What It Takes Ch. 02


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In an incredibly rapid motion, the creature's right front leg (the one that was not wrapped around my ankle) rose up and then swiped quickly across my body. I remembered seeing the thin spines that were peppered along the creature's legs. As the creature's leg slipped across my thigh and then stomach, I winced as I thought of the spines piercing my body. I felt the creature's warmth and heard a loud tearing sound and knew that he has slit open my stomach, I was just waiting to sense my entrails pouring out of myself. I closed my eyes, and waited to die. For several seconds, I waited, listening to the tearing noises and not even daring to breathe for fear that my mouth would fill with blood.

But, after a few seconds, I noticed that I could actually feel the sensation of the creature's spines running across my body. Except, now, I noticed two things. The first was that the long bristles poking out of the spider's legs were not spines. They bend like fine hair as they rubbed across my body. They were slightly sticky, but not needle-like. What was more, I could feel the cool jungle breeze rolling over my stomach, my legs, and my breasts. Directly.

I opened my eyes quickly, just in time to see the hair on the creature's leg (on both of its front legs in fact) retract back into its body, leaving thousands of little, bare pinholes. But I noticed something else as well. The source of the tearing sound was instantly revealed. My clothes lay in tattered pieces all over the ground around me, torn into the tiniest shreds. Even my underclothes had been sheared effortlessly away. Somehow, the tiny hair on the creature's body had removed all of my clothes, without so much as leaving a scratch on my pale white skin.

There wasn't time to marvel at the fact that I was not yet dead. I was naked on the ground now, with only my boots on my feet. I was totally exposed. For all I knew, the creature had thought it was skinning me and was not preparing to eat me. For some reason, the fact that I was not yet dead but could be, shook my body loose. I no longer felt complete frozen. I pushed my hands into the dirt on either side of my body and sat up quickly. I tried to pull myself back, slipping my now bare ass against the ground. But the creature's grip on my ankle suddenly tightened and yelled, more loudly than before, in pain. Each time struggled, the spider squeezed tighter and tighter. Eventually I stopped, still just sitting in the dirt, with my arms thrown back behind me, my heart racing.

I panted deeply from the exertion of trying to escape and kept my eyes locked tightly onto the creature ahead of me. I wanted to be ready to try...something if it moved to attack me. But the creature didn't appear to be moving any more. It was simply standing in front of me, its eyes blinking randomly and staring back. For a moment, I thought that it too was completely frozen.

And then I noticed it. The front legs. The thousands of tiny little holes that had once been covered in spines. They were...oozing. From each little hole, a small globule of thick, milky-white liquid began to form. Each globule made a perfect little ball of sticky liquid, contrasting sharply with the dark color of the creature's leg. Eventually, these globules grew too large and burst. A thin stream of liquid began to pour down the creature's leg, first from one hole and then more. Soon, all of the globules were dripping, coating the creature's front leg in white liquid.

Just the sight of the spider's legs, suddenly coated in slime, was enough to turn my stomach. But I screamed loudly and shivered all over when the sensation came. I should have realized that the white liquid pouring down the creature's legs would eventually reach me. But I had been so mesmerized by the creature's repulsive slime that I hadn't even considered. But, just a few moments after I'd first noticed the liquid dripping from the spider's legs, I felt it.

I can't say that it was a...bad sensation. It felt like it had the consistency (and color) of heavy cream. A little oily and thick, but not overly sticky. But it was more than that. In fact, though I could not even really think it then, as my heart raced with terror and my mouth went dry, the liquid felt...kind of good. It was warm, but a sort of deep warmth. Like it had targeted all of my nerves with a soothing, vibrating heat that dripped down all the way to my bone marrow. To be honest, it felt...a little bit like the afterglow of an orgasm.

It rapidly became apparent that the spider's goal was not to make my legs feel warm. As soon as the creature's entire forelegs were coated in the creamy liquid, its free right leg began to move again. I was still sitting up slightly, staring at the creature. I guess I was now mesmerized by the sensation and the mounting feeling of terror (I had convinced myself that the spider was coating me in digestive juices).

Whatever the cause, I was sitting with my mouth slightly open. The spider instantly took advantage of this mistake. I didn't even really see it coming. I felt it before I saw it. The hard black tip of the creature's right front leg suddenly pushed passed my lips and into my mouth. My lips, instinctively wrapped around it, but my teeth did not close in time. I felt the bamboo-like shaft pressed hard against my tongue. My eyes now crossed as I looked at the long shaft protruding from my mouth. The white liquid was still pouring out of the spider's legs. I could feel its warmth pooling against my lips and dripping down onto my body. It spattered against my leg, my thigh, my stomach, my breasts. Each place that it touched instantly felt the same incredible, coital warmth that my leg had felt. Everything was happening so fast, it was so disorienting. Somehow it didn't even feel real.

But by far, the most intense sensation was in my mouth. I tried to move my tongue out from under the creature's foot. As a result, I sort of lapped at the spider's leg. The thick white liquid was on it there, and the taste instantly overwhelmed my other senses. It was not a...good flavor in the traditional sense. It was sour and bitter at the same time. Somewhat fishy and rotted. But somehow...it wasn't bad either. I can't explain it. All I can say was that the intense warmth that had surprised me before was there, only a thousand times more intense. My tongue was almost hot...but it didn't hurt. I felt the thick liquid covering my gums and dripping down my throat, inflaming each place that it touched. Almost without thinking...I sucked on the leg, pulling more of its rotten liquid into my throat as my mind went blank.

The sucking sensation seemed to spur the spider onward. It's leg pulled back slightly (I moaned, but didn't think about it). But rather than pull all the way out of my lips, the creature merely adjusted. Then, in one rough, insensitive motion, it pushed its leg sharply back into my mouth. This time, it didn't press into my tongue. This time, it shot back over my tongue and then quickly down beyond my teeth. It must've gone six or even seven inches into my throat. I gagged hard and felt my muscles constrict around the creature's leg. This only served to coat the entire inside of my throat the creature's wonderful/horrible warming liquid. I shuddered as I felt the strength of the creature's leg against my pursed lips.

Slowly, the creature began to slip its long leg back out of my throat, and over my tongue. My mouth filled with thick, viscous saliva as I gagged again. In a moment, the tip of the creature's leg was resting against my tongue again. I took in a gasping, ragged breath. My entire head was now swimming in the creature's artificial warmth and I could barely comprehend what was happening to me. The spider didn't seem to care. After a moment, the creature thrust again, with the same force and speed that it had before. If anything, it went deeper, pushing beyond my tongue and deep into my throat, making me gag again.

The creature continued to do this for...I don't know how long. It felt like forever. It kept thrusting its long leg down into my throat, holding it for a second, and then pulling it back out. Soon it began to move faster and faster, thrusting harder and harder. The first dozen or so times, I gagged terribly and my old body trembled with pain and fear. But eventually, I managed to just keep my throat open, letting the creature thrust in and out of me. I knew what it must've looked like...like I was sucking a long, thin dick. In a very real sense, I was being violated. But I didn't even have the wherewithal to feel shame. I had to snatch a few breaths whenever I could, that was my only focus.

The whole while, my lips had remained pursed tightly around the creature's narrow leg. It was still producing large amount of the thick, white liquid. My thick lips were so tight that the creature's cream just sort of sloughed off. Soon, I could feel large amounts of the thick liquid pooling on my lips and then dripping down my chin. Then there was too much even for that. It began to splatter off of my chin, landing, warmth and unnerving, on my chest and neck. Eventually, the spider's cream was just pouring down my chin.

Suddenly, I heard myself moaning, feeling my throat vibrating around the creature's deeply buried leg. I heard the noise before I even really registered the sensation. But then I felt it. Some of the spider's creamy slime had dripped down from my chin and had landed directly onto my nipple. Instantly, the relaxing, warming sensation and spread back through all of the various nerves, oozing through my limbs and turning my spine into jelly. I knew that this sensation had made me moan. My mind was totally scrambled, but I realize now that I was moaning from pleasure. I liked the way the creature's cream made me feel.

In fact, my reaction wasn't limited to the moan. I sensed my legs shaking slightly. But, more importantly, I felt something between my legs. If I had been able to focus, I would have sensed that I had very rapidly grown wet. I am sure that, legs spread in the heat, my scent would've been quite obvious except for the overpowering musk of the giant spider.

As best I can tell, the spider did sense it. As my body reacted to the sensation in my nipples, the creature's leg froze, deep in my throat. Its entire body went rigid, its frantic motion completely arrested. I could feel the creature moving slightly, I sensed its eyes roaming over my body. I couldn't breathe with the creature's leg in my throat. I felt my eyes bulging and my face growing red. I started to shake as the panic started to grip me. The pleasurable warming sensation began to fade.

Finally, when I began to grow frantic, shaking my head to the side in order to desperately search for a breath, the creature's leg slipped out of my throat. I took in a deep gasping breath, my lungs aching and my eyes watering. As soon as the creature's foot moved out of my throat, the last of the warming sensation left me. It felt like I'd been dropped back into myself. Whatever vague understanding of arousal I'd had before instantly fled, totally denied. Instead, the post-coital sensation had been masking a lot of panic, which instantly swam to the surface. I became aware that my pulse was thrumming and my body was shaking. I was covered in a cold sweat. My leg was totally numb, but I couldn't prevent myself from struggling against it. I realized for the first time that I really had nearly been choked to death, and my mind reeled. I heard a ragged whimper in my throat (it was raw and sore).

For half a second, I thought about the fact that my crewmates were on the moon with me. Someone might be nearby. I had to keep yelling. I needed to signal to someone. But even as that thought splashed across my mind, I felt the spider jerk hard on my leg. I was suddenly tossed into the hair, managing only a tiny squeak, as I was totally disoriented. The whole moon spun around me. I felt my arms and legs go limp, flailing wildly as I was tossed, what felt like ten feet in the air. It must've been less because the creature's leg remained wrapped around my ankle, looser now, as it spun around it.

In a fraction of a second, I was plummeting back down towards the soil. I could see it rushing towards my face, my mouth opened in a silent scream. I threw my hands out and pain shot up through my wrists. I found that I was suddenly on my hands and knees on the ground, my body vibrating with pain. My head was facing away from the spider, but I could still smell it and feel it on my ankle. And I was even more disoriented that before. I couldn't tell how much time was passing. My mind couldn't focus on anything.

But the giant spider was totally in control of the situation. It didn't care if I understood what it was doing. It knew. As soon as I was on my hands and knees, I could feel the creature's front, right leg against my body again. I could feel the hard bamboo shoot slipping up the outside of my right thigh. I could feel the thick cream spreading across my skin. Once again, the mind-scrambling warmth soaked into me. The creature's leg moved quickly up my thigh and rounded up over my ass cheeks. I felt the tip of the creature's thin leg press quickly against my tailbone and then begin to slip down. A second later, I could feel the hard tip of the creature's foot...pressing against the tight rosebud of my asshole. It stopped there now, letting its thick cream pour from the innumerable holes in its legs, coating me in the white slime.

The millions and millions of nerves...around my ass came alive as the thick cream coated me. The sensation dwarfed the warmth that I felt in my leg. Or even my nipple. The vibrating warmth rolled up my nerves and turned my entire body into jelly. I moaned again, loud but ragged, no longer impeded by the creature's leg. But, while I was vaguely and confusingly aware of the fact that I was feeling pleasure, my mind was focused on something else. I could feel a slight pressure against my asshole, I could feel the leg pressing against to me. This creature...this giant alien spider was coating me in its thick lube. It was preparing to rape me! It was going to fuck me in the ass!

I wanted to struggle. I wanted to scream and try to get away. I felt my knees shaking in the dirt. But I couldn't move. I can't explain it...the cream and the sensations roiling through my lower body hadn't immobilized me. It didn't prevent me from moving. But somehow...it kept my legs from wanting to move. Even as I shifted slightly in the dirt to keep my balance, my legs disobeyed the orders from my brain. I braced myself as the creature pressed against me. But I didn't move. All I could muster was another choked moan, half in pain and half in (unconscious) pleasure.

My asshole was now totally soaked with the creature's cream. It was actually dripping down my thighs and pooling in the dirt between my knees. The warmth was growing more and more intense. But soon, that sensation was overwhelmed by another, even more extreme feeling. One I'd never expected to feel in my life. The hardened tip of the creature's leg pressed harshly against my asshole. The creature wasn't gentle. It was probing me, not pleasuring me. I groaned loudly and tried to think of some way to fight, to somehow shake the creature off of me. But the only thing that happened was that my arms grew weak and I pitched forward, my bare breasts in the dirt and my ass up in the air.

Now the creature's foot pushed more forcefully against my asshole. I moaned loudly, but I couldn't resist. I felt my rosebud pushing open. I felt a sharp pain and then my body's resistance was spent. First, a tentative inch of the creature's foot pressed inside of my body. It felt like it filled me completely. But as soon as that first slow, painful inch was given, there was no stopping it. I opened entirely for the creature. It's well lubricated leg shaft slipped surprisingly easily inside of me. In what felt like half a second, eight to ten inches of the creature's thin leg was buried in my ass.

"Holy fuck!" I groaned into the dirt. I felt my hardened nipples pressing sharply into the ground as the creature's shaft sunk deeper and deeper inside of me. Even as it pushed, I could feel more and more of the creature's cream pouring out of its body. My bowels were rapidly lubricated, letting the creature slip more easily into me with each passing second. In fact, there was too much lubricant. It squeezed out of my asshole and dripped down my leg.

The feeling was...terrifyingly conflicting. I'd never had anal sex before, never incorporated my ass into masturbation. I had no experience with any of this. Some of the feelings I had were caused by the extreme discomfort and embarrassment I felt in having something...anything entering one of my most secret places against my will. I felt completely filled, uncomfortably so. Like I was going to burst. Besides that, my cheeks were hot and there were tears welling in my eyes. The sense of violation was overwhelming. I squirmed desperately, trying to break free.

But, two other sensations were fighting against my natural instincts. The first was the by now familiar warming sensation of the creature's cream. As it filled and overflowed my bowels, I could feel the warmth and serenity it brought spreading straight to the very core of my body. It was like the sensation was being injected directly into my heart. It made me complacent and my muscles inside relaxed. And that relaxation allowed another sensation to arise as well, one that I didn't actually acknowledge at the time. Not everything about that...filled sensation was bad. In fact, as my body began to grow accustomed to the creature's presence...I began to feel some pleasure. I could feel myself shivering, sense my muscles reacting to the hard shaft inside of me. Under other circumstances...it might have been nice.

I wasn't able to fully grasp that sensation though. The alien was far from done. Eventually, it had pressed its hard leg so deeply inside of my ass that it began to run into resistance. I swear, I could feel it pressing into my stomach. If I had been able to look between my breasts, I know I would have seen it poking against my skin. I gasped in pain and surprise. But as soon as the creature began to feel resistance, it started to pull its leg back. I could feel the warm, slimy shaft pulling up and out of my asshole. I groaned and the strangely pleasant sensation of the creature's body leaving mine. I could feel more and more of its cream pouring out of my ass and splattering onto the ground as it happened.

Eventually, the creature's leg had only an inch or two remaining inside of my body. I felt strangely empty, though I could feel that my bowels were still filled by the creature's body. I groaned as I felt the liquid sloshing inside of me. I am not sure if the spider took that as some sort of signal. All I know is that as soon as I groaned, I felt the spider's leg slipping quickly, but smoothly back into my asshole. I screamed louder and shook on the ground. The creature didn't care. It suddenly burst into a rapid rhythm. Soon its hard, warm leg shaft was slamming in and out of my asshole so quickly, I could barely keep the motions straight in my mind. More and more of the cream dripped into my body and I accepted more and more of the creature's leg as my muscles continued to relax.

While my mind was completely taken up with the fear I felt as the powerful creature attacked me with its body, my body must've been having its own reaction. I guess I was, despite my terror, vaguely aware of the fact that the more used to the sensation of something being in my ass I got, the better it felt. I blocked it out I guess, I didn't want it to feel good. I didn't know what that would mean for me. Regardless, as the creature continued to fuck my ass wildly, I felt my legs grow weaker, my nipples grow harder, and my pussy grow wetter.