and cuddled for quite a while, then I tentatively went for a feel of her breasts, she didn't seem to mind that, so I got my hand up underneath her jumper and tried for a more direct feel - and still she didn't stop me. There were plenty of girls who would go that far, so I didn't let my hopes get too high, even when after a while longer she let me clumsily undo her bra and pull her jumper up so I could kiss as well as fondle her.

She had nice breasts, small of course but a nice shape and I was really enjoying myself - and by the way she was reacting, so was she.

That went on for some time - and of course I was getting pretty fired-up by then and had a really solid erection. After a bit longer I managed to wriggle myself around on the seat sufficiently so that I could keep kissing and sucking at her breasts while I used my hand to try for a feel down between her legs. To my real surprise she still didn't object - she even relaxed her legs enough for me to get it all the way up to the top of them and as I felt the softness of the skin along the inside of her thigh my hopes started to rise, almost as high as my cock.

Most girls wore pretty standard under-pants in those days, not the sexy things they do today, they certainly weren't designed to allow inexperienced fingers inside them, particularly in the awkwardly cramped position I was in. So although I struggled for quite a while I couldn't do much more than find out that she seemed willing enough for me to go at least one stage further - if I could find a way of doing it. I decided that I really had nothing to lose, so got off the seat and kneeled on the grass in front of her, slipping both hands up under her skirt and hooking my fingers over the top of her under-pants.

That made her finally bring things to a halt. But instead of being annoyed with me, as I'd half expected, she said although she didn't mind me touching her, I had to understand she wasn't going to go all the way. And when I said that was O.K. she lifted herself enough for me to get them off.

Pushing her skirt right up to her waist I pulled her forward a little and, having eased her legs apart, shifted myself up between them. By that time my eyes had got used to the darkness and even in the little light we had I found I could see reasonably well. Against the almost stark whiteness of her thighs and stomach, her pubic hair was a dark, matted bush - and below it, the delicate outer lips of her vagina, glistening faintly. I'd never seen a real vagina before, only anatomical drawings in school books - suddenly there I was, looking at a real one.

And I remember thinking at that moment just how beautiful and how amazing a thing it was. Fragile and defenceless looking. Yet it was capable of accepting a man's most forceful thrusting and of pushing a baby out into the world.

I reached up and touched it, just brushed my finger-tips very lightly over the softly folded lips - and looked up at Sheila as she automatically reacted, giving a faint gasp as her body tensed. As I repeated that touch again and again, she relaxed a little more, opening her legs wider.

I'd not only heard about oral sex, I'd had one girl who actually tried to do it to me once - but she couldn't, said she couldn't get her mouth open wide enough - but I'd felt sure that was just an excuse. But on the other hand I'd certainly never tried to do it to a girl - frankly, most guys I knew thought the very idea was disgusting. But, looking at her vagina, touching it, feeling her twitch and sigh with pleasure gave me a really strong urge to lean forward and kiss it, it seemed the most natural thing in the world to do.

So I did just that - leaned forward and gently kissed it.

It was nice - just like a little, pursed, vertical mouth - so I kissed it again and although Sheila's body went completely rigid when she felt the first kiss, when I did it the second time she relaxed again and I heard her give an enormous sigh. As she obviously liked what I'd done I gave her a few more little kisses and then, gaining confidence, tried giving it a few delicate licks too, around the edges and then up between the lips themselves.

As I did that they seemed to open, sort of unfold themselves and my tongue slipped down in between them. Then, as my tongue slipped deeper and its movements became less tentative, Sheila began to moan with obviously growing pleasure.

I tried desperately to remember what little we'd learned about female anatomy - remembered the teacher mentioning the clitoris, the nerve centre - and what I'd heard older guys saying about a woman's 'button', that to give a girl an orgasm you had to press the button the right way.

By that stage Sheila was getting so much enjoyment from what I was already doing that I didn't really want to risk too much experimenting. But, what the older guy's had said kept coming back into my head - and apart from what I needed for myself, I really wanted to give Sheila an orgasm. So, very cautiously at first, each time I withdrew my tongue from in between the lips of her vagina, I tried sort of flicking it up through the hairs immediately above them.

Even if I didn't know it at the time, I must have hit the target enough times for Sheila to get sufficient additional stimulation. Though it's just as likely that most of what she was feeling was actually in her head, just from the fact that she was having a guy go down on her - I found out later that it her very first time too. Anyway, whatever the actual trigger was it was certainly powerful - and she suddenly went wild.

On top of everything else that was happening, it was the first time I'd ever seen a girl have a real orgasm. I'd rubbed my fingers up between a few girls' legs - and when I'd seen them writhing about as a result of that I'd thought that was what happened when a girl had one. But Sheila's response was nothing like that at all. Although she'd relaxed when I started kissing and then tensed up when I began licking her, she hadn't actually done anything to encourage me - but when she began to approach orgasm she certainly did.

She spread her legs even wider apart and her hands grabbed hold of my hair, then she started giving a series of gasping grunts as her hips began to jerk up and down. Looking back at it, what we were doing was pretty uncoordinated. With my mouth pressed tight against her pussy it was almost impossible to lick her clit so I just flicked it in and out, sometimes feeling the hard ridge, sometimes poking it inside her pussy. But the combination of her jerking up and down and my flickering tongue - plus the fact that it was her first time - was more than enough and a few moments later she pulled my head hard up against herself and I felt her entire body starting to convulse.

Experiencing the force of someone else's climax for the first time was really quite frightening, I wasn't sure whether she was going to faint, whether I had actually hurt her in some way or what I should do next. Not that I had much choice really, her grip hadn't slackened, her fingers still had me tightly by the hair - so I just continued doing what I had been doing for her with my mouth and tongue.

Although it went on for absolutely ages - she no sooner reached the peak of one climax than she seemed to start another - eventually of course she'd had enough and although she still held on to me, she finally pushed my head a little away from herself. I was actually quite thankful about that, it gave me a chance to catch a few much needed breaths of air.