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Without hesitation, already having felt her wetness, he drove inside her to the hilt in one long, hard thrust. She screamed in orgasm again but he ignored it continuing to drive into her, pumping her to climax after climax until finally he slammed into her even harder. Deep inside her he froze, his cock driven fully inside her. Vickie now went into full constant orgasm. To them it felt like minutes before his cream completed emptying deep into her womb.

Then they collapsed together, entangled with one another.

They lay together unmoving except for their hands slowly stroking each the other until the clock told them it was time for Vickie to leave today. Rich and Vickie showered together, dressed, then kissed gently at the door.

"I'll try to be here tomorrow, Rich. But don't forget to come over tonight. Drop by about 7:00, but don't plan on staying long. My husband and I will be celebrating tonight."

- - - - -

Vickie was almost skipping as she neared Rich's condo. The winter sun was warm, but not like the beaches along the Great Barrier Reef. Australia was so, so… Scrumptious! And here she was, almost Easter and sporting a tan like she hadn't worn since she was in High School. Those days before she found out about Gamma Rays or what ever they were and cancer.

She and Carl had been back a week, a week with the kids after three weeks without them. She giggled; she didn't know what was harder, three weeks away from them or this week back with them.

Uncle Rich it seemed had not only kept the kids fed and alive, but they seemed better disciplined. They were accustomed to his constant attention. They were terribly spoiled. She guessed honorary uncles did that.

The man was a miracle! Thinking of Rich as a miracle brought a blush. Lordy, it had been a month since she had seen him alone. She was blushing again as she pushed the up button in the elevator. It was going to be wonderful seeing him after this long time apart.

But the Australian vacation Rich had given them for Christmas had been wonderful. It was the first vacation since before the four kids started coming. Well, they had fun on the short vacations with the family, but this was the first one she and Carl had enjoyed, just the two of them. What a wonderful Christmas gift from Uncle Rich!

And Carl stayed sober the entire three weeks! Thank God! He was finally whipping his addiction! They had worked so hard to rid him of his alcoholism. She had to thank Rich for that, too. He had been as influential as anything else to give him the understanding and courage to quit.

At the door she gave their secret knock before using her key to open the door. It had been transparent to both Carl and her what Rich was doing when he hired her as his assistant. The job had been offered by Rich when he came to there house the night she had told Carl he was going to be a daddy.

Well, Carl didn't understand one part of the reason but he had glommed immediately onto the fact Rich was paying much more than her help was worth. She and Carl had argued at the amount. How strange, an employee trying to talk the boss into a lower salary. After all Carl was making good money, too. They finally compromised with every penny going into the kids college fund. The money now there would send all four of them to Oxford or the Sorbonne in Paris! And give them far too much in spending money, too. The other reason Rich wanted her to spend almost every afternoon alone with him in his condo Carl would never know.

She loved Carl more now than she ever had before the kids. What she hadn't understood was how she could possibly love two men with such intensity. Her love for Rich was not less than her love for Carl. Still, the two loves were different. She thanked God constantly that she never need choose between the two men.

Ignoring the lush, friendly ambience of Rich's home she hurried down the hall, enjoying the deep plush honey colored carpet she had selected and paying little attention to the original art on the walls. She was proud of the little touches Rich had first allowed, then encouraged her to make. His taste in furnishing the apartment was superb. She just hoped he had been happy with the things she had added.

Every so often Rich had taken her out to one of the local art galleries. It scared her every time she thought of the money he had spent when she was particularly taken with a painting or sculpture.

She smiled quietly to herself. He had been very happy with her these many years.

Somehow she had never been able to make him understand how important he was to her. He knew how she felt about his siring her four kids, but somehow she never felt he understood how important he was to her just for being himself. He was a wonderful, gentle, kind man.

With a wicked, wicked sense of humor!

Rich was waiting for her at the door to his office; leaning against the door frame. He was wearing what she called his uniform; that ragged old faded red Bliss t-shirt, tight jogging shorts and old worn out jogging shoes. She had no idea where he got the first Bliss t-shirt, but she had seen the shop where he had replacements made. She suspected Bliss had been a rock band Rich had been in as a kid. The stinker refused to tell her, just saying she MUST know where Bliss was, she took him there often enough.

His arms had akimbo, and he reached out just in time to catch her as she launched herself at him. Vickie didn't remember taking that last step, she just knew she had melted into his arms with her face pressed against that old shirt.

His scent surrounded her, became part of her again. It was male musk and Old Spice; hot, with the clean smell from his shower. She had admitted to herself long ago that she was helplessly in love with two wonderful men.

The revelation came when they took Carla home from the hospital. As Carl parked the car Vickie sat and watched Rich slowly step toward them carrying their first, two-year-old Paul. She had marveled at how much Paul looked like Rich, but knew he looked as much like her husband. As she watched, Carl opened the door to take Caroline out of her arms. Then he turned, folding down the corner of the receiving blanket to show his friend the new daughter.

Rich's face had just exploded into a smile as Carl held Caroline out for his admiration. Rich had shifted Paul so he could see his new sister. And her two men stood shoulder to shoulder, each holding one of their children as she watched. And that was one of the wonderful things. Carl considered Rich a full member of the family.

That was when a wave of understanding rolled over her. Her two men, standing shoulder to shoulder, each holding one of her children. She was so filled with love for both of them that for a moment she couldn't breathe. Since that epiphany she had never been able to distinguish her feelings for the men. Her love for Rich had grown slowly over the years, but it was there. She loved them equally.

Her only sadness was that she could never share the depth of feeling she had for Rich with her other true love, Carl. But it was too late, had always been too late to explain. Somehow she knew that if she could once get Carl past the first shock he would understand. He loved her, and he adored their children. And Carl was their Daddy.

It was that evening, so many years ago, that Carl had told her with sorrow how glad he was that Rich was a real part of their family. He told her how his friend could never hold a relationship for long. His personality somehow not letting him meld with anyone. The only exceptions had been Carl, and now Vickie. Even as a youngster Rich became restless after a short time sharing space with someone else. He was always pleasant, but within at most a month, maybe two he was looking for some way to break it off. He once explained to Carl that after a while he felt suffocated.

Carl insisted Rich enjoyed people and liked being with them: But only when he was free to leave at his whim. He speculated that, in other times, other places, his friend would have been a hermit. Rich wouldn't have been happy, but something kept him from relaxing and becoming part of a group. Carl was delighted Rich had been able to become the "Uncle" in the family. It was just what Rich needed, and he gave the kids so much. Carl admitted that until her first pregnancy he had been afraid Vickie would push Rich away as every other woman had done when he got restless.

She melted into Rich as he gently laid her on his bed. She had no memory of moving from the office to his bedroom, but it wasn't the first time she lost track of time and space when in his arms. Her body sang as he undressed her, never breaking their kiss.

His kiss was intoxicating Vickie as she welcomed him above her, gently lowering himself between her thighs and stretching and atop her. She strained her loins up, legs wide spread to welcome him home. Her center flowered open in greeting.

She wasn't surprised to find herself extraordinarily wet. These days she always seemed to be wet when she was in his apartment.

Rich's glans caught in her entry, then rushed inside her. He didn't thrust himself home. Instead she felt it pushed slowly, inch by inch, into her. Every fraction of entry ecstatic waves traveled through her sheath before progressing through her. Then his maleness nestled in to her cervix. There it stopped, soaking in her juices marinating. She could hardly breath with the sensations he was giving her.

Then it began moving into her again, slowly, inexorably inside. Her softness was pushed aside, opening her with each slow stroke. Until suddenly her body broke, convulsing around him. Rich stopped to hold his hardness inside her, soaking, until her spasms eased.

When he felt the ripples ease around his shaft her lover again slowly entered her. It was a moment only before the contractions returned and her mind exploded and then he held himself still. When she returned to earth he again began moving and would immediately break apart again. And again! And yet again!

Again and again, he now commanded her body until he began driving into her harder, his thickness, his velvety soft, steel maleness, fully inside of her. And she convulsed again! Her man this time did not wait for the paroxysms to complete, but worked his maleness hard, deep inside her, never withdrawing. The agonizingly joyful tension in her body continued growing, growing, growing. Then he was suddenly, wonderfully, gloriously spasming inside her. She could FEEL the potent sperm coating her, filling her. And the world exploded again into stars and fire.

When she returned she was holding and being held.

After a time Rich carried her to the shower, enjoying it with her. Then they sat down in the pleasant kitchen with a cup of tea.

They sat silent, each thinking their own thoughts. Vickie still deliciously floating on the wave of sexual fervor, idly wondering what Rich was thinking. She was soon to find out.

Her lover looked up at her, clearing his throat. "Vickie, you have your four kids now. Are you happy, girl?"

She looked at him, startled, "What a question to ask, Rich. They are the best kids in the world. You know that!"

"I know you love the kids, I was just worrying that you don't feel cheated with our agreement. I've been dreading this day for years. You have no idea how this makes me feel."

"What are you talking about, Rich? What day? What is happening?"

"You made me one of the happiest men in the world when you asked me to help you make a family. You wanted three or four kids, and from what Carl and you are saying you don't want any more. It's going to be lonely here without you visiting me."

There was dead silence in the room, Vickie unable to find any words to say.

Then Rich continued, "I love the kids, and hope you won't ask me to give up being an Uncle. Not surprising but I of think of them as my kids, too. I hope you don't mind?"

"Oh my God, Rich! What are you talking about?" she blurted.

"I know you agreed to be my lover while we were making the kids. You have no idea how much that has meant for me. But it's over now. I certainly have no reason to expect you to continue. A class lady like you, I can't describe how I've valued what you have put up with for the kids. Some nights I've lain awake hoping you haven't regretted I was the sire. But it's too much for me to expect you to continue. I can't imagine how you must have regretted coming here every week, even when you were avoiding pregnancy."

Vickie looked at him like he had lost his mind and the silence drug out so long it was painful. Rich seemed unable to look her in the eyes, studying his cup so intently she wondered if he was going to begin reading tea leaves.

Finally it was her turn to clear her throat. "Rich, I don't know how you got so far wrong. I don't think it was something I ever did or said."

Rich started to speak, but she held her hand up, stopping him before continuing, "I know I felt I had to bribe you to give me children, but how you ever got the idea this has been hard for me to do? You talk as if it was something I found unpleasant."

"My God, Rich! How could you ever have believed that? Surely you know how much you have pleased me with your loving. But what is horrifying is how you can't see how much you mean to me! I mean as a man, a friend! Not just as a sire to my children!" She sat looking at him again. When he opened his mouth to speak she tsk, tsked at him until he sat back, silent.

"Rich, I should have let you know years ago. Guess I thought you knew. This has never been a "chore" for me. How you could even imagine it was is beyond me!"

"Every time, EVERY time I walked over here I have been excited about coming to you! EVERY TIME!"

"I love Carl, I love him with all my being. But Rich, I love you too! Somehow I thought you always knew, or at least knew the past few years. I love both of you!"

Rich sat still, listening to Vickie. Then she began trying to explain to this man she loved.

"Rich, I love you. And I love Carl. Each love is different, but each is very deep. Please, don't leave me! Stay with me and the kids: and with Carl! You know what you have with the children, Carl and certainly with me is more than just an honorary uncle. You ARE part of the family… For heaven's sake, the kids listen to you more than they do Carl or myself. They love you for yourself."

"I don't know what Carl would do if you weren't around. He has beaten the alcohol, particularly with your support." Vickie looked shyly up at him from under her lashes, "And now you know how I feel about you."

Rich looked at her, a quiet look of wonder on his face. "You mean it, Vickie? Our time together isn't over?"

"Yeah, you big doofus! I really mean it. You almost broke my heart a minute ago when I thought you didn't want us to go on. But, is my job still here? I know you don't need me, but I'll try harder, just tell me what to do."

"Oh, Vickie! How can you say I don't need you. I was hoping to convince you to keep working for me even if our agreement was over. Talk about dread! Imagine having you here day after day and not being able to touch you! With you here I have been able to spend so much more time doing my thing. I don't know how I was able to get anything done before you came to work for me. I figured out with you here my production almost doubled. We have to talk about making you a full partner in the firm. I'm serious about this. I'll come over tomorrow evening when the kids are asleep and you, Carl and I can talk it over."

He waited a moment before adding, "Well, I guess I didn't know what I was talking about when I said our agreement was over. But maybe we can go back to the bedroom and you can show me the error of my ways."

He stood up, taking her hand to help her to her feet. Then pulled her to him for a kiss, long and hard. When he pulled away Vickie swayed, her legs unable to hold her. His long arm wrapped around her waist, pulled her to him, cuddling his woman to his side. Slowly he led her to the bedroom, her eyes turned up to meet his, looking adoringly into his eyes.

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orneryonezorneryonez7 months ago

As flat as a pancake!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Vickie and Rich seem completely pleased with themselves despite the fact that they have betrayed and screwed over Carl for his entire adult life despite their claims of loving him and how Carl is basically Rich’s only friend. They’re terrible people.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Make sure they don't put your name on the birth certificate and say adios slut

Freudzslip69Freudzslip69about 1 year ago

What a fantastic, HIGHLY EROTIC story. Obviously, I loved it,,,five stars; if one could give it six, I would. I’ve been a fan since first reading “How High A Price.” I’ve also loved the many sequels to that wonderfully clever story.

Let me divert for a moment,,,I never lose sight of the fact that the stories one reads on Literotica are works of fiction, of which the author creates their own world, so to speak. Thus, I don’t understand why so many critiques, or so many stories on here are so nit picking, combative, antagonistic, and argumentative. All one has do do is read any novel and one realizes that the authors of fiction create their own reality. That’s why It’s called fiction... Duhh.

That said, this story, aside from being so HOT, is quite clever. I do hope that you invite sequels on this one as well. I would like to see how this trio love fest develops from the point where you have ended it.

Well done. Bravo!

HighBrowHighBrowover 1 year ago

Femdom agitprop. Keep an eye on those “good” friends,

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