All Comments on 'Truth & Consequences'

by capecodmercury

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Average-JoeAverage-Joeabout 19 years ago

I like forgiveness and reconciliation in stories sometimes but all her passive-aggressive ramblings, rationalizations and platitudes dont make her any more sympathetic. In one sentence she talks about her how she recognizes the flawed thinking that got her into the mess and in the next she exhibits the exact same thought processes. Hardly inspires confidence if you ask me.

All in all, I liked the story even if I thought most of what the wife wrote was pure BS. All the BS intersersed with her assertions about how she's seen the light and recognizes her screwy thinking makes the letter almost as much of a slap in the face to the husband as her original affair. If the affair didnt convince the husband that he was better off without her, the letter is sure to do it.

I liked the idea that some things just cant be taken back or fixed no matter how much you might wish you could or how sorry you might be. The fact that the wife is not willing to let herself be punished forever is also something I agree with. She was spot on in saying you cant reconcile or fix a marriage that way. Sometimes you just have to learn from your mistakes and move on. If only it seemed like she really got the lessons she was pontificating about & wasnt just saying what he wanted to hear in avoid the consequences of her choices (I think this was one of the flaws she claimed to have recognized in herself).

Im always glad to read anything that varies from the happy cuckold/willing slut mainstream on this site (not begrudging those who like that type of story - just think its over-represented). Thanks for writing.

JDsellerJDsellerabout 19 years ago
What a BITCH !!!

Why would any man want her back??? She still is not acepting fault for cheating. Toward the end of the letter she is even starting to blame him for her cheating. She wonders why her husband is cold toward her? Why would he ever take a chance on showing her any emotion again. He already has had her grind his feelings into the dirt and stomp on them. I maybe too much of a hard ass but I don't think that a marriage can survive an affair that lasted for over six months. A one time slip can be worked out and forgiven. Not an ungoing affair with all the lies and betrayals involved. I think that they made a mistake staying together after the affair. They both needed to sort out their feelings and then see what was possible. Personally I could never trust my wife again after an affair. The trust needed in a marriage is too deep to recover after this type of betrayal.

LastoftheGreatMikeysLastoftheGreatMikeysabout 19 years ago
Actually, I thought this was good.

It seemed like, though she was not done the process, she had made the nessesary leap from justification to accepting her choices and the consequences thereof. She's not done, that much is plain, but I think she's trying to give her husband the nudge he may need to stop thinking, "The bitch betrayed me" to "What do I really want now?"

The bottom line is she's accepting the consequences and putting the ball in his court. He can pick it up or kick it away.

It was a very thought provoking tale. I love tales of consequences, good, bad and other.

PArebelPArebelabout 19 years ago
Good Start

Now we have to find out his reaction.

While she has begun to take responsibiltiy, she still doesn't really want full responsibility. It's his fault she continued the affair beyond the first week. He never confronted her about her lies, he didn't stop her from going to the convention, etc.

Stopping her from doing what she obviously wanted to do wouldn't have solved the problem. He needed to know if he could trust her again. Perhaps he was still ready to forgive and never bring up the issue if she and her paramour had not gotten together again.

I'd be curious to see a follow-up.

Nightowl22Nightowl22about 19 years ago
It's all his fault!

First let me say I think this is very well written.

I DON'T think her latest action is going to solve anything. She deserted him by fucking around and now she has deserted him entirely.

He's gonna feel like she really does want to be with him, to love him??

I like the bit about the slut blaming the victim.

He was supposed to stop her from 2000 miles away. And she thinks he should have stopped her with the emails when she has already fucked the guy. He's already a cuckold; he knows it; he wants proof.

But it's all his fault. Fight for her??

She is MARRIED to him, he shouldn't be REQUIRED to fight for her. She should be adhering to her vows of fidelity!

Well, we know that if the fucking had taken place in the old home town he may well have kicked Jeffs ass. I was a little surprised that he didn't kick the door down, REGARDLESS OF IT BEING A HOTEL. He could pay for it! Had he done so the resulting commotion might well have really brought her infidelity home to her. Getting to Jeff at that point was uppermost in my mind!

The poor thing, she hadn't had a cock for two whole weeks. What the hell did she think HE was doing during that time?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Good start but he needs to retrurn her letter

She is still thinking only of herself. he would be better off telling her exactly what she can do with her pain. I'm sure he had much more pain that she'll evere know. She is a cheating bitch who would cheat on him again that I am sure of. If her lover called her she is now in her own place and can fuck him freely. If it were me I would have a really hard time not answering her BS letter. If she isn't home in 12 hours I would start the process of dumping her cheating ass.

fregenfregenabout 19 years ago
Whatever the decision…

It’s time for both of them to stop rolling around in the ashes. After a year enough’s enough.

First off let’s fix the blame where it belongs – on her. Despite her protestations that she knows she is to blame in the letter she winds up trying to fob off the guilt on him. “Gosh, it had been two whole weeks since we had sex and I was really upset.” “You knew I lied and wasn’t in my room when you called and yet you continued to let me cheat.” “You worked too much.” “You took my love for granted.”

First off as she correctly points out marriage is built on love and trust. He signed on as a husband, not a warden. She only will be faithful if he is watching her? That isn’t a marriage. When confronted does she recognize the massive hurt her betrayal has caused and admit all – or does she lie? She lies compounding the original betrayal.

As this is told by her in the first person we don’t know his thoughts but maybe, just maybe, he suspected her of cheating but loved her so much he put aside those fears as irrational. Maybe, just maybe, when he found his fears to be true he loved her so much he was willing to forgive a one-time fling. Maybe, just maybe, he wanted to know whether or not his partner and best friend actually loved someone else more than him. Maybe, just maybe, he had to do a direct confrontation before he could believe it himself.

In one thing she is very right: What they are doing now isn’t working. He might have started off with the best of intentions but found he could not overcome the hurt and betrayal. Obviously counseling is desperately needed. If he cannot forgive her then they need to end the sham they have going now and they need to formalize what has already happened. If she hasn’t started to rebuild his trust after a year she isn’t going to. Continuing to punish her isn’t going to do either of them any good in the long run.

Good job. The story absolutely demands his reply!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
The Start of a Catharsis

I think you have done an awesome job of explaining her side of what has occurred. As the other comments point out, she is certainly not done with her self inspection or she wouldn't be blaming him. However, I think you have allowed her to go as far as she can without his help or a counselor or both. I think she recognizes this or she wouldn't be writing the letter.

I see this story as complete as it is written. At odd moments, I will speculate about the outcome, but I don't need you to write more. If you can write a "next" and maintain the quality of this piece, I will eagerly await it.

sherlock40sherlock40about 19 years ago
Why didn't he help her when he started to

suspect her of having an affair? Maybe because he was hoping that his wife of so many years would show that she had more self-control than the typical 5 year old. That he was stunned by what he found and couldn't believe that the woman he loved could break his heart so much.

If they do get back together, will he have to hold her hand when they go out? Just so she doesn't start fucking other men because "she just couldn't help it."

This was a very good story about a difficult subject. Will he right her back now?

wetapapwetapapabout 19 years ago
fregen has it right

if you stop someone from committing an evil deed, you don't create an angel. usually, you only force that person to do a better job of concealing their actions from you. what would he have gained by interfering. just be forced to wonder what she was doing behind his back everytime he wasn't there to look over her shoulder. stopping her would have made him her warden, after he would have become her prisoner. a true friend watches your back, not stabs you in the back. you don't have to ask a true friend to stop hurting you, a true friend would never delibertly do anything to hurt you. the friendship ended immediately upon her first traitorous act. after that, he owed her absolutely nothing, except to try and make sure she would never be able to hurt him agian. if you don't have a friend to help watch your back, you have to look out for yourself.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

I thought about it these past five months.

You were right about having the were right about your actions were right about my were right about leaving ... you were right about everything else....DAMMIT are ALWAYS right.

God Bless and take care.

Love always


PS: Becky says hi. We are expecting our first in 6 months

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
KUDO's Author - Skill & Consequence

Thanks for exhibiting with skill what has happened from her viewpoint and how she feels what caused her to do and feel the way she does now. Her feelings don't have to be right in others eyes - just evidence of her own ongoing feelings.

Any relationship can be fragile and must be nurished to survive by imperfect people. Communication occurs constantly in life but often not when it is needed most. Pride and selfishness can be self defeating human traits, and particularly so in a marriage where they don't belong.

That said, she and we know she was wrong. However she doesn't seem to know that she is still wrong by pushing her lack of ownership of marital responsibility back at him.

The author has done a splendid job of showing how conveluted people can think and justify what they know is dangerous and wrong, yet do anyway without long term thought and with irrational self justifications.

Much has been said about his passive actions of prevention by people who haven't been there I guess. Confronting in person or from a distance a spouse who is suspected of cheating rarely brings about openness or clarity. If a loved one has changed the rules of the marital contract and evidenced suspicious actions without being candid what makes anyone think a confrontation without some evidence will change thier path. It just makes them more careful in thier intended deception. Conversely, accusation without evidence can be harmful to each as well. Sending someone underground by voicing concerns may work but probably won't deter thier intentions - just warn the need to better camoflage them. This from personal history.

Author - I appreciate the thought provoking time you spent to entertain us. Perhaps it may explain to those in contemplation, the path they consider and the certain outcome dictated by life's realities. Better to divorce or go into therapy before forcing an unretriveable action which can become very unpredictable and sometimes violent.

Lastly Author, a splendid half story intended by my view to set up another from his viewpoint - take your time to do it right as you did with this one.

Thanks again - with high Regard

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Husband IS a Cowardly Bastard!

I have been stunned by the responses to this piece and to "Law of the Heart". In both cases, the wife is away from home and the support of family and friends. It is very easy to get caught up in a hedonistic "anything goes" atmosphere. I grew up in a resort area and I saw it.

Husbands need to protect and defend what is theirs. They do this by keeping their wives away from inapropriate situations whenever possible and if not always possible, they tactically intervene when necessary, no matter how unpleasant it may be to do so. Intervention may take the form of giving the potentially straying spouse a life preserver at a crisis point by verbally presenting them with the choice of an intact marriage or cheating and divorce. This is what the husband in "Law of the Heart" had multiple opportunities to do. He showed just how little he cared for his wife because he refused to offer her the life preserver. She was on her own and if she ever found out that her husband had come to the resort, she would know that he would never defend her. He would always cut and run; he was a coward.

When husbands intervene, wives come to understand just how deeply their husbands care for and love them. Their wives also come to understand just how much testicular fortitude their MAN has. They come to know that their husband is a real MAN who is willing to stand up and take the short term heat for disappointing the wife while providing long term safety for her, the children and the relationship.

It's also a two way street; the wife has to defend what is hers. I told my wife that, at our wedding, I obtained the exclusive rights to her breasts and pussy. She agreed but said that she had obtained the exclusive rights to my cock, balls and sperm. It's a mutual defense pact, grounded in caring and love.

The husband in this story is an uncommunicative asshole. He won't talk; he won't see a psychologist. He enjoys wallowing in his pain. To be blunt, he was not harmed by his wife's sex with another man. He suffered no loss. She's not going to run away with the other guy. It's over. The lies and deception are the problem.

Those can only be dealt with by communication. My guess is that the husband was always unable to communicate and this was a direct cause of the idea of the affair taking root in the wife's thoughts. People need to be given positive alternatives to counter the many bad, but very sensually pleasant, choices that the world offers.

My wife and I openly talk to each other about sex with other specific, named people. This keeps it from becoming forbidden fruit. All married men and women think about sex with people other than their spouse. It's no big deal. You can't just say to your spouse that you're married and therefore you won't have sex with other people. The key to fidelity is that the spouse has to be offered a life with you that is worth more than the momentary pleasure of an affair.


DavefoDavefoabout 19 years ago
Good writer, good story.........

We readers sometimes need to step back from the current story (and hopefully it is not an autobiography) and rethink societal norms.

She had no sex for two weeks and we are supposed to feel sorry for her? Or him? What about our brave soldiers in Iraq... right this minute. There are thousands of wives waiting for months. God willing, they are all faithful, but based on my experiences, they are not. Most are. These moms, these wives wait for months, hoping their husbands come home alive and this woman whines over two weeks? And by the way,

when I was overseas, and married, I never, ever cheated on

my wife. I avoided any situations where I would be tempted.

And I have hundreds of days in SEA.

Next dose of reality is that a long term cheater will always

cheat with that mate. If they divorce and remarry, they may

never cheat again. But I have seen many, many marriages

go under because the wife cheated. Funny thing is, the marriages where the husband cheated..more of them survived.

This is based on my experiences in the Air Force. I would

surmise women are stronger than men emotionally and seem

to "make things work". I don't know the answers, but I truly believe a man or woman who is a long term cheater will

always go back to cheating on that particular spouse.

KK's "Proactive" story got me to thinking about how I would

react. I told him I would be proactive to the point of...

well, never mind what I told him. If I thought my wife was

about to cheat on me the first time I would move heaven and

earth to stop it. She can screw him after she is single,

but not as my wife. If, as in KKs story about Wendy, the

husband discovers his wife about to have sex, and as he is

about to yell, he hears his wife say how good her lover would feel again (or something like that). Hubby now knows

his wife has already screwed the guy. Time for evidence,

not interfering. At least I would not. I would be looking

for court room stuff.

Put it another way, if your wife has never strayed, then the

hubby in this story should have stopped it, but by the time

he knew, she was nailing ole Jeff. Divorce time.

A woman should be strong enough to be by herself without her

husband being worried. If not, dump the slut and find a

good woman. Most women are plenty strong to handle some

guy like Jeff.

Still, a good story, the female is not worth the battle.

Find a good one out there.

DavefoDavefoabout 19 years ago
Good writer, good story.........

We readers sometimes need to step back from the current story (and hopefully it is not an autobiography) and rethink societal norms.

She had no sex for two weeks and we are supposed to feel sorry for her? Or him? What about our brave soldiers in Iraq... right this minute. There are thousands of wives waiting for months. God willing, they are all faithful, but based on my experiences, they are not. Most are. These moms, these wives wait for months, hoping their husbands come home alive and this woman whines over two weeks? And by the way,

when I was overseas, and married, I never, ever cheated on

my wife. I avoided any situations where I would be tempted.

And I have hundreds of days in SEA.

Next dose of reality is that a long term cheater will always

cheat with that mate. If they divorce and remarry, they may

never cheat again. But I have seen many, many marriages

go under because the wife cheated. Funny thing is, the marriages where the husband cheated..more of them survived.

This is based on my experiences in the Air Force. I would

surmise women are stronger than men emotionally and seem

to "make things work". I don't know the answers, but I truly believe a man or woman who is a long term cheater will

always go back to cheating on that particular spouse.

KK's "Proactive" story got me to thinking about how I would

react. I told him I would be proactive to the point of...

well, never mind what I told him. If I thought my wife was

about to cheat on me the first time I would move heaven and

earth to stop it. She can screw him after she is single,

but not as my wife. If, as in KKs story about Wendy, the

husband discovers his wife about to have sex, and as he is

about to yell, he hears his wife say how good her lover would feel again (or something like that). Hubby now knows

his wife has already screwed the guy. Time for evidence,

not interfering. At least I would not. I would be looking

for court room stuff.

Put it another way, if your wife has never strayed, then the

hubby in this story should have stopped it, but by the time

he knew, she was nailing ole Jeff. Divorce time.

A woman should be strong enough to be by herself without her

husband being worried. If not, dump the slut and find a

good woman. Most women are plenty strong to handle some

guy like Jeff.

Still, a good story, the female is not worth the battle.

Find a good one out there.

romaq7705romaq7705about 19 years ago
great story!

This is very good! Congratulations! i hope to read phil's reply soon.

she claims she realizes the gravity of her mistake but at the same time she refuses to take full responsibility for her actions. She tries to pin part of the blame on the husband by saying they have taken each other for granted. that is bs, plain and simple. I wonder how she thinks she’ll earn her forgiveness with these.

She now knows her husband read her emails. She knows her husband was aware of her betrayal at the 1st convention while’s she’s having this cyber affair. Still, she insults him further with, “why didn’t you fight for me you bastard?” her selfishness and arrogance blinded her to see that her husband was fighting for her all along. She didn’t see that her husband fought for her by loving her with all his heart despite her indiscretion. He let it slide even without her asking for his forgiveness. Clearly she interprets that as a sign of weakness.

I think the husband loves her enough, else he wouldn’t have stayed with and given her a 2nd chance. Again jane erred in thinking that since sex was the cause of all this, sex is the solution. She’s so arrogant she can’t see the pain she caused her husband. To top it all, she leaves him and essentially tells him “change or else..”. wow! That one takes the cake. She cheats on him and tells him to forgive her and lays the down the terms for her to come back. That one take the cake.

I wonder why the husband wasted 6 months of his life with her. he should have divorced the bitch when he caught with jeff. We almost forgot about jeff.. like tango it takes two to cheat. He is much to blame for this mess as jane. IMO, phil will never get his closure, whether he divorces jane or stays with her, unless he gets his revenge on phil. Phil still loves jane, so jeff should bear all of phil’s hate and wrath. Phil need to regain his manhood! I think that’s the reason why his reconciliation with his wife never got off the ground. He should have taken care of jeff before deciding what to do with his wife 6 months ago. Hell, he could have told jane to set phil up for a good beating to prove her love to him, her husband. Well, it’s not to late for that. Before any talks of what they should do, they should get phil’s payback out of the way 1st. if it were I were phil, I’d tell her to set up jeff and after I beat the crap out of him, I’ll divorce jane. She will always be the arrogant, lying selfish bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Well written, and yet...

This is a tough call. It's well written, but I just don't like or sympathize with the main character. I am, though, glad that others had the same reaction I did. (All too often I read stories that others hate and I like or I loathe and others rant about.)

As I read this, I kept thinking "Isn't this supposed to be about her explaining why she did what she did and taking the blame for it? If so, why is so much about blaming him?"

One commenter called Phil an "uncommunicative asshole." Maybe this has something to do with that.

"When we first talked about my affair, the one question you wanted me to answer was why. You told me that you needed to know why I had had thrown away our marriage and our love. At that time, I wasn't able to give you an answer that you could understand. All I tried to do was justify my actions and evade the consequences of what I had done. I couldn't explain it to you because I didn't really know why myself."

So, she evades answering the one thing he wants to know, he reacts logically, and HE'S the "uncommunicative asshole." Uh, what color is the sky in your little world?

She waits until he's so frustrated that she won't asnwer him that he can only react with anger, and then blames him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
two sides to every story

i want to here the hubby side before calling names.did hubby fuck another woman or give himself to another woman mentally? did hubby lie and cheat on his wife,did hubby disrespect the wife and betray her love.why should hubby fight for wife and best friend who love him so much, that she a whoreslut for another man and pretends to be loving in this country can say no to affairs with out hubby permission.wife open legs and wife needs to think about how she can come to hubby in the right way.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Jesus! You expect Phil to read all that shit?

Phil would have skimmed as I did. Who has time for all that crap? It would have been better as a story. We should have been able to see the give and take, to get to know the characters. All we have is a long-winded, one-sided, rather dull letter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Disagree with cowardly bastard

The deed was already done when he discovered it; throwing out the life preserver after the sharks have already feasted is an exercise in futility.

I agree that the lies and deception are the problem, and Janet asserts in her letter that she would like to think that she would have confessed, but that’s a total crock. She had already put the lie to that claim by her own actions: even when caught red-handed, she tried to continue the deception with more and ever more lies; what on earth makes her think that she wouldn’t have put an innocent face on the flimsier evidence of the e-mails? And since all he had were suspicions, what could he do but doubt? And wonder whether she had been telling the truth, whether she had lied but learned her lesson, or whether she was just concealing her actions more skillfully.

To the author: this was a well-written story that, in its letter-format, illustrates how self-serving the rationalizations of cheating spouses can be. As others have pointed out, even when there is no evidence to the contrary – and, if there were, I’m sure she would have trotted it out in this letter – she still tries to place the blame for her actions on him. On the bright side, though, perhaps this letter will show the husband the futility of resurrecting the marriage and give him the impetus to take the action he should have taken six months ago.

SalamisSalamisabout 19 years ago
A weak but well written rationalization

I liked both the concept of the story and your execution. I never expect the cheating party to ever explain fully why they cheated (certainly not in the context of their spouse). Cheating is a very selfish enterprise, so I expected her rationalizations. It was not about her husband, it never is. It was about her.

Therefore, her pleadings met my expectations.

Does the husband need a voice in response? I do not think so.

kydreamrkydreamrabout 19 years ago
Why should he have fought for her?

Darn good breakdown of an affair's creation and ending, but turns very self serving in the last half page. She's asking why he didn't fight for her, but the question should be turned around, asking why SHOULD he fight for her affections!

Look at the situation, he discovers she's had a long lasting affair, something she's refused to condone in other people's marriages, and though we don't get to read the emails and possible letters between she and Jeff, I suspect there's quite an exchange of affection. Which means to most any husband that there's little left to fight FOR.

His wife has deliberately violated her vows, betrayed the trust her husband had in her, repeatedly given herself to another man (most likely without any thought of possible diseases she may catch, nor about potential preganancy), and generally behaved so selfishly that her husband has the right to wonder if there's anything left between them to begin to rebuild a marraige.

Honestly there's little a man can do to prevent his wife having an affair. It's her body, her choice to either remain faithful or betray her commitment to her husband.

Should he have committed to rebuilding their marriage at a time when anger and dispair rule his mind and heart is another question. Given that frame of mind, reconsiliation is a remote ending. As she discovers, living with a betrayed spouse means putting up with disrespect and loveless sex, not the loving she probably desires. Yet who could blame her husband? He's had his heart cut out by the person he trusted most.

Men know that almost any woman can find time and places to have an affair should she so desire, so the husband's left with few, if any options. All he can do is trust her honor and willpower. And take whatever (hopefully legal) steps he finds necessary to end the situation when he finds his trust has been betrayed.

In this case a seperation does seem in order, for both people's sake. Take time to let the emotions cool, and begin to view the situation through a more rational frame of mind.

My view anyway,


jaggers0053jaggers0053about 19 years ago
great story!

i almost always read the other correspondants thoughts before i write. sometimes i agree with the flow of the others correspondants,other time i wonder if i read the same story. however Average Joe could have been writing for me,i couldn't have expressed my own thoughts any better than he did. when the wife suggested her husband was equally responsible for her actions after not confronting her after the first meeting with her lover,i about gagged.

i think the author did a great job of writing a thought provoking story. thanks for your efforts.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
NO ! ! ! !

I have not answered any Novels, but this is out of this world. First, Janet puts the blame on herself, then on Jeff, then on herself, then on Phil, then on herself, and finally on Phil. Actually, I think Janet wants Phil to ask for a divorce so she can run to Jeff. This way she will not be the one to blame, it will be Phil's fault for asking for a divorce.

If Janet was afraid that she would fall under Jeff's spell at the September conference, why didn't she cancel or confide in her husband. Also, as for the emails, didn't she know that she can put someone on her ignore list and any message they send, she will never see?

Janet evidentially has never heard of the word "NO". If she would have used the word "NO" to Jeff the first time, there would not be a problem now. However, she decided not to do so and now whe wants Phil to pay the consequences for her infidility. Does this make sense?

Well, whoever said it is a woman's perogative to change her mind is partially correct.

There are too many loopholes in this Novel.


gizzmo301gizzmo301about 19 years ago
Very Well Dopne

I enjoyed this one, but would also like to read this story from his view point. He may have felt that he should not had to fight for someone that was suposed to gave been his

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Average Joe-got it right!

I do not always agree with Average Joe but he got it right this time. My hat is off to the author, a great piece of thought provoking work-excellent job but please finish it.

Personally, this stupid slut & her lover needs to be neutered or put six feet under. Either way-revenge is in order, big time. Good luck with it!

jlpbspjlpbspabout 19 years ago

First part is great. Come on with his reply. I love a great ending who knows might be one here if the writer wants one. Don't forget it is up to the writer not us.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Food for Thought

For a letter, even one of apology it was wordy, but it left a lot of food for thought. She is still trying to shift the blame off of herself, regardless of her Mea Culpas' and as much as possible unto him. I agree that this story needs his input and a resolution of some sort. You've made us think and that's good. Ronnie W.

romaq7705romaq7705about 19 years ago
one little detail

i forgot this one little detail. janet fucks jeff for a week. she goes home to his phil's lving arms and she continues her affair via cyberspace for 6months.

phil catches her, decides to stay with her to fix their marriage. janet isn't happy with the situation and leaves 6monts later. wow! did her action just say, "ok phil the affair lasted 6months. i've had 6 months of hell with you, so why don't we call it even and go back to our old life?"

if it did, that is the height of cheek. she still doesn't get it. divorce is the only option at this time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

This woman threw one heck of a pity party! and the whines flowing freely. the story was interesting just from the point of view being told, but i felt at times as though the dialog was repeating itself more times than a baptist preacher. the part about his lack of affair intervention really scared me..hey! i need a jack n coke over here.. keep writing pard'na

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
...should he fight?

An interesting read, and nice to see an apology. I wondered however why he (Phil) should 'fight' for her ? That seems a nice way to absolve herself of the blame and put it on him. I once faced a similar situation in which a girlfriend met up with another guy for coffee, but then told me that if I had asked her not to go she wouldnt have ... odd that it suddnely became my problem and that her own motives and desires didnt come into the equation! Suffice to say we were not together for much longer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Great read! Husban is NOT cowardly...

I can almost say with no reserve that the respondants on this that think the husband was a coward are women. If I'm wrong then fine. According to that logic, no person should be allowed inside of a bank due to the temptation of all that money. My wife and I travel several times a year for business, and neither of us have had an affair. I'm not saying I haven't been tempted, but I can still say no.

This is an excellent piece aabout the internal justifications of the cheating spouse. I do not believe that the character was meant to be a symathetic one. It came across as an accurate depiction of the internal monologue of a selfish bitch.

Capecodmercury, I expect to see great things from you! You're off to a good start.

charleybearcharleybearabout 19 years ago
Good Story

I think your story was very good. Like many others, I have my opinions about the parties in question.

Janet is absolutely right that unless they both want to make this work there is no chance their marriage can survive. Her suggestion that he is responsible for her cheating in any way is a personal afront to me. If he stopped her this time (fought for her as she put it) what will happen the next time? Will he have to be there to fight for her again? I don't think so. She only examined herself fully after he shows no signs of caving in. She is a cheating bitch and that will never change.

Because she is a cheating bitch, he should have just divorced her in the first place. I don't know if his motives are to just punish her for a while and then divorce her or if he is actually hoping that some day their marriage will work. We don't have the luxury of knowing his thoughts, but my guess is he is doing some punishment. I think an extended affair is hard to forget and forgive and I would be surprised that many couples would stay together.

Ok, what about Jeff? No consequences for him? I think this story could use a sequel from the husband's perspective and hopefully Jeff will endure some unpleasantness as a result of his knowingly seducing a married woman.

All in all a very thought provoking story and well written. Keep up the good work.


rpsuchrpsuchabout 19 years ago
How would he know she had to be fought for?

She didn't answer the phone several times he called until (undefined) late. Now she says it's all my fault, but you're mostly to blame. Given that she still isn't facing the truth, what was the possibility that early intervention would have yeilded the truth? He tells her she didn't answer the phone and she says:

I turned off the phone because I was so tired I needed to sleep.

I was so exhausted I didn't even hear the phone for the wakeup call.

I had the runs and was in the bathroom so often you probably called when I wasn't by the phone. I can't hear it through the door.

I couldn't sleep so I walked around the hotel for a few hours to make myself tired enough to sleep.


followed by, "I've never done anything to give you a reason not to trust me. You must be projecting. What have you done? I can't believe you have so little faith in me after all this time. Don't bother calling me the rest of the week, I don't want to talk to you. When I'm ready, I'll call you. I won't be answering the phone."

And, one of them might have been true. Then, from his point of view, all he has done is to doubt a woman who would never do anything to hurt him. Where does he go from there? Can he never again question seriously problemmatic behavior because he has squandered his suspicion on a meaningless anomoly easily explained?

You have no control over another person's behavior. You can influence their thinking to the point they behave in a way that pleases you by word and deed. But you can't stop them from making mistakes or worse.

fdkmanfdkmanabout 19 years ago
Typical Woman, Blame the Guy for YOUR Screwup

Why didn't you fight for me you bastard?

Typical response from a person who can't or won't take responsibility for their actions!

Could it be possible that he felt so hurt by his "best friend" lying to him from the very first time she screwed him over that he decided to give her enough rope to hang herself?

Could it be that he felt that there was nothing left to fight for if his "faithful" wife was not going to tell him the truth when he gave her a chance to do so. Why should he have to confront her with her lies to make her fess up?

SHE lied. SHE cheated. SHE continued to do so after swearing it was only once! Now SHE has the balls (probably bigger than her husband's) to blame him for not stopping her from screwing him over.

By that reasoning it must the victims fault for not stopping the criminal from robbing them!

He's better off without her. True she realized what she did was wrong, which is more than is usually seen in stories on this web site but she's not repentant enough if she has the gall to blame her husband for anything but being the poor cheated on schmuck! She's lucky he didn't throw her out when she tried to gloss over getting caught red handed. He tried but failed it would seem to me. I feel he thought he could forgive her someday but seeing her every day just brought out the anger. There was no healing because she couldn't tell him why she did it until now, a minimum of six months later. Maybe if she had done this back then he might have been able to get past it but not now.

She's blamed him and couldn't even face him, she had to tell him she blames him in a letter that he's going to read AGAIN AND AGAIN.

I hope the divorce comes quickly for both of them so they can move on. Maybe she can find another "best friend" to screw over and he can find a woman who can be his best friend, but I doubt that. He'll never completely trust another woman, and that will be her fault too.


TabooTellerTabooTellerabout 19 years ago
Hmmm, three comments

I got a few things to say about the writing and story but first I want to say something else. I read through over 75% of the comments and so far no one has brought up what I am about to say. This isn't a criticism even though it may sound like one. This story is very familiar. I can recall almost every thing except him pounding on the door and leaving a note in her room, and him being still angry months later. I just can't recall the story. It does have certain aspects of other stories- KK's "Wendy", My "Do For Lust and Not For Love"- but that is not what I mean. Its like the writer took a story redid it from the wife's POV and expanded on it at the same time. Which isn't bad. Other writers have done the same type of thing but I wish I could recall what story it reminds me of.

Now for the writing. Very well done I think. The style, using a letter from the wife, was inspired. I think the writer did a good job of thinking out why a wife would stray and how she would feel afterward. I may end up putting this story in my favorites for that reason. Which is why I placed "My Secretary Ch 01" by LeoDavis on my favorites. It was different and well thought out.

Now about the story, I would like a sequel even though I have no idea if the writer is planning one or not. In fact I even started thinking of my own sequel. Written as a letter back to her and then with one short one back to him. I agree with the other commentators that say she is still being selfish. She has gone only so far but I disagree that he should divorce her. She has made headway and maybe a comment from him and/or counseling would help her to go the rest of the way. And she did feel guilty and I don't think it was only her fear of getting caught plus she did try to fight the temptation. She could have done a better job of that but she did try. I do believe he still loves her by his actions and lack of other actions. It is buried and he does need to work through the pain and talk to her- maybe a letter would make it easier. I also think that it could very well, be that he didn't stop her because he thought a loving wife should be able to stop herself. But at the same time she did have a point about friends helping each other-now if she had only asked for help. Someone said that a hubby is supposed to help keep his wife out of such circumstances and temptations. They had a point too. But this was after she already blew it. I can see why she went to the conference knowing what would probably happen. She would have had to say why she wasn't going. Pretend to be sick but that would only be temporary there would be other conferences. Tell hubby that she had sex with the guy already and didn't want to again. That probably would have been best but it would have been the hardest.

I think this marriage could be saved even though as one person said some thing's can never be undone but they can be forgiven and they can be worked around. Its happened in real life some so it could happen here. It might never be the same as it once was and it won't be easy but it can be good again. I hope it will be fixed if the writer does do a sequel.


noone269noone269about 19 years ago
Well written story, but...

SHE is the one who cheated. Why didn't he fight for her? Apparently, she wasn't worth fighting for. She proved that out when she decided to have an affair beyond that first night and then online as well. When someone betrays the vows they have sworn to their spouse, especially with a long term affair, they are not worth fighting for. Now matter how long they have been married, no matter how much they profess that their love and remorse, the cheating spouse is damaged goods, plain and simple.

Now I think the husband should have just divorced her and NOT agreed to get back together with her at all, but her letter to him proves the fact that she thinks it was his fault she cheated. Her attempts to put the blame on herself is just window dressing, not a genuine attempt at accepting the consequences, they were just setting the stage for what she really thinks in the last part of the letter. Especially, when she arrogantly proclaims that she had lost her trust in him, talk about self centered! The whole tone of the letter shows that she thinks it was his fault, not hers and she is justified to leave him now because she put in her time "Trying to Fix the Marriage".

Forgiveness and trust is earned, and she clearly demonstrated that she deserves neither. She still thought she could lie her way out of it, even after he demanded to be let in the hotel room. If she truly understood how deeply she had hurt her husband, then she would know that six months of trying to make up for what she did is NOTHING! It takes far longer to repair the damage that can be wrought on a loving marriage with a single night of cheating, and that doesn't include the multiple times she cheated after that night. Not to mention lying by omission for six months straight when she concealed her emails with Jeff. In the end, she has no fucking idea how much damage she has done to him, and she deserves to cut loose.

X_BishopX_Bishopabout 19 years ago
Fighting for and over

Your story was a great read. I found myself asking the question "Doesn't she know that there is a difference between fighting for someone and fighting over someone. If I had been the husband I wouldn't have confronted her either. First of all with out concrete proof she would have continued to LIE. I didn't see where she applied herself to being a better wife to him until after she was busted. My Great uncle once gave me some advice that I think the husband would have applied here. If you have to fight over a woman she's not yours and you have lost. If you fight for your woman the victory is already won. All of her actions and deceptions told him he was fighting over her not for her. She however is to self absorbed to see the difference. It should be interesting if you write the husbands response.

Read ya later


TabooTellerTabooTellerabout 19 years ago
Another one

I was discussing this story with another reader and I decided to add here the comments I sent to him. which is why I rated this onlt 50% this time so I won't pad the rating too much.

She does need a drastic change but people in real life have been known to change therefore so can she.

X Bishop has a point in his Comment but that doesn't mean its over.

After reading the letter I got that she was sorry for the pain she caused him, maybe she hasn't said she was sorry she had the affair period, but I think her outlook toward it is changing. A couple like that in real life would have their work cut out for them and would need counseling ect. but even though I forget how long where they married, the length and what they thought of it makes a difference. She thought it was good most of the time. If it was good at one time it could be worth it to at least try to save it. I think her letter does show some promise. I believe she does love him and she does value what they had at one time and may still value a relationship with him. Yes she has a strange way of showing it and one wonders why she cheated if that was the case but again it does happens in real life and it can be worked through because it has at times. Things of value have been saved after much effort even after the object gets pitted and damaged. Many times they can be cleaned and repaired. The same with relationships.


capecodmercurycapecodmercuryabout 19 years agoAuthor
Thank you for your feedback

Readers, I would like to thank everyone for the feedback that you have given to me, both public and private. As a new writer, it was nice to learn that I was able to craft a story that made people think. Your feedback has been very helpful to me.

I would like to respond to and amplify a few of the comments that have been made.

First, as some of you have surmised, one of the inspirations for this story was KK's Wendy and Wendy's Story. If you haven't read these stories, you should, they are very interesting. When I read the version that KK originally posed on Literotica, I was struck by the fact that he seemed to leave his characters in an impossible situation. So, I started to think about what would happen to the relationship over time.

When KK posted an edited version of Wendy's story that answered the long term situation, I decided to write my own story that addressed a similar situation. So, I tried to come up with a somewhat plausible reason why a "happily married" wife would cheat. I needed the husband to know because that was the other issue I wanted to address. Frankly, I was not that interested in the affair, just the aftermath.

In terms of a sequel, I don't have plans to write one at any point soon. I am working on 2-3 stories at the present time and have another 2-3 stories that I have rough outlines for. I like the idea of a sequel, but I think I may do it like Phil has been asked to do it. I'm going to think on it for a while first.

Finally, I have to admit that I am a little surprised at the strength of the reaction that I received to her questioning his behavior. My intent in writing this story was to try to get into the head of a woman who has been obsessing about her affair for months. She has been replaying every aspect of the affair, her behavior and her husbands behavior over and over in her head.

The comment "Why didn't you fight for me" is bitter, but I think that it is a question that a woman in that situation would be asking. In particular, I think that her husband's behavior would certainly make her wonder if he was serious about saving the marriage.

Both the wife and the husband in this story are flawed. The wife loves her husband, but has gotten caught up in something that she doesn't have the strength of character to get out of. The husband is passive and hasn't made any effort to save the marriage.

Maybe its not fair on her part, but I think that, over time, a person in this situation would develop some bitterness towards the other party, particularly in a case like this where she was giving out signals that she wanted help.

Also, I intended this part of this letter not so much as an all out attack, but as a plaintive whine. She's bemoaning what might have been, not attacking him.

But, after reading some of the comments, I can see how the language could be taken as an attack. It does give me something to think about as well.

Once again, thanks for your comments

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
well done

Very well done - I hope that there is a continuation of this tale.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
I read this story with a great deal of interest

and then I read the names of the commentors. I bow in the presence of greatness. Very simply put, she like all who have transgressed will at some point put the blame for their transgression on anyone else but themselves, and true to life she tries to plant the ultimate blame on her husband because he didn't play "Tarzan of the Jungle." She is still in a state of denial. Can the marriage be saved? I doubt it, but you are the author so please take us where you will because there needs to be a finality to the story. Ronnie W.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
smooth creation

This was a good soliloquy. You were able to wrest my sympathies in favor of the adultress in place of the wronged spouse. That was quite a trick. You portrayed her well. But the description you drew of him, well, that was a terrifying picture. It was easy reading and very moving. A very good job. Thank you for sharing it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
great sob story

now prove that you mean it by calling your lovers home an telling his wife the same story.... maybe you can wrest payment from lover boy ... what is a good fuck worth 100 a pop .. so what does he owe you 5000 10000 more ... if i was hubby i could forgive yo umore if lover boy was made to suffer some also ... by either fucking his wife some or him paying you just price for services rendered then maybe i could forgive you would work better if there was some revenge mixed in ... why shoul the hubby be the only one to suffer the guy she cheated with needs payback also ...finish the story when we see how she screwed over the other guy and proved her love to hubby ...and give him his manhood back

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
are you ever going to finish this story

with a letter from the husband to the wife??

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

First i would like to ask if you are going to write a sequal to this one. Maybe a letter from the husband to the wife telling her to go fuck herself. To answer the wife's question.Why didn't he fight for her? Apparently, she wasn't worth fighting for. She proved that out when she decided to have an affair beyond that first night and then online as well. When someone betrays the vows they have sworn to their spouse, especially with a long term affair, they are not worth fighting for. Now matter how long they have been married, no matter how much they profess their love and remorse, the cheating spouse is damaged goods, plain and simple.

Now I think the husband should have just divorced her and NOT agreed to get back together with her at all, but her letter to him proves the fact that she thinks it was his fault she cheated. Her attempts to put the blame on herself is just window dressing, not a genuine attempt at accepting the consequences, they were just setting the stage for what she really thinks in the last part of the letter. Especially, when she arrogantly proclaims that she had lost her trust in him, talk about self centered! The whole tone of the letter shows that she thinks it was his fault, not hers and she is justified to leave him now because she put in her time "Trying to Fix the Marriage".

Forgiveness and trust is earned, and she clearly demonstrated that she deserves neither. She still thought she could lie her way out of it, even after he demanded to be let in the hotel room. If she truly understood how deeply she had hurt her husband, then she would know that six months of trying to make up for what she did is NOTHING! It takes far longer to repair the damage that can be brought on a loving marriage with a single night of cheating, and that doesn't include the multiple times she cheated after that night. Not to mention lying by omission for six months straight when she concealed her emails with Jeff. In the end, she has no fucking idea how much damage she has done to him, and the whore deserves what she gets.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
a whore for another man she mad with hubby

we as adult are responible for the action we do.this whore till blaming hubby for her getting busted.after six months of cheating who lost who,why fight for what already lost.give us part 2.

allsop72allsop72over 18 years ago
who wrote it

same story under diff author even same names....sad

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Finish It

Very good as far as it goes but you really do need to finish this piece.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Great Profile on a Liar a cheat and deceiver

First off it’s a great Letter…. And an excellent mental profile of a liar and cheat … and some who is very manipulative or at least is in this situation.

Yes she is TRYING to make amends and is about halfway there… but her inability to see the real issues is the heart of WHY her husband never opened and talked to her after 6 months .

The proof? Her use of SEX to show her husband she was sorry and just loved him only reinforced the Husband view of her cheating. The more she flaunted it the Colder and more withdraw the husband became!!!

The Fucking moron that called the husband an uncommunicative asshole does not see this fact either….

The wife IS correct that

1) Marriage is built on love and trust

2) she cannot live to punish herself forever .

But if she still cannot after 6 months figure WHY she started cheating 1 year ago… and did so for 6 months before she was caught… How is is THAT inability to tell the truth or FIND the truth ….”love and Trust”? With regard to the second point…. By refusing to live her life in punishment forever but NOT looking for the truth her demand that he change or else is sooo0oooo outrageous & so offensive and manipulative that one cannot find the words !!!

The only thing more unbelievable is this line of utter bullshit….

“why didn’t you fight for me you bastard?” Stopping her THIS one time is NOT love and trust the wife claims she now understands. The very fact the wife asks this …question as if the Husband is suppose to fight for a wife that is supposedly in a healthl relationship… is again another lie and manipulation.

To then assert if “you had confronted me I would of stop is “… sooo fucking outrageous…. I would NOT write a letter back but go to her and spite in her face … Consider when she was confronted what did she do? Try and figure a way to LIE and trick / deceive for husband while she got her clothes on…. And all the way back home on the plane …. Her entire thought process was what could I do to trick him…

Therefore fighting FOR her even if he had done so -- again why he should is bizarre -- would NOT of stop anything!!!

The husband has to confront Jeff - has to !! If only for himself. I HOPE he beats the shit of the scumbag.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Ronnie W Hit the nail on da head, but...

...I'd have liked to see a paragraph - just a paragraph - establishing that we've been reading the letter through his eyes, then watch his reaction.

His laughter...

His anger...

His tears as he highlights her accusations on the copy of the letter that will be accompanying the divorce papers...

Sad. She got so close, then she had to revert to iggernt bee-otch mode.

Great tale! Have read most of the others you've posted: time to read 'Untangling The Web'.

Thanx for sharing your talent...


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
In the end

After admitting everything, she reversed field and attacked him, he is right to not go back to her, she's still blaming everyone but herself, let the selfish little self centered whore go. With any luck she will contract aids and rot to death, a fate she deserves.

spiderman1spiderman1over 17 years ago
Bullshit bitch!

He needed to dump this bitch before he experiences any more heart ache. Sometimes, you have to cut your losses and move on.

Alvaron53Alvaron53about 17 years ago
Intriguing story, almost an essay

I'm reminded of the quotation from Ecclesiastes 3 which says, "<I>To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven</I>." Phil has every right to be angry, to feel hurt, to be outraged and to be disappointed with Janet for her adultery. As the cheated upon spouse, it's really up to him to decide if reconciliation makes sense for them or not. Several of the prior commentators were upset that Janet basically said, "Shit or get off the pot." but I think she's right. There comes a point when you have to let go off of your anger, your hate and your mistrust so you can offer forgiveness and begin to heal. If you can't, then you should stop deluding yourself and your partner, and file for divorce so you can get on with your life. Closure is a good thing whether it's divorce or reconciliation.


Some of Janet's thinking toward the end is certainly self-serving and is nothing more than a transparent effort to shift the blame for her adultery to her husband. It doesn't wash but what does wash is her desire to be treated once more as an equal partner in the marriage. If Phil can't do that, they should divorce because a marriage in which the partners don't communicate with each other, trust each other and treasure each other isn't a marriage worth having.


Marriage is an interestingly fragile institution beause it only takes one to break a marriage, but it takes two to make it work. Thank you, CCM, for an interesting exploration of the aftermath of an affair.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioabout 17 years ago
Too much rambling and repetition.

The letter could say the same thing with less repetition. Sometimes less is more.

JennyBearJennyBearabout 16 years ago
not my style

I love your work, the naration just didn't do it for me

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

I thought it was very thoughtful and to the point. I agreed with her critisim of his actions too. As in all of these I would like to know how it comes out but realize that it is fiction and that we can conjure up any ending that we like and even a variety of them.

Tearsofsorrow2Tearsofsorrow2over 15 years ago

This slut is unbelievable. I can see why you write the garbage that you do. There is only one question the husband should have asked to prove that this slut was truly sorry.

"Have you killed Jeff yet?"

Anything else is unimportant. She even goes on to blame him for not fighting for her. What a slut.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Oh Boy

Can the writer really expect us to feel sorry for this dumb bitch --what the hell does she think should be her husbands reaction to this --He should've beat the shit out of her and threw her out!----

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Good thoughts

It's really hard to break out of the cheating spouse formula. You've done a good job here, bringing up the point that each spouse has an obligation to rein in the other when they are doing something that really bothers them. Hopefully others will read and learn.

Good writing, too

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
why did she waste so many words

she used all those words, and acknowledged failings. THEN she puts the burden on him to fight for her ? his failings ?

its not the story i respond to w the rating, rather the stupid woman.

shaman43shaman43over 15 years ago

Finally somebody tells the truth about the kind of behavior done so frequently in these stories by the one cheated on. the testing the gathering of evidence. Loved it

KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 15 years ago
A classic passive aggressive ‘Yes-But’ show…

Following, my two cents to be added to the long list of great comments already posted. I tried to look at the wife’s letter as a whole. The pattern which dominates her half apology and half accusation is a classic ‘Yes but’, in which at one point she seems to accept responsibility (the ‘yes’ part) and yet at another point there is a counter argument which minimizes or cancels the same acknowledgment (the ‘but’ part)… It’s all over the place – typically annoying as any type of ‘yes but’ (usually passive aggressive) could ever be (Yes she wronged him but he is a bastard!).<P>

For people who work in the ‘helping professions this type of defensive tactics is all too familiar. Overall, the person seems to “cooperate” “work” and “explore” issues, but shortly after you notice that the person is going in circles moving nowhere and repeating the same arguments on the same level. In other words the purpose (if subconscious) is the opposite of exploring: what we see is mostly denial under the guise of cooperation…<P>

The truth is that in life there are always mitigating circumstances upon which one could lean in order to remove one’s own responsibility. In dealing with couples the deal is: each person takes full responsibility for his/her part of the mess. Let the spouse take care of his/her part… <P>

Despite the multitude of long words (or should I say because of them), what comes across as the over arching strategy is the self serving rationalizations which at the end of the day – put the final responsibility at the feet of the husband, when she betrays him ONE MORE TIME when she unilaterally leaves him –and the relations –yet again without telling him of her intentions in advance and to his face. <P>

It seems to me that the wife shows very little self awareness (as opposed to defensive maneuvers), including the real reason for leaving him at the end. There could be many possible reasons about which we could speculate, but it would be almost impossible to find any hint about it which could be found in her classic passive aggressive self serving speech.

jasonnhjasonnhalmost 15 years ago
Self serving justification

He should have confronted her to protect her from herself? What is she, a child that can't be responsible for herself? Is she his property that he must take care of?

She was waiting for him to show he suspected her? And then she would have stopped, right? Oh sure. She was only looking over her shoulder to see what she could get away with.

And the final old saw, Our marriage had problems so had some reason to look elsewhere. If the marriage had problems, she owned half of them and SHE wasn't fixing them either. And expecting a perfect marriage is an expectation of fools. This is just another whiney excuse.

Now she wants to pretend to be noble and give him up. Baloney. She just doesn't want to be held accountable. It's like a armed robber getting sentenced to 10 years and after serving two saying "wait a minute, you REALLY meant 10 years?"

She has only one valid point, he should have never bothered to try to work things out. She maintained a planned affair for several months. She knew exactly what she was doing and simply didn't care about the consequences. She's not worth his time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

to many i's. but not enough us ...... once a bitch, alway's a bitch! ...... bull shit !!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
decent story

Sounds like she put some thought into this, but at the same time she's still trying to put some blame on him. Still, she does have a point, in asking him to go with her she was asking for help in a half hearted way. Hell, why didn't he say something when he was aware of the emails and previous cheating. Of course we only have her thoughts, and they are still pretty self serving. different take on the subject.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
married spouses have to FIGHT to stayed Married?

since when? The wife cheated but she demands to know WHY he did NOT fight for her after she broke the mariage bond?


this is a fucking joke right?


oh I see its a CCM story.... so its almost ALWAYS the husband fault.

vietvetvietvetover 14 years ago
Bull Crap

Its my fault, but its really your fault. What a crapper full of $%#@^&*

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
1+1+1 + 1 = 0

I fucked up + I screwed my husband over + I was a bitch + I was a selfish whore = It's my husband fault!

.... real world ... maybe you'll find it some day when it comes to your writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

WTF -Janet is a condescending *itch. She cheated yet she now calls the shots. I think someone needs to tell Janet that her expectations and her demands of her husband is unrealistic.

This story would have been excellent if it was realistic, if it should the cheater having true remorse. I could not identify with Janet, her unrealistic expectations as a cheater, someone who betrayed her husband, someone who lied, messed up her family life. She shifted blame, she demanded, she expected! Cheaters have no right to expect and demand. In the end I was fulled with rage and disgust at the audacity of the cheater.

I would suggest that the writer decide to re write the ending of this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Someone Wrote A Second Part, Phils reply

Very good, worth reading and right on tract, he tells her like it it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
no need for all phil's words

janet words at least acknowledged her fault, but the content was far more complex from her. for phil's response, he didn't need all the expanation given to her. perhaps you've simply had you phil here and that is all that needs to be said.

regrets for her of what she did? she'll probably be just a lot more careful the next time.

devildog26devildog26about 14 years ago
And then?

In HATE this kind of story. It should be longer. Your character description was unique. We know almost as much about Phil as we do about Janet. What happened in response to the letter? The world wants to know....

Mandy01Mandy01about 14 years ago
My reply to Janet's letter

RETURN TO SENDER. Not known at this address


With a big fat pointing finger

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Time to move on

I think at this point for him it may be better to call it over.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
She must be in the legal profession . . .

Nobody spews BS like a morally bankrupt member of the legal profession. She has finally stopped denying that she had an affair and now wants to blame her husband for not "fighting for her". WTF - dump this bitch as fast as you can. Move out of the house and leave no forwarding address. Change your cell phone number and get a new job if you can. FORGET about this cheating whore who has "rationalized" that you were the reason she cheated!

Orionman17Orionman17almost 14 years ago
4 Stars for your writing. But I found Janet . . .

to be consdescending. Even with all the explanation, I didn't get the feeling of true remorse. Three was always a "but. . ." that lurked waiting in the wings. I have knocked on such a door. Not a hotel door but an apartment door. I found Janet's actions at that point cruel to the point of causing despair so deep that. . . By the time the door opened, Phil was gone . . . flying headlong into hopelessness and helplessness. I know. I've been there. I guess I could have broken the door down. I've always regretted not pummeling my own version of Jeff. I guess I have a latent caveman streak. Thank you for your/Janet's perspective just the same.

energystarenergystaralmost 14 years ago
nice work

funny - comments are more like talking about the couple down the street and less about reviewing or commenting on a story. I understand it, but it is funny. Kudos to the author for making it real.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
this letter pretty much explains...

why he treated her the way he did, like a stupid whore

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Waaaay to Close to Home

Ugh, i went through something way to close to this with a fiance, and the husband would be best fit by dropping the bitch too.

Apparently I was supposed to be over it in a month, regardless of the years long buildup of the relationship.

I also learned a basic difference between men and women, women are more concerned that the affair is over, men are more concerned that it happened in the first place.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
The truth is she is a slut

the consequences are that dear hubby can not stand to be around her. She made her bed now she must lie in it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Yeah, she is a typical slut.

As usual, cheating slut wife tries to shift some of the blame on to cheated husband. Kicking her ass out with a public divorce should occur. And Jeff; maybe an accident in the night.

size14shoesize14shoeover 13 years ago
You have to wonder...

if the people accusing Janet of blaming Phil for her cheating, read the same letter I did. Janet is accusing Phil on not loving her enough to help her out of an affair she didn't want to be in and was too weak to get out of it by herself. If you want to cut her tits off for the first time cheat, fine, but the rest is on both of them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I read the same letter, It was not Phil's mistake. And why would he fight for her, she betrayed him. I just don't get why any woman would think that a betrayed husband should fight for her. Whatever.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Yeah, okay, so she was weak and couldn't resist. Well tough shit. Could he have stopped her from continuing her affair if he had said something? Maybe, but then again, given the rest she would have lied about it and not unlikely continued anyway. Guilt was clearly not an issue, not matter how much she claimed it was.

Next, why is it his responsibility to stop her? The story gives no indication that the affair was his fault. He didn't abuse her or neglect her. What happens the next time when he doesn't call and she doesn't answer? When she cheats without him being suspicious? Is it still his fault? Of course, he could hire a PI to follow her around everywhere, but then we'd get to hear her bitching about how he doesn't trust her (no matter how justified it might be).

Or how about this then. Perhaps he found it extremely relevant to find out whether she'd actually stop on her own out of love for him instead of fear. You know, choosing her husband over her lover. I'm not part of the crowd that wants the bitch to burn in every scenario. I think that a marriage can be saved if one person makes a mistake. However, carrying on an affair, lying to your husband/wife, then blaming him/her for it happening or for not stopping it (which the wife ultimately does in this story no matter how you slice it) is not a mistake. That's deliberate betrayal, the actions of someone who cares a great deal more about themselves (or possibly their lover) more than their partner. There's a reason why the Divina Commedia places betrayers at the lowest level of hell. Quite frankly, the biggest mistake the husband made was that he tried to work it out. He may not have done a great job of it, but she clearly did even worse. Bribes and blame was all she had to offer him.

If the only way to make someone stop cheating is by threats, then that's not a marriage worth saving, and that's not a person worth forgiving.


That being said, it was fairly well written. It really did sound like someone justifying her actions. I just hope you don't actually believe it yourself, because really, all I saw was a cheating bitch who hadn't learned a thing from her mistake, with the possible exception of how to cover it up better the next time. It was a shining example of someone being sorry about the fallout, not the action itself. If we don't learn from history, we're doomed to repeat it.

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007over 13 years ago
Fuck her!

Time for the husband to cut her loose and move on!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Having read the "letter", it seems that the "lady" (I use the term with hesitation) considers all of the lies reasonable, as she continues to prove herself untrustworthy. Even one lapse is too many, as a happily divorced man my experience has been that the story carries a lot of reality, once the trust is broken, run for your sanity! Your love is wasted on a lie, so draw a line beneath the episode, draw a deep breath and MOVE ON!!

You can't fix a broken person, only a broken thing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Slut makes sick attempt to justify being a slut.

She is really a sick woman who thinks she can rationalize her actions. Nope, she is just an out-and-out slut who DOES need any chance at a future life destroyed. Whoa be to any man in her future that would be in her life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

She lies, she cheats, she betrays her marriage vows and YET the BITCH had the "balls" to accuse her husband of being complicit in the failure of her marriage ..... Brilliant Capecodmercy just Brilliant! What next .. she goes out a fucks a basketball team and blames her husband for not providing her with enough KY? Be careful, you might give your readers the idea that you are into male bashing ... oh yeah, you have already covered that theme in your other stories ....... my bad!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
best defense is an offense

She wanted to be able to say she was a victim too. It seems to call into all she said and the bias in her attitude.

killerwhale681killerwhale681over 13 years ago
A Cheater has trust "issues"?

Give me a break....It's obvious he's fixin' to dump her skank butt. There ain't anything to repair. Funny thing about cheaters is that they expect the folks they take up with to be faithful to them.

C_frommnC_frommnover 13 years ago

A Selfish B!tch. I have fought for us . You have used me Boo Hoo.

She should be glad he kept her Around and did not Persue Divorce and Revenge against A__hole

RePhilRePhilabout 13 years ago
Dear Janet

"I read your letter and your message that I was as much to blame as you were. To your question of what we need to do? I would ask you to take the first step and Die you fucking cheating douche bag slut whore of a castrating bitch and burn in Hell. Other than that everything is roses over here!". With all my hatred and contempt. Your nonloving soon to be ex husband

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007about 13 years ago
Eat shit...

Fuck her! It's time to move on. It's good that she's gone so he doesn't have to go through the trouble of throwing her ass out.

Fighting41Fighting41about 13 years ago
It still goes on

Janet has some real serious mental issues even after she has been caught she is still trying to blame her husband for what she did and in a way she is indicative of todays culture the "It wasn't my fault it was someone elses"

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
Screw the bastard.

Yes she made a minor mistake and she has shown that she has regreted it and done everything in her power to make it right. However, his actions are far worse. He read her emails and did nothing. She asked for his help but he refused in his desire to catch her.

He is such an unforgiving bastard; he doesn't deserve her. She has done here part but he is such a cruel and evil bastard that he refuses to do his part or take any of the blame even though he has wronged her far more than anything she has done.

She needs to kick him in the balls and divorce that bastard and kick him to gutter where he belongs.

huedogghuedoggalmost 13 years ago
DWornock you must be a bitch

That slut cheated on him for atleast six months and you call it minor. If your spouse or life partner(which ever suit you best) cheated on you, i bet you would take them back and enjoy the creampies you would recieve nightly.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

And this is what happens when you give women the vote. They are completely irrational and illogical and there is absolutely no way of denying the fact that since the 60's the world has been going completely down the shithole.

Oh sure some of you will get mad, females will deny it and the pathetic men who let this happen will deny it and encourage the "whiteknight" philosophys, but the facts remain.

Women need to get back to birthing and cooking, until that happens this kind of backwards thinking will continue too destroy society.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
A lot of reasoning,

to try to excuse her adultry, really pathetic.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
I am sorry

for people that think he should have stopped her it was her place not to go there if he had stopped her this time what next?

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