The Best Erotic Stories.

Beauty and the Horny Beast
An Adult Fairy Tale

by Anonymous ©

This story was split into 10 parts. Jump to any of the segments from here:
Note: This story was originally submitted as one long story
and it was only broken into 10 parts for faster page loading.

Nevar woke early, again the fire had gone out but he was warm from the pelts and SaintLoon. She was up against his side with her leg sprawled over his legs, her arm across his belly. Nevar eased himself out from under her, keeping her covered with the pelts he arose and stretched. He dressed quietly, left some bread and ale on the table and left to go hunting. He stopped off first to buy a comb for Loon's hair. He sat and with his dagger he carved something onto the comb. He hoped she would like it. He put it into his pack and started out again. He had to hunt again for food and ale. He'd best get started. Maybe he'd make enough today to buy some bars of metal to make armor, which he could sell.

SaintLoon woke up as soon as Nevar had shut the door, she lay there in the dark, feeling all warm and snuggly. She knew it was useless to try to get out of the house since Nevar always locked the door. She waited under the pelts until light filtered through the windows. She got up and looked around Nevar's house, it had two rooms, like hers did; the bedroom seemed to be only used for storage. She rummaged through his things and found some old clothes, hose and doublet, put them on and then ate. She wandered around the bedroom and under a pile of pelts she found a knife! Not a real good knife but it would do. She put it under the sleeping pelts in the living room. She then sat down and waited for Nevar to come home.


This story was split into 10 parts. Jump to any of the segments from here:
Note: This story was originally submitted as one long story
and it was only broken into 10 parts for faster page loading.

Another top quality story by Anonymous.

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