
Stories by ScribeX

The Targaryen royals enjoy two new playthings.

H 4.58 3.4k 2 4
11.8k 17 5 27

Margaery Tyrell enjoys being taken by an ironborn raider.

H 4.52 4.9k 10 3 16

Margaery enjoys being the raider's captive.

4.08 3.2k 2 1 4

Margaery Tyrell takes a lucky inn-boy's virginity.

4.42 3.6k 5 1 7

A seductive noblewoman welcomes Aegon Targaryen to the North.

4.86 2.8k 7 8

Princess Arianne and the Sand Snakes fuck for peace.

4.4 4.1k 4 3 7

Missandei helps Daenerys solve a political problem.

H 4.71 5.9k 10 2 15

Daenerys persuades a sellsword captain to switch allegiance.

H 4.57 4.7k 6 1 10

Daario Naharis swears fealty to Daenerys Targaryen.

H 4.75 4.8k 6 2 10