
Why I Don't Take Comments on LW Stories: I have been a long-time reader of the Loving Wife stories on this website, including their comments. I conclude that 95% of the voters and commenters (a) judge and moralize by giving the stories one votes automatically, (b) write inane comments that are neither constructive nor thoughtful, and (c) are so mentally locked-in to a prescriptive set of behaviors that they can't even allow for the possibility of some other way of life or another set of options besides a straight, monogamous marriage. Many challenge the manhood of LW authors, but that always makes me more suspect about the commenters than the authors. Thus, I have opted to not accept votes or online comments; they're not worth reading and do not reflect the quality of the writing, the plot or storyline, the character development, and other features of a piece of fiction. Instead, they moralize and I prefer not to subject myself to fools who think I'll change based on what they vote or say.


Gulf City, FL

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