All Comments on 'Vickie'

by the Troubador

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AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Well written

You are a very talented writter but but - Poor Carl - I feel a twinge for him when it eventually comes out and in life it always does - how could he accept the longevity - the diverted passion - the unfathered children - I know it happens in real life but how do the people that know live with it daily??? "Oh, yes kids, you are correct - your loving almost an uncle has really screwed me twice a week or more but I really love your impotent daddy" "and you should too"???????

Good story but not happily ever after as you portray

andrewpetersandrewpetersover 19 years ago
Not up to your best

I've always enjoyed the Troubador's stories, but this one left me feeling empty. She professed to love 2 men, but betrayed one brutally and continually. Her professed desire to use Rich to have children was shot down when she went with him the second time, "for practice" Clearly she didn't love her husband, but only used him.

Kanga40Kanga40over 19 years ago
As I have mentioned before

This Vickie character loves no one but herself.

She cheats continually with Rich, lies continually to Carl and does everything she does to please herself.

Where is the love in that?

She is an arch bitch without any redeeming features or the capability to love (in the TRUE sense) any other person but herself.

And contrary to other assertions of yours, I am certain this woman exists in real life, maybe even lots of them.

sherlock40sherlock40over 19 years ago
What happens when one of the kids gets sick?

I mean a real illness that needs a direct parent link? (Bone-marrow, kidney problems, etc.) Does the doctor say, "Sorry Carl, but I need the REAL father to do these tests."

Carl gets all the responsibility of fatherhood, including diaper changes, nightly feedings, sick children, all the general worries that a Dad has for their children. And what does Rich get? C'mon Vickie, let's go fuck some more.

I think that this is a story of the worst betrayal I have seen on this site. All committed by a supposedly "loving wife" and his "best friend."

Did Vickie ever avoid sex with Carl near her fertile times? Wouldn't want one of his kids contaminating the mix. Oh, and the great hypocrisy by the best friend. "Carl, I want to give you a vacation with my, oops, I mean your wife."

I truly have enjoyed your stories in general. They are well-written and have real consequences. Why doesn't this one have consequences? I won't stop reading your stories, but I consider this one to have the worst content of all you have written.

UmbertoBUmbertoBover 19 years ago
honarable uncle? Get out of here!

"Rich, I love you. And I love Carl. Each love is different, but each is very deep. Please, don't leave me! Stay with me and the kids: and with Carl! You know what you have with the children, Carl and certainly with me is more than just an honorary uncle. You ARE part of the family…

If Carl is ever going to find out about the truth there will be more lies, decieve and betrayal in this little paragraph then a marriage can survive. I don't think she loves Carl, I dont think that the word family hase meaning or value to this woman and she gives more about herself then about her kids and husband. And for crying out lout: what is so honarable in a man who does what Rich does?

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

you go and finish one and it's junk

jdeerejdeereover 19 years ago
This is the worst story of your's to date!!!

You usually write stories that have penalties for cheating. This is just a cuckold story. The betraying bitch was only thinking of herself. Please keep writing better stories than this one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Deceitful tramp

Let's forget for a moment that Vickie allowed what Rich did to her.

Rich deliberately raped his best friend's wife after making sure his friend was asleep or drunk.

And rapist he was - at the time in his own mind he knew he was taking a woman against her wishes.

And then this slut decides a rapist is the ideal father for her children?

This woman is the best example I have ever seen as an argument that there are definitely some people we should not allow to breed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
an ending?

I would suppose it's possible to love two people equally but it isn't kosher. She has marriage vows with Carl and those should be honored, not torn asunder. She hasn't worried about that. Nor has she worried about any subsequent DNA testing. Like a recent true case where the kids weren't by the father. Caused a divorce and some real hard feelings with the kids[not to mention how 'dad' felt about 'mom']-they were really mad about it. They didn't like their father leaving nor what their mother had done to cause the problems.. Deceit, deception amd lies can never lead to any good and almost always come to the surface where everyone can see them. And then the ship hits the sand.

As the King said--...the flower should never go from bee to bee.

ChikatoChikatoover 19 years ago
Poor Carl?

I hate to analize fictional charcters, but...

Why poor Carl? He was a Drunk and can't have children. His life is now full and happy in his blessed ignorance.

The other two, certainly don't deserve to be serene and happy, but you must wait to they die and go to hell.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

KY XtianKY Xtianover 19 years ago
Excellent story

Quite possibly one of the better pieces I've ever seen here. Granted this might not be your story, but I think you gave it a fitting ending. Sure, we may never know if Carl ever finds out and those various other nuances, but I don't think we need to know, either. This story wasn't about Carl, this was about Vickie and her desire to be a mother.

Don't be tempted to ruin this by trying to expand the tale further.

FastNedFastNedover 19 years ago
Very best!

All of your writing is great but (for some reason) I believe this to be your best ever!

Ghost BearGhost Bearover 19 years ago

If I remember right there was another story posted here called Vickie with the Troubador's name on it. It wasn't his.

This doesn't read like one of his either.

If it is I'm disapointed.

With friends like Rich and a wife like Vickie Carl doesn't need enemies. She has to be one of the coldest calculating

bitches that have appeared in these stories.

By the way, is anyone else having problems with words being broken up in the comment section or is it just my old computor?

thebulletthebulletover 19 years ago
Well Done

Why do certain readers insist on a particular pattern from a particular writer? Are there no other plots in the universe of plots that a writer can draw upon? Troubador has envisioned a scenario where infidelity actually solidifies a marriage in trouble. He has created a slightly altered lifestyle that works for the threesome involved. Perhaps Carl doesn't understand how complete a threesome they are, but without the children, Carl would have lost his marriage. Vickie is discreet about the infidelity. But I theorize that at some level, even Carl is aware of the completeness of the threesome.

Not everything is black and white. There are sometimes shades of grey. Those that think Vickie is a contemptable whore aren't seeing the true picture. She is faithful to both her men. She is happily committed to a polygamous marriage.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

don87654don87654over 19 years ago
A Wonderful, Wonderful Story!

This is probably one of the best, if not THE BEST fantasy story that ever appeared on this site. It holds all the natural elements of the human condition without fear of offending some religious dogmatic condition, because it is adultery and cheating in innocense. It is completely natural in its setting and allows for natural love to occur without being injurious to any innocent legal partner. Very few of the stories existing on this site could be written into a book with any kind of meaningful plot, but this one could easily be made into that.

I would hope that the author thinks about this and does exactly that....or at least does a continuation. There are so many avenues he could branch off on and write a really good scenario. Please...keep it up (no pun intended)!

don87654don87654over 19 years ago
A Wonderful, Wonderful Story!

With my low sperm count, I can easily identify with Carl, except that I do not habitually drink myself into a stupor. Carl did not know he was not the father, apparently. My difference with him would be this: I'd be delighted if my wife would go out and get pregnant by someone else of my race, looks, just so I could be a Daddy, and she would not have to even hide it from me. Apparently Carl did not fully appreciate having to contend with midnight feedings, morning sickness, varicose veins, diaper changings, perhaps that is the real reason he refused to have himself checked.

As far as others calling this woman a slut, whore, selfish, your minds and disapprovals are only portraying your true selves....that being that you are still of the caveman mentality that makes you think you somehow "own" a woman. Get out of the cave, folks, and join the 21st century! If you happen to disagree with me and want to write to me, be a man and identify yourself when you do. All other comments will be "trashed" after I've read them.

z00timez00timeover 19 years ago
Character Analysis

Troub is the best, even when I disagree with the fictional characters. I refuse to beat up such a great write just because I was brought up to feel guilty about every thing. In my world back in the CAVE(a very crowded place), everyone in this story should be burdened with guilt

If this WERE real, I wonder which commentor Carl would agree with.

p.s GO RED SOX!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Not Your Normal Story

This is not a typical Troubador story. I am surprised by the deceit and the acceptance of it. It is well written as all of his stories are, but I am disappointed. Marriage vows are not to be taken lightly.

dsidedsideover 19 years ago
Whats wrong here?

I am grading this story a 00 for content not for the writing. The Troubador has allways written true to life stories in the past, it's a shame that he has chosen too join the other trash writers with this story. This story is nothing more than a cheating slut/cuckold story. My hope is that another chapter will be written to bring this story up to The Troubador's normal standard. Don

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

Good story which accurately reflects the reality of the parentage of at least 10 - 12 % of all kids born to married couples.(Known fact since Kinsey reported 55 years ago)Take no notice of the insecure little weenies who would be cheering him on if the story was written from the POV of the sperm donor.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
concur with last critic

the writing's good, but the "message", well, it is not about something a true loved one would have done to you,,,

the implication is that Carl has come to accept IT AFTER WARD; the author never said much about Carl's character, other than that he's a drunkard but a good husband who refused to have himself tested.

i guess man men (and women, too) who have low self-esteem would have gone Carl's route: finding out that your supposedly beloved wife is a cheater, and a cheater who's able to convince you that what she's done (by having kids by a friend of yours, a pack they made behind our back and you din't suspect or know about it until two or so kids later) --- AND STILL continued to treat her, as she slipped from one bed to another (proclaiming 1960 era love to both men she slept with), as the loving, faithful wife Carl married years ago.

i'm sure for many women, this is a welcome situation; but i'm also sure the men they are able to con into living with her, one being the dad's biological father and the other being their breadwinner --- these must not be very strong-charactered men, DESPITE/author what the woman said to her readers.

most men would, in Carl's place, leave, once they found out, after the first or second child, that he's been royally cockholded --- deliberately, because the wife wanted her cake and eat it, too (but, gain, just because this is not a polyandry society, it don't mean situations like this couldn't happen; in real life, they do, with so many men around who actually want their wives having sex with multiple men and then do oral sex on them afterward, etc., ad nauseam),,,

good writing, as always, though,,,

ryu77ryu77over 19 years ago
I'm a caveman....YEAH!!!!

All I can say is that Troubador did a really good job in finishing the incomplete story. I guess he captured the main idea that the other author wanted to portray. I give him points for that.

Second, I don't agree with the content of the story. Let me just say this...if Vicky's actions aren't bad and are justified....why doesn't Carl know about this???? Why keep it a secret? Why not say to him that his marriage is all a lie and that he doesn't have the 100% of his wife's love? She and Rich are having a great polyagomy(sp?) relationship, but CARL doesn't KNOW about it!!!

I will give Carl a benefit of a doubt because one reader suggested that deep down inside maybe Carl suspects about the "trinity". But it won't make me think less that these types of stories make me mad...

DimplesCharlieDimplesCharlieover 19 years ago
Good Story

While it might not be the "typical" Troubador story it is good in every aspect just the same! Glad to see the Troubador back again too.

Who is to say that the story of Vicki, Carl and Rich isn't reflective to real life? While I am not aware of any such situations personally, I concur with a previous commentor that there are such instances.

As for complicating life, Vicki sure has for Carl, her children and Rich. Now does The Troubador write a sequil with Vicki telling Carl and developing the story around the reactions and actions of the "family" or is this it for the "Vicki" story?

Anyway, it is good to see a story from The Troubador!

AnonymousCriticAnonymousCriticover 19 years ago
to Don87654

The concept of fidelity in marriage doesn't derive from ownership. It derives from a relationship that includes agreements about many things. Since Carl doesn't own her, it would be okay for her to take money from their joint account and spend it on heroin that she shares with junkies that she fucks to make up the difference in price. It's okay if she lies about it and winds up giving Carl AIDS because he doesn't own her. In fact, under that pretext, there is no act harmful to the relationship and to him that she cannot do because he doesn't own her. Is that the sole premise for interactions between people? On the street I need drugs so I can shoot you for your money to buy them because you don't own me? Is there no standard of behavior between people that can be required at all? Is there no expectation that when you marry someone you will work for a life together in some way, a life that you will build from common beliefs and interests and mutual affection?

When a man meets a woman he doesn't know and he wants sex and she doesn't so he takes it by force is that okay because she doesn't own him? That's no standard at all.

If I loved a woman and she said, "I'll marry you but you have no right to expect affection, honesty, fidelity, I'll take your money and spend it as I please with no accountability, I may come home or not, I may even sell you out for money," I'd retract the proposal. Ownership has nothing to do with it. People define and redefine their relationships mutually. They change, circumstances change and they can change the understandings. But it is supposed to be mutual and in the face of something they consider serious enough, the wronged party has the moral as well as legal right to terminate the relationship. You don't get carte blanche. You have to be accountable for your actions. Vickie isn't because she didn't tell him. She didn't tell him because she knows it isn't right. She's never going to say, "Guess what, you're going to be so happy when I tell you this."

You can reference my email by clicking on my handle in this response.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
crap !!!!!!

I have always enjoyed your stories, maybe didn't agree with the ending all the time. This is crap !!! Just a cheating wife story. You can do better .

HenryDavidThoreauHenryDavidThoreauover 19 years ago
"AnonymousCritic" Has Some Good Points

If, in any story or real situation, BOTH parties agree to orgies or a swinging life style, because BOTH belief that's what it'd take to satisfy their needs, which can not be easily met through monogomy ---- then no moral, ethical, or any violation of fidelity or trust/friendhsip is violated.

But in this story, right off, the Troubador started by saying how urgently "Vickie" needed to start a family, to have kids. Then we found out the husband was drinking heavily, who also had low sperm counts, who refused to seek a doctor's help. But he's good enough a man that she doesn't want to live without. (Why?, we know, at the end.)

And then we read about this wife making a deal with the mutual friend, and they started fucking around; and then years later she has 3-4 kids by him. BUT, the WRITER also seemed to argue, she's still the same loveable and loving person, still very much in love with the drunkard but loving and loyal husband; but she said she's also equally in love with the biological father of her children.

The Troubadore could resort to the argument of: "Well, I can not do everything; these characters are real, and they have thoughts and actions of their own, like in real life. I can NOT write Vickie to be a person of high fidelity, if she's not, if she thinks whatever she does is morally correct."

But that would be an excuse on the Troubador's part, I would submit.

When we write a story, we are in complete charge of the characters; we plot their every moves, just like we design their dialogues, every single word ot it....

Why does the writer have to make the drinking, low sperm count hubby a cuckhold, unknowingly rasing offspring that's not his? Why not simply have the woman divoce this guy and marry the guy who can fuck her good, who can also give her kids, and who is also a good friend and a lover?

Of course, THAT would not make this "Loving Wives" story a cuckhold story, would it? And if so, it'd be too morally/ethically idiotic, right? LOL!

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
"Where's the Love"?

This is just sad. Carl I honestly believe would grab his Louisville Slugger and use it for a homerun on dear old uncle Rick. Then just walk away from over ten years of his life. Who knows maybe Rick might have survived, to go on being the uncle to Carl's fatherless kids, and Vicki could still have illicit sex with the kids fake uncle. This is all just a pile of sick rubbish. You are capable of so much better, this is truly dissappointing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
In Defense of Good Work

This is a fine piece of fiction! In fact, I was amazed to scan the comments and find an overall negative reaction. I won't claim to be familiar with Troubador's earlier work, but this story shows an excellent effort to get beyond the erotic details and into the logical mindset(s) of the characters. What's the most important part of writing fiction? To provide enough plausible detail to allow for the suspension of disbelief. This story accomplishes that. Regardless of the reader's opinion about the "damage" to the institution of marriage, the simple facts are that a plausible story was written and it is quite probable that there are some people in the world who do function in the manner presented. Note that Vickie is not presented as some slut sleeping with anybody or everybody, and Rich is portrayed as being faithful to Vickie. It's not the ideal arrangement for a healthy society, but the story is a piece of fiction not presented as a recommendation for what social norms should be. It is a work of erotic fiction, and was labelled as such. And indeed, it is better written than many such offerings in said genre.

-- Ken

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Sorry Troub

Normally like your stories, have to agree that this is not your best. She should have just left Carl. Every once in a while you read in the news about some poor bastard that kills his wife, his kids, and then himself. This is exactly the kind of setup old Carl has. Of couse old Rich would probably collect a bullet along the way too. Vickie doesn't LOVE Carl, she just wants to "have" him. Oh, anonymous in New Zeland.....go fuck your sheep!

SaraJSaraJover 19 years ago
Good Story

I read the story, and all the comments. Let me say first that I liked the story, and I think this is one of the better authors I've seen on this site. The situation is plausible, the story is well-written, and the viewpoint stays consistent from beginning to end, which many of the stories on this site do not. Do I approve of the morals of the characters? No, I do not. But, morals are not what makes a good story. I like murder mysteries, and obviously not all the characters are morally good in them. But this story *is* believable. I don't doubt for one minute that this could be based on a true story. And, it's well-written. I wasn't distracted by poor grammar or spelling errors. The story kept my interest from beginning to end, and entertained me. What more can a reader ask from an author? He's a writer, not an ethics professor. Good job, Troubador!

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 19 years ago
It's not up to snuff!

If Carl doesn't know about Rich screwing the wife every day then it's absolutely adultery.

This story I am not pleased with. She didn't have to fuck around to get pregnant. There is still atificail insemination, to the best of my knowledge.

The good Lord joins two people in marriage making them one. That does not include 3, 4 or multiplies. Individual guilt is allayed when both agree to the situation, though. Peace can be made with confession but here she has no guilt with what she has done.

I was wondering, constantly, why she says she loves Carl. I don't feel she could possibly love him. Maybe still like him around for some reason. I guess she needs a foundation. I don't think Rich wanted kids or family but can't recall for sure. Otherwise, why not divorce and marry Rich? Especially after she becomes pregnant??

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Wife Should Divorce Husband

Everyone running down the posters calling the wife a slut should just step back and look at things realisticaly here.

If the husband cant give her what she wants then she should leave him and find someone who can or at least try to get him to accept the situation & create a real polygamous relationship instead of making their life together a lie.

Instead of deciding if she wanted kids more than her husband etc. she just considers her own needs to the exclusion of everyone else's & pays for everything with sex without any real emotional involvement on her part. Makes her the classic definition of a whore imo.

The lover who may have developed feelings for her ends up being basically used for sperm paid for with regular sex. He doesnt get the be a father to his children, sleep with the woman he cares for or share in her life to any reasonable degree. I dont agree with those who will say him getting sex without responsiblity is a fantasy come true - sex leads to emotions eventually (unless you have some sort of emotional or mental dysfunction) because humans are wired that way & he is getting a hollow version of a real relationship here.

The husband gets used for emotional/financial stability & is paid with off with regular sex as well. Crappy bargin for him too. Since the wife is unwilling to tell him the truth or leave him for her lover, she obviously has no real feelings for either of them.

I'm not saying you cant love more than one person at the same time but you cant love anyone and behave as the wife in the story is imo. This isnt a polygamous or polyamorous relationship at all - its a dysfunctional woman having 2 shitty half-assed relationships with 2 different guys at the same time.

If my little rant is convoluted, poorly argued & failed to convince anyone (more likely than not since I never claimed to be a writer) lets put the shoe on the other foot. A husband really loves his wife but wants someone younger or with a tighter pussy or with bigger tits etc. so he stays with wife & gets sex from another over a long period of time. In this case most would agree that the husband is a bastard & doesnt really love his wife but is using her to keep his house, to help pay bills, to raise his children, for intellectual stimulation etc. He wants something he cant get from his wife & is unwilling to give up what he has so he lies to her & gets what he wants outside of their relationship. Just because firm tits & a tight pussy is more shallow than wanting children, doesnt make it any worse.

p.s. just to be clear - Im not preaching that monogamous one man, one woman relationships are the only way to go at all.

sculptjimsculptjimover 19 years ago

Does anyone think a husband wouldn't know after a while. As long as he loves her and it is not rubbed in his face so that he can retain some pride and not be humiliated he can honestly ignore it and pretend he doesn't know. If it was out in the open all would lose and be hurt. Could any one stand losing the two most loved people in their life. Carl's personality is evidently already like that. He has no desire to know if he is sterile or not. I always feel regret over betrayal but this one was not malicious and she loves him.(her husband) The drawback in such a situation is when it is slammed in the spouses face without warning and they are no longer given the grace of denile. They better pray they can hide it well. To many terrible scenerio out comes are possible which are more likely than the hack ending of a spouse going whoohoo how exciting can I play too. Unlikely in most cases and ends on an empty note. Very good.

sexmatesexmateover 19 years ago
A true cuckold story! What a lieing bitch!

Vickie must have mental problems! Carl is a real sucker!

If she loved him truly she would have never done this ultimate betrayl! I feel for Carl! But can he be really that stupid? I think not. If she wanted kids and he couldn't have them I am sure she could have talked him into atrificial insemination if they truly loved one another.

Vickie is just another cheating wife who doesn't deserve Carl's love. I know I would be in jail or committed suicide if I found this out! first I would have killed both of them first, this is how the real world works with real emotions!

Just absolute tragedy in a situation like this!

I hope to see better things from you! this writing was good but the story I had real problems with!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
i hate this story

if i was carl i would kill myself if i found out this shit had been going on ..and someday it will...i hope she can live with the death of her husband because the deapth ofher betrayal is so much that if he is normal hw would never be able to recover from that matter if i had raised the kids for years and years ..they would not be mine and i would feel so betrayed ...i would immediately move out and start the process of having the kds names changed to tha tof their real fathers and also start the process of having the real father reinburse me for every bit of money i could figure i had spent on said kids...a wife all i had was a slut for some other man whotricked me into raising someone elses kids...fuck a slut like that she can marry rich and she can have her nice little family she so wants...but if i cant have kids i would never knowingly raise another mans kids as mine...what a fucked up wife...i hope my divorcing her would hurt her as bad as me finding out that in all the years of marriage sh e never had any respect for me at all except to cuchhold me with someone i thought was my friend...with friends like that who needs enemies...i have to give you a three ...but ill give a 5 if you let him find out and he takes them both down the river and gets enough money to finally find a wife who truly deserves him

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Another Good one

This too is up to your usual standard of excellence. You have cleverly avoided the revelation of Carl's awareness of his sterility and thus one of the reasons he continued to welcome Rich as the member of the family he, in fact, was. His revenge was not telling the two plotters of his knowledge.

hank you, ever so much, for sharing this story with us.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
I don't believe it

Carl is the bit player in this saga of 5+ years of uninterrupted fucking by those two. I find it hard to believe a couple can get away with it for so long, which leaves me to believe: the story is too far-fetched to happen in real life, the hubby is a complete and utter wimp and the woman need stringing up.

don87654don87654over 17 years ago
Good reading!

This story is a prime example of what our society should be all about. Very erotic!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
A Well Written Crock of Shit

The 25% is for the good writing. I slutty whore is a slutty whore is a slutty whore no matter what excuses the writter makes for the slutty whore. The biggest betrayal and the most humilating thing a woman can do to a man is give him another man's child to bring up. If a woman got herself gang banged or fucked right in front of her man while she called him all the humiliating names under the sun and then forced him to lick her clean that behaviour is benign in comparison to the deceit, treachery and utter disrespect that this woman shows her weak drunkard of a husband. If she was a woman and not a whore she would have left him then married his best friend and then have his best friends children.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

The only Troubador story I've ever read that disgusted me. For a man whose forte is ;cheating has serious consequences; this is really a shocker. Vickie cheats for her whole marriage and Troubador appears to condone it. She loves both men. whoopie !!! 60 year od George

zed0zed0over 17 years ago
A Bone Chilling Whoreror Story

Scared the shit out of me. To think there are really women like that out there. Really well written and suspenseful, I kept waiting for the wimp monster to jump out to forgive & forget, while trying to repair a tainted relationship with the self delusions of everything is changed but will be alright. Or more realistically; hubby will just slink off into obscurity, turn back into a drunk, and let the cheaters live happily ever after. This really shoud have been posted under erotic horror ("whoreror"??)Enjoyed the hell out of it, keep'em coming!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
who's the daddy

There was never any mention of why she loved Carl other than she said so. In fact many unkind things were said about him including calling him an SOB. I'm not sure if this is an unrealistic story or one of a woman who just can't make up her mind or be honest with her own feelings. The writing was excellent and held me even though I disliked the track it was taking.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
agree with others

the writing is good, but the story sucks

Alvaron53Alvaron53about 17 years ago
Well written but morally flawed

Interesting premise by the Troubador. The prose is good as is the pacing. The characters are well-described so what's left is the plot. The storyline has a few obvious problems such as why Vickie would stay with an impotent alcoholic who refuses to obtain professional help for his problems. How Carl didn't discover her ongoing infidelity over the years remains a mystery. Should we add blindness to his drinking and impotence?


Her notion to have their mutual friend sire her children has the obvious fault that, if it's such a good idea, then why not be above board about everything and let Carl in on the plan? Ah, yeah, I guess that might be a problem, mightn't it?


The moral faults in the wife's thinking are the deception and the lies. Thinking that everything is hunky dory because she and Rich have managed to keep Carl in the dark is selfish and petty. Love doesn't trump fidelity and faithfulness, and neither does the desire to procreate. If she wanted children and Carl wasn't willing to father them, she always had the remedy of divorce for irreconcilable differences.


At some point, the children have to told who their biological parents are for health reasons. How does Vickie propose to disseminate the truth about their parentage or does she plan to keep the truth from her children? If so, she's not a fit mother because lying to your children about their genetic heritage is evil when their health may well depend on knowing who their biological father is.


I found the story to be well-told but the moral position it proposes is flawed. Thank you, Troubador, for a thought-provoking read.

acs_1acs_1about 17 years ago
For fucks sake

I mean, where do I even begin... what is your message with a story like this? What are you trying to show? When this slut and her moronic, back-stabbing, cunt of a lover become 80 years old (if they get to live that long), what kind of monsters will they end up being with these sort of moral values? Community leaders perhaps? Pillar of the community? What kind of shame are they going to be heaping onto their family and friends and of course the husband when this shit comes out? - It ALWAYS does. Seriously, suicide is a viable option for both these fucking losers. Want help?

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969over 16 years ago

I know this is an old story but I just got around to reading it all I can say about it almost every story you have written has some consquence if a partner cheats. why the change of tone in this one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Don't Understand This Story

The writing is great. The ending really doesn't make any sense. I guess this was an experiment but still how does one justify backstabbing Carl the way his wife and their very good friend does. Maybe in the beginning when Carl was a drunk and she wanted the baby but after that, it just goes to prove that the wife is a total whore and the kids bio-father is a back stabbing rat and not Carl's friend at all. I'm really surprised that 'the Troubador' would write this tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Story sucks .....

You should have deleted it from the hard drive the first time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
go on

needs work but

<a href="" style="text-decoration: none">

<font color="#000000">nice</font></a>

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Funny as hell

"A class lady like you........" That had to be the funniest line in the whole story. All that bullshit about her totally pure and reasonable love for two men is nothing more than being a whore, cheating on her marriage, simply because she can. In this story, and by her actions, she is identified as nothing more than common scum, her husband a total idiot, and the lover just another fuckhead who can't keep his dick out of other peoples' marriages. In short, the entire story sucked major ass, but I laughed my ass off at the was so out of place and so opposite to what she really is, and I just didn't see it coming. I'll grade the story a big fat zero, but I give full marks for the humor!

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 15 years ago
I thought it was a sweet and tender love story

So she loves two men, and treats them equally.I am surprised that she wasn't drawn more to the man that fathered her children. Although just fertilizing her egg doesn't mean that's all there is to being a father. If her husband was good with the kids, she would probably feel that her husband was as much a father to her kids as the man that impregnated her. A really deep story, and I enjoyed reading it very much. Thanks for the post....Rich

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Nice as a story goes,

however, not realistic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
A drunk

No wonder carl is a drunk married to that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
What are your Stories For?

I've read about a half a dozen of your stories. Take this one for example. Who was the good guy and who was the bad guy? ... And exactly what happened. If it's a true story, then know that the truth is boring. And what in god's name was the husband doing during all this time. Sorry I didn't like it and I don't much care for your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

"She loved Carl more now than she ever had before the kids." I'd say love without respect is a damned cheap kind of love...anyone who'd give it isn't worth noticing and anyone who would accept it is beneath contempt. She's not a loving wife, she's a greedy whore manipulating two men to get what she wants. Somehow I don't find that very erotic.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

your rotten

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

she is a bitch and a whore: he is the lowest form of human. they should die!.........

Toad_in_holeToad_in_holeover 14 years ago

Isn't it a pity that some people can only see in black and whites.

The arrangement they have is obviously very meaningful to both of them, as to keeping Carl in the dark there is the old adage' What the eye doesn't see the heart doesn't grieve over.' Let's face it this is only a story, well told with romance in the telling.

Keep up the good work, with few exceptions I enjoy your writings.


AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Vickie is a self centered cheat. Carl is betrayed by his friend Rich. There were other ways but Vickie decided to make a cuckold out of Carl, who drank too much and she had the best of two worlds, getting Carl when he was sober and doing Rich all the time while working for him. Sad story but it was well written.

RePhilRePhilalmost 14 years ago
Writing is good

Your writing is good just not my type of story just can't relate to a lying and decitful female or wife. Maybe I'm just too much of an old school guy who believes lyng is only human but living a lie can never happen in a true loving marriage nor could castrating your busband for personal satisfaction guess its just the stories female perspective to like men with no balls. Sorry I guess my idea of love doesn't include cuckolding your husband. BUT great writing and I do like a story that brings my emotions to the surface for better or worse. Keep writing!!

NKenNKenabout 13 years ago
Really tempting..

to write a follow up story where something happens to cause Carl to find out the truth about his wife and "best" friends complete betrayal!

ps: i enjoy most of your stories Troubador :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Has quit writing..thank God..there is a God.

Is a trash author. Only good thing about him (her?) is that the posting has stopped.

onan_the_vulgarianonan_the_vulgarianover 12 years ago
Anonymous 4/16/11

Fuck you you ignorant bastard. This was not his best story, but it wasn't really his story to begin with. I have enjoyed his stories and hope he picks up his pen again soon. If you don't like the author, don't read his stories. If you think you can do better, do so and let us slang your pitiful scratchings.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
whoa, no need for vulgarities

closetcucks live for one thing; reading LW stories to sprout one and spank it in self-loathing. dreaming of getting corn-holed while smoking a fat cock and eating a creampie is all they have; don't take away their one joy in life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
whoa, no need for vulgarities

closetcucks live for one thing; reading LW stories to sprout one and spank it in self-loathing. dreaming of getting corn-holed while smoking a fat cock and eating a creampie is all they have; don't take away their one joy in life.

huedogghuedoggover 12 years ago
Guys calm down

It's just a story, I like to leave fucked up comments to. But at least this writer sticks to his style, Matt Monroe, Winterfrog, JPB are a few of the true cuckold style writers. Matt Monroe is the worse cuckold writer out there. But he can write, and is very good at his style. So calm down and enjoy the stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
there's a closetcuck right there

bluedogg is the only commenter stupider than DWmoron - lives in a closet dreaming of cuckoldry and creampies, hoping for sloppy seconds while smoking the fattest of cocks, probably related to zed0 the ped0 who loves to be cornholed

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 12 years ago

I wish i never read this fucking fairy tale.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
I gave it 3 stars ... was well written but unsatisfying, interesting it was the first time I felt both the husband and the lover were cuckolds.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
I've wondered

I've wondered why I haven't read your stories before? Know after reading two ( not one). I understand why reading "A Troubador story" was and is something I wouldn't want to do, that is read a third story, that you wrote! You have to be a Women, because you sure don't understand how a man thinks...

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

no way she would get away with that having 4 kids and lets say it takes 8 years the husband is going to find out. The husband has to be brain dead

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
A fantasy

No way the husband could not catch on with 4kids and how did she get free to make more with the other children. Who watched the kids when she was getting screwed. I see trobar you retired from writing a long time ago or you are no longer with us?.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
utter crap

worth a -5

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago


Not fair to either guy.

If Vickie was dissatisfied in her marriage, counseling or divorce are the answers. Cheating and sticking hubby with the babies is just plain wrong. Ever heard of artificial insemination? Also, Rick is a damned fool for agreeing to being faithful to Vickie while she fucks two men. It's a bizarre form of cuck in reverse, where the paramour is the cuckold, oddly enough. Very sick and foolish. Sadly, there are fools who would tolerate such a double standard, and since he's dumb enough to stick it to his best friend, he's evidently dumb enough to put up with it. Some men are too weak-willed in dealing with lying and controlling women like Vickie. No, she's not a slut, but she is worse. A slut at least is probably not going to force Rick to be faithful (not usually) or be careful enough to avoid getting caught. She is a lot worse than a slut: she is a sociopath. Furthermore, since I have written with characters named Vicki/Vicky, I suppose that it bothers me more, because I can't picture any of those women doing this double standard BS to anyone. Carl got a raw deal, Rick, too, but at least Rick knew enough to walk away from him. It's too bad that he is not thinking straight. I'd have told Carl when she first approached me and left her to face the consequences.

FD45FD45over 10 years ago
How very sweet

A moderately well written Romance story...for cheaters.

How wonderfully happy they will make each other as they raise their kids togeth...oops...sorry. How he gets to watch from afar as that alcoholic Carl raises and drives around with HIS kids.

How CARL gets to hold her tight late at night. How SHE has to worry about CARL relapsing. How one day Carl might discover that he has no swimmers. That won't raise ANY questions in his mind at all...

Sure...this is a sustainable relationship :rolleyes: ...Luckily, you can fade to the credits BEORE it all turns to shit.

How nice that she gets to have a lover and a know...for the Crappy stuff like paying for things, cleaning the gunk out of the gutters, retiling the shower, disciplining the kids.

It is GOOD of Carl to do all this hard work so she is able to keep her time with Rich happy perfect vacation fun time. Hell, when I go on vacation, I'm practically skipping too!

What disagreeable people! You continue to attempt to split the difference in your find some sort of rationalization about the crappy thing these main characters do to each other which justifies their behavior.

She's selfish. He is no friend to Carl...but a SWELL (and swelling) friend to Her.

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 10 years ago
Well, I liked the story, it entertained me. And remember, it is just a story.

Better than having no ending or making someone a WILLING CUCKOLD! Good job, Troubador.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

The only unbelievable part of this story is how in the world did the husband remain clueless for years and years.

George in Omaha

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I know that this is just a fictional story but it hits close to home. My now ex-wife got pregnant from her lover and tried to make me believe I was the father. This didn't work because we hadn't had sex in weeks so I couldn't be the father. Plus, I told her Dna tests would tell the tale so she relented. Thankfully, this story is fiction but I am living proof that some women out there can be and are rotten enough to try to saddle a man with a bastard child. Yes, I know the child is innocent but there is no greater disrespect that a woman can heap upon a man than to do that to him!

Once a woman sinks that low, I have no pity for her if her husband goes off the deep end and does whatever to her for revenge. I didn't realize I still harbored haed feelings about this until I read this story.Great story, though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

OK you have to have a part 2m where this is discovered and she and his friend are destroyed.

She is just evil.

The so called friend not much better.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
She's a horrible, selfish bitch.

When she first talks Rich into this, she admits she'll be giving him better than she's giving her husband. If she really believed all her BS, she would tell Carl, but she knows better. She doesn't love anyone but herself.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Rethinking previous comment

Sorry, Troubador, that came off sounding like it was a terrible story. It wasn't: it was quite well written, in fact. That's what makes Vickie's selfishness sting so much. Do you notice that despite all her claims to 'love,' the only thing she ever does for anyone else in the story is let them have sex with her?

So a possible denouement:

One of the children needs a kidney transplant. Of course, Carl wants to get tested for compatibility as a donor. Vickie doesn't want him to, saying he drank his kidneys away. He gets tested anyway behind her back, and finds out his kidneys are fine but he's not compatible enough because he's not the child's father. He confronts Vickie and forces the truth from her. Devastated by the treachery of his wife and 'best friend,' he commits suicide. Rich, deprived of Carl's ballast, returns to form and bails for California after 2 months. Vickie is left with her one true love: herself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I have heard similar true stories of women (and young girls) saddling men with bastard children ( no offense intended) and any woman who would do that is totally despicable! ( My ex- tried to do that to me but when I mentioned DNA test, she caved).

Men, be aware of the evil that females are capable of! In the stories that heard, the women had no remorse and felt that since the child needed a father, any trickery was acceptable; they even felt that they were heros for doing such a thing.

Female responders------ please give YOUR take on this matter, if you dare!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
A difficult decision

Is this a love story? Or is this the story of a self centered, manipulative bitch wanting to have her cake and eat it too? Turning her husband into an unknowing cuckold and a Father to children that are not his. What happens when something goes wrong and Carl finds out he isn't the Father but that Rich is? This is a trainwreck waiting to happen. At the end of the day I just can't like the characters of Vickie and Rich. Vickie for stabbing her husband in the back every single day she looks at him. The same is true of Rich. How can he stab his so-called best friend in the back over and over and over again and look at himself in the mirror? While this was well written, I hated it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Thanks for giving me a laugh. She doesn't love any one but herself. But you put it in the wrong category it should be in humor.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
read it twice

a truly unpleasant story of a nast lying cheating bitch, an alcoholic cuckold and a filthy rapist.

artykay63artykay63almost 8 years ago
loved it

Everyone is a winner:)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
What a Fu**ing Cheating Whore

Bitch, slut, whore, cum bucket. LOL.... :))

silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago






You're pretty good at evoking such "pleasant" reactions.

DrSemblanceDrSemblanceover 7 years ago

silent sound pretty much nailed it.

This is a vile contemptible cheating cunt and a weak pussy of a husband and a tratorious rapist of a "friend".... remember, he had no idea she was awake.

He is a rapist.

That kids will be born to that amoralistic cunt is a tragedy.

Love story? hell fucking no

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
You are a true cuckold/wimp!!! MINUS 5*!!!

I ask you what is good at a wife who is a slut a lear and a cheater!!! She betrayed her so loved husband with the elementally thing within a partnership - parenthood-!!! Would you live with a gracefully slut like that??!! Only if you are a pervert or an insane idiot!!! I think you are both!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Your American, right?

So don't you have guns? Doesn't the idea of the husband finding out and shooting the living fuck out of them put anyone off of this idea? So sweet, so loving, so spiteful and disgusting.

No wonder they won't let us have guns in this country!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
I'm American

Been happily married 48 years. I think this is a well written and very satisfying story. Some of the idiots forget it is a STORY. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
When Carl figures it out?

There will be hell to pay. And Rich and Vickie will pay the tab. I bet Carl takes all the marital assets on his way out the door and exposes Vickie and Rich to all their families and friends. What a can of Whoop ass that will be! Horrible story of betrayal.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

The whore needs to die and the kids put into an orphanage if the bull won't take them. Change the birth certificate. Kill the writer.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchalmost 7 years ago
Well written, a tale of a beautiful couple, if view in a myopic and presumptuous light

But I can't score the outcome more than 1, even if the writing is 5. BTW, what kind of man would do that to another MAN, given that real men don't lie, cheat, or deliberately deceive others. What kind of friend would inseminate his FRIEND's wife, knowing the guy wants his own genetic kids.

As for the wife, it would be sexist as hell to let her off based on hormones or the desire to be a mother. What a selfish, gimme-pig of a betrayer. Again, she knows dude wants his own Genet if kids, but gets kids by slag-stabbing him in the back.

Best be hoping no one ever finds out, and none of the kids are boys. Ugh.

Rant over. It's really well written! And if you can synch up with modern excuse culture, romantic.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
A beautiful fairy tale.

It's a fantasy and one I've had ever since I met someone who I'd love to have as my number two. But I'm a man so maybe you complainers think it's all right.

It'll never happen. I'm bound to live the right way.

I have come to understand that real love is limitless. Most of our love songs are pretty sick. You made me love you? You're the only one? It's all tripe.

There's another thing too in the story. I think the husband knows, deep down. It works because neither is judged against the other. Again that's a fantasy.

I realize that in very similar stories I have said no way should she be doing that. Why do I feel different about this one? Maybe because husband knew she wanted babies from the start but refused to take steps to help her out. Unless hi is completely sterile he could have fathered children.

LonesomeBoy60LonesomeBoy60over 6 years ago
Having her cake and,.....

This is pure crap, no morale to this cheating wife's story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

fag cuck shit.

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