Those Days of...Ch. 46-50


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We stayed like that for maybe five minutes, maybe longer, Sheila's fingers stroking the back of my head, toying with my hair. Although my cock was so hard and swollen that it was beginning to hurt, I was really quite happy - pleased with myself for having been able to satisfy her so intensely.

Then I felt her shift back on the seat, her hands pushing me back a little, lifting my face - and then she bent forwards and kissed me. It was an incredible kiss, soft, moist - yet so full of emotion that it was much more stirring than many other, more passionate kisses I'd had.

'That was the most wonderful thing I've ever felt Roger.' she said quietly. 'You can't begin to imagine what it felt like.

But you must be in a terrible state by now. Get up.'

It wasn't just my cock that was stiff, I'd been kneeling down there for so long that one leg had completely gone to sleep, but I got up and before I'd had a chance to sit down beside her, she began to undo my trousers.

'My turn now.' was all she said as she struggled to get them down far enough to get at my cock. And although she presumably didn't have that much more experience than I'd had at doing it and she certainly didn't even try to take more than just the head in her mouth, taking that out again when she felt I was about to come, she gave me my very first blow-job.

When we'd tidied ourselves up we walked the rest of the way to her house and though neither of us said very much I could feel that there was a kind of bond between us. She was very affectionate, hugging me every now and then, stopping from time to time to kiss me - and I found I really liked the feelings that flowed between us.

Just before we got to her place she stopped again, said that we should have our good-night kiss there, in case her parents were looking out for her - and although we didn't allow ourselves to get too carried away we certainly did a good deal more than kiss. When she finally said she really had to go in I asked her when I could see her again - and I've never ever forgotten what she said. She looked up at me, a nearby street light reflecting off her eyes as she said - 'If you'll do what you just did for me, you can see me every day, if you want to.'

I thought about what she'd said as I waited for a bus and again later, when I was home, in bed. Not just what she'd said, but also the incredibly powerful way she'd come. Plus the unbelievable sensations she'd given me with her lips and fingers. And as well as all that, how affectionate she'd been towards me as I walked her home. I suddenly realised that girls were just as horny as guys - and had the thought that if most guys were reluctant to go down on a girl, one who did would probably be more appealing than many others. The possibilities of that brought on another erection and it was only after I'd got myself off that I finally fell asleep.

My thoughts were confirmed a few weeks later.

Sheila and I went out as frequently as our separate school activities - and her parents, allowed. We'd usually have a school event, a movie or a party as our excuse - but we both knew that as soon as we could we would head for somewhere where we could do it to each other. At night we'd often return to the seat in the park, when we met during the day at the week-end it was more difficult, we'd have to keep our eyes open for likely places - but somehow we usually managed. Apart from anything else, our skills were rapidly improving, we didn't say very much to each other about it but learned by finding what was effective and what wasn't. A process of trial and error if you like - discovering different techniques, different ways of pleasing each other.

So, that had been going on for about three or four weeks I suppose, it was at a party, somebody's birthday party, when the thoughts I'd had that first night, were actually confirmed.

Like most kids, when we were at a party we didn't stay with each other all the time, when we weren't dancing, the girls would usually get together in various groups, talking and laughing, watching the boys. The boys formed other groups, doing very similar things. I'd earlier seen Sheila at the centre of a particular group of girls, only noticing them at that time because they seemed much quieter than everyone else. They were whispering to each other about something - and every now and then, one or another would glance up, apparently looking in my direction before returning her attention to what was being said.

Some time later, I'd gone down to the bottom of the garden for a piss - the girls always took so long in the bath-room that we usually left that for them. As I re-zipped my fly and turned around I found there was girl standing there, she must have been watching me. Her name was Greta, a girl in the class a year ahead of Sheila and one that I and just about every guy I knew, would have given their right arm for a session with. Her parents originally came from either Norway or Sweden, I never could remember which - and she had that typical Scandinavian look; long, straight, very blonde hair, enormous pale blue eyes and those prominent high cheek-bones. And apart from an absolutely gorgeous face, she had the most incredible figure; big, high-set breasts, small waist and long, very slim legs. As I said, every one of the guys positively drooled over her - and so far as I knew, none of them had ever got anywhere with her.

So you can imagine my amazement when, cool as anything she said 'Hello.' and I tried to overcome my tongue-tied embarrassment by mumbling something back.

'Can you drive?' she then asked, confusing me even more. I told her I was taking lessons but didn't have a proper licence. 'Pity, Mum lent me her new car, I thought you might like to try it. Anyway, would you like to see it?' she asked after a few moments pause.

Greta could show me the latest thing in cake-making if she wanted to, so of course I said I'd like that, trying hard to sound genuinely interested.

There was a gate in the back fence, which led into a narrow, poorly lit lane-way behind the houses - and that's where she'd parked. When she'd unlocked it she didn't open the driver's door, she opened one of the back doors instead - and then suggested I see how comfortable the seats were. I got in and as she came in after me I slid across to make room for her, then as she shut the door behind her and the overhead light went out, she came straight into my arms and kissed me.

It took me about one second flat to get over my initial surprise - and for my cock to suddenly wake up to what was going on. As that first kiss continued I got a hand up between us and went straight for a feel of one of her amazing breasts. It felt great, even though there were both her blouse and bra between my fingers and the firm flesh - and as I squeezed and kneaded it I felt my cock straining up to full attention.

I guess I was so afraid that I might suddenly wake and find it was all a dream that I was nervous about taking the next step - but Greta certainly wasn't. After pushing me a bit away from herself she quickly undid buttons and clips and suddenly I was confronted with the reality of what a couple of dozen guys had only been able to dream about.

Even in the half-light inside the car I could see them quite clearly, certainly clearly enough to see that in the flesh they were even bigger and firmer than I'd ever imagined. At their tips were pale pink circles, centred by slightly darker nipples and I could see that they were starting to get a little bit stiff. After just staring at them for quite some time I slipped my hands under the warm heaviness of her breasts and bent down to take one of the hardening nipples between my lips.

I licked, gently nibbled and sucked one, then the other, then the first one again. Thrilling at the feel of having my face buried in the lush, sweet smelling valley between them. Wanting nothing else but to be able to stay there caressing and fondling them all night.

Although I was lost in my own world, in a haze of wonderful sensations, after a while I became aware that Greta had started to make faint, mewling sounds. What I was doing was obviously starting to turn her on and I began to vaguely wonder what else she might let me do. But again she took me completely by surprise.

I had got as far as dropping one hand down on to her knee but had no sooner done that than she began to push my head away from herself and for one terrible moment I thought I had over-stepped some invisible barrier, that she was going to stop me from even continuing to kiss and caress her breasts. So, when she then whispered - 'Will you do it to me Roger?' - I really had no idea what she meant.

'Do what?'

'What you do for Sheila, silly.'

Naturally I obliged her - and Greta reacted just as strongly as Sheila. After it was over, as I resumed fondling and sucking her breasts, she used her long, slim fingers to give me an incredibly powerful climax. Afterwards, as I cleaned myself up as best I could with my handkerchief I asked her how she'd known what Sheila and I had been doing. She grinned and told me I ought to understand that girls talk about most things. Having a boy who was prepared to go down on her was so unusual that Sheila naturally couldn't help letting her friends know how lucky she was.

When we finally returned to the party I saw most of the girls turn to watch us, when they saw the smug grin of satisfaction on Greta's face they knew that what Sheila had been telling them wasn't just her wishful thinking and then I saw several of them glance at me - appraising what they saw. In amongst them there was just one pair that were staring coldly at me - Sheila's.

Within the next three or four days I had about half a dozen phone calls from different girls - each one with a different reason for ringing - I had invitations to other parties, to a school dance, a theatre outing, you name it. Even Greta rang, though her conversation was far more direct - when could we do it again? There were other things she would like me to try, if I was interested. If I was interested!

The only person who didn't ring was of course Sheila, so I rang her. It was a very short conversation - she said she never wanted to see me again. I asked why. She said I knew why. I asked if she meant what had happened with Greta. She said of course she did. I said it wouldn't have happened if she hadn't talked about us to her friends - and she hung up on me.

I was sorry about that, I really liked Sheila, not just the sexual aspect, I liked her, liked her sense of humour, the way she smiled, the way she kissed. But, if that's the way she wanted it - what was I to do? I rang Greta - and made a date for the following Friday night. Then the best looking of the girls who'd rung me and made a date with her for Saturday. I considered going for a third on the Sunday but thought that might be taking things a bit too far - anyway being new to the whole thing, at that stage, though it sounds funny today, I wasn't sure how much sex my body could stand.

For the next few months I was like a kid turned loose in a sweet factory. My parents couldn't understand the sudden flood of phone calls I was getting, all from girls and I must have sucked more pussy than the average guy does in half a life-time.

I still thought about Sheila quite a lot - but managed to drown my sorrows in pussy-juice, a lot of it Greta's. And incidentally, she was the one who introduced me to your particular speciality Barbara - getting me off between your breasts I mean.' I explained as I saw her questioning look. Adding truthfully. 'But although, because it was something that I had never even thought of, it was incredibly exciting, the thrills were nothing like those you gave me.'

She grinned happily back at me. 'That's nice to know - you must be about due for another of those. But tell me, did you finally get rid of your virginity during all this other activity?'

'Not during it, no. The girls were only after me for the thing I could do for them - but there was no shortage of blow-jobs. But it is fair to say that I lost my virginity as a result of all that activity.'

'You'll have to explain that for me.'

'Well, the first time was with Sheila you see.'

'Aha! Trade-off!'

'Now it's your turn to explain.'

'Simple. Girl gets guy, girl loses guy, girl wants guy back. How does she get him? What trade-off does she make?'

'Yes, I suppose you're right - though I've never really thought of it quite as cold-bloodedly as that.'

'There's nothing cold-blooded about sex Roger.' she answered with a grin.

'True - and certainly not with Sheila.'

'O.K. - we've probably got enough time before the man brings our dinner - tell me how it happened, then you can keep your other stories until after we've eaten.'

Chapter 50

Losing It

'It was her college's end of year formal ball - we were both in the preceding year, one more to go before we left - but hers had this unusual arrangement. The kids in our year were the helpers, waiters and waitresses, organised the tickets, got the band, decorated the hall, all that kind of stuff. And those that had helped but who weren't needed to actually work during the ball were allowed to attend. Sheila had been doing a lot of the promotional work, making posters and things, so she was going - and, a couple of weeks before it, quite out of the blue, she rang and asked me if I would partner her.

I guess it was her way of saying 'sorry', letting me know that she still liked me and wanted us to get back together again. Now I'd been having a great time during the months since the party when it all started, but although I'd been with some very attractive girls I hadn't found one I liked anywhere near as much as I did Sheila. So I said 'yes'.

I hired a penguin suit, you know black tie gear, bought her a corsage of orchids and as by then I'd finally got my driving licence I was able to borrow my father's car for the evening - so felt I was doing everything with a bit of style.

Her mother opened the door when I knocked and a few moments later Sheila came out to join me. My eyes nearly popped out of my head - I would never have recognised her. I don't know what had happened to her in those few months but certainly something had. She was absolutely stunning!

I can still remember the dress she wore, a deep, vivid blue, cocktail length I think they call it, with a big, flared skirt, lots of ruffly layers underneath it - but with a tight-fitting, strapless bodice, with those sparkly things.'

'Do you mean sequins?' Barbara asked.

'Yes, that's right, sequins, in a series of curling lines up the front of it, curving up and outlining her breasts.

It was her breasts that made my eyes pop, they seemed to be twice the size I remembered, I couldn't believe they'd grown that much in just a few months. Anyway, there they were and even if the size of them was being exaggerated by the cut of the dress, there was no way she could have faked the deep cleavage I could see between them. Her hair had been softly waved and looked great and even her face looked more beautiful than I remembered. All in all I thought she looked like a film-star and I couldn't believe how lucky I was.

But I couldn't think of anything sensible to say, I mumbled something about her looking very pretty and as I thrust the flowers at her I remember she and her mother exchanged smiles with each other - as though they'd fully expected the sight of her to put me in a state of nervous confusion.

It took us a while to recapture the relationship we'd had, we were both pretty tense with each other for a while, neither quite knowing what to say to the other - but once we joined up with our friends and the dance got started it was as though we'd been together the whole time, we were soon joking and laughing the way we always had and I was feeling great.

The school didn't allow alcohol at the ball but most of the guys smuggled something in, then used it to lace the soft drinks and fruit punch that was served - and I was no different. Sheila and I had each had a couple of drinks, no more than that and the next time I offered her one she suggested we take them outside, drink them in the car park, so we could cool off a bit after all the dancing we'd been doing.

We slipped away from the rest of our group and carried our drinks out with us - it was a really lovely evening, clear skies, a bit of moon showing, warm but every now and then a faint breeze blew, just what we needed to cool off, without actually getting cold. We walked across to where I'd parked my father's car and got in, leaving the door open to catch the breeze.

We'd been sitting there for a few minutes during which time neither of us had said a word, then I put my drink down, took hers and put it beside mine, then slipped my arm around her and told her how much I'd missed her, that I wanted us to be special again, that she was the most stunning girl at the ball and I felt terrific being her escort.

She kissed me. It was just like the kiss she gave me after the first climax I gave her, soft, moist and hinting at an underlying passion. She asked me if I was really serious about her and I said I was, really serious, that it had taken the other girls to make me realise just how much I liked her, how much she meant to me.

We kissed again, a lot, which didn't do her make-up any good but she didn't seem to care and I could feel that by then she was getting almost as worked up as I was.

She admitted that she'd missed me too, that she'd been tempted to call earlier and say she was sorry for the stupid way she'd acted - she knew how brazen Greta could be and that given the way she'd gone about it, there hadn't been too much I could have done differently, that if she hadn't been so silly about it, I probably wouldn't have gone out with all the other girls. Girls who were only too eager to come back and tell her what an absolutely marvellous pussy-licker I was.

I felt myself go a vivid shade of red when she said that but waited until she'd finished letting off steam before I said something about none of the other girls being anywhere near as pretty as she was - down there - that I'd played the field the way I had because I was ashamed of what I'd done with Greta, then angry at the way she, Sheila had reacted and all in all had behaved just as stupidly myself.

'Did you, you know, I mean, did you go all the way with any of them?'

'No, just what we used to do for each other.'

She sat there in silence for quite a long time then, apparently having made up her mind about something, looked up at me and in a quiet, almost shy voice asked me. 'Would you like to - with me I mean?'

When I asked her what she meant she got embarrassed but said that she'd talked things over with her mother, not about me of course, about boys, sex and what was bound to happen to her sooner or later. Anyway, her mother had agreed that she should go on the pill, just to be on the safe side. So, if we were going to be special again, it was safe for us to try it, sometime, if I felt the same way too.

I didn't know what to say, so I kissed her again, long and hard and as we kissed she slipped her hand down between my legs and found the equally long hardness of my fully aroused cock.

When we surfaced for air she said with a shy smile. 'I know one part of both of us that thinks it would be a good idea for them to get to know each other.'

'But not here, not in the car Sheila. I want it to be special the first time, especially for you, it's so important for a girl, the first time I mean - for a boy too of course - but somehow it's different for a girl. Anyway, you deserve something a lot better than a quick back-seat job.'

She gave me a big hug and said. 'How about in a proper double-bed then?'