What It Takes Ch. 02


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In fact, it was the wetness between my legs that finally put the whole terrible ordeal in its final phase. I had grown so wet that my juices were actually dripping from my labia. I don't know that I was really aware of how wet I was, but it was there. After several particularly forceful thrusts of the alien's leg deep into my soaking asshole, a drip of my juices dropped down, off of my pussy lips, and landed in the dirt directly between my legs.

Instantly, the creature stopped, its leg buried almost a foot inside of my asshole. I squirmed uncomfortably and felt my asshole clench around the creature's shaft. But the creature was already pulling back. It was making a strange chirping sound, low and gravely, one I hadn't heard before. In a moment, I felt the shaft of its leg begin to slip easily out of my gaping asshole. A large amount of its cream poured out of me as the leg pulled out of me entirely. I grunted at the strange sensation. The creature's foot remained pressed against my asshole for a moment, then slid down. I shivered as the hard shaft moved across my skin and then pressed sharply into my labia. I felt is rub against my aching red clitoris and I groaned. Until that moment, I hadn't really consciously realized how aroused I was. I felt my cheeks grow crimson and tried to ignore it.

That was actually easier than it should've been. As soon as the creature's leg had moved through my pussy lips, it let out a low grumble and its body began to tremble. Then, while my mind was still totally scrambled, I was tumbling through the air again. The creature and wrenched me up off the ground and sort of tossed me through the air. The sky and the ground tumbled around in my vision, while I tried desperately to scream, but couldn't make a noise.

Just as quickly as I had been tossed, I was suddenly on the ground again. The creature now somehow put me down relatively gently on my back on the ground. Its left leg was still gripping my right leg tightly. I looked up and I could see the creature again. It dozens of unpleasant eyes, blinking at me. They looked redder now, the pupils were narrowed. But the spider paid no attention to the revulsion in my eyes. In fact, it was moving more quickly than ever.

For half a second, the creature released my ankle with its front leg. I felt the tingly feeling as blood began to rush into it. For half a second, I tried to rise quickly and run. But the creature was too quick. It took a step forward. It front legs, both of them, suddenly landed on my arms, around the elbows, pinning them onto the ground. Its second set of legs then landed hard on my ankles, pushing them apart. I felt my legs spreading and my eyes widened. I tried to scream again, but the spider's legs were bending now, it was sort of squatting down on top of me, growing closer and closer. The scream died in my throat.

As the creature's lumpy brown body started to move closer and closer towards me, its legs pushed me more firmly onto the ground. I heard the strange popping sounds of its joints as it closed the distance between us. The horrible smell grew more and more intense, making me choke and cough. Its eyes were closer to me now. I could make out their disturbing, opaque color. I could feel the creature's stunted intelligence as it gazed at me.

But that wasn't the worst part. As the creature hovered about two feet above my body, it let out a strange gurgling sound. At the same time, I heard a cracking noise come from the creature's body. My eyes instantly flew to the source of the noise. My blood curdled as I saw what had happened.

In the lower back half of the spider's lump body, the only part of the creature that was not completely covered in eyes, a small round-ish hole had broken open. The creature appeared to have a hard exoskeleton that had sort of split. A wave of nausea hit me as the smell of the...inside of the creature hit me. A deathly, swampy smell. But I couldn't see inside of the creature. As soon as the exoskeleton had opened...something had come out. It was, I assumed, the creature's penis.

It was green-ish color shaft that was around a foot long. It was vaguely cone-shaped, about an inch wide at the very tip (which was rounded) and then tapering back to be almost three inches thick where it entered the creature's body. It had four rows of small bumps that ran across the length of shaft on each side. They were only a few millimeters apart in each row and about the size of peas. I don't know if the creature's penis was capable of being soft. It was hard as it came out, but it appeared fleshy, not like the creature's bamboo legs. It sort of pointed forward, out towards the front of the creature. Towards my body.

"Oh god..." I moaned as I understood what I was looking at. I was, of course, terrified by what I was seeing. I was pinned, spread-eagle, on my back, the creature hovering over me. I already knew what was going to happen. But, at the same time, the creature's cream was still filling my bowels, coating my tongue, and now dripping down my arms. The strangely soothing, warming sensation was fighting hard against the terror. It was unmasking my arousal, making me vaguely aware that my moan may have sounded lustful.

There wasn't time to think about it. As soon as the creature's large penis had slipped from its body, it had begun to lower itself more quickly. I could see all of its various joints bending as its body began to fly down towards me. My eyes remained wide and my moan died in my throat. The air rushed at me as the creature moved, its atrocious smell making my head swim. The strange creaking noises grew louder.

In a manner of moments, I felt the giant spider against my body. I could feel its weight against me. The creature's skin was sandpaper rough, but also rubbery and hot. I squeezed down over my breasts, pressing sharply against my harden nipples (which reacted, against my will, to the rough touch). The creature's...head was only a few inches from my face. I could feel its terrible eyelids, even the ones pressed into my stomach and breasts, opening and closing, tickling me terribly I could see its horrible eyes so close to me, staring into my own pupils, with its cold intelligence. It actually filled my entire field of vision. It was the only thing I could see. Maybe the only thing I would ever see. My brain felt shattered by the certainty of my death.

But even that sensation was soon overtaken. As soon as the creature's body had rested on top of mine, it had rocked back slightly. The front of its head rose up, its eyes turning towards the sky as the back half of the creature's body dropped. There was no preamble, no preliminaries. As soon as the creature rocked back, I felt the tip of its massive penis press sharply against the sopping wet slit of my pussy. I gasped and, somehow, managed to close my eyes. The penis slid through my lips once, its hard little bead brushing my labia, and the tip pressing hard into my erect clit. It made my body shiver and, for a moment, the terror fled entirely.

The spider sensed that it had misaligned itself. It let out an angry-sounding clicking sound and then adjusted slightly. I felt the creature's cock slip back against my labia. The creature let out a slightly triumphant sound. I gasped as I felt the bulbous tip of the creature's penis pressing against my hot slit.

Once again, the spider moved quickly. As soon as the sensation of the creature's touch registered in my mind, it attacked. Its muscles flexed and it thrust forward. The only way to describe it was that I saw stars. I heard myself moan and I felt the spider's massive penis enter my body. The little beads along the space spider's shaft bumped roughly against the walls of my pussy as the spider pressed deeper and deeper inside of my body. I felt myself stretching, painfully, as the penis grew thicker and thicker inside of me as it went inside. But I was so wet, from my own juices and from the alien cream that had dripped out of my ass and down my body, that the pain was not as intense as it should have been. And my arousal was so intense (though I couldn't really think about it), that my body stretched to accommodate my alien attacker. As the alien pressed more and more firmly against me, its entire body began to vibrate. It sent shivers through my nipples, sensation rocketing through my body. I groaned again, instinctively.

After a moment, I felt the creature's body pressing between my legs. Its penis was buried entirely inside of me! The creature felt it as well. And, as soon as it had pressed itself inside of me entirely, the creature let out a gurgling sound and then pulled back quickly. I felt the little beads slipping back out of me. I felt the emptying feeling as the creature's penis moved out of me. The spider moved so fast that, it happened in a total blur. One second the creature was buried in me to the hilt, the next on the top remained. And then it was in me again. And again. And again.

The creature was by no means a lover. If it had any concept of pleasure, it was not trying to give it to me. Its motions were jerky, and rough. Its legs pressed sharply into my elbows and my legs, making them grow cold and numb. It thrust its rock-hard penis in and out of my tight pussy with total abandon. But despite its roughness and indifference, I couldn't deny the feeling. It wasn't just the warming sensation of the creature's cream anymore. In fact, that was fading fast. There was no deception now. The terror was still there beneath the creature's cream, but more than that was pleasure. I was enjoying what was happening. God help me.

"Oh God!" I moaned, "fuck me!" I felt my cheeks redden again as I said it, but I didn't regret it. I wanted the creature to fuck me. I doubt it was listening, but it granted my wish anyway. I remained on my back on the ground, pinned so that I couldn't move. But I knew now that if I could move, I wouldn't have run. I would have tried to wrap my legs around the terrible creature, pull it more deeply inside of me. I knew it was terrible. I knew it was absolutely wrong. But the fear and the chemicals and the arousal were too much. I needed the release.

I am not sure how long it took. It felt like forever and no time at once. The creature remained on top of me, its heavy stinking body vibrating against my breasts and sending sensations up and down my limbs. The creature's rough skin pressed against me, reddening me and exfoliating my skin. Its randomly blinking eyes remained on me, looking at me coldly, but intently. I could feel its pupils boring into my body. With each passing second the spider's odor grew worse and worse. It filled my nose and my throat, choking me and making it hard for me to breathe. I was covered in cream, sweat, and some sort of oily substance from the creature's eyes. But the feeling from those things paled in comparison to the creature's cock. With mechanical rhythm and never-abating fury, the creature threw itself inside of me. The thick, cone-like cock slammed desperately into my dripping pussy, the little beads slipping across my labia and massaging my pussy walls. The creature's penis seemed to throb inside of me, growing thicker and harder with each thrust. I know that I kept getting wetter and wetter as the spider stretched me.

It happened because I could no longer keep my body still. My limbs were pinned but my body was largely free, the creature had not placed its full weight on me. I was moaning wildly and shaking on the ground. As the spider thrust roughly into me, I thrust as well. I pushed my hips up, my ass rising completely out of the dirt. As I did so, I felt one of the creature's slimy eyes slip across my hardened clit. At the exact same instant, the creature's penis slammed home inside of me.

And it was like firecracker went off in my mind. I actually saw a flash of light. The entire world disappeared around me. Sight, sound, smell, taste...they all disappeared entirely. My entire world had zeroed down until it was only waves of pure sensation. It was just the feeling of every single one of my nerves activating, one after the other. Rolling in waves over every inch of my body. I couldn't feel my arms and legs pinned down. I had no conception of the creature's grotesque body on top of me or its terrible smell. I no longer even felt the residual fear that I'd felt before. It was only pure pleasure, rolling over me. If I could have chosen to be anywhere else in that moment...I never would have done it. It was the most perfect orgasm I'd ever had.

As my mind began to return to me, I first became aware of the sound of my own voice groaning in pleasure. I felt my skin tingling beautifully. But then there was something else. Inside my pussy, my muscles were contracting rhythmically as my orgasm began to subside. But something else was contracting as well. I could feel the creature's penis pulsing inside of me. I then became aware that the creature was chirping loudly, its body shaking. I felt the intense filling sensation that I'd had before, in my ass. But now it was my pussy. I could feel liquid pouring inside of me, hot and sticky. The space spider was cumming inside of me!

In fact, it was nearly done. My orgasming muscles were milking the last of the creature's cum from its body. For the briefest of seconds, any feeling of revulsion faded. I didn't care was the spider looked like. I didn't care about its smell. For a fraction of a second, we were sharing an orgasm together. All I felt was grateful.

But as I basked in the warm afterglow of my orgasm, the creature was already moving. As soon as the spider had finished its own orgasm, I felt its penis slip out of me quickly. In fact, I heard the now-familiar crack of the creature's body adjusting as its penis slipped back inside its exoskeleton. As soon as it was out of me, the creature shifted. Its lumpy body dropped instantly onto my chest, its full weight on my now. I felt the wind rush from my lungs. At the same time, one of the creatures legs (I can't be sure which), suddenly slipped across my throat; the hard bamboo shaft laying horizontally across my windpipe. Hard.

In that instant, the orgasm faded entirely. The terror came back. Deeper than ever before. Primal and unhinged. I flailed as best I could, but I had almost not freedom of movement. The creature's body had stopped vibrating entirely. It fact, it didn't move at all. It just laid on top of me, forcing my throat closed while my lungs were empty. All of the spider's eyes were open, staring directly at me. It didn't blink. It didn't flinch. It just stared at me.

My lungs were already starved for oxygen. Panic set in instantly. I felt my lungs ache and my eyes water. I struggled desperately on the ground, trying to move. But the creature's entire weight was on me. The best I could do was wiggle slightly, using up the last of the oxygen in my lungs. Everything burned now. I felt cold all over and my mind scrambled in a way that is...hard to explain now.

My eyes bulged from my head as the adrenaline rushed uselessly through my body. I felt tears welling in them. The light began to fade in the corners of my eyes. My focus moved entirely to the center of my vision. Slowly, the black began to creep in from the side. At first, I was struggling too hard against the creature to recognize it. But as my vision slowly shrank until all I could see was one of the creature's massive eyes, I realized what was happening. I was dying.

The pain began to fade and the fight went out of my limbs. I can't explain it. There was fear, of course. I desperately wanted to live. But, the pieces began to fall into place. It had happened so quickly. The creature had known just what it was doing. It had caught me at my most vulnerable moment, and taken away the power to resist. I guess what happened was I recognized that I'd never really had a chance. It was just like I'd predicted. My incompetence had killed me. My vision went blank entirely. I knew what it was to be dead.

I don't know how long I remained dead. I guess it couldn't have been long or I would have had brain damage. But I felt like I had been in purgatory forever. Caught in a limbo where I felt myself there, but knew it wasn't. I only realized that I was, in fact, alive, when the pain began. It started in my lungs. Suddenly they burned terribly, far more terribly than they had when the creature first cut off my wind. Then I heard it. I heard the air rushing into my mouth. I felt my mouth. I felt my lungs desperately filling with air. I felt the weight rising up off of me. I felt my limbs tingling at the spider's legs, all at once, lifted off of me. My lungs filled further. I heard myself coughing raggedly. More and more of my body returned to me. My legs and arms felt like they were being stabbed with thousands of needles. My mind suddenly pictured the spider's bristly legs and I suddenly remembered who I was and what had happened. I coughed more as the panic and the fear returned to me.

Some time passed. I can't be sure how much. But soon, all of my senses had returned to me. My body ached all over and my spirit was totally spent. But a strange sensation of euphoria spread over me. I guess it was the realization that I was alive. Or just the physical sensation of oxygen returning to my body. But as the feeling began to spread out over top of me, my head turned slightly to the side.

I guess now that the spider had probably been making noises and drawn my attention. But, at the time, all of my senses seemed out of joint and I didn't always recognize everything that I was seeing or hearing or feeling in the exact order they happened. Whatever it was, as my head lolled I happened to turn it in the direction of the spider. It was still near. As my head rolled, I could see its terrible legs. At first, I didn't understand why the legs were no longer on me. Then I saw that the creature's legs were flailing wildly. After a moment, I saw its body rise. I heard it squeal, a scared, hasty sound. I saw my its legs hook into the fence as it started to pull itself up. For the first time, I noticed its body. It was dripping red blood now, I could tell. Several of the creature's eyes had been gouged. One of its legs looked broken. It slipped, panicked, over the fence, disappearing into the woods.

I was completely confused. I knew for a fact that I had not done anything to harm the creature. I would've liked to, but I knew that I had been trapped. Something else had chased it off. My crewmates? But how? I looked around desperately for them. My eyes dropped down towards the ground, scanning left and right.

I heard it before I saw it. A low growling sound that made my blood run cold and my muscles lock. My crewmates hadn't scared away the spider. Something else...some other creature had attacked it. Something that was strong enough and scary enough to make the massive space spider fear for its life. And that creature was standing, on all fours, just a few short feet from my face. The euphoria faded. My nerves were suddenly coated in ice water. I'd only gotten a reprieve. I was about to die.

End Part 2

Note: I honestly write so that I can hear the comments you all give. So please just tell me what you think. Even if it is just a sentence or two (though I always prefer more). Consider that your payment for a free story. And if you like this, I beg you to read my other stories and comment on them too. I know who my loyal readers are and I really appreciate you. Thanks!


P.S. I do one edit of my work and I try to be thorough. But I figure when it comes to handing out free erotica, you all would be better served getting it fast (if a little rough), than waiting for me to polish it like I was getting paid for my work. So, in short, I know there are some errors and I don't really care that much. Don't complain about the soundtrack in your porno, don't sweat the typos in your erotica. Thanks.